tv News RT May 21, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT
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because both sides and so tell you the truth. none of us can make a meaningful prediction at this will, the will, we will know that because it makes very strange bedfellows. uh, but uh, i wanna ask you specifically about this uh, anti immigrant or anti refugee sentiment that he sent to capitalize upon because uh, president air the on from what i know and how i understand triggers. politics is using refugees, especially syrian refugees for his political benefit and his bargaining with europe there for his domestic support. then they, you know, there have been some speculation that they may also have been used as some clandestine power military for foreign engagements. uh, but generally speaking, um and he benefits from having a syrian refugees in turkey. where is mister oregon, as you mentioned, is
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a trying to capitalize on the feeling that may rise even within the air though on base when they see too many arabs, you know, coming into the neighborhoods because uncontrolled migration is always a challenge. i'm not the saying that the term. so nation, elizabeth, we know scientifically that large influx a foreign people always provides uh, you know, always uh, create certain insights and distress within the societies. do you think there is a possibility of some sort of a alliance between mister oregon and mr. add on, given that indeed, inflated or big acres of both candidates. but you know, when we talk about the refugee and how mr. ad on may benefit from this, i think is your summer arrives, the has benefited from their presence in a number of ways. but most of most of those ways, other than the fact that some of the city is that for made turkish nationals really
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have wasn't for the others are useful for his policies. but they're not really about electoral politics. so i think this the ad on my to recognize that there is an intensifying anti refugee and feeling in token society. and he may be thinking of bother fi and his policies after the elections us to keep the loyalty off the roads. and from that perspective, what might speculate that he might want to have missed the uh, cnn, all done on his side, because he would then use his support is justification for his entire refugee published he is trying to shy away from the ethnic nationalism that he has in his own policies emphasize
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core religionist arguments. but at the same time it is you have also go to a, there is a growing feeling that the refugees or extended their welcome and they should be planning to go. oh, well mr. that are on the behalf of over extend the time allowed a lot of for the 1st half of our program. so we have to take a very short break right now, but we will be back in just a few minutes. stay tuned. the the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the welcome back to world a far as with a status or on the professor emeritus of political science in the departments of international relations at east symbol building the university professor to run before the break. we were discussing all kinds of unholy alliances. possible in politics, not only churches,
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but the politics worldwide. and one more question i want to ask you about the searing policy. is that uh present there. the one was not the only one who well, he was not the one who came up with that he was the one who executed it. but the, the architect of that policy, i submit that with a loo, happens to be ironically in the opposing political camp. and present the air, the on whatever you think about him in tactical deeds back track from that policy. if she tries to re re establish ties with syria, he tries to change the turkish culture in that region. but i missed that with the law and he's in 2 years is still defending. that jerk is way of responding to the our spring and the syrian uprising was the right one. do you find his judgment? uh why is inducing the opposition may benefit from it. but trish or i don't find
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his judgments particularly wise, but rather unwise. i think historically, a turkish foreign policy never is to an active position and at least in politics, because uh, you know, this was a highly volatile area and in the alliances were unstable. and turkey would probably not be able to influence what happens, but be negatively affected by it. and in fact, and this is precisely why this happened. turkey is not in a position to invoice, but it's happening in syria very much. but it has been the target of its major wave of refugees from c and that are not interested in going back. and of course, you know, the fact that mr. ad on was the person who actually decided on policies so well understood what to little may have had major responsibilities that does not
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absolve mister ad on from the responsibility of having drag turkey into this conflict. but i think the soon as on is now quite aware that he is a long to the is making a come back to them in the least he cannot cope with the reference to the problem. so he is trying to make mans with the city and redeem, and he's also trying to make mans with all other middle eastern countries that have that supported syria. and is trying to make brands with all countries that initially were challenged by the wisdom of brotherhood. but then that lead often lives and brotherhood, one way or the other knox city. i never permitted those them brotherhood to issue an active status, but the turkey support them in trying to bring about a change in the syrian government. i think turkey misread
