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tv   News  RT  May 2, 2023 4:00am-4:27am EDT

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a ah, been memory of the dozens of people burned alive by ukrainian radical nationalists in odessa, 9 years ago this tuesday, people in amsterdam take to the streets to commemorate the ref, events, we speak to a man who witnessed the massacre with green is a terrorist state that has taken its entire population hostage. there is no hope for ukraine. that's for sure. 100 percent. so the only hope is if the russian military operations ends up as planned. with israel
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strike cfo, international report in syria, killing one soldier according to local media. the number of other civilian government troops are wounded and what's the 3rd attack on the hub? it also a hand on the program. i mean may 1st labor day celebrations around the globe descended to kale, found violence with police out in force against citizens protesting high inflation . and government policies in the palestinian islamic jihad has been born. israel will pay a fly softer, a palestinian man held behind is really prison bars for years. dies after 87 days with
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wherever you're catching the program from today across the globe. welcome to law school. on the news hour on this day in 201446 people were burned alive in a building in the city of odessa. among those for remembering the must occur by ukrainian radicals were people in amsterdam. they marched through the dutch capital, holding placards with the photos of the victims which said, we do not forget him. while dozens were killed. tragic day, the purpose traitors still remain at large and on punish. protesters also last night against western involvement in the conflict in ukraine. the massacre in odessa has been largely ignored in the west. the victims had been openly protesting against the government that rose to power after the us back. our teeth been looking at how the events unfolded and spoke to a witness who asked to remain anonymous out of fear for the safety of himself and his family. a warning, some of the images ahead are disturbing. 9 years ago,
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maybe 50 people were burned alive by fall might ukrainian forces in the desert trade union house, masika. ah ah, nobody has been held accountable as the survivors and the families of the victims fight for justice. despite being known from day one who was responsible, the resolution of this sunday when shutters at the memories of the terrible tragedy in odessa where peaceful protestors were brutally murdered, burned alive in the house of trade unions to criminals who committed that atrocity have never been punished. and no one is even looking for them, but we know their names and we will do everything to punish them, find them and bring them to justice. in fact, the only people that are being charged so far of those who are attacked,
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we used the jewel girder. the stare is video footage on the subject available to everyone. we know the names of those who shot at people jumping from the burning building. he quinn and authorities have opened a criminal case against those who were burned by the entire world community stats. we progressively minded following the u. s. lead has shown no interest in the situation at all. just months after us back might on qu, which our 50 ukranian present. hundreds were bussed into a desert the night before controversial protest rally with football support is roddy to join the provocative march. and you believe you said that her friendship, they in april and even earlier began to send their people to the recreation center . listen, i told him near odessa, there were a lot of them. there were a lot of them installed in odessa. they were there by the hundreds ins, atoka, there were about 300 people at one of the basis that they were already bring an
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operation to shut the mouth of people in odessa. it happened because this operation was planned by the as blue. they decide to teach a desk a lesson, to shut us up and make an example of odessa and to show ukraine who's the boss in the house. procure. 4th is set fire to tense as an encampment. driving pro russians into the desert trade union building, the police will not merely passive bystanders. they were film filing their guns into the trade union building. many were trapped inside, as crowns below chanted burn, colorado. burn a reference to the pro russian colors of the ribbons worn by some of the protesters . as the fire tore through the building, the ukrainian national anthem was sung by those gathered outside, taunting the trap people as they burned to death. the nazi era slogan, slobber you, craney, which is now used by care. western supporters was shouted as people were dying inside the building,
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which was dogged with swastikas blue. my point is that it wasn't just as fixation in the building. many people were killed with a head shot. this was not an investigation, but a travesty of an investigation. it was all about drawing this investigation in a bottle of lice and on tooth. they say they were looking for consensus. so were you looking for consensus or were you looking for the truth? they were saying that they had no data that there would deaths due to outside interference. no one has been held accountable for the atrocities. right sectors, david shaw euros, whose organization claim responsibility for coordinating the attack even became a candidate for the cranium presidency and later an m p. he was never investigated by ukrainian authorities and he was not alone. brother, desa, let these devils burn in hell. this demon down in history color in a stock biles eliminated. alexa gone to ranko,
