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tv   Africa Now  RT  May 1, 2023 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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but as one generation hands over to another, so to do the memories and climb of the history, i was quite nice to be talking up what's in between to 15. you know, the very same people, this monkey the same system which we have in africa. we adel, i king's, we had our queens, we had our war system going on properly, some boys to the continuity of the more nike. because one, they believe that most of their funds and their resources are going into some of these activities or funding the lifestyle or the existence of this morning against those that strongly believe that the more nike should be abolished. no, zimbabwe should not celebrate the monarchy because the monarchy has not been good to him bubbly. the monarchy is the reason why we lost our independence and we were colonized. so for the countries that feel that spending money to attend the, the coordination of the king is a waste of taxpayers. money. you don't go,
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you send a nice card. yeah. hello and welcome to this week's african now. so coming to you ahead of the coronation of king charles the 3rd, as hundreds of millions of people around the globe watch the pageantry and celebrations here in africa tells us the sanction to the throne provides a moment of pause and reflection. we on south africa just outside a small town called the 2 lea, which is just one of $100.00 sites of british concentration camps that were stablished at the beginning of the 1900s. many people don't know that it was, in fact, the british who introduced the idea of concentration camps and who killed a quarter of the country's population in just 3 years. so please tell me a little bit about this camp. this camp was the last camp to establish of all
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concentration camps will watch the width 26 gap school whites in south africa and 60 poor for blacks. the camps would establish because the women and children supply the bushes with food and i shifts and i want to keep them from doing that. so i brings him to gaps. i grew up with my grandmother who was one of the king nighty and i sent out the door down of 60. but she had a sister who died and the name is here. it is now was some good. it is some kind on this. and she was be bleed and they were fought on the farm pruitt of work in smithfield. the strict sister was younger than she and she stopped. and she wrote in the twin father which was in prison in room for that and said puppy these come to the deacon and bring me something to eat the day before he came to the camp
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. as a teacher, she died at the think. oh the fire one night anthony was nobody tale and my great friend, mother godfrey, is extinguished the flames with her hands and her hand to a bird that she dived with this. i bowled tad's, and it was also told that people in the may must roved about that incident to see that english speaking blue with the poor saved language home that which was english because by grade current, father was english. that english speaking boy woman in bed was down truly for, for you. it's difficult because it's your personal history. it's not just a chapter in in his street. how do you feel about the british to day? i have no bad feelings about him. i never realised. see that she was bitter
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only thing that she said that we never must speak english. and i think she forget and forgive for treaty what can expense we where we are. this was c origin or all the 2nd to campsite after i move from there. in this hollow place, they lived here for 8 months. all the people, all 4880 opting live intensive in that tara price. the was no trees, like now it was only the hollows and we need snow. and we did. they it was right. all the things were flooded and everything in the bins were the weight. the english give them russians twice a week, 220. i tickled to under the city grams of meat, meat off, cattle and sheep reached already died because there was no grazing and
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a cup full of mace or sin and little bit coffee and soft. this place in the hollow. it was not supposed to be here. it was supposed to be there in the open next to the route, but the superintendent said he was afraid that the bush will find, outweigh, sir, can, but come and visit. so you put him in this hollow place, so as after bush can see them. can you belief site, do you think that the concentration camp system helped the british when the war? yes, definitely. because that was the one factor which killed the fall mess the fight us to see the suffering of the women and children. and i decided that instead of the more of them died, if over an treaty we didn't speak a lot of what you say sounds similar to the concentration camps at the nazis did in world war 2. do you think there's a connection? i have those on to vic evidence for that, but i day from kissing side min chromes,
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the british. what did they did after q people think the concentration camps or how to make them suspect. among the ranks of the boys? well, hundreds of russian fighters who volunteered to travel thousands of kilometers to an inhospitable region to defend the white for freedom. like the book they hated the british imperialist policies. many died for the cause i do. i do pretty peters is the grandson of one of the in turned in the can. why did russia in your opinion of the economy?
