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tv   News  RT  April 27, 2023 1:00am-1:28am EDT

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the british empire never broke the free spirit of the indians, and there will resist a construction site of taking its 1st nuclear power plant per you and emissions. multi $1000000000.00 joint project that we have to write more today. 30 years 1st advert nuclear power plant will especially get nuclear status with the russian and turkish presidents expected to join the ceremony via video conference. with canyon authorities $59.00, the bodies of didn't say cult followers as a fact leader is suspected of an urgent them to start to track. our guest says it's nothing to do with real religion from time to time. you were high days, particular people or not to be preaching. good news of jesus christ, newcastle,
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they love that leads people who believe me, me, double religion is meant to leverage to get glide, should be aware a which i believe is what president russell wasn't allowed to do. outrageously racist indians to cry what they branded a racist part. tim, published by germany stairs the goal depicting india as an underdeveloped nation. despite its economic progress in your book portion of the list post as you propaganda against india because we are on the rise compared to them the way they want to show that the indian population is struggling. it's not true with good morning from us. so this is our international with the latest world news updates. i'm here i live about. it's great to have you with us today. church here will make its 1st step towards a nuclear future. the country's 1st ever nuclear power station up who you,
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you will officially get nuclear facility status with the 1st batch of atomic fuel set to be delivered to the plat. the a qu, you nuclear power plant, has 4 reactors, the 1st of which is set to be operational this year. the $20000000000.00 plan is a joint turkish russian project. and the leaders of both countries, russian president vladimir putin and turkish president ross sub air, go on, are expected to take part india, who you nuclear power plant, inauguration via video conference, or correspondent maria for notion on got an exclusive opportunity to visit the facility and sent us this report from the new atomic heart of tortilla. we are at the construction site of turkey, is 1st nuclear power plant act for you and emissions. multi $1000000000.00 joint contract between an to ride moscow. the biggest, the ever a, the 2 countries long history off cooperation
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a. there is also the largest new quick construction site in the world in terms of generating capacity and number of units been billed to small tennis claim. but also autumn state corporation generates about 20 percent of the total electricity produced in russia and currently has an immense portfolio of international orders. $34.00 nuclear power units in 11 countries are under construction. i. q. u is by far the biggest among them and truly unique when you're done this. but there are many unique things about this project was all them 3 of them. the 1st of all, this is the 1st bio project in the world. it is also turkey's 1st such project, and finally, an international team is working on it. the operational staff will include both turkish and russian specialist in london, safety's among the top priorities. as the deputy general director tells me, the project meets all more than so cold post fukushima requirements updated following the 2011 nuclear disaster in japan. how cool you is said to be resistant
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to earthquakes, tanami, and even a plane crash, as humanly through senior food for the earthquakes in turkey. i haven't changed our plans. we haven't considered earthquakes measuring 9 on the magnitude scale. never seen here before. we've taken a range of constructive decisions from and adopted our approach to equipment production. we considered shock waves. blain crushes, blasts, and natural disasters like to know armies in the equipment production. for example, the highest to non me wipe in the region was 7 meters are protective structure is designed for 12 meters. all the post fukushima tests will ensure the plants operational safety, safe and powerful. the station will cover up to 10 percent of took. he has electricity needs with green carbon free energy. a queen nuclear power plant will have foreign power units. you can see them from here. the 1st one almost ready. number $23.00, and the 4th is barely visible. now the words have started recently. russian
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generation 3 plus we ether is, will be used here with a capacity of 1200 megawatts age. when it comes a line, the power plant will be able to generate power enough to provide electricity to a city the size of a stumble. even before it could start, like not big cities, the project has already given life to new towns and made little villages around the side grow, providing jobs to around 30000 people in your apartment, buildings, education and medical facilities, transport and leisure infrastructure. the regions face has visibly changed with this economy boosted, but there is a much more to come. the local mayor believes that took here and russia's decades long, strong working relationship, tested by many turbulent times. he's key to success. to let him go whenever give up friends, half way to kill, loves russia. russia last took you. this project is one of the biggest turkeys working on incorporation with its allies. love about the plant has been built in
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the countries mercy province on the southern mediterranean coast line. traditionally, agricultural it's fruit and vegetable farms also expands to the regions grow in needs. market prices go up, making the business more profitable for local producers. people's fears that often surround nuclear projects around the world, a phenomenon known as radio phobia, seem to find little supporters here. yasandra eliano, the power plant is nearby, but we are now to freight wine because this area is not earthquake prone. so i don't think the nuclear power plant poses any threat to regions were chosen with the lowest risk of earthquakes, center, bridge and, and a q u. so the location for the power plant is safer. on thursday, the 1st batch of fresh atomic fuel will be delivered to the plant and grant in it an official nuclear status. the fuel was brought from russia with the exact logistics a classified state secret, but it is known that airplanes, boats,
