tv News RT May 5, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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of rustic actions happens right here, the, the, the, the russian defense minister says the task of maintaining a continuous supply of troops on the front line as he inspects the country forces in the combat. meanwhile, the co founder of the wagner, amc size degree will hand those words positions in aust him off for putting on his back commit to the russian defense ministry if the us has not stopped no conflict in the welcome. so, process for a minute to highlight the need to resist the west to germany, software, strong high corporation organization beats and good foreign ministers in india. the
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very welcome assistant 8 pm here in moscow. and this is on the international with the very latest wealth news updates. it's good talking with us. the russian defense minister association will do is set the task of maintaining a continuous supply of troops along the front lines associated expect to be ready to serve these nations equipments in weapons on the ground and saw that the military operations zone. the defense minister also visited basis to document necessary weapons were passed and what needs to be removed from combat areas. so good stay busy. who's responsible for on logistics, presenting new bunch of mobile tanks on what's called the vehicles on on the equipment is being said that the speed at which equipment is with pads, far exceeds breakdowns. meanwhile, the heads of the wagner military quickly, yes. can you pre goes and say, is the pmc we'll hand over its positions in the in bottles 50 of all to moscow,
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so known as bach moved to the russian defense industry on the 10th of may tease, but rena, closer, as i explained, as daniel garzon made the video and he also published a letter explaining why they're doing this. it has about 20 bullet points. i won't go through them all. but basically he starts by saying why the group joined the special military operations to begin with, how or give it any precaution. so some of his teams that were positioned across africa. and so since you claimed right away and that they were ready to go prepared to fly to west with some of the groups accomplishments, he raised his spiders. you mentioned in particular, for example, the boston with me grinder saying that during that operation it actually saw the enemies of fire power as the products and their strengths being taken away. and this allowed apparently brought some of forces to move further and inside. but then he accuses, rushed as defense, ministry of not supplying them enough. munitions,
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which has resulted in casualties. have been if it goes and says that in april they started running out of munitions. and he's been asking about his defense ministry from war, munitions, and they have nothing getting about which as regards and says in the statement resulted in heavy casualties. and this is what the goals and attributes are. departure from buttonwood or audits almost. and in order to regroup, and he says that after may 10th, so we'll be handing over their positions to russia's defense ministry. there were planning to capture bus more or are almost the by victory. they some may 9, but they say that because of the casualties that don't see that as possible and they will be hanging over their positions and there, and i'm almost to rushes defense ministry. but at the end of this statement, it goes from, does say that a rough shot, the model line that you put it is in danger, then his fighters will be back and that will protect the russian public. the problem, ford's parts said that it has seen the statements, but it can not offer any more comments on that motion farm. and so again,
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of how the press conference, while i talked to the ministerial summit at the shanghai cooperation organization in india. yeah. lines the importance of resisting us to germany in order to build global pace and security. the postal code says, as for the terrorist attack on the kremlin opposition has been laid out almost all of my counterparts with whom we spoke yesterday expressed that condemnations. in particular, the puck, hasanti, foreign minister, i think everybody understands that this is a geo political conflict, in which the us is trying to impose. it's a gemini, a will on every country. if the us is not stopped, there's no conflict in the world can be sold to come for it to new credit needs to be. so what was it lensky? who is just a puppet in this situation, but with his most is what? as far as the india and bulk as donna's concern, there was no by lots of up see or no pull away, which was held between the 2 nations, but a for so they was the su,
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foreign minister meets that took place. so uh, in the morning and one of the ford minnes tells the war of school. so together in dr. me the, the, all of them also signed off on, on a document which had the, you know, the logic to find the big summit which, which will take these e not july in miss. yeah. but of course, it is been very, very significant to the wizard over, but i will put those are dories apopka sanford in minnesota because this is off to 12 yards that a foreign minister of fox hassan has all come down to india and did the relationship between the 2 naples, india, and fox hassan i have been reading saw that's a good point between the 2 countries. really has been off kashmir and india has of course i'll put it down and said that that it and don't go together. so we did not see that all biological happen between the 2 countries,
