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tv   Interview  RT  May 10, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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that's going to drank rain water. well, it's kinda like drops from the roof and whether these soldiers didn't come equipped for a siege. the food you paid in troops left behind was quickly exhausted. they had plenty of these guns and ammunition captured from euclidian forces, courtesy of native sea motion. the 21st 2, quitting and troops an entire company about a $120.00 soldiers demanded they surrender. then came the attacks wave solve them. it was, i mean, what was your this? oh, from their positions they tried to sold us. you know, there were 4 assaults and each time they got what they had coming, but you will also on the receiving end of the salary watching, oh,
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we got the most of it for 8 days. and even on the 8th day when we were replaced, the artillery and tags kept firing at us. in the factory, there were the corpses of 25 or 26 of their powder troopers. and that's just inside, not counting outside. there were also aid have really injured, but the left of them, they wouldn't evacuate them. and above them on the top floor, he'd a ukrainian national guardsman. he waited for an entire day for stripping and surrendering to make sure that he wasn't shots of school. that would be a good book.
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by the end of the day, they were all exhausted. deprived of sleep for food and water. still fighting even batteries had to be rationed. the radio for communications was turned on. only in case of emergencies and to let headquarters know that they was still alive with their movements when you felt that this is it. i'm not going to make it out. of course the i had those thoughts, but i try to think good thoughts. there was also the adrenalin that kept me going to. the huma often persists in the direst of times, especially in combat. it can do wonders for the psyche of the
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social on day 8, you create the knots. henry had been suppressed enough to attempt a reputation. fresh troops dashed dean and the exhausted squad made the way out of the food. but soon the boys are taking a break. after a very long, a salt our machine gunners legs have given out. there's 100 with 4 guns hanging off in. we even found a double barreled shotgun who exist. so those which do store of the 20 to ask my a so troops that when team 17 came out to live lynch of the concussion trap, no bullet wound but never so glad to be alive. they have only been put forward for military decorations, for i guess the of the, from the guns region the talk is integrity, administer has accused the western powers of meddling and the countries upcoming
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presidential election. us plans to interfere in the elections are intensifying for this reason. the western press intervenes and elections to implement the us plan. the west infiltrated our system of to 1960, but to his president until you add on liquidated, oldest infiltration. so the west, after all victory ended 2020 free elections. a century of stability will begin in the republic. a person of another one had previously claimed the opposition is increasingly becoming aligned with western countries. opposed open this sunday to choose the nation's leader, and the make up of the parliament. of the president's claims have roots with rumors around who was behind a failed to against his leadership back in 2016. to use our tape boat and says that i've been digging deeper into the political plots both at home and abroad. the countries may see of us took a face has into its most important collection in modern times, its worth revisiting the dramatic events that unfolded their back in 2016 when
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a failed ministry to polarize target society left hundreds dead and ultimately consolidated president or the guns grip on power the the,
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well, the crew attempt itself may have only lasted a few hours. its impact is still very much felt today in a turkish society, increasingly divided on the future direction of the country with allegations of aren't involved and quickly emerging with support as a bird. again, pointing the finger at an opposition network led by so 2 lagoon and
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a turkish cleric, an ex ally over to gun living in self imposed excellence in the us. it is blessedly clear that the united states is behind july 15. it was federal terrorist organization know canada doubts up on their orders. in the united states had no involvement in the 2016 attempted coup integrity and promptly condemned it. recent assertions to the country made by senior tucker's officials are wholly false. display predictably energetic us denials of involvement, the fact the girl and had been based in the us since 1999 increase tensions between ankara and washington with a u. s. refusal of a turkish request to expedite doland deepening suspicions and acura that the us had in some way assisted the crew plotters. of course, since the leader of this terrorist organization is residing in the united states, the question marks in the minds of the people,
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whether there is any us involvement or backing, or the guns response to the crew was as rapid as it was vast. with increment declaring a state of emergency that would continue for 2 years. during that time, tens of thousands of people were arrested with at least a 125000 civil servants, military personnel. academics be sucked or suspended from their positions over suspected links to google and we have shown to elyse and enemies. the to care can never be captured and the took his nation can never be brought to its nice men. it stands united and shoulder to shoulder against whom to, from now on the history of the 2 key will be analyzed in 2 periods before and after july, the 15th proving the strength of all the democracy and the apollo fall nation without any doubts heard. a gun has also been accused of using the true attempt to stump out opposition and tightened his grip on power with a strong on lead or famous people claimed that the crew was a gift from god,
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which would allow him to purge the military of mutineers. a threat which he energetically follow through on. he also held a referendum in 2017, increasing his presidential powers, while reducing the role of parliament a turkey i must stop exhibiting a huge democratic deficit, particularly following the crew of the 15th of july 2016. and it should still considering reintroducing the death penalty. furthermore, turkey i must adopt the you values and standards, respect the you at cwi and stopped disputing international treaties. the attitude of many comments, resend the official soul of the crew attempting to th shameful in the name of democracy. and you can't see. and any leader who does not worry about the life of 2 or just people and that will democracy as much as they worry about the face of chris on not so friends. per k, a now finds itself out of historic fork in the road with the future direction of
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this influential regional power hanging in the balance. it's now up to the turkish people to the side. the future. above and exhibition is showing the faces of children killed and shouting in the rushes on baths. thousands of locals have come to view the alley of angels located near monuments to so if you had heroes, more than a 100 children have been killed in ukrainian attacks according to boned bass officials. local authorities report about keeps daddy strikes on civilian areas in the battle region and that they are investigating a war crimes case is invalid and we spoke to visit us at the exhibition i, it's what the ones as close most of it makes me incredibly sad how german and europe on know, handling history. i'm ashamed. my grand daughter is 9 years old. she asked me grandma, that why don't people need to talk to each other and solve this conflict? how many more children must die?
