tv News RT May 18, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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to the little bit of that out of the support at the election for the russian is given us, we now stand out us on the island of stability and peace. words of praise from you . god is a high level delegation is here on the russian capital. that's as of 6 nation group from africa as working on a possible. please find the conflict in ukraine. russia at las resolved with western countries of the latest and un security council meeting for being accomplices and problem of the conflict by recently on the ukraine. also a head for the
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last thing we're just ready for. it is on the gossip bought up as a israel celebrates a controversial annual monitor. my overall could use unlocking the capture of fonts of the city by as rarely. 4th is more than 50 years ago. the finding of the world from most ago and cutting out oh, and any mainstream narratives. it's your news right here on, on the international. so it must go says it is open to a peace initiative proposed by south africa to end the conflict in ukraine. the russian foreign minister confirmed the news while meeting his counterpart from uganda. meantime, a 6 nation african delegation is currently working on a peace plan for ukraine. a new set you up is regarding south african liter rema forces initiative. he contacted president putin with our president replied that he is always ready for dialogue with our partners for sincerely interested in ensuring
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that there was a stable situation in the world to us. but the agenda of an upcoming meeting is being discussed. but what we want to understand what specific initiatives president were, i'm a fossa and his african colleagues. we'd like to formulate for discussion. we're open to proposals from any country, hold of new experiences. but during the press conference of the uganda environment assigned to russia's efforts to bring in that, that invest ability to his country, we cannot learn more right now listening to live on this with all these donald cool . well, this press conference really comes on the heels of a recent kremlin announcements that russia is ready to consider a peace plant expected to be put forward by a number of african countries to end the fighting in the ukraine conflict as we just saw sir j lab rav reiterated the russian position, that moscow is ready to consider any serious proposals for peace to end this conflict. now, on the part of the you gone and foreign minister, he said he had one purpose for his visit in russia, and that was to thank moscow for all of the aid it's rendered to the country in
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terms of socio economic development. he said that because of this assistance, uganda has become an island of peace and stability on the african continent. we've also came to express a fence and gratitude to the russian federation for the support. so they have continued to reverse the national, frequent american development in various areas that the 6 of them see as a load id nation. but in particular, we have little bit a grid for that out of the support that the option for the russian has given us. we now stand out as an island of stability and peace. and we continue to use the combustor. that's the russian federation has helped us to view to extend and play a role in ensuring that there is peace and stability in the region that we live in . and we know and believe the russian federation will be an integral input
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and strategic but not. you know, jenny, in that direction you founded foreign minister also spoke a bit about the ukraine grain d o. as moscow recently renewed its participation. and he said that this deal needs to work for the countries that need it most, not for the countries that may take advantage of it. i mean that's, that's only around 3 percent of all the ukrainian grain export it under this deal has actually gone to the poorest of countries, the ones that need it, the most. then the russian foreign minister also gave us $0.02 on this. he said that he hopes that this deal is going to change for the better and a better accomplish it stated objectives. that's basically a round up of the most important takeaways of this meeting between the foreign ministers and the press conference that came after it. rushes ambassador to the united nations, as slammed as western colleagues for being accomplices for prolonging the conflict in ukraine by increasingly in key f. stuckey. so this applies increasingly powerful
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weapon systems combined with the ongoing, transferred data to campus strikes. and the training of ukrainian soldiers on the territories makes the states don't any participants in the non conflict with russia . according to the hague convention of 19, know, 7 on the rights and obligations of neutral powers and the sea and land war, but also accomplices of the military crimes of the on forces ukraine and national security forces. interesting when the russian ambassador to the floor of the un security council meeting that was called on the topic of the expo. ready court and sale of weapons to ukraine, not only to the ukrainian military but also to non state actors in ukraine. he basically pointed out that under many international treaties, that makes the nato countries that are supplying these weapons, not neutral, they are not neutral. they are supplying weapons to one side and as you put it, basically, we have a situation where ukraine has functioned as a proxy of the western countries to wage