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little falls. so the did share the see stage together, which is being seen as exports as um, as the break ingle. i still see also the very fact like i pointed out, that a foreign minister from bach hassan has come down to india also 12 long years, more than a decade. us. so would this be a step farther than breaking the eyes for the final summit that will take place in july, the find, the less you will, some of where the heads of all states will come up perhaps. but of course, um, as far as the dial or to do something that is concerned and lots and lots of action, lots and lots of by law closed we so sorry, july rob, who to by law actually we, in the back of sony, going to bother than the indian calling to bob as well as the chinese gone to pod india had a biological with us or the last row with the russian gone to part as well as the chinese going to pop that also again is very significant given the 5 that there are
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boat engines uh between the 2 countries pertaining to east dunlab golf, golf. also the doors were in fact, lots of discounts to when a, as j sean government deals for an investment and stuff as well as streaming gang metal yesterday. so would really has been on a very, very up fact, 2 days off in google all of this of course. so the foreign ministers of all these countries leading ground walk for what is going to happen later in the year in july, the big summit which will take place. but of course the was assigned on a document which had around 15, talking points, 15 decisions. and these particularly around economic ties are trade dies guides through dies uh as well as, um, like lab roving the rest conference off to the sea or foreign ministers needs pointed out. uh, they will also spoken about the need of using national or low coup guarantee. so no
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orders, this will be taken out to the leaders in that's big final assignment which will take place in july in new delhi. remember, india is the se, will chad this time china, it's cool for the us to stop using santa wolf, the to attack foreign countries, networks to supply and governance. as off to a chinese cyber security company, publish a report revealing washington, so quote, empire of hack is the people that balance on the international community should be honda. vigilance of these activities, the large number of real cases displaced in the report is yet another example of the ca is long term global cyber risk studies can paint when the why should pay attention and respond to international concerns and stop using cyber weapons for global espia nash and cyber attacks. the report was a joint investigation by china's national confusing virus emergency response sensor
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. and the 360 cyber security company, it claims that the c i a has been august racing, the peaceful evolution of color revolution. we went to the via elicit, signed a means repose holes that revealed that the us has attempted to have us way more than 50 governments worldwide. and that the c i a has controlled a for a networks and steals as sensitive data last time. and if the sun high sends a full international studies, nelson won't face that. this report is hon. proof of what b whitehouse is capable of. as this report has provided, hauled, evidence pointing direct to me that the c i a listing out the different methods they are being employed and the technologies they use and the training of come all linking all the way up to the white house. so what can be expected is that this report, by uncovering the us new type of intelligence activities and cobit operations. china has laid back in front of the world, what the us is capable of,
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and it has been doing in the martin. they espionage that goes to other countries including jobs and to bring this matter to the attention of the general public to prove what the us has been doing to achieve its hedge a monic control over the world by this respecting the human rights. as well as the sovereignty of other countries and thus tearing apart the cover up of the us pretends to always stand on moral high ground. and this is a tug of war, a game. and because the us is not ready to give up, but his control over the world, and this is what the reality is or about. the belgium is made a pledge. the key is that it will these 200000000 yours of frozen russian assets in order to help ukrainian will efforts. if there is not a single dollar in any of the belgian hearts and minds that we needs to continue to
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support ukraine. that is why last march belgium seized approximately 200000000 euros of the proceeds from russian assets that are frozen in belgium. and we are using those funds exclusively to help the ukranian war effort into support you, your premium refugees in belgium. and i'm convinced that you can go further in the domain, not only by seizing the interest, but also looking at the full proceeds of the russian efforts themselves. so to him is upon me to send me the announcement during vladimir lensky surprise visits to the netherlands of miss it into the you still needs to develop a legal framework for transferring russians assets us congress, on the other hand, has already passed and the allowing starts and proceeds from confiscated, russian are supposed to be given new crane, which most uh, quote, an act of barbarism assessed by
