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tv   News  RT  April 25, 2023 1:00am-1:27am EDT

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ah ah moscow called for a complete re stopped hurrying of the united nations security council. a russian foreign minister says this, the only way to overcome a deep this don't make crisis in the organization. if you mean school, it is necessary to accelerate the reform pope the security council by increasing representation, asian, african, and latin american countries. hungary foreign minister calls for urgent solutions to problems directly on the african continent. in order to tackle migration blaming e u policies for the crisis and washington bars,
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russia from paying worth facts of quality. soviet soldiers at the most important military cemetery in the us, on the eve of the 78th anniversary of soviet american war time, cooperation with good morning for moscow. this is our to international with the latest world news updates. i'm pure allies about. it's great to have you with us. the u. m. based system has been plunged into crisis by western attempts to replace international law with the rules based order. that's according to russia's foreign minister speaking at the un security council. she just on a sunday night, she still the u. n. central system is currently going through a deep crisis. the root cause of this was the desire of individual members of this organization to replace international law and the un charter with the sort of rules
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based order. but no one has actually seen these rules. they have not been the subject of transparent international negotiations. the result is the fragmentation of global trade, the collapse of market mechanisms, the paralysis of the w, t. o and the final undisguised transformation of the i m f into an instrument for achieving the goals of the us and its allies, including military objectives with russia, leading the un security council for the month of april. we were able to hear the long awaited address to the 15 member body that leads the united nation from russia's foreign minister, sergei lab ra. now, he emphasized how the united states is distorting the purpose of many international institutions than using them to serve the geo political ends of the united states. he discussed the activities of the united states in the pacific region and how they
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are aimed to stir up tension between united states and geo political rivals. but they say that there are mechanisms of intervention and maritime security issues which are being created under the auspices of the united states with an eye to ensuring the unilateral interests of the west in the waters of the south china sea . it is no secret that the goal of the indo pacific strategies is to contain china and isolate russia. this is how our western colleagues interpret effect of multilateralism in asia pacific region. now we also talked about how u. s. efforts to isolate russia around the world have resulted in food supply chains being cut problems in the energy markets and all kinds of consequences for the global unity. he emphasized that russia's vision is for a world cooperating together and model of globalization that benefits every country within the gustavo, in this genuine multilateralism. at the present stage requires the adaptation of
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the un 2 objective trends of formation of a multi polar architecture of international relations. it is necessary to accelerate the reform of the security council by increasing the representation of asian, african and latin american countries in it. the current, excessive over representation of the west in this main un body undermines the very principle of multilateralism. when the russian foreign minister spoke before the un security council, he reiterated what he said when he 1st arrived in new york city, which was the essential move by the united states. unable to approve the visas for the journalist who generally travel with the russian foreign minister that this move was an effort to suppress what he had to say before the council. essentially, the united states was trying to prevent the world from hearing the message he put forward before the un security council today explaining that russia would like to
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see a peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine. and also emphasizing that provocations from the united states, such as the expansion of nato and the toppling of ukraine's government in 2014, have only served to escalate global tensions and resulted in the conflict as it is taking place to day. now, at the un, it was emphasized that many bodies are being distorted by the united states, not serving their intended purpose. but russia would like to see the global economic benefits of globalization truly play out. however, that would require the united states to stop pressing for economic dominance and stop pushing, militaristic confrontations around the world. international affairs and security analysts mark slow boat us as the u. s. is against any reform to the un security council that would undermine washington's influence. the united states is bent on a policy of germany, of us lead global military germany,