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so some of i looked up on it is known that don bass will show my ukrainian troops. there is a difference between hearing dry figures about the number of victims of the conflict . and when you see photos of children that were killed with the dates of their deaf in this depressing site, the go, every year on may, 9th, we will come here. i know what it's like to lose a child. you don't wish this on any one. neither the enemy nor your own google. you have a story continues right now online at all to dot com. meantime, thanks for joining us. we on the back of the top of the the most adult and secretary of state. that's realistic. part of thank you for taking the time to come to us. it's a 2 year is prepaying for presidential elections and for which you nominated your
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candidacy in which direction would you to love your country in case that you got the necessary number of votes to be doing the booking? you need to look right now when new civilization is emerging in the world led by the church, the russians, the chinese, the persians, the uranium, and the indians. this is an asian civilization. our patriotic party is committed to the protection of turkey as in dependence and territorial integrity. we call for creating a favorable environments which are key, i could flourish and thrive. we need a climate of independence, integrity, and at the same time a climate of revolution in the manufacturing sector, the leading countries of the asian civilization, our friends and brothers, are facing the same challenges the we are. russia is fighting and ukraine. tequila is also in america's crossers. and so as china, which in turn has america in this crossers, iran is in america's cross, here's
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a most arrow of countries are in the same situation, all asian peoples, and of course, africa and latin america share the same destiny. that is why the patriarch party is a trail the laser for the rising asian civilization. our mission is to ensure tr kias independence democracy, and welf, thanks to an industrial revolution and relying on help from our friends such as african 11 american countries use at that crimea don't bus 1st on ends up or asia are the territories of russia, which is very rare to hear from politicians from nato countries. why do take such a position in the tennessee? so this is the voice of the turkish nation. this is our friendship with russia talking. the tarps and the russians, turkey and russia have common future. we are among the leading nations of the asian civilization. we're up against the same threats nato's eastward expansion. as is
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much a threat to trick here as it is to russia. so let cry me a be under russian control, not nato's. pardon me, it is russian territory just like that, but it was yeah, the door on bass, harrison and lou gone. all of these places are russian territory now. which is a very good trend for turkey. yeah. because it's a major blow to us imperialism. we welcome everything that makes america weaker, and the asian civilization stronger. from this perspective, all our efforts are aimed at strengthening for kids. freedom and independence. let me tell you, the turkish people are a friend of the russian people. you may say you are a needle member and all that, but this is only at the level of the political leadership. turkish people are not bound by the nato chains. we're not nato's prisoners. our government leaders are what turkish people have broken the needle shackles. if you look at opinion polls,
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chargers people are against american imperialism, and against nito 90 percent of the population are in favor of friendship with russia. well, 80 percent are in favor of friendship with china. to talk to see america as an enemy and russia as a friend. that is why turkish people have broken the nato shackles. and now is the time for our state for our government to break free from nato as well. which in the unit he also spoke about the need for the countries this trouble from nato. why do you think that, why would a country give up member shipped in the most powerful ministry block as disgusted with equal to the nato is the strongest military alliance as miss america is losing everywhere. that's why we can't say anything about its military power. but here's what's important. what does nato watch when it comes to talk to you? first insist on dividing our country to a case in point as
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a courtesy and project. they will also, once our country to get poor. natal wants to see us deep in debt. that's why nato, from both the economic and the security perspective, is not a solution, not liberation, but captivity. that's why turkish nationalists and patriots are fighting against need. or today, you will see turkey equip nato in the 1st single future. actually, nato is falling apart already. turkey is x, it will only accelerate this process, the negotiations on the countries membership and a you have been going on for about 20 years. do you think there are plus packs for on korea to join the blog and will the country get any benefits from this? could be that don't look, it's impossible. and european leaders have said it themselves. how much schmidt's said we're a christian union. the european union consists of christian countries were also
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a club of which nations, america is not one of them. based on this logic, there's no place for t a n d e u. it's not like us. that's what they say, and it's true. why do they tied to key a to their door then? here's why. they didn't want it to get out of europe's control to get out of america's control. they didn't want it firmly rooted in asia and controlled by us seen from this perspective, to key a at the use doorstep is or turkey or crucified. we don't accept this. we don't accept a turkey uh, which is crucified, controlled and tied to the doorbell at the door to the e. u. for turkey, or joining the you wouldn't mean giving up its identity. because the european union is a state is a union of states. it's not just an economic union, it's a union of states with brussels as it's capital. and we can't give out bank row. because if we give out bank dra, we will hand over the reins to european imperialist. that's why the, you, it's not
