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tv   The 360 View  RT  April 25, 2023 4:30am-5:00am EDT

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the o music has always been a, an agent of change. however, a debate, whether that changes for the good or the bad, it's running the rap music industry, specifically the segment called gangster rap. i'm scott hughes, and this addition of 360 view, we're going to talk with rap music artist bryson grey about the woke miss the industry. and whether it's an honest reflection of its audience. let's get started . ah, find the mash shooting at an elementary school and you've already checked us in march as a 2022 republican representative. ronnie jackson grew much fire when he said kids are exposed to all kinds of horrible stuff nowadays. i think about the horrible
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stuff that they hear when they listen to rap music video games that they watch with all of this horrible violence. and he wasn't the only one who put the blame of the escalation of a violence in the streets of the united states on the rap music industry. in fact, since almost the beginning of the rise of rap and hip hop, critics have often tried to tie the jaundra to violent crime in the eighty's. one of the 1st targets was run dmc, who during the groups in 1986 rating hell tor police and journalist. the blame is music for the violence occurring and towns that the group visited. this include a show in long beach, california in which a gang violence in the crowd also was largely blamed on rap atlanta wrappers. a young thug and gunner were among 20 defendants charged with george's racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations act in may of 2002, i need to with conspiracy and a street gang activity with prosecutors courting many of the rap arist lyrics as
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motivation for the violence being committed in the streets, even the current mayor of new york has been critical saying, we pulled trump off twitter for what he was spewing. adam said, yes, we are allowing a music displaying of guns and violence, but as it vilifying a shon of music, just a scapegoat for the various problems society is facing. is rap music just a reflection of these problems, which those in power actually refused to address or even have created. repre. bryson gray is a you to personality content creator who is recognized for publishing a conservative opinion pieces, christian faith, videos, and music on itself and type self title channel. now as public support, a former president, donald trump, during his presidency, grew his music and his voice much attention, especially following the release of let's go brandon, which went viral worldwide before this. however, bryson had a very long established career,
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even though he is only 31 years old in the music industry claim performing alongside artist $0.50 and many others. i figured if we are going to talk about the status of the rap music industry, why not get someone who has been a part of it for so many years, pricing great, thank you so much for joining us here on the 360 view. thank you so much for having me. ok, so let's talk about what is the current status of the rap music industry was. this is disgusting. is murder, sex, violence drug and you know, back and they used to be drug deal and that was being addicted until the drugs themselves, people like future and not as people you can say, like playboy, cardi. looking to see we've been tailed. they're hooked on their phones. so i mean it's flat out demonic and you know, but i wouldn't place my entire a when say, gain culture and rapid tide. names of the mafia was doing the same thing as not worth trying to time. and there wasn't really music there unless you were to blame for everything that happened. exactly. so i wouldn't play around with that,
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but now you sort of have to and i'm used to cargo as an example. so i know a lot of the rappers from chicago and if you, if you talk to them, you know, gang was to be on the rose blocks, you know, some people people breaking the story rules. now it's not even that. now people just want to kill people, and if you talk to people from the gangs they will tell you, i have multiple pockets with them. they say that people go up wanting to be known as a shooter, or wanting to killer has nothing to do with drugs, exists not care about how to speak more about even drug dealers. my present of mine if you go to chicago as i'm sort of moderate and that's changed from prior from, from the eighty's and ninety's, it's a new, it's a new, as a new, very new world. and how does that help is that helping are hurting the culture in the area? of course is hurting it because you've got people that their whole goal in life is to catch a body. you know, i'm saying. and then that, that culture chicago has actually spread it. so i'm from high point north carolina . there's lillia pays now the college real. so this is one of the drill cultures
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are brought in. definition of drill is going to kill somebody that's that's, that's what very latest here. drill music if there's actually music created with that and with that intention and purpose right now. yeah, publishers that are actually publishing it and you tube that's allowing that to be on their platform. yes. really of the dream is one of those top with java. now it's barbara chicago went to the u. k. and i was new york agree with the new york grill is probably the most part of the full intention is just to motivate people to go kill or that you're talking about. you're going to go do it yourself or to brag about people you've already killed. yeah, if you look it up piper and wipe through us in florida and this is popular. yeah. and they're not being censored of everything in this world right now. it's being censored. i've political voices, this type of me. why not? is it because it's an artistic form, right? free speech. people like julio julio from florida. getting out of florida dream. he made a song literally at the grave sites of his ops or opposition,
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a rival gang members. and he, he had their pictures dancing with their pictures because his, his, i killed these people. i real keys and then beat these kids mothers do interviews crying. you know, i'm sam, or if you go by to chicago, robert and chief keith that everybody knows. he, papa rises been call smoking on toko and everybody about that white man. i'm hoping we took a well the 15 year old kid from chicago. they got shot, healed him cheap again and took from the other from the other gang as a 15 year old kid. his mom, his mother does interviews also. so i really don't understand how deep is this goal . so this is what kids are listening to. and that's why we're having shot this so people can understand because if you don't understand, if you don't even have knowledge about it, then there's no way to create the solution for this. so then the question is, is this kind of music more of a reflection of society as it is?
