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tv   News  RT  May 9, 2023 2:00am-2:23am EDT

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of the breaking news from the middle east, wherever reported. 12 people are killed along with 20 others wounded after is really are a strikes to target ya. so we live reaction all not coming up from the area. also rushes far east pounds already being marking with a series of run parades, the $78.00 other 1st rate of the soviet victory over no feature the this cube states. and the reason the main event will prevents in moscow in hours time. also they call it the greatest bible, but it was really a majority of indians who coordinates while hitler's regime was being repelled in
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europe. india suffered heavy losses during peers fighting in the in the pacific region. we take a closer look at the crucial possible defense pallets the welcome. wherever you are joining us from today this tuesday, may the 9th, i mean, the 12 people are dead on a further 20, more wounded, any bouncer following a series of deadly or strong spite. israel, those figures coming to us from local palestinian officials. let's get more details right away from our middle east correspondence maria phenomena re morning to you. a lot of overnight activity targeting the goals the strip take us through at what's occurred.
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okay, no sign connection there with maria at the moment we will try and return to her in just a moment for more on that. but just to give you a sense of what speed occurring there, we knew that at is really our strikes. targeted 3 commanders. apparently all of the pa, this stomach is low make at g had news meant i'm what happened as well. we, we have to believe at this stage of was collateral damage a further 9 people along with those 3 commanders at where killed these are the images over a night in gallon. so let's try and reconnect at with maria there, who was selling cars a number on water occurred on indeed the reaction to it. maria, to yes, good morning to your unit. indeed, earlier on tuesday, israel has launched a large scale operation in gauze ice cold shield on the arrow full
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t. helicopters and jets are taking part in the attack. the idea says the main target is, is lumnick jihad. now in staying in milton grove, of based in gauze, are responsible for firing more than $100.00 rockers on is ro, southern and communities earlier this month, repulsively prime minister benjamin antonia who has approved this operation last friday. according to what we know so far. the idea of has eliminated sweet top military commanders off the palestinian islamic jihad, those responsible for northern regions. our codes brigade, which is the armed wing, all of the p, i. j. how the 2nd largest, the milton group in guys are off to have most. and the one in charge of directing operations in a novelist civilian casualties have also been reported. we hear from the public safety and health ministry that 10 civilians have been killed the so far including women and children and 20 others at least have been wounded. meantime,
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people in gaza, i've given instructions. gatherings of band people are not allowed to fill their role. kids launched from gaza so that they locations are most exposed through social media to the idea of the palestinian islamic jihad has already promised to revenge. and we also heard from us just recently, that old forces will be united to 2 div large scale response to israel is ro is getting ready for the worst case scenario, which would be the attack on the countries. major cities are endo air defense system has been activated all throughout the country. reserves have been cold up and probably just revenge. i mean, so you have always expected to convene as security meeting later today to assess the situation in the south. so they were already, several preparations were here that the main roads have been blocked. beaches have been sailed, public and municipal shelters have been opened. no school people are encouraged to
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work from there are way that has been led by benjamin that then. yeah. oh, who has given up to 1st is a natural at there's the personality and the pressure is by his cabinet members who are more right when get more radicals and he is to escalate and goes blood shed in order for them to remain in the government. and this has, if this is not the secret, this has been actually announced in the media. and if we look at the drastic definition of terrorism, we see that there is the use of violence in order to achieve political ends and goals. and this is exactly what, nothing, you know as done tellers. now with the you what your reports i'm, i'm really sorry to hear that it's totally one sided. you have to understand there were 10 palestinian innocent people including 4 children. the women who are not
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politically affiliated with everything were slaughtered by israel this morning. in addition to 3 resistant lead resistance clears. now nobody talks enough about the 10 innocent civilians including the children that were slaughtered, but the focus is more on how for is res web. dis bluff. there's a government are stopping their trades and they might be a, they'd be careful with that movement as they expect retaliation or the let me, let me just explain the point that you said about the children we're waiting for, verify the content. not, of course, with not comes in on. if you're, if you're, if you're, as you are saying that 10 children are killing we will of course reported what our correspondent was saying was that this appears to be an operation against on was, was verified by the grouping itself, the palestinian islamic jihad,
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a movement on kilometers against them on absolutely what it appears to be was the collaborative damage in not area. again, a lot of force in not region has killed a lot of people. well, it's not about that. it's about an occupying power to your record, and it has quoted information from coming from the prime minister's office from the terraced office, the guy that ordered the killing of these people. i did not even bother to quote at the office of state and that's issued by the past and minister of out who is not political only professional in the world about the casualties that have been verified. if you who bought it did not even bother looking, i'm sorry to say that it is. do we are in justice to our cost to our people, to the children? who did that children that happened to be casualty. because ray, you fell and it's not collateral damage. israel has been don't, oh,