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a war against russia. that essentially russia is being targeted by the western countries. and ukraine is being used for that purpose, and he also went to a point it's showing in the meeting that right there at the concern that we hear from western leaders about the humanitarian situation. and ukraine is pretty funny, especially when not only are they piling more weapons into the country. but on top of that, they are supplying a certain weapons that involve depleted uranium, which will have long term devastating effects on the population. and on the, the agrarian ability of the country. here's some of what he said about recent shipments. full thoughts to the fact that ukraine is used by the west as a testing ground. and the west doesn't care about the fight of its population until can be illustrated by london's decision to supply key of which shelves with depleted uranium. britain is one aware of the month 1st long term consequences for the environment and public health. this is filled with the substance too vividly
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remember being boned by native forces in 1999. when the 15 tons of depleted uranium we used to do now, and the representative of the united states took to the floor. they made accusations against russia that sounded awful lot like the behavior of the united states during the invasion of the rock in which civilians were killed, lies were told. and there were consequences for the entire global community, the progress of what the us leader had to say. was not lost on many now china, it's up to the floor of the un security council meeting and pointed out that the continued flow of weapons from the western countries into the government. and t a is going to complicate piece stocks and make it more difficult to resolve the conflict. furthermore, i will make reconstruction in the aftermath of such a conflict, very difficult. and ultimately it will have long term effect in the regent. and the
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chinese representatives spoke about the results of the us, low of weapons in different regions around the world and how even after the initial conflict, these weapons were initially used for and then the results for the region were quite gather, stated. now, the western leaders are simply stopped to their script about how they blamed roches squarely and holy for the conflict in ukraine. they did not acknowledge rushes very serious concerns about what could be the fact that these weapons blowing the end of the region not just into the hands of the ukrainian military but into the hands of criminal organizations, etc. china shared roch's concerns, but we heard western leaders just kind of repeating their standard talking points when it comes to the conflict. blaming russia and not much else the palestinian and israeli soldiers of cash to the gods. israel border. this is during the annual flag march day of the. 2
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showing hundreds of fly bearing published in use that have gathered on these rarely gallons of border dining fires in his red flags and throwing stones at the soldiers . is there any troops fire to gas and rubber bullets of the protesters a 3 way injured according to local media reports that we understand that protested and without any further violence. so thousands of police are gathered in jerusalem and of the annual bond by orthodox jews of the occasion marks the capture of parts of the city. bies riley, forth is more than 50 years ago. the showing us some police scuffles. the narrow gauge of the old city where the crowds have gathered, and just in the board of the screen there is rails national security minister of ben greer. arriving the 5 day march commemorates the 1967 capture of east jerusalem will see as really government calls a re unification of the city. this year,
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a record number of about a 100000 orthodox jewish men are expected to participate in the box to the old cities. most of them for the event has provoked a tax against local palestinians in recent years and more now from a local correspond with nick philadelphia and tens of thousands of his rallies to most of the young people in their twenties and even the younger from the age of 12, most of them are males and their brain worse than they are. then think celebrating with the flags of israel, but they don't really understand that these roads rise to them and then be these. they are upset, dispos damian's and it's really complicated situation. see where the middle east, but they try to provo. okay. then those are some of the pull additions. that's right. to gain some more influence and better positions for the next day election says the national security minister at bank, we are in dose of some odd there from that includes bar
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t and ministers and those so bar team members that are coming here, the area and part of them even the went to the l oxide to the temple mount and all of those pro vacations they may be good for some kind of fluid to go for this. but for the majority of these riley bob like society and for the philistines and our ups, those kinds of events that bring games, no peace and nothing goods. we also spoke to somebody or as soon as, while we fafsa activist, but also miss flora, her son, not cool i'm, she's the deputy mayor of jerusalem. i both of them gave us a all the different perspectives on this annual event. this is not a lot much this is a match for the a lot of kinks. and is it a like been been via this is a model that is sort of walking the talk, hundreds of thousands of photos sitting in school and the occupation for 50
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succeeds. this city is not on the jews use, the cit, the 40 percent to the city and 40 percent, the most rooms and conditions. this city is a city of 3 and it isn't. it is the should. it is most room as it is yours. i know religion can impose it's more polity or clear because we'll say that the on the city, it's what's ultra orthodox or phillips people. it's scientists, people who are celebrating the reunification of a city that was built by king david 3000 years ago. the city that was originally a jewish city, a city that has been captured and destroyed and divided for centuries and centuries for jewish people. it's a very special day because in 1967 in the world, we didn't start in a defensive will. we actually re, unified, the city as of the realization of the city for us means the freedom of worship that
