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tv   News  RT  April 25, 2023 6:00pm-6:29pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] ah, ah, read you, we see how the use militarized and at the record base, turn it into an aggressive structure. you would go through it, right. so i get a lot of calls out the way you think ukraine as a smokescreen, one from the problems. if the middle east globe in south south africa, goodbye equates the international criminal court. as, according to the country's president, to announce the move on the i. c. it should have a rest warrant with dozens of dead power, military sciences industry bank following reports of a 5th with the city. the army has binding from the country wages for 10 days.
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thousands of civilians and foreign nationals are still scrambling to lead with very welcome. this is on the international with the latest global news up that is great to have you with tensions in the middle east of spirals dramatically, according to russian foreign minister. i love ralph while convening the un security council. i think that the u. s. is using ukraine to divert attention from the region. and then you can see where it is. americans and europeans are using the ukraine topic to blackmail and threaten countries over to their side as jewish and destructive tasha from the middle east and regions of the global south of lay sage . we will defeat russia and then everything will resolve itself is good. they are obsessed with their selfish interest, you know, the, to dictate demands to help world des, regarding room to national law or, well, with russia as the president of the you and security council,
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the 15 member body that leads the un, we got to hear from russia's foreign minister, sergei laugh. rob. now he convened the meeting on the issue of the palestinian question and conflicts in the middle east. and during that meeting, we heard from various countries represented on the security council, as well as the ambassadors or representatives of preceding eye and representing israel and palestine. now that representative pal of palestine bemoaned the situation facing the palestinian people. we also heard words from the israeli representative as well. i, here are what we heard during the meeting. this is the most protracted refugee crises in the world. the most protracted denial of national collective and individual rights in the world. the most protracted protection crises in the world, the longest occupation of an entire territory in modern history. so the question
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big's itself, why is it still ongoing? is it because there is a lack of rules or lack of resolve? the only reason this conflict has not yet been resolved is because the palestinians refuse to accept the very existence of israel, the jewish state, the jewish state. they have proven this by rejecting every peace initiative and by inciting to terrorism, brainwashing their children to hate and murder jews. shame, shame, shame. now after speaking the israeli representative laughed the un security council chamber. now, later when russian foreign minister survey lab rob was speaking room, he clarified that he took issue with the way the israeli represent a press answering on a number of different topics that he touched on the black sea grain deal. i touched
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on us efforts to demonize russia and isolate rush on the global markets. he raised a particular concern about the european union and the direction that the e u. countries are moving in the gym. we see how the use military is in at a record face, turn it into an aggressive structure with a stated goal of contain in russia. now the ear is not much different from nato. there is no doubt about it. they even signed a declaration where they said at nato will ensure the security of the you and the youth. thank them. in return. in today's proceedings, the russian foreign minister emphasized what he's emphasized previously during this visit to the united nations, which is that russia seeks a world with international prosperity and development. and that the efforts by the united states corrupting the various international institutions to serve their own geopolitical goals are getting in the way of the overall goals and agenda of the
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international community for development and prosperity in the world on monday. so gayla rob also sat down for talks with you and chief antonia terrace. they moles over the black sea green initiative with love of stressing the need to implement all parts of the international deal to export grain from both russia and ukraine. to terrace handed laughter of a letter with his ideas on making the dear work. on tuesday, sir gala reiterated that is the wes, this hampering the grain deal to swing in sibley muscles. there are still problems remaining in order to ensure the deal. the go of these attempts is to retain control of everything happening. they aim to prevent russian grain and fertilizers from el rey mark as is a story. we see the secretary general and his colleagues working hard to resolve the issue, though without much progress. in the end, instead of implementing video, they expect us to beg, american and european force and banks to show their good we'll schools. meanwhile, rushes defense ministry has accused ukraine of using the black sea humanitarian
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corridor to carry out drones, strikes against its navy. moscow save the renewal of the grain initiative due next month is now in jeopardy due to the attacks which at branson attack. kiev hasn't commented on the claims. we spoke to a don lou. gov or the 2nd 2023 nigerian presidential aspirant, to say the west is benefiting from the great deal being stalled. when you have co, what lisa, the control panel was coming from russia. they're usually jabbar delmore. i can talk about climate conditions. you can see how they fit in dealing with africa and african very, really know on religion. so the more we, how would security do more, we are now less subservient unless attached to the western hegemony antennae distribution. where does he now, you know, if you go back to give to africa, especially toward the alienating, it used to be lead 9 to ninety's day, the program, but the waste iran in africa disposed retro adjustment program. this program is what he'll do,
