tv News RT May 21, 2023 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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is on the look out for my own personal experience. i would have to say that if you really do a thorough diagnostic work up prior to prescribing or making a referral for a prescription to uh, a prescribing doctor. if you do a thorough diagnostic work up, you're going to be able to catch these people and, and usually you're not going to say that, okay, i think you're just dr. shop and you're trying to get this drug. normally what you'd be saying is, hey, i have good news for you. you don't have attention deficit disorder. but maybe you, maybe you have some problems maintaining concentration of attention. and we can, we can attempt to use other non medication methods to improve your attention concentration. if you have somebody who's truly experiencing those difficulties and they're told that they'll be happy to hear that and they'll,
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they'll be accepting of what you have to offer people who are shopping for adderall, for uh, for misuse purposes. they, they usually are not pleased to hear that kind of response from the doctor. and they'll, they'll usually go off and try and find somebody else who yeah. who is going to be more accepting of being able to give them the diagnosis and, and get the medication are adults more likely to become dependent on adderall, if they start using as kids? no, not necessarily in a and now a adderall is, is available in an extended release form. so it is uh that makes it less likely to be addictive. and also there is another drug called by bands which is x, which is an extended release of stimulant medication, which is also used for attention deficit disorder. and physicians will often
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prescribe that. and during the recent shortage with that are all in the past year. vibe, dance was often turn to a by physicians as an alternate to prescribe you. now all, and do you think that we as a society are funneling to many of these drugs out into the world for an easy short cut so that kids will behave and get good grades? well, we are, i mean, we're definitely culture and i can't speak outside of the united states, but it certainly seems to me that as an american culture we're offering quick to find a solution in a bottle. and, and that's unfortunate because people are really willing to put into work to improve upon their situation and lives there often looking for a quick fix, you know, through a pharmacist or through a, through a physician. thank you so much dr. henry kotch but play stick around the doctor,
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had me touch will be joining us back after the break. and when we come back, what segment of the population is abusing arrow the most and how our pharmacy is controlling the supply of medication. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race based on the offense. very dramatic. the only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical of time. time to sit down and talk turkeys already and they told me they're centered keys already doing it. share is a nate on ethics, but it's not going by some of the american ideas of kind of generic them are goes, i guess rush, i think directv will continue,
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welcome back to the cost of everything. 80 h d is actually a hard wired pattern of brain functions. national data suggests that one in 10 school age children meet this criteria, while 4 percent of adults continue to have symptoms and the knowledge go study of 20 countries from the world health organization surveys found that across high upper middle and lower middle income countries, the prevalence rates of 80 in children and lessons for the highest in the us. at 8 point one percent, and lowest in poland at point 3 percent and romania, a point 4 percent data. also, it suggests that 80 h d is greater in males than females across all racial ethnic groups, non hispanic aden, boys and girls. according to the journal of attention disorder study, or prevalence of h. d was 11.3 percent among non hispanic white children. and 10.7 percent on
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non hispanic black children, which is significantly higher than the $2.00 prevalence rate found among non hispanic asian children and study. studies has also shown that prescription stimulants have little to no effect on the cognitive performance of adults without 80 h d. but what it does give them, is an elevated mood like a high. unlike all things that give people highs, this can be extremely addictive. and that is why amphetamine method instead of dates are scheduled to controlled substances in the us. which means that it is an accepted practice for medical use, but has a high potential for abuse. the effect at the a has announced a shortage of 80 age the medication at a role in october of 2022. and so far there had been no relief for patients. the at the indicated that there is not an adequate supply to meet us consumer demand.
