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tv   News  RT  April 26, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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he's a ah, in a dramatic escalation of the conflict in ukraine london sends depleted uranium rounds to cab. yeah, munition is infamous for its devastating effects on the civilian population. health for years to cobb, russia can be a un security council meeting to discuss tensions in the middle east. highlighting that as global attention shifts to other conflicts. longstanding this because the region remain far from being resolved the longest occupational funding, toyota, 33 and more good history. why is it still ongoing?
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palestinians refuse to accept the very existence of israel. shame, shame, shame. you pay censors information about the killers of pro somalia activists and the unrecognized state of so molly land leading to questions about the possible involvement of the police forces funded pesticides, which posed how threads are being used on farms, complying. major companies like nestle, despite being banned in the you. ah, are coming to you from moscow. this is our international with the latest world news updates. i'm here allies about. it's great to have you with us. the united kingdom has confirmed the sending of depleted uranium ammunition to ukraine, a substance known for being highly toxic to human beings. london has wave decide
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the control of the uranium you saying it now lies in the hands of kev or war correspondent mara gosti of brings details from the ground. now in its 60th week, the conflict in ukraine is largely confined to position of warfare. artillery remains the dominant form of combat. this is the relative calm before the storm. according to key of officials in their western sponsors, the ukrainian military is waiting for the soil to dry enough to launch its spring offensive. meanwhile, nate who supplied tanks make their way closer to the front lines. in one video film that an unknown location, a ukrainian tank crew member appears to throw a nazi salute while riding a top, a german leopard to tank. the dramatic escalation,
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britain has also sent controversial depleted uranium tank shells to ukraine. we have sand thousands of rounds of challenger to ammunition to ukraine include in depleted uranium armor pierce in rounds for operational security reasons. we will not comment on ukrainian user traits for the rounds, provided the pleated uranium rounds are believed to have led to soaring cancer rates, miscarriages, and infant deformities and places where they've been used. former yugoslavia and iraq, for example, the radioactive corps of these rounds excludes into tiny fragments and can measurably contaminate the environment for decades. written feels that this is not its problem. there is no obligation on the u. k. to help clear of depleted uranium rounds fired from challenger to tanks by the armed forces of ukraine, russian president vladimir putin had previously warned of consequences if britain
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supplies such shells. those warnings were ignored. but now russian forces have concentrated on locating and is showing western weapons supplied to ukraine. almost daily, new videos appear showing, and drew strikes against our tillery and vehicles supplied by nathan states. ah, on the diplomatic front, there appears to be new cause for optimism. speaking of the un, the russian foreign minister, sergey lover of highlighted what some believe to be an absurd situation. just bruce little submission. there is currently a ridiculous theory. let us the west. they care a few cranes successful counter offensive and then asked president lansky to start negotiations. but this is a kind of gets a frantic logic. we want no threats to our security to come from the territory of ukraine. and these threats have been accumulating there for many, many years,
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especially after the coo, in february 2014. as for the counter offensive, doubts are creeping in among western journalists and politicians. russia has 4 to 5 immensely, and amassed huge reserves. if you cranes counter offensive fails to achieve significant results, they say future western support may be in doubt or at gas v of r t from logan screeching. a recent report reveals morocco has been plundering phosphate widely used in fertilizer production from occupied western sahara for decades. the 9th annual report by the western sahara resource watch organization details global phosphate shipments mind by moroccan state own company among others. it also raises questions over morocco's right to mind in the region, stating the country's claim to western sahara has been rejected by the international
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court of justice. the report adds that according to you and legal council, mineral extraction from western sahara without local consent would violate international law. let's discuss this with any of the chair police aero front representative in norway and sweden. welcome. are you surprised by these reports and the revelations? i am absolutely not surprised because morocco's occupation of course, which is now nearing almost 50 years the decade, has decline for me and need a method of extracting and wondering and exploiting our natural resources. naturally morocco and the massive amounts of money to sustain this occupation, this illegal military occupation and continuing the by human rights of the house. this is in the occupied territories. and what is surprising to me is that companies
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international companies, especially u. s. companies and use their london in any stray and surprisingly, even mexico are engaged in the illegal activities and supports and morocco, in the blender of natural resources. and evidently again, international law against the like you stated, lex guess the illegal in the united nation. but also got the legal opinion of the african union and more recently. ready over the last several years, the 4th of justice has for, for, for the time that any activities evolving with these are, again, international law considering, or is distinct at separate territory from morocco and therefore, the territory, the under occupation considered a lot colonies, africa and the people of that surgery might, people should consent to any activities, any comic activities in our country. and those companies, i can assure you,
