tv Documentary RT May 11, 2023 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT
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the, the, at 4 o'clock this morning, he attacked and invaded russia suddenly, with i've declaration to live, even as you made them, the german bombs moraine down from the sky up in the russians. it is russian dangerous, a veil for our danger. and the danger of the united states 2 days later, the us president roosevelt wholesome, gives a speech supporting the ussr. but there are other political forces in the united states every 2 and makes a speech in december of 41. and the said it is as if the russians are waiting. we should import the germans of the germans when we support the russians. and that way,
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let them destroy each other because it was that kind of sentiment in the west at this time, dangerous destructive, roosevelt, warm style and of japan's intention to attack the soviet union. but soviet intelligence reports, think the via tag is still in doubts. the, it's imperative that the us makes it clear to japan that if they attack the soviet union will have support the but the british and american authorities will not support the us on the you estimate a 3 assurance roosevelt and germany quickly conquered russia on the way to the you are the church you were called for out of 5 or the mom, and thanks but to glue doubts russia will be no charge of
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a few days. the meanwhile, the red army is with standing. a serious, the russians of the 1st serious advisory, the push to assess because he was bleeding. you've got to for you. if you put out the safety, say it was got doors recording. yeah. but it was just your, it could let me just you, you saw a young person visiting and the bar across to live from sort of what, not sort of the north bush because it in. yeah, you could have doable. mean is outside, but i'm, we're supposed to got the choice of some sort of good. i'm glad i got out of that. i'm sure even logia, i'm afraid you're so i bought the liberal mark leah in the a place that i talked to them about the one company could also come to the front of the allies,
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realize that the soviets will find hitler to the last and only then you know, to about 1941 is lend lease extended to the ussr, but the majority of supplies about 80 percent still go to britain. change perfect. if you're split, he's not pluck national res, so close in the book is will be sure and you can keep them live the next the so you can still use the ship shades was through a series of ocean to fill out a solution. no more that will officially not the web page look good when i showed the go to and then the local printer, which boring. so do you have many cars cost of the december, the $71941.00, japans forces a tank. so how about the main us military face of the pacific america is forced to join the war the it's fast industrial base which had been used for the
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manufacturing civilian technology was quickly re orchestrated to produce munitions in tanks and aircraft and unable vessels for funding of the war as early as summer 1941 stone and raises the question of opening a 2nd front line with churchill. but the british prime minister declines. so i think difficulties with true deployments. most of the problem is that the us army will land in front and 1942 late to us children, all installed in the operation will not go ahead. the churchill flies to most of the situation on the soviet frontline is going to nazis ever gone. seem to the coupon
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and north crocuses under approaching spending started and sun senior lieutenants bianco us feeling is in captivity and announce the concentration count. the we've done is keeping me up pretty, a whole must cool notions to roland options continued to california. the aluminum sparked interest came up shelf this church of them, which in horrid met edith on the pretty. moya vanilla glitch on the floor to 1st to use your budget. that's just that orange coke, west orange in the door door to us. so i know you've shown you fellowship churchill alons dudley moscow watched on an invite. seemed to his credit in apartment, the bank would last more than 7 hours and they began to get along. they've
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only yonkers done with stone and once a week it would be no trouble at all. the november 1943 gera, via rainy, and capital. all 3 countries have embassies. here is the 1st big meeting of the big 3. the stella must, i will not close to the city and zip provide you with. that's what i need to get off. most of your so mostly, most of with mind me on assess, keep their minds confronted us about our choice. now costs are an ups and most of them are surgery new in the pro be, there's no credit and you don't start read your grammar. but when would be the white you on the referral when the american embassy is on the outskirts of the city due to a terrorist threats, roosevelt accepts an invitation to settle in assuming an embassy,
