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tv   News  RT  May 18, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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the, the, the, a little bit, a good thing that out of the support at the ocean for the russian is given us. we now stand out us on the island of stability and peace was appraised from uganda as a high level delegation is here on the russian capital. that's as a 6th nation group from africa as working on a possible piece plan for the conflict, the new price, the. 2 and kind of thing you discussing with is ready for says on the gossip board. miss israel celebrates are controversial much. my old little jews on the in the cafeteria, tops of the city pies ready forth is more than 60 years ago. also in the program
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rupture threatens to things, the black sea green, the level disputes around the agreements and offers old by the middle of july, the cutting through the main street narratives to get to your news on how to international. it's a, it's a good to have you with us for this one. the most go says it is open to a piece initially proposed by south africa to end the conflict in ukraine, the russian 4 minutes to confirm the news while meeting his counterpart from uganda . and a 6 nation african delegation is currently working on a peace plan for ukraine. the set you up with is regarding south african liter rema forces initiative. he contacted president prudent with our president replied that he is always ready for dialogue with our partners. of course, sincerely interested in ensuring that there was a stable situation in the world to us. but the agenda of an upcoming meeting is
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being discussed. but what we want to understand what specific initiatives president were, i'm a full so and his african colleagues would like to formulate for discussion. we're open to proposals from any country, hold of the beautiful during the press conference. so then you've got to inform minnes assigned to russia's efforts and bringing stability to his country. i believe more on that. here's a donald cor. well, this press conference really comes on the heels of a recent kremlin announcements that russia is ready to consider a peace plan expected to be put forward by a number of african countries to end the fighting in the ukraine conflict as we just saw sir gay lab rav reiterated the russian position, that moscow is ready to consider any serious proposals for peace to end this conflict. now, on the part of the you gone and foreign minister, he said he had one purpose for his visit in russia, and that was to thank moscow for all of the aid it's rendered to the country in
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terms of socio economic development. he said that because of this assistance you've gone to has become an island of peace and stability on the african continent. we've also can to express fence and gratitude to the russian federation. so the support they have continued to be was the national, frequent american development in various areas that the 6 of them say as a load id nation. but in particular, we have little who to quit for that, out of the support at their action for the russian has given us. we now stand out as an island of stability and peace. and we continue to use the combustor. that's the russian federation has helped us to build, to extend and play a role in ensuring that there is peace and stability in the region that we live in . and we know and believe the russian federation will be an integral input
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and strategic. but now, you know, jenny, in that direction you founded foreign minister also spoke a bit about the ukraine grain d o. as moscow recently renewed its participation. and he said that this deal needs to work for the countries that need it most, not for the countries that may take advantage of it. i mean, that's as only around 3 percent of all the ukrainian grain export it under this deal has actually gone to the poorest of countries, the ones that need it, the most. then the russian foreign minister also gave us $0.02 on this. he said that he hopes that this deal is going to change for the better and a better accomplish it stated objectives. that's basically a round up of the most important takeaways of this meeting between the foreign ministers and the press conference that came after it. published indians and is ready soldiers of class to the gaza. israel boarded this during the flag much day i of the.
