tv The Modus Operandi RT May 11, 2023 8:30pm-8:58pm EDT
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the th, by the middle of the 20th century, the portuguese colonial empire was in an acute crisis. particularly late 10 situation had developed in mozambique the people of this country were put in a humiliating position, income inequality ramp, and illiteracy. this respect by the portuguese for the local traditions led to mass unrest. in 1964, the liber race in front of mozambie, for a limo began its armed struggle for freedom. the regular army was not easy to resist, but the guerrillas inflicted considerable damage on the invaders through the sliders,
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against the colonial regime were supported by the soviet union and china. whereas the united states and great britain took the side of the invaders, the board to gaze responded to the guerrillas attacks with cruel counter insurgency . however, pre limos 10 year courageous struggle was a success after the overthrow of the fascist regime in portugal in 1974, the new authorities are rendered. a year later, lisbon fully recognized the independence of mozambie. but the victory had been gained at a high price during the war, mozambique had lost tens of thousands of his sons and daughters, the, the hello, i'm the miller chan you are tuned into modus operandi. land barons, systems, an era of vassals, lords, freeman,
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and peasants. that was the 13th century european medieval society, commonly known as a futile system. all right, so that was then, this is now. so how far has modern society actually comes in this capitalistic society? we'll discuss it. all right, let's get into the about the all right, so wherever was talking about bitcoin and these other coins, these days, new crypto is being invented at a fair every day. but that's not where the super rich are parking their greenbacks . they're buying a land. crypto comes and goes, i mean, just look at the international f t x scandal. stocks crash, but land. that's a safe bet. that's why for centuries the leads around the world for generations had
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been buying up land as their preferred investment land. a real property are often slow to appreciate, but slow and steady, wins the race right way. and that's how generational wealth is created and how the cast system is still in place today. modern day land barons now will be united states, as they did in europe, centuries ago. the laws and systems in place ever since all around the world create the perfect environment to continue a futile state in the skies. so joining us to discuss as someone who has been monitoring global trends around the world from economics forecasting to social change over the last 40 years. gerald salenti is the publisher of the trends journal, and he is now joining us out of new york. so gerald, of a 2016 study by and why you were kind of as edward wolf found that the top one
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percent in america owes 40 percent of this country's non home real estate. the next 9 percent owns another 42 percent of the real estate. so already that's 82 percent. the remaining 90 percent of the population owns just 18 percent of the country's available real estate. have we quietly slipped back into the era of land barons? oh, it's bigger than that. you know, the numbers that you mentioned, you just keep putting me across the board. take a look at the thing called the stock market. one percent. oh is 54 percent. put the 10 percent together. they own 90 percent. so yeah, the biggs buying up everything, whether it's land, you know, when i was a young guy, they used to have things go grocery stores, hardware stores, stationery stores, drug stores, gone,
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big zone. it all change drug change, hardware shades, grocery chains, drug store chains. so that's, that's just an element of what's happened to the country and the bigs a by buying it up every thing and the middle class is shrinking. a article just came out. shares of us shares of adults, us middle class, has decreased considerably since 1971. and this is by a repeal research. so it's not like a made up thing here. and you have it in front of every body's eyes. the upper income is getting richer and the rest of the people getting for microsoft founder bill gates through his red river trust has recently become america's biggest
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private individual owner of farm land. he just recently bought up 275000 acres. so the last time i checked, dates wasn't a farmer. so what gives it's about the power hungry venture of life is one after another. you're buying up everything on everything. and you look at the companies that control so much so few controls so much, you know, once upon a time they were anti trusted. ready as in america, with a big split known everything. so this is just an extension of who they are. and it's part of what america is, because i call us nothing more than plantation workers on the plantation of slaves land. yeah. and that's all, that's all it it's so again, you have to look at the whole big picture. you go to, what are you going to go to school for? we're going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers money for to put
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somebody through kindergarten to $12.00 grade. so they could drive in amazon truck to make a work work at the walmart. how about they could get a job that loans. so i'm just saying this is, it's part of the whole picture. the land is just one of the many areas that they own from equities, to land. oh, and another important thing that they own. let's not forget that they own the politician. look how much money in george soros is pointed to elections in the united states. you want to run for as a loser in texas, and your name is beta low rock. and you spent a $100000000.00 to lose the governor's race. where did you get the dog from? so that's what it is. this isn't a land of the free anymore. it's the land owned by the banks at every different
