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tv   News  RT  May 6, 2023 1:00am-1:27am EDT

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the, the ukrainian security service arrest the u. s. blog, or charging him over promoting russian propaganda as the u. k. for repairs to pledge allegiance to its new king. questions on the price tag of the ceremony for the media with some common walls, nations valley to obtain independence from the monarchy. that says, hundreds of children in the u. k. former colony of nigeria suffer from record rates of malnutrition. according to a new worrying report. russia says the world could benefit from its agricultural exports as part of the black sea brain deal,
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but the un is unable to ensure equal shipments to country the need. archie speaks exclusively to the rushes deputy for administer. the very idea that was put forward by the un secretary general to ensure food security in the world, as it turns out, is not actually happening. the good morning for moscow. this is our to international with the latest from news updates. i'm 0 a isabel, happy to have you with us. your printing and security services have arrested us robert gonzalez, lira in the city of har, cause he is accused of publicly supporting russia's actions in ukraine, as well as discrediting ukrainian military leadership. this is all there is a blogger based at har, coffee crane. he is a citizen of the us, and she lay gonzalo has been discussing the events of you,
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the ukraine conflict on social media with his twitter account having over 115000 followers. now, so what's your reaction to the detention of gonzalez, lira showed the same concern in and out in ukraine at this point. so and the impact of the truth is kind of ironic when you've got the president's a list of freedom. this is about democracy and you have the silence that you know, of opposition political parties. the silence the media is going to have through the russian orthodox church and your brain knows those things but seem to be change them out to a freedom and democracy at least the way to normally tax. so i don't put a lot of faith in the claims that they do great press freedom is moving up the list in the way that other world dep reporting is going on well apart from ukraine's press freedom, there's the u. s. press freedom and a lot of people have been celebrating press freedom day. now the west and ukraine had been waging a war on russian media for over a year now. but it seems that western journalists and bloggers and citizens are now
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being targeted even more. do you think this is a worrying trend? i think it's that absolutely worrying trend. i think any time you're only getting one side of the story from the media and our care, whether it's that the vaccines are good. uh, the master are, are important that we need to fax it a young children the against toby, or whether it's the way that the reporting has come from. of the pray, rush or conflict with only one sided stories, total desktops, a journalist doing, doing their jobs. and frankly, i've, i've been involved for a long time that we're not seeing any journalists embedded on the russian side of the conflict in eastern ukraine's report. that was actually happening to the civilians there when they're being struck by bombs and missiles and, and, and be kurt as they have been really so the last, you know, 8 to 10 years and in the eastern you crate. so there has not been fair and accurate journalist for 40. they have not embedded journalists with the, the troops on both sides of this conflict. and as we're saying with the attention
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of this page, as blogger, if you try to tell the truth in ukraine, you're going to be silent whatsoever saying some media in the united states. tucker carlson. we're starting to talk a little bit about what's actually happening and you freight asking questions about where the money has done. there's been dispatched there and he's no longer on the air. well, yeah, i mean, recently we saw an interview with anthony blinking and a washington post journalists. and that came with a lot of protests because there's been cases of journalists like juliet's sondra, being arrested and facing life in prison for publishing details of us war crimes. do you think there's something that could be done at an international level to protect journalist or anybody dissidents who are simply reviewing the truth regardless of politics? you know, if there would be any role for the united nations, any role for your groups, like nato, it should be to call for truth. it should be to call for transparency. and it
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should be a call for protection of journalists who are trying to get the truth out without being intimidated, or in some cases, you have detained, jailed or even executed. so of all the roles that the united nations, my property have i'm thinks of protection of journalists, that objection of truce would be one of their top roles if they were doing their job. steve, go radio host and political commentator. thank you. thanks 0. as the u. k prepares to cry, god save the king. some royal subjects. question whether the coordination is close to $125000000.00 price tags is justifiable, especially as britain heaters on the brink of recession. r t. steve sweeney looked into how the commonwealth views on coordination have changed over the last 70 years . the name hot sits on the chair, is hardly going to make the headlines of newspapers across the world as
