tv Direct Impact RT May 20, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT
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today with something that we really, really need to talk about. why is it that our political system is the way it is? and maybe maybe it's time to change it. but let me start with this. never before in our country's history, have we been so divided? it's almost as if people in the united states right now are 2 different countries. there's one country of republicans, and there's another country of, of democrats. and the question really is this. why? how come right, why do we have to choose between one and the other? why can't we agree to disagree or agree with both types of why do we give so much power to parties that many times put their needs above our needs? chairman, we have the e mail,
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there is no free time. jordan, you do not have the time between the directly control required. roger mass gone, it was over for mass going, mr. georgia raskin. mr. jordan, want to talk about mr. jordan, this is gail and white with the devil's extra terabyte advisory why don't we do it? because apparently the need to beat each other up is more important to these parties. then the need to serve us. in other words, reading the other party is worth more than the interest of the country itself. and what's worse about all of this is that now each party has its own means of communication. no, i mean i'm not kidding. think about, think about this for a minute. look around right. there are newspapers that only present republican points of view. there are other newspapers that only present democrats points of view and there are television networks that only present news for
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republicans. they just want you to hear what they think you think. right. and there are also television networks that only report news for democrats. so we almost have to ask ourselves then, right. shouldn't be competition between political parties. yeah, i understand what we should have a context of ideas, right? but ideas shouldn't just be limited to 2 ways of thinking. social psychology isn't going to tell you that when there are only 2 options we become or we're more, i have to be divided and more, more locked into our ideologically, you know, rigid stances. right. in other words, we stop thinking. yeah. could it be that this is exactly what these parties
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want for us to be? constantly that ok, right. i wanna show you something i want to show you this. this is, this is a fascinating study that i'm going to share with you right now. it's a study they did over at pw is pure research study. it's kind of incredible. so look at this from 2016 to the present. a percentage of republicans who think democrats are essentially liars, increased from 45 percent to 72 percent. so whatever they hated before they hated more now. while at the same time they asked democrats the same question. who do they think? what do they think about republicans? and they to said that they think republicans are liars, and that number increased from 42 percent to 64 percent. so the thought process has only increased more recently from 2016 on the fact that it seems by looking at
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this study that they've never hated them so much. they've never hated each other so much. here's another one. when republicans are asked if they think democrats are immoral, that number goes from 47 percent into 202016 to 72 percent. now, same thing as drawing democrats. they're asked the same exact question and they're the whole way moral thing goes from 35 percent before to 63 percent now and look at how they behave when they come together or not in protests, all over the country. the i mean, you see that you think we almost act as if we're not americans,
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but rather enemies. there's no question that there is at this particular point. busy seemingly a crisis in the united states, a crisis of division and the crisis of hate. is it possible that it is designed to create division that suits various interests, which is, which is why it, it seems to be growing and growing each and every year and nobody seems to be able to carabas. these feelings of antipathy. and by the way, the media, the media rather than telling us important stories, continues to perpetuate this stuff. so why not then other parties, why not other ideas? and maybe the most important question of all, as we look at this, and why so much hate? and joining us now is malik of duel. he's already a hose. he's also
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a republican strategist. you're right, i want to talk about this because i think this is a fascinating subject by the way, hey, let's go for a month. those were talking about a lot, all right, but not really any. we talked about it typically in sound bites. so, you know, i think we have a bit longer to 3 minutes to talk about it. thank god. why does america have a 2 party system that seems to be not working a, to me, i want to know what you think and kind of creating havoc in this country. an awful lot of, hey, wouldn't you say to? yeah, it's a, it's, it's a do awfully system. i think a large part of it has to do with um, you know, i'll back up a bit. so i think about what we talked about on the radio show. we talked about geo politics, a lot of issue. yeah. and you see in places all around the world, not, not miss, not what's happening in south america right now. but in places around the world, how they challenge their governments, how big protest industries. you see,
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what's it, you've been following? what's been happening in europe. we see the protests that have been in paris and broad. i mean, probably getting brussels in all industries, in response to various things. whether that's the um you know, who's the support, you know, whether that is in protest of the government's involvement in the, the well be involved with in the military operations versus the military operation in ukraine. choosing sides in that sense, the impact that those decisions with this things you have had on therapy, economies. you see the really protesting industry to about storing the energy prices towards food prices. me see places around europe where they are no longer i get your point and you're saying what that because we have a 2 party system. we don't see the soap loose uh, leaking there point i yeah. so i think what happens here in america, because we don't challenge our government like that. we only challenge our