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and they have attempted to enact that they speak of it 1st, they speak and as if they were the world they, they speak for the international community, something that circ a lab for off called out specifically while sharing the un security council and lab rough has pointed out the many us hypocrisies and double standards when talking about things like interference and other countries affairs, regime changes, invasions occupations and the like. but they feel that this gemini is slipping from them, and they have to act to contain and provoke conflicts with both russia and china. and the us feels that it will no longer be able to military engage both of those countries in their own backyard. and when following the
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security council session and new york circ a live rob set down for talks with you and chief, anton your booth, there is a mold over the black sea green initiative with lab rob stressing the need to implement all parts of the international deal to export grain from both russia and ukraine. terrace handed live ra, a letter with his ideas on making the deal work. here's what the russian foreign minister had to say after the meeting. something choking in it. but gutierrez stressed that the grain agreement is a package deal. this includes facilitating the export of grain from ukrainian ports and similar obligations to russia regarding the removal of barriers created by western countries against the export of our grain and fertilizer. the secretary general spoke about the efforts being made to move the russian part of the deal forward. but so far progress has been unnoticeable, but we do not see any desire from western countries to truly fulfill what is
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necessary to fully implement the initiative your issues. ukraine has once again used the black sea humanitarian cord or to carry out drone strikes against russia. navy, that's according to the russian defense ministry, which says kiev has violated its previous commitments to using the black. the only for the export of green marine drones were launched from ukrainian ports of odessa on sunday. and monday, targeting russian navy ships in crimea. but the attacks were repelled. moscow says the renewal of the black, the green initiative, due next month, is now in jeopardy due to the ukrainian strike, which have been branded terrorist attacks author and political analysts. nickel markovich says the west doesn't want russia to benefit from the grant agreement. well, the barriers today are giving countries from the west to try to compose these barriers . there was supposed to be in the deal,
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an agreement for russia to export. also more of its grain takes part of it, some of its fertilizers as well. and we know that russia is a very big fertilizer export export or in the world. and we've seen barriers coming out from countries in the west who are on the one hand, the whole know that they do need russia. they do need material, the new need, the new goods and raw material coming out of russia, but they don't want russia to take advantage of it. so the broker deal, whereby they think only ukraine is going to get something out of it. and they forget that into your russia is supposed to be having it says what's facilitated as well. so i think that was not really playing, it's a role in this. and again, they're using this treaty as a, as a political leverage whereby it should just stick to the treaty itself. let russia and ukraine export their grain. so i think would be this would be harmful for everybody if this fresh were to, to go away from this from this treaty. so i think it's in everybody's interest,
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russia, ukraine, and the rest of the world to stick to the treaty and make sure that it is respected to make sure that there's no, there's no minister against it. so i think this is something which is, which is important. at the end, if russia retreats from this treaty, it's going to harm more ukraine and the rest of the world than it will russia for. that's something were says, for sure, as well. among other topics raised by the russian foreign minister at the u. n. s. the was the ukraine conflict, which he said, well defined the future of international relations were more highlights from russia, tops diplomat speech at the un security council meeting. you can go to our website at r t dot com. as the migration crisis continues to travel europe with thousands of refugees making their way from africa. hungry is foreign minister, has urged for problems on the continent to be solved in order to tackle the issue. adding new policies have done more harm than good. since
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e u policies inspire one migration wave after the other cooperation has become a priority with african countries willing and able to keep young citizens home who are also of key importance for the future of their homeland. europe. long standing africa policy can pretty much be summed up as concern trolling. in other words, leaders saying that they're just so worried about african humanitarian issues or terrorism in africa. and then also believing that as a reason for establishing a military presence in africa, country then after that they end up hanging out in the hope of ultimately getting it off of a foothold to convert that military action to some kind of economic profit for them . even e, you chief diplomat years of burrell, had to pretty much acknowledge late last year that the interest, the humanitarian interest is really selective. when it comes to what crises the,