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who took part in the odessa protests, was later elected to the counselor of yours parliamentary assembly. these of the so called democrats, backed by the west on today's anniversary commemoration events of him bond in odessa, once again as procure forces, seek to a raised event from memory and ukraine's western because of also thought to down play the role of fall, right? ukrainian force is of course they cannot draw attention to the masika ordinate who is responsible to do so would blow a major hold in the narrative that that, oh no, fascists or neo nazis in ukraine, which they had as a beacon of freedom and democracy. 9 years on from the attack, the victims have been lossy forgotten by the west sacrifice as pawns in its proxy war against russia and abandoned by those who claimed to stand in solidarity with the people of ukraine. lucy, boston journalist group, ukraine is it's her estate that has taken its entire population hostage. there is
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no hopefully crane that's for sure. 100 percent. i have talked to many from the o. s. c e. one person told me that there is little hope that any one will do anything. so the only hope is if the military operation ends up as plans or strikes of targeted aleppo international airport in syria killing one local media say the attack was carried out by israel bmw, as well as the soldier who was killed. 5 other troops and 2 civilians. were injured according to local median. the report has been a key channel for the flow of age into syria after february devastating earthquakes . israel previously targeted it on 2 occasions in march saying they had fired at arms demos there. in recent years, tel aviv has conducted hundreds of attacks on the middle eastern country. while the
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strike on the aleppo airport came just hours after our oblique nations on syria and officials met for the 1st time in over a decade to try and find a lasting solution to the nation's conflict. in a joint statement, they call for syria to be sovereign over all its territory. and for that to be supported. aetna come up with the ban island and we made clear that we want to reach a solution in a faced manner to address all consequences of this crisis, including the armed routes and millishape syria, so that the syrian governments can maintain its sovereignty across the country. we've lost a path, defined its agenda, and dealt with priority topics that will positively affect the brotherly syrian people. do all ultimate objective is to help meet the expectations of the surround people and restore serious security and stability. and this requires addressing all the consequences of the crisis you do, admitted that you had nail representatives of 5 are of nations also said quote,
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foreign interference in syrian domestic 1st and last holds worth mentioning as well . that among all the foreign states that have been military present in syria, only russia under run are thereby invitation under welcomed by this serene government. that's in contrast to us and tricky. a truce. political instability turned into violence in syria in 2011, following the so called arb spring, the situation worse and after civil war broke out leading to the expansion of regional terrorist groups, such as islamic state. russia under ron supported the syrian government with moscow, conducting direct strikes against the militants from 2050. 2 years after that, russian president vladimir declared idol in syria. defeated will by seem avo. abdulla ne geopolitical analysts from damascus told r t. the issue of uninvited foreign forces in the country is long overdue,
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and being resolved of the american, the army. and here we go, sitting in the mosque as a compassion. it doesn't matter that united states talking about combating terrorism and combining, i says this is just set up. i got that because everyone knows that the american is feeling good, the oil or the dorky. i will tell you that as a government, we are going to the exact turkish focus army is a commission and may be some talk, a 2nd considering that they are comp, i think there isn't any volume power was came to see without a permission from here and government, we are considering them as a few pickups of the russian, but as soon as he is illegal, 1st of all, here and go mark the invited russians to help this government in combative
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stories and their presence in caea is illegal. your'e and your, anyone, our legal hands here, when we are talking about withdrawing off the play and powers we are mentioning here the united states. hold came without any permission pharmacy and go want a plan without any permission from un security council that the guy that took me are me. so we are speaking here about turkish army and the american president of the palestinian islamic jihad movement has warned israel quotes will pay a high price for the death of counter and palestinian man who died in and really prison after an 87 day hunger strike. shake commander, cater in non rows as a martyr in a crime for which the zionist occupation bears full and direct responsibility are
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fight continues and the enemy will realize once again that it's crimes will not pass without a response. the enemy will pay a high price and we will respond with all the might. the 45 year old was a senior member of the p i. j movement which imposes peace between palestine and israel. televi accused of none of supporting and inciting terror according to the palestinian prisoners association. none had been detained by israel. 12 times spend more than 8 years in prison. he had undergone a number of prison hunger strikes over the past decade. shortly after the prisoner's death sirens rang all it is really garza border communities. the df confirmed a 3 rockets which were fired from the gulf strip towards this really territory fell in open areas. israel hasn't accepted any responsibility in the matter. only saying in a statement, the prisoner refused to undergo medical tests and receive medical treatments. we
