tv News RT May 17, 2023 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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and lead to the horrible deaths of millions of ordinary chinese the, the funds of many of these authorities and entities that actually converted the just and the right just act of protecting our country with a desire to have a particular political candidate win or lose us republican politicians call for the f b i to be shut down after the us special council rules, the agencies investigation into trump should never have happened. russia marks cab over its claim of shooting down 6 hypersonic change. all missile, as must go down says it's destroyed a you estimate patriot air defense system and cab to u. s. embassy, staff, workers, and 2 policemen are killed. and then a task on diplomatic convoy in nigeria and frances
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sports minister calls for sanctions against football players refusing to where l g b t jerseys, citing their traditions and bullies the morning from the russian capital. this is our to international with the latest world news updates. i'm here, eliza val, it's great to have you with us de authorize the f b i. those are the calls coming from republicans after a justice department report revealed the failed f. b. i investigation into allegations of trump size with russia was based on bias and unsubstantiated information. i think that we have to de authorize the fang and defined many of these authorities and entities and a different task forces that actually converted the just and the right just act of
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protecting our country with a desire to have a particular political candidate win or lose that reaction to the durham report was widely echoed by other republicans, florida governor rhonda sanchez called for an overhaul in law enforcement. while us presidential candidate feedback rama, show me the man to the f b i b shut down. former president donald trump stepped in as well comparing democrats with cockroaches after 6 years of claiming from russia collusion was a fact. us democrats said the conclusion of durham's inquiry, showed new evidence and a 4 year investigation was a quotes news fast that's as us mass media was also quick to announce the quote failure of the durham report. human rights and labor rights lawyer, dan cabal, x as the us democrats use, the russian gave the story to try and justify their loss to donald trump. in the
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2016 election, it was very clear from the beginning to, you know, those of us who were criticizing the russia gate claims that this was all manufactured by hillary clinton in the democratic party, to make up for their own failings in losing the donald trump they were so embarrassed that they lost to a candidate, frankly, who didn't have any qualifications to be president. and they were so embarrassed. they said, oh, i guess it was rushes fault that we lost. it wasn't our fault for having, having not even campaign to wisconsin, for example, for having labeled our working class based, deplorable snow. that wasn't our fault. instead, blaine, russia, and who knew that about half the us population would go along with that. why? you know, i mean it's just a disgrace to the f
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b. i really led clinton off the hook for own, you know, missed speed and using your own private server to conduct official business official, the business as the secretary of state. and instead they focused on this red herring called russia gate article responded kayla mauppin takes us through yet another drama in american domestic politics. a prosecutor in john durham several years to look into whether or not the various investigations by us agencies, into donald trump and alleged collusion with russia were done properly. the reports conclusion is an overwhelming no. it'd be, i'd like to split pads in february and march 2017. showed that at the time of the opening of crossed by hurricane the f b, i've had no information in its holdings indicating that at a time during the campaign,
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anyone in the trump campaign had been in contact with any ross, intelligence officials. there was nothing to justify the level of law enforcement scrutiny. donald trump was subjected to, there was no evidence to base these allegations of collusion on the report says this over and over again. the government's post snellville floods, intelligence reflecting the trump or the trump campaign was involved in a conspiracy, all calibrated relationship with the officials of the russian government, based on the evidence together. it's in the multiple exhaust fan, costly federal investigations of this mattress included in the instant investigation. now that the us law enforcements, and all the intelligence community appears to have possessed an actual evidence of collusion in the holdings at the commencement of the cross. by hurricane investigation on like normal investigations, the api i just decided they were going to run with this. they skipped to their normal procedures without any significance review if it's solid intelligence databases, collection an examination of any relevant to televisions from all the us intelligence
