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tv   News  RT  April 27, 2023 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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next year, i need a a construction site to figure 1st nuclear power plant u. n. n. a multi $1000000000.00 joint with nuclear power plant will officially get new plate that with the russian and turkish president. thanks to attend the ceremony via video link. the case top short of making a fruit both to the needs and refugees, arguing that they can't allow everyone in the country. the contrast to the country got to talk ukrainian refugees last yeah. i'm can you know, thought this, find the make it bodies the do with
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a co follow with leader allegedly encourage them to starve to death, to go to have and we discussed the problem all cold with a which i believe that with why people have been with thank you for joining us. thursday afternoon, my name is pete. this got to bring you all the latest news on off the, from my headquarters in moscow. that's the key. it's making, it's 1st step towards a nuclear future. the config 1st ever nuclear power station, a cou, you, where it's steve, it's the spots of atomic fuel on thursday. now it's up for the artists, the 1st of which will be launched this. yeah. now, the $20000000000.00 plan is
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a joint kayesha russian projects on the lead of both countries. russian president vladimir putin and 30 president rich urge one are expected to take part in the gratian by a video link of despite report to circulate thing in the media, the turkish, the serious health problems. that one's rolling part the dismiss. the announcements fake confirming the turkish liter continues to carry out his duties. or correspondence me if in austin, i got an exclusive opportunity to visit the facility. we are at the construction site of turkey is 1st nuclear power plant. aku you had in vicious multi $1000000000.00 joint pointer between an to ride moscow the biggest the ever a the 2 countries long history off cooperation news is also the largest new quick construction site in the world in terms of generating capacity. a number of units been built small tenea slam. but also autumn state corporation generates about 20 percent of the total electricity produced in russia and currently has an immense
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portfolio of international orders. $34.00 nuclear power units in 11 countries are under construction. i q. u is by far the biggest among them and truly unique when you goodness. but there are many unique things about this project was all them 3 of them. the 1st of all, this is the 1st bio project in the world. it is also turkey's 1st such project, and finally, an international team is working on it. the operational staff will include both turkish and russian specialists, london, safety's among the top priorities. as the deputy general director tells me, the project meets all more than so cold post fukushima requirements updated following the 2011 nuclear disaster in japan. how cool you is said to be resistance to earthquakes, tanami, and even a plane crash, as humanly through senior fluency. the earthquakes and turkey haven't changed our plans. we haven't considered earthquakes measuring 9 on the magnitude scale. never seen here before. we've taken
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a range of constructive decisions from and adopted our approach to equipment production. we considered shock waves. blain crushes, blasts, and natural disasters liked synonymous in the equipment production. for example, the highest to non me wipe in the region was 7 meters are protective structure is designed for 12 meters. all the post fukushima tests will ensure the plants operational safety, safe and powerful. the station will cover up to 10 percent of took. he has electricity needs with green carbon free energy. a queen nuclear power plant will have foreign power units. you can see them from here. the 1st one almost ready. number $23.00, and the 4th is barely visible. now the words have started recently. russian generation 3 plus we ether is, will be used here with a capacity of 1200 megawatts age. when it comes a line, the power plant will be able to generate power enough to provide electricity to a city the size of a stumble, even before it could start light. now big cities,
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the project has already given life to new towns and made little villages around the side grow, providing jobs to around 30000 people, new apartment, buildings, education and medical facilities, transport and leisure infrastructure. their regions face has visibly changed with this economy boosted, but there is much more to come. the local mayor believes that took here and russia's decades long, strong working relationship, tested by many turbulent times. he's key to success. to let him build whenever, give up friends, half way to kill loves russia, russia last year. this project is one of the biggest turkeys working on incorporation with its allies love above. the plant has been built in the countries mercy province on the southern mediterranean coastline. traditionally, agricultural it's fruit and vegetable farms also expand to the regions grow in needs. market prices go up, making the business more profitable for local producers. people's fears that often
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surround nuclear projects around the world, a phenomenon known as radio phobia, seem to find little supporters here. yasandra lee. ahem! all the power plant is nearby, but we are now to freight white because this area is not earthquake prone. so i don't think the nuclear power plant poses any, so the location for the power plant is safer. on thursday, the 1st batch of fresh atomic fuel will be delivered to the plant grant in it, an official nuclear status. the fuel was brought from russia with exact logistics, a classified state secret, but it is known that airplanes, boats, and trains were used. the 1st reactor is launched is scheduled for 2025, but both countries say chances are high that it might happen ahead of time refill chena r t from turkey in are moving on now phi thing has intensified in sedans, water province of da, for thus despite the u. s. broke has ceased. violet took effect on tuesday. video
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shots by a resident in the provinces. capital shows black smoke rising into the air on the sounds of heavy gun fire. witnesses told air p, that's warplanes have been patrolling. disguise over the capital. a soldiers exchange artillery under heavy machine gunfire or britain cannot accommodate everybody. thus the message from the u. k. government were responding to where the london funds to welcome sudanese refugees. while our safe and legal roots are some of the most generous anywhere we can not accommodate every one who wants to come to the u. k. and we are not able to open a bespoke route for every situation of them on this. i'm joined live in the studio by our seas, steve sweeney. steve, thanks so much for coming in. not that britain have a set of reason to help the people off student or yes, i mean all you really are given it, does her? saddam was a british colony until 1956. and of course, like many other countries, britain plugged into dan's natural resources,
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keeping the people there in poverty while propping up. and a number of dick tauriel dick tutorial regimes butter is the situation. the country there is, it is getting more and more desperate. now the, this war for control of saddam being waged between the leader of the rapid support forces hammer, t and the army chief, albert, and of course they were both to former allies. but britain appears to be turning his back on the people of sudan in their time of great his knee with immigration minister, robert general saying today, the sudanese people should seek asylum in the 1st safe country. while the prime minister richie soon act said in parliament today that his 1st priority was british diplomats and their families than the home secretary was also a quiz on the issue. here's what she said. coming up with safe route from ukraine, that ukrainian people could get to the u. k. we remember that the various programs that were announced at would it be sensible, fair to do the same kind of thing for people from see that?