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totally disregard about sydney unless especially children and innocent civilians, they are willing to do hundreds of 1000 young people because that the human rights, everything that was thing, it raises them that it is embodied in this government to its members. some of them were actually convicted of supporting their in their own is really courts, right? but as you well know, they s p i j, the militant wing of the p idea to me, to we're also firing rockets into this really territory as well. we know that israel has more how, how, how many people were killed, how many people were damaged? you don't, you're talking about water pipes. that is really what i'm talking about in boxes uh for what you're seeing as well. we're looking for verified information on this. we very much appreciate you coming in on the showing, given your views, but what we are doing their shipping we're, we're trying to get both sides on this. the minister of health who is not
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politically active. it is telling you that 10 percent people including 4 children, 6 and 7 year old and we will report that to the total of the people in their beds that were sleeping in their beds. i had an over school day that was flooded by israel. i, your reporter is worried about, is raised not be able to, i printed from certain areas the rescue the past. so okay, we're trying to give both sides as well as you much of understand. we have to get the okay, available. yep. port you look for the from the pillars, imagery, if you want to program from the start of the day, about swimming. one. ok. i do the sources. well, if you like, i was looking right now on the i'll just serious side as well. i'm very citing reported sources. so right now we're just verifying that as soon as that comes in, we will give it to our viewers from the ministry of health. as you are explaining, we will do tickets out for 2 hours. okay,
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we will do that. then we do thank you for your time today on one it's been a project that and gals that another one spokes person for the reformist democratic function of the thoughts on moving to me, treat daily only. thank you. thank you for having the today. marks the 70. if oliver, as you have the soviet victory over, in nazi germany, in the 2nd world war, or great patriotic war, as it is known here, the day is being commemorated across russia and for the rest of the a little lies are on red, square rushes, main military freight kicks off or runs an hour from now, what we're looking at here are live pictures from the capital city, where the final preparations are being at polished off. right now you can say the regiments at getting in shape as well as doing their marching, getting into position as the guest dignitaries from around the country. i'm indeed
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further afield. i've been arriving in moscow, said see their seats for that? well, that is most skilled, but here we're showing you where festivities have already begun. that is lottie, boss, stock, and rushes at far ease. there are march there at celebrations. how about ready had begun? indeed, wrapped up at this stage because we're running 7 hours ahead of at moscow at right now in that city. this ceremony was marked by a traditional military personnel in march, as well as a display of fighting vehicles from your is going by right top to the current the day. i time honored tradition of a minute silence for the 27000000000 soviet people who died in the war of us also observed. we will be bringing you all the live updates on the collaborations across parties. don't quite sure her job said well as
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a at best positions today is front center in red square, seeing all the at current preparations getting into place just ahead of what's happening in about 45 minutes time. don't the hello their unit and then happy victory day. that's right. just about 45 minutes time. and we're going to see the beginning of the 78th anniversary, military parade of the victory over fascism in world war 2 here on red square. as you can see behind me, there are decorations all over the place commemorating this holiday on red square, but also the same could be said for the entire city of moscow as well. these decorations are all over the place. the entire city is it prepares for this holiday very well, because after all, this is a holiday that's important to every russian family. pretty much every russian family had some sort of relative that was, was affected in some way by this war that took place back in the 20th century and
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ended in 1945. i mean, this is, this is a war that in which 27000000 soviet people lost their lives. so of course, this is definitely a day that russians all over the country want to remember in this parade. specifically this year we're going to be seeing over $10000.00 participants in the parade. we've seen already. different uh, troops from different areas of the military walk by and get information behind me from naval infantry to power troopers to a regular ground infantry in the army. so there's definitely going to be a lot of interesting uniforms. we're going to see a lot of marching of these different regiments. we're also going to hear a lot of patriarch songs. that's every regiment basically marched onto red square singing. and we're also going to be seeing a lot of military hardware as well. just before you go down, are there differences from the previous years, perhaps, and in terms of the parade scenario, what,
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what's changing from what you've seen so far as well? i was also here last year and i remember that the weather was a lot worse then. today it's beautiful. it's nice and warm and sunny. last year was a bit cold and rainy and actually because of weather, because of the weather at that time, the air portion, the portion where they were there was an air show with the fighter jets was actually canceled. last year, this year, dmitri pest golf, the spokesman of the kremlin, said that it's possible it will be cancelled again. but so far on the official program, we're seeing that it will go ahead as planned, then it should the, i would say it makes sense since we're, we have a clear blue sky. it's very nice weather here. like i said before. and yeah, and there's going to be some, some cool military hardware, like i said before, there's going to be a 125 pieces of russian military hardware as well. but i think my colleague or stein i've actually did a report about so maybe we can take a look at that right now. and the 1st guy was off the middle