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everything. i really didn't realize of broad mr side was being supported by not only the l y segments of the population, but non muslims, as well as secular muslims. that 13 miss joyce, how much in international supports this the a side with good and how much and do i see with this play? i want to transition to mr. kohler style. there are a little to give him, uh, the same amount of, uh, time of our discussion. uh, hopefully what she can, she cares you said in and out of the interview. that if uh, the opposition secures electoral victory. you believe that the decision making process will be far more institutionalized, less reliant on personal williams and personal connections between leaders. and it sounds like a very old classical liberal idea. but do you think it's compatible with the time
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because we leave and the time when many leaders, regardless of the political persuasions, have to make decisions very fast and dolphins without consulting with the representative bodies of the countries? because there is no other choice take pandemic take the current functions. what have you, you know that there isn't a necessity in many countries to make decisions fast. do you think mr. police thoroughly will be able to do that? or i think we're talking about maybe 2 different things. i'm talking about how decisions are made. i think you are right that the steed or communications the need for governments to reach decisions quickly elevated the role of individuals in decision making. but this is not at the express of agencies or government that are responsible for policy making. i mean may look at the supervisor and for example, and visit the supervisor and is subject to all these constraints that you have
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referred to. but he works with an institution. yeah. but the whole reading is very low in the he's a do it, it's in the back. you know, i being oh, we don't know that just approval rating is very low because of his policy making all the in because of his photo policy making. and similarly, when you look at the europe in union, when you look at the individual countries, granted that this is had to be made made more quickly. and on occasion, individuals may find that i was so i was in a position where they do not have enough time, and therefore time to consult the relevant agencies sufficiently before pronouncing it decision. but on the other hand of, and we look at how let us say the european countries say we have with regard to port example, providing weapons for the crate. it's
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a very elaborate process. it's, it's evaluates the capabilities of the military's what kind of means they have, what are the limits of budget? so i think i would basically disagree with your friends a mental proposition. there may be ok, asians right quick actions may be needed, but it, for the most part, it is possible to conduct the folder and policy in a more institutionalized fashion and not to rely on simply person to person context, which is the ability is the best way to conduct or impulse, you know, we're here in the rush. i used to all kinds of, um, well, i would say malicious and upset unsubstantiated allegations and the nothing can really surprise us. but when mr. collision are a little published, he's a recent tweet about this. suppose of interference russian electra and the
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interference in the turkish politics. that took many russian observers by no just by shoot surprised by, by the shock. and not because of the substance of delegation. i mean a, who cares, but about the, the way it was phrased because in the russian it sounded as to literally ruth and arrogant. and i want to bring it back to your point that somehow, or the institutional process would be given more weight on domestically sterile when a person decides to publish it with and put on the line. you know, potential for international relations because our countries are benefiting greatly from, you know, call per rating. now that really reflect the, the good judgment both i think in the interests political competition. so if another country is actively involved in the
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campaign process, one way or the other, and you have very solid evidence, you more sorry on that to evidence hasn't been published just a minute, just a minute. that would be finished. you know, the, but this has to be based on solid evidence. sometimes the error, this may not be released. but the purpose today is we'll know what this is. now i am not in a position to either say midst of the list at all. it was right or wrong, but i know there has been locations when russia is used, for example, a tax on the internet to affect public. okay? and then the, and the not you, this is such a difficult to, i'm in the, to give you a real example from a nature the nato was faced with this allegation that
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the german officer in estonia had raped. and as tony and women, it turned out, this was a totally manufactured event. and then they traced the uh, internet community cases. but for propagating this news, they were all placed to some town in siberia with mister toronto, with all due respect. when you say russia, you mean the common human, the official seat of the russian power and sure, russia has many people. and some people may engage in some, uh, it listed in genetic civic injustice, some terse. you know, if you go to certain websites, you would be astonished by the behavior of sidney turkish ma'am. the way they expressed themselves, also visiting my country because of, you know, women and other countries. but that doesn't mean that it's represents your country where it's the week here it is very important because we have, even if it was,
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let's say, an official act or russian interference. let's say vitamin fruits and a went online and wrote it. do you think it's a good policy to, you know, to publish as with like, that then jeopardize your very beneficial relationship between the 2 countries? i mean, does it strike here is a fair balance. but let me say this, 1st of all, as i said before, in this particular incident, i have no idea as to what the evidence was. number one, number 2, i would say that it is better to express these misplaced his diplomatic rates, then open may, because as you suggested, the open communication of these complaints may have unintended consequences ever the public opinion in the other country may feel hurt about. but this being said, now it's been a widely expected and mr. police are