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meanwhile, people with adhd they have been forced to endure the shortage. and unfortunately that population is growing. and making more tablets isn't as easy as just flipping a switch. most age, the medications fall into a class of controlled substances called central nervous system stimulants. these medications have a well documented history of abuse and addiction. so the f, b a n d e a limits how many pills of pharmacy can the spends at once, and how frequently patients can refill their prescriptions. adderall is scheduled to controlled substance, which means that the limits how much of the drug the manufacturer can produce per year. the quota is limited through ad roles, addictive ingredient amphetamine, and because of this, manufacturers are blaming and re and scare cities for the shortage. and in order to set these quotas, the d a must estimate how much arrow patients will require the following year. if
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the agency under estimates demand and fails to increase its quota, the result can be a wide spread shortage. however, the announce last month that it will not be increasing the manufacturing quoted for 2023. despite the shortage again, without providing a reason one congress woman even wrote to be an update demanding an explanation last december. but there has been no response. after the agency decides annual production quotas, manufacturers and distributors must set limits on how much other meds each pharmacy can buy. pharmacies must guard the substance under lock and key and fill out forms even if they lose a single pill. they can also refuse and report any suspicious orders of unusual size frequency or deviating substantially from a normal pattern. many pharmacies also have monthly limits on how much of a controlled substance they can order from their full seller supplier. and this
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creates local bottlenecks at the retail level. a. this is a conservative system that is designed to keep just enough medication flowing to patients while also minimizing the risk of a legal diversion. and these quotas had been troublesome for many companies, including novartis or by sand us, which makes the generic admiral and consider the shortest, started as a production issue, a tough one of the world's largest drug makers, which makes both generic and brand name admiral. the official explanation has offered little clarity as the announcements simply menches intermittent manufacturing delays tele, reportedly having issues with some of its arrow dosage, particularly in the more expensive brand new versions and its fast acting tablets. the pharmaceutical industry shortages have also been caused by the dependents on china for raw materials. they're almost $50000.00 factories in china that support a global network of companies and millions of ra, an intermediary parts,
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which can disrupt any and all supply chains. and this not only applies to adderall and acetaminophen, but also other critical drugs like a mock of cell and diabetes drug and for more let's bring in again dr. henry kotch, clinical psychologist, specialist to so dr. do you think people that abuse adderall, are the culprits of the shortage and when do you think the shortage will end? oh, well that's a supply chain problem. it seems. i don't know if it's really something that's tied to the the cobra difficulties and, and also the war ukraine. if somehow those are are contributing to the supply problems or not, i really don't know what is causing the supply difficulty. the manufacturer for adderall is tampa t, e b a and you're gonna have to look really into where they are,
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where their main production is occurring and, and what's involved with that as far as their being able to get the material. ready they need to be able to put together the adderall compound and what do you think about the rise in telemedicine? is this a good thing or a bad thing as regulators are trying to clam down on tele health prescriptions? well, telemedicine, i think it's very helpful for a lot of people over a variety of reasons that we really don't need to get into. but as far as the, the is the message of your question. the doctors are still required to practice under the same rules and regulations with respect to providing prescriptions. so is it really probably
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telemedicine probably puts more of a challenge to the prescribing physician to be able to, we doubt whether somebody is looking to receive a prescription for abusive purposes. because when you have somebody in the office with you and you can, you're getting much more information from them by their body language and, and how they are speaking to you and looking at you, which is qualitatively different from what you'll what you'll experience over and over it, you know, telephone or zoom or, you know, that kind of a medium for being able to meet with a patient. so the, so the, the responsibility is for the physician are, are the same. and i think the tell most and makes it more challenging for them
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and well, this increase and adderall, prescriptions cause any long term effects on society. and is it harmful, that all these prescriptions are just out there without any verification or control? well, there is control in the sense that, uh um, especially in the past 10 years when we were having the up your crisis in this country, which we still have. but a, the with the, with the intervention of the federal government requiring a database to be, to be established by prescribing physicians. there, there is now a better and more secure way to be able to track people as they attempt to get medications that used to be this used to be without this database that an attic to go from one doctor to the next and get, you know,
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a handful of prescriptions without one physician knowing what the other one was doing these days. it's much more difficult for that to occur and, and physicians are required to be knowledgeable of that and into practice accordingly. so i would hope that with the introduction of this requirement that there would be less opportunity for abuse. however, having said that, that have worked with enough addicts, they are very resourceful people and they will often find what they're looking for based on their hunger for his medications. and i mean dr. shortage is bad, but just how bad is this and are we in panic mode right now? well, there are, are other similar acting medications? uh, i think you know, the, the,