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we just representative of the people who have not consented or have not requested our consent and certainly will never consent to company prolonged the suffering of our people and the occupation of our country. well, you mentioned the violations according to international law, but what impact does phosphate extraction have on the region? well, lessons are one of the which is the region actually in many studies have shown that it's on one of the biggest reserves facing the world. and as you also mentioned in the record, the also indicates that and the type and the quality of that is available is quite special and considered to be one of the highest quality. and therefore it's right in the market is considerably higher than say the offer that come from from rocco
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itself. and so extract in this, well, it's very important mineral that we need for our food, like it's used for agriculture. so without safety, essentially we have food on the table and when the rising prices of food in the global markets are, what's the, the, the cobra, 1900 pandemic. and the current global challenges make this very precious mineral quite sought after. and so it's not surprising that roku would naturally treat exports from occupied lessons are over the next year because the demand will be very high. but also, and this is not there, right? this is our wish. so resource and we need to be able to come back to a country that has the resources that will supply our own needs when it's in dependence. and so in this very sustainable and frankly,
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against all moral and social, social, social, corporate responsibility is just prolonging and making the, the occupation go on for much and for unnecessary. you much longer. what do you expect the authorities in western is a hard to do to take action against the mining activity. so we have engaged and several action. many of the people society, organizations around the world are resource watch and many other insurance organizations have over the last 2 decades, being very active in putting pressure on companies. and you will be all going there for that. many of the biggest companies in the world, including a region company you had pulled up from our and many american companies have also sold out some what's trading up. and now even and balance, i mean,
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uterine is saying that it will reduce the activity. so the pressure and the political pressure, the demand, the pressure from the shareholders of those companies strike to hold them to accounts of their responsibility. a company that should not be engaged in activities that are get international law has been very active when also the, sorry, friends, which is the representative. the people who i had done, for instance, in the european union, to take your opinion to court. and we expect to continue with that approach. you take legal action and will continue to put pressure on companies to withdraw from our country. and to be honest with you or not, we are, we are open to these companies to consider investing and being acting in our country. what we're saying is you have to wait until the occupation ends until it's finalized. and then you can come and meet with the people who are and their
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governments and engage in a comment that are not in murky water as they're doing now in her being directly involved with the occupational roles. so any of a chair poly serial, front representative in norway and sweden. thank you very much. you ah, in the latest un security council meetings shared by the russian foreign minister, middle east conflict resolution, was on the agenda. but russia top diplomat pointed out the west attempts to divert attention away from the regions problems by using the ukranian conflicts. and that he couldn't see what i think the americans and europeans are using the ukraine topic to blackmail and threaten countries over to their site. and distract attention from the main, the list and regence of the global south. they say we will defeat russia and then everything will resolve itself. they are obsessed with their selfish interests in order to dictate demands to the whole world. disregarding international long well
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with russia as the president of the un security council, the 15 member body that leads the un, we got to hear from russia's foreign minister. sergei laugh. rob. now he convened the meeting on the issue of the palestinian question and conflicts in the middle east. and during that meeting we heard from various countries represented on the security council as well as the ambassadors or representatives of preceding eye and representing israel and palestine. now that representative pal of palestine bemoaned the situation facing the palestinian people. we also heard words from the israeli representative as well. here are what we heard during the meeting. this is the most protracted refugee crises in the world. the most protracted denial of national collective and individual rights in the world, the most protracted protection crises in the world,
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the longest occupation of an entire 33 in modern history. so the question big if so, why is it still ongoing? is it because there is a lack of rules or a lack of resolve? the only reason this conflict has not yet been resolved is because the palestinians refuse to accept the very existence of israel, the jewish state, the jewish state. they have proven this by rejecting every peace initiative and by inciting to terrorism, brainwashing their children to hate and murder jews. shame, shame, shame. now, after speaking, the israeli representative laughed the un security council chamber later when russian foreign minister sergei lab rob was speaking to the press. in the press briefing room, he clarified that he took issue with the way the israeli representative
