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tv   Interview  RT  May 18, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT

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western psychological operations or information warfare. it's why elliot higgins, his entire career, has been backed up by the u. k. for an office since 2013 when he was an anonymous blogger named brown moses. and we reported on this extensively the grades zone. and higgins has nothing to say back, so if billing cat is to hold credibility, it needs to stop describing itself as an independent news agency and what's being seen as a historic event for damascus and the middle east as a hold of the syrian present, a buff sharla side has pushed down and saudi arabia is that to attend a meeting of the arab league on friday. the saudi king invited us side to attend the meeting off to the arab league, recently decided to re admit syria to the organization. officer was suspended in 2011. the syrian foreign minister held bilateral meetings this week in the kingdom with several of his counter pods. that size damascus has moved to restore ties with saudi arabia, jordan, egypt, iraq and iran. and i discussed this with political sociology,
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professor side subject, who believes syria's re admission to the arab league shows growing saudi diplomacy in the region. what do we get with this successful uh, reintegration of uh, syria is that we are now seeing signs inclusion and follow a solid year review because last year, something like that was his in the, in, as you yet free to get to a consensus. but now the solid, the was the victim for us, even on tulsa, which was one of the few other countries that was opposing the integration of syria, had accepted and said that we will not violate a consensus on the return of syria. so this is very important tech so that we see the life of that. so the reason of diplomacy was told the success of russian diplomacy that was also pushing pause reintegration of silvia very important
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for them. and that's why i saw in jetta. the problem is, is came to embrace the very latest technologies, a powered surveillance cameras, for example. we will be a vote scrutinizing visitors to next year's olympic games in paris. a process high court has, by the use routing, it does not infringe on privacy rights. despite the french move, you are paying regulate as having the pass code out countries who use similar technologies for safety reasons. for instance, during last year, so wealth. com cut out of use cameras equip, with facial recognition technology to boost security measures. or egypt of participants of the comp 27 climate conference. so use an app to help them navigate through the streets of shovel shape. the european data of protection authorities accused both countries of using modern technologies, a spy on net visitors, and to steal that data. will economic expert, how do i will i guess or to believe so here of applies at double standards of from
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to book and technology the standards. when, when you judge people different, actually about the same thing, then this is not correct and this is not right. so they have gotten through to the comments on the distributions and the categories and they should up when they came to the, the same user, but in the, in the somewhat s. so no, it is not to, if it can add to the do that. and that, and my, as long as it does not, as it goes, there, it is not right. they want to put to as much limitations as possible. and they want to maybe they haven't good minds to, to control the use of this technology by themselves. so that the information is
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always under the hang today. as i say, they prefer to have this completely under the control the for the time being the peruvian supreme court has ruled that a citizen protest is not legally protected and therefore considered a crime. since it is not recognized in the constitution, if um is that the only legitimate protests of hunger and labor strikes that impact only the protest as putnam, the citizens believe that their claims are not sufficient for that authorities are not hearing them or that the opening for dialogue is inadequate, are non existent, they're authorized to increase. the strength of said claims provided that repercussions are on the personal sphere of rights of the protester. for example, labor strike or hunger strike and does not violate the fundamental rights of 3rd parties unrelated to the social conflict. and the vote had responded to an appeal introduced by civilians who had been detained in 2016 of the protesting against the
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mining project. in the province, the rolling was denounced by peruse, national if human rights coordinator, who statement claimed it violated international standards. protecting the right to protest. sentence comes from attention is over the force dismissal the prism adult . then president pedro castillo last year. and the refusal of the congress, an interim government, the cold new elections were supposed to politically i'm the, i'm on demand is a v of us who believes that the supreme court decision is just an attempt to silence the people. this has effectively made anyone with the sense of the with g, which is it is what it is. every g under elected by the people of president more needs. anyone who is in any of the state of with any of this and any of the state and will allow those to be prosecuted. this case is to continue to prove only highlights the horrible situation that they are living there with their current and re g. that is an unelected president imposed by the legislative part of the system
