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tv   News  RT  May 4, 2023 12:00pm-12:21pm EDT

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the baby orders given by him and begin a chinese unpacked his studies. this is amount to psychological test because when you're out of state independently and you don't know why you are interested and when you would be address that. this is a very harsh of psychological, the shop, the most go to the world, you're watching them on the seat international. my name's peter scott's here with all the latest, a 7 pm this thursday, and thanks for joining us. russia has said, washington had a role in the joint attack on the presidential office of the mid 3. it's in in moscow on wednesday. the problem is that it was carried out by ukraine drums, but both keys and washington has been mentally denied any involvement. currently, spokes person to reach fiscal also said the key of is following us instructions. given washington's attempts to disavow involvement in the attack are absolutely ridiculous. we are well aware that the decisions about such actions and terrorist
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attacks are made not in gifts, but in washington, and give does what it is still to do. we know that often the targets are not determined by gifts, but by washington, and then these targets are outlined to key if so, the key of fulfills them. and every time key of is given the right to choose the means. both keys and washington, they face some serious accusations of well being involved in what most to explicitly called an assassination attempt at vladimir proteins live. so they had to bring something to the table and well, they did, at least they tried to, but they haven't been really consistent a tool in what they've in when they tried to formulate the version of events, basically all boil down to wasn't us just wasn't tests but obviously realizing that that was probably not enough given again the gravity of the situation that they tried to speculate as to what might have happened in their opinion. and well, both have been completely inconsistent. both i mean kids and washington,
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the advisor to zalinski presidents, alaska. first on wednesday he said that that was basically the work of some 3rd party of some other roll group that was acting independently from kids, but definitely sympathize to the ukrainian forces out there on the ground in the done by some of the rest of the front line, but then today he woke up to a different version. he said that that was a full flag attack mazda minded by russia itself. and well, when it comes to washington, they have been talking, the talking points have been more or less the same lines and they have been equally inconsistent. given the 2 different officials from different departments. they came up with the different, again, versions of events and interpretations as to what happened and where that's militarized. you a v came from a senior aide position for a restaurant to find that the company was finding
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a mission. you. i know you don't want to spend on the guitar does any signs to believe that the russians are finding a new major any any you'd be telling me to go over to your colleagues who we are. we know that russia has a history of doing this. they have a history of doing false flag. it is not unusual is incredibly common. i just don't want to speculate at this time, as i said, as we said when it comes to ukraine, which is under daily assault. and not just it's incredibly courageous military forces. but it citizens, as men, women and children being assaulted on a daily basis by this russian aggression. well, we leave it to ukraine to decide how it's going to defend itself and how it's going to try to get back to the territory. a certainly quite the bold statement from the white house, the ego, how's the sure respondents, those on vacations? well, so far russia's response has been strictly diplomatic. they haven't taken any steps militarily or on the ground. nothing else of the ordinary. nothing we haven't seen
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so far up until now. but russia has indeed been a while stepping up its rhetoric as if at 1st they just said, well, we know, judging by the information we have received from the intelligence sources from the secret services, it was a ukrainian drone. they haven't specified whether or not it came from ukraine, or if it was lloyd, from anywhere from russia. but now mitre pest cove, the spokesman for the russian president has stepped forward saying, well, that firmly believes it was done the either on washington's orders. or at least the wes somehow has enabled key of to carry out this attack of the rule. we will know how extensive american support to ukraine has been both militarily, both in terms of on shipments and also into is also intelligence. nato has provided to ukraine surveillance. drones have been in the skies monitoring the situation on
