tv News RT May 10, 2023 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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was attempted to re writes this history. russians will never accept their sacrifices, we're in de, the different system. according to our data, the americans have begun to create a so called free syrian army. the goal is to use these militants against the legitimate authorities of the syrian error or public entity, stabilize the country. russia, as far as the offers a warranty about, our flooded tends to be stabilized. sylvia, as most of those different amount of houses counts apart from the country as well as sitting here and the ron the syrian peaceful the far the scene of most progress on over night as protest go from the south, asian nation class bullying for the immediate release of a wrong con, the country is pulled off 5 minutes. the work of poetry cars are 40. how can really,
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con must be released immediately. if the government does not release him, one order will get worse. they have cause a red line. the television serial minus a to the west of interfering in the upcoming presidential election of citizens provides a head to the polls on sunday. and the russians off months, special forces unit, a successfully repels the 20000000 feet to maintain control over the seat, industrials, and little gaps proof of the various bottles i've been arranging at the site for 8 days the drive from moscow. this is our team one as well as other on the as the 13 minutes
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of news and views. besides that, the us is pushing ahead with attempts to de stabilized them off this i'm is creating a so called revise freezer and all me, which brought me comprises of a number of terrorist organizations that support into rushes for minutes. so i had to re summit today that book to get it wrong. i'm serious to musket, to discuss peace and the western asian country. the main thing took place in the building right behind me and what grabbed this spotlight was the security situation in the region. so naturally, the topic of syria dominated the agenda and mostly the relations between turkey and damascus. lately, they have been taking baby steps, the diplomats of these countries to revive the relations that have been well tarnished by the years of conflict in syria and will war under. so here, this meeting, it was aiming to lament that and to build up on the progress previously made so
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naturally the security situation in syria. that was, that's what was discussed on the as surgery allowed. real russians still. diplomatic accused washington of trying to destabilize the situation in syria in the country by what you've just had by creating this by well, reviving this for you, syrian army and uh, well feeding it with the terrorist and all sorts of fringe groups and militants. here the diplomats they tried to do something on the contrary. do will help syria become part of the big regional family. and of course, to keep. she has a lengthy booted with the country and a big chunk of series under the control defacto under the control of the kids whose military wing is considered terrorist by encourage. so there's plenty of hitch sports to sort out. but well, it seems that the diplomats that they have made progress on that they vowed to continue to do the work and to bring anchor and damascus closer to each other up to
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the countries they share so many of the same problems. and the latest being, of course, with tragedy. uh, that happens right off of that was caused by a massive quake. tens of thousands of people were killed in the, in the key and the figures of smaller, but still absolutely horrific in syria. and as the international community rushed to help to key, well, the, the fluid cereal dose again to thousands of people go thousands of people died. and this is something that was mentioned at the meeting today as well as the lead, as they pointed out, the well, even this tragedy, even this massive loss of life, it did not prompt the united states not to know even to lift the sanctions, but to even ease them just a little bit and those sanctions let me just remind you. well, if they do affect the shipment, the shipments of medicine and what was human to terry and cargo and humanitarian
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goods as well. and now internal tech is relations table. so we're on the table, the russian for administer. he wished luck to his attack, his counterpart be so plenty of plenty of things on the table, plenty to discuss. and this was just a small step towards a bigger, a bigger goal. the tool for administer sitting behind the same table seemed to be pursuing sorry, that role of assessment to kit is an important part to add as fast hope. the former state is still interested in the upcoming general elections. it comes as that the interior them is a, as excuse the west doing the spots. us plans during the theater and elections are intensifying. for this reason, the western press intervenes and elections to implement the us plan, the west infiltrated our system of to 1960, but to his president tell you, add on liquidated. all this infiltration,
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so the west of throughout victory into 2023 elections, a century of stability will begin in the republic for the plaza. the opposition is increasingly becoming a line with less than countries to get those the poles the sunday. choosing not only the nations leader, but also the makeup of parliament, it's thursday. the concerns have ruins with the west and partners. haven't been it . she is of helping in the family to that attempt a gains to leadership in 2016 autism. she was, has been digging deeper into the political emotion machinations at home. and the role of the country is facing of us took a faces into its most important collection in modern times. it's worth revisiting the dramatic events that unfolded their back in 2016 when a failed military to polarize target society left hundreds dead,