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but we're not going to portray in africa and bring about high level security dot net to fair mean conflict on womb. not that we have a new router on the system, but a friend to give africa alternative approach to building is when i go to what's on potential. we have descent, western interest, what kinda chassis, so to africa. one do not live born with local hungry disease, a new company. that is, i think the benefit of one lead with getting on that is why we believe that deal. i don't want to point out a g. yeah. which on the new order, but different for sure. the global up here is actually the best in the will ever happen. if i'm able to africa, south africa has announced they will withdraw from the international criminal course that's according to the nation's president, is comes after the i, c. c, a. should an arrest warrant for russian president vladimir peyton, the south african leader has a case the hague of unfair treatment. the governing party,
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the african national congress as taken that position where it is prudent to perturb south africa should pull out of there. i she c lars to be course or the manner in which the i c. c has been seen to be dealing with her. are these types of problems? and our view is that we would like this matter of unfair treatment to be properly discussed. it's a bit of a dasia vol, because every time south africa, well, at least since 2018 that went out every day about to host the bricks. the id see really puts a pressure on the country to arrest one or another, sitting a president back in 20 in 2018 so that we go is expected to arrest the omar. i wish i was a former president of sudan, but of course the country could not do such
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a thing from all the, the arrangements that it had within the a u and as an invited, as an invitee rather of all mild washer. and this time, we found that the mood is pretty much the same. that replicates that, that we have found back then. the country was expected to arrest vladimir, put in the president of russia, following allegations that have been made by ukraine above the deportation of ukrainian children. and this is not necessarily seen in the vein of civil drama plaza. this is a scene in the vein of fan has been seen as the i c. c. putting fresh on select countries and trying to get them to enforce arrays that will really cause an international incident with regards to the big countries as you, as you would imagine, south africa and russia are briggs partners. they have been in partnership so 2011 formerly. and this is the relationship that south africa has been nature in particularly over the last 8 months. so,
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so it has taken south africa thinking vision that it remains a friend of russia despite the sanctions that have been issued against this by the some of the wording that we've had from within countries. and this, by the threats, economic consequences of supporting russia. but that's not what south africa found . south africa has been there. it frosted support for the same thing that they believe that they should be peace with in ukraine, but that the current fight that is being forward to is really a proxy war against russia and is being leveled against russia by the g 7 and by nato. and that is not a position that they will take in terms of abandoning their friends. they have consistently said that russia supported the african national congress, which is the ruling party here in south africa. and that decision by throw them apart was indeed taken by the national executive of the african national congress. and we expected this time, unlike before that this time there is a chance that this decision to leave i c. c,
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will most likely hold a high risk of bio hazard. that's how sedans, w h o spokesman has described the situation in the country as a laboratory, holding samples of polio, and other infectious diseases has reportedly been seized. if unknown at this point who has taken control over the central public laboratory without science, the egyptian foreign ministry has confirmed the killing of it's the envoy at the nation's embassy and carting local reporter abdulla hussein says more details. this is an army issued assessment, accusing a lot of support for a sense of killing a new gyptian diploma affiliated with a different empathy and hustle the status of the office of work for it's a start that if you've got on still on purpose, but the larger issue of cultural assessment quickly, the non research condition spy things or statement of the egyptian minister of foreign affairs, which do not use the best of their emphasis, embroidery, however, egyptian foreign ministry with johns and shows another statement,
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confirming the killing of mr. jackson. this is on his, on the apologize for what happened saying it was an unintended mistake. however, egyptian foreign affairs did not quite any finger or even mission, either side of the consulates. in our statement we, there, you will give me the asian, was this with an army under office for what? for a believe, a 72 hour each saw it agreed on the dish on the other one is all kind of you know by like this or one to 2 or 3 people who are there are an urgent need for this. lose the spot, the splashes form, resulting into more civilian casualties. r s f said they were subjected to strike while helping to evacuate french. there been a lot which endangered their lives. on the other side, this is an army, responded to this is that meant and described it as an incorrect unfolded formation . the ongoing evacuation missions of all these different amounts and empathy stuff . where is this concerns among the citizens of people are close to their own,
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get as a harping job of a 1st floor and believe that was not only last hope in salvation between the 2, a general living them to suffer on their own. inside the cabinets on, on the risk of the last i r t died hospital. the crisis in a sedan is now in the lessons day as the countries army and the power military rapid support forces could not agree on transitional governments and fossils full control over the nation. a warning for you, the following images may be to step in team, is video appears to show the bodies of virus and fighting. strew fight is strewn across the road. but being unable to independently verify the footage, the conflict has already came. the lives of more than 400 people with ever 4000 others wounded. as, according to the wells helpful can i, is asian. and this voted dozens of army vehicles can be seen leaving rapidly, se of the cancer. so, despite an announcer, 3 day sci fi, who f as secretary of state antony,
