tv News RT May 5, 2023 12:00pm-12:24pm EDT
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stretching time, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the russian defense minister able to keep a continuous supply of troops on the front line. the meanwhile, the co founder of the wagner, pnc says the group will hand over his positions and archie, almost also known as fox moves to the russian defense ministry. if the us has not stopped, no conflict in the world can be so precious for administer. highlight the need to resist us the gemini, after a shared high cooperation organization, meeting a foreign ministers in india, the good evening for moscow. this is our to international with the latest world news
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updates. i'm. if you're a isabel, it's great to have you with us. russian defense minister survey showing go has set the task of maintaining a continuous supply of troops along the front lines. that as he inspected the readiness of his nations equipment and weapons in ukraine, toy goes deputy, who is responsible for army logistics has presented new batches of modern tags, armored combat vehicles and other equipment. the defense minister also inspected the bases to document necessary weapons, repairs, and what needs to be removed from combat areas. it has been said that the speed at which the equipment is repaired, far exceeds breakdown. meanwhile, the co founder of the wagner pmc just getting pretty gordon has said the group will hand over its positions. in the town of our field, most quarterback moved to the russian defense ministry on the 10th of may r t is maureen, a considerable reports. it was daniel garzon made the video and he also published
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a letter explaining why they're doing this. it has about 20 bullet points. i won't go through them all. but basically he starts by saying why the group joined the special military operations to begin with, how or give it any precaution. so some of his teams that were positioned across africa. and so, since you claimed right away and that they were ready to go prepared to fight to was with some of the groups accomplishments. he praised his fighters. he mentioned in particular for example, the boss with me grinder saying that during that operation, it actually saw the. busy the means of fire power as the products and their strengths being taken away and this allowed apparently, approximate forces to move further and inside. but then he accuses rushes, defense ministry of not supplying them enough. munitions, which has resulted in casualties of guinea pig goes and says that in april they started running out of munitions. and he's been asking about his defense ministry
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from war, munitions, and they have nothing getting that which as regards and says in the statement resulted in heavy casualties. and this is what the goals and attributes are. departure from bus with or are almost. and in order to regroup, and he says that after may 10th, so we'll be handing over their positions to russia's defense ministry. there were planning to capture bus more or to almost the by victory. they some may 9, but they say that because of the casualties that don't see that as possible and there will be handing over their positions of their in. i'm almost to rushes defense ministry. but at the end of this statement, it goes from, does say that russia, the model line that you put it is in danger, then his fighters will be back and that will protect the russian public. the kremlin ford's parts that, that it has seen the statements bought a can not offer any more comments on that. the russian foreign minister survey live rob held a press conference right after the ministerial summit of the shanghai cooperation
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organization in india. he outlined the importance of resisting usaa germany in order to build global peace and security. let's look and say so as for the terrorist attack on, the criminal in opposition has been laid out. almost all of my counterparts with whom we spoke yesterday expressed that condemnation. in particular, the pocket started a foreign minister. i think everybody understands that this is a geo political conflict in which the us is trying to impose. it's a gemini on will, on every country. if the us is not stopped, no conflict in the well can we sold? the conflict in ukraine needs to be. so what was it lensky? who is just a puppet in this situation, but with his mazda is what? as far as the india and bulk is donna's consent, there was the new by lack sort of a policy or no full way, which was health between the 2 nations, but a for so they was all su, 4 ministers meets that took place. so uh, in the morning and all the ford minnes stells,
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the war of school. so together in that to me, the, the, all of them also signed off on, on a document which had the, you know, the logic talking going for those 5 final, a big summit which, which will take these e now to live in the united states has said it will recognize israel's right and never be permitted to obtain by recognizing israel's pack that israel's already engaged and attack neighboring countries. it constantly violates lebanese aerospace, it attacks syrian army positions and murderous conscripts. and it constantly chosen funds, palestinians, whether in gaza or in the west bank. but it's quite clear that there's really reasoning is a no position to attack you, ron ron, is far more powerful than the regime, even western governments. nato regimes now acknowledge the strength that he runs,
