tv Documentary RT May 18, 2023 12:00am-12:31am EDT
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the, the the in the near in the trial as ovens, on thousands of, of the sabotage section to testified. on september the 12th 1939, the chief 100 miles cannot iris with instructed by the dry foreign minister yet with him on leaving charles it's necessary to reach out to the ukrainian nationalist with whom intelligence had already had military contact. to cool was an insurgency imposed on which would have as its resolve extermination at poles and jews from the testimony of interested men, the,
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the organization of ukrainian nationalist in the summer of 1943. i was indeed, given the rifle in the village, you'll see a chill provide no way of districts enjoying the ukrainian nationalist organization which committed mass charge, you know, spent 2 is, uh it would be do, i mean was referred to as getting started because he just gone up shakeup door to me, i will stop. i locked on me a list of providers who is electric jobs. customer to me via the all new checks to move. cool back up to review with these novel by a newer version of phoenix through the press of our big who's in the box. easy east show i need betsy to love it. more robot wrote, you sign on the piece from the testimony of an arrested member of the organization of ukrainian national. this the both couldn't put out
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resistance. they had no weapons, we beat them with whatever we could on the street in the flats. initiates the battle last at about 4 hours. then everyone went home. in 9043 from the front guns, one of the big as world war 2 tragedies unfolded in an area code. i believe the man the you know, during the showing the hide you, she's here stuck in the nature for the control room for 2 levels. so we should few in each for the near space. i'll send the link to the primary care
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of. oh, do you mean that each best buy the e? cause i keep opening in the mustang, but then that's me need score for lack of a video to see on your bill. it shows she in making sure i send that over to you. most customers rates, typically the scenario is you can show any of the pin or we can get a waiver and go to the touch as portion of that all sorts of days you're determining if it's a way for full management to accomplish it is a little as to the email was really cool to trying to physical the rubbish as well. oh no ma'am. i wish i was actually too much to there's a fee to run. yeah, mazda is, would be some or not, but the rubbish of x is the summer as well done. that to assist you into image
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should be different than the list of people there which can be is the me ask you needs unless somebody came to boise for could easily escape. if you guys can use the newest committee, which includes you versus get a letter though, if shanta horace. tasha price for this and provide his officer. heathcliff and bernard pocket shrugs contorted sky. but i was loudly pub driving. the organ needs a price for the shooting size options. the group customer here talk is up at monroe and it pay anything extra if cisco and the issue is the deputy how pneumonia if nobody has massages from january 28th to february 3rd 1929. the 1st congress of ukrainian nationalist took place in
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vienna. the organization of ukrainian nationalists. oh you in the show, it was founded by con, only give, gave me kind of audits and australia officer blake and mon did ukrainian nation is units doing really well. one than the civil war, blood and exile fee and there's been a offices then the outdoor organization. once i go back to the style, i shall die latch out of the place to post, keep them in context. i don't know who among you, but it was time us for you last night was not biased. ukrainians, inhabited some of the land that would become pounds opposing dr. will one let go. the rules in the body in the and galatia price, it was you or the football knew of it for america. and for the up is there is no super yet and ok. and you said once, you know they stayed in the middle of the last year of income,
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so i'm gonna say enough there's uh, some of them. okay. nothing for low price of. # drum resolutions, adult defense congress of ukrainian nationalist vienna 1929, only up to the ukrainian glands that completely read. devolving data is well conditions for the comprehensive development of the ukrainian nation be created. the ukranian state will strive to reach the borders that encompass or estimate ukrainian territories. the grades that he doesn't live live dtn duty to e. c, a starting the use of wiley stick, you can see, i don't mean them to use this. choosing to read dvd set up the young children's india pretty young children's human way children. so if that's where i've seen the leader, when they only knew when the steve was in the beach regional dot
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also changing. so what i d is the most boost or scheme of schools, good pro muscles that say you really need to choose the tv. the zillow is stuck at where shots key, and that's all there is to crazy ski position. skip over the whole. yeah. could i call you because that coupon, i'm assuming as soon as you are sure of the screen. yeah. this up of to you own of 2 bundle of tools here. as it says key via new version michigan 9 school combination issues or other oh, windows key. yeah. the show up is compressor roller you towards us,
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you can find the option to your port scott, that's on this ports that she's you said would you want me to go to court? just simply remove up integrity. it will show the kid the, the poconos is this 0 is actually is stems of tackle over dish, but i'll let you draw both on your name. ok. you see if that's where you store nice to go it on, but i don't it as, as a boost in independence of course can improve. so the think i missed it. i'm an expert in for a couple of other districts also from the diesel to the mexico us through the chapel hall to control associated
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with tracy for that sort of discrepancy. just a little more to actually put it shows the goal is to own the email. unfortunately for which you have to sub to move it inside and you don't want it all, but got to keep the bottles deep. i need the in store to get to the end as well as somebody bought it. jesus, oh, what would you be waiting at the book room there, but i sure to make it unless that i need the store. i've got to do that in the last piece. not sure if those usually deal from the o. u. n. a handbook struggle and activities during war. the police need those and
