tv News RT April 25, 2023 5:00pm-5:29pm EDT
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ah ah, medium, we see how the use militarized, and that record base turn it aggressive structure you if they could go a the way you think ukraine as a smokescreen to this correct one. the problem with the middle east down global south south africa decides to quit the international criminal court according to the country, the president who announced to move on to the i c. c, a. she didn't arrest warrant for a russian defense. when is the host to tie case a rating and theory and towns policy in moscow to discuss that to preserve the territorial integrity of syria, a
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very welcome based on the international with the late global news uptake. it's great to happy with us. now tensions in the middle east of spyro, it's dramatically according to russian foreign minister psych, a law for all while convening the un security council. i think that the west is using ukraine to dive the tension from the region. and then you can see what these americans and europeans are using the ukraine topic to blackmail as threatened countries over to their side as wish and distract attention from the middle east and regions of the global south or blay, sage. we will defeat russia and then everything will resolve itself is good. they are obsessed with their selfish interest was in order to dictate demands that held world would. it is regarding international law, while with russia as the president of the un security council, the 15 member body that leads the un. we got to hear from russia's foreign minister . sergei laugh. rob. now he convened the meeting on the issue of the palestinian
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question and conflicts in the middle east. and during that meeting, our we heard from various countries represented on the security council as well as the ambassadors or representatives of preceding i and representing israel and palestine. now that representative power of palestine bemoaned the situation facing the palestinian people. we also heard words from the israeli representative as well . i here are what we heard during the meeting. this is the most protracted refugee crises in the world. the most protracted denial of national collective and individual rights in the world, the most protracted protection crises in the world, the longest occupation of an entire territory in modern history. so the question big itself, why is it still ongoing? is it because there is a lack of rules or a lack of resolve? the only reason this conflict has not yet been resolved is because the palestinians
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refuse to accept the very existence of israel, the jewish state, the jewish state. they have proven this by rejecting every piece initiative and by inciting to terrorism, brainwashing their children to hate and murder jews. shame, shame, shame. now after speaking the israeli representative laughed the un security council chamber. now, later when russian foreign minister sergei lab rob was speaking to the press in the press briefing room, he clarified that he took issue with the way the israeli representative characterized today's proceedings as somehow being anti israeli. he emphasized that the point is to make sure that the humanitarian situation is gel with then pay them half way toward palestinian statehood. now the russian foreign minister church west gems from the press answering on
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a number of different topics. i touched on the black sea grain deal. i touched on us efforts to demonize russia and isolate rush on the global markets. he raised a particular concern about the european union and the direction that the e u. countries are moving in the gym. we see how the use military in, at a record base, turn it into an aggressive structure with a stated girl containing russia, you lose. now, the e. u is much different from nato dear. there is no doubt about it. they even signed a declaration where they said that nato will ensure the security of the you and that you thank them in return. in today's proceedings, the russian foreign minister emphasized what he's emphasized previously during this visit to the united nations, which is that russia seeks a world with international prosperity and development. and that the efforts by the united states corrupting the various international institutions to serve their own geopolitical goals are getting in the way of the overall goals and agenda of the
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international community for development and prosperity in the world. south africa has announced it will withdraw from the international criminal court. it's beth, according to the nations president, it's comes on to the i c. c issue and in rest, warren's full russian president vladimir putin. the south african leader has a keys, the hague, as unfair treatment, the governing party, the african national congress as taken that position where it is prudent to perturb. so the africa should pull out of their i she c lars to be course or the manner in which their eyes she has been seen to be dealing with her or these types of problems. and our view is that we would like this matter of unfair treatment to be properly discussed. it's a bit of a deja vol because every time south africa, well,
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at least since 2018 that went out there because about to host the bricks. the id see really puts a pressure on the country to arrest one or another, sitting a president back in 20 in 2018, so that we go is expected to arrest the oma. i wish i was the former president of sudan, but of course the country could not do such a thing from all the, the arrangements that it had within the a u. m. s. and invited as an invitee rather of all mild washer. and this time, we found that the mood is pretty much the same reputation that, that we have found back then. the country was expected to arrest vladimir putin, the president of russia, following allegations that have been made by ukraine above the deportation of ukrainian children. and this is not necessarily seen in the vein of civil drama possess is athene in the vein of fan has been seen as the i see see putting fresh
