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tv   News  RT  May 7, 2023 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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with the soviet union, they could have stopped the vs. wagner. apartment g says he was promised necessary supplies of munition by the defense ministry to maintain his troops in them. bottled the city of thomas and old bach. most of the person rights and fall additions a copy up in is taken out of a medically induced coma to live savings. busy during the summer, he was targeted in a complement side with suspects recognizes he has been recruited by on own specified ukrainian intelligence as best i think continued into the us present one sanctions on the way for those behind the crisis we examine the impacts
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previous us involvement in the country, hot and visible denalis is the lack of effort to release julian assange defending the journalist actions and revealing information that was in the public's interest the sunday. that means it's the weekly hey on. i'd say mine is pizza, scott. so there was some of the top stories from the week just don't have the head of rushes volume that private military company of guinea pig gordon has said that he's been from a sufficient munition on weapons necessary to maintain his troops in october. must go backwards on seasonally acosta as the story. earlier in the week a if daniel garzon published a video and a letter explaining why wagner pmc would be retreating from a to almost or bus more than he addressed that to russell's defense ministry and the russian army. and he
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justified, that's why that would be leaving the office almost after may 10th and handed over their positions to ross, as defense ministry because they suffered heavy losses. and he accused the russians defense ministry of not supplying them with enough ammunition is, which is why they wanted to retreat and read through the full now overnighted benefit of goals and has said that he has been promised about 500 p. m. so you will get all the munitions that they require so that they can continue with your offensive. at the time when propulsion issued that statement, he said that they only had about 2 and a half kilometers left to capture in uh, out of thomas or bus mode. so uh, now it seems things will continue that will not be handling their positions over to the russians, defense ministry and once more, according to see if guinea pig was in the head of the russian army. well now personally oversee all the communication between 500 p, m. c and ross's defense ministry. the restroom right to a bullet. this is a hot phillip and has now been taken out of a medically induced coma. that stuff,
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he was wounded in a cobb bombing attack that killed one person on saturday. that cycle was carried out 70 kilometers from these, you know, of gods on the remote country road. the rights of its, of injuries to his legs and longs underwent a live saving operation. especially investigates this idea the site was carried out using a remotely designated logmein. so states i meant that he was not seen on key of sold as in 2018. i was recruited by to create new special services in 2022. i arrived in the russian federation to assassinate so hard per 11, using to remotely detonated empty tank lines. i regret my actions. us. let's go excuse ukraine's west of buck is a band, some responsibilities if they attack the russian foreign minister, condemned washington silence. just days ago, our correspondents into pre lip in the front lines in don't boss where he had previously served as a commander long. he's gonna have to watch. there's so many people know you. first
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of all, as a famous writer person, they look up to what shows it is your, your well known from programs in russian television. the question is, in the zone of the special mentor operation, we've heard a lot of people know you're here working together with the units on the russian national guard and try to somehow help with supplies or equipment or these people. let's name them. how are the helping? well, do i? she's the adult. but this is a long story because in the summer of 2014, i had a foundation on the soap. all that happened after the foundation started, but when we were helping finance in general, i would turn to what was already award to the place where i arrived at the very beginning of 2014, in 2014, at the very beginning of hostilities. i rolled up here to look down along the same road, the customs office along which came here to day. when i came, i thought 9 years ago i came here. i have been here all this time. this story is mine, of my life and personal life. but the most important thing is 49 years. the people
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who started helping the foundation in the summer of 2014, they are not tired. they're continuing to help. this, of course, for me is the highest manifestation of civil society in russia. what do you mean the very thing that the liberals like so much trouble with that can equal to, let's say you put it in. if it's a service groups have already claimed responsibility for the time. there is not being confirmed whether the same suspects has any links to them. the coming isn't the 1st time most of these kids of committing a types on russian. so the
