tv News RT April 29, 2023 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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ah, a, this, our rush is, i'm pastor says polish authority to violate an international law by rating and then seeing a building that was being used as a school by the russian embassy are. these are legal actions. this is an invasion of the territory of a diplomatic facility dos. this is definitely a violation of the vienna convention on diplomatic relations. we will protest against this massive laser rocks as i'm home depot in crimea with local authorities thing. and so i could be the cause of the fire. north korea uses washington. i'm soul of the stabilize in the korean peninsula after the 2 allies. i'm the primary doctor, us nuclear submarine in south korea. and africa celebrates the
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30th anniversary of the blues proclamation, which demanded the west pay reparations with colonial history on the continent. a very welcome to you this saturday afternoon from the entire r t international news. say we're coming to life from moscow. let's take a look at the top stories. this are one that starts straight away with breaking news in poland. the country's authorities have announced that they are seizing a building that was being used as a school by the russian embassy in warsaw and including me now in the studio, is the cheese top correspondent, marina costs over right now, thanks for puppy and spawn short notice as well,
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so what do we know so far about this incident or this grade took place in the school? this is a school for the children of russian diplomats. and as we can see in the video footage, there's the 2 police city officials and the police are answering the premises really forcibly with a crowbar as we can see there. and also after they did that, they forced their way and they locked the gate just in case the diplomats were to remove any property apparently. so they're locked them out and they consider this as something that they've been doing for quite some time with the russian property . in particular, we'll get to that. and in the 2nd, of course, the russian and bachelor said that this move is completely illegal and unheard of. let's take a listen to some of his statements for 0 use. these are legal actions . this is an invasion of the territory of a diplomatic facility. this call of the embassies parts of all diplomatic mission. thus, this is definitely
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a violation of the vienna convention on diplomatic relations, but will protest against this school. this is not the 1st time we see poland breaking the vienna convention. and this building in particular is belongs to the war soul city hall. so i guess they assume that they can do whatever they want is their property. so they're going in with a crowbar. we don't understand the need for such violent measures and we're still waiting for a comment from polish authorities. but so far we've seen this raid on a saturday at the school was really interesting. i mean, especially on a saturday when, you know, they could just on this during business hours, there's going to be some history behind it. surely this is all, just, all of a sudden that's just break into a school. so dangerous, of course they, there, it's called this building. apparently the locals have been calling that a spine. this for a, for a very long time. the story actually goes all the way back and culminating this wednesday. and i will give you an update with what happened there before we saw
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this, right? so in february 2022, after the special operation began in ukraine, we saw poland to pull off the accounts of the russian embassy and the trade mission after that. so they froze, blocked the accounts in march 2022, poland. expelled the 45 russian diplomatic fast or to this wednesday when we are hearing statements that they seized money from those frozen accounts and transfer them to the prosecutor's office. very convenient for them. obviously this is something that russian diplomats, underwashed and bachelor they're saying is once again a violation of the vienna convention, but we're not seeing anything done about it. there have been no comments so far. but this is really surprising because we've seen napoleon has been one of the closest allies when it comes to ukraine, and it's gaining friends as well from this because it's been a long odds with the e. u. for example. poland has always been sort of like the poor relative of the
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european union. and this wherever sense is sort of really supporting the craving. we've seen the united states and the e u as well. thank them and being very grateful to them. and we've seen that poland, for example, has been helping out ukraine with a battle tanks now they've just said that they will help with war planes as well. and that perhaps this is as a background to more serious plans the poland has, which is to build the strongest army and the ease. so that's what they're, that's where they're building up to. and i guess any move that shows the west that they're against rush away, spell under the promises by freezing their account. and now by rating the school. this is all bill school. i mean, that's just big news all day long, isn't it? we'd love to see any retaliation, anything from russia? well, well, we'll see what will happen in terms of the diplomats here in russia. but right now we're waiting for more comments from the russian ambassador as well,
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and also from poland just to find out why there was a need for that. the already frozen the accounts of expelled so many diplomats. so what was the move here? where's the money? where is that the money go on? what are they going to do with this building? and i, what i mean building, i'm with the money that they see that i have to give the money back for. so i've been reading about reports about certain assets being frozen by the west, and they are going to give them back. but anyway, we'll do a story we'll oversee get to that marina, as always, good talking to you again soon. ah, ah, now to climate where a huge fire has erupted amid a reported drone attack of already say the blade occurred at an oil depot in the been says, largest city serviceable, on the black sea coast. now 55 has rushed to the scene. we got the details from a local reporter. so again, what's your foot in the early morning on saturday,