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on select countries and trying to get them to enforce arrays that will really cause an international incident with regards to the bigger countries, as you, as you would imagine, south africa and russia are bricks, partners. they have been in this partnership since 2011 formerly. and this is the relationship that south africa has been nature in particularly over the last 8 months. so, so it has taken south africa thinking position that it remains a friend of russia despite the sanctions that have been issued against this by the some of the wording that we've had from within countries. and this, by the threats, economic consequences of supporting russia. but that's not what south africa found . south africa has been there. it was dated support for this and thing that they believe that they should be peace with in ukraine, but that the current fight that is being forward to is really a proxy. busy war against russia and is being leveled against russia by the g 7 and
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by nato. and that is not a position that they will take in terms of abandoning the friend they have consistently said that russia has supported the african national congress, which is the ruling party year in south africa. and that decision by throw them apart was indeed taken by the national executive of the african national congress. and we expected this time, unlike before that this time there is a chance that this decision to leave i c. c will most likely hold an associate professor at the university of south africa stays the i. c. c is only focused on prosecuting countries of the west seas as enemies. again, counties in jenna, have it is if you got the i c, c was created or it was kind of you to san raphael. i'm doing. i can get this bins on bio mass. it hasn't been promoting as selective justice. if, why were you going to be cases all came in and there was
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a rock, there was a colonization of palestine. if you to look into there was not talk is the b, y head and the kinds of war i was talking to people who did, they were never prosecuted. but you got the cases so far as the case, or was it use in that very big number. and now we see that live in now in the product countries where the united states and you got in coming spokesperson dmitri pasco, say, the only a 120 companies out of more than 1400 have complete the less the russian market with some funds already negotiating that possible return. short notice there were about a $1444.00 companies in russia, special known every operation. these companies had 2405 subsidiaries. as of today,
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120 companies have left 120 companies that have sold at least one subsidiary in all the time and left the market well, one way or another. the rest are still somewhere around here, which they don't want to leave. and even those who do leave still quietly there under the carpet, they talk about the possible conditions for their return, and they don't burn and the bridges before flora retail. brown's experience, the greatest losses, swedish h, and the group ikea spanish in the tracks which holds our bush and other bronze alongside with french sporting goods retail. it accounts long to get the last over $1000000000.00 due to that withdrawal from russia. luxury retailers also took significant hits with companies such as a mess and montclair with combined losses passing $200000000.00. earlier we discussed the topic with german council for constitution on sovereignty. chairman ralph t name, he says such actions, europeans, instead of the russian economy,
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is absolutely clear that also best and companies fear that the sanctions that intended to be imposed over post against russia. i'm not that much damaging the russian economy, but for most best and european economies also not the american truth is that of course, businesses find other ways. and those companies who have left have found other ways to deal with the problem. and of course, still do business with russia, the economy and the rest is suffering more from sanctions. but also on the other hand, you see this open you up at unity. so i think they will find the tarts. when they come back, they will see someone else took their place and maybe at a different price, even so i think it won't be easy for those who want to come back because a lot of very creative solutions have been found in the meantime. for us europeans and span dramas, it has hit the economy severely and we are against any further sanctions. and we
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want to have to sanction lifted are always free. it's right that the sanctions are only hitting the road people. now some disturbing developments in haiti where 13 people allegedly gang members have been beaten and burned to death. un secretary general, antonia gets harris edge international armed forces to help haitian police suppress, escalating gang violence, a warning you might find the following images upsetting according to local police. the killings had place off the victims trying to free some of their compatriots from custody. signal burn bodies will also found nearby in the city, but there is no information on who could have killed them. the number of criminal gangs has risen to some of the haitian presidents in 2021 with many parts of the city. becoming less back in july 2021 president jovan l. moines. was shorts 12 times inside his residence and thought on the spot with his wife was also wounded,
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but managed to survive the like us orthography of charged 11 people over the assassination, with one suspects, pleading guilty to providing material support and conspiring to kidnap and kill the haitian president, for those suspects are american citizens, according to the us justice departmental authority say that while the murder occurred in haiti, the plot itself was financed from florida nation. carried out important french, but as alleged in the complaint aspects of this deadly plot were advanced inside the united states by co conspirators, the facilitators located here. that includes the more individuals arrested earlier this morning. and in total per 11 defendants have now been charged and are in us. that's not cross to can a journalist and that they hate the liberty news out of that many thanks for joining us on. the program is good to see. and i would like to ask you, why would be us just this justice department is claiming the plot with advance from