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government like that when it comes to think of race best. typically what my problem is. okay. i'll talk to i let me stop. yeah. a minute. i like where you're going. uh, let me then suggest this. the reason we don't challenge our government is because the government has given us 2 sides to challenge. so we'll either say something about the republicans or the conservatives, or will say something about the democrats and the lives and the liberals. but that, that works. i guess for the people running the government, because they never, they never get the attention. because the tension goes to the parties and stuff. sounds like a good plan. well, of course all of this is by design. i don't think it's by design or not, but the point that i was making is that a d, we accept this as a norm. look
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a lot to look at our political system where we continued election after election after election. we talked about the party, the problem with the partner, and whether it's a republican or democrat, i lived or in washington dc. we just had him a euro election where the mayor was attacked for not doing enough back here and about, you know, different groups in the city. and people didn't go out in the street and protest against that. we set these things as normal and we don't push back against our government in the same way that we see in places other places around the country as well. but the reason we don't push back against our government is because instead we think it's only one side of the government. that's right. and the other one is wrong. rather than bad things fairly, my business new study, i was just sharing it with uh, with our viewers, uh, the vast majority of republicans from 2016 to the day. now think by far more
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by of the 2030 points are as high as 2030 points. that democrats are immoral. and democrats think republicans are a moral. same thing as dishonest, same as close minded. same is not intelligent. so more and more americans think the other guy is stupid, is a liar. and these numbers keep increasing to the point where what we have are people living in silos? no one's looking at what the government's doing. they're looking at the squirrels. yes and, and that is an excellent point and i think for i, and i often talked about this, i think a lot of it has to do with social media that, you know, the is the popularity of social media. because if you think of what our politics, what may be brock obama was the 1st, i guess you could say social media president. yeah. you know, all of the twitter, facebook and all of those. they really kind of got there for the women. so he was
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able to capitalize on that, but look at what was happening online because the things that would be set on on both sides. so if you dare criticize the rock obama for nbc, whether able to valid criticism or not, you ever exist as any other inc, molly, the parties have too much power and i'll just give you an example. there's no way in hell that you're going to convince me that most democrats would have voted for joe biden. the democratic party decided that joe biden should be the president. it seemed to me just following the election back when that was taking place. most people were leaning toward either bernie sanders or maybe elizabeth warren or somebody else, but the party said no, you guys all have to come together. we're going to put joe up there. i mean, some people didn't think of the party back to. right. well, i think the party always fixed that donald trump was an interruption of that because the party didn't take the yes wrong. yeah. yeah. typically,
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typically what happens is the party they have a look at what happened in 20162016. well, in fact we knew in 2009, we were rock. obama took offices gallery plants, it was the 6 was made secretary of state, but you know, guns wyant's work. secretary state, we knew then that she was going to be the nominee in 2016 right. but didn't care about. they didn't care about dubai. an in the right oh by that was the 2nd. if you will, most powerful person in the entire world. no one loves no job. i didn't. they didn't like to buy them in 2020. he was a better option for outside of the establishment. he was a better option than donald trump, but the is that they decided jo by this is now this is this term, and he was able to sell this story about how it was done, you know, charlottesville and all of this. and he wants to restore the soul of america. that was never when we come back, i want to look at it from
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a different framework. let's look at the kind of systems that exist in other countries. let's ask how many other countries have a strict 2 party system like we have here in the united states. and how is that going? a, by the way, i want to share with you something i have a pod cast where as a journalist and as a latino and the co founder of a $4000000000.00 company. i share my stories with you and i share with you what i've learned and i talk a little bit about success and growth. it's called the rick sanchez podcast, and i advise you to check it out and i'm going to be looking for you there. but when we come back, let's look at something else. who is more close minded in this system? is it the republicans? is it the democrats, new research? i'll be sharing the
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not mature, less of a piece of off it will bring instead of the release of funds of the russian states to never as, as tight as on one of the most sense communities in most all sun set up the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on trust routing and supports the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube. the question, did you say they replaced the