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a you estimates $300000000000.00 us dollars the most longing to russian central bank of so it's not being flows and the size of west let's discuss this in depth them with i guess now do you please connect space and you are confident news. line chief pa and mom will turn on at joining us from brussels. many thanks to joining us on the program this evening up. what is your initial reaction to this announcement from the belgium prime minister regarding the use of seized russian assets? said they, did, they come to you as a surprise, or did you expect this to happen? what sort of, what was it's not a surprise because benjamin is a and they told member country a european union member or country and the actually is lots rudy, this summer and country i because the bedroom is thought of need to throw a need to bases on each side is depending on the nuclear umbrella from united states is buying extra $35.00 planes to where united states for his defense. and
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the new tool is based a new toys across the us on page and bedroom. so or that shop is not really a silver in the country on photos with your 4 digit kind of title, which ease of washing done to it. good is russia seconds or i'm not too sure. i'm not surprised about vis or the i tend to, to use the. ringback russian foods and upsets because of it's for you, but will over united states to do this. but that charlie is still counting the leader in terms of international roles. and the bedroom actually uses no or no, but the money they make from these assets in a box, but not the us. it's the sort of a search, but we would like to do this. we mean if way more can negotiate. you do a, the open union leave order, but if they succeed in negotiate it, framework
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a 27 member states is still a leak or because, or the u. s. e u under interpreting is done or shallow into you need to learn more to do this was not up to about united nations and do it sure is or showing, but actually to review your or need to member states united states and, and you actually already, they of been done to the the, the dual vis, illegal approach to it. couldn't be cool. and actually it will be the bod, fully to subject mistake for the future because many countries up subbing this situation and to having your don't us on your us us. it's the 4 countries us, nothing in both states will be you will need to or is very denture was to because or if it kind of serious western countries come use, develop more natural own jo,
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pretty good for both east. this is why you many bricks countries also shown, geico bush and countries are trying to get rid of a dollar domains on tried to use other means of payments. and this really acts in a range of a merchant portal holder on it. it seems like the promises are being made to ukraine and the of the photos on while a legal frame but doesn't exist. we'll just create one laser. so having to set this, how would you assess most goes um costs if occasion of the move according to an active fest with violation to national was or are they on point to honest in saying that to yes, it's the escalation of academic cool and do of course of every be a retaliation. and if we see up for multiple or do we try to see about only do you on us? i apply and these you need to you need letter of sanctions of arrest of a what review of fuses we switched on. dominus, under. obviously,
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in the economic to a. well, i'm not sure. but westwood wouldn't because you're the big cook top. i'll send you raise your child and enjoy all the countries in some chinese yacht. you run bricks, countries rise. the soft recovery re refuse the situation to suck some brush up. we use russian assets under. i thing to the west is under relies. oh, big of a mistake they do is a future have a future offer relations because i've already been with dorothy niche and globalization before, but no, the extended rate to be sumption. so i'm using the assets, you know, you've got to wait. they, they, you start to dig nobody's ation process, which was so profitable for them. and to be sweet before $910.00, not cheever, you, original globalization, which we, we can, uh, the west uh, the quoted cheapest. so what kind of reciprocal measures do you think we can expect? rush to, to take
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a way to rush. you can also freeze some odd cents. sort of common countries of soviet be off for and companies as teter, the new rochelle become the they come to maybe freeze of the or the icons on the, on my 2 years. and also do the accidental rate to come most with the rest of awards. except to be the exclusion of the west and the old. so we're doing much more energy transfer. so to, to you, raise your and the wisdom anymore. and you wouldn't, particular enough rugs, are pretty big show between left to buy and the more expensive for a gas from the united states. and the of our duties countries and or so or so, russia has many array of material just because you would like to as a point of view of the combination to go green or less deep than on the phone on
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the gas. but just to just say the time they wouldn't need more my 2 years to, to, to the green economy and do actually it's rearrange phosphate and dependence on to all my tell you guys in china and russia so, so this is a really, or i think a a show of sites and body seen from the, from bench from, from the you, with the west in general. what place was waiting for the product. lemme squarespace, your insights into the mazda of p a. m, i know tim on jet political experts and you were confidence, new site chief. thank you. now the united states on so they will recognize as well as wide for quote, freedom of action. it's a round size to obtain nuclear weapons, as, according to the white house and national security advisor, despite the wrong denial of such claims that we have made clear to a wrong that it can never be permitted to obtain a nuclear weapon as president biden has repeatedly reaffirmed he will take the
