tv News RT April 25, 2023 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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ah, ah ah, south africa designed to quit the international criminal court that's according to the country, the president to announce the move off to the i c. c. issue that arrest warrant for vladimir pierson also and some distressing images ahead with dozens of dead power military fighters in the street. following report to the 5th battle with the sudanese army as violently in the country rages for 10 days, thousands of civilians and foreign nationals are still crumbling. lease with russia. defense minister host focused iranian and theory
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and counterparts in moscow to discuss that is to preserve the territorial integrity of conflict with pm here in moscow. and this is, i don't see international with the very latest world news updates sprayed to happy with us this out. now, a top story, south africa has announced it withdrawal from the international criminal court. according to the nation's president's. this comes off to the i. c. c issued an arrest warrant for the russian president vladimir putin. the south african leader has accused the hague of unfair treatment. the governing party death commissioner congress as taken that decision that it is prudent to perturb south africa should pull out of their i she c lars to be course or the manner in which the i c. c. has been seen to be dealing with her. are these types of problems
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and our view is that we would like this matter of unfair treatment to be properly discussed. it's a bit of a deja vol because every time south africa, well, at least since 2018 that went out that was about to host the brakes. the id see really puts a pressure on the country to arrest one or another, sitting a president back in 20, that in 2018 saga we go, is expected to arrest the omar. i wish i was a former president of sudan, but of course the country could not do such a thing from all the, the arrangements that it had within the a you and as an invited, as an invitee rather of all mild washer. and this time, we found that the mood is pretty much the same. that replicates that, that we have found back then. the country was expected to arrest vladimir, put in the president of russia, following allegations that have been made by ukraine above the deportation of
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ukrainian children. and this is not necessarily seen in the vein of civil grandmother. this is a scene in the vein of fan has been seen as the icy c putting fresh on select countries and trying to get them to enforce arrays that will really cause an international incident with regards to the big countries as you, as you would imagine, south africa and russia are briggs partners. they have been in this partnerships of 2011 formerly. and this is the relationship that south africa has been nurturing, particularly over the last 8 months. so, so it has taken south africa thinking position that it remains a friend of russia despite the sanctions that have been issued against this by the some of the wording that we've had from within countries. and this, by the threats, economic consequences of supporting russia. but that's not what south africa found . south africa has beens. there it 1st is support for the same thing that they
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believe that they should be peace with in ukraine, but that the current fight that is being forward to is really a proxy war against russia. and is being leveled against russia by the g 7 and by nato. and that is not a position that they will take in terms of abandoning the friend that they have consistently said that russia supported the african national congress, which is the ruling party year in south africa. and that decision by throw them apart was indeed taken by the national executive of the african national congress. and we expected this time, unlike before that this time there is a chance that this decision to leave the i, i t c will most likely hold the thank you live to new york now, where the russian foreign minister, thank a laugh i was addressing the media at the un less listening this all the boys my age, those licenses including ortho, united states of america,
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to reboot as the goblin all of the year or so your commitments, their total lay down sir, in the year human rights conventions. and so the documents are approved by the way . seen lillian high to ninety's of griffith shaw, my neighbor globes, and the you'll just use the sar was her. so you bought it has been approved this a good little turn it to you when i said the only she was morgan with ships relative to the planet, which are doors had cluck access to federal renew. fuselage was leveled with angela another charlie in line with well, currently the west and your family is sir, now cracking down on the media outlets so that do not support search. i don't till the line and are and that we better does so frequently provides discipline of dieting this nation about. so v, crowd down,
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garage and media outlets. san fran gazelle, we're looking at fran sir refused to currently taishan to the russian, nasa news outlets. our tin sputnik her said so. tools of propaganda. mister cures being in respect to our journalist, her denied visitor to russian nath, which generally says part of our present seat. he said there threatened, turn those char again. propagandists, sir, nothing more than that shall see very closely and they have nothing to do. he certainly will. jim o'clockish fans have nothing to do with the democratic who you are the world's opera landfill. at least there is the 1st amendment, sir to the u. s. constitution and means that doesn't have anything, doesn't apply in practice or will be through. well, let's look and see what was, let's look and see. it was the status of a free presser in the us. tucker carlson, quits a fox news, sir. no, you have quite, quite a bit of news. why mean we can keep guessing,
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but it means that says the when miracle spectrum views in the us, sir, media is sir national, the victim here last for our response measures. so we will definitely take it into account, sir. such indecent took my thumb, bringing well to this behavior by horror, by view, a state department, as i believe it, it took the decision. and if the americans want something from us will definitely recall this. take him so he said i'd like to ask you your views also done what's happening there. and also about the involvement of the wagner group with the rabbit to support forces. we asked honey cheese burrito this group about the involvement of working with him and his forces and he did not deny it. and just the
