tv News RT May 5, 2023 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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well, support, we still have some common ground. the pressure reports taking to city blocks in offshore myschoolbucks notes from ukraine in full, says, updates broadcast. df takes us right to the front line, the to the the, the latest ethnic driven attacks by minutes and thing coming killed 6. we take a look at how board is drawn up by former colonial powers, contribute to unrest on the continent this day. also in the program,
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the streets who killed 8 people and wounded 13 in service being arrested. after an hour long mon hung incidents has been called a terror acts by officials. that on the 2nd day of the southern high corporation organization takes off in india by phone ministers of member countries and need to strength, simulations and regional cooperation the most skilled to the world you're watching on the international moneys pizza scott's here with the latest news at 11, am this friday morning. thanks for joining us. of the head of vs vinyl group is asking for more munitions to prevent losses in the heavy fighting full offshore myschoolbucks notes. as fighting in the city grinds on. so a rush of reports taking to city blocks from ukrainian forces updates broadcast the of shows is just how close the opposing forces. opposition to you. looking to box
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the side of you around the corner as well. the story is we're now waiting for you to run out of our new nation. the westwood is close to the front line as insensible to be the c t s, and is a vos killing. so the wagon, the roof is often said, the point is never to take the city. it was to bleed the ukrainian army dry. if they have succeeded, key of fools that the bus would meet, cried the inside, unsettled. we move, the cities, zip, lost the blue and red stevens,
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dest ravia. the concrete creases and mangled steel fits smells of the case is great in troops by the streets, and bury them, the rubble decomposed quickly. now that it's more miles so far, which is just not well it's, it's continuous here. just to give you an idea of how close 6 stories are so often told by pmc wagner, russian forces the old building who needs is away. while you play in forces with us troops, as well as from slow rebuilding by the troops all clear to retreat up and move the east,
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perhaps the most terrible form of combat. these bloody up close and very personal. these wagon is specialty musicians is the known rival. he made the lease is the quote machine gun. it is a trophy weapon seized for the fabian forces loaded with all but p, a submitted incendiary rounds. each speech is from rick and even concrete rules, sometimes setting and talk apart from the blog, some 5, the pretty a, to a systematic, the one down physically and psychologically the most of the the rest. let's see,
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it is totally the guys the deals that we have many snipers slides. is that true for 4 years, but it's just going by, you know it's not always about hitting a targets to selecting the premiums. know that the stipends like here is enough to keep their heads down to keep spots as blind infantry frightening the reinforcements away, which is also
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most of the machines, muscle chilling and the water. they say how much it's on my to move, but can you follow up with a bottle of 4 months? and these are a constant in buckboard, mainly poles and georgians for just a few days ago to canadians were appointed children. the city key of cleans onto the less than 10 percent of fox sports. each still controls premium combined is of a presidency. landscaping. give it up, seeing it as a senseless law schools. but he has chosen the other was to hold until the end of the feeding, thousands more ukrainian troops to an unsafe about blood bos. boston both need
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grand, which bargain because it's greatest infinity for at the idea of a t from box full among the most of these dine inbox one. so it was one of kids most notorious finances. it was previously convicted in ukraine on kidnapping and sold to charges before the eyes. this link mess and it was trained by british and special forces to fight against russia. sees the culture has more. there's no shortage of highly trained bodies for ukraine's military move grinder all thanks to the west for its partners. the winds, claiming its trained over 1000 troops, conducted mostly in the u. k. but who will actually, are these people getting state of the art training and weapons in great britain? well, aside from neo nazis and trigger happy cowboys, there's at least one nicest sympathizer in the max who admits he was trained by the british. i say, yes. my teacher from the british assess, always said that a single blow to the head does not add intelligence to a soldier. also,
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he constantly repeated. war is a special art and a harsh, disappoint vanilla. shocked is a bell or russian right wing extremists turn to muslim fundamental list. he's not ashamed of as many photos with isis flags or the nickname he's earned moods a he'd or holy warrior. and when the war and done boss began back in 2014, the neil joined up with ukrainian nationalist tornado battalion. infamous for the heretic war crimes. it committed the 2017. neil was among 8 of the battalions members who were even given prison sentences by kids. for torturing civilians and then ukraine occupied lugens