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of the russian capital vehicles along the avenues co and we have traveling with the carrier kind enough to let us share with the main motorized sentencing unit we bring the vehicle was invaluable, providing coverage. bring
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the guerrillas so the old place where they may want to ride ego about their now it was nearly 80 years ago within that the front line spread across europe in the 2nd world war at but while allied forces were bustling hitler's regime. the endo pacific region was another region engulfed in the global conflict. in 1944, the british and the japanese army clashed around impels city, in, nor things that you took. it was armies had attempted to take on the allied forces and they didn't do yet. but we're driven back to burma after suffering heavy losses . the u. k. is national army museum called the war. britain's great, it's possible, but it is worth noting that most the indians took part in the fight. ortiz
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mentioned charlotte visited these battlefields and got a chance to see what's left behind from thoughts momentous event. as the was celebrates, the anniversary of which we in your role. it's worth remembering the truly epic baffled, often fall. and could he not? when the japanese army attempted to in read india, a battle that changed the course of the 2nd world war, they call it right the greatest bible. but it was really a majority of indians who thought it is designed baltimore. we accompany world war 2 re social's and went your into the battlefields of 1944. in ne, didn't deals money for these take jungles and the pills that blanket the region holds destiny to the brutally extra ordinary. but go, would be less so known in fall war degrees would set up in forcible
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without indeed adults because you see if you see the strength of the allied forces in the battle of him for more than a people's and where he's in region, no doubt the offices where the dish but the other rings, where most of the indians. as a result, you will start digging this bunker from 80 years ago. this is what they find. tons the rifle, bullets, whitney bins. bomb shop bills, japanese moshef de knives, and believe it or not, even an empty parson, a land mine from the time indians contributed immensely to the retreat of this war . but i read the credit for it in england saw you was the young y c mine. as a boy in the 4th, a sound rifles during the in fall war. he's the only trace of the world war to
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western. still alive, you mean father and 98. he is hard of your ring. so we have to speak loudly where he loudly in his ear and his 2 sons, how the boss, he keeps repeating one thing, no one should support or fund a war. it won't benefit anyone whom boy i live, i waging war is never good. killing each other is never good. the bottle of and saw and go email is amongst the most federal sh, just eval thoughts. and it wouldn't have been possible without the many indians lightnings on. yet, in the history book, somehow, the decisive fight by the extra ordinary use of india remains largely forgotten by the international community. and especially the west, which prefers to take or credit for the weekly rooms and sharma,
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r t money for well, there's a lot of stories this may, that night we will be bringing to right, right. stay for tripping nexstar. when not, march begins on the square foot for now it's time for another visit to the world of march studios. patrick center. i've had this is, are changing the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to was
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a part in this new foreign policy concept signed into law the spring. russia for the 1st time officially defined itself as a distinct country civilization, but its own set of values and its own articulated vision of the world and the relations different nations. what does it mean from the way moscow positions itself on the international stage? and perhaps even more important to me, how it goes about building its own life here at home. i'll discuss it. i'm now enjoying bar on the pretty bulk one, a fresh us most to renounce colors of the east as a senior searcher with the people's friendship university of russia. by st. bye, thank you so much for your time. when happy to talk and answer your questions. and let's start with the concepts i mention to pick up on which has given rise to many discussions and russia about what a civilization is and how it is different from a country at that section. and then we are just so we're working primarily with english speaking audiences. some of i had a lot of trouble coming up with
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a good english word for some of with me because it can mean unique, unique, distinct, exceptional. and what have you. it was not self sufficient. what does that you go in other option? so what's your understanding of this idea from up with the civilization self sufficiency? no is rooted within the particular characteristics who's totally in to look for the cultural and intellectual leads of the country. yeah, i thought certainly was which then and it kind of a ripple effect of propagation across the rest of the population. the shooting, you mean you're pretty sure has less involved and higher cultural endeavors include education management, etc, that with them. but in this regard rusher would like to be self sufficient, and i think that has a good chance of achieving this goal. so you have this top down idea of a self sufficient civilization. however, russian lives have changed dramatically over the past few centuries. will the countries either some craddick self sufficiency, how's the theory remain the same?
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you might to, yes, you see that something was established and to cold, say at the end of the must go risk period to cuba. and as soon as 10 such a major top down revolution, the role of a whole, i'm pretty little to see of who go. what was the beach of a great try to accomplish, let up, you know,


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