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2 many uh, well hundreds i imagine of a flag bearing kind of students that have gathered on the as riley gossip or voting tires and is ready flags throwing stones at soldiers as ready troops by a t, a gas and rubber bullets such as the protesters. 3 were injured apparently, so will, according to local media reports that we understand that protested and without any further findings. so thousands of police have gathered in jerusalem ahead of an annual march. my orthodox jews, the occasion boxed the capture of parts of the city by his reading forces more than 50 years of the producer jones and police scuffles near a gate of the old city where crowns have gathered. about right there. the bottom of the screen is rails national security minister ben could be arriving at the scene of the fine day. march commemorates the 1967 comforter of east jerusalem and won't
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be as really a government pulls a re unification of the safety of this hero record number around a 100000 orthodox jewish men are expected to participate in the box going through the old cities or most of them for the event and has proposed a tax against local palestinians in recent years. and we have this report now from local correspond, nick call y'all, can tens of thousands of uses. riley is to most of them and young people in their twenties and even the younger, from the age of 12, most of them are males and they are brain worse than they are. then think celebrating with the legs of israel, but they don't really understand that these red rice boom and then beads to be as they are of service philistines. and it's really complicated situation. see where the middle east, but they try to provo. okay. then those are some of the politicians that tried to gain some more influence and better positions for the next day. elections, that is the national security minister s bank we are and those are some odd there
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from that includes bar t and ministers. and those so far, team members that are coming here, the area, and part of them even the went to the l oxide to the temple mount and all of those pro vacations they may be good for some kind of political for says, but for the majority of these riley, public society and for the police being and send our ups, those kinds of events that bring games, no peace and nothing goods. you've also spoken to us america, i've seen is why we thought activist, but also most floor of us on the food, the deputy mayor of jerusalem, a both of whom gave us pretty different perspectives on this annual. the, the, the world king's is a like been been via this is a model that is sort of walking the talk,
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hundreds of thousands of photos sitting in school and the occupation for 50 succeeds. this city is not on the shoes. use the city, 40 percent to the city and 40 percent the most rooms and conditions. this city is a city of 3 and it isn't. it is, should it is most room as it is yours. i know religion can impose it's more polity or clear because people say that the on the city, it's what's ultra orthodox or phillips people. it's scientists, people who are celebrating the reunification of a city that was built by king david 3000 years ago. the city that was originally a jewish city, a city that has been captured and destroyed and divided for centuries and centuries for jewish people. it's a very special day because in 1967 in the world, we didn't start in the defensive will. we actually re, unified, the city of so the really ation of the city for us means the freedom of worship
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that we, these res afford to everybody living in our city and our country. and so it's a really special mot that is not useful for the people, and it's a much of love, and it's a much of appreciation for our $200.00 company at least report for the u. k. got submitted as opposed to the russian. this information has raised more than a few eyebrows after a cold out the frequently quoted to western based investigative group building cas, a billing cat was somewhat discredited, both by spreading this information itself and by being willing to produce reports for anyone willing to pay. that one cat has been accused of bias on a number of occasions swelled only days ago that with our own ease on musket brand, it is a cy off. nevertheless, the link documented merely states, it's been somewhat discredited. wikileaks has presented evidence of, doubtless,
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possible financing by what, by that of the u. k. ministry of defense, a russia is repeatedly accused of spreading fake news and is even labeled at that of a security threat. well, that's lot more profitable. i've not that much blumenthal the founder and editor in chief of the grey zone news off with matches. so good to see you. thank so much for coming on the program with such a an interesting story as well. this. this linked u. k. government report, pay me the bank has been somewhat discredited. um, is that how you see it? we've been reporting on this document for years. it appeared, i believe in 2018, was produced by the zinc network, which is a cut out of the u. k. for an office and it describes building cat not only is somewhat discredited, but as a kind of mercenary organization that would produce reports on behalf of anyone willing to pay. and as we've reported at the grace own belling, cat is not only been funded through the us and u. k. governments, but also by adam smith international which is a u. k. contractor,
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which was responsible for a disaster scheme in the iliad province of north western syria. that saw u. k. tax payer money being delivered as is bags of cash to the outside of philly at their job. it on us. or we saw billing cat receiving money from the contractor key monex, which has delivered us tax pair supported equipment to the so called white helmets in syria. and at the same time belling cat was attacking critics of the white helmets. and as we know, and as we why we reported that has been widely reported, the spelling catch is funded to the tune of over $200000.00 pounds a year by the national endowment for democracy, which is the regime change arm of the us government, which according to one of its founders did with the c i a did covertly now in an over fashion. so if building cat is to hold credibility, it needs to stop describing itself as an independent news agency. okay. okay. not,
