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tv   News  RT  April 24, 2023 4:00pm-4:21pm EDT

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ah, with with her and she says over representation of the west in this, mainly when body undermines the very principle with that's the message from russia is foreign minister who underlines the west. that tends to replace international law with its own rules. only the detriment of wealth market with 8 people are injured in a car running attack in jerusalem. and they say the assailant was neutralized dr. being short clients with the latest episode of going on the grounds. journalist seymour how she published a report in the notes treatment tags. so there was no diversity of opinion in the us media, as
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a majority of them are committed to being pro establishment the times in response to trump in all the horrors of january. 6th, the invasion of a capital has there been, i think, to make a very distinct commitment to being provided with hello and welcome your watching audience a national with the late as well news out. that is great to happy with this story. this, our western attempts to replace the international law with a rule space to order the cool off the unfolding. well, the can on the crisis, as, according to russia's foreign minister speaking at the un security council just on us. and the reason they still in the us centric system is currently going through a deep crisis. the root cause of this was the desire of individual members of this organization to replace international law. and the un charter with a sort of rules based order. but no one has actually seen these rules. they have
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not been the subject of transparent international negotiation, which is the result is the fragmentation of global trade, the collapse of market mechanisms, the paralysis of the w t. o and the final undisguised transformation of the i m f into an instrument for achieving the goals of the us and its allies, including military objectives. well, with russia leading the security council for the month of april, we got to hear the long anticipated remarks by russian foreign minister, j lab rock. when he was speaking, he touched on the fact that multinational institutions are being corrupted by the united states. and they're essentially not serving the international purpose of main painting peace and prosperity for which they were intended. now he touched on us efforts in the pacific right now, which seemed to be provoking confrontation with china. here's what he had to say,
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but they said, you know mister, there are mechanisms of intervention and mary time security issues which are being created under the auspices of the united states with an eye to ensuring the unilateral interests of the west in the waters of the south china sea, it is no secret that the goal of the indo pacific strategies to contain china and isolate russia. this is how our western colleagues interpret effective multilateralism in asia pacific region. now elsewhere and his remarks, he focused on how russia sees, essentially the economic benefits that come from globalization. not playing out because of efforts by the united states to maintain dominant and the united states efforts to isolate russia resulted in disrupting food supply chains. the energy markets, however, if countries could trade with each other on the basis of when, when cooperation, things could certainly improve. here's what he said further in his remarks,
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didn't even start on this list of genuine multilateralism at the present stage and requires the adaptation of the un to objective trends of formation. a multi polar architecture of international relations. it is necessary to accelerate the reform of the security council by increasing the representation of asian african and latin american countries in it. the current, excessive over representation of the west in this main human body undermines the very principle of multilateralism. it's important to note that the russian foreign minister was unable to be accompanied by the journalists who generally travel with him. their visas were not made available by us officials. and he touched on this when he arrived in new york city, as well as in his remarks before the council. he touched on how this effort essentially suppressing the ability of the world to hear the message that russia,
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a permanent member of the un security council had to say before this 15 member body that leads the united nation. however, he emphasized in his remarks that russia speaks a world of multiple arity or countries can trade with each other on a win win, cooperation basis, and militaristic. confrontations are not promoted and escalated. international affairs and security analysts mark for bo to say the us, the gains to any reform to the un security council that would undermine washington's influence. the united states is bent on a policy of germany, of us leg global military gemini, and this is informed by the supremacist ideology of the exceptionalism that is ubiquitous throughout the u. s. foreign policy elite and political class. and they have attempted to enact that they speak of it 1st,
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they speak and as if they were the world they, they speak for the international community, something that survey laugh or off, called out specifically, well sharing the un security council today. he said that call a spade a spade, no one elected the west to speak for the rest of the world, the actual international community. and it is also they speak of this kind of law fair terms as a court rules based order. we make the rules and the rules are due, as we say, not as, as we do. and laboratory pointed out the many us hypocrisies and double standards when talking about things like interference and other countries affairs regime changes invasions occupations over the last few decades. and the like,