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about 5 am. an explosion occurred in one of the base of the city of sebastopol, where oil tanks and fuel depots are located. the official version is that it could be a drone, but this version is still being investigated. there is no exact confirmation on exactly what happened right now. no doubt the exposure was powerful, but of course a spark is enough to ignite any fuel. now there is a huge calm of smoke behind me in this smoke rises for kilometers. if you come closer, you can see this huge cloud in the sky, according to local authorities, and there were no casualties or damaged in the surrounding area. i went near the fuel depot and indeed the windows are intact. people are calmly walking and the streets are even being routinely cleaned. there is no panic in the city, and there are no cues at gas stations. have asked to poll lives in ordinary life. after that on bus, where rocket an auxilary strikes, why the ukraine army have killed tends dividends over the past 2 days, including a child also leaving 18 others wounded in the dice republic. that's according to
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local authorities who added that other severe areas in the local capital. the city of dun asked for shelves several times by cubes forces. now, several civilian buildings were heavily damaged to including a hospital and apartment. buildings, of course, were not roman cosser of reports from the area. ukrainian nationalist used multiple launch a rocket systems against civilian population in the city of until a more of car, not far away from the nest. as the result, one person was killed and 2 people were heavily wounded. doctors are now fighting for their lives in the hospital. oh girl, of course. yeah, an uber yell at a film before i was never afraid of any shelling. i didn't even understand what was going on. all of a sudden our apartment just filled with smoke. my husband immediately understood. we just heard a loud sound coming closer and closer, and then there was just
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a bang. the smoke was everywhere. all the glass from the windows in our balcony blue and it was a big shock with nissan. marcelo shufa nigga. luke who, i had rockets, fly, and not far away than just by the sullens. i understood they were getting closer. he could hear the crackle of rockets and then they were just too loud benz. i'm not sure, but i think they were too oh, cool. nieland's vigilance music even voided. so crane ukraine is fighting against civilians. that's all i can say. i never thought that this would happen here is just awful people at dying for nothing region trouble. if you look, you can see the rocket hit this building right here. it came right through the roof . lucky there were no casualties, but many other people have died already. i came here as a volunteer from i've been here for a month now. he can see and hear their rockets. sometimes they even use high mas rockets as well that they don't stop war. can i say, these are not people who are even worse than fascists? morningish without another day if they don't think versus people. so that's why the
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shoot us civilians. the also shoot at our buildings and services which are necessary for normal life. here. the shelter school, a young boy just 21 years old, was killed. he only just graduated and wanted to start his life. civilians are the ones being killed. here. apartment buildings were partially damaged and several private houses were completely destroyed by ukrainian artillery. shelling a woman was killed right here and another woman was severely wounded. she has now been treated at a hospital. ukrainian nationalists continue shooting indiscriminately against civilian population here in the next people's republic. yeah, now let's just say kayla i was sitting outside. then i came back to the house. my daughter in law was next to me, just as i said down, you can hear a bank at 1st, the sound seemed to be coming from far away,
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but then it was closer and closer. after that, it's just exploded. i thought it was nothing because you can hear explosions all the time. but then i looked at my daughter in law lying all body. her had seemed badly wounded. nothing good happens to us here. until a monica is just one of many villages here in the nest republic that comes under constant ukrainian artillery shelling civilians here are constantly suffering. as you can see, this house has been completely destroyed. the woman that i just spoke with cannot stop crying. she is 89 years old and and doesn't really understand what to do next. she's just one of many victims of ukrainian aggression here in the next republic from uncle serv, artie. ah, well, 3 has warned the u. s. and south korea against escalating nuclear tensions in the
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region and comes in response to the unveiling of the washington declaration, which lays out an agenda to determine young young, including a nearby visit of a nuclear arm submarine for the 1st time in more than 4 decades 1000000000 says a move has cemented it's resolved for a pair is own defenses. joe biden with excessive self confidence, showed irresponsible courage without any calculation. this incident, which reaffirmed the hostile nature of the rulers and bellicose maniacs of washington and sol towards our state, gave us a clear answer. what should we do in the future? what should we consistently prepare for? the more madly the enemies cling to nuclear military exercises and the transfer of nuclear strategic weapons to the korean peninsula. the more our will of our republics right to self defense increases. those laws came in response to the south
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korean prison 6th. they trip to the us, the 1st time in a dozen years, a leader from saw his visits in washington during his time there you'll so you'll address a joint session of congress and met with prison by him as well as the us secretary of defense on sees don't call those when looking into the, the thing the, this trip wants to move from it. let's make us nukes, look more threatening and bring over a nuclear submarine while you're at it. the united states will further enhance the regular visibility of strategic assets to the korean peninsula, as a real clear weapons for deterrence. and just for daring to assert itself as a sovereign nation, the dpr k earned its place in america's axis of evil. north korea is a regime arming with missiles and weapons of mass destruction. while starving as citizens states like these and their terrorist allies constitute an axis of