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and trains were used. the 1st reactors launched is shaded for 2025, but both countries say chances are high that it might happen ahead of time. refill . chena r t from turkey in washington has been hit by another whistleblower who's accusing the us of being the middle man in a multi $1000000000.00 child trafficking industry with a bite in administration losing track of at least $85000.00 minors since they cross us borders. artes kill him up and brings us more details. looking for a baby sitter, well, don't hire the american government. the u. s. government office of refugee resettlement is currently in the middle of a big scandal. some new revelations show that 85000 people, most of them migrant children, are now unaccounted for. it's inadequate funding and lack of coordination that is being blamed for the reason at that we,
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at this point have tens of thousands of migrant children who fell through the cracks. and it turns out that many of them were sponsored to come to the united states by criminal organizations and traffickers to begin with, you said these kids are being recruited in their home country. what do you mean by that? they are being lord, here, facebook, cats, and other things. children are being lord here and then put to work here that department of homeland security has transnational criminal organizations. on the talk watch list, some of who got their fingerprints here in washington, dc and neighboring areas are sponsoring the children. it's indisputable. so the money goes to the trafficker who ultimately brings them here. the new york times actually showed, i think i handed dryer, did an amazing expos, a where she actually showed the debt page of the child, how much the child had to pay for food, how much the child had to pay for rent. really, we're engaged in creating slavery,
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slavery, we're trafficking slaves to this country. absolutely. the biden administration has handed these children over to individuals who have not really been vetted. many of them are people who illegally cross the border themselves and then the administration did no follow up to find out what happened to these children. after they were handed over to individuals who had been barely scrutinized, the vetting process is rigorous and is derived from a range of sources. including records obtained countries of origin through their u. s. conflicts and documentation provided for us based sponsors. there was no one with law enforcement experience over seen where children are going. it sounds like the u. s. government is running a human trafficking operation. we now have disturbing reports of children being kidnapped at the border and ending up in the sex trade all in
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a process that the u. s. government facilitated. this makes that kids in cages scandal with the trump administration. look like child's play. we have a situation where children are not crowded into facilities, they are handed over to criminals with all the time the u. s. congress has spent investigating january 6th. you would think that a case like this involving tens of thousands of children who have gone missing might generate a bigger outcry. let's see how much attention mainstream u. s. media gives to what should be considered to be a very serious scandal, especially for those who claim they are concerned about the lives of migrants and refugees. ala marvin r t new york, ah, the u. s. has promised to give south korea, i say if washington decides to use nuclear weapons on the korean peninsula, which sol considers entirely its own territory?
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that's according to american president joe biden, who's also said us nuclear submarines would be frequent, guessed at south korean ports. know what exact ration means is that we're going to make every, every saw or the allies when it's appropriate, if any action. so call for the bottom line here is there's even closer cooperation, closer consultation. and we're not going to be stationing nuclear weapons on the financial them, but we will have business to ports visits of new for some reason, things like that. we are now walking away from the south korean president and barked on, is us visit protesters gathered in front of the american embassy in sol. they demanded the de escalation of tensions on the korean peninsula, husing, the country's leadership of pandering to washington demand. some blockers also called for a halt and military cooperation with the u. s. and japan. we spoke to international
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action center, co director sarah flounders, who think south korea sovereignty is virtually non existent since it's the us who calls the shots. this is a lot of double talk or double speak. biden says he, us will not station nukes in the korean peninsula and an insane grass. he says they will, station us nuclear subs, and the nuclear subs will make port visits. what he's really doing is reminding south korea of a relationship that has existed since 1945 as the only country in the world where the american 4 star general heads vote the south korean us and us combined forces. they've renamed it various different ways, but really a u. s. general is in charge of the military in south korea. south korea is really an occupied country, occupied by the u. s. so pawn, it's
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a proxy. there's 15 u. s. military bases. there's the largest overseas u. s. military base in the world at camp humphrey. so really widen as reminding president yawn, who makes the decisions and how the decisions on nuclear weapons will happen. and it also means that the united states will continue to threaten the dpr k with nuclear weapons. germany's ger spiegel magazine isn't hot water over what's been branded a racist cartoon. the caricature depicts india overtaking china as the world's most populous nation, and has sparked outrage from officials and new delhi germany . this is outrageously racist. there speak a caricature in india in this manner has no resemblance to reality. the purpose is to show india down and suck up to china. this is as bad,