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but they feel that this gemini is slipping from them and they have to act to contain and provoke conflicts with both russia and china within a relatively small window of time 5 to 10 years. as the economies of both are increasing the powers of their military and the u. s. feels that it will no longer be able to military engage both of those countries in their own backyard. and when following the security council session in new york said a lot of sat down with the talks with you in chief antonio terrace. they moved over the black sea grain initiative with last ra, stressing the need to implement all parts of the international deal to explore grain from russia and ukraine. the officials also discussed the crises and i've gone on and syria plus because i was brief on the un efforts to address problems
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like the issuing a visas for russian official. meanwhile, as a number of countries including russia, india, saudi arabia and the wrong have chosen to move away from conducting trade using the u. s. dollar. a recent report by the financial times a, the greenback is a weakening in its position as the world's reserve currency. my colleague peter scott discussed the issue with arthur contributor chris adams. we just have to have a look at the absolute fiasco the united states government is made with their own economy and to do it because of that, we've seen this, you know, this is fluctuation, the dollar massive inflation really, if i met, if i were in the country, it's a bit like you and i, if you're going to send me pounds from the u. k, and i'm going to receive roubles of dollars. but one thing if you're paying for service, you don't want when that transaction is happening for that value to be less than what you sent me because i've been asking for more money course. if, if i'm a country looking at the global trade to buy billions or hundreds of millions of dollars worth of whatever product that by phoebe down boiling gas and food products
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or anything like that, i'm going to try and find a currency. it is more stable for me, and as, as countries move away from the greenberg, which currencies are the tenants to choose instead. and what we've seen countries like saudi arabia start trading in the chinese women b. and just to understand the economy of china and how they manage their currency, there is very little fluctuation in it. you can see it pretty much flat line all the way through, which again, for the reason i just stated is really, really good. if you're wanting to trade between i to be because you know that what you sent me is what i was saying. so i think it's really the chinese women be this winning. and you're also seeing other countries that are, you know, that are, that are allied with russia and buying russian oil and gas, also using the ruble. and even, even though the brazilian pesa was being used as well, which is a very large economy just allows, allows russia to control more, more of its pricing. that said, you know, when, when oil and gas is extracted, which is rushes, probably main export to that, the international community, when that's extracted, obviously the cost of doing that is made in rubles. the fact is, if, if they can sell that product in roubles, or even in chinese women b,
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which is pretty much, as i said, more stable, it allows you know, more profit to be made by, by, by russian companies my, the russian state and really benefit everyone in this country were sat now a lot more than using us dollars. yeah. and to what extent has this, this tendency been influenced by some of the sanctions have been posed on impose on most of the war in ukraine. it left russia with no real choice, but it also laughed and i don't know how they didn't see this. it also left, anyone buying things from russia with no choice. i mean, the united states stopped all the all russian stocks and she has been able to people with us dollars that ruins the landscape for any invest. so that doing that maybe for strategic reason in order to get a discount on the price to be all augusta, they're buying, so really left with no choice. and what's happened now cairo has denied a claim from the sudanese army which stays in a gyptian military. a tasha has been shot dead by the r s. s. power military group . alyssa dunn's armed forces said they're in full control of the country's borders
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. have a local correspondence with more from the ground. this is a voice actually on the ground and it does not say that one science is controlling the situation anymore. we can see that the military is going through a lot of business military basis for the us, if us, when they are doing the majority of the this is the unity as well. so am i going to do that? they can also start their movement of the military from a place to another. so they can not contain the situation. i mean, the army and the can not fully point in the situation of this war. looks to be going for more is the fight the feet. they know that they don't have a national army,
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but they use it that think of using these mobility vehicles so they can drive the feet of the military to this fight. so inside the neighborhood, you know, the army, the armies once, once the post is, has been neutralized somehow because they cannot use the he was inside the residential areas that the maybe, lindsey is what we need to know the war for longer and longer time. ok, so comes of course i'm at the increasing international efforts to evacuate civilians from sit down because of the situation. and so far how it's not proceeding. it's like how is it going so far? the evacuation a space, you pay for a piece a suit,
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china and john a u e r. so that is the job to keep all of those countries. they started to talk to people, they use different tools, they will some of them a use different to a, a, a, a, a, with a large group of prisoners, reportedly escaped from the prison in college, where the former president i'll share was also helps him out with a saying that he could have been among the fugitive. what else can you tell us about that to them? and then there are a,