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i think that stems from the caribbean, warren, in 1850 the in the early 18 fifty's. after where they had to fight against the british and the british also at allies supporting them and the russians lost at least $500000.00. i think men nearing that the academy and war and generally in europe because of the expansion of the british empire. there was the feeling that this ex thing is going too far. so how did, how did people in russian know about the 2nd level war? how did they even have the idea to come to not most, mostly through through the newspapers. no boy. yeah. frame. yeah. i think was one of the news, russia newspapers,
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and where they volunteered what they request from the boys side for them to come, that they were volunteers and no military personnel in the hallway public were late. i soldiers like the british soldiers that literally joe were paid by a, by the british government altogether. they would have about 450000 troops up against about 60000 burse in the towns wall and the audience for the state and doing the figures from next 60000. how many would have been russian from the 60000? and it's, it's not possible for me to give exact figures, but a couple of 100 say for 500 russian volunteers actually came to south africa. but that were mostly people that had the means of traveling because they had to come on their own cost. they come in, came year,
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paying for their fears themselves. then they go to commando supporting themselves. you know, the government wasn't contributing it was, it was violent volunteers fighting on the side of the trans all republic. but what they did is they seen the good wishes they sent to famous gifts that they sent to the general grown year. he's known as the brought enough. it is still in the museum, could do that house museum in pretoria, and it contained the signature of 70000 russian people who supported the brewers and do send them well. good wishes. 70000 signatures was put into this, brought enough and sent to the town hall. republicans for the high important was the assistance that the russian fighters gave bought from being
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fight this to part in the anglo brewer war. they were also supporting the governments of the 3 state drones of all of the public's with with hospital with hospital services were red cross services. and they were actually a joint unit between the russians and the netherlands joint hospital unit that they seen to south africa. and up those men who came from russia, do we have any sense of how many died? how many went back to a number of, of them them died? i know about the, the officers officers that died during the angler border war. one of the very officers near interest in person natal on the 21st of december on christmas day 1900 and they were actually bet bitty day. and there is
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a monument in the draft and the memory of the russians who volunteered and fought in the 2nd anger wall. is that still remembered and significant from south africa today. it is really significant and it's, it's interesting for me to note that the latest one moment about the anglo border war is at the russian orthodox church in mid rent. and it was opened on the 6th of october 2013. that's very recently. and the russian embassy made a contribution. and every year on the 31st of may, we go there we, we do the research laying. it's also important for the congregation of the russian orthodox church, because let congregation was established on the 31st of may. 1968 during this book. so it's also a date that's important to the during the last decade,
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the soviet union was much closer to the liberation movement. so the soviet union form the relationship, for example, with the african national congress in south africa. that the off economy community, the book community see that as the trail or how is the feeling in the community? i think, you know, we were also port to say detroit for the red danger. and we fought in the angler and go to war. and of he calling us at, you know, specific feelings against the russians. and i forgot that did go to russia, realized that these actually a lot of good will among those people and we should have close the dice. but we, we, we don't know each other well enough we, we drifted apart and i think that is something that we have to greg going forward.
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it's over a 100 years and still the russian contribution is on it. and remember today, a far cry from the semester headstones of some of the british soldiers who took part in the anglo boy war as normal. we'll include a report from johannesburg when i'm coming to straight from, from frontier signature, talking to hannah 6 of africa. this is a place, a mini founding figures of sub africa lay to rest, including british canadian and chinese war fighters. a lot of the consequences of the global war led to this kind of situation. it does come across as a peaceful and while respected, but when you look around, it does not give in your fat. it is vandalize, it is not respected. and there is absolutely no way to call this a commonwealth of war. grapes, 77, world war 2 veterans, a commemorated sho, in addition to the war graves, more than 500 british casualties from the anglo for a walk. commemorated chat might seem like