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where the meetings are also held. churchill attends by walking along that covered cargile connecting the soviet invitation. besides britain, this prime minister doesn't approve of this style in roosevelt. refreshments is further complicated by the fact that churchill was not only a colonialist, but an outspoken, racist which deeply offended especially the american leaders, roosevelt and henry waller's vice president wallace. of course, he was a racist. he said he hates and people with slit ties, with slits eyes and pink tails. which means that the chinese and things happen he's, but we must remember that in those days, most people who are racist his attitude towards indians in general was extremely racist. and that'll get to raise his calling in the cabinet. lord amory regarded him as saying indians,
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a beastly people with a beastly religion. the j grill is an indian june list who knows exactly how the british crown colonized his homeland, the pin 1943 at the time of the terror and conference. a great salmon broke out in bengal in which more than 4000000 people died. it was not human error. it was a conscious decision by winston churchill to deprive been goal of food grains and ship them to europe because he wanted to build green reserves in your, in case a 2nd front was open in the war in your when he was stored, people are dying and very large numbers, his response was true,
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right on the file. if they are dying in so many numbers, how come gun the still alive? a judge hills request, roosevelt sends american ships loaded with grains of bengal. channels of uh some to europe. and roosevelt is well aware of it, the, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that there was a great catastrophe on forwarding. and bengal churchill, the decision was so be at the, the 1st meeting, radically changes roosevelt's attitude to stop. it's a pleasure working with him. there's nothing devious. the outlines the subject he wants discussed and he sticks to it. the roosevelt warms up this
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dollar. and he starts talking a solid and making fun of the british making in front of churchill says winston got out of bed on the wrong side today. and by the end of that, he was to call him uncle joe. and in some ways, had the us and the soviets were more on the same page in certain respects in the us and the british were at the time. during the same period, the germans offered style in a trade for his son yak off to his being held in a concentration camp and exchanged with general field marshal theatric palace captured this down and grabbed the gremlins most the onset don't try it. so just promotionals the allies knew about is roosevelt was notorious of being very complimentary toward stolen and russia general and its people in very cold and distant to winston churchill, the stone and the
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standing until around was very strong. the germans to render near standing right the weight of the cross fellowship the red army was advancing. the green button was losing its influence. it was obvious to everyone, including churchill he said, cold between the great russians, the on one side of the american buffalo on the other, there was on her poor little english don't key. the key issue of the terror on conference. the opening of the 2nd front froze again. we have too many things to do at home to waste our time here. said starling. he was going to leave the conference after that the allies promised to open the 2nd front, newly chosen in may 1944. a constructive done load began
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new ron's future and your post will architecture were discussed. real civil propose to divide germany into 5 small states. chunks you agreed? but started and insisted on preserving germany's unity the to get on the boat. at ocean's luxury news, you are still chris up at the bus ride story. can you credit banyan buller must have control over me because talk to you in the corporate number of to get on the moon's when i was wrong. just don't you have to shave house
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and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground the the russian states never as tight as on the no sense community best to him. then i'll send, send up the speed . what else calls question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russia scooting and split the ortiz full neck team and our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for the question,
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did you say a request, which is the june the 6th, 1944, normandy, the allies opened the 2nd front 11 months before victory, the after the german machine. it's been broken down. that was when the british in the americans really focus more power into salting germany, but they did a tremendous cost to the russian people and the russian soldiers who suffered more casualties than any other people in any other nation of the war.