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evil. arming to threaten the peace of the world, it must have taken some serious mental gymnastics for the us to come up with this narrative about north korea. but it's not the 1st time america's actually accused others of doing exactly what washington's done to them. take russia, a country that the u. s. has accused of launching a full assault on media freedom. let's play the kremlin is engaged in a full assault on media, freedom, access information, and in truth, no mention of the west sweeping ban of r t and spoke. nick or the fate of wiki leaks whistleblower julian, hassan. mission conversations the high tech terrorist other say this is akin to the pentagon papers where you can, i would argue that is closer to me in the high tech terrorist. this guy's a traitor, a treasonous. and, and, and he is broken every law the united states, the guy ought to be. so i'm not for the death penalty. so if i'm not for the death fingleton, want to do it illegally shoot the son of a. after closing people's eyes and covering their ears, it's easy to sell the western media as the freest in the world threatening
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countries with nuclear weapons repressing journalists, you don't like. and all the while pointing the finger at every one else, political projection at its finest. and the same, the region meet, the more ty one brings other nations instance during its security. the less likely it will have a confrontation with time events. how former us national security was a. john bolton says the island toads. we can avoid conflicts with the mainland. the more taiwan is embedded with other countries in collective security, collective defense efforts. so lower the likelihood that china will take military action. and this should be a top priority. both in taipei and in washington with as many efforts as are now expanded on strengthening the partnership. we all need to do more. the best way to preserve peace is through strength. asia little
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risk alice ross feingold has china will continue to strengthen its military and does not renounce a potential use of force against taiwan. china continue to invest its military and its can continue to take steps to improve its military capability searches, periodic large scale exercises around taiwan. not just in the taiwan scrape, but going out further into the western pacific. we've seen examples of that in recent weeks use at different weapon systems. there was a recent example of a, of a drone that move around taiwan. a chinese military drug china is going to continue to do what he thinks is necessary, based on what china has said, which is they do not renounce the use of force against taiwan so that that's not a empty threat. it's a very serious threat. there been many, for example,
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members of parliament from your european countries visiting taiwan, nato military officers have visited taiwan. but i think the key challenge which may have been left a bit on a dressed in bolton's remarks is, what are those other countries willing to do? or taiwan so it doesn't really apply to one has made his 1st public appearance after falling ill in recent days, amid the run up next month election. he was telling was attending an aerospace technology exhibition and stumble. and he said next to the the, his cruise. i like as obey john. i think him said on counsel that multiple days of election campaign events also apparently becoming a televised event. 2 here in a video chat with his russian counterpart by the name puts in, the integration of a nuclear power plant policy constructed by the russian company,
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was thorough. as he said, this briefly suffered from a stomach illness. amid the stress of his busy re, election schedule spokesperson has said his normal health. 3 civilians were reportedly wounded. actually petrol station caught fire during suspected is really mis artifacts on siri, territory. hi, syria media said the strikes targeted parts of the southern province of homes near the border of lebanon. the syrian observatory for human rights, a u. k based monitoring organizations. it is really miss all destroyed. and i mean, is used by the lebanese mothers and his willa at 8 mostly airport in the countryside, of the homeless province observatory, said it was the 2nd time in
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a month is really israel targeted the area. there's no immediate response from israeli authorities about the issue for more on this that's go live to devolve schism speak to because we're asked, tell it abraham, thanks so much for joining us here at our t. now, according to report, several people been wounded or off, the israel struck, i'm arms or do we know anything more on this developing story? i don't think that the best narrative is always saw because there today, they could see it in the airport in the middle of sales to the i'm from time to time they are trying to undermine the syrian military infrastructure. and in many cases they are targeting civilians. and civilian sites, so i think that is what has happened to the is a continuation of that is right,
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a policy and thought of the things are valid parts in 5, syria reports, which are the most important part of the military and civilian infrastructure. and sometimes they are targeting air defense and some serious military sites. india, they are not protecting, below or iran. of course, there is a kind of presence for some members of the iranian site about dog. they are working legally as an advice to the city anatomy. so i think we must wait to, to, to know that real goal behind that which i feel does not related to attacking, has below re run. it is related to and the minute i mean early this year, suspension is really slice in serious, intensified but how does israel justify as cross border attacks?