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level. i forgot the banks, have few banks on most of the bank money in america. so gerald americas to top land owners are telecom baron john malone. he owns 2200000 acres, the media mobile, ted turner. he owns a cool, 2000000 acres. he's coming in 2nd, but internationally they've got nothing on the late queen elizabeth, the 2nd whose total global land ownership comes in at a staggering 6 point. 6000000000 acres. that's where the b 1000000000. so by contrast, king abdullah of jordan owns only about 550000000 acres. so the lake queen, i mean, maybe now that that gets passed down to king charles, i don't know how that works, but she was far and away the world biggest private land owner. what does this say
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about how far we've actually come in our economic system? i mean, we say it's capitalism, but when you assess the land, this looks like feudalism. yes. when you assess the land, it is feudalism. and the land is only just one part of it. it's a futile system. it get, you have one percent in the united states on 54 percent of the equity markets. look what happened when the queen is dead, like it's a big deal. you know, she's better than the rest of us. if you mother father says the brother, friends die, who gets oh, but if you're a celebrity or queen, oh my god, you died. you know, so that's what's happened and it's, it's take over all across the glow. the rich, you don't have to believe me. how about the latest thoughts, sam? replugged? it just came out as the davos meeting happened. what was it the billionaires
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got? how much richer? $27.00 trillion dollars richer in 2 years. i want to make this really clear. this is better than the feudal system. for the feudal owners, because when there was real slavery, you had a, how's the men see the this is a much better deal. now you work for peanuts and you got just enough money, g, e, and lives you go deep in debt any way and they get back to work because we're paying enough. so this is the new futile system. as i said, all we are our plantation workers on the global plantation of slave land. the number site again, don't believe me, ask ok. so all right, back in 2012 scotland was pushing for independence from the u. k. now that measure
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failed by a very narrow margin, but around the same time, the scottish government commissioned a study that turned out a recommendation that the government should develop laws around what they called upper limits on land ownership by a. and this is a quote, a private owner or single beneficial interest. so this recommendation was reviewed by the leading tory party in the u. k. so that fell flat tories saying this is counter to the magna carta. what do you think of development of such a law over there? maybe here internationally is something worth considering the negative end of it always when the government gets involved in something, you know, it's always a losing cause to the people. so up that they may do something like that, you know, they'll be, yeah, it never works out what, what the, what the real bigger issue is is i see it again. it's how they've done away with so
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many anti trust laws all around the world, particularly in the united states do stuff. i think all the robinson happened extra magic was just that clayton anti trust that oh and i forgot the glass steegal that you know that the baggage there's got bigger on show think i'm saying is it we need a whole new system is think it all the system of development, because the way the situation is right now and allowing these future own so much it's, it's not going to change with just the law like that. and you mentioned the for example of ted turner, which the she a, that look how many companies control the entire us media. what is it 5 or 6 that control over 90 percent of it
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again, doing away with all those laws. oh, and you get like bill clinton for that one. the 1996, there were communications that before that sounds as a people all across the country on television stations, radio stations on and on. and then the big started taking over everything. so again, what this is, it's, it's a much bigger issue than the land. and most people have no idea about how much they are losing and how the fuel gaining so much. whether it's land, civil rights, any other issue of good? how could you call america a democracy? when it is, you don't have a lot of money and you're not backed by the bigs. you're not going to win an office of any kind of significance in this country. it's all about the bottom line. and the very top, oh is the country the numbers are there, the facts,
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are there again, the latest studies showing how the middle class in america keeps shrinking and shrinking and shrinking. oh, and i forgot you talking about buying a land. how about all those quote, investment firms that buy up the homes almost 20 percent of them and rent them out to the plantation workers because they can't afford to buy their homes. so again, it's across the board that the few on so much funny you should bring up, they don't or work, but it was father in law is actually one of the biggest property developers in south texas. so there you go. all right, we'll hold it right there. coming up next, the roman catholic church is scrutinized. once again, this time for the amount of land, the fail worldwide. we'll discuss it when we return with gerald salenti. sit tight, the m o will be right back. the,
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but now people are starting to notice something else. they own a whole lot of land around the world. gerald valente, the publisher of trends journal is back with us. so gerald in india, outside of the government, the biggest land owner is actually the catholic church of india. they own tens of thousands of acres across the country. now globally, the roman catholic church is the biggest non governmental entity to own land they own. around 70000000 hectares of land. that's a 173000000 acres of land. if i did the math correctly, why does a religious organization need to own so much land? you know, it's not, it's the whole, the whole game is changed to get. uh huh. what are they giving back to the people you know? i was raised catholic, always a catholic school. the whole thing, you know, and uh what, what are they, what are they giving to the people?