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well, the situation is at a very different tier, ukraine, and so i wouldn't want to draw those comparisons. so it's a different state who is very one, very obvious difference that the people have ukraine are white europeans while the people from sedan are black. now of course, the plight of the cranium people has been used as part of a propaganda war, ready to soften up british public support for britain's intervention. then the continued arm sells to kevin. this is pat fired somewhat though brits were asked to take ukrainians into their homes when the military operations started. but months later, some problems have arisen many of the hosts. so now discovering that their guests or races, for example, that's one of the problems by now around half of the $200000.00 ukrainians, that were a housing who benefited from the homes for ukraine program are now struggling to find accommodation. they were initially housed under these 6 months contracts.
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local councils were given money to support that, but they are now appealing for war, saying that they run out of funds. but it isn't the 1st time that british immigration poly policies prevent controversial. is it? no, no, it isn't. of course the european union has apparently issued a warnings that advice the british government that their immigration policy is actually a breach of human rights legislation. now this is the policy very controversial and it's called the law of concern around asylum seekers who are making the way across mainly from france in small boats. and that they're now being sent to ra wanda for processing i. britain says this is because the country is overrun with immigrants, evidence would appear to suggest otherwise. now. so al abraham in the home secretary has been challenged for her use over language. some of said that it's akin to that used to doing the or the nazi era. nazi germany this, it included the people that fled the holocaust air. and perhaps most famously the
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a former england international footballer and now bbc pundit, gary lenika. and but this of inflammatory glass, which has created an atmosphere that has led to far right organizations, launching protests outside hotels, where many of these refugees are offered a temporary housing. but today's intervention we've seen from a number of the ministers on the prime minister really expose his britain for its double standards and opens it to accusations of hypocrisy. does to steve, thank you very much. well in other news, the bodies of 90 people have been zoomed in kenya as part of an investigation into a religious christine called the thought it follows to stop themselves in order to meet jesus. when that's according to local authorities. the confidence a has called the movement leader, a terrorist people like mackenzie and all other territories and criminals do not belong to any religion. they belong to james. and that is where they should
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be in authority to say members of the good news, international church and the children were encouraged not to eat or drink by their pastor, paul mackenzie, nathan gay. he was arrested early this month, dozens of the sex follow as though were found dead wrapped in cotton shrouds. now the 34 people were rescued, but hundreds are still missing and there are face that they could still die if not found quickly. earlier i put the issue of a discussion with our panel of guests. from time to time, you were find these particular people who must carry themselves as us and pet or to be good news of jesus christ wish is not good news or jesus christ. because the good news of jesus christ in by themselves. the good news are jesus christ and manson, creating a latent force. and they love that we do a lot of clinton,
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donald religion is meant to liberate, not to take a life or dinner, is a must done to me, is leaving the city. is this in game? yes. even another a while is to destroy people's life. if they want to practice that they should be able to get a license and they should be able to have a body that should organize them. so if i press their router was to take this, then i believe that this is this, that he should be able to know that the number of churches that i had a concrete, it got belief system. and that should be, it will depend on which i believe that is what president a router would love to do. one of the fundamental is, is that no way does this, couldn't just ask us to peel ourselves? no. where does this group just does not? and if any, christine lead that data, especially when you tell people to go in di wise,
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you have not died yourself and it lives this something they're not as bad to be amused. and so my call is for real christina, to lead us to spend our days in nigeria. we have what we call the christina association of nigeria. and the tentacles are going to install the package. now, because we're going to turn into the russian president vladimir putin who speaking on for the integration ceremony out sick, he is a 1st event nuclear power plants, the joint projects between the 2 countries. c 2 2 ah, ah, with
