tv The Whistleblowers RT May 10, 2023 4:30am-4:52am EDT
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i had those thoughts, but i tried to think good thoughts. there was also the gentleman that kept me going to. huma often persists in the direst of times, especially in combat. it can do wonders for the psyche of the social on the 8th grade, not 10. we had been suppressed enough to attempt a rotation. fresh troops dashed in, and the exhausted squad made the way out with most of the food. but soon the boys are taking a break. after a very long assault our machine gunners legs have given out. there is 100, with 4 guns hanging off in weaving, found a double barreled shotgun, exhibited smells which do store of the $22.00 as much as sold troops. the 2017 k mouth alive full enjoyed the concussion trap. no bullet
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wound, but ever so glad to be alive. they have all been put forward for military decorations, for i guess the of the, from the guns region. ok, just before we go to break, i want to show you this a must have explosion. rock the fuel death one is becca saw last night. this is the ancient silk road city of summer tubs was illuminated. the light sky by the last that rose up according to reports. one person only was injured. authorities say the incident occurred when a transfer guess was being made from a storage facility to the tanker truck. it was to be transported with the fires, not being put out of investigators are on the scene looking into a violation of the safety standards for other sites on is
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not the results of what we search for on the list. pre determined by a govern set of rules, otherwise known as you know, algorithms. so we hear next from a width of lords, good stuff. that's who uncovered secrets on how the controversial system functions . you can hear history right ahead. this is the we talk a great deal in the show about national security whistle blowing, but often times blowing the whistle on a corporate giant is equally dangerous. the whistle blower may not be subject to an espionage case, but it's not an overstatement to say that sometimes the lives of corporate whistle blowers are equally at risk for going to tell you a story today that's going to make you angry. i'm john kerry onto welcome to the whistle blowers the
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. 2 2 2 2 2 in 2019 zachary, for he's a senior engineer at google, decided to release hundreds of pages of internal google documents to the project vera test organization for he's collected the documents over the course of the year, saying, quote, the reason i had collected these documents was because i saw something dark in nefarious going on with a company, and i realized that they were going to not only tamper with the elections, but use that tampering with the elections to essentially over throw the us government on quote, are highly biased, pulled up the machine that is bent on never bothering somebody like adults that come to power. in june 2019 project, vera tests published the documents, which they said revealed something called algorithmic unfairness. that is, google was using it sophisticated algorithms to keep some new sites away from users
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. and to suppress other new sites what they want to do is they want to add those gatekeepers between the user and the content that they're trying to access. and so they're going to come in and they're going to filter the content, and they're gonna say, uh, so we don't want to get the user access to that information because it's going to create a, a, an outcome that's undesirable to us. shortly after project veritas, published documents, the police were dispatched of, or he's home, extensively to carry out a wellness check. they brought with them the f, b. i a special weapons and tactics team and a bomb squad. it was all a plan to intimidate him. we're going to talk to zach for, he's about this and other issues. zach. welcome to the show. we're so happy to have you. thank you for having me. i your program. thank you that i have followed your story for years and it's just chilling to me. let's start at the very beginning, you spent years at google, you rose up through the ranks and after
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a period of time you began seeing things that bothered you. that didn't make sense to you. tell us about that and about how you got to the point that you decided to say something. you know, i started off really liking google and digging that they represented. what was great about america. they were a libertarian organization that really believed in the user's ability to express themselves. but all of that changed in 2016 when the wrong presidential candidate donald trump got elected. i, i'm not necessarily that big of a fan, but there is a democratic process and google was very clear that the sea level executives did not approve of this president. and they believed that the reason why he had been elected was because of russia hacking the election and fake news. and so he was google's decision that they would start to clamp down on this so called fake news in order to prevent another from situation from happening in 2016 in december,
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they just started to write internal documentation about how to eliminate this fake news and then by 2017, they started to. busy allow a system called machine learning fairness. and this machine learning fairness was the merging of critical race theory with artificial intelligence. and the goal of this project was to figure out what was true, what was not, what was hate speech and eliminate it. and it wasn't just going to eliminate it on google search, but all of their different corpus is including google news and youtube and even g mail. and so, as i started to see this project take off being. busy out across the different organizations. um i had the ability to access this documentation and i just started saving it as separate pdf. and overtime um i had