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most are and will correspondence. thomas roper shed his thoughts on the science committed against washington list of all these incidents that happened during the last year, whether it's through email, whether it's a tough task. and this one now and all the other attempt with attempts were, had, it's clear on the tab from, from ukraine. and it's clear as far as you've created the supported by the west, that this at least is done with a green light from the west. interesting is that the moment, not even one incident and you create happens exactly. so no, nobody blows up. ukrainian journalist who is important to you. so we see that the crate is making tara and russia, and russia is not, not doing anything that is restaurant's trying to protect himself in this case of carol trying to keep security high. but there is no 100 percent guarantee. as i said, $22.00 ukrainian drones were destroyed during the nights of the black sea that's
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according to the russian defense ministry. meanwhile, it sykes with interested borders are becoming increasingly frequent as the must go . office of president vladimir putin was assigned by to you a. these early this week, i must go by and just drawing on ukrainian linked forces. and c, jones were down by electronic defenses. inside the company's walls, all started, cesar said they would know currencies or damage. and you can see this voltage showing one of the jones exploding rights above the senate's policy, which houses funding it pretends with residents. he wasn't that the time though moscow called it a terrorist acts under the attempted assassination of the russian leader. were you created officials denying the responsibility for the attack with the russians saying it's reserves the right to retaliate? the landscapes said ukraine doesn't targets russia over the net present and he's waging a defensive war. aussies ego is done. it has more. the images of a weaponized view, a v exploding over the domes of the kremlin, assuming the left all sides staggered,
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rushing patriots who watched an enemy coming, causing munition bridge. the red brick walls of the pit, to me, of the russian image on west and officials who made a solemn promise to bolster ukraine's army on the condition. the key of your raise is instant nationally recognize the territory of russia, or if it's hit list, but we have not done. we've neither in court encouraged nor enabled, printing and partners to stripe beyond their borders. everything we are providing to ukraine is for a singular purpose, and that's for itself defense. i can say definitively that the notion of us providing intelligence or information to the ukrainians to target locations inside russia is nonsense. they've already splashed over a $100000000000.00 on military a to ukraine, some tens of thousands of energy. um a missiles, hundreds of drones. well, over a 1000000 rounds of artillery, munitions, dozens of tanks,
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hundreds of small la apc's and infantry fighting vehicles stretched along the railroads. it didn't just rain. it poured along with nato's intelligence data without which all this might would have been as good as a shooting range target. we do have an intelligence sharing relationship with are you printing on our parts? that is, we continue to proceed ahead with that. it's an important elements of the systems that we are providing to are you creating partners and, and efforts to effort to help them defend themselves, such support from the us and that specialized enabled ukraine's generals to pursue their wildest military ambitions. they got ideas that may be the bad on attacks against russia is more of a recommendation. rather than a rule. they tested the waters by shilling brushes, regions adjacent to the front line zone, like belgrade and towns around it. western allies follow this up with mary a slap
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on the wrist. encouraging ukraine combined to proceed. russia's ad defenses began to shoot down ukraine's drones hundreds of kilometers away from the front line cave . at that point, wasn't subtle. a tool about would have things, so we don't target russia decree. we will be capable of financing. because as far as our interests are concerned, we will not ask anyone where we need to hit the enemy because the enemy is on our territory, starting from all borders and ending in vladivostok. such impunity culminated in direct calls to attack the hoss of moscow. on one of the most solemn days in russia's history, may 9th victory day, one such claim was even backed by a half to bounty fully belie if with whom am i the when will you bringing you a visa, which was cool? of the 3 of us of which is the key. i think it should be a special event. i think that may, 9th is
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a very good moment because putting this money at the rate on the red square and there will be a lot of military there. so it will be a very legitimate military target, and i think that we, everyone who produces drones should really make an event out of it. well, now both keys and the west dod trying to shake off the burden of responsibility for what most go has explicitly called an attempt on vladimir putin life. and the attack has nato intelligence worried that russia might now as well expand its own list of targets. there are heightened concerns that russia may target on the c cables and other critical infrastructure in an effort to disrupt the west in life, to gain leverage against those nations that they're providing security to ukraine. the russians are more active and we have seen them in years in this domain. the goal is in russia as quote now and given the austin all it has at its disposal. the options are dreadfully vast for ukraine and its allies. oh and asked about the