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and so there's another ad goes to this whole thing and all the land that they own, they don't pay taxes, that's the other, that's the other part of it. and whether it's the, whether it's the schools or the universities, or all of these, you know, private, all these, these organizations that don't pay taxes. you know, it's, it's a scam. and you know, and talking about, you know, what they, what they own, as well as the catholic church and all of that. you know, we're all the religions by the way, with the, with this ukraine weren't going on. we're any of them talking about peace. you know, there's a thinking america, call the pledge allegiance, i pledge allegiance to, to the republic. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, liberty and justice rule. what nation under god wants? what? so what, what do we have and the catholic church is about money and power. and that's all it is that you mean that they're not giving back and they own so much. but again,
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it's, it's not only damaged it's through, it's just, it's all of these, these, these religious and universities that keep taking in money, taking the money, taking the money and don't pay taxes. so it would appear that the wealthy look at land just like any other asset in their portfolios. but is it just another asset class or is there more meaning behind land and property ownership? bigger property owner is, is, is real where it's that is, is buying real estate. you know, real estate has its ups and downs, but in a long term it just keeps going up. so that's why a lot of with. ready buying as well, you're buying it for investment purposes, knowing that the price is going to go up. so that's another big part of it. and you know, i was just a, this is off not what we're talking about, but very, very important because it also has to do real estate in a different way. you know,
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should stay and want you to call it what more more people are working at home, and you have an office occupancy rate in the united states according to castle that's spelled with a k at 50.4 percent in los angeles. the biggest uh, office developers. they just cannot pay one of their uh, loans that just came up, they defaulting on it. there's going to be an office building bus in this country, the likes of which you've never seen. because people are going back to work. businesses is what it used to be. so rather than having 15 floors in a building person will say listen, stay home, work from home. you can come in 2 or 3 days a week. i only need 4 floors anymore. this is going to be really big. so i'm just mentioning that as a whole nother aspect and thinking about real estate, because the reason they're buying all the real estate and the land is because real estates of money maker values keep going up. and they also know that is going to
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be more and more big doing the farming unless, unless the little people so they can get all they want for farm property and everything else. so that's why they're buying that. but i also want to put the bigger picture into it. and this isn't all you go to happen to the united states. it's happening around the world. whether it's in london or berlin, whether rich in rome or paris, less than less, people are going back to work and all those businesses that dependent on commuters, on not going to do very good and all those very rich that own all those big office building is going to do very bad, particularly by. ready way as interest rates go up, they have to pay more in their adjustable rate loans. right. but for the average person, home ownership, land ownership is something that can be generational. and as you know, they say god isn't making anymore land. so what do you, what do you say to that the land has its priority value if is particularly farm land and you're seeing all the problems going on with weather changes and,
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and less and less crops coming from here and there. so they want this land for what it is. and again, the value keeps going up. you look at real estate, you know, it's, it's a, it's a, a winner investment. one of the things in my life that i wish i did when i was younger was bought more real estate age, start doing it till till i was much older and it's been very, very beneficial. so you, you, the populations are huge. you have to see the people and they're buying up all of this farm land because they know the value of it. and the value, you know, the value made zip for a little bit. you know, when you have restrictions and depressions. ready long term it just keeps going up . so the more they own, the richard they get and they love being very rich because look at the pipe, peanuts i think, give back to the people. we're having here are worth a 100. $20000000000.00. $18000000000.00. a is a couple of pennies i call it, you know, donations. so they're power hungry and, and uh,