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a phone over the coordination. but that pretty much sums up the reality with the rest as the cause of all kind of pomp and ceremony with as all rituals. including relocating the stone of destiny from scotland to london. british people up in all to stay. 2 up and swear was sick of hunting, always what leads us to the king? well, police are warned, so they will not tolerate any defense on the day. with the moment can you probably test is sent a letter of warning that they could face jail. serious disruption is defined to mean a hindrance, delay, or prevention to move within the mind. a degree to specified activities, deliveries, or access to specify the central goods and services. any person found guilty of committing the offense of to the coming into force of the measure will be liable to imprisonment 3rd time, not exceeding 6 months. a fine old base. some of the whole street parties on the day. but public support for the royal family is that some old time low with poll showing 64 percent of the public are not much interested in the combination. the
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good is perhaps on surprising deal with it will cost an estimated $250000000.00 pounds. so the tax bar at the time when the economy is struggling on the number of food boxes on the rise, coupled with this king charles as wells is reported to have sold to 1100000000 following the queen's death. charles has nothing to heritage, the difference of respect and sick of funds. say that was enjoyed by the queen. so people are far more willing to challenge him overseas. more or more persons folder caught in these a saving independence and the crown shoemaker is the latest country to announce plans to become a republic. no, i do accept prints tasks. i don't see the reason for it. i really don't know if you serve any useful purpose, being able to see that i really think that we need to it's time for a search engine to go to a republic thing. we shouldn't be own independent country without
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the queen and without the king. australia is new government has promised to revisit, moves to become a republic, a previous referendum failed. but science all this a new power favor a brake with the british monarchy. it was, of course, here in the 1970s that the queen intervened on sucks the government of golf whitman, who had promised to make reforms in the interests of the people, but to gain the service of its royal most is indigenous australians or among the 12 former companies to the effects of british colonized ation to make reparations by redistributing the wealth of the british crown and throw to an auto, fox and cuban remains. we know this may be a tough conversation for the royal family, but change begins with listening. king charles has publicly acknowledged his personal sorrow at the suffering of so many were calling on him to acknowledge the horrific and enduring impacts of the legacy of genocide and colonization on
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indigenous and enslaved peoples. on the eve of the co ordination, easy to employment as a chris hipkins. so it is just a matter of time before he's come to stop recognizing the team is instead of states . but seattle is not something that he will be actively pursuing for the time being the political cause. you know, various views about the peer and you should retain the british monarchy or we should become a republic, but also strongly. there's no discussion on the change of the constitution in terms of the head of state, but the discussion might come up in the car in the overall discussions about why, what type of government we we want to have in this country on tiegram pablo to hold a referendum on the issue before 2025. on for the optimization and fall by industry itself, which were moved. queen elizabeth was head of state to november 2021. a department to serve police as it is likely that his country will also become a republic,
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as he called on his purchased counterpart, to apologize for the atrocities of slavery. when you read and hear about the plundering that took place in the land of his ancestors, i do believe that really soon ex should have offered an apology. files of south africans have signed a petition demanding the return of the wells law just diamond, which was pond by colonial forces and presented to the british monarchy in 1987. the style of africa, or killing on diamond, is in the rule set to which king charles will hold during the ceremony. as part of authorization is the 15 people that need to punch in ties our sauce. and this is our t v. we come to realize you each deeper than i am calling for the time and just part of the people that the process is issues not let me teach students and drives insurance seems to be taken from the sheets. charles creevy has a job to do to revive a decaying millnicky,
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which is looking more more out of touch than ever before. could we even see the end of the institution? and while the u. k celebrates the coordination of king charles. hundreds of children and its former colony of nigeria are suffering from record rates of malnutrition. we spoke about the worrying friend with a doctors without borders, fielder coordinator. this year in january, when it's already $75.00, children missed it. every week for my nutrition and we reach up to april, that is $160.00, so it's 3 times more than the last year. and that will tell you even more this last 6 days, we just stepped skyrocket due to a faulty machine every single day. so we reach in less than 2 weeks, more than 240 missions. so and these quite to alone because that we're not
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to reach you. yes. what the so called the younger guests. pretty much these related to the lean season. so between the time of the planting or the crops and the our visitors can see that the most dangerous view of the time. and when we reach that time in 6 weeks, because we still far away from that, you cannot imagine what can happen. you have to go see them as well that most of the children are coming in is not only per se, the lack of food, but he's also did do the disease that you're going to have the just to ease to give an example like a could be they have a home or be these like by the area measles pneumonia, diarrhea. and this is also a we kennings for the children and they can give you to that pretty much you of this. the organizations report says that the number of children suffering for malnourishment is the highest ever recorded by mess stuff with over 1000 mulder's children admitted to intensive care, and over 8000 children,