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last question, can whom are they are comfortable this group? is it the russian government? who another buddy? boy, they are comfortable to thank you. so i said, so let me know that that shows in private submitted wagner. so this is private, which is what we raised this issue more than once a few years ago, who called french counterpart when were you able to use it, mister burrell? had you diplomacy, my lease, and nothing against complaint about our ties with molly, with the central african republic. and there was quite a contrary to see that they stood out. they said, molly, the government of molly was in the city to so many loving interest when the frame was shut down, the bases in the north where they use the biggest terrorist threat. and so the multi government requested says the services of the private military for wagner,
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that's the rise. and the foreign minister of bodies was outspoken. the un general assembly, no one, makes a secret out of his and the central african republic. the sudan review found a number of other countries she needed, which is like one level as a brochure. legitimate authority to request such services have the full right? so it's and spoke with at the if you are concerned about it, whether it's just double check my company or the number of private firms from major firms that said the u. s. and it's always the u. k. in france, you just google it. there are dozens of companies like that. for many years. they were to write and border side ukraine. when she's in the office, which was a lot of speculation. us bought a sudan and you said that the, the tragedy people are dying was a diploma of there are threats to diplomats major factors. we are aware of this
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up to date with the development of school for the service that you teach. so. so through our embassy was asked to, to provide, to please some of the un employees from the children's fund. i don't know how to do it, but very much we'll figure out what was after this press conference . well, let's look at the history of the state of sudan. she 1st and there was just one done and then so down in south sudan, we would, it's, and i'm not sure it was a medical school. we colleague, you observed these about monthly clarity of the us made it one of the foreign policy priorities to states it on into, to part with them. they also come out of us for you to convince him on the sheer, the end, the president says to hold this threat, miranda said that it would be voluntary and split was the cell phone. so those can
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we thought it was best for the people that the people just sit down to decided in your stillness. eventually that did happen. usually so down south sedan converge to a cellphone tower, g u. s. as the initiated of this divorce was supposed to was supposed to help the 2 nations to prosper, to support their economy on some new families. while the americans didn't quite like something. and they impose sanctions against the government of sudan government south. on the day when you should multiple demand through the m f, et cetera. the more but it, the geopolitics skins. you needed a political engineering doesn't. so a lead june and the positive results hustled us. but either some english knew it
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doesn't yield anything good. or if we cancel shirts, so let's not since metal or wooden wave for african affairs flirts resources, we probably have them for the parents to figure out their age. figure out how to address their issues in the african wives and let us not impose any outside demand, stood and not in, in the interest of these people. thank you ms. oliver of michelle nichols from reuters. thank you so much for the briefing. i just wanted to ask you a little bit further about the ukraine, great deal, and whether russia has a response yet to the letter that the secretary general has sent to president putin . suggesting a way forward for the extension and expansion of this ukraine. grendale and china is the biggest recipient of the ukraine grain under that deal. so it has china asked russia to extend the deal. no particular citizens, customers with child looms, we english and we partner with our partner prompts to know you know it with our
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caution about us on your, on china, against nature, programmatic reason, it was very smoothly used. we good, i need to share a little yak sport any more, a, but she is who shelves that are a crane to china with the current trends neighboring countries like catch the fish market, lashawna letter a you anything or your general, which are not gonna do store a require you to have been legal because this is personal, already punched in the head of the you were asked. do you have a good? what is it that it was in one state of the digits? it was made public to say that you don't know, but you have made suit really easy. that means there's not a daughter in euros. it's then it's handled as a unit out of
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b caputo. she was leverage to put out an apprenticeship of the webster over your address. i'll shoot you a new one, which has not been really going on this to children. what well initially below, but discipline a so, so read, there was a work of but i me, are you great. and ammonia of sheriffs new and no one was recalled about ammonia until 2 days ago was to the un secretary general told me that certain mich that there was a deficit of fertilizers, particularly in terms of ammonia, don't get no one thought about it until 2 days. ago screen, so do you feel that you will say which used to be of glass that she use deal and then when you turn into the black sea drain deal a nature to which was transformed into a commercial enterprise? well, that raises a lot of questions of it in new york, we keep asking those questions as remind yesterday was that you stick with
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i hope you haven't seen the style of less than 3 percent civil from the entire mac volume of grain that went through to what it means to train year before it's the streets of the way to 4 countries, low income countries that are human, that yemen of dentist on sudan, and some of the new which is that all the least of fowls for the rest of them. a last percent went to the middle income countries just to look at it that will give you more countries with that it's higher than middle income claims to tell you what the discuss that there was an attempt by use crane as part of the coordination centrally was stumble to schools to this company and organizationally, e file out
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a vessel balloon for the crane and media resume reported that so that those of us with canyon regime to drive with the to action is it provides to take them. yes, the cool little head of the queue, you can use my vision. we the privilege of pneumonia. those are the most to take them to the cerebral. most of the cube shows, well we focus on the want is the crane and part of the deal. and our counterpart with us, but it wasn't like the un suggests that tony cherish initially suggested a package of steps. he said that i remember you between brush and the you and it's all very specific. i'm them. yes, exactly like abuse because the memorandum school jewel, it's still that there was no commitment to make sure that the u. n. n a is off.