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if not worse than the races. cartoon in new york times will improve in india successful. my mission, d cartoonist, a dash beacon. notwithstanding your attempt at malcolm india. it's not smart to bet against indiana brown, that is in there under multi, in a few years in this economy will be bigger than germany's cartoon by german magazine. der spiegel is in bad taste. the western world prefers to depict in this poor and struggling they won't show india's abundant herat or upcoming bullet trains cannot wait for the next few years when india will overtake germany as the 4th big as judy p. the magazine deleted the post but did not comment on the reaction to the publication locals in new delhi told us that the german magazine is portraying india in the wrong way. dupel was duke are to them. the post i saw is far from reality and they used it just to gain popularity through a controversy. our economy is growing and will soon suppose germany,
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as our union minister has also noted. so this cotton has nothing to do with reality ma'am. and i go, in my opinion, what the german magazine has supposed that is a joke, the way europe in countries are going is ridiculous. their economies are struggling along with political instability. so the way they want to show that the indian population is struggling, it's not true. it's a ridiculous cartoon by the magazine. yeah, bella, buying my la you, my firstborn. is that the way this post is trying to portray india's international image is wrong, afterall we're growing as a nation, and these post has shown us far behind china, which is propaganda. secondly, soon we will surpass germany while europe is struggling with huge debts. thirdly, were slowly reducing our dependency on all those as the macon india policies unfolding and making us self dependent. yes, oh, does this post as he, you propaganda against india? because we are on the rise compared to them. they are targeting us on our rise in population, but we are also growing technology wise,
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and they are not showing the reality on the ground because they want to run their propaganda against us. we asked the former indian foreign affairs secretary, rajiv secret about the incident. he told us the scandal represents an archaic perception of the asian country by germans. i think it just shows that the germans are really ignorant. they live in their own world. india has changed as a few of the others who have commented on this have wanted out. we have flaw strange now. i don't think a germany is aware of the fantastic digital transformation that has taken place in india. we handle the cupboard vaccine program much better. so i think that if a country is humble, they should try and learn from other countries, instead of pretending that they know everything and they're on the top of the, of the heap. we have a case in india right now where the germans in the child protection services have
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kidnapped indian children. how would the germans like it if we were to make a derisive cartoons on stuff like that and put down the germans, is just in very bad taste. i don't thing an apology and so forth. it's a, it's, it's not the government is that it's their striegel and i think it just shows their own infringe tile thinking. it's a new colonial attitude which a lot of the western countries have. and that is con, stomach, ej. europeans have to start learning how to live with the new global sol to the new world, which is emerging. it's no longer europe centered work. and it's not that they can do all these things and get away with it. so i the only hurting themselves. the bodies of 90 people have been exempt in tenure as part of an investigation into a religious christian call that told his followers to starve themselves in order to meet jesus. that's according to local authorities. that countries president has
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called the movements leader a terrorist. people like mackenzie or other charities and criminals do not belong to any religion. they belong to jayce. and that is where they should be kept in authority, say members of the good news, international church and their children were encouraged not to eat or drink by their pastor paul mackenzie who was arrested earlier this month. dozens of the sex followers were found dead wrapped in cotton shrouds. another 34 people were rescued, but hundreds of the churches adherents are still missing and at risk of death, if not quickly found. earlier my colleague peter scott, put the issue up for discussion with a panel of yes, well this is not in the african phenomenon necessarily over the world. it's, it has been in europe in america all over the world. and so from time to time,
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you will find these particular people who carry themselves as ask us and to be good news of jesus christ, which is not news or jesus christ. because the news of jesus christ is by them sound good news of jesus christ and months it preaching late to sauce. and so this will come from time to time. and do we need to speak out on, on these things when we 1st see them? surely, it did not stop which people are going for before us. it started long ago. and dad, we live to one people, is false prophets and, and confront them to be false. what?
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well, just wanted to pick you up on this and put this question to your daughter jar to callo. now the, the president of kenya presidents william root. so he basically likened this, this ro pastor to a terrorist. would you agree with that statement? i would agree with that statement because my friend has been good news for their love that people are blaming the dumb region. is meant to live, but it not to dec lives and won't get it is a must be experience this in kenya, even in other parts of the, in other parts of a while is to describe people's liar. so for me, i didn't because this trend people's life is not now present route. so he did, he did well to crack down on. busy on acceptable as he to religious movements. do you think that's necessary and a follow up question that i put more widely to the panel. where do you draw the line between being able to freely practice
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a religion and government interference in that? but yeah, i'll start with chris, what? well, i would say there's no police that the government one to get involved into. because been i, i can remember that it has been some way enough where from president web to toby's, you just need as if they want to practice. dish should be able to get license and they should be able to have a body that should organize them. so if the ritual wants to take this step, i believe that this is a step he should to because this false prophets are what we call them, how picking up most of the most of the spaces. and that should be it where in bed, which i believe that is what president ritual would love to do. the international criminal courts activities are destructive and full of hypocrisy.
