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tv   The Cost of Everything  RT  April 27, 2023 2:30am-2:58am EDT

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brass, dumb media, right? the ones that say they know everything and they implicitly say you cannot disagree with otherwise, you know, they have this kind of sub list of lumina, like you're either with us or against us, message to it. and what really happened there that day is i was defending, you know, the constitution, i mean, come on. my problem is that they're not reporting at all. what's the mirage is. ready doing their burying the story. i mean, these are papers that once reported on the pentagon papers, right. the new i massacre watergate. right? these papers that have notoriously gone against the government when they needed to the mouth. and now what their lap dogs to that same tyrannical government, they are the tyrannical element of the government now. and that's my issue. as for the turmoil that's happening in the private yes. tucker carlson. you know, i'll be and he has his blogs and i have disagreements with him. he's the only one who brought on people like jimmy door. and aaron, my day to talk about ukraine and why that the sham and syria why that was
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a sham and russia a way that was a sham right. you don't see that anywhere else on prime time tv. but honestly, by centering him, they've only elevated his voice because wherever he goes after this, if he's only going to get bigger, that's her up on the hour. thanks for tuning in for breaking news and ups and be sure to follow us on all the news . ah, with
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ah, western countries like to say or like to believe that they are far more sophisticated in those countries that are still developing the west after all is supposed to be made up of countries that respect the rule of law. but we whistle blowers. no, that's just not true. you're just as likely to be harassed. surveilled, arrested and ruined financially and personally in the so called developed countries as you are in the developing ones. and in banking, switzerland is one of the worst. i'm john kerry. aku welcome to the whistleblowers .
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2 2 2 2 2 in a previous episode of the program, we told you about bradley burke and felt the courageous whistleblower who not only exposed financial wrong doing money laundering and income tax evasion at the banking giant u. b. s. but he brought down international money laundering and income tax evasion . period today we're going to tell you about another courageous whistleblower in banking, who has been harassed and molested by the swiss government and banking sector for more than a decade. trevor kitchen exposed a multi 1000000000 pounds sterling currency scandal. as result, his reputation was damaged and just 2 years ago, he was charged with defaming the swiss banking sector. facing several years in prison, he was saved only when the portuguese courts elected to not extradite him. trevor, welcome to the show. we're glad to have you. well, thanks for inviting me, john. it's a pleasure to meet you and be on your show. trevor, in a funny way,
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your story is the reverse of so many other whistleblowers. your whistle blowing was clear cut. you blew the whistle on what was really an international banking conspiracy to manipulate foreign currency exchange. i'm going to ask you about that in a moment. what makes your story so different? is your, your whistle blowing was obviously a public service and you were clearly reporting a crime. but your life went off the rails for more than a decade because of the very powerful government and organisations that went after you. let's begin with your actual whistle blowing. tell us what you saw when that was and how you reported it. okay, well, to give you a little bit of background 1st. i've been working as finance control for about 35 years. and i was quite familiar with multiple currencies work and in multiple currencies. at that, the companies that i worked out,
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we traded in in those. and when i retired, i decided i wanted to supplement my pension. so in february, 2008, something happened. i call my i a my attention. i noticed that for the 1st time in history the, the dollar that sang low para fi to this is frame. that was august, 2011. it hit rock bottom. the door at one spin were $2.00 to swiss francs 90. it now only bowl $0.72 and between 201-2011, the swiss franc and strengthened 60 percent against the dollar. so the swiss franc was just going up and up and up, and the dollar was being systematically destroyed in the process. sterling and we
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are, they were not doing too much better themselves. anyway, these monumental ships did not reflect actual economic forces of supply and demand, nor did they result in trade imbalances between the different countries, such as the pining country. you know it's got small exports compared to the usa. so using my financial background are my forensic skills. i started to assemble data. i charted market movements, calculated the amount of money that would be needed to achieve these colossal movements that were going on. i wasn't an inside banker, i want to make that perfectly clear for your readers. sorry for your. ready years but after extensive independent analysis, that was my own independent says that i am full. that was informed by decades of
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experience. i was able to detect after painstaking imbalances that they were able to get away with this such a long time. because it was difficult to determine what was really happening. so based on the expertise i had developed over these decades and training experience in training, i detected that these currency rates were being manipulated by major vines and traders. at the same time, swiss law firms were springing up everywhere in zurich. i noticed they straight away, they were called wealth managers. family, well, he's law firms enabled massive wealth transfer for high net were individual investors and anglican dollars. lawyers work with bank on how to do just investors include armors,