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we the is ready to afford to everybody living in our city and our country. and so it's a special mark that is not useful for the people, and it's a much of love. and it's a much of appreciation for our 200 company the washington post on new york times a standing by day reporting about the russia trump collusion hoax. the post refusing to return his pulitzer prize awarded for quote, deeply sole coverage of the story of the size, a just released report by special counsel, john durham reveals damning evidence of f. b. i investigated his ignoring facts and also openly lying of the washington post said the story linking rusher and drum has not been discredited despite the complete lack of evidence, the new york times that the reports findings about f b i miss management provided no new information and the times blame mister durham for ignoring candidate hillary clinton's accusations about russia,
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gate damage from during the 2016 elections. although the report says, details and proof the hopes was false, appearing is classified such a progress on comedians. and i'm looking at the outlets for being awarded for lying . well, some top politicians of the funding surprises, beaver time. the surprised ours becomes of our own it culture where the people are going to end this update for investigating and revealing true and difficult facts, but negatively impact to the powerful regarding this conspiracy various available that day of appropriate out the state. no. and have a question, say all things about taking it back on, keeping that that's my award for why in the k through processing power there actually have another one have 20 to pull a surprise given to the washington post in new york times should be taken back because the entire episode was politically motivated. that's not something you should get a put pull a surprise for. when i was discussing this out a, with john less than political ad listed, john is that only now john believes that much of the media has created a powerful reality and they would ever be held to account. or if they had any sense
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of integrity and decency, or responsibility, no responsibility to the audiences, they wouldn't do the right thing. we should be return those, those prizes of but that, but they won't. because the democratic liberal powers in the states have been very deliberately building it, built out during society because they've crossed the root because they've gone too far. now it's all about power in total power, total control in society. so never going to be brought to justice or they're never going to be uh, you know, put in their place because they have pretty much total power right now. and they can do whatever they want. and they can continue creating an alternative realities . that's what they've managed to do. they've created all terms of reality, where even today, most americans think that trump has colluded with uh, with, with, with moscow, even though it's been debunked, it's been from false. but the fact is that these powerful media companies,
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they really have created a, a power line universe with all these lies always fabrications. and it's hard to convince people that it's otherwise that this is not true. because once you establish this false reality, it is very difficult to dismantle it. well, the i durham report reveals that top democrats, including then vice president joe biden was brief about the possible hillary clinton and plan of using the russia gate hopes to smith trump for political gain. despite that democratic representatives promoted belie here, just a few, it's all the russians are back in our of our cyber systems and trying to influence the outcome of the primary and also still trying to support trump. there is no debate. anybody who tries to deny it is living in a dream world. the fact is that i've gone head to head with food and made it clear to him. we're not going to take any of his stuff. he's putting his puppy. trump,
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you are behaving like a puppet for the kremlin, putting metal with our 2016 elections, which help to your awful candidacy. like just by previous hawkish behavior, the democrats have stopped questioning of the report off of the revelations that dismissed the hugs. here's our present of items as folks present during the latest white house briefing, if you would like to coordinate that. what is the why has ration to session? can i leave it to the department of justice to speak to the team that there needs to be wholesale changes that is with the department of justice. that's not something i'm going to speak from the podium. as you just stated in your question, we believe in an independent of the department of justice. that's what the president said when he was running and that's just what he present have said the last 2 years. thank you so much. we'll see you guys. they are pathological liars and please,