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that really allows the lead to rule and that there isn't president that is not working for them. they can use their lackeys in the congress to remove them. it is a new patients. we just silence incense. it isn't patients of silence any type of protests and should be worried because it's something that can spread to other countries in the region. it's a corruption trial, but script the nation of south africa been involved. it's for my president who's been making some pretty colorful statements against the current one. and the problem is, has to be plenty of fireworks as all to use an olive oil convey now explained its frivolous and vexatious, this is the kind of criminal charge that is proffered against the president of great respect. the courts are not there to be used for these sorts of cases, whether to settle political scores or to deal with personal animosity. the private persecution that former president jacob's in law is pursuing. he is proved. this is the current prisons that are out of my posts. i kicked off in the sol coating court,
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and that's a case really is the biggest news. and so that's a good having to be present as luma. has a choose from opposed to off being an accessory, to a crime, allegedly committed by state, prosecute ability down. and jen, is to kevin more the for my present religious as it is that to the pay licked his medical records. and that's a prison that i'm a pause. i had failed to act on that as the president, not state attorney, as of just to meet her there, representing that i'm a pause that has wasted no time in labeling this as an abuse of court proceedings. and really a platform of sickening political school is of course, when you look at these different private persecutions, many people will argue and many people will say high perform matches a lot. these are always taken into consideration and everyone goes and defend themselves. but the issue at hand with this particular process is that it is the
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problem that has led up to getting someone's issued, and the navy prosecutes certificate with that even applied to put his hands on my post. so there is a lot of fantastic that we're seeing going back and forth. and as these parties all due over the legitimacy or rather the validity of the process and leading up to that private persecution. there's also a lot of debates on whether they even went to the correct the course of silence of this case. there's a lot of play regarding the politics of this method. even though present a zoom has denied that is in the political lee from his pods saying that this came straight from last year is pretty proceeding. so there's quite a lot to, to be unpacked even today as that case into it's 2nd day. and we'll definitely be bringing you that in greater detail and economic for him, bringing together russian and his logic investors kicked off and cars on it's
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a city and russia which kinds of launch most and population. we send to our correspondent shaped bows to go and get the latest number here at the cosign for them, and the 4 names to generate and perpetuate links between russia and the east lubbock world, given the shape, the changing shape of the global geo political world. it's very important that these particular 4 and forums allow people to come together to share their intellectual ideas, their business ideas. and there are very, very many decision makers here. the form itself, of course, 1st held in 2009, and it's grown significantly with 15000 people attending the conference from over 85 different states. so it's a fantastic opportunity for decision makers on innovators to come together and work in the context of russia reaching out and, and warming relations with it's a is allow, make friends and associates across the globe all the, and i,
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jerry and i about that as a rush around bella, bruce, who's taking part from the for him, says that his country is a deepening ties with states including russia, despite his traditional non alignment position. a mazda is somewhere in the country, it has it specific, uh, foreign policy objectives. uh, we have been a number 11 mission for a long time and we should as a principal of the number line describes that we can get constructively with whole friends. so we meant and very good relationship with most countries, including the russian federation, much it is of this place. we're good for 2 shows. imagine it has to come active role in african politics and will continue to be the leader in africa. all right, thank you. joining surface program for most for this is all to international. you'll stories to return the top of the hour and about $92.00 in the
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pull up shelves is not that bright. and he is an even worse german chancellor. though he is self aware enough to understand and acknowledge some nation's e double standards on russian, peo, colonial thinking. it would seem dice hard the welcome to archie exclusive interview with me as uh, so today i'm joined by a very important and as a premium politician, doctors to not on who is one of the presidential hopefuls of cheery care and who also caused a elections round off, welcome to the show, and thank you very much for your time. many people believe that now it's up to a voters to decide how the elections will end their opinions that they will vote