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can whole bank accounts anywhere in the world. we count individuals i've, i've, i travel a lot in my life and you just cannot open. bank accounts are usually nowadays, but can dollars and investors can, especially the elite investors. so my concern was that the, the valuation of the dollar would now start damaging the purchasing power of poor nations. you know, nations when we are economies. so these banks were, i came to the conclusion, these banks were massively short in the us dollars and sterling for that matter, for the benefit of their investors and compared to the rest of the world. this, this was a comment economy invest age remainder unscathed by the economic crisis. now, how i reported it, ah, i was living in
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a very secretive switching. and i knew i was put myself in my family a great risk. but after discovering warning signs of currency manipulation, in august 2011, i blew the whistle loudon tear to all the regulators in the usa, switzerland, and further afield and the u. k. i was all a passionate campaign to convince these regulators that they should investigate who was responsible for manipulating these currencies. there was clear manipulation. so i sent all of my findings and detailed assessment along with substantial correspondence to regulators at was that she s t c. the s c a in the u. k. now the c t c is the commodity futures trading in the u. s. i. and i think this was regulator, b u commission and some other government departments. now for 2 years. i reached
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out to these, including the i am asked the case treasury fraud offices at all, even m p 's. i included in my data explanations, evidence to support my assessment, the banks and traders when manipulating the currency markets. and i shared these communications with regulators. an important media overlaps even russian television, r t. bloomberg. the guardian and the international is miss times i described how bank seduce high leverage, high frequency algorithmic traded for the 1st time. nobody had heard of that word algorithmic train. anyway, where was i trading? i was trading at a small company in switzerland called a lambda if i can mention it here. and the, the owner of that company was
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a family member of the bank, julius there. and they worked with u. b. s. credits with j. p. morgan. i'm sure x angel bank. later i emailed the owner some data asking him why he's partner was the head of the say, now the interface racial futures authority in the usa. and he was on the head of their currency advisory committee. now the n f i n s k are empowered by the c s t c to monitor and report on currencies. the owner came straight back to me and accuse me of liable and threatened to take criminal action. it turned out that you are real enemies, those who wished you actual harm were in switzerland 2 years ago. at the age of 70,
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you were abruptly arrested in portugal, take into solitary confinement. in a maximum security prison denied your medication, given ill fitting and filthy clothes, and denied access to an attorney and an interpreter for a period. one, portuguese prison guard told you this treatment was not coming from them, but from the swiss government. what was that like? did you know what you'd be up against from this with? no, john, i had no idea. i was on. i retired on the gear island with my wife. it was cold and they took me to this, so it was dirty. it was cold and i had to sleep on a slab of concrete to, to manage. there was no heating, i was on the la bottled water. it was scary because, you know, in europe there's no a bad. they s corpus writes. they don't exist in switzerland, nor europe. and it seemed to me like the, the people on madeira of these judiciary place were looking at me as some sort of
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dangerous criminal. i wasn't even given miranda rights. there was no interpreter in the beginning. there was no attorney given to me and nothing. and the rest one was in portuguese. my wife wasn't even allowed to see me or bring the show more here. so after 48 hours unreleased in hank house given in ankles and the judge be deadly apologize. apologize to me, said the swiss $12.00 extra, only 2 switzerland to serve a 3 year prison sentence for committing crimes against personal, warmer and violations of privacy and secrecy. and put under arrest then of 5 months. house arrest. i have to stay on the island when put under house arrest. did i know that i was what i was up against the
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service? i'd rather say, did i know that swift prosecutors could be so indicative, brutal? you know, these prosecutors in some of these prosecutors are just rogues, i mean they're roaming around europe grabbing people for things like speech. i mean, this is incredible. so they, they switched, prosecutors wheeled and normal power and they, in switzerland, the prosecutor, jury, and judge and 95 percent of the cases, the criminal cases don't by prosecutors alone. there's no judge. so this pirate prosecutor that had already interrogated and search my ex wife's apartment insurance with no warrant. my ex wife in georgia has a pacemaker she 70 years of age. we've been divorced 35 years with prosecutor,
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her interrogated, trying to find out where i was. then she renews $40000.00 from my bank account, a start honda, me across europe. she instruct foreign judiciary police how they should treat me. on madeira i look i've, i've heard some horror stories about the prosecutors and he's using fanco logical torture on their captives. especially foreigners 90 percent of the criminals in switzerland for 90 percent. that's difficult for me to comprehend this type of the moral and national. i think it's insane. people who report corruption wrongdoing and not criminals. john, i'm not a criminal. a swish have weapon lives. the justice system, the young jurisdictions to get even whistleblowers who report corruption.