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well, the crew attempt itself may have over the last of the few hours its impact is still very much felt today in a turkish society, increasingly divided on the future direction of the country with allegations of aren't involved and quickly emerging with support as a bird. again, pointing the finger at an opposition network, led by foot 2 lagoon and a turkish cleric, an ex ally over to gun living in self imposed excellence in the us. it is blessedly
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clear that the united states is behind july 15. it was the federal terrorist organization know canada doubts up on their orders. in the united states had no involvement in the 2016 attempted cooling turkey and promptly condemned it. recent assertions to the contrary, made by seed near tucker's officials are wholly false. display predictably energetic us denials of involvement. the fact that rule and had been based in the us since 1999 increase tensions between ankara and washington with a u. s. refusal of a turkish request to expedite doland deepening suspicions in ankara that the us had in some way assisted the crew plotters. of course, since the leader of this terrorist organization is residing in the united states, the question marks in the minds of the people, whether there is any us involvement or backing, or the guns response to the crew was as rapid as it was vast. with increment
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declaring a state of emergency that would continue for 2 years. during that time, tens of thousands of people were arrested with at least a 125000 civil servants, military personnel. academics be sucked or suspended from their positions over suspected links to google and we have shown to elyse and enemies. the to care can never be captured and the took his nation can never be brought to its nice men. it stands united and shoulder to shoulder against whom to, from now on the history of the 2 key will be analyzed in 2 periods before and after july, the 15th proving the strength of all the democracy and the apollo fall nation without any doubts heard. a gun has also been accused of using the to attempt to stamp out opposition and tightened his grip on power with a strong on lead or famous people claimed that the crew was a gift from god, which would allow him to purge the military of mutineers. a threat which he
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energetically follow through on. he also held a referendum in 2017, increasing his presidential powers, while reducing the role of parliament, a turkey i must stop exhibiting a huge democratic deficit, particularly following the crew of the 15th of july 2016. and it should still considering reintroducing the death penalty. furthermore, turkey i must adopt the you values and standards, respect the you at cwi and stopped disputing international treaties. the attitude of many comments, resend the official soul of the crew attempting to th shameful in the name of democracy. and you can't see. and any leader who does not worry about the life of to dispute bold, and that will democracy as much as they worry about the face of chris, on lots of friends. per k, a now finds itself at a historic fork in the road with the future direction of this influential regional power hanging in the balance. it's now up to the turkish people to the side. the
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future had all of the presidential election in cities here. different candidates have different views about the country center. we had an opportunity to speak with the leader of cynthia. is that true? i think bobby, don't. they didn't check the entire interview will ask throughout the day, i'm is also on our website. his initial pc, it is in the should, the tops and the russians, turkey and russia have a common future. we are among the leading nations of the asian civilization. we're up against the same threats nato's eastward expansion, as, as much of the threat to, to tier as it is to russia. we welcome everything that makes america weaker, and the asian civilization stronger. from this perspective, all our efforts are aimed at strengthening turkey is freedom and independence. let me tell you, the turkish people are a friend of the russian people. you may say you are a needle member and all that. but this is only at the level of the political
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leadership. turkish people are not bound by the nato chain. we're not nato's prisoners. our government leaders are what turkish people have broken the needle shackles. if you look at the opinion polls chargers people are against american imperialism, and against nato 90 percent of the population are in favor of friendship with russia. well, 80 percent are in favor of friendship with china to talk see america as an enemy and russia as a friend. that is why turkish people have broken the nato shackles and now is the time for our states for our government to break free from nato as well. the nato is the strongest military alliance as miss america is losing everywhere. that's why we can't say anything about its military power. but here's what's important. what does nato watch when it comes to turkey? um, 1st insist on dividing our country a case in point as a courtesy and project. new also wants our country to get poor nato wants to see us deep in debt. that's why nato, from both the economic and the security perspective is not a solution,