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or do you think it's more shaping a molding society for the future? but the big one is more disruptive as we say it, everybody knows for gang. so i can go brag about it, and then it just, you know, back and forth with that. my mom from the whole instagram page dedicated to the real saying rom from everybody brags about who they killed, who they gave you and last name, and then they bribe, you know, they mark the other person deaf. you know, i'm saying and is actually very demonic. we really start looking into was this is spreading out the florida people in the u. k. if you go to the u. k. stabbings. when, when you k drill got popular and we've got new york, they're saying crime is growing up that democratic marriage and brought up crime going up. it's an estimate directly to drill minute. now this has some, this has some evidence of a being true versus saying from the pe gang told us how to rap music. can we say that? but now is crazy. ok. so then you look at what is happening in the streets, how our publishers getting away with actually promoting this. i mean,
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if they're going to hold a gun, manufacturers possibly responsible for mass gun shootings in schools. why are they not holding these music labels of these artists responsible if they can directly tie the 2 together? they're going to say freedom of speech and freedom of expression. that that's, they're going to say because the may of them are already tried to bands room music . and then he decide, he decided not to, i mean you can ban is type of music, but they're citing freedom of speech. freedom of expression, same thing. conservative. say we look at the sort of mistake. we still have a man, actually banners. right, right. you're a good band. but music actually is celebrating the killing or taking a life. does not. you know, i can literally show you 3 of my sergeant type in the you tube can't come up. one of my, one of my powers may have posted it unable to get away with it, but you can, he was in my account was a guy band. you type in julio, folio chief, keep on is real solid. you can just closer up in your mind, and it will all be all you to right now. music video there,
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my bottom gang size and everything. wow. so there is this call for politicians to be held accountable for actions which some believe that are but inspired by this rhetoric. so we talked about the music label, but what about these rap artists? how to kind of like, what we're seeing down in georgia, that they are going to be held accountable legally for the actions which can be attributed to their lyrics. but will it even be enough for that? actually will people go oh, you went to jail for a year? will that not possibly booster them? well, i don't think people can go to jail for their lyrics because sometimes wrappers laugh. right. but they're lazy, they're connecting the lyrics to the actual crime they're committing because it pop or now the rappers who confessed their crack so was that it actually isn't. right. and like, i don't know, like robert king bon, like a lot of his all, he confessed us so much it all you would realize to go back to it as he would understand the culture, right? so in that case, you can then they should be punished for the biggest bar happened. i mean,
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they tied king bob to like 6 murders. he's there now, but after that time, like multiple different murders after the, after they've already suffered the ultimate punishment for their music. on that side of that music still lives on. i mean you still have kids replaying the song. we're now repurposing the music from the eighty's and ninety's and beefing it up a little bit. that's just almost guaranteeing a long road of disaster that where is it headed? where is this going to what kind of culture is this going to ultimately result in what you were saying? and now, like i said, the culture now is not drug dealer culture and trying to make money. right. it is, let's go kill the opposition. that's it. is all about killing, killing, killing, murder, murder, murder, murder, murder, investigations. are you going to end up with? and that's what, that's what we see, that's what that's what's happening. so we have the culture is going to get worse. now worse isn't going to get, i don't know, maybe maybe the government got a para like the movie or some, but i don't know. is it getting crazy though? okay, so then let's look at what the call,
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what the communities doing about this themselves. obviously, people do not want continue people to continue to die within their community. why is it against the people that are creating the people publish it? why are we seeing that from within? because obviously i don't think you're going to get that. that obviously the pressure from the outside is going to do no good. if anything, make it bigger. well, the people in their view of opportunity to get out of that mass, these wrappers, they're not going to be that they're not really care because they do it in a way to get out of it. right? and this is they, they've actually done so that they build a way to get out of the outside. i don't even understand how deep it go. like i bet you half the stuff i just told you, probably like what the crap is. that is, that i have teenagers. yeah. but what a lot of people don't understand what actually is in this music. so will now take 5, sing along with us all. as he got not got pop. they want to have. these are real people. they're just, you know, i'm saying so, so we're making it cool. that's a part of it. is it that, that does that not part of a bigger picture of manipulation of society?