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we're speaking with international banking whistleblower, trevor kitchen. we have a lot more to ask him, especially about his work to remain out of the clutches of swiss authorities. so stay tuned. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 new hungary has been a member of the european union and nato since 1999 during the 1st post soviet wave of nato's eastwood expansion. numbers sailors, gazelle is thing way longer. thanks his dilemma for all 3 of us see. like by the crunch, it's e. so me to me, if so, would you progress for zayn bud? do my asked, what brochure? every mya still more gina beach ross who, what i see australia. bosh, roy. i'm
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a gucci, struggling in the early ninety's hungry was a country with the worst view of russia due to historical disagreements left over from the soviet union or younger in the z o 220 someone like yours. no, but i don't know what i see if you are simply in the gum handle political more than as what i see is great and i did it at the political those with welcome back to the whistle blowers i'm john curio were speaking with international banking whistleblower trevor kitchen. trevor, thanks for staying with us. you won your case in portugal before a panel of 3 judges, but the portuguese prosecutor appealed that. so it remained hanging over your head . you were warned that you would be charged in switzerland with defamation and with violating privacy and bank secrecy laws. and you were facing 3 years in prison. the
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truth is, the swiss were embarrassed and perhaps humiliated that you had called them out publicly. you would aired their dirty laundry. we know that this is a swiss tactic against financial whistleblowers, u. b. s. whistleblower, brad burke and fell had gone up against the same thing that you did. but you also won your appeal and you were permitted to leave portugal. what happened next? i had by now i had a u. k lawyer and he sent a complaint to the portuguese ministry of foreign affairs. and he followed up all night by sending 2 letters to the swiss general of germany describing switzerland behavior as inhumane and degrading. it was a breach of civil rights he wrote. and he said it's politically motivated because of my whistle blowing activities. he asked them to promptly withdraw their warrant and terminate all criminal proceedings against the swiss attorney general. she
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loved both of his letters. we've never got a reply. my portuguese lawyers in the courts already in the supreme court had characterized the swiss prosecutors. behavior had political oppression, or repression rather, and persecution. that is absolutely contrary to european law. it's an abusive power or personal re bunch. anyway, at that point, my wife and i still live here, i'm, we fell track and we, we didn't feel secure in europe. so my wife and i decided to leave europe and had back to south africa where i used to live and all my family and passed on in south africa. so i fell, i, you know, i wanted to go there and live my last few years there on 72 now homeless. anyway,
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my u. k. lawyer, to advise me to keep a copy of the supreme court decision just in case i stopped anywhere in europe. i did, and my wife for me a few times she said look, if we're going to fly down to south africa, we'd better go direct because you're not wanted in portugal anymore. we better not go anywhere near the year. so my lawyer said, take the supreme court decision i did up and i was in for the shock of my life because trans transit in schiphol airport. i'm instantly re arrested on the exact same swarm dot should ignore portugal for judge's decision. they confiscated my pulse for photographed fingerprinted me for a 2nd time, 16 months they stripped me. they put me in solitary confinement. i wasn't allowed any medic, my own medication was forbidden. i asked,
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why am i to live with my own medication? they said, well, you know, we have to worry about drugs. we've been able, could i at least get a book to read from my suitcase. no. in case you've got drugs on the pages. i thought what the heck is going on here anyway, that was something else. so i'm denied my medicine and i was therefore, in solitary confinement to 23 hours a day. in this dutch prison, there schiphol airport, near skippable airport. and i, i had a phone call in the room there and i was allowed to speak with my wife by phone, and she visited me twice, i think. anyway, it eventually she manage to find the 22 square meter hotel room. dutch let me out. after 14 days, the judges, they say they were shot, they were actually shocked to see me in front of them. so writing email complaints