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characterized today's proceedings as somehow being anti israeli. he app the size that the point is to make sure that the humanitarian situation is dealt with, then pay the pathway toward palestinian statehood. now, the russian foreign minister took questions from the press, answering on a number of different topics. i. he touched on the black sea grain deal. i touched on us efforts to demonize russia and isolate rush on the global markets. he raised a particular concern about the european union and the direction that the e u. countries are moving in we we see how the e. u is miller to rising at a record base, turning into an aggressive structure with the stated goal of containing russia. now the you is not much different from natal. there is no doubt about it. they even signed a declaration where they said that nato will ensure the security of the e u, and that the e u. thank them. in return. in today's proceedings, the russian foreign minister emphasized what he's emphasized previously during this
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visit to the united nation, which is that russia seeks a world with international prosperity and development. and that the efforts by the united states corrupting the various international institutions to serve their own geopolitical goals are getting in the way of the overall goals and agenda of the international community for development and prosperity in the world. o. d u n is concerned about the escalation of violence in sudan, which could spark a wider conflict in the region. the representative of the organization and sudan says there are no signs of a peaceful resolution. yet no equivalent sign. that either is ready to seriously negotiate, suggesting the thing and securing it returned to read over the other is supporting saddam has created a humanitarian catastrophe with civilians. bearing of the
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crisis of the sudan has rates for almost 2 weeks with the national army and the paramilitary rapids support forces or are as soft clashing over a transitional, government, and control over the military. on monday, the u. s. secretary of state lincoln announced a 3 day cease fire, but the u. s. representative in sudan admit that it was violated by both sides. the violence has already claimed lives of over 450 people with more than 4000 injured according to the world health organization. a less cross live to waffa bas, seem former assistant to the egyptian foreign minister and current member of the you and human rights committee. welcome. so that you and recognized as the cease fire is being violated by both sides and the number of victims is growing. how serious is the situation a no,
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but you will depend on the fact that it's extremely serious. ok, there is no kind of show 2123 or 2 or a column or solution in the near future. so that's one thing. on the other hand, both sides are still a new chile or she mean and naming each other and condemning each other for actions that we are not. that can not really be prove that each of them is for condemning the other for killing of civilians for preventing guy humanitarian aid for attacking the diplomatic
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missions. so the situation is extremely overlap. tie now, particularly in hard yesterday during the discussion that took place in the security council. we have heard were presented to you and who are speaking from today, saying that they are on the way off you we still, we all eat international on a civil servants who are on the grounds while saying that that does not need that we are going to die, but we will be more using the dual credit actors that are linked to the united nations and it specialize agencies a lot of problems as far as towards water and
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medication. a very high prices for the gallon. i think yesterday they were talking about $80.00 for gallon and, and then number of this place to person that is growing by the minute the present or so that was not on you to the neighboring countries, but even inside to done it. so the threats or the risk for more killings, more lashes, possibly divisions and disintegration of the country on there. there is a lot of fear of the clearing. it's not clear to done as
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a failing state. well, you mentioned the concerns on the ground, but the united states has been heavily involved in the events. is this going to require more involvement from other members of the international community? well this is not to be accepted and here we find that they're presented to don. yes . today in the security, cancer has sad to gather with our countries as well and among them and my own can cheat egypt and then on the lines, the dummy cur, organization. the out of me, i mean all of them have agreed that you african union, that this is an african issue, sudanese issue and has to be sold within the african let's say institutions and that the
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sudanese institutions have to be protected. and i don't think that there is a desire on the part of this. so than use the africans been on the line that too much international involvement in trying to solve the problems. is that a white and who is the issue of sudan has been already nationalized during the last couple of years to visit experts, reports and so on and so forth. but with this escalation and things that are, that things are becoming very sensitive. and i think this would then use within the african union to be given the chance to