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inside the country. what do you make of that? and what's your take on the, the possible know, tips for orchestrating such an assassination of the, the president from the us? well, there's been a lot of speculation that job no more. we've was beginning to make a political change of direction. he'd been very much doing washington bidding, particularly, and helping to head the campaign against venezuela and against president nicholas madura. but he was having 2nd thoughts and feeling that the state department was not giving him really the banking he needed. so according to some analysts, some people close to him in particular, one of them ologist who was a representative and the candidate for the last family party. he claimed that it was the u. s. secret services, meaning the c i a,
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which was behind the killing because louise was going to make a political change of direction. that's almost his direct quote there. so there's been a lot of speculation on this front, but right now we don't really know who were the intellectual authors, who are the real funders of this very large operation which had to cost millions of dollars. and the fact that the u. s. government is taking control of an investigation of a haitian president leads us to suspect that we could be looking at a situation very similar to the warren commission in the early 1960 s. when the us president john f kennedy was shot down by an assassin, which history has now more or less made it almost certain that it was the cia plot to take out. kennedy,
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and they held the award commission investigation of the matter and it was headed by the grand godfather allen dulles of the ca. so is that the same situation that the unraveling now with the prosecution of the killing of job? now more ways not happening in haiti happening instead in miami. we're waiting to see and we're following closely. and of course we don't know at this point, but it is interesting to note that in the case of one of the suspects, the u. s. justice department has asked the court in miami to impose special security measures to protect classified information from becoming public. so you would my all, you know, if they've got nothing to hide them, why take such precautions? well, it's exactly the case. that's the classified information per se. texan act sepa and the head of the d. e. a. the drug enforcement caribbean division. you're going
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to be compromised. how to hand in this assassination. he was speaking with the person who allegedly ordered the trigger, men, colombians to shoot jove now movies. so it's not to say that haiti would be smooth sailing. but on the other hand, as a matter of principle, it makes more sense that the haitian justice system try these criminals who are involved in this killing not be american. that's already well considering their all these allegations of the ca, involvement, do you really think we can expect an unbiased investigation from the us government and really get to the bottom of what happens? not really. i am very suspicious. seeing the us taking this in charge. i mean, job melma, we had become something of a liability for them in 2021. when he was killed on july 7th,
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he was beginning to be more of a liability than an asset. and i think they may have worked with the elements of the haitian, which was the who are at war with job now, who was trying to get them to support him financially because he was. ready on the ropes that they may have worked very closely with certain figures of the haitian bush was the to rub out joke now mom in front of the eyes of the world. thanks so much for speaking to us today. i really appreciate your time and your insight. thank you for speaking. they came eve, joining us and editor at the have the liberty news out that thank you. thank you. almost got it hosted the heads of the arabian theory and turkish military to discuss steps towards strengthening serious security and normalization of the
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country's relations. with tech you follow me to talk to the parties, reaffirm the desire to preserve the territorial integrity of syria, as well as the need to intensify efforts for the speedy return of syrian refugees to their homeland bosses attempts to trying to sort out the longstanding enmity between now turkey and syria, a starting to pay off, we'll see that officials from other 2 countries are ex, exposing willingness to sit and talk and negotiate. and they have abandoned their hawkish behavior towards each other. we see that in the past, i'll the turkish president and they have early gone called the syrian president bashar last that a terrorist and bas sharla sat called early dawn and occupier. but now they have abandoned this aggressive and hawkish stance towards each other, and are starting to open off to each other and preferring to sit and talk, instead of being hawkish and aggressive towards each other. we see that out of the,
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the, the turkish foreign minister. our method chavez shall loo, like said that he is wind to half talks with his syrian counterpart face on the dog. there's no exact date for now, but that was the comment made by the turkish foreign minister. so we see that our rushes are that the russian broker p songs are starting to pay off. are russians already hosted, or the deputy foreign ministers from iran are rashad, turkey and syria. to sit and talk and chart to discuss ways to end the decade long crisis between syria and turkey. and now it is hosting the defense ministers of the 4 countries in moscow to find ways to end the crisis. and let's not forget the role played by iran in this regard. well, we see that these republicans as time and again called for a political solution to the issue. iran says it understands turkeys,
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concerns with regards to the activities of y, p g terrorists in northern syria. i bought at the same time at the same time you on says that it is opposed to any move that undermines the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of syria. one was among the countries that 1st launched the austin of these dogs. maggie 2017. along with russia and turkey, and now it is actively participating in the moscow brokers quadrant natural. he stops it earlier, sent his deputy foreign, this minister, and now it has sentence and dispatched its defense minister brigadier general aust, jani to the p stocks in moscow. i well, like around 5 years ago, no one would ever think about a such negotiations to even take place. and now thanks dear rush, i will see that the social negotiations and reconciliation process is underway. and hopefully, those continental talks will host the foreign ministers of the 2 countries added to