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to, you know, alerting corruption. they couldn't believe it. so they said, well, the dutch prosecutor wants your passport. so i had to leave that with the dutch prosecutor, and i had to report to the police station once a week. and they gave me a dutch earlier. the dutch lawyer told me that the courts are so busy trying cases . the dutch lawyer sends me an email. what would you say to others in international banking, who are considering blowing the whistle on waste, fraud, abuse, or illegality? you know how high the price can be. what would you tell them? well, i would tell them to forget about trying to get exposure through the or, or to reveal any of this through the media because the media just don't help the mainstream media don't help people recruit days. and i would also warm that if they want to speak truth to power in switzerland or country that now seems to regard
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itself as master of the world. they need to remember that 6 layers and prosecutors are good at twisting truth. they are naturally, in my opinion, the naturally born liars because that's what they did. i'd ask people here, any whistleblower, go and read. john grisham books. don't trust any law enforces or the leaders who give these people privilege hours to attend public speech. i'd say they need to remember that there's no a bias corpus lights anywhere in europe, especially switzerland. and it seems to me that the european benchmark justice is now become double standards and hypocrisy. i tell people not wasting time blowing the whistle with incorrigible officials because nothing, nothing will ever change until these people who are running are laws and politics
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are replaced with honest leaders. they need to be where, when traveling in the shang, again to this is where i am now because a lot of people don't realize this. but in the usa and the u. k, you don't need an id to go traveling from state to state or going into hotels, but in europe, in the shouldn't get one or every policeman. and every hotel receptions is a border control and no one is safe from this use abusive wrestling. what's next for you? trevor? many whistleblowers speak, teach lecture and write about their experiences. many try to be something of a sent in all of the public trust. what have you been doing since leaving portugal? well, i've been read and listening to a lot of whistleblowers in switzerland. i've spoken to them. i've read their stories about corruption in the prosecution shield. this is an a bomb. the type of
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switch, brutality that goes on in the police force. there are many people there, they have the highest detention center, detentions of on, and they have to, sorry, overall, rephrase switzerland has the highest percentage in the world of detainees that have not been put on trial. there is no trouble. and so what i'd like to do for the future is i'd like to try to help those poor people in switzerland on other places that have no voice to reveal the truth about what really goes on in these. in some of these places like switzerland, especially, switzerland, was secrecy. and i'd like to finish by quoting or something from professor roger. scuse him. if i like he says
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the common law tells us that the ordinary person is in charge of the law. not the people who are there pretending to impose it on him or her. that's all the time we have for you today. i'd like to thank our guest, trevor kitchen, and i would like to thank our viewers for joining us. mahatma gandhi once said that truth never damages a cause. that is just, he was right. speaking the truth take strength and courage. it's not always easy to do. and sometimes we don't even understand where that strength comes from. but without whistleblowers, like trevor kitchen, the world would be a far different place. i'm john kerry, aka. when you've been watching the whistleblowers, we'll see you next time. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 lou
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ah, look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. the point obviously is to rate trust, rather than fear i would like to take on various china with artificial intelligence . real summoning with a robot must protect its own existence with a construction site.
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the key is for nuclear power plant, where you at a multi $1000000000.00 joint project between and for right today, your kids 1st ever nuclear power plant will officially get nuclear status with the russian and turkish prize that is expected to join the ceremony via video conference with canyon authorities by 9, the bodies of today called followers. as a sect leader is suspected of encouraging them to start with and washington is caught up in a child trafficking scandal. as a government with the blower calls for accountability for the $85000.00 migrant children.


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