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for president an incumbent and on how to comment on the situation. and what do you think or the final outcome will be? do you plan to address your constitutions and what will you tell them to shake it? are the dimensions. okay. first of all, thanks for having me. see, i would like to send my greetings to all of russia. it's a place that i've spent many years in completing my doctorate in. i want to say hello to all my friends in m chemo the. currently, we do not know whether we will support 31 or kill astrology worth, and we'll hope freely our deliberations continue to go on. i'm commentary regarding how supporters will vote for it a want or coaster all, or for know, these are comments that have know, basically, so that he comes in and we will have the final word with our people. is it? and whomever we stand with will be the side window. not close that on that. yeah. you got more than 5 percent of the votes. is that the result you expected? can you also describe to port a portrayed of your average voter? you had no chance of winning,
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but still you knew that and you went to the pulse. why is that a cause and i'm, is i'm going to be in minnesota. and then i believe seen that i entered the election knowing that i wouldn't when is a statement based on prejudice. after all, this is an election and you can win and you can lose. no, we must properly describe what it means to win, which is when do you mean to you or is it only getting one vote more than 50 percent? i don't think so. from the 1st day of setting these elections, the atp or the hood of part, the political parties that do not distance themselves from terror, will not be allowed to plague a role is a turkish nationalist will play a key role. and this is exactly what happened at all. i said that the elections will go to a 2nd round and this is what happened. i said that i will not leave turkish nationalist if without a candidate, they will have a candidate. they have not had a candidate for a long time, and this also happened. are these things not considered winning? that's why it's beneficial to properly describe winning audit. just make the 5 the
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color set although tweeted that opposition was ahead. even though official statistics a set otherwise. what do you think of such statements? a thing to so my, this is mr. coast drago. unfortunately from the very beginning of thought he would win and this caused him to make some mistakes in the field. when i met with him, i told him that he should be careful about election security and that his belief that he was guaranteed victory did not match our analysis from the field. our field evaluation was signaling a different conclusion. and with this reason, we advised him to undertake a more cautious selection campaign. everything we foresaw in the field became a reality. as a politician, i am younger than earned a one and 2, a stir olive. but i am a politician that comes from the field and i'm an individual that completed his doctorate in political science in international relations that empty mo i'm is. i'm a person that knows the academic dimension of a subject. all our field observations became a reality to mr. co star,
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although i advise that he more carefully observed what is happening in the field of book that us. yep. which be the same. yeah. i wish of academic you were expelled from a nationalist m h b party, which isn't quite a sion with president. i don't now and total to cash was a permanent profile for national as politicians tweeted, positive statements regarding your votes and your sentence. can he be the person who will sustain negotiations with you to support add on condition for the 2nd round highest. yeah. and then add a bit to see that's what it's no turbo tax is an old friend of mine. we're from the same party. and here's the son of our founder. and as such, our friendship is beyond the party. we're people in the politicians and statesman to carry the same national outlook. if i'm going to negotiate with mister l one, i will talk with him directly. i don't need an intermediary for this. in a such journal, tarkus has not been given such a duty. if he writes something about me is from
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a turkish nationalist perspective and my re tweeting him is because everything he wrote is correct is perspective and then bit in the to be to man. but we know that president our daughter made a phone call with you. what was the content of that? it didn't just the personally, it's not ethical for me to share the content of my phone call or conversation that you believe i had with mr. early one or mr. killer star. all or mr. jo drum or anyone else for the process to move forward in a healthy and peaceful manner. there must be a level of secrecy. if you're a journalist, you have the right to ask, but i have the liberty not to answer. so you could have this over the decision. is it possible for you to ask your voters to support tim i've come to shuttle who is also favored by a h d p, which is according to acquire toward dawn alliance has diligently of relations with a terrier group, p k. k. should the this a s, as we sent in the beginning,
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if we can reach an agreement with earn a one on combating terror and tell our supporters to rope for everyone in the same way with, from mr. coolest. or all we can reach a protocol and combating to or we can ask our supporters to vote for mr. coolest, or all of our supporters will vote, as we ask them to do, will not be a problem here, but only the to the cache. it took a show relations for the topic of your doctoral dissertation, which you worked on russia and you wrote in russian language use that you see or a shot. and turkey as 2 countries that need one another. as an expert on this subject. can you single out the most important reason why other countries need one another book that isn't then give cause some. so you write a section my doctorate, thesis. it makes me happy to see you are so prepared and research my thesis. yes, for kiera in russia, our 2 countries that need each other and they share