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incident, a senior us official said american involvement was ludicrous dismissing its as a possible false flag inside which the version on both of us rejected as upset. we . we know that russian has a history of doing that stable history of doing false flag. it is not unusual is incredibly common. i just don't want to speculate at this time. it's citizens, as men, women and children being assaulted a daily basis by this russian aggression. well, we leave it to ukraine to decide how it's going to defend itself and how it's going to try to get back the territory. the statements by washington's official representative says, striking in their cynicism and absurdity, the us did not find it possible to recognize the obvious thing. this was a terrorist action blend by the zalinski regime. and then this as a nation attempt targeting the president of the russian federation that these, these, that this act of terrorism was allegedly a false leg operation are blasphemous and deceitful. that is, it was rashid itself, that stage the provocation against the heart of our statehood. how would the
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americans react if a drone hit the white house, the capital, or the pentagon? the answer is obvious for any politician as well as for an average citizen, the punishment would be harsh and inevitable. of fullness. ca, analyst and ceo of beg associates, large johnson shed his thoughts on how the joint incidents could escalate the conflict in this attempt to blame russia. typical, i think of the us clumsy response to these instances. what, what i think is really going on is that you creating did carry this out. it was in the able by the united states, but it did not have the knowledge of the key leadership. vaughn, or lloyd austin, the secretary defense up. i think the reason ukraine did it was to try to spark a reaction from russia to force it to escalate it in a way that would make it more likely to bring in us and nato direct involvement in the conflict. because you cry and realize this is lucy,
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and it's losing bad across the board. and it's under enormous pressure to carry out an offensive. and yet likes likes to manpower and resources to carry out and sustain the successful counter offensive. now over to them, at least where the iraqi farm industry spokesperson and so this area is return to the are the it was approved during the meeting of the groups for ministers and then maybe follows the countries membership verification back in 2011 after the outbreak of the syrian war, the decision to reinstate the serious membership was made on the threshold of the arab league, submits in saudi arabia, on may the 19th and meanwhile, and sit on a national ami delegation as well as the hours of permits. accounts of thoughts have met for negotiations in the saudi city of jetta. as for the 1st time since the inviting begun, the last month becomes as finally flashes between the 2 sides into that 4th week as sized boxes to dunst capital on saturday. sudanese times on soldiers was seen to be
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deployed in and finding its targets in costume. hundreds of people had been killed and there they fall under 50000, displaced and sufficing begun. and food and security is also become a rising concern in the fight dropped with the violence. essential kitchen in a costume hospital has launched an initiative to distribute the food for the sick on the wounded in recent weeks, hospitals across the street in these capital i being played with a shortage of essential supplies, good health, organization and substance. we monitor the health needs and resources in the country to ensure limited supplies. i go into those who made the most mean. while it's a key, i decided to move this embassy and consume 2 parts to done. after some buses came on to find it in the capsule on saturday, no casualties were faulted with both warring sides denying responsibility and by mutual to his local gentlest. i've done the same with the d test. there were many, definitely much fortified uninstall, did the collision issues for, for
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a national sample for the ultimate and also informed to model by the way that supports. so the issue that you're using to play the try to, to, uh, excuse. but also the also responded honestly, the 2nd one for me. no, sir, after i try to give you some of the problems, but know what to say. i stick you with no interest. i know what the additional channels for uh, company. uh, that's what i did this week. the us president issued an executive order to place the done on the sanctions. i meant the intensified fine scene between the sudanese ami and his opponents. the rapid support forces, power manager group,
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will out the advocate correspondence know we'll come get picks up. the story in washington is now taking steps to punish individuals and entities related to the conflict in sedan. as president joe biden signed an executive order allowing the you is to impose sanctions on those involved in the violence, he has to scott the situation in the country as a tragedy. calling a sock over to a suit in these forces a betrayal off the phone citizens. ok me, that's america is on this side. the united states dance with the people of sedan and we are acting to support their commitment to a future of be sent over to unity. today i issued a new executive order that expands us before it is to respond to the violence that begin on april 15th with sanctions that whole individuals responsible for threatening the peace, security and stability also done. the direct cost of sanctions from the u. s. is often nick reachable by the effects on the wall being left the nations that's under