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do you feel like, do you feel like now as much as rapp, ours are saying that they're trying to be free and they're trying to express themselves that they're actually a part of a bigger manipulation game to actually continue to devastate a community? yes. how much money been going into promoting the songs every song? i'm just so much i'm, there's not a song you hear and this is the artist to a record label. you do not hear a song from them. it doesn't have a budget behind it. depend on the art is to be able to but it, but a lot of times i got a friend who saw and go, they paid $250000.00. and so one song just to make that happen, i said ok. so there's money involved, all the money going back into the community. why are we hope, why we've seen some of these artist they might want to get out of it. why aren't they coming back into the and putting some of their, some of the well, i mean, if they were inspired by their lifestyle growing up by their community growing up, why are they putting that money back in to try to make it better? all the celebrities i'm, i've never wanted to any of these who didn't seen a black person on one of the gas stations in area. never, never the person else on the who. why not? that's the question. why not?
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i see that there was an answer. i don't know. so then where are your churches, your, you said the mothers are doing the interviews and you're right. where are the churches, where are those businesses? why is it more of an outcry against this type of violence is being promoted by this music? i'm going to charge sort of embraces a lifestyle based on the braves the music per se, but the churches, worley, now the churches such as water down, nobody is preaching the true. nobody is saying, listen, if you continue that as you are going to have, as i was being told in the churches for some reason, even though that's what's in the bible in go to revelation. revelation 218. you can go to mapping 24 and tell you these little bit where you go to a thank you 31819, which tells you is our job to one of these people, but turn on, bring up the bible. no more is all love, love love, you can do whatever you want, go q 50 people you want to have anyway, you know, and after issue as i get it. ok. so ultimately this comes down. some would say wrap is just a form of art. therefore, should be held to
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a different stander or has wrapped me should become activism. and that should be protected as a form of speech. how do you view the industry right now? i do believe it should be music period, not just wrap, should be protected on a free speech, but it has to be applied equally. so part of example, spotify has been 3 of my songs, but all is all about talk about view, they're all still up. so you're saying it's about money or someone could have just as many downloads as a key. so we've learned that this is famous. yeah. so it's not about the dollars more about the message involved and i measured about what measures they like to get . i'm independent. the label and person is demonic stuff on people. with that, with that paper when using someone as part of the playlist. i tango as bob, why this is impossible. even though i'm a secular music in the pin, it is kind of a parcel. you gotta be with the labels, the ballast for any detailed conversation with artist bryce in gray right after this break. and we're going to ask the role of the wrap industry and religious
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circles. i'm gonna expand on that. we'll be right back up with ah, it's done with lord street, one and 2 were destroyed by great britain. it's a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on russian energy. the war in ukraine is all. mistakes were made and i have been elected as the leader of my party and your prime minister in part to fix them with the face. the highest taxation said still more this year alone. we have
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provided 2300000000 pounds of military support, and we will do the same again next year. i need to because i still wait a mm. i to visit with them boss with you. i just need them. grab it, miss stewart with key at the ocean cruise. keep the process is from the dealer. mitochondria is janessa, letting stay with us for go good of guys to phone us in the full could i get you. you've been with us. the plexi of professional and city and the prevalence of all but yet with
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ah ah huh. we are back with a bryce in gray who before he is a song let's go. brandon went viral. he took the stage with known ours rap artists like the descent and others, and wants to continue this conversation about the rap music industry is getting a bad rap per se. we talked about the social media platforms, kick, talk, youtube, others. some. i looked at it either way, you don't like it, go somewhere else. is that the right way to handle if and would there be enough notification of people like yourself took your voice off these platforms? or is it better to try to grow that sort of influencing those sort of the positive side on things like take top and spotify and others? i think you have to do both fight one of the and go should be trading in parallel
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economy. because perfectly right, but last year i spent what the entire, almost the entire year with 2 strikes on my channel. you know, after one more what happens you're done, you're done. i don't even curse why that medical information hate speech being made . so it's not fair and i feel like we're, we're not even playing the game. we're just getting controlled in the game that we're trying to work. and we're trying to work within the game that we're not even we don't even control. so i don't think we should we crate unparalleled economies all the time. you have to. so i think we should do both and that's, that's out of the positive right. reason that would be able to do that. i know you're trying to grow other rap artists that are alongside you in the message that you want to send. writing this is, this has a little perplexed because the black thing is always been known. there is a one day they have a strong spiritual foundation, yet you listen to some of the top work for the artist today. and they are a far cry from the principles taught by any major religion. religion,