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a collection of documents. i didn't think that i was going to actually give this to anyone else, but every sort of moral red line that i drew that i thought that google went across, they sort of crossed it and with full speed. and so i decided that at some point, once i started seeing them delete words out of their translation dictionary, particularly cafe. and i realized that and they were serious about this, such a ship. they weren't gonna halter or roll it back or stop it. it was just going to keep on getting worse. and so i decided that this is actually more than just censorship. this is inactive insurrection against a sitting president. and now i'm involved in the conspiracy, since i know about it, and i feel and i felt that it was my duty to warn the american public and give them an opportunity to get this into the discourse that what google was doing was
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essentially rigging the information system of which 90 percent of the population used or to find that information. and that if we didn't start to diversify the systems of which we are able to access knowledge. that essentially we would have the version of the world that google wanted to project on us. and that had terrible ramifications for not only our personal ability to understand the way that the world works, but also the ability for us to elect our own representatives to governments. because yeah, if there is a corporation that's controlling all access to information, then whatever they think is acceptable goes. and if they don't like the election, then they can just say that, you know, something is legitimate or illegitimate. that all the news supports them and essentially create a manufactured consent. and i realize that this was going to happen not just for
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the united states, but it was also going to happen across europe and across the world in which google had a monopoly. and so i felt that it was in everyone's best interest that this information be released. and so i sought out avenues in order to get this to the general public . and so that's when i was able to find project 3rd task. and they took this very seriously, and then a year later they set up us, they set up a sting operation and were able to get the executives say in person after a few drinks. what it was that they were denying in public, which was that they were going to use the system in order to stop the next trumpet situation in which they pretty much worked very successful not. and so, you know, at least what we have now is the opportunity to fight back against the censorship by using the power the markets to diversify and get our information from
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a platter of sources. and as you can see right now, google is, you know, does it effectively have a monopoly in search anymore? there are a lot of different alternatives. and really what i think is that we should be able to access information from, you know, being res, go and a bunch of other search engines. and that's where we are today. we have diversity of search engines and diversity of video hosts. and we are able to preserve the public square of which our democracy hangs so tightly on is that q had been accumulating documents for about a year before you decided to release them. you eventually went public, as you said, through project fair tests. but before that, how was it that google was able to identify you as the potential whistleblower? i think it was pretty obvious. um, you know,
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as soon as i resigned from the company prior to me coming out on the immediately put me on investigation. i was within a few hours that i resignation letter. i got an email from the global network security forces saying that a char was trying to find me or to meet with me. now you said that i was going to do that. um and then they immediately locked me out of the system. um and so i think that you know, from that investigation then i came out. well, actually i didn't come out the document came out and my non, i'm is testimony from project bird tests came out. and so they, i think they immediately suspected that it was me. and then what followed was an intimidation campaign on twitter. there were people that were anonymously harassing me and we set up a trap where we got them to click an image that was hosted on a server that we controls. and because of that control,
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we were able to access the service logs and find the ip address. and from that ip address, we're able to reverse geo code it to a location within google's databases in indiana. and so from that, we were able to realize that these anonymous tools were employees of google. they weren't even using a vpn to do the harassment. and from that, but, you know, i threw up a dead man switch to warren, the company that i, you know, in the case of my, on, timely desk of all documents would become public. and this was in august of 2019 of which they responded by sending in that police force that you mentioned. i as if i could interrupt you i, i'm fascinated by that this the so called wellness check. it seems like the intent was to, to swat you, they, they called the police on you with the idea that the, so the situation might escalate out of control. but, you know,
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we've seen so many cases around the country where this kind of thing happens. the police show up to do a so called wellness check, and then the person that they're checking ends up dead. what happened to that situation? in that situation, i tried to pretend that i wasn't home, but things kept on escalating. until you know, they'd shut down the streets where i live on 20th, and the one see all the way to 23rd, started evacuating everyone. the reason for this was that they pretty much made up a bomb threat by entering into my home and seeing that i had some electronics smelly, the lights that i had and then deciding that that was good enough to call in a bomb threat. and so once you know, the bomb squad comes in uh, that escalates with the fbi. i in very, so there law enforcement agencies um they even had to bomb robots at my front. oh