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you pay attention to and which ones it totally ignored. he was really dismayed that they couldn't be bothered, for example, with the ethiopian civil war, and that it went ignored by europe at the west, in favor of ukraine. one thing that has kept me very busy, very sorry, and very frustrated is not enough. people talk about it, we do not talk a lot about ethiopia. what is happening in te gray is the deadliest war we complain rightly about what is happening in ukraine. but what is happening in ethiopia is really awful. so reading between the lines there, it seems like humanitarian concert is secondary to economic considerations. when you are, it makes decisions about where to focus its attention in africa and even the operations that the block does undertake have a really bad track record when it comes to actually making that transition from chaos to profit for them. or even meeting their stated unitary and or counter terrorism objectives. press mission in africa to hell region, for example, with such
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a resounding success that islamic violence is 22 percent and related fatalities by 50 percent. that's according to the african center for strategic studies, with much of that concentrated in the hell region right under the use watch. brassel kicked out of molly after a couple of kudos has happened right under its nose during its security and stabilization mission. so good job. there and burkina faso in the same region, kicked out french troops in january and more recently suspended branch state tv broadcasting after boston cat, which is the international state television network for friends. pick up an interview with the head of al qaeda's north african branch and air that nothing says counter terrorism concern like hearing an interview of a top terrorist in the region and all the instability and calls like the mid b europe. ian operations has led to a mass exodus of locals,
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which is exactly what the former libyan leader, mom, or get off the warrant on french tv when he said ahead of the french and u. k. lead nato bombing include a ton of his country and 2011. that a few went down. italy and france would be flooded with millions of migrants because libya played a role in security, stabilizing africa, and the mediterranean. and well, certainly the flow of migration into europe is still a big problem. with the death of $440.00 migrants in the central mediterranean, just in the 1st 3 months of this year, that's according to figures from the united nations. and even when it comes to the use own policy of helping to beat africa, which seems like a pretty basic request, right? well, they demanded the free flow of brain from ukraine in order to do that. and it turns out now that 44 percent from visiting the u. s. grades of soviet soldiers who lost their lives during allied missions are t. steve sweeney tells us. however,
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3 is being celebrated in 2023. on this day, in 1945 soldiers of the 69 and the 58th, so the army division met in tor gao o bridge with us soldiers advancing from the west. the famous handshake became symbolic of a crucial step toward with the defeat of nazi germany. he would use year subway to re brotherhood of the u. s. s. or in the usa countries which fought shoulder during the war in our country. the contribution of allies in the annotation of the brown blake is honored. we must not allow erupt to day. the common task is to fight for peace and security, which have grown rapidly in ukraine and in a number of your appear years later. relations between russia and the united states, washington actively involved in a proxy war against russia and ukraine, strenuously denying or down playing the role of neo nazis. they're to want to erase the memory of the famous handshake between the 2 former allies. it is
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a shame to see such efforts to brought history under the car. it is increasingly difficult for us to reach washington regarding the importance of preserving the memory and perpetuating heroes. for the 2nd year in a row, the embassy has been banned from the traditional ret laying ceremony lake at arlington cemetery. last december, our diplomat national cemetery in anchorage where soviet pilots had died from 1942 to 1945 during the flights of plains from the young. the alaska siberia route are buried such an attitude to countries, but also to everyone who remembers their great feat. but there are still those who remember in germany were an annual of answers. his party protest has gathered near the elbow river where the infant later march across the city, displaying banners, reading tall gal for peace, and do it again among others that held the handshake on the destroyed breach over the alp spend the imminent end of the war. and a hope for a peaceful future when our still a school boy. today, these photo is
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a c. and the liberation of the world from the national socialist dictate, re, has a warning that peace must be preserved, anticipation of any russian and american diplomats as u. s. official said that they would only come if no official russians were protesting against german alms deliveries to ukraine. kiera rose worth of exports in the 1st quarter, 2023, pulled from berlin, lathe of, and leave alone within its arms deliveries. diplomatic ties should be stablish as soon as possible and negotiations should. so how would schmidt set this better to negotiate $100.00 than should? as i've already mentioned, we are here to emphasize the use of diplomacy reflect. speaking of the rally, german rights evolve gun ethic on the destroyed bridge represented not just the end of the war to day. russia and the u. s. should try to relationship and start talking to each other. most good. what about washington?