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i want to be very clear. i'm saying this as someone will always support the democrats. so not republic. i'm not a trim supporter, but i can no longer be with such people. people who are just like lie live all the time and then when they get cortner, like they dig their hills and, and continue to lie there. you know, it just leads people like me to believe as a journalist, i believe in truth, i've been finding the facts and it's just losing specialists that these people can maintain their positions of power and authority and they will never apologize. they will never back down and they will never get to return their rewards. beautiful surprise, they won't because they have no integrity. uh, no sense of honor seeing those as a decency at least report for the u. k. government into suppose that russian, this information has raised more than a few eyebrows, offer a cold out the frequently closer to weston based investigative group building cat. a billing cab was somewhat discredited,
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both by spreading this information itself and by being willing to produce reports for anyone willing to pay a bank that has been accused of bias on a number of occasions. while the only days ago, the twitter own a loan mosque brand new to the asylum, never the last the leak documents nearly states it's been somewhat discredited. a week leaks has presented evidence of doubtless, possible financing by the u. k. ministry of defense rushes repeatedly accused of spreading fake news and his even labeled bank had a security threat. like discuss this with the editor in chief of the greys our next blue months old. and he believes the link documented clearly shows bella and cat cannot be cold and independent news agents. as it appeared, i believe in 2018 was produced by the zinc network, which is a cut out of the u. k for an office. and it describes selling cat not only is somewhat discredited, but as a kind of mercenary organization that would produce reports on behalf of anyone willing to pay belling. cat has not only been funded through the us and
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u. k. governments but also by adam smith international which is a u. k. contractor, we saw a billing cat receiving money from the contractor k monex, which has delivered us taxpayer supported equipment to the so called white helmets in syria. and at the same time belling cat was attacking critics of the white helmets. but he learned bosque, took his own or has been holding a spot with the outlet this week. even cooling by the, in cap. a cy, all is that just he's on bus, you know, shooting from the hip, like he does, or do you think his claims have basis? yeah, i mean, sorry to go so far down the rabbit hole here and it's true. this is one of the few places on an international network where i can say these things, and it's shocking that members of belin carrier now working with the new york times as they rake and us government funding to produce findings that support us and u. k. foreign policy objectives and what do you on musk said about the texas shooting? why can't comment on that?
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i can't see where that, whether that's true or not, but billing can absolutely is a product of western psychological operations or information warfare. it's why elliot higgins, his entire career, has been backed up by the u. k. for an office since 2013 when he was an anonymous blogger named brown moses. and we reported on this extensively at the grace zone. and higgins has nothing to say back. so if billing cat is to hold credibility, it needs to stop describing itself as an independent news agency. dro biden's found himself facing flock for refusing to apologize for the atomic bombings of head russia and neck. exactly. while he's in japan for a g 7 meeting. however, an anonymous japanese official was the piracy revealed the reason why. according to the n h. k media outlet, washington's afraid it'll make the president look week with the elections looming in the united states, there was a decrease as a premium. the dropping that to make bombs was necessary to end the war with japan
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sooner the us will hold the presidential election next year. it is probably the concern that the visit fully incidents public opinion in the country. at the end of world war 2, washington authorized the 1st and only nuclear bombings in history. the cities of hiroshima and nagasaki were targeted, leaving hundreds of thousands of civilians that, as well as exposing the population to radioactive diseases for generations to come . a biden's reluctance to say, sorry, well conversely, in japan has actually spots an outcry online the united states is the only country in the world that actually has used nuclear weapons against civilian targets. twice to get the way is negha sanky. that of her russian represents the largest and most brutal act of terrorism ever perpetrated. button does not have the courage to make an apology. biden will visit hiroshima, but will not apologize for nuclear attacks. green go. i discussed the story just
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a bit earlier with independent political and list i sound got approval and he believes that any apology from by them would immediately trigger a wave of to bones for the same from other countries around the i am not surprised adult. i consider this the us and its allies. um actually i believe it's britain now but uh are supplying uh uh you depleted uranium tipped uh uh, projectiles to ukraine. um and uh, in fact and one of the recent uh, uh, explosions uh around the kids. some of those, uh, uh, munitions, went up in the air and the, the fall out, you know, the, the, the, the, you, the ring and the, the in the dust will probably ruin that the soil, the soil, uh, a large area anyways for agriculture, for years to come um and it could cause cancer in the way if you,
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if you go. busy out of products, it probably is in this zone. so there is not much right now we are in the, in a strange, probably gone fullest. the culmination of peak. i think we'll definitely go down from here. but of us power and the west, but it's really the us led west that we're talking about and all it's a allies or dare i say calling these because there are us spaces spread throughout these former, these a so allies. there's a huge base in japan the in europe. let's not even talk about it. and the americans installed their weapon systems. they're making them targets, of course, for in case of a war. so, is this lack of apology, or let's put it this way. an apology would make, put, putting to question this entire strategy in the background. so it would put a man,