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the greatest difficulty is that people who are searching for medication either, rightly or wrongly they, uh, they are in so aware that there are other medications available. and so they, they may uh, unduly panic when they hear that there is a shortage thinking that this is the only medication that's available to, to treat 8080. and of course, if they then follow up and go to their doctor, the doctor will be able to assure them and say no there are. there's still riddle, and that's available. there's still the extra dream that's available in by the incense available. there's probably others that i'm not thinking of at the moment, but there are, there are alternatives that are all within the same amphetamine class. and then um, and usually it's a, that's sufficient. uh the only difficulty you might have that somebody may have a specific kind of biological system that only works well with the adderall and it
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would not work well with these other medications. but that would, that would be a very, very small number of people. thank you so much, dr. henry college clinical psychologist, specialist the winters here are the drug makers, which are very similar to the opi or crisis where millions of adults are now hooked on these prescriptions stimulants. the global adhd, the drug market is expected to reach over $25000000000.00 by 2025 with more than $6000000.00 children in the us alone diagnosed with adhd. while this is absolutely a real condition and disease, the american trying to obtain the short cut and pushing pills to treat the symptoms rather than the cause is making this a much bigger deal than it actually is. and it's causing the subsequent addiction problems. much of this is thanks to the campaign, a efforts of big pharma elsewhere in the world, in places like europe and asia,
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governments and cursing use of a comprehensive approach for the treatment of adhd, which includes behavior management skills, academic support, psychological support, and medicine. as a measure of last resort. i'm christy. i thanks for watching and we'll see you right back here next time on the cost of everything the hi. i'm accepted and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. search like why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what can i please or do you have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and
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whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the color screen of the must be why, but just need to see what was the key at the washington state. the rules of guys has to phone up, send 2 professional and city and to keep it on the list of all but huge because they used to do this for
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the operation aerodynamic begin shortly after world war 2 lost it almost 3 decades. it was an a major effort to try and split the ukraine or from the soviet union, us intelligence together with hypnos, executioner's train, hundreds of 7 to us to be deployed in the soviet union. this focused was one of the stuff of, well outside of open dispatch joiners to this was the on site or shootings. williams today, security service of ukraine uses not only does it does take methods, but also the idea elegy of the nationalist the the,
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the moscow announces the font enough price which military company is now in full control of the key. don't bass, city of our troubles. also known as bach mode, and we'll have this positions over to the russian ministry in the next few days. and the stories are checked the week, or one or 2 gets seconds out. round to sort of the presidential election goes to a rental. boston, no content to secure enough boats that health, right fixtures, china, so i'm just g 7 latest for making. badging est goes into ukraine conflict that says approval ratings for the western heads of state live increasingly leak at home. the
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alright with the top story is off today and all of this week it's time for the traditional sunday program here. and i'll ask you to national, this is the week and so often months of intense fund, rueful fighting for the city. a lot of trouble of getting that done. vast, also known as box mood, is under now full russian control. this is an fun by most of those ministry of defense in the technical area, hard to a must cause the result of the actions by the walk in their private military company campaign with the support of artillery navigation from the southern group of russian military troops. the liberation of the city of hotel musk has been completed by president president, congratulated the wagner group, and the russian ministry forces for the success, according to a stipend from the kremlin on saturday, at boston as cheap. so the city was finally under russian control of the $224.00 days of combat. now the significance of the event is already being well down played by western media, according to russia's deputy envoys at the un dimitry party on sky. he called out
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cabs shift in narrative. the damage control has already started. next claim will be the whole give you grain has no strategic importance. if confirmed russia, buck modes capture would mark the countries 1st and then months. but the city symbolism always out weighed at strategic importance. the significance of the city cannot be over stressed, but mobilized at a ford fit points towards 2 other strategic pounds in the done net screeching constant. and these guiding the southwest and chronic tours and sloppy gone to the northwest. all 3 are key to pollutants, total control of the region. we were talking with independent john lift of mike jones, though he believes that presidents evans is now trying to downplay the significance of water from and this is all to all schools and then this box i'm going to give it is a brand new name is a hugely significant city for numerous reasons,
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as the western media themselves sets quite early off, it was a supplying logistics sensor. if you want to have somebody do just how important symbolically box, what is that you need only look at presence of mind. so these recent statements where he is down plays denied and even the outright lied about the fact that ukraine still holds the city. i believe he's doing this to say face to buy time and to distract to the population from this absolutely devastating loss the west and media when it became quite apparent that the city would be lost and taken by 5 tons to down playing the significance, saying that it was just russia that held backwards and out you almost in a symbolic manner. so today we are seeing that this media spin that has become so violent and so common you can find many more detail as much more analysis on what became job guys. the box moved meat grinder. find the right top right now