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we don't know exactly what the 2 sites, but maybe they are the us if and so one of them is really trying to see the former president and the others that you know, it's not clear which side is trying to say this again, but in that there are a for i don't that inside the visit on some of the business on it. but other than that, the other, i mean that he made a play. a lot of them have been just discuss the business. so this, it is huge, the father, enough safe places and sit down with civilians can hide and keep safe from the violence. no, actually you know, in the fight in that way because of the mobility of. ready the flashes,
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it's moving, so amber goes to another very quickly. so, you know, there are no warning, know, even though there are no places basically into that for the media. so and you know the same and then you know their name and the rest of this stuff in the small rooms or in the room step is in the house which is far from, from the was done. this is stuff sufficient. those are, this is very bad. so then the conveniences in gene actually diffusion is, is that, that since, because instead of using them as well, but it shows and everything you've got. imagine limit be spiraling
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humanitarian crisis in sit down neighboring countries and now under pressure taken people who are fleeing from the military conflicts. one of those nations is charge which faces a harsh migration crisis while already receiving hundreds of thousands of refugees as, according to the nation's representative to the un refugee agency, laura low, castro speaking, talking. i then got matthews, worried about the situation. i was there at the beginning of last week just few days ago, and i would witness my 500100. they'll probably finding that i'm the queen and coming to child there would be they had left, there was healing many a reaction or the present time in the back. they have no intention to,
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to go back to that in the near future because many of them and they had already come to, to child, go back to that issue that we had the 600000 refugees being shot. so i do n h d i, we ever re be happy to provide that for the government that could use it. and so now people are lucky and the government that you know, they just ensure that they need to offer more records than we are going to. was there any fees on the lead off? i mean the position in the past because they do really go to jerusalem. now where the vehicle has round into a busy markets,
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leaving at least 8 people injured, is where the officials have called it a terrorist attack, not in the middle east corresponded maria phenomena has the details as to say that they. so tac happened as israel is preparing to mark its annual memorial day for fall, an idea of soldiers and victims of terror. just minutes before one of the memorial ceremony started. ain't jerusalem and attack a rammed ain't to pedestrians on a car on one of the cities. busiest streets agree posts. we know that for now 8 people have been injured. one is currently in critical condition. the attacker won a jewish religious cap, and apparently this is why suspicion from an asserting, tanya who has addressed the crowd at the ceremony already. no one so far claimed responsibility for this attack had my sword street. my tongue, as described is tom working at the new york times in the late halting. we can watch the full interview today on our t, but for now his, if one of the most important stories i wrote about the cia spying on america,
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which is a, i'm self publishing in essence. but i will tell, you know, if that was the new york times, not printing important alleged whistle blows. that's a new one has no, ma'am, but i sometimes do. i'm but, but she was a biden. i trumped a ticket in 2024. has there been, i think, to make a very distinct commitment to being pro bush said about what are that mission took place in back to the it does wash to way k as has delayed it. san tessa painted commander also says they are facing a lack of soldiers and equip mention, already exhausted, inch it or recovering, or they have doth fight, massive western weapons provisions to key as a, something in the actions. and not only for heavy weaponry law. professor andre thomas halogens of this conflict. and this sir, this conflict is a legend of why why they keep furnishing all of those. they will find no when you're the science. so they accept that there are maybe 40 percent losses. a german,
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this propaganda machine was continuing to, to proclaim and of course yes, in the end. that's that not throw them into the way all the advancing a petition demanding the italian government holton weapons deliveries to you with the petitions creates a low professor. it might say, who explains them, people, that is half a 1000000 people can actually, there is a form of direct democracy that is enshrined in be talib participation in a war, in which italy and that to the nato alliance. right now engaged the indian segment there, in order to call and national i rent moran dooley, preferred to use the money for building hospitals. here in november, thousands took to the streets of rome to demand an ascii conflict. italy has already provided fixed packages of all ukrainian soldiers echoed meta against these nicer countries. an interesting piece on the nato side. i don't like the states
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that lockheed martin and other large companies, all the efforts of negotiations, especially in the west, almost completely colonized by the us and is doing dangerous to 8 police officers have reportedly been killed and over 50 wound days. the cause of loss is still being investigated. meanwhile, other police contradictory report, thank a suicide bomber designated before quote, supporting terrorism and violence inside the persian time, the i r d c. these moment revolution guards core. now, iranian mobile service provider called, or, you know, it was quick to follow suit and also impose its own sense the, you and the u. k. the iranian foreign ministry on the.
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