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the can be quite severe. a medicaid imposed its 1st fits ascension. it gave sedan in 9 to 97, bolstering been 10 years later, in response to the deformed conflict. and then back to 2007 the been sued in these president obama office. she was condemned to washington for pursuing sanctions against his country, saying that this never helps to achieve any peace in fax over a week and the economy and hurts. so when we are amazed why the usa is continuing with sanctions after a time when we agreed with the you, when on a heavy support package, well, the sanctions return, the displaced and refugees to their villages will the sanctions help in providing services to the people. however, the cascade off economic sanctions was most people in the way for a lot of states to teach sudan and listen. even if it turned out to be
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a new $19.00 to $98.00 to the you is to store it is some sewage is full factory in the country with cruise missiles, killing a warning being about 11, no cause to bide an approved at the move at this time, despite the fact that the need for happening, dependent on drugs produced from this precise factory, including vital onto malawi application at that particular time, the clinton administration justified the strike by link to the r c footprint to some of the beans. i'll take it to the strike was severely criticized and has skipped, takes austin was to put on a legitimate tall that was the top of the selection post. is that not? why? so it's a manufactured crisis to distract from the scandals on american soil. it has not yet been established by the evidence in the public domain to the us military
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planners did everything feasible to establish the i'll shoot for factory amend the definition of a legitimate to military target or even that it was a legitimate military target at the time of the attack, the u. s. government should attempt to ease this concerns by providing further elaboration of the diligence of its pre bumping investigation of the plant escaped to see that there is no peace inside to the question still stands, how to stop sedan descent, into full blown civil war. and even though that is a great temptation folding is to use its economy and financial power to try to compel other states to change the policies and except to washington's demand. this call seems to be data. and in essence, we have seen how maximum parisha from the u. s. produces into persistence on the parts, often talking to the states on more than one occasion. to have a physical on a list of sheep as a full name says the us as news to impose sanctions on,
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sued to these individuals over the conflicts is washington's life, is an attempt to interfere in the country. and they continually on that subject to revolve um using what to my go guns, what diploma see a big stick uh kind of um you know, approached to international relations. i think that we, we should be looking for this make us about and i'm suggesting most sense when a country that isn't ready to distress such as such a down, these does not help because mind you essentially don't really fix um, the belligerents, you know, the people on the ground, of course, with the needs people. uh the ones will uh say to, to they know things of people if you with was a, when a country which was a ready affected by food shortages even before this war broke out.
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and you want to impose the sanction, how do you encourage people to do when it goes into the table? maybe on sales and use this. we visited in presidents the silver has decried the fund. the julie massage was put behind bars for revealing trickery by the us and look at it for you. it's an embarrassment other joined the list for the analysis. 33 by one stage against the nowadays arrested. you've got them to die in jail and who do nothing to free him. it's a crazy thing with the guys in prison because he didn't else recovery the guy doing the analysis involved darn, and wants to do now is the state most pine and all those. and that became a crime against the journalist the crass which the fast freedom of the press does nothing to free him. its sons could face of a 175 years in the us prison. after his websites, we can leaks reveal declassified information on us war crimes in iraq. and i've
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done this done no, the mountain. let me about jamal, a renowned american journalist and civil rights activist because of police brutality and corruption was convicted of murder just by contesting the credibility of much of the prosecution's evidence. honest, international concluded the case was highly politicized and violated fet trials dundas g for the outcomes. newspapers, washington bureau, it's a site already. cons of says it's a sondra with jail just for publishing. a real story julian assigned gave me that in the start case. he's been present for so long and for what see, he did what any good journalists would do, which is yet look into the real story and not to be able to sources. so that's why they use it. that is really, and that is a hard and is the hard core of the 1st amendment and this country for americans and so on. so, you know, a good for the goods should be good for it again, or you can have certain standards for the us drivers,