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try to sit together on the negotiating table. it will be, i mean, for instance, we don't know how the united states am, is applying to injury here, whether for assistance. so for other purposes, for, for me that will lead to more aggravation of the situation. but just a day that we're going to present that this did not really dwell much on the details of the initiative that the u. s. saying that they are preparing for, i'm trying to find the solution for the situation in sudan. let's not forget that history has shown and that that's very needed is that the u. s. via western powers and others where very much in favor
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of splitting should done to should done and so should that. and today both countries, most states are suffering a lot of problems. a lot of each other divisions on both sides. so the example of the interference of western powers and all international was, is not encouraging us to accept or to repeat it. well, one other concern was on tuesday, the w h o was very concerned about the seizure of laboratory that contains infectious diseases and samples of those, as he says, are you worried about this latest development? well, i mean, this is an issue that has to be addressed with all sorts of
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recall sim. i mean we have to then he side whether this is really true or not. how a t is this a establishment or plant can land is a real good if anything, if there has been any liquid that could be dangerous to the life of the people before not and laura issued done, i think there is a need of more detail information but definitely is this bruce to be true. of course we are in a grade by lemme and see see really is of the use of what
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would be chemical weapons or chemical agents that would act like chemical warfare. watha, c member of the you and human rights committee. thank you very much for your time. in q the u. k. foreign office has refused to disclose vital information about who committed atrocities in somalia. at the end of december, over 20 pro somali activists were killed during protests in the city of loss or not . in the unrecognized state of somali lan, with an elite police team funded by the u. k. allegedly involved in the killings ortiz, africa corresponded. no. lou, you can get, brings us more details. the u. k is censoring vital information on who really shots protests as the somali land, the somalian break we region in clashes between pro somalia protesters and security forces. this comes after a year, long funding office security forces, known for numerous killings of civilians,
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but somehow decided to hold them for reasons the a not disclosing the disclosure of information. detailing our relationship with somali land could potentially damage the relationships between the u. k. and somali land, if the united kingdom does not maintain this trust and confidence, it's ability to protect and promote u. k. interested through international relations will be hampered, which will not be in the public interest. the censorship decision was made in response to a freedom information requested by declassified u. k. concerning a demonstration in the but to the contest, the city of last a not over the new get around 20 pro somalia activists were killed to dozens more were injured. and many people are currently asking, what is the u. k. government hiding at the moment? because the u. k. is decision to hold information about the violence against civilian protest as a so my lad, especially our national security grounds, is quite concerning and wearing the slack off transparency raises the suspicions
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about the you case involvement in the last, the not genocide. now this ridiculous response also highlights the a bankruptcy of the u. k. policy on some mighty. i think what's also worth noting is that the funding of training and equipment for somebody land from the u. k stopped in 2020, amnesty international said to more than 600 people have been injured in the recent fighting. and so my land security forces are currently to blame. somali land security forces indiscriminately shall the town damaging hospitals, schools and mosques killing and injuring civilians, and displacing tens of thousands of people among the civilians killed were women, children, older people with health conditions and health care workers. they were mostly killed during indiscriminate attacks involving rockets, mortars and other explosive weapons with wide area effects,
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which should never be used and populated areas. but apparently the u. k. government does a see any problem with this of the whole approach to the region, which is still the part off. somalia is quite controversial. and although landon doesn't recognize the independence of somali land, it treats the region as if it is a separate state rather than you can even visited. so my land in 2019 and it has reaffirmed the u. k. commitment to support a somali land secret to forces. now the democracy in there has also been praised by london and quite a bizarre statement. in so many respects, somali land, he's a beacon, it is a place where elections are held. people shake hands afterwards and do not contest them. i hope the u. k. will be able to increase its support for that region. well, any idea why the u. k. so interested in this break, we region. apparently it is because of the black gold british companies in our
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energy is extracting over 2000000000 a barrels of oil. they, while some mine is government in mogadishu, rejects gals claim to own oil rights as the minor land lenders seems to not care about it. that much, apparently the u. k puts its interest and greed very high than the lives of many civilians. pesticides ban in the e. u over their health risks are being used on farm supplying food giants, including nestle world wide. that's according to a recent reports. pesticides, bandanna, you and linked to potential human health risks continue to be produced and exported by european chemical companies. our investigation identified the brazilian farms using the pesticides and the international food and drink companies. they supply among them are multi nationals like nestle coca cola.


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