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ah, chin military envoy has been shot dead despite the announcement each you our ceasefire . the national army blames are a solvent while both groups is officials and egypt ambassador didn't. the crisis in sudan is now an ins, hadn't stay as the countries in the army. and the paramilitary rapid support forces or on a transitional, government, and control over the military. he anthony blinking sedans of warring military fractions. however, however, previous attempts to bring a halt to the fighting have responded with more. the glasses are still on the ground and you cannot say that any more we can see that the military is going to leave a lot of. but the us, if us, when the end of this is the unity as well is for those to be going by the us. it is that in the feet, they know that they bought me,
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but they use it that think of using these are you can track the feet of the military to this. i'm inside the neighborhoods. you know, the army, the army has been neutralized somehow because they cannot use a key. and so that so, and you know, the bits of this stuff in the small rooms or, or which is far from, from the walls on this stuff. this is a team actually, this is with the do or instead of using random from being by the shows and everything you got multiple countries are urgently evacuating their citizens from slowing clashes. the 1st group of evacuation have already landed in kenya. the u. s. has evacuated almost a 100 people diplomatic staff,
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while the eve says they've evacuated every that says locals have to look for their own escape. thousands reportedly fled the sudanese capital on monday with the 1000 people fled to neighboring chad. the spiraling humanity, adjacent countries under pressure to take in people fleeing the conflict. over 300 people have been killed and 3200 injured since fighting began. according to the un . we spoke with sudan doctors unions spokesperson said, mohammed would describe the dire conditions in which the wounded now have to survive in this conflict area. 69 percent of the hospitals are completely out of service because are waking now. many of them has new, clean water. the sauce has the medical stuff has been have been working for 7 days that being chain. so they became very exhausted. some time
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the salient had to operate using their mobile phone lives and they have to disinfect and to clean their hands to, to operate by using very primitive with the not the proper disinfectant for medical supplies. some of the big i didn't conflict and as bricks. we felt that is important, that we add our life and focus on the middle east, north africa region, to see how we can bring about peace and reproach. month between the conflicting parties, a bricks member, kind of re engage in a conflict. what would you say to them would say rich of rick to be talking about other conflicts? a lot to be addressing is number one, this is more than just about a member being involved in the conflict. this is not
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a conflict between russia and ukraine. a proxy wise being fought here, and we all know that, that this is a proxy wall between the usa and russia, between nato and russia. brings is arguably the best pleased international organization with the prerequisite counterweight to with him through when in the middle east as well. as north africa, particularly when it comes to issues of conflict and instability in those regions. and now that the chief investigator and bring lead of the west, the united states has moved from a position of oil importer to mit export. the seemingly happy to wash their hands clean of any of this and again. busy that been happening, it was really up to china to step up into the role of bringing the he's drink piece agreement between saudi arabia as well as iran, longstanding rivals that and now seemingly eager to explore the benefits and
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opportunities of joining the briggs group as was tossed by the leaders last year, we should start discussing expense. we are busy working out the modalities of extension some 13 or so countries interested in joining brick, saudi arabia, being one of them. we are busy with that process and we will provide all foreign ministers a status report when they meet in june. we busy with working on criteria, rules of procedures, standards, governing expansion. so that we can see this. we look at the question of expansion for which obviously as i agreed on south africa and china, assuming me, reserved about taking in new members into the bricks club. even though for different reasons. but it seems hard to, you know, the over 20 countries that had made the initial request, even after whittling down that list to 13. but the upcoming lead a summit in august in johannesburg in south africa, has already made international headlines following the hague issue of an
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international arrest warrant for with russian president vladimir put it. it remains to be seen as south africa will handle this potential international incident. because it is a signatory to roles, international criminal court, global setup for oddity in cape town. ah, iran has lab sanctions on the e u and u. k. for supporting terrorism and promoting violence in the islamic republic. the move comes just hours after london and brussels impose their own restrictions on turan for a legit human rights abuses are cheese use of july ali has the details this time the i r g c these womic revolution gars corps is also targeted by the sanctions. while on monday, the announced fresh bands on 8 iranian individuals and one iranian entity that one in one in entities and iranian mobile service provider,
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called our young telecommunications company, which is allegedly involved in some surveillance operations against the iranian public. iranian lawmakers are also targeted, the u. k was quick to follow suit and also imposed its own sanctions against these land republic. and it targeted the art you see quote, in its entirety this time iran was quick to respond by announcing its own reciprocal measures against the you and the u. k. are the iranian foreign ministry on the same day announced new sanctions on 17 individuals and 4 entities based in the u. k. and the u. they slanted republic a fair on meanwhile condensed the acts of the e u and the u. k. regime for support in facilitating and denying from countering the destructive acts of the 4 mentioned individuals and entities. and that is violation of international obligations regarding combating terrorism, announces that the acts of those unimposing and exacerbating cruel sanctions is of
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the, is violation of fundamental principles of international law set forth in the united nations charter. over the past months are the u. k. and e u, i have imposed our several so called sanctions packages against these womic republic and against the r g c over alleged gross rights violations by the iranian officials. it won't, in return, has called on the you to avoid of taking a dual approach on the issue of human rights while keeping mom over. frances harsh cracked down on hundreds of thousands of protesters over microns pension reform plan. so now these la mic republic is advising the you to mind its own business and avoid interfering in other countries issues.


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