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it's appears we jumped the gun f as a slightly dabble shooting a bit later when the ceremony starts. we're going to continue with unused program. now the u. s. has been accused of being a middleman in a multi $1000000000.00 child trafficking industry by a whistleblower. amid the bided administration's losing track apparently of at least $85000.00 minus since they crossed us borders. aussies at kaleb open as well . looking for a baby sitter, well don't hire the american government. the u. s. government office of refugee resettlement is currently in the middle of a big scandal. some new revelations show that 85000 people, most of them migrant children, are now on, accounted for. it's inadequate funding and lack of coordination that is being blamed for the reason at that we, at this point have tens of thousands of migrant children who fell through the
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cracks. and it turns out that many of them were sponsored to come to the united states by criminal organizations and traffickers to begin with, you said these kids are being recruited in their own country. what do you mean by that? they are being lord here, facebook ads and other things children are being lord here and then put to work here that department of homeland security has transnational criminal organizations . on the top watch list, some of who got their fingerprints here in washington, dc in neighboring areas are sponsoring the children. it's indisputable. so the money goes to the trafficker who ultimately brings them here. the new york times actually showed, i think i handed dryer, did an amazing expos, a where she actually showed the debt page of the child, how much the child had to pay for food, how much the child had to pay for rent, really were engaged in creating slavery, slavery, we're trafficking slaves to this country. absolutely. they see us as the middle man,
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because we're paying the flight directly to the end user. the trafficker, the biden administration, has handed these children over to individuals who have not really been vetted. many of them are people who illegally cross the border themselves and then the administration did no follow up to find out what happened to these children after they were handed over to individuals who had been barely st. organized, visiting process is rigorous and is derived from a range of sources, including records obtained from the countries of origin through their u. s. consequence and documentation provided by us based sponsors. there was no one with law enforcement experience over seen where children are going. it sounds like the u. s. government is running a human trafficking operation. we now have disturbing reports of children being kidnapped at the border and ending up in the sex trade all in
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a process that the u. s. government facilitated. this makes that kids in cages scandal with the trump administration. look like child's play. we have a situation where children are not crowded into facilities. they are handed over to criminals with all the time. the u. s. congress has spent investigating january 6th . you would think that a case like this involving tens of thousands of children who have gone missing might generate a bigger outcry. let's see how much attention mainstream u. s. media gives to what should be considered to be a very serious scandal, especially for those who claim they are concerned about the lives of migrants and refugees. ableman r t new york. ah, a russian citizens life is at stake. well, that's the message from the countries ambassador to the us while making a request to american authorities to trust a roof, a national to a different jail. not thought the ambassador visited the new york detention
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facility. well, alex, a la could deem a founder of bills, also a crypt. so exchange was arrested in junior this year and accused of unlink more than $700000000.00 in elicit funds. there are some bits of fund is not a detention 30 awaiting sentence. he has been refused bail, and he supposedly facing 5 years in prison, but he does deny the charges of the spoke with the diplomats after his visit to that detention facility. and he told us more about the situation regarding russian inmates in the us. i would like to emphasize that conditions in which our can better it's on our i'm very difficult and some of them are scared that they could be even killed. and today, we received some requests to assist our
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compet compared threats to change one jail for another one. so i'm sure that i cannot say that all cases, but majority of cases are politically motivated and i hope not wants that if you are russian, it means that you should be sent to jail even for more along a pia, if you were, for example, italian french or yuki guide, and if we strongly condemn to united states for their policy of haunting russians the around the world. since 2008. we know we bought 59 cases when the russians war 1st detain, that arrested, and then were taken to united states. and now they are leaving and various
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jails wage im ah wait in some ah, proofs that they are not innocent that they are guilty and they have to be punished . and a very so many cases a when i such evidence of fake, you cannot imagine. and of course it's very difficult for our competitor. it's the leaf and there is a lot of ideas that they should agree on conditions of f, b i or other special services a to agree on some issues. and if they showed good behavior, they could be released or they could, they all may be on a pedia. oh, for a detention an arrest will be reduced.