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and hungry for money. so they're doing it for themselves is now speaking of portfolios rates, these real estate investment trust, they own over 15000000 acres of timber land across the u. s. around 503000 properties that includes things like apartment, buildings, hotels, businesses, a commercial office buildings and so forth. collectively, according to nar rate, the national association of rates rates own around 4 and a half trillion dollars in gross assets across this country. and this number's only growing the re argument is that this allows people to invest in real estate without having to actually be an owner operator of a property. but on the flip side, doesn't the gross or popularity of rates actually increase the number of these of the so called permanent renter class. the permanent rigid class is the new way of
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america. you have young people more and more. you look at the numbers, they're moving in with their parents. you know it when, when i was a young guy to be one of the get out of that house and never your department can't do it anymore unless you get a couple of friends with you as well. and again, these rates and what you're talking about. again, when i was a young guy, you know, reach, there were no private equity groups. they went to hedge funds. this, this is all new, you know, vesting capitalism. capitalism through this is all new. and so the controlling more and more again, the look at the black stones buying up all of those houses and these other groups and then renting amounts of the people because they know they can't afford to buy them. this is the new way of america. and again, as i said earlier, it's not only in the sector, it's from, it's from grocery stores,
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hardware stores, stationery stores, drugs stores, they're on by chains. and so the chains own everything and the people are nothing more than plantation workers that are owned by the chains. and again, the politicians sold out the public with all of the, the regulations of the laws that were put in place that the anti trust laws and others that would prevent this. but the reason that the politicians did it, it's a thing cool. busy with more, ron's in imbeciles called campaign contributions that adults and people that could think for themselves for bribes and pay offs. so through the bribes and payoffs, they've destroyed what america used to be as my ancestors called it, the land of opportunity. so once part of the so called american dream,
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it was to own a home, a small part of land that seems increasingly more difficult if not impossible to reach is the american dream dead? the american dream is dead, has been killed in a number of ways, not just through the deregulation of all of these anti trust stacks that made the big zone with every thing. but it's also, it's america's mentality. the business of america is wat and it and, and that's where they're putting the money into it. they're not putting it into the people into the look at the infrastructure of the country riding in front of us like that. train derailment in ohio. and that's what do they have a 1000 train derailments a day, according to the numbers. so the country's going down, this is not the america that i grew up in. and you don't have to believe me once
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upon a time. it was a man by the name of dwight d eisenhower. 5 star general supreme commander of the allied forces in world war 2 . anyone's the american people that the military industrial complex, his robbing the nation of the jesus of the sciences, the sweat of the laborers. and the future, the challenge is just of what a $120000000000.00 do you great as the people can't afford to pay their rent or homeless people across the street from me sitting in the doorways all over the place been to l. a. is it lovely? how about i left my heart in san francisco with all the homeless people all over the place. now they've destroyed america in so many different ways. and they did the countless, the countless, the countless trillions of dollars that have been spent by the war machine. it becomes the 1st country to agree to send ukraine law. right? kinds of minister refused to say whether or not there are any restrictions on the
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house key and then use them and where a key of can shoot. the norwegian refugee council blamed the international community for the escalating lethal violence between israel and palestine as at least 28 people are killed in the latest as strikes on the concept. big nationwide outrage and violence on the streets practiced on supreme court buckles on.
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