tv Documentary RT May 21, 2023 7:30am-8:00am EDT
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housing units, because as you know, during the aggression, not old areas are accessible as soon as any building gets targeted and destroyed. a cruise head then start estimating the damage, the total amount needed to deal with the entire reconstruction of old previous cases, including this latest regression is about $200000000.00. in the previous years, we got some of the required funds through the united nations relief and what agency for palestine refugees that intervened in the 20142021 aggressions and help with rebuilding thousands of units funded by the k f w and the number of donors, the u. n. o w a is the organization dealing with the refugees. so it's the one doing the reconstruction through technical follow ups using the self help method by giving citizens a certain amount of money and making sure the rebuilding is happening. even other organizations that contribute nations use the same method for the funding and the distribution of funds is done through the organizations without any mediate. that the main focus was on the refugees around the donors, like saudi arabia,
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the donated to the u. n. o w a. cancel a bill for thousands of units off of the 20142021. aggressions along with kuwait and a number of other countries. the obvious reason for the reconstruction delay is that the is ready side doesn't want to finish the reconstruction quickly, which will in hong this, the resilience of the people. therefore, this process is delayed and obstructed. is there any side refuses to reconstruct buildings owned by certain people using different excuses? now the international community in general might have different interest meant the ukrainian crisis and other arabian crises, like the war in yeah, message on okay, something else to tell you about today. the head of russia's national security council has raised the alarm over western supplies of depleted uranium munition to ukraine. nikolai put through ships warning highlights, stuff that come from 1st alarm to an hour. rising thread to europe as what's left of them may be headed that way. in the form of a radioactive cloud,
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a grain you to jump on my belly, they helped you. crane pressured, their henchmen and supplied ammunition with depleted uranium. the destruction of the same munitions potentially has led to radioactive cloud headed towards western europe, and increasing radiation has already been recorded in poland. in addition, the united states is developing an already using chemical and biological weapons, including on the territory of ukraine. that's what american aid and democracy look like. the place that uranium is a radioactive chemical element which remains hazardous for billions of yours, just one breath of concentrated uranium dust may result in birth defects, culture, your logical problems more. while the us is the largest stockholder of the are still in the world townhouse use the arms numerous times over the past several decades. i can 2021. i begun the process of removing the hardened shells and
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bullets from it stopped piles. well, the dangers of radiation from the conflict as russia is warning may indeed have left the borders of ukraine in the polar city of lou glen. on choose day, a surgeon radiation levels was recorded at detected by a university lab in the region of 8400000 residents. local media immediately connected the spike to the destruction of a western ukrainian arms warehouses in the city of m. o. neat speed. on may 12th, the building reportedly contained a stockpile of depleted uranium shells supplied to t. as by the u. k. we spoke of pressed both be scientific secretary of the european committee on radiation risk sink time. he fears about the consequences for europeans are rising from the government's actions would be significant. i followed the radiation plume from clinton that ski across the publish border into poland.
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the european union have a number of a rather large number of detectors in poland and unengaged in your of them. well, i've seen is a probably on about the 15th of may, a very, very large and hardly statistically significant a radiation spike. so increasing radiation occurred, or the detectors i looked at from the border, right, the way across to old school. so. so what i believe is happening here is the business itself is just a flag for the reading another doesn't the radioactive business is not such a big deal. radio active uranium 238 is an extremely big deal in terms have consequences. and what i believe happened is that there was an enormous explosion of uranium at this from netscape size. the european population is assessing the risk as a result of the, the dispersion of this right to the, to this,
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this depleted uranium particular. and they should be doing 2 things. first of all, they should be asking the governments to put pressure on the bush government and america to not supply the pretty to do writing and weapons to anybody in there's more about it to is that landscape because it's wrong. and it will result in a know most helpful effect. some of the trip to the world of parts to do is next. find out how to excel is engaging in conversation today, right after the short as the grades from multiple. this is hard to introduction the the
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hello and welcome to was a part of the church you're saying has if that's what a man suffering is the punishment of his tongue in songs, getting them to catch. this may never have been more true about the turkish politics. and the wage they fire of rabbits rhetoric of president are the ones electrified, half of the electrician repels. and they either encourages some of these opponents to do the same with the 2nd round of elections looming in a week. will the church votes with that anger with that hope? so perhaps with something in between, both to discuss that i'm no joined by hill terrace to run professor emeritus of political science in the department of international relations at east timble build the university professor to run. that's
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a great pleasure talking to you. thank you very much for your time. thank you very much. it's a pleasure. you know, my home is a half turkish household. so the election night was quite a nail biting experience here, which i left my family and many of our turkish friends. puzzled, i'm confused not so much about the performance of the 2 main candidates, mister arizona and mister cole is there a little. but about the performance of the lesser known candidates. what was it like for you? what's the main feeling? the main and motion that follow a view through the night. i think of going into the election. there was a general feeling that the opposition would have the upper hand, and it had a chance to finish the competition in the 1st round. when this does not maternity lives, there was a lot of surprise and frustration. and those questioning as to what was really happening and everyone came up with different answers. but, but uh,