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agencies. interviews of witnesses essential to understand the role information it has received or using any of the standard analytical tools typically employed by the f b i in evaluating role intelligence. remember, our russian gave was all the rage during the trump administration. how it was argued that in 2016 donald trump winning was the result of a big russian conspiracy that trump had sat down with putting in order to plot to take the white house. it's now there was never any evidence to back these claims up a cnn house even admitted the whole thing was a big nothing burger. however, there was a wing of the us government apparatus that decided to act like there was a legitimate case there. and they did it for partisan political reasons. the trump campaign was offered helped by russia to influence our election from campaign cooperation with rushes. here are 18 reasons. trump could be a russian asset term, has a lot of connections to russia through business collusion between then candidate
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charles his campaign and the kremlin, the new york times. and the washington post even won a pulitzer prize in 2017 for reporting on this story that we now know was a total fabrication. the pulitzer board has refused to admit it made a mistake and handing them out. and the outlets are keeping their wards top democrats decided to go all in on this fake news story. this week we saw the cold hard evidence of the trump campaign. indeed, the trump family, eagerly intending to collude possibly with russia hostile foreign power to influence american elections. speaker ryan must allow a vote on an outside independent technician to get to the bottom of the trump campaigns. role and brushes assault on our democracy and prevent booting from ever doing it again. immediately parameter on report, oddly concludes,
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there was interference by russia in the 2016 elections just kind of throwing that in. after all kinds of details and testimony, the report pretty clearly shows that members of the department of justice of the u . s. secret service and other wings of the american government were pressured to act as if there was evidence for this. when there was an f. b, i agent even committed a crime, putting forward false information in order to secure a warrant to spy on donald trump. as notice from the f b i a tony kevin kline smith coming to the criminal a sense of by separating language in an email that was material to the f. b i obtaining a f. s a surveillance older. in other instances of the personnel of working on the same f, i say application displayed at best a couple the attitude towards accuracy and completeness. all kinds with god for his actions was probation, and this all points to a pattern. at the same time, we had other prominent us political figures who essentially got a free pass on they are questionable associations and practices. the clinton
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foundation, that's a both senior s b i m department officials placed restrictions on how those matches well to be handled. so is that essentially no investigative activities accumulates for months, leading up to the election, the fbi, i never opened any type of inquiry issue. any taskings employed, any of those that go personnel or produce any i noticed that go products in connection with the information that you set this in with the hunter binding laptop scandal. and notice how the intel agencies and the media cooperated there. you'll start to notice a pretty consistent pattern of behavior. the folks who run the main stream media and the intelligence agencies in the united states think they know what is best for the american people. they know who should be running the country and they have no problem manipulating things in a partisan manner to serve that agenda. caleb mauppin r t new york and russia's defense ministry has mocked yeah. of over. it's
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claims that 6 russian can. jo hypersonic missiles were allegedly destroyed during an overnight strike on cab. you will have not launched as many gonzales as they allegedly should down every time with their statements. the number of so called ukrainian the answer sets is 3 times higher than we actually launch. they keep getting the miss outside prom, therefore they are missing them. let's go slides. now 2 or 2 corresponded. steve sweeney who's going to tell us a little bit more about this incident. good morning, steve. let us know a little bit of what happened and what has been the reaction to the russian defense industries claims. okay, so what we know is that russia has destroyed a, what are these costly, $1100000000.00 patriot missile system is that the, in these strikes over the cap to have it was taken out by a kidneys all the height this on a missile. now the strong so,
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so to count ukrainian, sweet positions mean if we missions that posed on west and supplied weapons, that's according to a statement from the defense ministry. now, the united states has no reactive don't to be referred to ukrainian officials and they've refused to comment on the claims, but don't choose, i must go, has denied these claims from ukraine that they shut down. this couldn't go hypotonic me, solid and that's what you've heard of ukraine has claimed to shut down numerous alls and rushes even 5. now you cranes, 12 minutes to come onto it even further than that. and he said the ukraine had shot down, every single missed all the rush you had for the table. he said, full 18 me sounds were destroyed by the air defenses of the armed forces of ukraine . so say this isn't the 1st time you have makes claims of allegedly striking down