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not liberation, but captivity. that's why turkish nationalists and patriots are fighting against need. or today you will see turkey equip nato in the foreseeable future. actually, nato is falling apart. already. turkey is x, it will only accelerate this process. the simulator from previous off pete c, i. policy has been arrested by i am tito squad at the is on a bad high court day. also policy chapman him wrong. com was taken into custody. i thought a lot. i had been preparing to file a plea with the quote, the secret meeting with the former prime minister, my phone so engulfed the nation of a mister collins detention center . so i just was in several cities and blocked the major roadways and police responding by detaining people a mass according to local media. it was also come in that protest film,
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the balance of the progress on the all me of the night. meanwhile, the sitting government says that cons arrest was carried out legally, and his supporters are now quote, expose in the country. i'm ok with the unlawful actions. earlier authorities restricted access to twitter, facebook and i'm the social media platforms. the following on processes in the capital of the mom did release him on con, state about the situation and box funding. and the unfortunate that odd law enforcement agency is behind this. our own institutions are behind this lack of quality concept, quality argument, and con must be released immediately. if the government does not release him, one order will get worse. they have cause a red light. just email in trans dramatic arrest is a slap in the face of the store. it is, we don't accept, they'll come out of here for resorted with any business or strong demand. we're not
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going to leave all the people have come out and on the streets of pakistan, the government has crossed over it line by the rest and in my car. and we will continue to protest until emerg khan is released. drop the car. this evening protests erupt into one m wrong car was taken into custody at the is the by the high court is really a, was reported, has been 5 the engine during the rest. the soul of p. m is of use of corruption, but could explain the charges are politically motivated in done to stump and running again for the leadership process is repulsive details. it is several minutes besides en route in the, in the proven supporters of the former cook and sauce the headquarters. on tuesday, i rushed through the main gate. officials who support this con reported to ignore the orders to prevent the protest from entering. ivan said, help them reach the combined grounds. and then another major city lahore, con,
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supposes managed to get into the residence of an army, come on the run, slacking the building before assessing it on fire. who is this little access to other government buildings with countries in 30 minutes a. about 6 years. addison is similar. projects continue going to get him wrong. calm has been arrested because he was being taught to in a graft case because his support has tried to destroy the peace and security officer. collins. the rest of the government will take strict text since against them. it will not to allow them to block roads from the deal, but it will ask them to as i hate, shall have made. it says this is not the 1st sign of the practice on a government has tried to arrest in wrong con. and this current case will affect the countries internal affairs. i think the timing, dan is very crucial because the colors being bored had already issued the orders
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that the elections in 2 of the key prevents especially in the punjab. but when should be organized within 90 days of when that assembly was does or that has been named on cons in a by the worker. they all resign from not only the national assembly but also from the assembly and job. and i think the political calculation back then was that that would professionalize the gun and goldman to go on for an election, but that did not happen. so the timing in this case of course is crucial, but this is not the 1st time the good. the government has tried to estimate on and march, we saw the fed and police was sent to his house in level. and then of course, someone on phones, bar the workers, they came in the way and it was of course, a lot of orleans in collections back then as well. but eventually the police failed to capture him on the page and focused on as long as for you, if he'd be in deeply involved in domestic politics focused on has been directly
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ruled by military dictators for more than 30 years. and even when there are some of the enrollment, the influence, the small dudley, is ready as far as on gaza. articles in the section consecutive day with the as another person killed in the attacks. meanwhile, major full of st. passing and forces a retaliated with miss aust lights on, israel's largest city teller be as low as live now to local to both a nick called your hand in tel aviv. nick, thanks for joining us. that could you please update us on what is currently happening in tennessee and all these missile sites indeed, retaliation for israel's attacks on gaza. the yeah. and the, the residential for the living in the area here. well preparing for these, the garage, uh, broke it since the yesterday, and the 3 it's in places are empty or then usually, but the people still,
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they really use the discard the set back so everybody knows where they should go, where is the closest the shelter and sheer behind me the be heard ourselves say, this siren says siren said just minutes ago. and people of this, the sky square, screwed up and standing inside the on the border between the beep and drum a gun. they went quietly to the shelter room that we had been at each floor and they were really quite columns and understand what is going gone. and they think that these right away should the now respond and dr. that time us or just not me really respond the gain. and the said we should cycle byron is going gone for the kids here. and these are as well. and uh, but how's the, how's the as long as these to see as a seated now, is it over now, or all the causes of fear that it could continue throughout the day?