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heard from both the palestinian is really sides or i guess, melinda, i'm sorry, representative for palestinian prisoners writes, is really journalist. she only been miller, him. how they chose to share their thoughts with yes, been tested under administrative detention, so i'll charge or try and under secret information for more than 5 times accumulating to 8 years. so why is it not to patient or think of that? and then as part of that exam, if you had movement, they have never issued his charges with dialect. kinds of indian prisoners don't have any other means or method to protest. they are recreating detection but to using their own bodies. hunger strikes have been and method where palestinian prisoners use as a piece in energy to mclean congress. there are big really a harsh the coaching conditions and are busy in general. he was the army cause not only administrative detention, and he was also waiting for
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a try for terror activities. and i think the prison authorities will be the best way to prevent any harm to he medically speaking. he knew exactly what this angle strike means. a new consequences, any refuse to a medical treatment, it was supposed to be responsible for his own body may 1st labor day celebrations. once more descended into chaos across france. what police deploying tear gas and water coming against demonstrators over 2000000 people are believed took, taking part in the protest. trade unions call for mos demos against the french president. order to hide the retirement age. the $64.00, which last month was pushed through parliament without a vote in the french capital over a $150.00 people were arrested according to authority. in the eastern city of
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strossberg, near the german border, protesters burnt an effigy of mungo mccall. while in the west of france, law enforcement in north, on the right of your screen, resorted to tear gas and beats back people with buttons. farmers also all through the streets or fronts in their tractors as partially torched and lived the me a labor day celebrations turned violent in turkey as well as nimble ride police. detain dozens of protesters trying to reach tax in square. a notable focal point for anti government rallies, demonstrated to see hurrying signs, protesting soaring prices in the country. according to local authorities, the protest was dispersed because the governors office deemed the gathering illegal . oh, it's got low further afield from there to south america, right?
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police plus people in the chilly and city of santiago, authorities employ tear gas trucks and water coming to quell what had turned into a violent protest. in another part of that city, thousands of workers attended the main rally held by trade unions and in the caribbean. the annual may day parade, and cuba was called off by the islands government. you to a fuel shortage crisis in the country. also council several years ago to to cobra. this is the 1st time the festival has been called off for economic reasons. professor of latin american studies, danny shaw sate decades of western sanctions, have left cuban a dire situation. if the united nations truly had an impact with the oppressed peoples of the world solely united states without war it yesterday. because every year is a vote and overwhelmingly of the $198.00 sovereign countries of the world. all of them except the united states and the junior partners zionism on israel. vote
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against this blockade. it is the sanctions. it's an economic war. recently, when you don't have gasoline, you can't transport hundreds of thousands of workers across in a higher island to mobilize. the ana made is a very special day, in fact that international delegation has been, have on and across google right now, supporting the cuban people in this very, very trying moment. a world based on a quality unity, multi polarity, could not come soon enough. the millions of human families who continue to have few shortages, who shortages, electricity shortages, so on and so forth. precisely because of this 6 decades long us economic war and hybrid war against the cuban people. while hundreds of polls took part in marches on may day aimed at stressing to the government that they don't want to
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be involved with the ukraine. conflict at crowds were seen waving polish flags on banners, proclaiming this is not or war they march to how so square and war stores. all demonstrators also gathered in a border village with germany rallying for a cease fire and negotiations with multiple. some were seen carrying russian flags to their urging more people to question the reasons why the conflicts started in the front instead of attend our great. it is a proxy war, the ukraine war, prepared on the my dawn, even before that with thousands of dollars, whether ukrainian saw shamefully used and the law themselves to be used by a fascist government itself to the mass of people who have to weigh carpenters who have to recognize and question what the cause, the songs in good. so freedom, this protest is about peace stopping the delivery of arms to ukraine and using the money instead for poland, for the children and the pensioners. he didn't, we,
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eventual island if leadership of course, this is award that the usa and nato are fighting only korean soil against russia, thing or russia against neither. whichever way round didn't put any weight lend on . it's not all war him up on it, and we must send a clear signal here that there can only be peace in europe together. together with russia was the us treasury secretary has warned of an impending recession as soon as june. if the american death limit is not taken care of, anson, it is impossible to predict with certainty the exact date when treasure will be unable to pay the government's bells. given the current projections, it's imperative that congress act as soon as possible to increase or suspend the debt limit in a way that provides longer terms certainty that the government will continue to make its payments. it's not a new issue and enough never seems to meet summary. his needs. the death ceiling