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russian hypersonic missiles. though i know this isn't the 1st time that such claims have been made. and of course, there is no evidence to suggest that it has shut down any of these, how i put it on a commission, i was if you remember just recently the matter of like you have a lot of a clips code released a video of himself holding what he claimed was a, can you tell me so he wasn't even fucked by dependency gone by. can confirm that they did down a russian missile by employing the patriot missile defense system. yeah. but so as you can see, uh, as you can see from these videos, what ever clicks code was holding was certainly not a control miss. all, it looks more like a, an aerial bombardment missile, but it wasn't one of these hypotonic missiles. the key i have is claiming to shut down, but the already of course, is it a very missile? the key of is claiming to shut down is the one that is taken out. the patriot
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missile system that so crucial for the defense of the city. r t corresponded steve sweeney. thank you, steve and russian military expert alexander, stop. and all of those moscow was able to destroy a patriot launcher by over whelming new creams. air defenses. surely it was a very important step uh in uh, of this contract because now we understand that this uh, widely, uh, why i was widely from all just uh, addison. so systems like venture out in the west media, uh their trunk protects the capital of the q solution. so, so using the high precision or working russian side can easily destroyed such type or for a different systems. but surely would have to understand that the system i'll only
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want rockets all the system cost about $4000000.00. so in this way, it is very expensive to use such type of arguments without a complex system using another type of software defense systems. so that's why it was easily destroyed and the thing that russian science and. ready case well are using the full stories, you know, to make. ready great inside the launch for the rockets and then up to was using the high precision high persona i can show you distort this very, very important part of the defense system of years. so i think it's very significant from time did show the level of, of high precision rushing made records. ukraine's voluntary intelligence chief has hinted that kids was behind the assassination of a number of russian civilians here, old boot that all made the confession during
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a televised interview. it was, it was realistic. it's obvious that it wasn't just us behind the bomb that killed dari. do you know, but if the time comes we will, we get that disgusting soul of yours. if you do get it or see money on, are the targets today? well, let's put it this way. we already got a lot of people. there are certain media, public cases that become known to everyone. what about her lip and was here part of that picture. when talking about specific people, then i'll have to give you a class, a global secret service response. we cannot comment on this situation because we cannot confirm or deny this information sunny. and all of this last year, russian journalist daria do gonna died in a car bombing in the moscow region with russia blaming ukrainian secret services. last month, russian war corresponded by then sitarski died after a bomb exploded in his hands at a cafe in saint petersburg and attack investigators also linked to cab add 2 weeks
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ago, russian rider and politicians. the hard for 11 was wounded in a car bobbing that killed his friend with the suspect and assessing to working for ukraine. archie has requested comments from ukraine's main sponsors, the commission, and us state department with no response yet received my colleague nikki, our, and spoke with political analyst, john jordan, who said the admissions and boot on offs interview must be publicly discussed, but are instead being silenced. oh, it may be that they want to put enough wants to make it look like the pregnancy. that service is actually more effective than it really is because he's being real gallons inside of rush. i could then the rogue elements of the cranial view, currently military intelligence services. it almost looks like he wants to take credit for it almost a little too much. do you expect the kids, west and sponsors to remain silent about the down of the interview? will sort of signal with that sent to kids if they do remain silent. the 1st law
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scouring the american, the western media about this today. and there really isn't a lot of mention of it. there's some, but not a lot. i don't expect this is going to get a lot of play in the west because this is counter to the pro ukraine narrative, which is very popular, especially in the american media. you know, media that really doesn't understand the history of the region at all. now regardless of which side you're on, on this, just looking at this, i'm an impartial point of view. this is probably something it shouldn't be talked about, but in reality, it won't be in her reaction to the admission from ukraine's military intelligence chief russian foreign ministry spokeswoman maria's a harbor pulse kids actions, terrorism and branded it's backers as terrorist accomplices. so horrible, also question. if the u. n will once again fail to take any notice carol booted off had previously pledge to keep killing russians. all i have to say is that we've been killing russians and will keep killing russians, and you're on the face of the planet until the complete victory of ukraine. radio