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the thing that would inform you to with them for the gift authoritative celia was because they did just wouldn't care to give the car through the new year . oh for g. like teach. so i know for me teaching the scholars that should go and you have to do this. i'm going to last, i look forward to you with that the for, she's my, it's a washing machine. and when you're moving to, let's move, i'm on the status of enforcement seamlessly, putting them on big louder to move. let me look into that. i will just, i did i as well as to the lowest quality. i'm all of that. so i'm going to, i'll study to the progressive rock and you say you're shy, finish this issue. i suppose it's for good news, especially if wouldn't be something to do friday. use the material,
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ordering the power of people for the fisher and shoot me an the temperature of intention to some of the, the past promise. i want to show you another study in this particular piece of research. they ask americans who has a close mind or maybe who has the most closed lives. right. but democrats, when i asked say it's the close minded republicans in 2016, that percentage of democrats was 70 percent. and now it's 83 percent. sorry. was that was high. 73 percent obviously even higher. right. same goes for republicans. 52 percent of republicans in 2016 and used to say the democrats have
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a small close binds. now that's up to 69 percent. you see the pattern here. so why does this continue to happen? right. well, it's because democrats don't know what republicans are watching. then democrats don't know what republicans are reading republicans don't know what democrats are reading or watching. they live in 2 different worlds, completely isolated from one another. that's why and we're back with the league of due to a talk about why it is the united states has a 2 party system. and is it working evidence new research seems to indicate the americans have never been so silos never been so divided and more and more americans feel like they're not really choosing their leaders. corporations are. so i been a little studying malik. and i, i look to see what other countries have a system like ours. i was surprised, not very many. the united states, the bahamas,
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jamaica ends above. we was the only countries in the entire world that have a strict 2 party system. everybody else has a 3 or 4. why is that, or are you surprised by the way, when i tell you that no, and i will say, i'm not surprised as a recently, as i say, you know, as you start to follow geo politics and see how, how these um, governments or parliament to run around the blow, i think it, you know, it becomes a little more apparent, but no, i'm not surprised. i thought it would probably at least be 10. i didn't know it would be less than 10. but i think the, if i don't know, you know why it, why is it that way? i don't know. many people might argue that even though the constitution itself, i don't believe the us constitution spoke of a specific political party out the history of the united states. i don't really sweet with multi parties back in the 16 in the 1700. when it all got started,
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there were about 4 that had changed and they worked in some parties have come and do other parties we've had for we've had 5, we've had 6 parties. suddenly, all those parties more of the window down. and now you only have either republican or democrat, interestingly enough, here's how it works around the world. in most countries around the world, there are parties that, as you mentioned earlier, when we were talking about this, um, of our appeals are appealing because they are for one thing, let's say unions, for example, there's a party where people are really in where that's important for them so that the union party, there's other parties that surround climate change than to them. that's important. so they're the, the climate party. so you have issues that are important to different peoples in a country. and they form parties around those issues. and then they bring those issues forward and if enough people care about that, that party,
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when's the election? you know, that seems to me something that makes more sense than just be republican. cuz you hate donald. you hate the joe biden or be democrat because you hate the donald trump. i mean, it seems like we don't get to decide issues in this country, and that's just the way the government seems to want it. yeah, if you think of just yet the early days of the union back when unions were fighting for basic, right. so when they were fighting for employment wages, then you know, better working conditions and things like that. or you listed job, think of what the opponent orders, they were finally, they were getting to the 1st black i think, international union. but they were fighting for wages and couldn't you know, employment conditions and things like that. but then at some point it became political, where instead of just fighting for those base, those basic these that whether you are a, you know,
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you're in west virginia or washington dc or maryland or mississippi, you can all agree on. i grew up in mississippi, so i'm a, i'm a union, i'll tell from a union family and i know that there are people they fought for those type of things, but it became politicized why i would have to do some digging on why the unions become politicized. i'm pretty sure it has to do with their access to our, the workers party in america. there's no work or no in america. it's the other. parents may claim it, but they're not. right? no, no it's, it's not at all. and that's part of like i, i would have to go and look and see what happens because something changed fundamentally, not just with the parties when they talked about the switch. well, you know that we're, republicans been, became democrats of not that which i'm talking about when it became the interest in labor, the fighting for the workers at some point in our history that changed. and it