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the operation of buck grouchy own was granted dissolved, stalling the red army 5 weeks to advance 700 from 20 kilometers to also of nearly 20 german divisions were destroyed completely. another 50 suffered great losses throughout most of the war. the americans and the british were confronting 10 german divisions between us. while the soviets were confronting more than 200 german divisions by themselves. drawing near the altar temporary 1945, the last meeting of the big 3. that 1st the allies suggested meeting in scotland. but still involved at all,
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saying he disliked maintenance scots and deb this in fact the soviet leader wanted the allies to see the devastated territories of the us. i saw with their own eyes sympathizing with roosevelt stolen. but the grand is the body. a imperial palace such as disposal whose symbols have trouble getting about. so the main sessions will help the soviet delegation was housed in the super finest position of our own. so palace, the palace has had miraculously survived, and it'd been fixed up for the allies meeting the jail to stage from actual lice. task garza, most people trust not. i mean, assess good, good. mine's going for lunch. it does look, collect size and string and say years nichols. so you think you to interest them
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before i send you my really big boss if you any. i'm not sure i sort of go now and zillow and your solution. your shop can you're welcome, crossed avenue to up to charlotte, where the sales team is to come up for building. plus that was nowhere, dinner, and book costs and most viewed items must of, of the video to the left click. this should learn. you can see shirts pretty assembly. is that correct? what is that kind of business below listing the cell phone, which is the 3 missed appointment concerning the ring. you brought to success the part where no c. fornia. roosevelt had a strong interest in the us as um, moving against a stone and needed to secure the usaa sauce east and borders. get back south succulent and the co real islands territories. last, during the rest of the japanese war, colin's fate was also being decided. churchill wanted the exile, the london pro western government, to return to warsaw stone and needed frenzy opponent. and he insisted on
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a free election whose civil bank stalling, insurance. you'll have to can see that our goal is to ensure that they do types of method authority. you get a minute control more or less, or to finish them, a pressuring you for should the both of them test, keep other glare. you know, more to ship. a city where you on the board for labor board from us, a lot of some with colorado is capital and the trim knowledge followed. no. why not? roosevelt propose the new international coalition, the united nations organization. the victoria is countries were given the right to veto the u. n's key decisions, people who are and have criminal premier masonry to put the insurance portfolio up 0 and looks like you can reach and a good deal on number to use this point. but it is not sure, but she did. the missed the union will produce good model, but to bug you,
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but she was still going to love it in the way they started it and is to stretch and move to the frontier. crew is leisure that's with tech support and what the, what down to reach to ready in the, on to their divisions among the allies, the, the sauces, east, vision and deserve, and a high and the phone from the see of to talk to if i feel like i'm missing was one of these so that this was the, a glenda domestic, donna voiding the solve it down here. problem to the sol racing doesn't often creek a life that are spirit meters. all right. and a month later, in march 1945, the allies ended secret negotiations with germany. but the surrender of the german troops in northern insulate yourself at the hot. that's me because i'm dr. state
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by to name and this little bob, good in the best maced for let's dominant know for end of this because, you know, focused on degree where there's a little, an idea of the payments of i don't know such an audit or for 100 guys started a business find i'll find 40 different, busy, swamped inside for rock a tomorrow. listen, because this thing is going to use for me to gone mr. spice. and, you know, the president roosevelt started in directly accused the allies of making a separate deal with germany already timely hill roosevelt. rhodes. you've been missing the full, started replied influence on modest and honest people. yeah. new model policies because she managed to sway even put you in the middle. her book resumes a book, need the for the april 12th
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1945 roosevelt died and harry truman became the new us president. got this little man without the vision in 1000 and make the crucial decision as to what was my new mental turning point in history. the on april, the 30th 1945, a red flag was hoisted over the rice. by this time hitler was dead on his success, the admiral done, its negotiated a unit, natural surrender in the west with the allies and withdrew his divisions. the brothers are, what are you sure to appear to sort of get to avoid the she assured that they us
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because to get our most double ers and i'm both the beloved was mostly way the porch of so yes, go say so, but those key when you and the spoke or what the i shudder actually it to me cuz i need to. i mean that's why this way. oh so you least they finish that up. so you what the bills would, ma'am, and it was more of them. you. the jimmy menu upon their having received the information, stone and ordered marshal zuka to turn the army westwards. the allies understood a surprise attack, wouldn't work out. then trust to the conclusion, indulging critics government on such as automobiles. he had taught the deutschland to annoy the buffering trip to them. jason was talking to you and almost totally in not the trend which is to what's coming up on the lines conte starting. and for all of us, you send us the solo stand bus must be of the on charges. yes,