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hosting, political commentator, steve, gail says that this amounts to an admission of war crimes and should raise questions with ukrainian and us officials. well, i think they are sponsors of terrorism when their chief spies, leader is admitting that they're targeting civilians and that they have targeted and killed civilians even though he walks give the specifics of exactly who they have. they have targeted and estimated i think it's also important to, to point out that they have been been making it clear that they are going to continue the source of operations. i think it's outrages, i think, frankly, united states government ought to be answering as well. what role has they had in assisting, perhaps the ukrainian, the spied apparatus and targeting civilians for bombings and murders and interest attacks. us government, these to stand up and an answer to this as well. i think that right now must go with, with basically scotts at it again when you're seeing the united states,
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you know, pick sides in this conflict, and not pay any attention to the atrocities being kept committed by ukraine, that have been committed by ukraine, particularly in eastern ukraine to the last a 10 years. uh, the united states, the us media, the western europe, western european media, has turned a blind eye to what you crime has been doing. and i think they'll do the same thing with the atrocities being admitted to by the, by the spine, cheese the shift in to nigeria. now we're to us embassy staff. workers have been killed along with 2 police officers and an attack on a diplomatic convoy. a local reporter gave us more details. what we know is that they were going through a local government area called all by room in a number of states, which is a south eastern part of named jerry a. where on known going men shocked at them and for persons died the commission of police with that area of send a command out to go and, you know,
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get on top of the my task. and that's all that we know for now. also the us mission and non durable, so confirm that yes indeed members of the mission well on we attacked. now what we know is that either the where on an humanitarian mission in that area and they were going full humanitarian mission. now we do not know if there were going to borrow a local government area for the humanitarian mission or the way going through our local government area. but what we know exactly with short that and that area, the head of the south african economic freedom fighters, political party, has slammed the international criminal court, calling it a biased instrument for global imperialism, irritates country and other african states to abandon the organization, claiming it turns a blind eye to the crimes of nato, and the us, if he did not do anything against the former us president george bush for the was
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a rod. and turned a blind on when bought a bomb and metal illegally invaded libya plus size need. but i need the mama that dots. so the, for the guy in all countries must withdrawal from the i, c, c, and the e. f. f will lead that effort. it's just a month ago, the south african president made a similar statement announcing his nation's potential withdrawal from the i see see only to have his office denied the statement a few hours later, citing an error during a press briefing, debates over the nations icpc membership have been heating ups in south africa, refuse to support anti russian sanctions over the ukraine conflict. a former south african law maker told us that the i c. c is a western tool for use against other countries. me i to see is not to continue to whatsoever s a was police or as it was
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for jeff to be a total and there are no, it was a toy use is particularly for the federal countries. and you guys have to go to school. he said what kid he killed surely. you know, some people he knew that lady about. busy must a, what kinds of my truck she does like the light doesn't come out. that's how the guy has pulled weapons into the sheet. that was the problem. but i ship it in the us international relations exercise to lie to 2 stories to justify just to me. they should all the was we get that or so in total
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and francis top football league is embroiled in a scandal after several native african players were excluded from a game over there. refusing to where jersey is with rainbow colored numbers representing the l g b t movements. the controversial match between the 2, lou and non seams took place last sunday. one of the clubs to lose that it respects the individual choices of its players. but i still chosen to pull them from the match. the clubs did not name the players involved, but at least 2 footballers from the opposing teams have defended their actions with post on social media. respect as a value that i holding great esteem. it extends to others, but it also encompasses respect for my own personal belief pence. i don't believe i am the most suitable person to participate in this campaign. given my roots,