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mustang in the u. s. the countries promised to give south korea great to say in discussions on a possible american nuclear response on the peninsula, that's according to the american president joe biden, who's also said that us nuclear subs will be frequent guests at south green ports. know what exact ration means that we're going to make every effort to console or the allies when it's appropriate, if any action. so call for the bottom line here is there's even closer cooperation, closer consultation. and we're not going to be stationed in nuclear weapons on the financial them, but we will have business to ports, visits of new for some reason, things like that. we are now walking away from the south, came presidents embodied on his us to visit protest. this gathered in front of the american embassy in soul. they demanded the de escalation of tensions on the korean peninsula, accusing the country the leadership of pondering to washington demands. the korean president fang karaoke with joe biden,
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singing traditional juno all the tricks in american june. and he was cheered on by the crowd. but we spoke to the international action center code our, the sarah flounder, is that south korea, the sovereignty is that the non existence since it's the u. s. who's really calling the shots? this is a lot of double talk or double speak. biden says he, us will not, station nukes in the korean peninsula. and then in same press, he says they will, station u. s. nuclear subs and the nuclear subs will make port visit true. what he's really doing is reminding south korea of a relationship that has existed since 1945 as the only country in the world where the american 4 star general heads vote the south korean u. s. and u. s. combined forces save renamed at various different ways, but really, a us general is in charge of the military in south korea. south korea is really
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an occupied country occupied by the us. so pawn, it's a proxy. there's 15 u. s. military bases. there's the largest overseas u. s. military base in the world at camp humphrey. so really biden is reminding president yawn, who makes the decisions and how the decisions on nuclear weapons will happen. and it also means that the united states will continue to threaten the dpr k with nuclear weapons. let's shoot it out to the russian president vladimir putin on circus president, richard erd. one who are taking part in a historic moment. and not the official grunting of nuclear. a 5th to key is 1st nuclear power plants in a joint project between the 2 countries. currently, the grosse is speaking and he is the head of the international atomic agency.
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what took his 1st of a nuclear power plants is about to receive its 1st bunch of atomic fuel, which is reportedly come from russia. and as i've just said, the united nations atomic agency chief is currently giving a speech that she mark the occasion. not harmful for the environment at a time of global war. me and climate change nuclear energy as a clean source of energy will. once the for formidable units that i have visited today will bring not no less than 10 percent of clean energy for the county. what are feet, what a feature for this country in such a short period of time. of course nuclear energy is a complex matter the brings a lot of good,
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but also responsibility. the seized white, the i. e, a, the international atomic energy agency has been associated with this project from the very beginning by providing technical assistance by helping to forge the turkish workforce. that alongside its russian partners is going to be manning this. a facility by making sure that the turkish independent regulator will have all the elements to apply the safety and the security standards that are required. ladies and gentlemen, nuclear must always be a force for good from nuclear power plants. only good things should come. and this is why, on this celebratory occasion,
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i must say that we need the international support. we need every body's support to make sure that no nuclear accident will emanate from the support of nuclear power plant. we need your support so that every time that we talk about nuclear energy, we will do it in the spirit. we are doing it today. here at i q, u, a speed of hope, a spirit of success. these republic is these here, celebrating 100 years. and in 100 years occur you will still be producing clean nuclear energy for the county. you can count on the i a every step of the way. thank you very much. we're thankful, mr. grosser for your to preach. so you garcia, is there,
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close followed asian tissue killer jewels. so you don't rush to us, so you will. so for the last one of their departure, gonna claim it on the funded us. we funded us. she me, it is smith, military, love it integer laws at all. i was gonna say on like say, the hutch hole. where to julian algebra on exactly her jaws, head of rushes, follow up, marcus, an atomic energy agency ross artem found the head of the nuclear energy agency of turkey glock or was i am we were you, were you rich? go back all what i see you. a gun. russian president vladimir putin esteemed ticket president a jeep at on scott to day mark selina clellan, mark j. yes. were yet of russian turkish corporation. buck will, stella,
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you're bringing fuel over to the nuclear power reactor in turkey. merely me, yes, now has a stages of a country with a peaceful gut of nuclear technology. and we've that we've been pushing forward to this day despite the challenge of sleep like humidity, punish saline. believe me, your success was not on mine by to confirm a cut or left local the what chip political pressure i just. and while not, which normally is linear or my that he said had to be probably achieved, threw up, got the last manual. watson interventions by our presidents was focused now very brief overview. the 1st term, what would you re answer on batteries are almost 100 percent ready? stanley city equipment sir, that is being assembled. montage was toys known as our 2nd reactor. you're the legal say it's adam, you're with her. everything is ready. then the 3rd one, right? and can it's almost ready will she will panel the 4th one,
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he answer reason we're having one, it will be the all the main work set rate is and we turbine is being installed. the construction of the 1st nuclear power plant has become a truly shown projects involving more than $400.00 turkish companies slowly. ultimately, we can say safely that sir turkey now has sir its own little nuclear power sector model. and we can then leave an alloy the capacity. that other words you are as video sites including, you know, in other countries, a yawn of that. we take an active partner in as the lives of the regions wally or operate a freight tay atom the work that up got we of building then up by yeah get.


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