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would you most because they still lift any possible obstacles or detection or russian grade. you start with 60 general on the list of those or the under secretary of 400 issues, trying to convince those countries that flowed illegitimate sanctions against russia. but it was brought about, the result was much, says jason, the extra these efforts have a child are sent home bank, which she's bought deal has been switched off. swift swift messaging scheme bond solutions. they say that they're going to use some temporary measures and they need to get the un american bags to replace sweeps with some of the system and help them process these payments.
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several months has passed and one of the bank but it's agreed to finance one operator, one transaction note them. then they sell us yesterday. ok, let's work. what is the solution problem we saw really cereals. if you put in all to address him, received poverty 100 crisis globally, then we need to stop the sanctions on to see. but it cannot be running around asking us financial institutions sit together with the us in general to give us some want all for chances. so she's, there are some issues we've insurance control, voe, the rates went down after lloyd them, the contact between now and tony lloyd's in london. not but so nice. the purpose is to,
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to control and what's happening and all to allow us russian grain placed in q, r, fertilizes to enter the market in a free way based on the frame, but market mechanism to stand up in the face of that country. lead. definitely, but my new student of mine says me, world program, which shows designed to help poor countries. $200000.00 tons of fertilizers were frozen the reports of the huge and last august, which president foods invoiced our position. which said that the onus, those, the companies that produce those sliders choose to provide that lies is free of charge to the poor countries through the world food program and the 1st batch bush lo,
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my life went to my law. we used only 6 months called please sure said that it's done because the currently struggling to send to ship to kenny and tonight, syria, the $24000.00 tons each. but again, it takes time. there's a lot of red tape, and there are some overheads costs more there still shows shows for our thoughts as to deal, get back to your question. you know, we do silly will send us the attempts by or it is your 2nd general. and he used to colleagues and stuff, but they told me that it all missed in vain, although there is a po box in the preview me, but i do not, i will, you know, the devotional gosh, there are value chain that's normalized chain. we would have to convince and you be in american ports and legs and insurance companies to show some lenient to be
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softer. now with them, with the government, that's not something that we agreed on the 23rd of july. early you'd say you will get our newest food when we order on some supporter vinnish to buy the secretary general should like you, which as he says, that is a package the package you can see several easier for us. well, not like you, i get in the can alter the roots, postal stand, definitely better shall name about. so there is a message share that sir junior and ticket to general shared with the president. it's a message to the president not to, to the nor audience in the general public. and the same message is when you said to asthma, when it's up on one, move kia and cherokee. well, the 1st at 1st to say a lot of hope the deal was what it was. it doesn't sound like you see a lot of hope for an extension of the black, se grendale. whoops,
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you who you are. i say color, just write him up. so it's russia civic that you are miss la, wouldn't you see what new york this i'm here with neutral biden's. even a run for a 2nd term is miller started, but yet a lot of comments from the republicans leave you short on story with with you got stuff that was of donald trump like donald trump. it also said that he's going to run for a 2nd shot, and they said i did my lead. okay, 3rd world war stager. up here. what's your name? jim 2, which are russian assessment seriously booth style? pretty anthem senior staff, who's your preferred choice or not, or we don't really care, there's not going to be any point in little short. my lease valentino loosely. i know i clearly subleasing. i'm already supposed to totally catalyze what's happening. least the new, the russian government deliberately does not interfere with the affairs of other countries. thank you very much. thank you. foreign minister for the briefing. it's
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pamela far from cbs news. you talked about yesterday and a year ago about the in admissibility of the expansion of nato. and yet because of the war, finland has become a member, sweden's next in the nato secretary general is supporting ukraine's membership. was it a miscalculation and where do you see the reasons now for the war since the nato border with russia has now doubled? thank you. not that nisa, bitter with system a little so usually with us more than its nature was now supposed to start. i would like to look at the original book serves, develop a past years. oh, we're young. there was basically a mergers in the military affairs between they turn the sort of you, it's of so i just recently decided declaration to deal with you. and the huge is