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a little expressive himself. it's expressed in the o positions policy paper. that's the position if it comes to power, wants to maintain some sort of a balance relationship between russia to our kit and the west. but the, they also made it clear that they want to align themselves with the west more promptly. and in fact, police there was dar loose advisors, said the, the not his name is now to because he said that the turkey will remind russia that turkey is indeed and nature country. what i want to ask you is, how much space do you think turkey has in terms of leaning in western or nature direction without losing the benefits? huge benefit is that it's kind of a deriving from copywriting with russia. i think uh, the idea is that the republican peoples part of the express were very poorly
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expressed and not necessarily particularly well thought out. i think uh what uh the opposition party is saying, for example, they emphasized going back to right is restoring relations with the european union. and that the european union, i think they are very much interested also in being identified with the community of democracies more closely. so the turkish democracy will not come under challenges if government changes. no, uh, i think there was an initial careless expression or sentiment that might have raised some uh, understandable concern in cherokee but after the bass bass and the c h. b says that they had or exceeded their intention, they tried to, so go back and say, actually,
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we value the relationship with russia and we show continue to work for good relations with russia. that's the tricky is already in a to a map. bear and turkey is already doing its share is and they told him that but, but it's not going by some of the american ideas of him, but the kind of, we cannot make them bar goes, i guess the russia, i think, to a key will continue that not only because the relationship may be beneficial economically, but also because the rush i has to be a partner in maintaining the international orange. it's to sort of try to drive the rush or other to international orange. x is not going to be useful for anyone. and at least useful for turkey, because turkey is so close to the right side. there's so many multi dimensional relationships. so oh,
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the, the most go. what else is the 5 no private military company is now in full control of a key on bass city of a lot of trouble. it's also known as back move pro hondas positions over to the russian, but a treat in the next few days. and the story is the shape of the week here and i'll change an asshole. it's seconds out around $230.00 as presidential election goes to a rental pump at no content. us acute enough boats for an outright china slams g 7 lead is for making beijing a space goes in the ukraine context says approval ratings for the western heads of state looking,
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racing leave league back at home. the it's been such a busy week. your analogy international. that's a rundown, some of the biggest story for you. it's now what type of the weekly life from after months of intense and brutal fighting at the city of out of show off skin bone boss, a k, a bach mood has now come on to full russian control. that is, according to most goes ministry of difference in the technical area, hard to almost cause the result of the actions by the walk in the private middle to accompany, combined with the support of artillery navigation from the southern group, refreshing the newest with troops. the liberation of the city of hotel musk has been completed. well, president food here now congratulated the wagner group and rushing military forces for the success as, according to a statement from the kremlin on saturday. wagner is cheap, said the city was finally under russian control. after $224.00 days of combat, as well already, the significance of the event is being downsized by western media outlets.
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according to russia, as deputy and void of the un, dimitri plenty ascii, he called out, keeps shifting, narrative damage control has already started. next claim will be, the whole grain has no strategic importance, confirmed russia buck motes capture would mark the country's 1st gain in months, but the city symbolism always outweighed its strategic importance. the significance of the city cannot be over stressed, but mobilized at a ford fit points towards 2 other strategic pounds in the done net screeching constant. denise guiding the southwest and chronic tours and sloppy guns to the northwest. all 3 are key to pollutants, total control of the region. we brought it up with an independent journalist, mike jones, and he believes the prizes that lensky is now. in fact, trying to downplay the significance of outcome. this is obviously, all schools are in this box and what's to give it is
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a brand new name is a hugely significant city for numerous reasons. as the western media themselves sets quite early off, it was a supplying logistics sensor. if you want to have some idea of just how important symbolically box, what is that you need only look at presence of mind skis, recent statements where he is down plates denied, and even the outright lied about the fact that ukraine still holds the city. i believe he's doing best to say face to buy time and to distract to the population from this absolutely devastating loss the west and media when it became quite apparent that the city would be lost and taken by wagner tends to down playing the significant saying that it was just russia that held a backwards and out you almost in a symbolic manner. so today we are seeing that this media spin that has become so violent and so common to get out more details and more analysis to what