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neighbors. and ultimately the presidents of the 2 neighboring countries to, to, to, to paint the way for an ultimate solution, an end to the negative on crisis. according to take his political scientists, dennis and uncles hang russia is trying to bring an end to the conflict which was orchestrated by us foreign policy. hawks, united states creates this problem in syria and they had 3 main goal to create this problem. the 1st 2 are block, the russian one bed one project. the 2nd was the containment of russia and the church to create a kurdish state, like kind of a 2nd israel to this that relies permanently turkey, syria, iran and iraq, russia. i think that the russians government, they understood this project and so they really are a u. s. u. s. interference in syria. and today this initiative,
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the offer of moscow that they are trying to normalize the relation between churchy, syria is really important. and i think this also asked her to you, us are continue strategy because it's not just no grain you was trying to contain are russia middle east also is part of the strategy. and turkish serial normalization will. it will make difficult for united states to interfere our region and also to continue russia from me to this new as president joe biden has officially announced his 2024 re election bid at 80. by them is the oldest american candidate to speak. a 2nd turn. if he wins in 2024, he would be sworn in for a 2nd time at the age of $82.00. the thing is a record of being the oldest president. terminal harris will once again be his
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running mate and rival donald trump is seeking to return to the white house. the election will take place in november next year. my colleague peter scott discussed the race on biden's bid with political analyst and all that they ask about we never know things on purpose accidentally because he cannot find his way to the next room . so we're going to have a scenario president, which is not there is no by then there is a by then convo behind that these are the got his handlers. they include, of course, sullivan, blinking, and newland the toxic 3 you identified by seymour hearse as the conceptualize, as of the bombing over the nor strips. so we have potentially the head of a crime family. senile, supported by straw sim, neocon cycles behind which according to the old school of foreign policy in washington, is damaging the west beyond belief. and of course, he's
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a war monger, as we all know on there. and this is very, very important because he was like to turn to pick, you know, carefully by the handlers to solve. and i'm not going to be very diplomatic. now, the slavic problem and the chinese problem. so this is the harsh way of putting in what we are living now. and his just name is sorry, a puppets. and of course, i mean, not give us puppet, because he's on tons of meds all the time. and i confirmed this with my sources in washed on all, this is the only way he can go for 1520 minutes without collapse. but you know, the one hand you are, you, have the democrats go into recent polls. most of you don't want him to run for a 2nd term. on the other hand, it's not really clear, least to me, he would run by the same polls just the, the biden would possibly be trump if he was to run a 2nd. time's quite a mess. we have his salute very well. that's an absolute mess. there is a very,
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very important new element. now they can do a tour of robert f. kennedy junior. don't forget that. i would say a few minutes after he declare his candidacy. he started to be absolutely smashed by american mainstream media, the already destroying him, even before his main speeches he made one. let's say one important speech so far at character assassination is the rule. she simply cannot win a primary inside the democratic party. don't say that the democrats don't have any alternative to buy them though, burning this nice elation. not that i can think of. wow, we can imagine that the, it's the same ticket that they presented before with camera harris, which i prefer not even to say what i really think about criminal harris at diplomatically, of course, and politically, butts biting as we all know it's,
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it doesn't exist. it's a construct and this i would say it in terms of a, a graphic image of the dissolution of the buyer from within. this is it, this is the ticket just shows the ticket to the global south specially you just show the tickets with the bricks. countries i said, this is, this is what awaits you. ah, in russia that year, a region one person has dined in a massive fire, which is ravaging several local villages. firefighters are at the scene, while people are being evacuated from affected areas by the authorities. this message from a local residence as the scale of the devastation in one of the villages, according to the russian emergencies, when history or much to 100 homes and buildings have already been destroyed, their cause of the fire is currently unknown, but it's rapid spread is attributed to strong winds on dry weather in the region.
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while all the latest updates on all of these toys are much more, you can check our website r t dot com. we'll be back with the latest in 30 minutes. ah . with february, the 1st 2000 or 3 at a un security council meeting u. s. secretary of state colin powell showed a vile, allegedly containing anthrax spores from iraq. it actually contained laundry detergent, march 20th, 2003. the u. s. army and its allies invaded iraq. april 9th,
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2003. the u. s. army and coalition forces entered baghdad and tore down the statue of saddam hussein in fear door square. lay the 1st 2003 u. s. president george bush declared victory in the iraq war, december, the 30th 2006. saddam hussein was executed december the 15th 2011. a ceremony was held in baghdad to mark the end of the u. s. military mission .
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