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delegated to the 1st place military and defense mandate. i got on to night a said that again, but she provide the territory lucille to fund even on nature is from territories for nature, purposes of the sweden and finland forest and the vanguard of the same, gay translated call to check the sizes, led by nature and other, and he's you, it's well, you trails there was supposed to be put these different programs in sync with. okay, could i see where if you go to the church, i feel, yeah, said sir, we see those tonight. so could play a worse if russia wanted to go to show up in your place, tampa. but if they chose expansion of school the well with that, michelle, they promised that to us that promise was made several times. but really, despite they just slide and we know this, it was, it was an open secret. the same way the lie to us about the medical courses. then
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they just, they just let them. so they see a real about that open lane and not that you and i will score that without blushing russia let go. well, that's the way you see it, or you think that we, it was a miscalculation and we accelerated the obsession. i think sweden, in little deal with nature thoughts, we go to a different field on coating tor experts. nato wanted to but the, you know, your split collapse, the soviet union went into with them. i wanted brushes to collapse instead, jim fees caused me. it's fog to consolidation of, you know, united wants if we of a declared mostly goal of the we have been really clear and straightforward about our goals. what are the goals so use for nato. the year the us was in just for you sort of miss pumping the weapons into crazy us species. and now they've got a nice theory of ukraine, will have
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a successful cat offensive. and then we'll ask ukraine's school much at last sentence. kids to start negotiate and finish skus of frantic view from state to do a very strange rationale, without haunting crane to pose any threats to russia and mac up. what is them? sovereignty, these threats have kept, it was casual being accumulating there, particularly after the with that you qu, shane 2014. you would you what we also want to think that we use, they speak the russian language to enjoy the russian culture. the religion was preached. who always were the crane and orthodox church. we will these people just not to discriminate. again, it's really, it's going to be secure dentistry, believe not to want to use the half of the threat of extermination video, which i did. and i think there's a zalinski there. his name is par,
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the luck was easier. so he said it on crew that will take crimea will use 3 be and i will serve it. i it's all russian. we're ready, kate, everything. russian crimea. so ship a get does, is this something that the u. s. support was still on the sultan police policy makers say that we cannot thoughts supports ukraine because you are fighting for our values for democracy. if this is the democracy, are talking about is these the values that nature is ready to fight until the last train in with we've got a long time, you know, we had to be putting focus in spotlighting interest in ok. so the situation with the ethnic minority, russian speaking issue minority i was, i was always passed school for to, than now to say uses the speech in studies training not said in the see the company
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playing any language, a 70 for us. that's just a muslim for ukraine, except for the you shall receive a russian speaking. but you know, russia only middle school music. even the cranium own opposition meets your band with millions of looks like if we should rush speaking your language books were thrown out from the library. some of them were burned down on squares depletion, like the nazis date. it was tor. cultural contact was being land, but it's just, people are slow and what's happening. we see train saw fidelity church if you read in the secret we were in the senate plead to the secretary of the secretary general senior v o c, et cetera. but the response has been really please actual goes through the little religious, tepid the, just like the really phone searches in 2014. when we started asking the suit,
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your basic question to you to will you will you do in france, poland and germany. and we said that you furnish your garage to this deal. that was, you know, what they said to work you well, you know, there are some answers im, incidents may happen. things may happen in democracies due to a pro with that said, you be later on any of the actions by the crane authorities were like that you would you a better. so we're was the, what we be justified by a through the same words with the west kept you must, they were sending weapons. so to crane because sir, ukraine, i know you're fighting the words. you would western values sir, and democracy as well. if you are off all i mean done, mean i don't mean you in the west of the west to finding for this, then it should be really clear before we stand for what we stand against and will stand for it until the very end. hello. thank you,
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matthew chance from santa this lever. and can you give us some details about what contact you may have had with us officials about the fate of us citizens being held in, in washing jails. any contacts been had and they've been sought and also secondly, there have been prison swaps in the past. can you speak louder? yes. sorry. there have been prison swaps in the past. what are you looking for in exchange for poor wheelin and evan, good coverage for the gallery on the still didn't the boy the new bill generates why.
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