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the ground almost 247 given that ukrainian generals, and those who must and why did the, that alteration they had every ability to know where a rush has a different systems are. and they could try to avoid it when planning the route of the drone. given the accusation of both floated by washington that it was most cool. robin rush at the bottom, the very hearts of well, of the russian capital within unmanned aerial vehicle, the ambassador to the united states, the russian ambassador to the united states. he was very adamant and his rhetoric saying that, well, that allegation is simply preposterous. the statements by washington's official representatives striking in their cynicism and absurdity, the us did not find it possible to recognize the obvious thing. this was a terrorist action blend by the zalinski regime. and then this as a nation attempt targeting the president of the russian federation that these, these, that this act of terrorism was allegedly
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a false leg operation are blessed from us and deceitful. that is, it was rushing itself that stage the provocation against the heart of our statehood . how would the americans react if a drone hit the white house, the capital, or the pentagon? the answer is obvious, for any politician as well as for an average citizen, the punishment would be harsh and inevitable. now it's in its very 1st statement off to the incident. the russians have said that, well, they reserve the right to respond, however, and when they see fit sofa, again, nothing on the ground. but there was a planned meeting between the russian president and russia. security council announced to take place in the very 1st week of may. now the very 1st week of may of course, runs out tomorrow because that's, that's friday. what day of the week? so we the farms like g 20 about is
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a goal of the now also india and connect if you don't have a similar document that's particularly. 1 that desk westbank has joined the club and in that sector have broadly improved with joined life now by all to contribute to chris and chris greene and c. a thanks for joining us. now. we've heard from the us treasury and even president biden himself over the past few months. so the countries banking system is well fine. but the same time we do see several banks have collapsed all that shares formats. what exactly, what exactly is going on here? it's a great question pizza. i think i'm not really sure what uh, what they smoke in the white house. they've had 3 brands class, monumentally, public new listed binds. so as we started with silicon valley bank, then last week we had this task for public. we've gone down the drain and out today we had the pacific west. now, i think the way that they're looking at the things that seeing it. oh, well, you know, jp morgan and goldman sachs with these big but he must have punched in class. but
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if you know it, it just come in economics is an economy is built not just on, but the coca cola in the k. it's built on the people that have small to medium sized businesses or small to medium sized box. and when we go to the small to medium size, that's, that's put that in perspective, they know tiny binds these binds have tends to even hundreds of billions of dollars on the management. and that's sort of collapsing not going to affect is happening across the u. s. economy because at the bottom, this guy, imagine what's happening to the business is that these bonds were supposed to those businesses company doing very well. otherwise, why the bonds collapsing? what do you think that the americans should be worried about another crush this reminiscence of the 2008 crisis? yeah, well i think if you read any, any sort of full cost is happening now it's, it's completely different. what's coming out of the white house, most economists are predicting that that will be a serious recession in the united states, but it has to, the white house is just ignoring that. and just sort of like putting,
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putting that headphones in there. it was with the nice, the nice music, whatever they didn't say, and just nodding and smiling and hyping to the problem to go away. but i think we all looking at a point of that very, very serious recession. some economists even predicts he's going to be fall big of in greater than 2000 and night. oh, so suddenly quite, quite the full cost that. now we've seen that the us federal reserve has burst of his fights against high inflation is raised the key interest rate. so the highest level in 16 years is not the best approach to take care chris. but again, it's a really good question pizza, and i'm not sure what go be honest with the i think the, the real problem is that every time you based insulation, the price of goods goes up a lot higher than what the right looks like. so, you know, you're talking on a, a 16 percent in price rise. imagine how much of lots of bread is going to cost out to the average family in america. the average watching family, the lives paycheck to paycheck, which is a large percentage of the united states population. and how these people going to eat, how they're going to survive. and what happens if they cost divide?