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a peaceful and respected place from where i'm standing, but this place is abandoned not sought after and very much neglected. it's also one of those zemett fees that citizens feel should not exist. i'll next or he filters the great grandson of a boy who was one of 5 to escape british captivity and some to freedom courtesy of russia. mister saddler, thank you so much for your time. we understand many times that the anglo border was seems to be a very insatiable topic, wisest on is the case. the anglo boy war is, has become an insatiable topic and very much above the noise. currently because there are many people in south africa that were affected by the anglo boardwalk, when the british came to south africa, the whole mission was to annex the land of the boors. and so this topic as re
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emerged because it's us, it's a sensitive topic to our south africans, to your great grandfather, and you are a descendant of know, and george state law. if you can just tell us the story. the is the remarkable story behind those 10 names to tell us what it is a remarkable story, and very shortly. my great grandfather, lo state, lois, his christian names are lawrence jacobo state. and i carry his name, load and stapler, very proudly, were at gray college in blue valentine at school. there were in their final years, and the anglo boy war, or was official. soon after they left school, my great grandfather and his brother, george decided to join the bull commandos against the british tyranny. and they joined the commandos in bloemfontein, but unfortunately being inexperienced the soldiers. because remember south africa
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had no army. we were just farmers tending the land, looking off to each other, looking off to ourselves. and these 2 brothers, with many other youngsters, joined the commanders to fight inexperienced. and they were captured at to bon chu, just outside of devonshire, in the free state. and they were sent down to the concentration camp at green point, which is currently green point in cape down the concentration camp was known as sky view. they even named the concentration camps at the concentration camp, the masters of the concentration camp and the british empire decided there were too many people in that concentration camp. and they took $600.00 of these people and put them on a ship, the ss, catalonia, and sent them abroad to be incarcerated in another concentration camp in ceylon,
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which is today sri lanka. now, as they were sailing and my grandfather, my great grandfather's name was tell about the horrid conditions on the ship. they started to make plans to escape. when they arrived at colombo hava harbor, he noticed a steam ship on the outskirts and it was flying a russian flag. him and his brother george and 3 other guys earnest. how's no pit bull turned that he stain, made plans to escape that night. and this was about the 3rd night that the wind colombo harbor that he jumped overboard and swam in the sea 3 miles morales and the russian ship, which was anchored, they picked them up, the captain or the 1st officer was a captain vladimir kiss him off. and he immediately took them aboard and he gave
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them a hot boff. he gave them hot tea and he gave them new clothes and each one got a cabin to sleep in. and he then sent a message to russia saint petersburg. at that point was there capital? and he said, we've got these 5 bull people and we have hidden them on the ship. the british ditch searched the ship, but the captain had hidden them away. and his whole story beyond that, they then sailed with the ship through the black sea, all the way to odessa, where, after they stayed in the barracks at odessa, then they travelled with a train through to saint petersburg. and that took about 7 days when they got to st . petersburg, the russian people were waiting for them and they welcomed them as heroes and czar nicholas the 2nd declared them the royal guests of the czar house of
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russia. and honestly, hearing you say a lot of nice things and kind and things about russia makes me wonder what you think a fresh and syllabic as current researching relation is. i'd like to inform you that i am a signatory to the russell file movement. i am the 42nd signatory to the foundation of the rasa file movement, which is contrary to the raso phobia which is happening worldwide. there is a narrative that russian people and russia are bad. why? well, i can only think it's to serve someone else's purpose. i and my family have known the hearts of the russian people since the anglo bull war, because we have seen nothing other than that. good hearted human nature come to the fore and i've been to russia, and that's all i see there. now,
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a lot of people tend to speak a lot of things and voice, the opinions regarding the relationship between versions of africa. but maybe you can tell us what you think. and russia can are fast south africa besides that great and deep historical relations that have had, well, you've asked the question, i'm going to answer it. honestly, russia, in my opinion, is the last grace drait bastion on against. this woke a gender of negatively influencing natural and normal human existence. i hope russia plays that part. and i told them that and at the highest level in government, in my meetings in russia, i said the one thing that you need to do is stand firm against this ridiculous and natural wave of woke.