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not just today, christian values, the promotion of sex, violence and drugs are often theme. so where is this disconnect and when did it happen? who's behind it? fathers, there's not a lot of fathers in home. i'm mom. i love a bank to guy and i go from my parents, but they're though their father's in a home. so a father gives the, you know, i'll just move back to the bottom kind of controversial, but the father gives a strong hand. and i know there's a lot of, you know, good single mother's out there, but a woman can't give a man a strong hand. it just, it just, it just is, there's not the battle god created. palms where you don't have that, that already trace an imbalance in the child. so when the child grow up, now if there's a mother and father in home, you can't homeschool. right? you probably can't afford private school. you want to public school. i mean, i went to public school every bad thing i ever learned in my life. i learned in public school. there's no. so that's what you learned,
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everything. that's what you learned about a teacher's your phone about a culture of the culture there. and that school whereabout adjustments are way you know, was rap music is proper, you know, going on. so that's one of the entertainment. all play the part of everybody. everybody is being influenced my, the entertainment. and then you're being influenced by everybody around you, one by the entertainment. and that's why the culture comes from bass, disconnect because church is pop or i'm otherwise, well, you know, i am probably more well attended. i mean, every sunday morning it's still there. and even during toby, i think there was still pack houses where other churches are seeing definitely a decline in membership and audience. you're not seeing that and yet you have this, but i find it really cares cuz i've never heard somebody not say it's what you said . it's always the fathers, it's the black. where are they going? why are we not strengthening? why? why is that? still? it's not just our generation, the generation before us as the same. so why, why they're not doing a better job of getting the fathers back into the households of that is seem to be
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such a major issue that is causing these problems. i'm give you reason. i'm giving mother raises, but one of them is because if you, if you're living off the government and you have a man in a home, you've taken off that literally happened to. so literally the government is this is a literally disenchanted horizon. is the supervising people to have a father in the home. there's a correlation isn't always equal, call causation, but should be interesting. if you look up when this country introduce full scale welfare and hope that when the the thing motherhood raced on arriving now in the black community everywhere. but mainly in the back room anyway. when you look at that, it's a very interesting time. coral correlation there. yeah. okay, it's exactly like the numbers are exactly the same. yes. so i mean then outside of that is seen for an occasion. everybody knows of you have surgical but there's somebody pregnant this is like, you know, one on one life, you know, saying, so i was cool,
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sexual out everything when i was in 9th grade my entire goals and not be immersion anymore. you know, i that's, that's, that's what was cool. he was a very, you was lane, you know, i'm saying so when you're promoting santa and condoning san that's going to lead to more single mother. i'm going to leave the less bother than a home because you didn't want to have this baby with this person and everybody is selfish because in not it stays as me me, me, me, me culture of all that happens in his and his world. me, me, me, me, me. yeah, yeah. i know. i have several companies. we have a towel, but that's how my rule in my life. not been the decision i made it ruined it. but a child, the child rhonda is also i need to get. we got to go kill the baby, you know, i'm saying so is to me, me, me, me, me culture that's running everything in his country. you know? and is music encourage that. i don't want to put everybody together because you are known as a christian. conservative rapp orders and you attribute your own music success because your music is well written and has a great be direct competitor the mainstream. could rap music industry ever be overtaken? it may popular by a majority of artists like yourself,
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especially if they're trying to get away from me. me, me, culture. it could be if a lot of critical, sorry to stand up and make it. what can we prove that will that go branding? i mean, it's not just rabbit pop, music is all about sex. even country, modern country music about sex and shrub from getting drunk. i mean it all the java rock music a lot of times about doing allison, all types of music, any music, same thing, getting drunk every time. so all this stuff leaves the saying, i fly rab culture got that and murder it's like the double whammy. so we can compete, we brought it about consistently doing it and the reason why because it is human nature because we have to work harder to make something like that happen because we're sensor, you know, i'm saying we don't have the bud. so we can't put it in front of your face virus, you know, saying you sort of have a seek it out, is gonna be hard, but i mean, we proven we can do it. has the rap music industry been as affected by the woke movement as all of the other john risk of art today?