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not in that, then you suggested that was it the national endowment for democracy was what it was, was pumping some money you think you think is that too much? okay. annually into bad. and can you also the now we, we know from wiki, leak suggesting that the u. k. government's involved in belling cats financing. why max would london be interested in paying belling cat? what? because boeing cat provides a sort of an anti wiki leaks kind of service using what it calls open source intelligence to assess situations on the ground that back up the what the u. k. government and the u. s. government want it's public to believe, for example, that in april 2018, the syrian government dropped a chlorine bomb on civilians in the city and city of duma outside damascus, which is therefore justified u. k. u. s. and french missile attacks on syria. and as we now know, through the actual inspectors who are part of the fact finding mission for the o,
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p c, w who's report was supressed and who were actually attacked by belling cat which is collaborating with o, p c, w leadership to crush these inspectors. that attack was a staged event staged by g. hottest rebels were backed by the west and the gulf states seeking serious over there. so provided the information. yeah. and, and again, that was just to sort of jump him. i said to apologize. but again, these are things that, you know, you'll never hear on the, on the mainstream media of what you're telling me right now. this is one of the only places you can say these things here. for example, in a oxy international, just just one last question back. so i'm running solo on time. i'm really sorry about that but, but the last 2 days. oh no. has been locked in a spot with the outlet this week. even calling buying cap a psy op is that just the lawn boss, you know, shooting from the hip, like he does or do you think his claims have basis? yeah, i mean, sorry to go so far down the rabbit hole here and it's true. this is one of the few places on an international network where i can say these things. and it's shocking
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that members of billing cut are now working with the new york times as they rake in us government funding to produce findings that support us and u. k. foreign policy objectives and what you on mosque said about the texas shooting. why can't comment on that? i can't see where that, whether that's true or not, but billing cut absolutely. is a product of western psychological operations or information warfare. it's why elliot higgins, his entire career, has been backed up by the u. k. for an office since 2013 when he was an anonymous blogger named brown moses. and we've reported on this extensively at the grace zone . and higgins has nothing to say back. uh yeah, max us and just last question here. my last question, just got a few seconds left. yeah, i understand everything that you've been saying here, but just in case one of yours is not entirely sold or remains a little bit mystified by this. if you could, someone open, so basically one sentence, what do we need to know about belling cat? now, a billing cat is a u. s. and
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u. k sponsored organization falsely posing as an independent entity to provide the background noise for us and u. k. regime change operations from eastern europe to the middle east. next plymouth old founder and editor in chief of the grey zone news outlet would come or treat you just one here, anywhere else. thank you so much for you. what big fun carry on. so you same thanks a lot. thank you. now what spring seen as an historic event for damascus in the middle east as a whole. the syrian president bush allah side has puts down in saudi arabia. is that to attend the meeting of the arab league on friday. now the saudi king invited us out to attend the meeting off of the arab league. a recent is decided to we admit syria to the organization officer. it was suspended in 2011. the syrian foreign minister held bilateral meetings this week in the kingdom with several of his counterparts. and that sounds damascus has moved to restore ties with saudi arabia, jordan, egypt, iraq and iran. so live now it's
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a political sociology professor, site subject is joining us here with all of the international the take this conversation to further great to see you. so thank you very much for joining us. it's a big story this about, about these re approach months happening in the middle east, syria officially back in the arab league of nations, missed the subject to a side is to attend his 1st meeting since what 201020111, what impact do you think will serious return to the league have on, i guess, regional politics, but also i missed the subject that of stability in the region. as you know, in the last 3 years, the holding area went into a lot of the constellations. uh, countries that were quoting was, the concern was cause you were also qualities, was the key. the vehicle side was the key and you have to solve the reason i'm very close to the eastern so it was very mobile that we reach this point. what do we get with this successful, a reading degree, showing them off to syria,
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is that we are now seeing the inclusion on follow a solid year review because last year saw that was his in the, in as you yeah. true to get to a consensus. but now the solid deal was the victim for us even on cost down, which was $1.00 of the few of the countries that was opposing the integration of syria, had accepted and said that we will not lead on a consensus on the return of syria. so this is very important to track so that we see the life of that. so the reason of diplomacy was told the success of the russian diplomacy that was also pushing for reintegration of sylvia. you will also notice that media, all countries who have been seeing that the whole area was facing national security crisis. every time the spacing sibling will collapse, the spring, the story,