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and now many other words we could use the which do not make sense. we now travel to zimbabwe way, but in his 40 year effort to either influence or asked for miss and bobby and president robert mcgarvey, proved to be a monumental failure. it is the story that spanned 6 british prime ministers, nearly 1000000000, but his pounds and every conceivable strategy. there are several mixed feelings about the coronation of king charles, given the history of britain's influence over zimbabwe and its postcolonial history . zimbabwe is the country that has followed the effects and the burdens of sanctions imposed on it by britain. but with the president of zimbabwe attending the coronation. some people think that it's a great opportunity for zimbabwe to strengthen its ties with britain, whilst others believed that it's inappropriate for the u. k. to invite the
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president of zimbabwe to celebrate its monarchy, while zimbabwe is still under sanctions. what coronation at the taking up? what in the 25th century, you know, they are the very same people. this my keep the same system which we hate in africa . we had our kings with our queens, we adela, or system going on properly in b to say to t of the billing conference they decided to petition africa. they decided to bring democracy, which the u, as is there, is in to impose sanctions to t. they claim that the 8th is not the more cast in zimbabwe, yet the al, plenty of the coronation, not coronation. are they talking about why expecting them as the masters of democracy to be giving elections to choose law be the a king beamed lonetta king to no zimbabwe should not celebrate the monarchy because the monarchy has not been good to zimbabwe. the monarchy is the reason why am we lost our independence and we were colonized the most monarchies why we still have the body parts of our chiefs and kings still sitting in britain and they haven't
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repatriated them to heaven made an effort to repatriate and the monarchy has never reparations to this, and by when people for the oppression and destruction of our country that they undertook, may believe that they should pay reparations for colonialism. and they should pay reparations for the illegitimate entity. go sanctions that they imposed on some barbara for us taking back our left, given the current state of relations between zimbabwe and the united kingdom. some people feel that it's as a sign that relations were improving. however, others were more cynical filling that the invitation was more about politics than anything else cheat ruptures for our to use in our ari zimbabwe. we problem now said the north to zambia, which was one of the 1st countries to break free from the yoke of british imperialism. like elsewhere in africa, the reaction of the population to the combination is negative. the theme,
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both of the british a car on your ear, i still stanzas i'm get to date, like the high court you are seeing behind me, which was commissioned in 1957 by queen elizabeth. less than dan judicial assist him follows the british judicial system. and even the attire won by sam dan, the judges is the same as the crown court system. and now the zambian are going to celebrate the coronation of prince charles the 3rd with a mixed emotions. in my view, i think if any african countries looking to benefit out of the money which is going to be spent on the coronation of king charles, this country ought to go back and think again. there are no free lunches on this planet. the british government is spending money to honor the inauguration of the british king, and it ends there as a and african country or commonwealth member state. you have to ask yourself,
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is this coronation something that i want to participate in? if you can't afford to, don't go there, but don't expect the british of them to give you money, which their taxpayers are putting into the coordination of their king. and i think this is the disease that africa must move away from the holding the begging bowl. and expecting somebody out there to fill that ball for you, we have to take care of ourselves. so for the countries that feel that spending money to attend the a, the coordination of the king is a waste of taxpayers, money. you don't go, you send a nice card in, but in to the home of the crown, there is a sizable part of the population who are against the monarchy. analysts cross, bishop tells us more from what you're hearing and seeing. is there an anti coordination movement in england? well, i mean,
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the royce has been somewhere. i don't know whether it's any more good. i'm struggling get season. we understand that this plan protests am on the king's coronation. how's that coming along? well now, i mean, i think that there will be always, especially these days, i mean in this country, those protesters against oil as protesters for the environment protesters for, for the cost of living, there's a lot of projects, i'm sure that we people there. and we a world wide event trying to make that point in front of millions around the world . i'm sure i just think that's that's assigned to the time of reverence for a family that has been prevalent since today's agree victoria feel like it's slowly, slowly becoming a thing of the past. i don't think it's just in england. i think it's a world wide thing. the support to the monarchy is slipping away. is that according
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to your opinion? really the case? just give you an idea. i mean, when princess diana and the current king charles the 3rd, when they married in 1981, i remember vividly. i mean there was flags everywhere there was bunting on the street. that street part is the whole place shut down for the day. they were cricket matches that were celebrations and everywhere, and every much you on television, that was huge, you know? but this time, as i say, you wouldn't really know that the things are what that brings us to the end of this week. so under sachets, in africa, history hearing from african memorials like this one, dr. countryside. as a reminder of the dangers of colonialism, he and global war is sometimes referred to as well with us. next week we look at another wall. this time,
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the 2nd world war and the african contribution to the defeat of nazi germany, alongside the soviet army. join us then as we celebrate victory day from now though, from me and the team. good bye. ah ah, ah, ah .
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ah you k defense secretary ben wallace recently said i'm optimistic between this year and the next year. i think ukraine will continue to have the momentum with it and a position of strength. he also said, there is no magic one moment when russia collapses. in what universe is wallace reside? with yesterday's idea to work as a november 22nd 2022. mount raged on with adults.
12:00 am
christians confronted ukrainian security service officers, blocking entrances and exits the keys, oldest monastery.


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