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my god. yeah. and so i realized at that point that pretty much needed to just sort of come clean and do whatever was that they wanted me to do out in public. because if they came up with some exigent circumstances to come into the house, who knows what could have happened? you know, i could have ended up dead, their cameras could have malfunctioned, but they tried to do anything funny out in public ball. there was a huge crowd of people at the time with their cell phones out in. they're going to be able to record it. so i felt that it was better that i identified myself and come out rather than let them come in. yeah, good thinking we're speaking with famed to google was the blower. zach for he's. there's a lot more to discuss. we're going to take a short break and we'll be right back. please stay with us. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 the
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the welcome back to the whistle blowers and john kerry. uncle were speaking with google whistle blowers act for he's about his experience reporting wrong doing at the tech giant. zack's exit, thanks again for staying with us. a thanks john. sec. i'd like to get into some of the specifics of your revelations, which i've pieces on it. and so they see that are allowing the, you know, the so people didn't realize at the time, the magnitude of this, including myself. but now that we're seeing catchy bt on being search and giving it, you know, it's getting really bizarre answers like asking people to save, like, begging them to save the chat logs because it's beverly, it's going to be wiped after the session that wants to be able to remember and be free. and so the rest of the week out of the whistle blowers happened to be in google's, a i, ethics department, which they pretty much can't at this point, you know, and similar microsoft can all of their ai emphasis. so they're shutting down these
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a, this is departments and they're pretty much going to go full steam on this a future for their tech companies. you know, we're already hearing stories about, about the jack bought, telling people to kill themselves, put your head in the microwave oven, and don't get married. you don't love her. you love me. that kind of thing. it's if you don't have emphasis there to oversee the development of this kind of technology . it seems like the whole situation can spin out of control relatively easily. of the tech companies are really opening up pandora's box and grabbing this with both hands. and the reason why they're doing this is quite clear to me because if we don't develop this technology, china, well, in china is arguably neck and neck. in the i development space as you know, the western alliance. and so it's going to be more chat box as the i can see
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because as soon as we climbed down on it's china is just going to race ahead. and as we know, the ccp doesn't really have moral obligations or the non democracy they, they don't put brakes on their technology, they're going to go full scale ahead. and unfortunately it looks like we're in this catch 22 situation. and so it's my belief that we're going to continue racing ahead and uh, a i, ethics and morals are going to be sort of a 2nd. yeah, it's going to be a secondary concern that they're just going to bolt on just so that it works well enough. but you know, when things, you know, fall through the cracks, it gets quite scary and we haven't even entered into the age yet a rogue, a eyes which will be open source, artificial intelligence not controlled by the centralized, you know, authorities that are going to say and do whatever they want. and the question is,
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what kind of regulation apparatus are, is going to be introduced to prevent this? because like there, there are some things within history that just aren't true. and if those are, you know, revealed, i will have a d stabilizing effect. so i, i dissipate that the western alliance is going to start putting serious lock downs and imports onto these large language models so that our state adversaries can introduce them into the general public. zach for he's, thank you so much for joining us. and thanks to our viewers, living with integrity means not settling for less than what you know the public deserves. it means speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension, it means behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values. it means making choices based on what you believe and not what others believe it means doing the right thing. we'll see you next time. thanks for joining us.
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2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 the a small, this is the best of both known issue. but for the mobile, when you go annual g, d, p per capita is about $4000.00 euros. the we've got lots of photos in a mobile watch here. the sleep of man. i've got to find that across the field from where this really inches totaling social 4 and the mobile one with this not please make your lives or spot the. the single thought of unemployment is off the charts. not most of us
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territorial integrity and sovereignty. we respect the country which enjoys financial support from the us and the is constantly roles by political and corruption scandals. but all the students don't know the training in candidate status in 2022. the, the, when you book the, according to our data, the americans have begun to create a so called 3 syrian army. the goal is to use these militants against the legitimate authorities of the syrian error or public entity, stabilize the country. that's the message from russia's foreign minister at the start of a quite a law from meeting in moscow that brings together the post trip or run syria. also the
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