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a region. for example, in the russia ukraine war for kia plays a mediator role. and this is very important to us from turkey, is applying a policy of balance. we can place russia in a similar position in syria because it's time that turkey and syria normalize. and for this, we need a mediator, a trustworthy mediator is needed. and this could be russia, if we're part of the government, this would mean someone that knows russia knows russian a person who wrote his doctorate spaces in russian which plan effective role in developing relations between both countries. so not that do this, the of the
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same rom, just don't you have to safe house to come and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground the what's your consider yourself as the minister of foreign affairs? i should have no,
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i have no such request up in an interview with eddie on the last day. on march 13th, 2020th street. you said that if you became president during your president, it's a tricky of what time good relations with most russia and west. how did you plan to achieve this? given the fact that western countries indeed are trying to force other countries to break off relations with russia. yeah, me, but the has them on the west has always won a distance between russian and turkey. and they pressure to kill on this issue. but up till now, the early one administrating has observed a successful direction on this issue. but the western leg of the policy was missing, i added, we can establish normal relations with the west as well. and we continue normal relations with russia and our foreign policy understanding has no will to allow rush or the west to monopolize our policies. it to me in the can either russian or
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the west should determine our direction to our direction should be completely determined by in colorado. and we can do this and on i say no problem achieving this guy here for me. this for the them be southern goodness, turkey, it does not intend to comply with the sanctions enforced by a number of countries against russia, but will be forced to join the restrictive measures if they're influenced by the united nations. how to assess turkish ability to continue. it's the tense on sanctions against russia. goes to this uh, this worked on they should this uh, yeah, this is a sustainable foreign policy understanding. we cannot be enemies with russia or ukraine just because the west wants it. objective is we will not do something just because the west wants to key. it has economic concerns and these economic concerns have a cost locally. but if we decide to sanction russia with the west to compensate our economic losses, even if they compensate it,
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why should we be forced to do with the west want seems in middle sienna, neither russia, north west have the right to dictate policy to us as such, we believe this policy is a sustainable one, but if i am part of the government, i will support this policy as we commit data on december 11th. so that i'm assuming that if he could have a dish. but what about the things you one resolutions in case that happens? yeah, and then uh, kinda let you in resolutions combined turkey a from a global perspective is what we're neighbors. and i don't think it will have a serious impact on trade. the thing in the you in decisions cannot stop trade between us. i feel it may be effective in banking with swift, but there are solutions for that. and right now they are being apply this to us that will show on that. i think it probably is for many years to get has been trying to join the repair and union dues interest. you will eventually be accepted into the union and how much do think that through kit needs. it's now
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venture out if i let them is all money, it's an old, i'm not of, of, of you the europeans want us to become a member of gosh, on this fees. i believe the most correct step with the europeans is to review the customs agreement and make amendments to eliminate turkey is commercial losses. otherwise, europe has no will to accept us as a member. x out front of me is if all my it should be up to you how to assess turkish public opinion regarding joining the you and it strengthening cooperation with the us. are there any changes because it used to be on a negative perspective against us. dish if you took in, in order for the need. there are no changes on the topic of turkey, a moving towards the you. there is a turkish state policy, so whether or the one wins or color start all the wins and extent on owen stands with either candidate turkey. it cannot make a permanent turn away from europe as a goal. the european union is our target some. but is this a realistic goal noise in the near future? no, and therefore we cannot say that we have