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actions that are necessary to stand by this statement, including by recognizing israel's freedom of action. but us on the is well have repeatedly accused the wrong of attempting to develop nuclear weapons. according to the as ready, defense minister to ron allegedly possessed as the means to make 5 nuclear psalms. but he was chairman of the joint chiefs of sauce. i took the sentiments saying that wrong has enough nuclear material for a bomb remaining. president abraham bracy has condemned the allegations wanting that any hostile moved form as well would lead to the destruction of tel aviv. this pulled on the us to leave the middle east alone. professor at the university of toronto, the 5. and how does the run they shed his opinion on the potential consequences of and as wally nucleus, flies on involved is obviously assigned that the united states would support this rarely regime. it be struck you riding positions
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a upon accusing iran of developing a nuclear weapon. but the problem is that he runs peace on the program is well protected. all of the key installations are underground and inaccessible to any weapons that the united states are the is where every room has it, unless they want to carry out a nuclear strike, which is inconceivable. so there's riley's cannot really harm you run. and the, and the ultimate counter strikes that would take place would devastate this way of the machine. it is a small regime. this energy is spent on subjugating a population, half of the population of the land, over half of the population of the land, and as west western governments in west. so the resumes decline. the hey gemini, and the power declines because of their multiple conflicts with russia, with china, with others. western countries seem to be in
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a struggle against everyone across the globe these days. so as the decline is real, source of strength declines because this is, well, it's not an inherently powerful country. it's power comes from the west, the hundreds of minds, areas of a run for the countries international, apples of the being evacuated from both phones to down. the nation has attempted to evacuate 1500 students from call to into neighboring egypt. so if you're a classic difficulties when they get dips inside of sold the process on thursday, the 1st group of, of activities, what else did find nigerian and forces? we spoke with some who fled and she has stories before. so it was very come, cool. it was of to these though up, so it under something else which we don't expect it to be. we slips outside the bus city schools. no foods,
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nothing. no to do now i'm. i'm not feeling very well. let me wallace. the inside thing in the nation was and us president joe bind and assigned to the executive order, allowing the functioning of those responsible for so i think the piece, security and stability of the country on the mining sedans, democratic transition, as some of the latest, which is from sit down a warning for you so much on the following images upsetting and the splits it you can see the button bodies of victims of the conflicts fighting beginning costume on april 15th, when suited he is on forces on the rocket support forces. power military clashed and a vicious power struggle united nations. secretary general antonio guitar is also released. the statement that missing the organization failed to prevent the outbreak of war. and here you can see sedans, largest small up in flames with huge clues of smoke rising from the building. according to this, to these federal health ministry, the will has already claimed the lives of 550 people. i left 95000 people in just
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we heard from a local journalist for more than 15 days. the sounds of gunfire are still being hard to talk to me as a volunteer. flashes are still resulting in more and more casualties of the work continuous between disadvantaged army. on the far, i'm going to draw a goal that robert support for us as citizens of the cottage, all of which was to become a part of the field now are called between 2 difficult choices, either to leave their homes on see the walk to some or save or stay here in a spare, the photo sensation without the physics of living on with the possibility of becoming a lot. you're all done. there aren't any thought so far. 550 people have been killed on nearly 5000. enjoy. to do this conflict, according to the federal minister, also, one of our music on organizations believes of the health system is it on is on the verge of lots. i know it's far rather lost. if somebody says, i'll go to bonham. but he was the sped department, is they think that they are in constant contact with both our bees confirming that this letter agreement is
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a still in effect. but it seems like this allegedly as far agreements all exist or social media, other citizens investors are for tools, are the different point of view. i live in it and then the cease fire agreement between the army and the rapid support forces is only for the media. it's only on to the outside on the street. so there is no truth. it's whole a short while ago there was more shooting in the area. you can see the smoke over there. the gunfire was loud and clear when he was a show us and explosions on a daily basis. and so this whole truth is only for show so far. the ro, buick is the all the international regional institute, the piano itself, or for one of the to war in parties after escaping of the army stands for the city . and so not more than 15 days now on the war as to where you can between the army on the far a minute to remove the tool generals, it should refuse to negotiate with one screen instead of what it's going to instead 1000 in your on hundreds of thousands as display as both internally and externally, there are those will decided to ignore this on the flips on try to resume the data