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my culture, the importance of my convictions and believe it was not possible for me to participate in this campaign. i hope that my decision will be respected. however, the sports minister of france has called for sanctions against the footballers involved in the incidents in the french wood will championship. everyone should rally behind the simple message of living together without discrimination. i think it's the responsibility of the cops to implement the sanctions. football journalist and founder of the bible outlet your re levy says or is being used as a political tool by some countries. we're seeing another, another example of how politics and agendas i used to entering the sports fields and trying to, you know, shape a search. so it's and then my answer to, or fans, or players box in our era, each person has its own belief. so we've got a leader, pleasure and see these mirrors say between the background of those players coming
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from meet, at least in the countries a where is long as the 3 dominant lee. and you know, what brings define was an inbound leads for people. and not everyone i live is on the list and you're being for the, what is it they, there's a, i would say echo system a culturally, religiously, politically, obviously. and i see to nowadays it's very hard to separate politics in sports and the reaction, the, the players and left a friendship station with no, no other choice. these nigerian chef held the box. it has broken the goodness world record for the longest poking, marathon spending 100 hours in the kitchen spilled over choking indian shafts, who held the previous record of 88 hours. the chef with the 55 recipes and more than a 100 meals with her record breaking triple digit marathon, receiving massive support in nigeria and abroad. we heard from the head of the
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medical team, who looked after her well being during the events. we are imagining the things that she would go through as the ocean physically and mentally dehydration low blood sugar. we are imagined all those things. however, what we saw or we have the return for time, we have to will read what you needed. we had some impute get outputs, so i'll say that silver has been very strong all to the whole time and we on the parts we did our best to give her the support of clubs. why should 6 the risk we beta? how about the freshen up? look, good. and then read sick or vitals. we must be started. beeping is number. that's the have, right? those are stable and then we get to you, we need so that we measure and that she's most of him. and based on what we've given here, we can look at the blood sugar is normal known as a pre call. so it's
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a silicates managements of her boots logically. and she said kindly, we spoke to some nigerians who believe that hilde this victory will have a positive effect on the countries image. it is really such a not outside nigerians. we are great. people should look less though. no, no, it's honestly speaking. i left the shop because i learned on the high seas really profit how food also it's amazing. i am so proud of who was out by success. the only been a un route to has made a wible might sprout as you have also made up why one got to fraud. i'm from a bible. i am from one to 5 on the task and i know a lot of things that i hear, but i'll find them girls. but today she has been able to set the request straight. now, problem goals, we are good to have this done. so i'm proud on top of so coming up with this kind of em initiate the, i'm pulling myself, i'm proud of how i'm going to say it's never too early rest. so use of the fact
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that i out us, i always the one doing the biggest thing was seems someone my age do, it is never too early. we can start any time, no matter how young you are. 9 drugs who come out and support and the older generations will be proud that they created use to i'm really so happy. that's a rap on the hour for all the latest breaking news and updates head over to r t dot com. and be sure to follow us on all social media. thanks for joining and we'll see you back to the top of the hour. the chosen approach towards ukraine is full of contradictions. we are told a win for russia is a defeat for the west. for ukraine is not a member of the military alliance foretold nato is not part of the complex, but it is been supporting can go a terribly since 2014 nato's as
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a watch russian to be defeated. but it says nothing about the keys. the number was it? neal media visits deployed. hip, nancy, nancy kim's, in the book, the national shifts newberry gets to the young showcase in genes. nathaniel. so who's going into the ways that the boys the probably the most new and that'll be for them. imagery at this uh,
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florida doesn't want that extra them put the notes up under that the the, the newer and the trial is ovens on the house and it is at the sabotage section to testify. on september, the 12th 1939, a chief 100 miles canal or as was instructed by the dry foreign minister, the yell of him bung, or even trump it's necessary to reach out to the ukranian nationalist with whom intelligence had already had military contact to cause an insurgency imposed on which would have as its result, big step.
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