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i think there was a general feeling or surprise because the pause had been indicating a different result than the one that actually obtained that evening. these elections weren't assignments found that referendum on present the air the on. and he came pretty close to securing a simple majority and, but not quite enough to clear the 50 percent the threshold. and i wonder if, politically and perhaps electro issues actually benefiting from not getting those uh, final uh, few votes to secure seeing the, the victory because uh otherwise, um, you know, it may have, given the suspicion today or physician, is he actually benefiting from going into the 2nd round, or of course, you know, in the elections, the competitors usually like to been in the 1st crowd. but if it for the fear that
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the margin of victory would be very small, going into the 2nd round, where the margin of the 3 might be more substantial, maybe under attractive options. this would be particularly true in case people are suspicious that there might be some irregularities in the election. now uh, on the other hand, uh the party of his main opponents, kimball toys that are lou promise, its supporters, a brand new vote counts system to guard against any possible fraud. and for summary is um, it's uh, real time broadcast on the opposition's main channel. got frozen in the middle of denied and only appear at the sometime later. and i, i've read somewhere in the turkish media that a person in charge of, uh, they both count and coaster was competing with later fires. do you smell something suspicious here? i think uh maybe you have asked 2 questions at the same time. one of them for the
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regularities, but secondly, the opposition parties monitoring the elections. while 3rd was there a problem and reporting the results. and, and so i think that is by might start, but the last question, apparently the, the particular system set up by or no. so the desired was seemed to experienced difficulties at some point. and depending on who you're listen to, he was either fire or fired or force to resign a not the election results for being reported by other agencies and people actually, depending on how each agency works at different results. and they may have been failures on the part of the opposition parties that just the major prior to monitor
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the uh, lakes are available, it's anthony part their results in time. and they were also slowed down by the fact that the governing party, wherever they came out into my notes and kept insisting that the role is to be counted again ending here. but the, despite those difficulties in the end, the result came out. there may have been, uh, some irregularities, but the difference is substantial and love it counts it for like possible irregularities. i think uh well, it is tempting to say that they were irregularities. i think it is unfair to say because of those in regulations is the election would have turned out somewhat different. and then at that, now i also want to ask you about, so non olga on the surprised headliner of the selections for secure it's 5.3 percent on the road. i received a very interesting candidate,
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especially to jobs the russians because he actually has a ph. d from reference top diplomatic academy, but he's read to reduce the problem review or yes, uh, from email. uh, and as you know, it says the rhetoric is not diplomatic at all. in fact, i think he tried to capitalize on anti immigrant anti syrian sentiments. so how do you understand his success? he actually came into the other to the competition as a person who was protesting, i guess the national this action party that is a member of the governing car. listen. he also tried to present himself. it is a representative of the young people that were and that's pleased with either of the major options that they were being presented. so this is the 2nd factor. and 3rd, if you capitalize on the intensifying anti,
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basically you sentiments into our society. uh, and he also appeared to benefit from the fact that mr. n. j, who was the other minority candidate, decided to withdraw from the competition in a few days before the election was actually conducted. so he represents a mixture of protest use and transfer. well, it's now the most intriguing question right now is whether his unexpectedly good showing in the 1st round gift to many leverage in the 2nd found the best. he seems to think so, but one must think of it more critically. we don't really know the extent to which the people that voted for him are so loyal to him that they will take instructions from it. they don't know they're coming. he argues that it least 70 percent of the people that voted for him will listen to his ideas and his preferences. we don't
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know that this is number one. and number 2, he said he will, they go shade, but both sides. and this is not a human the a p is that he is actually jerking for a position for himself and not necessarily for the political movement he is presumed to represent. because when you examine the political movements, the represents it, capitalizes on several things are inside refugees. sentiment inside co, this turkish nationalist and young. and when you examined the 2 rival groups in terms of the, as tried to get the, you know, maybe on the code the shrub, both sides fail a, but it says he presents himself as
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a guardian of the commodities republics. the fact that the no running piracy allowed the party of god to take part that was sort of noted for the conduct of wireless. you should not be on their side. but the years indicated that he is in their power, whole position. and he would consider being made a vice president. so he is in the process of negotiating with both sides and to tell you the truth, none of us can make a meaningful prediction at this will. the will. we will know that because it makes very strange bedfellows. uh, but uh, i want to ask you specifically about this uh, anti immigrant or anti refugee sentiment that he seemed to capitalize upon. because uh, present the air, the on from what i know and how i understand triggers. politics is using refugees,
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especially syrian refugees for his political benefit. and his bar gimme with europe . air force is domestic support on the, you know, there have been some speculation that they may also have been used as some clandestine part of military for foreign engagements. uh, but generally speaking, um, he benefits from having the syrian refugees in turkey. where is mr. oregon, as you mentioned is.
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