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to be eliminated. destroy above all the intelligentsia. how power must be terrifying to its opponents. a reign of terror, the foreign enemies and traitors among our own means that something has conservatives to go to the full show up when you're doing that kind of launch quicker thing. that's cool. come on the 20th. okay. oh, a pretty little fellow. spears the program which what it is, oh, i don't close the law plus the good are so a queen which would it's starving to produce at least the it's just a really use little list that only one. it's the privilege of the korean to to go are you, we were the cuts by the fast but to you shortly, keep the prism that can go 8, but we're not always going to give an example do what uh the if the price i do look at that $30.00 to $230.00 will show to consider the williams, the name on the shall gotcha sits and can do for another show kind of can us and that is natal. i'm a yes. so the sponsors buying those ones on there from thompson to audio. so
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they'll do a for their face, the a task. yes. time in the she now me up like i mean them to me change jones. i was still then. yeah. and your causes and the kinds of a signal child size go get when you're more than have you on the cell. most of the probably do a study pollution, political pacific cod safe place to let me just let susie i'm with a lot of seniors for skits, of many of a young man they were ton from the front in 1921 after the war with susie and russia, ukraine, and bella roost. numerous, both of these companies were established in by the, in the quote need to give you some, a warranty by the system. really being able to, uh, not say websites. uh, that's in pennsylvania was another issue which is still willing to do the things cuz there's new developments in this. the rates as you can buy it,
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the take a fresh look around is a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the little one? no, no, no, no, not for to most of the location of the unit 731 was
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a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had every now through you know, to production with it. so it gives you, or show the great deal to bring it suddenly, a little bit through here to keep on my mazda thought this minute, noon, and one of up from the sale. i really kind of wish to know who knew. i know you gave him some more promotion to try to put on with this kind of them of the
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a party bill because you cannot push the couch. so for those people who want this on this to she, my a new on it on site can send me someone gauge the yo, yo, now i'm gonna put them out that they give us the in the that's a little demo, but he's actually pulled by me and i missed the shooting and just i missed and i need to go to the ship around 630. so to be sure where you'd like to study a sheet, what router you should be of throughout the year. those say you only have what do you, me every, every what has named charlie. okay. he's got a nice cold such as being switched over here. just done review paints video,
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subjects play materials. some people don't want to skate with a single truthful box. the thing with points, as i start with the step of the session introduced a reunion. there's also more of us get towards get to work with. i thought it was good to be stick a could get as opposed to the variance of games for you really have to see me when you're set to fix here. what is the point you thought you said that we're going to do that? i said you need to, when you told me what do you think it's safe to use it as a search and see what a security issue. a lot of a to give me lots of training a cool you raised me. that was you nice can. what do you mean to auto store? a couple of polite, completed couple dozens of getting a solution of sort of moving over the he's let me on the 2nd. let me let me see what the ups that need to go. that was the need for them, but yeah. can we be do is you can think of any me national
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secret must. so is there could be to uh to agree because up with no credit union and you can use the secret audience. so are you an order of a and the can you need any of these 2, the user to $33.00 she needs to, to use to, to me. so let's just please. so you display scope because i'd be on the discussion my facility and yes, pretty used to the desk, but i used to be my and so those booking you have that that you me yeah. the serious for the whole each of associates and you put them so to mean, you know, press on menu to the new piece i've done. most of the websites on the media goes up it all summer, which shows you watching, press the activity of things and teach roy each skis thrice to the beach.
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and that's the reason i'm not going by, you know, going to and as i see the gear 2 summers and exhibit to point in time. we're developing some pro, mr. chavez here in providing tuition of them. and so i went up to your to say i was a visa of orange in the car, which was a kid. well, because i was using, you probably will chicken to run your thoughts, a muscle the associate pallets with seems good and still not too much useful day to locate the building. so i'm pretty low. i'm sure years as you perform each of these different ideas, mostly truth, uniquely if you take a picture of the bumper to the system is just as much as we mean bonus. nothing
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isn't as much as some of those and happens to the from an address by event in cream of different o u n. detachment people. b one must gigabytes homes mag, doesn't use on your end of the eliminate them. and then the, your leadership is the, oh you in your data is step on bundle to the new to us. know what's in them with the new new you as the annual of them under any we low. what's related to the issue. there shouldn't be general convict somebody for less than the same is a typical us and then the same. you just go to sleep, do for believe me, you guys used to live it, it will political, blah, blah, blah blah by siri. police. the principal you do, you will to the union, the financial or something. yeah. i know some of them will of wish that so let's go don't,
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that probably will force doesn't and nothing. this keeps going into something other than that. that's not really easy. o g, e o k escape. and that's on the list of really ph. d fashions the num, the data being seen them, shanisha. suppose the memo good. yes, we do believe that i'm just searching for stuff now, but i search for them to be able to to just the basic boy here with me, which doesn't this as a and your best fast. it was nice to, to show kind of what that i'm getting through getting on the story. now you have, this gives you the day to idea. that's a new way. so for the lead me, don't worry about the other guy. it's still least speeding. do you see that with my huge again that's a little bit slower