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yes, i can start a little late, but man, is it happening? bass? people forget like less than 10 years ago. imminent was literally threatened. they'll g drain in the l g. b to community has music right now. and it's funny, you know, say it's funny and nobody, you know, people got mad, but i even have been care. he would come back 10 times harder. you know, where he wouldn't do that. today, oh heck, to know what he came out we'll say elton john pitt behalf, you know, is over the last little login has had, have got into it. now you see a lot of rappers paying their mails like kate curry, magazine rappers and dresses. both lot of, you know, the look at the not were received really. it is by sir, and cram, we're going to be when he's dresses and painted nails, they get lap and the comments section because like all know, we all for a while for a we'll do that. you're on sam. but of course a person and now not for us on the live you a pleasant and now to normalize it for the youngest, coming up the angles coming up, they don't care. they listen to by work hard to listen to the young boy in his pain,
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and they listen to all your admiralty addresses on all of the all know that this is a little now 0. i am saying nobody industry is way, little amount of days. nobody's working, nobody wants to know my going to the suburbs a i think you do that from day. we have a question because there is a satanic panic that's going on amongst a lot of a lot of the suburbs day, but also probably a lot of money, a lot of cultures because it's happening in pop culture. you see, that'll not as ex, as blood tennis shoes. sam smith is grammy performance. and is it just targeting just the gay artist, or is there justification for this alarm with all kinds of genres right now that you feel like there's more satanism in today's music than possibly in music before . all is for sure. and all jowers is just is band and i was honorable. wow. but but now as, as being more so in papa john's. so you got pop music. yeah. rap. yeah. army nice. i see a more so in there. and the reason why i think everybody had their experience berry's
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mom there is trying to openly, mob christianity. and now i think the whole goal is to it's a mark through the baby because they already got the culture now them been trying to do more last people of faith so so, so we don't be both with christianity. i mean, we find that people of judaism muslim bay, there are still these common principles that all faith do share the principles. yes . but as we've seen with people michael name, if you say something about, you know, mark judy is on or jews, even max, secular jews. we see what happens with that. there is backlash on that. so if you might, if you might, muslims, muslims won't pop out. but what about the principles that come out? it will be, why is it the muslims will be able to speak out? probably more and more emboldened necessarily. christians are right now. christians just going by the cd. i can tell you why. because muslims, they can tell from their book. so muslim r o b, d and muslims are more, more into their faith. and christians are christian. i mean, and i have time to can to difference when a christian in
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a worldly person. right. what a mother you can easily tell a difference of the study followed, but that's why bell step out. they put some stuff like that. they tried it before the post, the l g b, t and a mobile school who they had, they had to change it within a week. no matter what about day we played, we played about it. no, i'm saying it's a little different and still trying to get along. ok. so in the future, where does the rap music industry go? do you have high optimism that your type of music that you'll see a rebellion in this next generation. they're tired of dying in the streets, they're tired of their politicians are going to me and do you think you possibly we could see a revival or rebellion take what you want. yeah. for me, what's going on today? yes, i mean, could you see i see a lot more artist by myself coming out a lot more biblical artist coming out to have chris noticed that due to lovey debbie, you know, god loves everyone. i got a new car because a guy, you know, q and i set up the wrong way to rise q, but you start to see more biblical. kristen, not come out and give you their wrath of god too. as an bible, everybody forget about. so you starting to see, and i think it really is happening well, it completely take over. it'll be
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a battle we'll see to battle like every it out that we're dealing right now with every other call. we know, go in and a are, we're going to suffer revelation price and gray, greatest favorite things to run out of. and i'm going out here, this is when you're a 360 of you. i mean, there's affecting you, thanks for watching. ah, a neutrality is one of the most flexible concepts and international relations that you can imagine, which is why it's so useful. but why it is so inherently difficult to grasp so that the chances we have is that countries fill it with the meaning that is useful to them and hopefully to, to all this because at its core, it means i'm not taking decide of either of these completely ah,
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a question of them when you thought it me mean you really above here and you know, to throw in a additional nursery, keep like you might look and you live from a school. if you look on the initial, be one of them not to get a dealer post on a diaz can use to put value a new would you do do or change, but you also still receive done those a i didn't so much of that going to book that i'm going to be just a, what i see the senior bus is the little gear motivation, says a dumbbells with
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a complete restructuring of the united nations security council. the russian foreign minister says it's the only way to overcome the prices in the organization. if they didn't school, it is necessary to accelerate the form of security kills by increasing representation, asian, african, and latin american countries. foreign countries are evacuating hundreds of their national violin. dan, with urgent solutions to problems directly on the african continent, must be found. we clicked the apple migration hungry is foreign minister blaming you.


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