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a military capabilities, regardless of the claims that they make about iranian weapons in ukraine. they do acknowledge the power of the runs capability. so if the regime choose is to strike, you run the americans. whether before this statement or after or they will stay, was still support the regime if the right of these bombs here they will, the us and the europeans will support them if they can't murder women and children . they will support them because the west supports apartheid and ta this time. but it is interesting that during the negotiations in vienna last year, the 2 sides reached a text. there was a final tax. after a long months of hard negotiations, a tax was created to protect the jcp away the 2015 nuclear deal, which was constantly violated by the united states. and at that time,
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western governments were saying there was a sense of urgency to make the strike a deal. but after the tax was complete and prepared, the us began to drag its feet initially because of the mid term elections. and then afterwards, the ad to you run lobby in the west and you've been inside. iran encouraged the united states not assigned a deal if there was such a sense of urgency to stop the runs a nuclear programs progress, then why have they not signed the deal that was negotiated last year? or what exactly did jake solve and mean when he said freedom of action is obviously a sign that the united states would support this rarely regime. it be struck, you riding positions a upon accusing iran of developing a nuclear weapon. but the problem is that runs diesel medical program as well
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protected all of the key installations are underground and accessible to any weapons that the united states or the is where every resume has a unless they want to carry out a nuclear strike, which is inconceivable. so there's riley's cannot really harm you run and the, and the ultimate counter strikes that would take place would devastate on this rather wishing it is a small raheem shuttle. its energy is spent on subjugating a population, half of the population of the land, over half of the population of the land, and as west western governments and west, the resumes decline, their head, germany and their power decline because of their multiple conflicts with russia, with china with others, western countries seem to be in a struggle against everyone across the globe these days. so as the decline is real
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source of strength, the kinds, because this is well, it's not an inherently powerful country, is power comes from the west will tell these has repeatedly said that it would prevent drawn from acquiring these nuclear arms state status. what do you make of this, given that israel is widely believed to per size, nuclear weapons itself, us as well definitely has nuclear weapons. everyone knows that. and they as well, gave it's sister apartheid regime in south africa, the technology to produce nuclear weapons. and then only after the sister parts had resumed collapse, were those weapons dismantled. so is pip, highly hypocritical for this? this settle or regime that carries out ethnic cleansing and constantly strikes a neighboring countries for a take, use your on anything when it itself possesses nuclear weapons. but as i said earlier,
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the running nuclear program is peaceful and the evidence for it being peaceful is the very fact that the united states and the europeans, which last year during the negotiations in vienna, they kept cars. they kept saying constantly that we need an immediate deal because the running a nuclear program has reached a dangerous threshold. but ever since the net tax was prepared, the americans walked away. so if there is such a sense of urgency, then why did they walk away and why for the last few months have we seen silence among europeans and americans? this obvious because the whole, the whole, it was the whole thing was the propaganda. it was all propaganda. they were, they were lying about the run to put pressure on the run because it you run in peacefully for program is one means to which western countries could put pressure on the right. and just very quickly, what would happen the $1000000.00 question if israel were to indeed try around in
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nuclear facilities, how would they respond as well? very little damage would be done because the facilities are extremely well protected, both the site itself and also you run air defense capabilities are, are, are well equipped to protect it. but also as we get, we all know, ron's missile defense capability usually runs drone capabilities. any ron's allies that exists across the region means that this way the regime would be on the losing ad side mohammed moran, the professor at the university of toronto. thank you. thank you. the china has called for the us to stop using cyber warfare to attack ford countries networks to spy on governments. that's after a tiny cyber security company published
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a report revealing washington so called empire of hackers. of appeal that the international community should behind the vigilance of these activities, the large number of real cages displaced in the reports of is yet another example of the ca is long term global cyber risk studies and pain. when the why should pay attention and respond to international concerns and stop using cyber weapons for global espionage and cyber attacks. he, the report was a joint investigation by china's national computer virus emergency response center and the 360 cyber security company. it claims that the c i a, has been orchestrating the peaceful evolution and color revolution movements via a list of cyber means. the report also revealed that the us has attempted to over throw more than 50 governments worldwide. and the c i a has control for networks and steals sensitive data,