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us a nuclear dominant. it's a gemini nuclear, a characterized hit gemini into question. it would lead to a whole series of other apologies, including breast and the other bombing speaking. so it's a very uh, the moment that happens, it will signify if a signify unimportant shift in us, the strategy and the psychology. and it was being seen as an historic event for damascus and the middle east, the syrian president bush, iowa side has touch down and saudi arabia. you start to attend a meeting of the arab league on friday. and the saudi king invited aside to attend the meeting after the arab league recently decided to re admit syria to the organization. off date was basically kicked out in 2011. the syrian foreign minister held by the other old meetings this week in the kingdom with several of his counter funds. and that's us. damascus has moved to restore ties with not just
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out here ravia, but jordan, egypt, iraq. and they were on as a political sociology professor sites, i think, believes that syria's re admission to the arab league shows grubbing saudi diplomacy and influence in the region. what do we get with this successful? a reading degree, showing them off to syria, is that we are now seeing science inclusion and follow a solid year review because last year thought that was his in the, in, as you yet true to get to a consensus. but now the solid deal was the victim for us even on cost down, which was $1.00 of the few other countries that was opposing the the integration of syria had accepted and said that we will not lead up consensus on the return of syria. so this is very important tech so that we see the life of foot. so the reason that diplomacy was told the success of russian diplomacy that was also
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pushing pause reintegration of silvia very important for them. and that's why i saw in jetta from so i just came to embrace the very latest technologies. a powered surveillance cameras will be scrutinizing visitors to next year's olympic games in paris are from says high court has backed, they use rolling. it does not infringe on privacy rights despite the frenchman's european regulators have in the past cold out countries who use similar technologies for safety reasons. for instance, during last year's world comp cut out of newest cameras equipped with facial recognition technology to boost security measures. or egypt offered the disciplines of the comp 27 climate conference to use an app to help them navigate through the streets of sean, l shaped. european data protection authority is accused of both countries of using modern tech to spinal native visitors under steel that day. so when we discussed
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this with the economic aspect of that i will for guess a who believe that europe wants to hold other countries back to give yourself up a hand. and such an approach is on ethical both have a couple listen for yourself to the standards when, when you judge people different, actually about the same thing, then this is not correct and this is not right. so they have gotten through to their comments on the egyptians and the categories, and they shut up when they came to the, the same user, but in the, in the somewhat s. so no, it is not to, if it can add to the do that. and that, and my as long as it does not, if it goes then it is not right. they want to put to as much limitations as possible. and they want to maybe they haven't good minds to,
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to control the use of this technology by themselves. so that the information is always under the ban today as i say, they prefer to have this completely under the control for the time being an economic for him, bringing together, rushing down this logic investors as kicked off and cars on that's a city and in russia which has a large most name population. what else? warranties shape bows with details the number here at the cosign form, and the form names to generate and perpetuate links between russia and the east make world, given the shape, the changing shape of the global geo political world. it's very important that these particular for and for them to allow people to come together to share their intellectual ideas, their business ideas. and there are very, very many decision makers here. the form itself, of course, 1st held in 2009,
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and it's grown significantly with 15000 people attending the conference from over 85 different states. so it's a fantastic opportunity for decision makers on innovators to come together and work in the context of russia, reaching out and warming relations with it's a is allow, make friends and associates across the globe. the russian representative to the organization. nobody's behind the cooperation was among the guests before him. he believes rusher and this on the countries are united on the basis of come and valley where we're 4 months mirror. we on the mostly well to close to each other on spiritual moral and family issues. although by si mostly, well then russia were on the very strict influence and control of the united states and europe. we managed to preserve some morality. now there was a de human ice ation of society and lack of a spirituality and morality spreading. don't want to the west and will do on the basis of capitalism, a rationalized everything including able hatred and lies.
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