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it's odd. c dot com and so in exactly a week from now turkey, i will be deciding on his next president run off around is being held off. the no candidate received enough votes for alf white victory. this was just last sunday. i strongly believe that we will continue to serve our nation for the next 5 years. we will absolutely, absolutely. when these elections in the 2nd round, every one will say the so topping. the ballad in around one would be incumbent right yet. probably about of the one with $49.00 and a half percent of the vote. hold on his heels, the center left, so it come out kilowatt hour glue and i was just about 5 percent behind and on trading in. so here is mr. sonata han,
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with just 5.2 percent us ultimately raising the question, who will they support us now back? and what could prove decisive in this outcome? so towing out in around one was nearly 90 percent showing how i guess important this is for all the people who are involved, but it didn't just pass off without any controversy. restock image that outlook accused his arrival to interfering with the count impression or the one doesn't count to claim that is main opponent wasn't cahoots with washington and trying to win with outside help. well, it all goes down in about a week from now. it all comes down to a straight shoot out. so we go use the mood on the streets. there's 2 t mobile, i believe it was a fair election. however, these are the rejection of some valid boxes. there was a delay in the counting. i'm sure everything will go smoothly and the run a fully more concrete results. can you sort i know, i believe i do. i move in in the run of i also think when it's expected the elections were a huge surprise for me. i was expecting compile carrots star, a loop to win. i think it will be a hard race,
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but i want him to when they are travelling over strategic studies. that's how they talk about foreign ministry believes that western countries are clearly hoping to see the back of the one. i had nato countries on monday, july 18 turkish elections. they want the purple ad on it starts to look at the german, french, american, english. the magazines and newspapers, the economist, etc, that home, when i guess add on, add up as of monday to ration that this information, etc, that what they are doing. a couple add on. they say if i change my the to 19 on avalon space. this is opposite exactly the opposite. we did not see any russian mingling in categories election, but we saw
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a lot of meaning in texas you lecture and that's why a lot of people voted for ad on because of this western manipulation or fresh from me, things with g 7 leaders in japan, the india in 5 minutes, the range of moody is arrived. any island nation of popular new guinea for a state visit was getting a very well wealth and biased counterpart. that body is actually co chairing the summit of the india pacific islands cooperation for them. the kicks off on monday, expected to hold, told the leaders of pacific island nation himself, a visit to neighboring australia is also set to be in the schedule before he heads back. so the 27 states must have stopped adding fuel to the fire and making china escape code. that's the chinese for administrative reaction off of the group of 7 countries issue to join the stipend, accusing beijing of not supporting peace, or having
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a continuous dialogue with ukraine. the g 7 states must stop adding fuel to the fire and making china escape good. real actions must be taken to reduce the escalation. aging takes an objective and fair position, making efforts for reconciliation and peace negotiations of the g. 7 leaders also accused china of the roughly to build up as nuclear arsenal in secret fading and poses a threat to regional stability. segment. was that made of the summit in hiroshima, the jeff, any city the us old but destroyed with an atomic bomb and world war 2, international and independent, trying to specialists under one believes the g 7 deploy. so the double standards approach, and this relationship with china, us has 6000 nukes and is the only country which use nukes against civilians, right? in hiroshima, where g 7 is meeting china, it has 300 nukes and is the only country pledging no 1st use of nukes g 7 liter is one to express concern about china is new garza know quite shocking. there was
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a great deal of, um, uh, definitely volk, and rhetoric and the blue standards amongst the g 7 countries. they did want to use their cake and had to do the same type as far as dealing with china's come side or the one hand, they say that we don't want to go to go over china. we just want the china to grow . but all going to hand, you know, laughing kind of, it's essential sanctions and dinardo back says, am i on the train or get ahold of g m and then on audiology and all of on the saltado see on hong kong, changing and trembling. ready on, on, on china's internal affairs. and then, um, it says it is a great deal of, of, of the travesty of the truth. but in the united states and the allies, as i said, warranties to kick and have it. and they want to put mass little pressure on china . charlotte, the rail
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a child is trajectory even though they said otherwise. and they want to try to, to, um, i, i, ascension, russia, and china has been adopting and m as an informal and a new dependent physician. the waves or russian by now seen as symbols of peace. hundreds took the streets and protest of a g 7 over the choice of venue. this for a discharge people chanting and people slogans and hoisting banners declaring no war and no g 7. now i mean the whole, the united front on the world stage of that is, paulo showed g 7 leaders are having, well should we say popularity issues back that home survey showed only a tale and 5 minutes to georgia, maloney with a slight net positive approval, racing among other countries voted at 46 percent, several of western leaders a down in the forty's and fifty's a few such as well, for example, of britain's reissue soon act of japan's food.
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