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vice chairman of the she and hi center for international studies. nelson long says that this report is hard proof of what the white house is capable of the best report as provided, hauled, evidence, pointing direct to me that the c i a listing out the different methods they are being employed and the technologies they use and the training of come on linking all the way up to the white house. so what can be expected is that this report, by uncovering the us new type of intelligence activities and co with operations. china has laid back in front of the world, what the us is capable of and it has been doing in the modern day, espionage goes to other countries including drugs. and to bring this matter to the attention of the general public to prove what the us has been doing to achieve its hedge, a monic control over the world by this respecting the human rights,
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as well as a sovereignty of other countries. and thus tearing a part of a cover up of the us pretends to always stand on moral high ground. this is a tug of war, a game. and because the us is not ready to give up, but it's control over the well, this is what the reality is. all about. the hundreds of nigerians have arrived in the countries international airport. after being evacuated from war torn sudan sedation has attempted to evacuate 1500 students from car to to neighboring egypt. so bureaucratic difficulties on the dips inside have stalled the process. on thursday, the 1st group of evacuate work air listed by nigerian air forces. we spoke with some who flood and share their stories before. so it was very calm and cool.
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it was up to these though up so down to become something else which we don't expect it to be. we slips outside the bus city schools. no foods not to know to even so now i'm, i'm not feeling very well. meanwhile, as in fighting in the nation, worsens us president joe biden has find an executive order allowing the sanctioning of those responsible for threatening the peace, security and stability of the country. and undermining sudan democratic transition here, some of the latest footage from sudan. a warning so may find the following. images disturbing. in this photo, as you can see, the burnt bodies of victims of the conflict fighting began in part to him on april 15th, when a student is armed, forces and rapids, support forces, or military clashed in a vicious power struggle, united nations. secretary general, antonio gutierrez also released the statement admitting that the organization
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failed to prevent the outbreak of war. here you can see through dance, largest small up in flames with huge plumes of smoke rising from the building. according to the student needs federal health ministry. the war has already claimed the lives of 550 people and left nearly 5000 more injured. we heard from a local journalist for more than 15 days, the sounds of gunfire are still being called and talked to him as a bonus, flashes are still resulting in more and more casualties of the war. continuous between disadvantages army on the far a miniature, with all the robot support for us as citizens of the cottage, all of which was to become a bottom field now are called between 2 difficult choices, either to leave their homes. honestly, that walks to some or say, or stay here in a cell phone, a sensation without the physics of living on with the possibility it will be coming from not drawing down. there aren't any thoughts so far? 550 people have been killed on nearly 5000 being jo to do this conflict according
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to the federal minister. also, one of our music on organizations believes of the health system is it on, is on the verge of a lot. i know it's all on the last. if somebody says, i'll go to bonham, who was the sped department? is they things are they are in the punishment contact both, both. are these confirming that this is sort of luminous. there's a standing a sense, but it seems like there's a legislature agreements all exist or social media, other citizens investors are for tools are the different point of view. i live in atlanta and then the cease fire agreement between the army and the rapid support forces. because only for the media, it's only on tv outside on the street. so there is no truth. it's whole way. i've got a short while ago there was more shooting in the area. you can see the smoke over there. the gunfire was allowed in clear here to show us and explosions on a daily basis. and so this whole truth is only for show so far. the ro, buick is the all international regional institute, the piano itself, or for one of the to warning parties. after stating that the army expense for the
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city, and so not more than 15 days now of the war as to where you can between the army and up on a minute to remove the 2 generals. this suited refused to negotiate with one screen instead of what it's causing this death. thousands in your, on hundreds of thousands display as both internally and externally. there are, those will decide to ignore this on the front. it's on the, on try to assume that they don't keep up on dealing with him. so don parcel was election to appearance, into his country's domestic affairs, of the deciding on behalf of the took these people all they are trying to sway the nation. we have no business with those who interfere in turkey, is internal affairs. the peace goes on to state that in the event of a power change, the nation would be quote for a year and more prosperous bringing itself closer to the west. it also questioned the president stance on the middle east and russia. we spoke with a turkish political scientist who says that the west is using the media to