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blinking classes have not stopped well, grades will revisit it, stance on the territorial integrity of ukraine. according to the serbian foreign minister who slammed k as for not condemning the south the claims of public, of course, those bid to join the council of europe. ukraine has unpleasantly surprised us. this whole story regarding ukraine is based on the issue of its territorial integrity. do you know, with which efforts we vote for all resolutions condemning the violation of territorial integrity of ukraine around the world? and yet when it comes to territorial integrity of serbia, they are silent. the foreign policy is based on reciprocity. this will certainly affect our position regarding this matter in the future. serbian president alexander v chanted that k of silence regarding cost of those membership and the council of europe is equal to a recognition of the self proclaimed to
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a public. according to the church, this will effect spell grades both in the next session of the council of europe scheduled in may, where the ukraine conflict is expected to take center stage, but great has previously express full support for ukraine's while to preserve its pre war borders. this part, refusing to join the west and imposing sanctions on moscow, cosmo, which proclaimed independence from serbia in 2008, applied to join the council of europe after russia was expelled from the group in march last year. so be an independent journalist, do show provoke of edge save ukraine, silence on close to those base. can help set a dangerous precedent for all of europe. yes, it sounds like a very soon, it is not an option to follow united states everywhere in a situation. this is a dangerous precedent that will be used for i've used the coming years if the
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council of europe are steps also today why. 9 will did not accept the love you have tomorrow, or why would it not accept, not in cyprus tomorrow, who will for them to make the absolute absurdity even greater? the council of europe. they are currently preparing a document that talks about the territorial integrity of your grade. and more bar, and it is a hypocritical to talk about the integrity of the ukraine edmondo on the same day they, while they think that it audio integrity of serbia. ah, ukraine's government is preparing legislation to ban the traditional orthodox church in the country which care the cases of spreading pro russian propaganda. despite the ukrainian orthodox church severing his ties with the moscow patriarch after the start of last year's military conflict. however, t,
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as has been stepping up, it's cracked down on the church for months, a pressing is clergy and a victim them from religious sites. here the main monastery they perchance love for has been with this thing, the government pressure, leading to many ukrainian christians to come out and support the church. meanwhile, kiev is promoting his own break away organization called the orthodox church of ukraine. independent journalist jason, michael says there isn't much hope for freedom of religion in the country. i don't think it's possible to under estimate be the, the great risk that this pauses to genuine religious freedoms in saying that the, the threat of bonding for it's the largest church in the country. and you know, is there is actually a terrifying prospect seen through the lens of what we are seeing. and i will not have to describe western volume. this is
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a fundamental contradiction. what people and where the more and all world you know of any in any sense, it's partly what we have been unfolding month has been an acceleration of the key every regime, open pass, acute of the cleaning orthodox check without any serious criticism in the west or media or from west allied governments with an acceleration and aggressive approach to the so suddenly my opinion, it's easy to get to watch. and i don't think considering the parallels that the hardest in germany in the 1900 t, something creational. but like that, i don't think that the scribe, the tradition. i've, you know, pre genocidal. that would almost be my and i don't think the
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see he was the us president joe biden has officially announced is 2020 for re election bid at 18 by that is the oldest ever american candidate to speak a 2nd time if he wins in 2024, he would be sworn in for beating his own record of being the earlier my colleague peters called discuss, there is no by then there is a by then convo behind that these are the got his handlers. they include, of course, sullivan, blinking, and newland the toxic 3. you identify by seymour hearse as the conceptualizing of the bombing of the nor strips. so we have potentially the head of a crime family. senile, supported by stross, him neo con cycles behind which according to the old school of foreign policy in washington, is damaging the west beyond belief. and of course, he's a war monger, as we all know on there. and this is very,
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very important because he was like to turn to pick, you know, carefully by the handlers to solve. and i'm not going to be very diplomatic. now, the slavic problem and the chinese problem. so this is the harsh way of putting what we are leaving now. it's the same ticket that they presented before with camera harris, which i prefer not even to say what i really think about criminal harris diplomatically, of course, and politically. but why do, as we all know, it's, it doesn't exist, it's a construct. and this i would say in terms of a graphic image of the dissolution of the buyer from within. this is it, this is the ticket. there is a very, very important new element. now, they can do a tour of robert f. kennedy junior. don't forget that. i would say