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people's republic. the prosecutors claims that 2 years prior to their sentencing, the move he'd kidnapped and tortured, not one, not true, but 10 people. it was much of had an issue with the extreme cynicism in odessa to cruelty and ruthlessness, committed the most brutal tortures of the local population of the guns region organized and directly participated in the rape of detainees whom he, together with other suspects kidnapped for selfish reasons. 4 years after the neil sentence thing and he was out on the streets again, more specifically back within the ranks of the ukrainian military. and so are his bodies from the tornado battalion. fortunately for the people have done boston, neil was killed in our kill him up school, so known as bach mode, just days after he claims that he was trained by the say, yes, it's not like the u. k is armed forces, ministry denies training, people for the ukrainian military on forces personnel remaining ukraine to support the case, diplomatic presence in the country,
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and all training also to the on forces of ukraine. they're just not very specific when it comes to the psychopathic nature of a lot of them. right. withholding the truth, is it lying right? to mean while ukraine's 1st lady has arrived in london and is expected to attend the coordination of king charles on such a date when she made her 1st stop by visiting the wife of british prime minister. but she soon art footage released by british media shows the meeting of the 2 women on downing street while ukraine's presidency is also on sol. currently in the netherlands after stopping by finland. walter mill, multiple, it's for kids will efforts. award winning john? this mountain j says ukraine. firstlight is trip to london. is a publicity stunts had of a decisive bustle for ukraine? yeah, the timing is interesting, isn't it? i mean, if you look back in just the last few weeks, there's been a sort of a lot of strange russ who got to achieve from the skis on the, on the relations machine. i think it'll kicked off really at the end of february
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when mrs. lensky indicated to the world the wanted to china is premier. she to call him a certain amount of a panic or, and sued off that we had the pentagon leak papers. and then the extraordinary announcement by um in they say the secretary general stilton book that you kind of shows and to become and they said member. and i think now we're seeing that some since then the, the telephone call that finally happened between she and so lensky um has placed them in a very well position. i think the visit to london is very much about was the americans cooled in the 1980s, the wide public, and so part of the, of the relation spin, you know, to show that this lensky, they'll still welcomed by western the leads. but there's a certain amount of background activity going on wherever i think a lot of these western elisa worried about some the timeline and what's happening
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in the crane and also what about us and that scheme. so who seems to seems to acknowledge that some time is not on his side. limited preparations for the combination indigenous leaders from 12 coming with countries of address king shows us the lots of calling on him to agree for reparations. and so, apologize for years, impression and genocide, a we the undersigned column, the british monarch king charles the 3rd on the date of his coordination being may 6th, 2023 to acknowledge the, her risk impacts on and legacy of genocide and colonization of the indigenous and enslaved peoples, a lot of indigenous organization in need is from about 12 commonwealth countries have raised a number of to months to king charles the 3rd as have just heard that. and they've done this through a live, to demanding an apology for the impact of british colonization. on needs of people, the left so was signed by representatives off countries such as a street are new zealand, i believe the bahamas and jamaica just to name
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a few. and these all have a king tossed a 3rd as the head of the state. still not the letter has outlined steps in which the king can start to make amendments for the horrors of the colonization, such as apologizing. recognizing ad for the genocides that have been caused to add to re pepsi 18, the artifacts and the father. the remains of that are still held in british museums even to this day. now, while apologizing can not bring back the lives that have been destroyed, the group says it can bring some sort of relief and i'm feeling to them the address some of the needs of people. this is not the 1st time this has happened to me, but that's a lot of people, even in africa, have a big, an urge that the royal house, in fact, the whole money keep to apologize for the consequences and did the repercussions back to the british have done to many office people and it seems like people are
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full picking up the pieces and are essentially saying that there's a lots that has been stolen by them on the key. and that to the royal family is responsible for until very recently she did express some sort of supporting to researching how the monica was tied into slavery. and a lot of people, um, uh, responded by say that is this only time that is pushing the key gets to only sorts of. ringback those amendments now and before this, the king was facing a lot of backlash off the 2 nations. the threatened to remove him as the head of states, a heads off the correlation. but to all these statements were criticized by members of parliament in britain who suggested that if the timing of all of this was bad because it was a huge off the combination. and which in the terms is in appropriate. and we all understand that the things have changed and they are not the same because the