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what happens to your workforce? what happens to the productivity of that workforce? it is the people that, that work in the hospitals drive the fire trucks and work in the supermarkets manufacture gets in the u. s, which the u. s. a. so teams to get more us manufacturing jobs. great to these people, concepts of buying that. how does the economy grow? it's a real concern and we'll have to see what happens here. so it certainly is not. now here's the, the $1000000.00 question. question, chris, what else do you think the us government can do to try and repair public trust in the banking system? this is a really difficult questions one sir, because how you know, at the point in which your, your, your local bank branch is closing. we saw this in 2008 across, across the world really when you and i from the k pizza. and it was a big scandal, jacob and northern rock scandal, which really quick sort of an all country that's what triggered the financial crash that was again a small to medium sized, find the went boss, people chewing outside to try and get the money out to the buying, that's going to be happening now and with it. will these 3 buy instead of going on,
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the people of chewing up outside people see that the average of a high and they pull their money out of that on the financial market. see that they pull that money out to the economy, and that's what really causes the recession in a massive financial crash. so i think we could easily see this as the capitalist, the principal hoping down. well, i will have to wait and see what happens out to you contribute to chris ends. as always, a pleasure to have you on the program. thanks for your thoughts. thanks a lot, peter. moving on now, least the palestinians have reports of late been killed by these really military. that's doing a raid on the old city of novelists in the westbank on thursday. that is really um, it has really a statements claiming the 3 men were behind and attacked in april. they killed a mother and had 2 daughters. i'm us, the palestinian militant group confirmed that the 3 men killed where its members, according to the palestinian red presence, the fall. people were also wounded and at least a $150.00 people, including children, suffered from the effects of tear gas. the rate took place
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a day after a si, fi was declared holding a series of strikes earlier this week between israel and gaza, developed as follows, the death of apollo, sidney nights of his and his rarely prison. after an 87 days hunger strike seized by anything else. and it has been delving deeper into the ordeal of muscles of palestinians including mine as women on the elderly. you've been detained by israel, the power storage mentors, palestinian prisoners, and his rally jails has long been a painful issue for all palestinians including militant groups. not once rockets were fired from guys in protest when revenge for violation of the palestinian detainees writes the death of how the odd nun put back in this port light. all that and one particular widely condemned policy that israel is using administrative detention. the person is held behind bars. we don't charge a trial simply based on allegations, but he or she plans to commit a crime in the future. the geneva convention makes it clear. it is an exceptional
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measure that can only be used under circumstances like an armed conflict. or threat to national security is rose, as the tactics helps prevent attacks and can find potentially dangerous individuals . but in any case, so hold fences from the amine group, but protects the rise of the palestinian prisoners explains. it should only be felt limited time in israel though, the initial 6 months long, administrative detention would be extended indefinitely. in goodman's type of defense in case is it on clearly committing a water crime and the crime against humanity. according to the a i, c. c. it on statute because this is arbitrary detention administrative detention was the case with the lady to find an ottoman. it is the case for hundreds of other palestinians, including miners, women, and the elderly. these detainees often go on hunger strike, how the died of the $87.00 days on it. human drugs are edited and when you would be,
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as i currently held in his riley jail, ray from ocean all to from jerusalem, runs foreign ministry, spokes person had some firewood in response to the us state departments, concerns of alignment, visits the reigning present, to survey in the us, as expressed to their concern over the visit of the reigning and presidents of syria and its results, calling them vicious. of course, it is natural for a vicious with dream whose clause had been pared by iran and our allies in syria and the whole of the middle east. and which now has to abrupt its aggression against syria to feel angry. be angry and die of anger. in while it radian presents abraham, right, he has praised the strategic size between said around in damascus. i was during his official visit to syria out in the west and sections against both countries have failed. several biological agreements was signed with oil and bay away industries. among those highlighted, the searing lead ash, bashar assad,