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interfere in turkish internal affairs. uh, shoot the empty gaze, the interference of any foreign powers to touch his should internal affairs to add to this kind of error. monique takes us through the details of the tragedies a deeper into them. oh i guess yesterday there was an unfortunate incident on souls on the road and a driver was shot dead in a personal dispute utilization. some terrorist attack the stuff room office cool and tarry among the killing for teachers and 3 other stuff. the whole city is condemning the incident and the teacher's association has shut down on private and government schools for the next 5 days. in the meanwhile, all schools have postponed annual exams of grade $9.10 for an unspecified period. we talked to the security force and they haven't con security arrangements around all schools, while the association of lawyers and doctors and others, attended as a funeral to day. the funeral prayers were offered to day and the bodies were
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dispatched to their hometown. he gets up a little ago as well as yesterday's incident, is in fact the secretary in each and we have a history on this comes 1st. there was an incident of firing on a car around a 100 meters called the kilometer from here by and known persons in result, the driver was killed and it was purely a personal issue, personal and the name of the but any retaliation these teachers were attacked. we strongly demand the government to arrest these attackers and bring them to justice because people here are and, and aren't being, especially among the teachers community. because the victims were sincerely performing their official duties. you have a reaction to be out most of the visit attack on teachers in the reaction for teachers and 3, all the school stuff and you see what killed under me, what if it is friday, and we'll go for a funeral. prayers and we'll protest off to that the in a bit to beef up security, serbian president, alexandra roaches, has announced an increase in police presence as well as additional background
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checks for those wishing to purchase fire arms. that's after a gun man killed 8 people and wounded 14 others in serbia. the 2nd mass shooting in 2 days the president has labeled the tragedy and attack on the entire country. what you're seeing up would you be all this was a terrorist act. this attack is actually an attack on our entire country. and every citizen feels that or less than 2 days since the last terrible event, serbia, is being outside the other message. yesterday night. local resident, in the one hour away from belgrade, 21 year old has been driving around. and she's been grandly of people. that sort of this horrible drive is 8 people that and 13 who has all these moment that a present for this is kind of the press conference today and the team did the measures regarding this and the events that 72 days ago. he said that in the next few months,
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1200 new police officers will be taken into force. over a 1000 police officers will be present, being schools and new schools to guarantee safety for the children, the mazda, regarding the carry and the owner people, firearms will be heavily changed to favor all the higher restrictions and punishment for those that can legal firearms. it will also increase drastically present even said and said that the possibility of death penalty being active again . you certainly have besides this several more incidents happens in beverage and some other places, serbia, where the police report is that the phone, the we the fun thing. weapons were seeing what to do to see the people sending your list to people that are supposed to be sought as part of the summary schools and stuff like that. and uh, serving president even said that are invalid to the 2nd come through. thousands of
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services will be brought to the highest level due to the press. countries has been exposed in the past few days. and the spheres and these respective escalate to the next few days. we've brought matters or not to take place right now. the 14th from belgrade, so it'd be on my end just 2 days ago, 9 people were killed in a school shooting in belgrade, a survey, and political analyst as the western media played a role in the events leading up to that tragedy. and this is all very, very strange. it doesn't seem to be, you know, we don't have something like this happening in serbia, or we've never had a mass shooting school shooting of this or so. uh, you know, lots of things are happening uh, just couple of days ago. we had a big right up in your time as you know, directly attacking the president of serbia. and of course, the mass pressure on the syrian government and both sanctions on russia to distance
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himself from russia and china, and to recognize its own province of coastal, which is under and made to occupation. and to turn towards the west water. public opinion is vastly in favor of russia. what strong, especially american mass media, how rich their social media. they have a very negative influence, especially in young people.
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