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it's actually happened at the back to move to meet grind a lot of a rock shops going on right now on the website to dot and exactly a week from now to to see how you will be deciding on it's next president, run off, rollins being held off to no candid, received enough boats for an outright victory. it was last sunday. i strongly believe that we will continue to serve our nation for the next 5 years. we will absolutely, absolutely. when these elections in the 2nd round, every one will say the chopping the ballad in round one. of course, the incumbent. the tip type of the one with 49.5 percent of the vote that will hold on his hales the center left. come out, can i start out glue just behind? were 5 percent behind or so. and right here, trending,
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and the right wing politicians. so not all fun, which is 5.2 percent, thus raising the important question. who will, his support is now back? and what could prove decisive in this outcome now turn out into around one was nearly 90 percent. the ultimately showing how important the selection is for all the people that it's definitely didn't pass off without controversy, restart canister, either to accuse his rival of interfering with the account and present the other one, then count the claim. but his main opponent was in cahoots with washington and trying to win with outside help, but didn't exactly a week from now. it all comes down to a straight shoot out. so we gauge the mood on the ground. speed boosted your modem . i believe it was a fair election. however, these are the rejection of some valid boxes. there was a delay in the counting. i'm sure everything will go smoothly and the run out fully a more concrete results can you know, i believe i do. i move in in the run of i also think when it's expected,
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the elections where a huge surprise for me, i was expecting compile carrots star, a loop to win. i think it will be a hard race, but i want him to win all the time. and all of our strategic studies are the talk is foreign ministry believes that the western countries are clearly hoping to see the back of president of the one a pen, nato. countries on monday, july 18 turkish elections. they want the purple ad on it starts to look at the german, french, american, english, the magazines and newspapers, the economist, etc. that all right, i guess add on. and of course, as of monday to ration that this information, etc, that what they are doing, the top of the add on, they say that's raise money to 19, she makes on avalon space. this is opposite exactly the opposite that
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we did not see any russian mingling in that case election. but we saw a lot of naming intakes election and that's why a lot of people voted for ad on because of this western manipulation. the g 7 states must stop adding fuel to the fire and making china escape good us the chinese farm industries reaction off of the group of 7 countries issue, the joint statement accusing basing of not supporting peace. so having a continuous dialogue with ukraine. the g 7 states must stop adding fuel to the fire and making china escape. good, real actions must be taken to reduce the escalation. the gene takes an objective and fair position, making efforts for reconciliation and peace negotiations. a g 7 liter is also a to is china of the rapid build up is nuclear arsenal. in secret cleaning it poses
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a threat to a regional stability. the stipend was made at the summit in hiroshima, the japanese city that america old, but destroyed with a nuclear weapon in world war 2, international and independent china specialist, agile learning believes the g 7 deploy the double standards approach to its relationship with china. us has $6000.00 nukes and is the only country which use nukes against civilians, right? in hiroshima, where g 7 is meeting china, it has $300.00 nukes and is the only country pledging no 1st use of nukes g 7 liter is one to express concern about china is new garza no quite shocking. there is a great deal of. ready uh, definitely hol, can rhetoric and the standards amongst the g 7 countries, they want to use their cake and have to do the same type as far as dealing with china's come side. all the one hand, they say that we don't want to go to go over china. we just want the china to grow . and all that i hand, you know, laughing kind of,
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it's essential sanctions. ready dinardo back says, am i on the trailer, getting all the g m and then on audiology, those on this outside of c and phone calls in june and trembling. ready on, on, on china's internal affairs. and then, um, it says it is a great deal of, of, of travesty of the truth. but in the united states and the allies, as i said, warranties to kick and have it. um, they want to put mass little pressure on china. charlotte the rail a child is trajectory even though they said otherwise. and they want to try to to, um i, i, ascension, russia, and china has been adopting and m as informal and a new defendant position. a wave that russian by now seen as a symbols of peace. hundreds took the streets and protests to the g 7 over the choice of venue. before they had to show some people charging and they will slogans
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and hosting bios declaring noval and no g 7, locals. or we heard from say that will convince why the true intention of the conference have been listening for years. i do not agree with the statement made by dis summit. the statement is only in the interest of those in po, in the 7 countries. such a position will lead to the united states intends to plan military operations through the summit, which will lead to will did you send me to somebody? it is a will conference. we strongly oppose the time we strongly oppose the us military actions. japan has purchased 400 tomahawk missiles from the united states, which are absolutely oppose as it would lead to war against the sent me because of the sent me to is, is that meet of the law? because the is the notice. i mean for these, when i made the united from time to good p r optics on the world stage, the latest polls show the g 7 leaders are having serious popularity issues back at
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