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that was the comment by the russian deputy foreign minister to r t at the meeting with his brace colleagues on the middle east and north africa in cape town. blending se plans have not changed. i think this matter will be discussed in the nearest future. a meeting of foreign ministers is bland and context on the highest level are taking place. we initially believed that icy c activities destructive and imbued with hypocrisy at some point, withdrew our signatures. of course, every one decides for themselves, but many especially african countries realize that there is a toll of brewed pressure and blackmail from the west and the u. s. the u. s. does not recognize dicey, but still drugs every one to the hague. this is completely unacceptable. i think many, our friends and partners in africa understand that south africa will. busy host, the brakes heads of state senate in august this year, and among the expected attendees will be one vladimir putin, the president of the russian federation. and the man with an international criminal
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court arrest the warrant on his hate. just of the president settled, i'm opposed. i made an announcement that the country will quit its international criminal court membership as well as if roman statues he spokesperson issued a statement reflecting that very same statement, leaving not only the country, but fellow briggs partners in disarray and clarity, has since become the order of the day this weekend to we are coming from the mission and executive committee of the amc. we had the executive committee sitting for 4 days. and in that meeting they've taken that decision. so the president has been communicate to that decision of the party. so it's not that to the president, is the chatting. anything because it still have to call to government and see to it . what is it that's supposed to happen? remember, it had paid. it happened in 2016 and our pipe in 2017 took our resolution and its
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humphreys, about that particular mission and thanking position is also the mandate of the brakes. a deputy foreign affairs ministers, and a special envoys into the middle east. the middle east esla decades been at the mercy and infest of western influence and beset by conflict that wasn't necessarily of its own making. but now these deputy foreign affairs minister into the regent. faith. this is why breaks is the vehicle to bring about peace and stability into the middle east. these matters through each of our countries and especially we together can do a lot to regulate conflicts and crisis situations in the middle east in northern africa. in particular, we emphasize the success of our chinese friends who have done a lot to bring saudi arabia and iran closer. this is a major breakthrough. also, our efforts were noted in regards to syrian turkey. and naturally we did our part
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to bring saudi arabia neuron closer. of course, we've done a lot to bring closer the positions of the parties of the syrian conflict as a part of the asked in the process to solve problems serious currently facing. regarding yemen, and we've also had a lot of meetings with various yamini powers, as well as with saudi representatives. but russia has a lot on its plate. not only does it have to contend with the might and force of the g 7 countries and nato in the conflict in ukraine. it is also being accused by western media of being a d, stabilizing influence in the conflict. and so debt broker for massage is the opposite. traditional we have had friendly relations with sudan and the sudanese people with various political powers of sudan and its military authorities. we've had militaristic, logical cooperation with the army and with the r s f. in january, our minister lovegrove visited heart to me and i got to assist him during that visit. we had very good contacts, meetings, and discussions with a foreign minister, as well as with military authorities,
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which always spoken in favor of the national consensus in corporation between various sued and his powers, military and civil once echoing the russian deputy foreign ministers remark on the i c, c, political analysts solution ny, do says many african countries feel that the i c, c has been failing to treat them equally. and maybe the contentious nature of the i city has always been an important point within the south african context. i mean, it doesn't just come now, it's been a big issue, i think not only posted africa, but what other countries in the continent as well, where they feel that there's a sense of a disproportionate nature of the i c. c. i think it's a more, more global debate about the institutional architecture of the i see the application of the agency and trying to find that equality within the i see when it comes to a global justice system. when it comes to these kinds of
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acts that need to be accounted for in the context of the mandate of the agency. and i think to a large extent, this is where it's not just about that africa. it's not just about what's going to happen at the brick summit. it's not just about the fact that there's been a, a miscommunication between the any see and a and the president in terms of the a and c meeting. i think it's a much bigger existential question. that needs to be raised in the context of reform and transformation of the global system and the institutional architecture. former chinese ambassador to russia leeway is set to become the head of a chinese delegation and key have tasked with helping to resolve the ukraine crisis . that comes as talks were held between president changing paying and bladder, mere zalinski for the 1st time since the conflict began. r t is more dusty of has the details. leak way has been appointed to have this delegation that will travel
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to key f and potentially try to work out how to push forward the chinese piece plan for the ukranian conflict. this is, this appointment was announced after a telephone conversation between like minutes lensky and the chinese lead the she, jim ping in which she, jim ping, said that the, you know, as a responsible, permanent member of the un security council. that is china's responsibility. not a watch this inferno.


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