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a way out for turkey. yeah. it's captivity. from the economic perspective, it would mean poverty and the loss of independence. the united states organize the summit of democracy's, where they in white, at the old allies, to discuss the fight against. what's up prizes, but your kid was not on the list. so in my these, what is the reason for this attribute to kill now candy? because tortilla is not one of them. is a country the must controls. they do not see turkey as one of them. they don't accept or kia as a part of the atlantic packed the atlantic system. they rather see turkey as an enemy during military exercise in norway. they considered a poster of at to turn to be a hostile image. in this respect, they have never perceived turkey as a friend. that's why they didn't invite her to you to that faith democratic summits . actually, their democracy itself is
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a sham. there is no democracy there. it's all smoke and mirrors, a deception for the populace. i'm not talking about the french revolution. i'm not talking about the english revolution of 1640. those were democratic revolutions, or take the american revolution in 1776, washington jefferson abraham lincoln. they all thought for democracy. the imperialist united states is a country that stifles democracy, both at home and abroad. this country strangles democracy in america. today is the center of hostility towards democracy. so the who, when i went to the wrong,
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just don't you have to safe house to come after kids and engagement because the trails when so many find themselves will support we choose to look so common ground the the or what do you think about turkey's possible participation in such integration associations as the shawn guy, corporation, organization, and breaks, which in your opinion, it is more beneficial for the country. participation in the western or eastern associations are competing and program. and one of the objectives listed in the patriarch parties program is joining the shanghai cooperation organization. the patriarch party is the only political party that sets
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a goal of joining the seo brooks is another community we should be. a part of luck works is already ahead of the g 7 such major countries as the us, france, germany and canada are lagging behind, bricks, brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa. the asian world. the developing world has pushed ahead of the imperialist world. however, you look at it, including the economic perspective, there is no place for t a in the world. the alliances were turkey. a could be one of the partners are, as you said, the seo bricks and the other packs made by central asian states. perfect states and asian countries. you also criticize these sanctions against russia, calling them sanctions and goes through here. could you reveal your position and how you propose to deal with these sanctions? because churches economy is closely connected with the restaurant? i see up to them that took a up to them, sanctioning russia mean sanctioning took here. why?
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because russia is our key trade partner, cooperation with russia is vitally important for our economy. rushes, the country that is critical for turkey is energy security. this matter is extremely important. our bilateral trade is also of great importance to us. but we can find a way to take advantage of the sanctions. we can even see them as a golden opportunity. they may impose sanctions on russia, but the patriarch party does not recognize, as the most recently assemble, hosted the russian economic minister and a large delegation of a 130 officials. and it was a very successful meeting. that's why i call it a golden opportunity by refusing to recognize the sanctions. we can expand our cooperation with russia and we can turn is stumble into a financial hub for our economic cooperation. we can increase the volume of international shipments by air, by land, and by sea, and expand to kias international cooperation reach that we could also increase the
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volumes of turkish exports to russia and find more investment opportunities. we can expand our cooperation in the area of new technologies. we do not recognize sanctions to limit russia's access to the international payment system, which in the end of the day affects adversely the inflow of currency into trickier . these sanctions prevent russian torres from visiting turkey and we refuse to support them. we respect rushes, freedom to use whatever international payment system it may prefer. the patriotic party sees this is one of its goals in the long run. sanctions in post by america will fire back and hit america. why? because the united states are using sanctions, not only against russia, but also against the run north korea, china, cuba, and many other nations. i think about 40 nations are under the us sanctions. amid all these nations suffering from us sanctions or to make united efforts,
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they could have made us suffer from its own sanctions. this is a good smoke and i think that we could use sanction nations let us sanctioned the us. turkey has demonstrated itself over the past few years as a mediator between the west and east, a piece folks on ukraine actually were held in the country and also participates in every muscle in the greenville. how much can the countries potential be developed in terms of such mediation between the civilizations indifferent to see the 2 kit? let me say one thing right away. after tea, it keeps dancing to someone else's tune, as it tries to mediate between russia and the us on ukraine, and will not be able to protect his interest to p as interest and his future are with russia. we are not an arbiter of needles, eastward expansion, we are a party to this process. we can't act as a judge. these are all mistakes made by turkey is leadership made by air to go on.