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was hit already in january. this, you're breaking the limit of $31.00 trillion dollars or janet jaelyn says the u. s . must increase its credit line or just suspend the limitations of what washington can borrow. otherwise, severe consequences will come as early as next month is to the public that their money safe. washington has said efforts are underway to like the 2008 financial crisis. banking system is safe, your deposits will be there when you nice globalism and the u. s. banking system remain was necessary to protect the broader us banking sent straight that all depositors savings and the banking system are safe, our bank, wrong capital and liquidity. or to contribute or chris m selected with the ongoing chaos on american markets. the u. s. that is pretty much worthless. you go annual crash in the us market at g to the fact that as, as ones and investors are now looking at the united states and thinking asked,
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is this a safe place for me to buy stops and equities, or any kind of a global investment community says now the u. s. economy gets food into 3 full lights, the u. s. for the same way, just like what happened in germany. 1929. we didn't tie. we'll barrow past. so i think we're moving toward this multi u. s. dollar becoming more or less the font is a global reserve currency from and beat even the russian, brutal which are where we're seeing. i wanted me to be policy d t v right this year. so people will start moving away and i think we'll start seeing a wall that isn't dictated so much. so whatever uncle sam decides to do when he wakes up breakfast in the morning with his us, stella, it's a very exciting time. a bit of a scary time in one by a definitely excited. no, it doesn't just make our cars go, we'd be dearly missing many products. if it wasn't for the petrochemical industry, turning oil into the things we use every day. the 14th international industry that opened its doors monday into iran, welcoming, among others delegations from russia,
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china, and india, and ortiz, you set jelly, was there to the a one in national federal chemical company, which is the organizer of this, of, and says that the events extra introduce the investment opportunities and the petrochemical industry to iranian and foreign posting domestic production. delegates from 15 countries are present on they will sit and talk with iranian companies and try to, i eat with iranian petrochemical companies, despite the u. s. and in targeting b, one in petrochemical, industry they, the sanctions are poor and technology's under centers also are prevent iranian from being marketed in the global market. push west on this tree, sanction prove because it has various products and the internet and they can put several persons and companies on their sanction list. but generally the petrochemical industry cannot be sanctioned, and it is restriction proof. the needs of the countries forced them to fulfill
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their needs from iran's markets by different approaches. sanctions this year has been named increasing productivity, or production complexes have commenced their work to have the most amount of the bricks, countries, including brazilian chinese, russian, and your partners of iran. petroleum industry had the perfect role in our, fulfilling their own internal market needs and invest in, in consequentially countries like ours, after with us in the market, are now jumping on the wagon to use their own currency in it with each other. what's interesting is the process of our group of economic heavyweights comprising g, russia, china, indiana. this is the 1st time we'll see that companies from bricks alliance have participated, and the iranian r petrochemical to all like hold sessions and specialized meetings with iranian patrick and ways to present and market they're wanting oil derivatives. so it's very significant, given the fact that bricks alliance has recently made
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a bombshell decision to try to ditch the dollar. international trade while receive out more and more countries are jumping on on this emerge multi polar world order. as opposed to the unipolar world system dictated by the you while some by the west . well this to produce the dollar supremacy and prevent the united states from you up and as a punishing tool against other nations. so that's why 4 in the country is seeking ways to try to like bypass initiative because in trading it's petrochemical products to use the dollar. and this new currency made by the brakes alliance will help iran don't market. it's sol derivatives and the global market. this forum will achieve its set goals and this in this regard and deep i'm 15 countries and this form will definitely help iran a domestic production and try to regain its full foothold in the global market. now it's a question being asked in body positivity gone too far. as a b,
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a 360 view digs deeper into all that ah, look forward to talking to you all that technology. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence to great trust, rather than fear are very char, with artificial intelligence, real summoning with own existence, with whose with
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ah, foreign policy to washington and washington's agenda is one of the low tolerate. and i think that they're not even they're not even.
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