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wrapped up by thanking you around for supporting his country through difficult times. so you corresponded to use of july late takes us to the 1st day of the visit . it was a busy day for ross presidents and brian res, yes, he's on a 2 day trip to syria. it's the 1st trip to syria buying iranian president of cents over a decade ago. i start of the civil war in the country back in 2011. before he left to juan for damascus, ibrahim raised the hope that his trip would be productive for both nations. well i used. ready to have had a lot on his plate on the 1st day he wrapped up his 1st working day by paying your visit to the holy shrine of as i'd zane i highly revered religious figure in his mom or he also that over the speech he said, during his speech, he said, and he reiterated your last firm support for serious summer, again, territorial integrity. he said that to, while it was to advise the syria nation during good times of difficulties and
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hardship you wanted to use to support the syrian a nation, i'm assuming people during the reconstruction period. well, earlier in the day of the 2 countries and the 2 sides signed a long term strategic comprehensive cooperation agreement. no further details have so far surface and on the agreement by the 2 sides that this strategic agreement aims to serve the interests of the steering and people and the people and the returning general. officials from the 2 sides also signed for team a cooperation documents in a range of reasons why got only one gas energy id communications, banking sector, and also earthquake release. well, the syrian president bashar most i think it wrong for is quote, unwavering support for syria. aside said that since 12 years ago, your one has not left syria behind, despite all the sanctions and the stress. research trip is widely seen as another
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piece in the unfolding, new chapter that witness a significant decline and the wrong played by the extra regional countries, such as the united states. so this new multiple polar world is now emerging and has the, has reduce the influence of the extra original countries like washington. as we see, the view region is starting to take matters into its own hands. loraina and political on list on academics said mohammed mirandi. but he says the damascus onset around reaching new levels of cooperation. iran, syria had been very close for the last 4 decades for over 4 decades of syria refuse to side with saddam hussein when he carried out aggression against iran. syria was one of the few countries to stand up against saddam hussein's aggression. one western country and others were supporting him. on the other hand,
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when the dirty war was engaged or initiated by nato and his allies against syria, iran stood with syria. and now the 2 sides being the allies and so closely linked with one another and due to the fact that they trust one another. the ability for the 2 sides to expand that cooperation to the economic field is a, is a, is quite easy because of that trust of the both sides have neglected in the past the economic aspect of the relationship. there were economic relations, but not to the degree that would have brought about major change in the economic prospects of syria. and that would have also enhance the economy of iran significantly. but now the 2 leaders are working to rectify that
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aspect of the bilateral relationship. and finally, 3 civilians have been injured including a 6 year old child during thursday night selling to all of them in the city by ukrainian armed forces. the city was shout 8 times according to local authorities made. so multiple loans, rocket systems were reportedly used a residential home power lines and a guest pipeline with its and the attack policies are on the costs of the sensors. this reports from the c, the young family health, 3 peebles or wounded, has the result of ukrainian artillery attack. overnight, they struck at 2 o'clock in the morning, 5 year old boy. his mom and their dad were wounded. and now they're being treated at a hospital for the injuries or they have sustained has the result of this night attack . it's 145 and unknown shell or rocket struck my
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wife child and i were old victims. my wife was the words, had an ambulance was cold and she's currently in serious condition. my son and i were moderately injured, mostly with bern, splinters and cuts. the indiscriminate shooting of the crating artillery caused a lot of damage to the house itself. but besides the house, a gas pipeline was damaged as well. the water line and electricity lines were crossed. so as you can see, there are a lot of flesh crap, no holes here, and the entrance to the house as well. right now. the administration held this particular district called an ask us find to determine the total value of the damage and will later compensate the local residents. i probably will do my very cover. it happened fall from my home, but the noise was so loud that all my window should come in nearby marie and k. u. sometimes he had gone shots, but i never saw that
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a tax would affect us. my gold. there was nothing here. all the factors that was done during our completely destroyed facility as nothing had been built and now ever since destroyed 20 minutes late said there was a loud explosion. 2 more shells had blown up somewhere. they didn't reach us, but we could hear them. there are no words describe what happens. it wasn't not met and off what for money, hopkins landscapes, thing the people will want to leave and ukraine now off today he has children killed everybody. it's a be to how many any of all men george daniels so many young people investigators are now working on the scene, trying to determine what it was exactly that struck this civilian area over night. now, judging from the remains of the show right here, this could potentially be a shell from a multiple launch rockets system. maybe in the united states.


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