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consensus does not work in favor of king charles as the did with the queen. so a lot is to unfold through all to the rest of this day as people and the rest off of the global prepays for the coordination tomorrow. in coming at least 6 people have been reported killed and many more wounded and signed by an uncle, a phone, or a rebel group, and the other countries pull the safety of do all of this according to local officials, british and french. colonial legacy has been started regional conflicts and the country for decades. as all these tablets, i explained whether in africa, asia, or the middle east, you will find a common thread, these region, some land. and justifiably invaded and mix them colonized by european nations as they became the 1st level for resources. just before the turn of the 20th century, the in some is berlin conference cost of the continent of africa, amongst $14.00 european nations. while in the sub continent, it's the rich of like
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a made up boundary that still democrats, india from black. you stop the same for the middle east, where the site's pretty cool line, the secret deal between britain and front to establish a feel of influence and control in the form of a coming lance and d, 5 them up amongst themselves. the windfalls of the world. one is the only one that is that these lines that were created by chance and impuls still play a role in the current conflicts in those regions. in the attitude of sir mark sikes, an ill informed british diplomat, tells us a great deal about the capricious and callous nature of colonial rule. at the time when asked by the british foreign secretary, what sort of boundary agreement he would like to have with the french sykes declared. i should like to draw a line from the e, an acre to the last k inter cook and color on it was the british and the french
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that had the 1st takes. and without consultation of the locals, they split the west african nation into a french control kind of ruin and british killer under the meaning of nations in any a version of the modern un security council. in february of 61, the united nations organized a referendum to deal with a split of kind of the not voted to bring united with nigeria while the cells chose to stay as part of cameroon. however, the english speaking people of the south does not entirely trust the french speaking government to make the adjudicative. and the trust deficit soon became tension, which soon became conflict. and in 2017 separate system, the region formed the state of those on you unrecognized by surrounding countries. and the united nations is on leave until suffering on both sides. 5 years into the conflict is estimated that more than 4000 people have been killed with over 700000 displace
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a week. the british and the french have been engaged in drawing lines upon maps. when no white months votes have a truck. we have been giving away mountains and rivers and lakes to each other, only hinted by the small impediments that we never knew exactly where the mountains and rivers and lakes was as colonial and intuitive, though to hold it in almost every corner of the content environ, you'll be a and like barrier every way else lines were drawn to reflect who bustled. what the boiling conference was the canary in the coal mine for the future and conflicts, women are a wealth of the confidence which has been in the heart of almost all conflict to the state from 5 victories after the independence of so many african states. the shackles of colonialism in most cases, the berlin lions themselves would deliberate move by the colonial powers pitting people against each other brother against brother, to divide and rule. this strategy left many ethnic groups divided across port us biking, strive,
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and civil war and leaving the continent with thousands of separate move. is that still rolling on the continent to we have to say, shall nations carved out of the burling conference in $1884.00. and to date we're struggling to build those nations into stable units of human society. were in danger of becoming the most balkanized continent of the world. it was much the same for the sub continent to show just how of the treasury, the process of the binding a people in the nation last west and imperial forces of the 200 years of british ruling india. the british government, that is as a lawyer who had never even set foot on the sub continent to drill observing borders. and that's creating a mainly muslim punky style. and a maturity in india says several rich this line with trigger one of the largest forest mazda migration of the people in modern history. and it costs many lives to around 15000000 people were displaced as
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a result of the so called reckless life. the imaginary boundary that created the 2 nations and has been the source of many conflicts, which created us against them mentality from line. it was the ortho island weiss who said if it happens once is an accident twice a coincidence, 3 times. that's a pet in 1916 was a big moving yeah, in the 1st world war, as it turns out, the french and the british empires law held secret pay about how they would divide the many parts of the ottoman empire. britain in front find the secret treaty with a tacit approval of the russian empire and the kingdom of infinity called the sykes p. cool agreement, also known as the asia minor agreement. the agreement had been well, some bore the brunt of the federal funds and printed were already sharing the page . she's health syria, iraq liber knowing,
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and palestine and incorporating them into various french and british let administrations of those areas sykes because it was a mistake for sure. it was like a force marriage. it was doomed from the start. it was immoral because it decided people's future without asking them. but the legacy of colonialism and disposition is being held with many demanding accountability for the suffering. and what the reasons for the method of losing us. not only i think the sub continent in the middle east as well. even though the reason you of colonialism and imperialism continues today with the nation, see nothing and hear nothing about having to pay for. they have already got a really flat fee drivers, but moving on know a see to a few killed 8 people on the wounded. 14 and said the has been arrested some 100 kilometers from the scene of the upside. the head of the countries interior