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i the people i really know the scenario is like just a movie and we know how it is going down as far as there's strikes that guides and then, but roger broke it. and if it does that route change to leave is now then that these riley army will add definitely as being more address the needs bowman golf bag. got this refund for sure. there will be another vision and people who are waiting for another error sirens and they are close to their shoulders. many of the people are scared, but others, they try to continue as usual as much as they can. it gets very just a, they just say they have, this is every day, a car and so that, so a ceasefire, a negotiation stops, and they call you ahead and, you know, go reported and tentative thanks so much for joining us. it today. i'd say, we'll see you again soon. thanks again. thank you. process present by the was just
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ordered. the removal of a bomb had prevented russian allies some fine directly to the neighboring republic of georgia. the bomb had been in place for almost 4 years. diplomatic relations between the 2 countries. a previously 7, i made a brief conflict in 2008 is auntie correspond it seems to me with more details. as we know that the bond on russian slice, which has been in effect for 4 years is now being lifted. president clinton has also signed a decree listing the requirements for georgia and says it needs to require a visa to enter russian. and that comes into effect next week. the foreign ministry has also removed a recommendation for russians not to travel to georgia. now, attentions, happy, high between the 2 nation. since this conflict in 2019, then in 2019 when the bond was on fine. so it was put into place,
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it flowed on to russian riots in georgia, leaving more than 200 people injured. this followed a lawmaker from the come, this policy of the russian federation, who citing the speakers chad during apartment 3 sessions. so this by and take me into effect then more recently of cause that happy and why is already of this year a game and to watch. and i spoke to a number of people that were said that they were abused in cafes and restaurants made the full speaking russian. so tensions between the 2 nations to be fairly high . but the g d p. so got level of noted earlier this year that g d p in georgia, has risen by 10 percent. now this is paul, the he said due to trade with russia income including the tourism side. and both companies had been keen for the resumption of flight. so this was always prerequisite for russian citizens being safe and that safety in georgia. so this move today that has been announced today will be. 3 3 very well received by many of these georgians living in russia. so don't last on the public,
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whereas box a line, a stretch of plus the lot, the city of onto most for a k, a truck load remains the major hotspots. now the rushman missive defense says that the flight for the western part of the city is ongoing, with troops securing the flags and a series of dark bottles with the cleaning forces. meanwhile, the a s p news agency has confirmed the one of the journalists has been killed on the outskirts of a town close to the epi center of the battle and in the neighboring, regardless of, of it. fighting is ongoing as well. rushing the ox mazda full of cities from the chechen republic, a mass of children, industrials, and in bella. good of cut off the defending against you. finding forces over 8 days of fish, bottles is more from this is the his odds. he's a senior correspondent,
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read gusty if in the assault on bill i got off. but again, with a fee of some barrage about tillery and rockets lease was the sound of a of double barry, communications striking, educating you in full wood positions, demolishing them. a squad of 22 fighters of the aftermath battalion immediately assaulted the industrial zone of bill a gulf held by ukraine's national guard and the lead 77th airborne brigade, which was trained in the united kingdom. they would quickly overwhelmed the 4 digit ways. the old just spoke with me just
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to note that they didn't get off the she's in the industrial zone. the only way in would be cut off by you crazy and tillery. it would be 8 long days, siege by the enemy, before reinforcements could break through. as i still repeated them, what did you drink? there was no bottled water was that the most difficult part for me was having nothing to eat without water without a night's sleep. when they drank rain, what's uh, what's kinda like drops from the roof. what these soldiers didn't come equipped for a siege, the food you paid in troops left behind, was quickly exhausted what they had plenty of these guns and ammunition captured from you quite in forces, courtesy of nato. the
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1st few quite in troops, an entire company about a 120 soldiers demanded the surrender. then came, the attacks waved self, them. it was a voice or this only from their positions. they tried to sold us. you know, there were 4 assaults and each time they got what they had coming, but you will also on the receiving end of the salary. oh, we got the most of it for 8 days. and even on the 8th day when we were replaced, the artillery and tags kept firing at us. in the factory, there were the corpses of 25 or 26 of their power troopers. and that's just inside, not counting outside. they were also aid who really injured, but the left to them. they wouldn't evacuate them. and above them on the top floor,
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he'd a ukrainian national guardsman. he waited for an entire day before stripping and surrendering to make sure that he wasn't shots of school. that would be a good book. by the end of the day, they were all exhausted. deprived of sleep for food and water. still fighting even batteries had to be rationed. the radio for communications was turned on. only
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in case of emergencies and to let the headquarters know that they was still alive with their movements when you food that this is it. i'm not going to make it out of cause the i had those thoughts, but i try to think good thoughts. there was also the gentleman that kept me going. the huma often persists in the direst of times, especially in combat. it can do wonders for the psyche of the social on the 8th, you create the knots. henry had been suppressed enough to attempt a reputation. fresh troops dashed dean and the exhausted squad made the way out of the food. but soon the boys are taking a break. after a very long, a salt our machine gunners legs have given out. there's hunter with 4 guns hanging
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off him. we even found a double barreled shotgun, who was which the store of the $22.00 asked much a sold troops. the 2017 came out to live full injured the concussion trap. no bullet wound, but ever so glad to be alive. they have only been put forward for military decorations, for i guess the of the, from the guns region as always is always good that you join us. i'm next. don't curio cabinet is on the whistle blowers and will be back of itself with yeah we'll, we'll see you then the the.
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