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but also to you know, the smile region is you know, it's just unless you smile region. so they did that because i'm of the, one of the just the tried the roku stick to the oh i see. yeah. so the linda for music of last year with the 1000000 uh let it go. so if i go for to bundle, see, piano is a slow to go. is actually my, me go to the sheer to the futures. you boss probably s number of sheep, just push a busy me saw be some of the go be able to get more sites in my job the most up to now do you do the poke or your safety are starting to be a lot of the simplest and you scared the learners the booth this last name. nice. so my supporter skills that you know, showed that going to say ok on the side all comes out of the beach. but i like to get
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a physical check with me at the fiscal bul level and you'll click the slomo the spread my laptop or the it as looks like you who that is actually now is it is that solution? yeah. and you have to go get a student orders to feel it. is that correct? and they only be junior, but it wasn't supposed to be late, but i see the cobra show that for sure with us. can i ask and i think some of the, like a, they don't, they don't want to see me. but if i do, is it a little get to stay on the? so it's a shame that it's doing because it's almost cold. that's when you and you have to model it, could i be telling it the video to start being what you said? a little window, especially someone you can download it sort of system though it's, it's an emergency, it was like he had a split that most the ground, the next 3 vs. the dentist, if you choose to, does that process to project that could not fit but the move. thank you. please get
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a good. i assume the latest difficult levels. i feel comfortable so glad at those things like the syllabus w, a sort of mid always to seem to for the study, provide the best selection of the new city, new york readings of financing for school. i get that. so now you're just couple days. couple of us a little just as to what, what we need for the need of the way you go to the, to what each you, it's a little but it's good because the listing cause when you, instead of leaving the screen when people it's convenient that and some others are on like some of them are just on you, all of sudden you stay on those extra ski for of the founder. last, you know, difficult investors are the latest for lack of type of language to, to in, if it's not on the last you ok instruments. and the simple timesheet is that is all, nothing,
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some the interface and then i need some you really need to meet the question. so at least at least a waste of the store. ok. well looking to but it is good question. your so the total goal is to o. s. as in dollar store score, glass battery, and by just less, that was a little stating that was that little boy, you mean you're fine. yeah, basically the do, but the color store for my meal, i'd still paying you the most of the boat before the press battery, more than the boys at 4230. so they go so they're still got dorna. what was bullshit, but the district was up in the us. i usually the, they came up with them on the line and it says the new year is always nice green and what would be, what pushing that would lead to us a oh,
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un nicole in our livid said we're not talking about 10000 or even 800000, but about every poll from old people to children, we need to read all the end of this feels o u. n members immediately replied in chorus. you must be need the pin blood deliberate, ukraine me up to price the low decide yet a level ease if these are the at the it the material and the process of the chase asked as a way to position you can use any of your uh, i will know steve, which is on the list. i'd be so each both of them were $60.00 to $87.00. the bullshit is obese. state cbs
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seen these as sheets left through the d. t city organization where she is the d y a couple. she did the but i me be a big deal to the place you'll to go when you took a communist. this is me mind because of the 2 d motion scholarship. i like you to ask you could and some release get that same with i see. do i live up with those? yeah, i'm more so this you situated and it shows the same gun. yes. is this that i'm not interested state, that any system that signature splits the grades in english less you bet there's, there's go to a percentage of interest the premium you sleep, so highest looking to put to that's why your yes, so the dish was recorded. so i see a huge, desolate, so by the square fortune yes, open going to meet new bulletproofing and for the whole thing, appleton is the condition of the same way,
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not the same place with the, the newer and the trials from the testimony of up and then the wind starts during the retreat of german troops from ukraine cannot rest himself gave the order to continue the struggle on terra specifically in order to manage the nationalist movement. officials, officers and agents remained. they were orders to create food and weapons dashes by the rank daughter of him, of the realm. and she'll have, it was a pointed, come on to in chief of the a, the in our brains are assassinated. they control everything from our ability to function, to experiencing emotion. in fact, your ability to understand what i'm saying to you right now comes down to the amazing functionality of your brain. and yet,
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there are still so much that we don't understand about how our minds work. so what happens when things go wrong up here? we'll find out the answers we came here to usually not that often speak with. miguel is one of the world's foremost in our surgeons, utilizing state of the art technology and progressive techniques, the can yes and no new media visits typically from here to nancy kim's into both the mesh, just me very the of the only showcase is used nathaniel. so he's going to the boys at the boys,
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the probably the most new and that'll be for them. imagery at this uh, florida doesn't want that extra them put the notes up under that summer exception. and i'm here to plan with you. what are we going to do not watch my new show? seriously? why watch something that's so different. little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department c. i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you, go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again,
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you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the wayne thing the hello, i'm the know a chan you are tuned into modus operandi. us president joe biden is facing a crisis along the southern border with mexico as 2022 tops the record for the highest level of illegal border crossings in us history. many saying he is more concerned with foreign borders then his own. this week will examine the international hypocrisy of america as border bias. all right, let's get into the m. o. the 2022 was a record breaking year along the us border with mexico with migrants flooding into
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