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the young man destroyed the syria, disjoint libya, a lot of countries begin to suffer. and so now the feeling that the of was most real life and this is very important for them. and that's why i said, in general, it mean it is very important as you say. but at the same time as the subject many western leaders of express the concerns about this moving 5 just the other day in washington. a number of us politicians were trying to proposed legislation to for america a not to recognize syria, but also not to work with the countries that are working with syria. why all western lead, as opposed to this, mr. slide deck, one of the tours that was to leave those use in the middle east is that the of the champion of human life and democracy. so leave for the silent was a sub would be of i ration of the full by canada. and so they don't like this at
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but can be really apply anything. this is really doubtful because now we also hearing reports that some secret communities are taking place in the us, open up a phone line between american and city and oppression. so at the same time we talk about sanctions, economic functions. so if you read the will try to extend it couldn't only assistance or reconfigure lead construction or syria. they may be facing something, but i don't think that americans outgoing, really the chinese as the old use of the gulf speeds into, into big conflict with them over a syria. and i don't think that the summit in mississauga you'd be at the mall. we really produce big things at the end so quickly, but it would be the beginning off read the integration of syria back into the pool. but the kind of that causes me wait a little bit, but definitely be on the edge of it is it's one of the biggest stories today,
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frankly going around the world. this with this massive reproach of all going on about part of the middle east, after so many years of external interventions and, and terrorism and violence and was a side slide deck. we really appreciate you joining us here and costing causing some commentary on this political sociology. professor mr. side side, that great to have you on the program. we'll see you soon. a the the quote i gave you life, but i can take it away. that iconic phrase reflects the growing pains of popular artificial intelligence system chat, g p, t and it's creates are going through. it's a company's head is urging the us government to think about more regulations for the industry. i think if this technology goes wrong, it can go quite wrong and we want to be vocal about that. we want to work with the government to prevent that from happening. regulating a development it could prove beneficial, but previous us government attempts, for example, the right in the social media industry, certainly backed by it was
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a lot more now with all these kind of stuff in, in new york. very few things in this world of escape. the recent us censorship spree, rebellious activist, undesirable politicians, being powerful platforms, hostile media. and now the latest target a i, we need to maximize the good over the bad. so congress has a choice. now we have the same choice. when we say social media, we fail to seize that moment. no way to put this genie in the bottle globally, this is it's exploding. they are not alone along mosque and others have come forward to call for some form of regulation as various tech companies speed ahead with a i, you know, of asians is more dangerous than say mismanaged a aircraft design or production maintenance or, or, or bad, bad car production in the sense that is, it has the potential of civilizational destruction. so why might it be important to
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regulate a i, ethics, developing computers that can think like humans to engage in conversations do that kind of creative work that humans normally do could easily be used for now, these sense there's no way to rule out, and that such things are already in the cross hairs of the powers that be, shall we review what they did with social media a few years ago. generally, i think regulation is, is a good thing. it's a, it's a not positive. and i think our role as a company should be dot dot of an educator and helping regulators and legislators understand what's happening with technology. i believe we need a more active role for governments and regulators by updating the rules for the internet. we can preserve what's best about the freedom for people to express themselves. the 1st wave of revelations about facebook and twitter and instagram was about how much data they were collecting and what they were doing with it.
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these apps were used to monitor people's behavior, find out what they like and how to influence them. and all this data that was collected was then handed over to the spokes on twitter is contact with the f b. i was constant and pervasive as if it were a subsidiary, a surprisingly high number of requests by the f b i for twitter to take action on election misinformation. even involving joke. tweets from low follower accounts. twitter presents itself is just an open forum where people can share their thoughts. however, we now know that they were in constant touch with us intelligence and law enforcement, suppressing certain ideas as well promoting others ethical. not exactly, but certainly a great opportunity to manipulate discords and pushing agenda. remember, during the 2020 elections when the hunter biden laptops scandal was suppressed, the new york post, the mainstream us media outlets added to links blocked. you couldn't even send them in a private message to a friend why intelligence officials said it was
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a russian propaganda story. but we now know for sure it wasn't because it was all true. so that in mind, listen to how us intelligence is now talking about harnessing the power of a i. we've seen the excitement in the public space around chad, u. b t. it's certainly an inflection point in this technology, and we definitely need to be exploring ways in which we can leverage new and upcoming technologies. and i think the way we're approaching it is we need to approach it in a disciplined way. the silicon valley tech monopoly is the us intelligence agencies and the propaganda regime changed. chorus have been working in the last step for decades. they have perfected the art of manipulating the conversation, staging unrest, and getting their way around the world for decades is certainly telling that as a i is taking off. we now hear this call for regulation. the call is coming from the very people who are pretty mean deep and all of this stuff. and even today can