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i've been using these things for me. it almost seemed to inform you these as doctor to be like the dish, the west mesa the double play continued to germany assigned to surrender on may the 7th at the american come on headquarters in the french city of rains. starlen was furious. the soviet people had gone the main front of the war. the surrender had been signed on french territory with the anglo americans playing the leading roles. the act of surrender should be carried out as an important historic event accepted in the place where the fascist, the question came from in the land and not even eventually, but by the high command of only anti hit coalition countries. the allies had to consent. they agreed to consider the documents signed in front as a premium. rewind,
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the, the 2nd unconditional surrender was signed into abundance of calls. forrest, the job and signatories was seen the military officials headed by the commander in chief of the forces. general field marshal a kind of cell. the sort of union was represented by marshal of the soviet union. you call the allies by british and chief martial 10 to the 8 happened on may. the 8th at $2243.00 european time the most. it was 1243. on the
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july, the 17th 1945. the potsdam conference near the charlotte area, meeting the different bunch of the federal middle ramos, the bus ride, 3 competitive bureau is mean union patrol and the pitch of doors meeting. and what else perhaps we ship to get ahold of cub daughter, surely. diamond, the churchill lost the general election in great britain during the prox same conference in july churchill, this voted out of office by the british people that had enough of churchill. and so even though now he's revered, is this great war. later as a time the british people were quite a busy aspect about his leadership. church, you'll negotiate. he didn't punch down for 9 days. the conference was concluded by
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new british prime minister to them. and actually the law was just sitting in our stucco stucco. kinda throwing shorter, comfortable mess, throwing sites, cms, so you so to w i, what else do you have? mature models is roosevelt was the vincent, interesting phase was impossible without the soviet union. roosevelt was the last us lead to the bas you'd pace, not the last table that roosevelt wrote the churchill right before he died. he said the issue is between us and the soviets come up every day and they all worked out and they get resolved. we should continue to work together. roosevelt was convinced that he, that the americans of the soviets were the main friends and allies, in the postwar period, the most um, truman and go to message. it's a little boy about the atomic bomb when he told stone and about it's the soviet
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video showed visual interest. uncle joe didn't understand truman thoughts started already knew everything, the issues raised and he also laid down and called stuff. and above all, europe, some other school architecture, germany was to pay reparations and be deprived of part of its territories. couldn't expect any surrounding areas. would it be seated to the ussr say, using the gift to of my me, i'm sure studios. and as i've used to less escal sales of applying a former share on brand new and i'm the newest, the buy number, the newest clicking below, i'm much more of a trickle. nobody knew what i'm gonna do. release of said to put you on a trip to the hospital, shepley related, partially right in the us of the north for the japanese rather than most was the idea that this. so we have somebody come into the civil war proving on this, this solvent assurance,
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and that the russians are coming in on schedule human rights in his diary as solomon will be in the jap, 4 by august 15th through the japs when that occurs. fulfilling its obligations to be finalized august 1945. on a conduct of lightning fast 20 day operation against the 1500000 strong quantile the with no military necessity. america drilled since only the bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki that we are not interested in, in alliance with russia any longer. we can stop carrying out our agreements with us . we should act as if there was no, you don't uh, agreements just a year later on march the 5th 1946,
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josh will made his famous fulton speech the the . so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy. even foundation, let it be an arms race and it is on all sides. very dramatic. the only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful. very create ticket of time. time to sit down and talk
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the, the headlines on off the international and i think the anti u. k becomes the 1st country to agree to send ukraine long range missiles for the british defense. but as to refuse to say whether there are any restrictions on what or where t of is allowed to talk to the general region, refugee council, blaine, the international community for the escalating legal bivens between israel and palestine at least 28 people are killed in the latest asteroids on jobs i mean nationwide outrage and violence on the streets talk a stall and supreme court and talk opens up the pressure and orders the immediate
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