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a band in this goal either. and we won't say this. turkey has recently repeatedly condemned israel's actions in the west bank, gaza and all around locks, almost. how would you assess the prospects for relations between the 2 can is around right now. how do you think the situation in the region could turn out if the escalation continues in motion the to push for it? because somebody smiles off my bill from the beginning, i've been a supporter to decrease enemies and increase our friends understanding of turkish foreign policy. and i've stated this in many interviews to the and for example, i could never understand why we had problems with israel, and i never found this to be correct. but i believe this was done with domestic political concerns in mind which put it in foreign policy. it isn't turkey is interest to observe a policy that is more aligned with israel and others. all are countries, including egypt are in new relations with israel. if we want to protect the rights
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and interest of the palestinian people, then we should not fight with this results. and i think it would be more beneficial to meet with the 0 on certain issues we're going to. so i like how we get to make the it isn't knocked out those i smoke the huh. if i double check to the issue of doctor on what do you plan to do after the presidential election run off and what political initiatives will lead promotes to your constitution see while it and yet, but it was on the weekly check. nice hit it on the other. the 1st thing i plan to do is enjoy long sleep. we had a very busy election campaigns. we had limited resources throughout this process and sleep deprivation and fatigue or high levels right now, that's the 1st thing i'm going to do. then we will continue these negotiations. and at the end of these tasks, we may reach a decision to support one of the candidates or supporting either so on the team. i am expecting the snap election in 2024 or 2025. we will prepare for these elections beginning now. the other candidates are older. we're planning to govern. the turkey
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of the few. sure is to be in these elections, have shown us that i am the front runner as the statesman that is ready to govern the future of turkey. and we plan on growing and protecting the confidence that our people have placed in me. if we are asked to be in the government, we will be in the government. if not, then we will continue to grow our support base across the nation and prepare for the next election the design for the electric. what is the reason why you think there will be a prediction? should the vehicle to make it is wash? or if there is a serious economic crisis in this economic crisis, can force us into an early election. it is if we support a candidate, they will get 55 percent of the elections. and this means forming a strong governmental jail to sort of shortly if we don't support a candidate that means the winner will be just over 50 percent. and this means a weak governments or not because of this, without our support and election, that is one with a small margin. that means a government that won't last long as you're my cousin,
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olivia switch that. so do say that you are planning to join the next presidential elections again. what do you need to do to get more votes? behalf of the oil. i'm is it shouldn't the happy long to show us to get more votes, we need to be more prepared and more organized. we need to be more recognizable, the turkish people have grown fond of us, and they have gotten to know that and that they. so we've received a decent amount of votes of despite being relatively unknown with this process has let us to be more familiar. if we entered into elections today, i would get 3 times the old irish channels, which got some very clearly i would get at least 3 times the vote and the election started today. we actually, we weren't expecting just 5 percent. we were expecting 10 percent of somebody stole some of our votes at the ballot box. there were some and they'd be lation at the ballot box. so they were perception games and lynching. there was fake news that sent on owens withdrew because otherwise we would have gotten a higher vote. but this is not important. we're happy with our situation, but we're in a position of control and consolidation. this makes us them most important actor
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for the future. if turkey is a get a check that is key and i'm not that hot and they get to this quote. that was my final question. the doctor sent on on presidential hopefuls to kia. thank you very much. indeed for your time the, the acceptance and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do, do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do the have the state department c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again,
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you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the wayne state law. right? so see what's printing what was are up in there, so sounds good. just so basically of course we need your last name was needed. read it was can when we used to live, imagine we have smart tvs or something, but we just, we weren't sure i knew people to the, the the
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good out of the support at their action for the russian is given us. we now stand out us on the island of stability and peace. words of praise from you. god is a high level delegation is here on the russian capital. that's the 6 nation group from africa is working on a possible. please find the conflict in ukraine. rupture loss or south west of the country using the latest new and security council meeting for being accomplices and problem to the conflict by recently on and ukraine. also a head for the
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