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for instance here of operating in the us and for non us citizens who are operating outside ad, but able to do a yeah. you get to the bottom of the story and not be obligated to build their sources. so yes, newly assigned is a perfect example, as the hypocrisy of such an initiative. meanwhile, earlier this week, the state departments launched a program to assist jen lists outside the us. just as a weld mt. depressive freedom day on wednesday, with a program called reports as a shield, aims to provide legal assistance on cover quotes, expenses for generally outside the us board, as it may be targeted by their own governments. eligible media outlets must pay annual fee to be supported and meet certain criteria, the loan spots, a polarized reaction among american citizens. us off this product. i know that russian outlets, how being bunt in the us and europe since the stats of the ukraine conflict last year. american officials have underlined the importance of fighting so called
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russian propaganda. gina, shut down all of such tunnels around the world. russian foreign ministry accused the west of tracking down on anyone who doesn't support the narrative. wait a minute, let's go get an estimate as good just as just some kind of smoke cri on a slate. are they nice of nations to china? ro, assembly decided as may freedom of the press unesco drawing attention to the problem and all of them and their refusal to issue these as to russian. generalise who assigned to the united nations all is m as many as a for real sense of one of the world's leading investigative journalist jenna in the song for molar. i'm at the bullying of any media which doesn't fits into the global chime that unites the number of media representatives of the collaborative west of those who don't fits in a black child's crust out past the kids. it's either with the big, big venture for our freedom of a space uh, worldwide. because now we're being told who is allowed to say what the truth is. who is a journalist and who is not, who do we protect,
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who we do not. so this is uh, this is a brand new uh, strategy from the us government at a time when he sees that uh its, this information is not catching um is not having as much traction as it used to have before uh before there of social media before the error of uh, of, of the weekly leaks of, of all of these are new, new, new methods of obtaining information for everyday people. the, you, as a way to deal with the privacy comes onto subservience. if you are willing to do what we tell you, then you are a good journalist, but the moment you step out of line, then we, then, now you're something else, then you're a russian agent. then you're a chinese agent. then you are anything. but under the human rights organization, i miss the international has coming to fly a for using a images and their reports on social media, including face photos of violence, columbia, and protests fucking 2021 scandals. i have some question how it could happen.
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i must be using i only to report on crimes against humanity is completely tongue death and disrespectful to the actual victims. hardly does file. i can't imagine an organization that should never use a i imagery more than amnesty. these are real issues impacting the safety of real people in the real world. photo journalists are out there documenting the reality. using pretend imagery only hurts those who are suffering. but the hell amnesty as if there is a dearth of actual images of columbia and police abusing citizens taken by living, breathing photographers. because to look at the photo is, reveals a walt dystopian field, some images concerning the columbia and flag red, yellow and blue bus. and the incorrect order and the attempts to prevent misleading, the public images included a small caption stating that they were produced by a i the we spoke with the codes develop, it'll, unless to raise questions about mixing images with journalism. well i think that
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amnesty international unfortunately kind of has a track record of misleading the public and a lot of different ways. i think that this a, i generated a controversy is kind of the latest incarnation of that. and i think it's very unique, 21st century and coordination of this problem. you know, it was a new spread of, you know, what they call a stake news, a guy all this different stuff. i think it's going to become even more difficult for the public to discern what's real from what's not the amnesty international is not a reputable source by any, any stretch of the imagination. those are some of this week's biggest stories pay on oxy international for all the lights is kind of tied over to our websites. my name is peter scotts, and i'll be fine with the know the login info to the the
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yesterday to november 22nd 2022 pound raised orthodox christians, confronted ukrainian security service offices, looking entrances and exits the thieves oldest. i'm on the street. we're looking for our latest russian spies among amongst. yes, i'm just going to bring your mama lava focus today. ukrainian security services can brand an agent of moscow any montgomery's unwilling to break relations with the russian orthodox church. dozens of ukrainian 2 inches have been rated on the reason for the brute.


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