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i think those tanks are coming from lea been on and i think that there's really airplanes out flying guys off the buttons which are very far from that range of fear in the air defense besides on the launching their sides and going back to and to inside is that i see the on the pensive into something, some of those misfires and in some cases they feel right. he mentioned that before that it was, is attacking or trying to attack with his beula. is that the main cause or iran around the box? is that the main reason i'm just trying to clarify that with you? is the voice is bored. have you asked me about that? go to a transfer class. boating weapons was no. wow. we could, we can talk about that. sure. let's talk about, let's talk about the transfer of munitions through this call. you know,
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then yes, no, this is not the store for has been indeed it says it says the location inside the suit on airport and i don't think that was below, wouldn't store or put the munition in an open area. and we tell is that is that is that we have put our munitions and our files here to i tech. i think this is only an excuse for israeli to attack the most important military sites inside syria. so if has one that will have any kind of amunition, he will not store it in 5 suit. enter is why to what has an addition inside syria and to be exposed to expose it to a private text. and he can put all, all of his munitions inside live and on, and when he needs, i think he can read very easily and the area was targeted. targeted. it is not
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very far from leave any water. so i don't think always, i fear that is that alien or it of is not to tell us before i let it go. i one last question, this will and is what i have for years. been at each other's throats for want of a better one. but have the ever been any negotiations between the 2 sides, and are they likely to get any i know of course is poor please with is there a pool as well? have in many conflict for a long time? no more than a decade. has there been any dialogue between either side? no, no, i don't think there is any kind of dialogue between has the land is an island. i think this is some possible to happen. i have heard of that there is kind of
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dialogue between has milan, some regional powers, which we're not open to before that reconciliation between iran and saudi arabia, but directly between israel and between us by law. i think it is impossible to begin any kind of invitation or dialogue when potent think is how to make peace in syria and how to make peace and live alone. and we must return to the peace process which was started in memory about 30 years ago. and i think is what i use must be more and more open for making peace here in syria. and in other words, we have a feeling that israel is not interested in making these. they are interested in securing their homeland by using more and more power. and they, they think that the problem is, which is what i come up and make a solution for a by using military power. they can find the solution for it by using more and more
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extensive military bar. and this is a part of the israeli military and political tone and is what i love to change its small, political and military. the doctor must be open to talk with all the parties in middle east that will into do it again. and again it says to pipeline. busy pipelines and going to be getting this by dance and philippines must have their own state. it is very except that i think that dialogue and even cooperation might be very much possibly otherwise i think is specially between my land is right. i understand there's a lot of kind of thank you so much for joining us today until now, rushes far massa said the efforts of western powers to make everyone live under their rules based order is not since eating as the move towards the balance. multi polar world is quote,
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irreversible. the stellar's physical and near to loose thought. it seems natural that the efforts of washington in its allies to turn back the course of history to force the international community to live according to the invented rules based order or failing the states of the world majority in which about 85 percent of the world's population lives do not want to pull chestnuts out of the fire for the former colonial powers. today everyone needs to recognize the reverse ability of the formation of a more just multi polar system of world order. it is in the common interest to make sure that the multi polar architecture is based, not on a balance of fear, but on a balance of interests on generally recognized norms of international law in, on a mutually respectful dialogue of various civilizations, religions and cultures. as sergey larva is the last respect, different cultures and civilizations of africa has been me marking the thought is that if i'm ever really a job proclamation,
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the declaration called upon and the international community of quote recognize that there is a unique and unprecedented moral debt. owed to the african people off the centuries of colonial exploitation. it served as a cornerstone for countries had come together and build a new future. i'll t africa, of course, will not cannibal that, that la quinta is more april 29th, 1993, a watershed moment for the african continent. it was at the abuser country that a call was 1st made for the proclamation of reparations for africa. following centuries of the slave trade and colonialism, this declaration not only made a case for their reparations to be page 2 africans fate. it was also a rallying coil for the continent as a whole,
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to work together. if we are going to rise as a continent and leap frog into the 4th industrial revolution powered by judea zation, then we must rise through technology. we must rush together and we must rice now, that a borgia proclamation. i use that during centuries of unprecedented crime. and in humanity of the slave trade, as well as the sanctuary of colonial exploitation, of african people and faith. the development gap between africa and the rest of the world grew wide. all the way, the pillaging and theft of minerals and jewels from african countries of faith went into overdrive. the result of all these de lease is that africa has been left behind. we have been left behind in agricultural production in standards of education, in tourism, in mining, in health insecurity in infrastructure development in trade,
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in many other sectors. w. a document took aim at western nations like france and belgium, beneficiaries of centuries of slave trade, labor as well as colonial exploitation and impunity by the west. they can keep what they have looted prior. leave us alone to lead to can shape our own destiny, can work with our friends. those are treated equally. those who treat us as human beings who stood by us during trying times when will fighting colonialism. those extended to helping end gave us that gave us referral to give us training cables should allow us to go on with our live in with whoever we choose to. i think that is the best thing this being around, get your permission. let's get apologies. that isn't that, i think for me the most bully and it's more sentimental than
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