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see the potential evil that could be on least this is something that all of us should be concerned about. caleb mouth and archie, new york. the washington post i new york times of standing by there reporting about the ruptured trump collusion hopes with the post, refusing to return his bullet, surprised, awarded for quote, and deeply sourced coverage of the story f. as a just released report by special counsel, john durham reveals diving evidence of f. b. i investigators both ignoring facts and openly lying at the washington post said the story, linking rupture and trump has not been discredited. despite the complete lack of evidence in new york times that the reports findings about f, b, i miss management provided no new information and the time is blaine. mister durham for ignoring candid of hillary clinton's accusations about russia, gate to damage trump. during the 2016 elections, although the report says details on proof, the hopes befalls appeared and it's classified section. a blog is on comedians and
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i'm walking into the outlet so being awarded for lying well, top politicians of the mounting surprises b which i was surprised. now there's problems of our won't it cult where the people are going to deserves date for investigation and revealing true and difficult facts, but negatively impact to the powerful regarding this conspiracy various and people that get f appropriate out the state? no one ever questions. they all things about taking it back and keeping that's, that's my award for the why in the k through brass as empower there actually have another one have 20 to pull a surprise given to the washington post in new york times should be taken back because the entire episode was politically motivated. that's not something you should get a put pull a surprise for. i was talking to john, listen, that political adults are going about only. he believes that much show all the media has created that of a power little reality. and they wouldn't ever be held to account if they had any sense of integrity and decency, or responsibility though responsible to their audiences. they wouldn't do the right
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thing, which would be return those, those prizes a but that, but they won't because the democratic liberal powers in united states have been very deliberately building it built out during society because they've crossed the root because they've gone too far. now it's all about power and total power, total control in society. so never going to be brought to justice or they're never going to be uh, put in their place because they have pretty much total power right now. and they can do whatever they want. and they can continue creating an alternative realities . that's what they've managed to do. they've created all terms of reality, where even today, most americans think that trump has colluded with uh, with, with, with moscow, even though it's been debunked, it's been from false. but the fact is that these powerful media companies, they really have created a, a power line universe with all these lies always fabrications. and it's hard to
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convince people that it's otherwise that this is not true. because once you establish this false reality, it is very difficult to dismantle it. but there are report or videos the top democrats, including then vice president joe biden were brief about the well, the possible hillary clinton plan will be using the russia gate hopes to submit trouble for political gain. despite that democratic representatives just further pushed and even promoted, the lie. here are just a few examples. the russians are back in our our cyber systems and trying to influence the outcome of the primary and also still trying to support trump. there is no debate. anybody who tries to deny it is living in a dream world. the fact is that i've gone head to head with food and made it clear to him. we're not going to take any of his stuff. he's putting his puppy. trump, you are behaving like a puppet for the kremlin, put in the metal with our 2016 elections,
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which help to your awful candidacy or despite has on that previous the whole courage, behavior. democrats have now stopped questioning the report off of the revelations that dismissed the hoax. his president biden's the spokes person during the latest white house roofing what is the last ration to session or leave it to the department of justice to speak to the team that there needs to be wholesale changes. that is with the department of justice. that's not something i'm going to speak from the podium as you just stated in your question, we believe in an independent of the department of justice. that's what the president said when he was running and that's just what he present have said the last 2 years. thank you so much. we'll see you guys. they are pathological liars. and please, i want to be very clear. i'm same is as someone will always support the democrats, so not republic. uh, i'm not a trump supporter,
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but i can no longer be with such people. people who just like live live all the time and then when they get cortner life, they dig their hills and, and continue to lie to you. it just leads. people like me to believe as a journalist, i believe in truth, i've been finding the facts and it's just leasing specialist that these people can maintain their positions of power and authority and they will never apologize. they will never back down and they will never get a return. their rewards. beautiful surprise, they won't because they have no integrity. uh, no sense of obviously the size of decency and economic for him bringing together russian and his law, making investors as kicked off and cuts on it's a russian city with a large most in population. very beautiful town as well. open out to our correspondent shape and we're here at the cause them forum and the for a names to generate and perpetuate links between russia and the east make world
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given the shape.


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