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ministry has called instance and nights, etc. but some of the wounded reports are to be in a critical condition. according to said, the media, the attack a believe to be a 21 year old man, opened fire in the village of new bona south of the southern capsule. the grade before then moving on to 2 neighboring tablets on thursday nights. 600 police officers who pods in the mountains is the 2nd mass shooting. and so be it just this week, 2 days ago, 9 people were killed in a school shooting in belgrade. the russian foreign minister said of gala rothhouse, held a press conference rights after the ministerial summits of these strong high corp organization in india. the outline the importance of existing us a gemini, in order to build the peace and security a let's look a say. so that's called a terrorist attack. over on the kremlin we, we have made our attitude to clear and all the counterparts. i've had the chance to talk to yesterday expressed condemnation. they condense this service act. i think
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everybody understands that. what is going on is joe political and without resulting the key geo political problem, which is the west desire to retain its hanging money and to dictate its will is the phone number one without resulting. that's no crisis, little bit settled anywhere. but we all, this should be coordinated, not with so lensky, who is the puppets in the hands of the west, but with his masters. get more on this now from oxy india correspondence dungeon. sean that runs and thanks very much for joining us. can you talk us through the key takeaways of the press conference given by the, the russian foreign minister said get off or off of the yes, i actually spoke about multi not to cooperation or something that he also spoke to his chinese indian and fall kasanya fox saw during buying options as well,
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all but this particular real cooperation, he's talking about fighting against crime on blocks traffic as well as well. these have been assigned most of the high lives poking going so all through the by lapses and the meetings to be and e b, i remember ever since, um, the conflict in you found the gap using national currencies. local currency is something that's uh inside india and russia has been adults with the other been bang, die out. so all for the wise, but ever since that's with stuff has been out of the picture. this is something that's not just most full, but several countries have been working on that lovely. is it just right now? it says right to focus on practical issues that will allow silver and independent states to be independent from the west, abuse of its power in the world economy. and it protects against the united states,
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abuse the status of dollar as the reserve currency. and euro also has practiced such approaches of which there is an understanding about boosting the use of national currencies between c o members among s, c o members. and to that, to end, we can use the practices that are currently being formed with the prospect of creating some aggregated currency. right now it is being reviewed by relevant ministries, central banks. this is a work in progress and it cannot be stopped for those of you to but i'm the, this is really one of the highlights all of the me job as the us or the lab real speaking to the press there has been about using and national or look, we've got rooms, these are isaac spots. what day did they change the window also to see. and as i explained, the edison saw the western sanctions against russia after the conflict and ukraine
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. uh, this is, this is an instance of which, which uh, several countries have shown on step one. and um, of course, that's in the works. but again, the seo members of the country is, uh, again talking about how a this can be dealt with in the future. in the coming doll time, and of course this is going to be one of the agendas off a when in july, and as in the chest, the acw vcr that would be heads, the speeds coming in. and this will be on the, one of the gen does from the needs to be there hasn't been an outcome document. so to say, because that's in the dorms and procedures of the se or 40 minutes says me, there's no such documents. but of course, like i said, those 15 decisions have been signed on by all the form in the stalls through down to go all for the s c o needs. and of course,
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some of the highlights of these documents are also going to be the use of nobody got them, sees a bees will be all for the same for the final se or summit, which will take place in july. when heads of states, all will come to a new dentist. runjun shawna sees a correspondence in india. thank you very much for walking through the press conference with the russian at 4 minutes instead of get off or off all of them on any of those stories. do checkouts, all websites are common in the meantime. my name's peter scotts, and i'll be back again at the top of the hour. take you through all the lights, is this friday? thanks for watching the
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the debate about some of the most controversial issues is happening in the christian faith and it's causing us some to question the future of the church. i'm scared of hughes, and on this episode of the 360 view, we're going to look at the divide happening with in the christian church and what effect the churches demise could have globally. let's get started. the the greek word for church translates roughly to something like cold out from the world, forgot it controversial debates occurring across the globe today regarding a gay marriage transgender rights. reparations, and abortion are causing
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