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became a corporate thing where they were fighting for corporations as opposed to fighting for the people and politics. i somehow got in the weight of that and i think that the politics, what's the interruption that got us where we are today once they got it because both parties, both democrats and republicans realistically can fight for that union vote. the same thing agree basically in principle on many of the same things, but it is, it's so heavily weighted now that unions are associated with the democratic party at the same way that the 2nd amendment is associated with the republican party. even though, as i say, i'm from the south, i from mississippi, i grew up in a family of democrats. they are all gun owners and trustworthy. but what it seems to be, even the things that you just mentioned are so miniscule in the scheme of things. i
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mean, we will argue about whether the size of the gun that you're allowed to have on your, in your closet, and whether you should have 15 bullets or 18 bullets. and yet at the same time, we all are not even allowed to have a discussion as to whether or not it's okay for our government to evade some country like iraq, for no reason whatsoever. but absolutely did nothing to us. we now know and yet that's okay. we just forget it, in fact the people who got us into that war now up here on nbc and cbs and all these stations like their uh, genius, its thing is this for a lot what. what they think about what we've been finding out with the twitter files. we have members of congress, members of congress to sit on the senate for an intelligence relations finished formulations, committee die, and 5 states, encouraging twitter, social media companies to find something to find sort of sort of connections to
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richard that these to make sure that we can get this russian connection in order to the ball going forward to push this narrative of this russia collusion. donald trump, this, what's happening in our government is the same government that was about to try to encourage pressure social media companies to ban certain people. this is our government to how these things happen because we allow them to, i don't think any of these sort of files eventually this time next year. no one's going to be talking about sort of file. but republicans in congress who are going to be holding the investigations on it, but we would have moved up malik of doing great guest. thank you, sir for taking time to take us through this. thanks for having me. all right, before we go, i want to remind you of something. our mission really. and it's pretty simple. and particularly apropos on this newscast that we just, it wouldn't be nice if we could be silo ourselves, the silo the world. i mean,
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we've got to stop living in these little tiny boxes because truths don't live in boxes. truth is everywhere. that's important for us to keep track of rick sanchez and i will be looking for you again, right here for i hope to provide a directory the which i thought that was the little thing. the students, the little the sluggard has done is carolina lecturing. nicholas clearing the style at the post because of the at the is that
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i, that's a get a minute come out. i need, which is easy to saw on the screen. so of course, to destroy my digital, which is the monument. some wound and i didn't like to lock the door, is elizabeth elizabeth or about rachel square. well, in the middle of something in the we did present it to not degree with the results. okay. would you 22? would you do me a solution for children? i'm comfortable too much what? which insidiously suit him. they process the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're such orders at conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. the point obviously, is to great trust, rather than to the various jobs. i mean with artificial intelligence,
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we have somebody with theme and the robot must protect this phone existence was alexis the in 1492 this evening, christopher columbus rates, the bahamas and discovers the new world for europe. the wealth of them, erica, and its fast territory saw as the envy of the europeans, especially the spaniards and the portuguese. they sought. after taking over these lands, however, there lived indigenous peoples with a high culture and their own nation, who was there,
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the barbaric colonization of america, which went down in history under the name of con piece that lasted for more than 100 years. 101521 care design. cortez is kind of due to the doors captured and destroyed the capital of the aztec empire. daniels practically massacring the local population. following them, francisco pizarro is gone. keeps the doors destroyed the inc and buyer. as a result of spanish aggression, the ancient maya civilization collapse, suppressing the resistance of the indians. the invaders carried out mass executions . the horrendous genocide was aggravated by the diseases that the europeans had brought to america. the number of the indigenous population decreased at 16 times from 251 and a half 1000000 people from keystone became one of the largest demographic disaster fees of mankind and remains an indelible lot. he stains in the history of the
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european colonial empires. the top headlines of right now and i'll see international as the bach and of private military company claims its finally in full control of the city. a lot of trouble, also known as box lute, saying they will hand it over to russian forces next week. setting sites on the target as rush as far administer playing the west is actively discussing the dismemberment of the russian federation. the look at that the resumption of direct flights between 2 police cl most ago it was.
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