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admitted with severe malnutrition in 2022. the report says, access to support is in sufficient with an idea in population in dire need of improved access to health care and better living conditions. we spoke with local residents about the mounting crisis in the country. i was didn't, so i did since i'm going between lectures and select to do so i'm leaving. i'm gonna go to some that i get food tries because it's not convenient. zillow cheese spends. yeah, i think tries learns. and you know what, you don't have that too, from a job surface. not everybody's facing for what city did a pretty it was a pretty times where he did know i'm coming to school internet. i'm not even going to do more that i don't have to be able to do it tomorrow morning. nigeria
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hasn't been hit by a crisis since 2009 as a vocal, her rom militant insurgency, threatened stability in the region. more over the challenges are exacerbated by hunger flooding and climate issues. according to reports, over 6000000 people are displaced in the country, and 3 times more are in need of assistance. gabrielle sante, again explains the reasons behind the prices that spreading through the region on this axis about this is a, is the lar, me, because it seems that he's increasing the, the get to the terms of food security for many, many, for finishing different context. it might be related to many factors can be sometimes, so the security, so due to conflicts to be also in relation to kind of changing global warming. and this is also affecting my signature. what we can witness is that maybe call you when you try to get his ition is simply the fact that we see more and more people
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that bring on the catastrophe because they don't have enough food and as well. so there will still have many diseases that can also affect them. and of course you can use these to close to the one thing is that the moment we were just discussing few days ago in g sharp plaster here in my you go to and they receive only 16 percent on the phone. so my question, so this means that they are not able to provide funds enough to other organizations to step up and be said to make a problem. because if we want to still receive your documentation, we really need to have funds pretty much and very soon because organization to step out in terms of the a c program for to receiving services, the whole world could benefit from russia's agricultural exports. that's the message from russian deputy for administer survey version. and after a meeting with the you on trade and development, chief, a mid tops on renewing the black sea green initiative. deal that expires on may
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18th or 2 spoke exclusively with the russian diplomat who shared his take on the international agreements when this is going to police and today's conversation was useful and it allowed us to do the main thing. and that is to measure the progress of the implementation of the provisions of the men, the random are between the russian federation and the un. however, we're not happy with the progress itself, and this is very important for us. so the green deal and the black sea initiative are specifically an agreement on the export of ukrainian grain from 3 ukrainian ports. the implementation of that is already in effect, more than 20000000 tons have already been exported to date. these are the real results. we are drawing attention to the fact that green is being exported, but it is probably exported to the most developed countries to countries with high
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or middle income. however, the very idea that was put forward by the un secretary general to ensure food security in the world. and as it turns out, is not actually happening. moreover, and we're working and fulfilling our parts of the obligation. because work is underway on the international humanitarian cord or the c cord, or which uses carriers to export green. but everyone knows that unfortunately, it was used by the ukrainian side in particular to organize terrorist attacks against several staple, which is absolutely unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. and therefore a high level meeting of deputy ministers will be held in the near future. and a 4th party format with the participation of the parties to these agreements, namely russia, turkey, a ukraine, and the coordination and contribution from the u. n. in this sense, i want to say that the potential of the russian federation,
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in terms of ensuring food security in the world is very great. and this is well known if we remove barriers, for example, from our agricultural export, it's and from the export of our fertilizer, many countries of the world will benefit for the week of august, the top us intelligence figures, including 2 former c. i directors fabricated a claim that russia was behind the hunter bite in laptops scandal, all to give joe biden, a talking points against donald trump in the 2020 presidential race. that's according to an email exchange obtained and published by the just the news, investigative media outlets. all these emails seem to be showing us is that it was a coordinated effort to damage the republican and that is that a search on those particular individuals reputations. it's also a scourge on the campaign of joe biden. there is more here and this cannot be