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as a patriarch party, we are against new disease toward push. that's why we're on russia side, and it's where would you crane russia's defeats would be to feed for tier. it would mean the turkey or would face greater threats to you and russia. share a common destiny. that's why we feel that we are in the same boat with russia. this is our common path. that's what we disagree with and denounce the situation where turkey is dancing between russia and the us. we will see that this is not the future for our country. you will see that's a patriotic party has been right. and that's the assessments of the future developments over the course of the next 2 or 3 years. i can even give you a date for kia is going to make the right choice. and the patriarch party will assume its rightful place in the country's political system. and then we will see that her kia will have her position. the reflects its interest in identifies itself
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with asia and will contribute significantly to the development of the asian civilization. loves the integration. say i'm on old, the furnace likely a power plant in cherokee it was recently held very, i'm still a go on and let them important to part how significant is this project for the country and our similar projects expected in the future. digital shave issues in order to get an address. so then what are we doing together with russia? we're solving for t as energy problems for t a as an energy port country, our supply of oil, natural gas, fuel, oil and gasoline is limited. well cool is not enough to solve the energy crunch. nuclear power is the cleanest source of power. the 2 key is energy cooperation with russia is crucial for 2 keys future. we must foster this cooperation. the 1st unit side i q u that has been lost is just the beginning. we must continue gaining
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momentum. the 1st unit has been inaugurated. this is a good start. and you will see how this will grow and expand. we're seeing how russia is helping to keep solve its energy problems. and we will ramp up our efforts in this area the at the moment widespread peace processes are taking place in the middle east region. so the r a b a is improving relations with syria, an ear on how to assess this symbol oakland in general. and so the database to you, i'm is trudy a consolidated reviews effort to improve its relations with iran and syria directly concerns all error of nations and is of great historical significance. the people's republic of china is also involved in this process. and the very fact, the saudi arabia has joined the nation's front against the american imperialism, signifies a very important development that can help solve many problems in the future. i cannot help but think about the changes in the balance of power on the global scene
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. one very important factor is when we see a military cooperation in the making between turkey of russia, iran and syria, in serious north, some, some turkish troops. i've been deployed there for some time. so there are now turkish troops there, as well as russian troops, uranian troops, and naturally syrian troops. since the syrian soil, i think what we're about to see is a cooperation of these nations in the fight against separate us terrorist and religious fanatics will bring about the demise of both the united states and all these terrorist organizations. at the same time, it will significantly simplify things for russia on the ukrainian front. and if we were to talk about the distant future, it will strengthen. china is positions in the taiwan straits, our cooperation, syria, and our official military action will have a positive effect on all these fronts. i believe we can expect this in the future. that ministers of turkey are russia to iran, and syria. had
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a meeting recently in moscow, a meeting of foreign ministers was followed by a meeting of defense ministers. this clearly is a sign of our growing military cooperation. right now, we're looking forward to seeing the outcome of these meetings, new initiatives, quote, and new horizons for all our nations. we are sure of that that they don't fit and check. thank you very much for taking the time. and for this enlightening discussion, the on may 9th, all of russia commemorates victory over fascism in europe. in 1945 memories of
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heroism and unspeakable suffering had been passed down from generation to generation. the west is attempted to re writes this history. russians will never accept their sacrifices were in de, the headlines on to the national as palestinian authorities say 21 people were killed and at least 42 wounded in the latest. these riley as strikes on, gosh, i see all these deployed in august on that's protests and violent. it's all over the rest of a former prime minister in run comes to digits as the when you book it, according to our data, the americans have begun to create a so called free syrian armies. the goal is to use these militants against the legitimate authorities of the syrian era or public entity stabilize the country. pressures of.


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