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will keep the continuous, heavy explosions destroyed. 1 as, as, as the default is the space of thoughtfulness can make. it was difficult for them towards our attorney as for now, abdullah jose and r t. so don hospital with the likes and campaigns in full swing kentucky. yeah. the nation's farm and, and still have expressed his outrage as an economist magazine. all school was young people not to vote to vote for reach of the one. the diplomats, they feel at school is the direction to fail or, and since of his countries, domestic affairs, the deciding on behalf of the tourist people while they are trying to sway the nation. we have no business with those who interfere in turkey is internal affairs . but pace goes on to state that in the event of a power change, the nation would be quote for ya as more prosperous bringing itself closer to the west. it also questions the president stance on the middle east and russian. we spoke with a circus political sciences to say that the west is using the media to interfere
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into a kitchen tunnel. a fast to see that i am to use the interference of any foreign powers to touch his internal affairs. and this article of the columbus opened the end directly tried to interfere to elections, but help to add to this kind of wisdom that fit good as the turkish elections, as an independent country took useful loading and defending his nation linked to the same as normal. that that'd be a corporate thing with our neighbors and the chaise. also, he is our neighbors and vehicle. but i think the drugs saying they do for the in different fields. i think these are the, this information come bang each are the controlling by the wrist. and they are trying to manipulate the public. and they tried it in the, in the us elections. they, they blamed russia. but i think it was like kind of a tool method for them to manipulate the american public and now uh the what they
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are doing with the media equipment we send or the, or the others. uh, the best and matthew that they're trying to interfere took his election by the, by the articles and a bit to beef up security. so being president, alexander view church has announced that increase in police presence as well as additional background checks for those wishing to purchase firearms. that's also a gunman, toad, 8 people, and wounded 14 others in serbia. the 2nd most shooting in 2 days, the president has labeled the tragedy and attacked on the entire country, which are seen up by the bureau. this was a terrorist act. this attack is actually an attack on our entire country. and every citizen feels that a less than 2 days since the last terrible event, serbia, is being outside the other message. yesterday night, a local resident in the one hour away from belgrade. 21 year old has been driving
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around. and she's been grandly people. that's all of this horrible pride is 8 people that and 13 who has all the small groups that present, which is just kind of the press conference today. and the team did the new measures regarding this and the events that happened 2 days ago. he said that in the next few months, 1200 new police officers will be taken into force over a 1000 police officers will be present in schools and we are supposed to guarantee the safety for the children, the laws that regard the carry and the owner people, firearms will be carefully changed to favor all the higher restrictions and punishment for those that can legal firearms and also increase drastically present even said and stated the possibility of death penalty being active again. you certainly have, besides this,
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several more incidents happens in beverage and some other places there where the police report is that the phone, the we the fun thing weapons we're seeing what to do to see the people sending, press your list to people that are supposed to be solved as opposed to being suddenly schools and stuff like that. and uh, serving president even said that are a valid do certain countries don't do services will be brought to the highest level due to the press. countries has been exposed in the past few days and the spheres and these respective escalating the next few days. we've brought matters on not to take place right now. the 14th from belgrade, so it'd be on my end, which is 2 days ago, 9 people killed in a school shooting in belgrade, a sub in political analysts days. the west and media played a role in the events leading up to that tragedy. this is all very, very strange. it doesn't seem to be, you know, we don't have something like this happening in serbia. we've never had
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a mass shooting school shooting of this or so. uh, you know, lots of things are happening uh, just couple of days ago we had a big right up in your time as you know, directly attacking the president of serbia. and of course, uh, the most pressure on the serbian government to impose sanctions on russia to distance themselves from russia and china and to recognize its own province of coastal, which is under and made to occupation and to turn toward the west. while public opinion is vastly in favor of russia was strong, especially american mass media, how rich they were social media. they have a very negative influence, especially in young people. and it's like a cancer is the pastor sizing all over the world of bad people in serbia. so imagine.
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