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written off as just nothing to see here because there are facts, hard facts that contradict the platitude. coming from the state about that was election. this information, but it wasn't from russia. it was from joe biden. the biden campaign, and former us security and intel officials that went along this was there in kind donation to help joe heard donald trump in the process. i lie to you, the american people in the lead up to an election, former c i, a director, mike morel, who goes back to the obama era and in the email. he admits that this letter that was signed by a number of members of the us intelligence apparatus was done as a political move to a divided into 2020 elections. now he also goes on to admit that another obama here is the i a boss, john brennan also knew it was a political maneuver. here's what's in the letter, john,
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can i add you name to this list? will be adding leon gordon. j johnson, george linda, monica, and mike rogers today and working on adding done coach, mike rogers and tom, both sort and lots of other i see korea fault trying to give the campaign particular during the debate on thursday talking point to push back on trump on this issue thanks michael. okay, michael ad. my name to the list. good initiative. thanks for asking me to sign on but gets better. apparently there were some. busy former intelligence officials who did not sign the letter after being approach, citing the fact that there was simply no evidence to back up the claim that the under binding laptop scandal was all a big rush and conspiracy. so i just left it and didn't sign a letter and didn't respond to then michael would draw analytical conclusions with some level of confidence, low, medium, or high, and bring it to the white house. we didn't have that debate about this laptop issue . we weren't invited to debate it. well, mike morel made this testimony. i gave this information, sworn testimony. uh,
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and it was before the, uh, the house judiciary committee. and he basically showed that anthony lincoln, who is now the secretary of state, that he was the mastermind behind this, that this was really his idea. and that he, it's worth noting at a position with the bite and campaign he was directly working with by let's review . but prior to secretary blinking call you, you did not have any intent to ride the statement. i did not. okay. so who's called triggered it, did? yes. that intent to you? yes, absolutely. what was the intent of the statement? there were 2 intense one and 10 was to share a concern with the american people that the russians were playing on this issue. and to it was to help vice president biden. you wanted to help the vice president. why? because i wanted him to win the election. you wanted him to win. that's why. yes sir. i didn't, i wasn't my ideas, didn't ask for it, didn't solicit it,
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and i think the testimony that the former deputy director of the c i a mike moral for ford confirms that go after someone close to the biking campaign, went around and generated this letter. you know, gathering former intel officials and others to sign this letter. we then saw joe by e signing it as evidence in debates the latter that his campaign essentially generated. let's take a listen. there are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what they should plan, they have said, so we have a situation that a story that was true was led and presented as simply russia propaganda. rushing this information. uh and the forces that came up with this claim to debunk what was a true story about the 100 by laptop were doing so for political reasons, for partisan reasons. now this is quite a scandal. it's been revealed. the question is,
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will anyone be held accountable for this when you have the email itself? when you have one former c i a director writing another pharmacy. i, director morrell, writing brennan and admitting i mean smoking gun, whatever you want to call it, it. meaning, hey, can you sign onto this? and i'm paraphrasing this phony documents. we want to give some talking points and help of to joe biden before the final presidential debate, which was a couple of days later or a day or 2 later. and he's yeah, okay. you know, put and put me on. i mean this is, this shouldn't be page one, stop the presses. wow. and it's not, not in this code. it is not you couldn't you google the story? and you'll say, fox news, the pre begin watch or didn't examine or just the news, but i've been watching all day cnn and, and, and cable news. it's not covered. they couldn't tear lapse. so it's really messed
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up. there really is. this is frightening stuff. but the evidence is here, and republican should be out in force, not only the media, but republicans to be out and for say, well, here's the email and wave it in their faces and, and show the american public. cuz they're not going to know about it. unless they start to certain conservative outlets and some news just in before we go. a us of 16 fighter jet has crashed in south korea. during training on saturday morning, the pilot was safely injected and was transported to a medical facility. according to the us air force, the jet crash near the american us on air based and south korea around 64 kilometers from the border with north korea, the local fire department was dispatched to tackle the resulting blaze. the
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accident is reported to be under control investigation to and that's a rep on the hour coming up. how's the poison cartel made up of pesticide and g m. o companies as well as the green revolution ringers, including gates and others, control all food in life on earth. next, i'm going underground. thanks for tuning in, say close the to what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation. let it be an arms race is on all sides. very dramatic. the only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very unclear to get a time time to sit down and talk the
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i'm action redundancy and welcome back to going under ground tens of millions phase .


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