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a few minutes after he'd declare his candidacy. he started to be absolutely smashed by american mainstream media. the already destroying him, even before his main speeches, he made one. let's say one important speech so far at character assassination is the rule. she simply cannot win a primary inside the democratic party. folks, cooperation has lost more than half a $1000000000.00 in value on the stock market off the folks news, unexpectedly sock the top rated host tucker colson. he was reportedly caught off guard by the announcements and wasn't even given a chance to say farewell to his viewers. on that since doing in fox news back in 2009 calls and has become a prominent critic of the democratic party and president biden, as well as the liberal agenda of the u. s. establishment and its support for ukraine is just a few highlights of his controversial career. if you look closely at the women we were celebrating, you may have noticed
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a lot of them weren't actually women. they were lumpy looking dudes and that was not accidental. in fact, it was a brilliant piece of sexual just to son sue could have written that strategy. this policy is called the great replacement, the replacement of legacy americans with more obedient people from far away countries. they brag about it all the time, but if you dare to say it's happening, people screaming with maxim hysteria, this may be a lot of things. this mobile we're living through, but it is definitely not about black lives. ukraine is not a democracy. ukraine is a corrupt one party state. ukraine has none of the freedoms that define democratic governance, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion. now the main thing to know about ukraine for our purposes, is that it's leaders once and millions of dollars to jo biden's family. not surprisingly, ukraine is now one of biden's favorite countries. tucker carlson was 5 just days off the folks news settled, a $787000000.00 defamation lawsuit with the many and systems of the claims of vote
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rigging that were ad on the channel off to the 2020 presidential election. this ought to abide and replace donald trump in the white house. thompson has been one of the most outspoken investigators all that vote. legal and media analysts line say folks is now trying to distance itself for me for my style host. right now they're making this out to be that it is be because of what tucker said, just bold an intrepid spirit taking on the establishment. oh, give me a break. knowing exactly what he was going to say. it was in prompter. they knew what he was going to say, what he was going to do. they have meetings and production meetings. this idea, this is like the an height of bush, a campaign work. people in the corporate areas were surprised. what did he say that nobody else? what did he say that was uniquely incorrect?
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what did tucker ever say that? what did he ever say that was so? so incredibly bold and dangerous and you're responsible? nothing. what he said was mile from you f. o is to trans gender, to border disputes. it doesn't matter. they looked at him because they have it in, they have been because of his success. they hated him because of the way he's got people getting a respect people. and i would venture to say, probably a lot of the people he worked with weren't too crazy about a meeting where he never said anything that was remotely off based. he actually question the 2020 election. you've got to be crazy. not to question it investigative magazine, immediate reports that to near nazi french mercenaries have been arrested carrying
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weapons were turning from the front lines of ukraine, but suspects they said to have ties to radical organizations. they contribute to rachel miles and brings in the south. so who are these guys exactly? well, french intelligence definitely knows who they are. they reportedly been tracking the do specifically for a while now in french authorities are still being really tight lipped about exactly who they are. what has been identified unofficially in french, mainstream media as alan v or v v being the 1st letter of the last name and was previously featured and report on neo nazis in the french army. he was in the alpine hunter division of the french military. so he's probably a great year, maybe he was just over there to do some skiing and ukraine with some ukranian snow, isis, neo, nazis trained and equipped by nato allies against russia in the run up to this whole conflict in ukraine as the western press. notably kitley detailed that particular candidate ottawa citizen,
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has in training by nato officials now pledged adolf hitler. and we really know very little about whose identity and various french sources have been unintentionally floated as you. and after riding back on the bus from louis both were promptly arrested for what being described as prior admission of guilt for transport and possession of weapons. some of which they also seem to have managed to get onto the bus by the way, having been lead magazines. so the big question to be caught out right with assault right. threat to europe, according to france, estimated 30 known charges. russian propaganda says this particular incident would, in any case, serve as at least a wakeup call. you can keep on top of all the latest news from across the globe by checking our website, r c dot com. as always, we appreciate your company. thank you for choosing the international,
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the the ah, with what truly motivates nato, is it strategic interests and geopolitical positioning? or is it ideology in a pathological hatred of russia?
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i will let the viewers decide, but one thing is certain, the alliance has put its very existence on the line. you can take that to the bank . ah with mm. welcome to worlds apart. in the here since the ukrainian conflict entered, that's kinetic stage international relations have changed more than in the decades prior to it. and the most surprising shifts occurred among countries is not directly involved in this war. in deciding what stands to take, they have to carefully wave that interest and resources against longer geopolitical
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and your economic trends. and almost all came up with that own version of neutrality in the trial into becoming a bi ward for sovereignty. well, to discuss it are now joined by pasco, latasha,


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