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tv   Cross Talk  RT  May 22, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

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on youtube and locals in the world and we have anthony webber g as an independent political commentator for a gentlemen class that rolls in fact, that means you can jump any time you want and i always appreciate it. all right, let's start out with george in budapest, george, i'm sure you're just as well as aware as the rest of us that there have been this talk again. the comes from politico, we can have a separate program on that. i think one day. but this talk of a, of a, a frozen conflict along the lines of the korean peninsula goodwill. obviously the conflict between 19151953. well, i guess we can entertain the thought. that's why we're doing the program. but with not signal a defeat for both sides. george. definitely it would be, it's hard to know how serious it is to take these kinds of stories. but it is understandable why the united states might be inclined to was something of that nature. because basically then no one admits the feed.
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admittedly, no one proclaims victory, but they means that the war effectively continues. so in this, of the, in the say be like the men ask agreements. you pretend that somehow what we bought an agreement with got a piece, but you use the intervening time to just keep beefing up the arms. i don't really think that the united states is thinking in terms of um, career because of the career that's been peace now for 70 years. and i don't think the americans are really thinking of the level 70 years of peace. i think much more likely that they, they're thinking in terms of a breathing space and then stop the whole thing up again and by of 6 years time. so, but career sounds good sir. what was 70 is a piece a that's not, that's not about agreement, but um, as, as you said, the, the, this is certainly not be a good deal for russia by any stretch of the imagination. no,
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i wouldn't be at the strategic defeat. interested in my opinion here, anthony, but there's nothing to this. we've been playing a word game with us because just as a judge has already alluded to this, there'll be nothing frozen about it. so today, i mean, the whole science and particularly nature would be very busy, busy like bees of integrating your brain completely and fully into the military alliance. and not this 600 different toys, machine systems that are sending there, which is really, i mean, i'm not even, i'm on a military. remember that's just ridiculous. they don't talk to each other. the systems they know it's, it's overly complicated. there's no training much involved and so this is kind of par school is george's already told us here. i mean, so we for another 5 years so you can give it another crack at the, at the dumbass. i don't think anyone who the gremlin thinks that way this may be just kind of political cover, the kind you will look, you know, we can find a compromise. we compromise comes from us, which is nonsense anthony,
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your thoughts? yes, of course, it wouldn't be a compromise way to have to go by. so walk happen. i would say maybe disagreement which was probably couldn't by the crime, but because it's not the, the sites and the cycle. but so media, other date is probably can by our key west some countries undergo since marco and maxwell and protect our values. the trying to have um, united charities are just a mess it by actually use. i mean its the agreement. so you, um did i print the position upside. 1 besides that, and uh sorry, sorry, it was happens. i think is such a rush uh well, no trustworthy. so either in anything which is by could by certain mouth or tongue . sure is. i think this is laurie uh, initiatives by countries such as the so about the arab league by some
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a african countries which have more charles, somebody who says, say, listen to you by russia. because the trust is the only thing is absolutely major thing because you guys can find when i go, which offers. uh gosh, actually good. positive. right. you guys are monitored fashion. so uh, there was a reason to hi, a bunch of trust that no one called you about, you know, the prize in terms of what happened. but uh, but the point is this service i have a degree of trust, but what is going on uh, looking at it for the price points to be. i think this has beta major prolonged uh, with foreign policy. because who's actually going to trust the united kingdom and who's for that? so that my see lots of sites as well. because uh if i can really say hi, it says site. oh we go to sam's shoulder to shoulder with, are you crying with it?
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but but, but yeah, it's a sort of thing box that if i saw you've actually, i've done people when my us let them down. so that's our but i'm no real human rights. and what is rice issues, but one of the chief bar shooting for a new probably because i got married for the media and i free press cool. the system of the boss are low. so it's a disaster set. try should reset rate. um, i called say no, uh, russia, 3rd grade and so they stayed in ferguson. i'm from the point of, do you try? we called the fords press to concern, do we need it to be completely finished? because our economy is separate and truck for free. died the people of the united kingdom is software getting compelled by crate of the day and uh, it's
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a long tenable situation. unfortunately the popular to the. ready i big lives here about what's going on and they all policies are vol, seasonal. i, a public debased will be issued, which, i mean, there was more debate about cove in george the, they're yours, right? let's look at some of the characters here. i mean, why in the world with zalinski agreed to something like this. he went, okay, i mean, you know, the people around him, you know, we, you know, with the repeat there is some of the lunacy around him. we're going to get a liberated scribe near by christmas. i mean, you know, he can, but the trend he is, he's all in or all out. george the you're exactly right these up and when you think about this, the g 7, the summit that's just taking place in your off shot of all places. um and uh, with uh, use the landscape showing up and the g 7, you know, where we're rolling. you know, whatever it takes and you know,
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we're going to keep going. it's very hard to climb down from that position to say, well, okay, we said that we, we were all in and we want to liberate all of your brain. is there a trait? what will settle for. 5 an armistice, i'm on the lines over 3 and it can be done. and i, that's why i don't really think that this is a serious option. that may well be people within the us administration, who's think uh, sensitively about these things. i don't think that this board needs to come to an end, but they are overwhelmed by the are the important voices in the administration. of course, in congress that we have to press on for, you know, victory victories. they itemize a little different from that of so many scale. i don't think they care that much about liberating this, the liberating that but just to bleed roughly just to keep as well going, the drain roster. i am then to bring about political keyless crisis in russia and
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then the disintegration of the russian federation. i think that's the objective. now the ukraine placed on the very small part in this. i mean, however many ukrainians are killed. the united states couldn't care less. i mean the to them, ukraine is just simply a count on father and for the europeans, that's just cheap labor day. so you have to bring them in. and the ukranian women, and you know, there's just sex workers, but that's, that's the use for the ukraine. the goal is to the destruction of russia. you know, and it's one of the things george and i have talked about an hour podcast may. heinz is, um, i wonder how his student future historians will look at the behavior of the ukrainian or elite. i mean, you know, we'll give you everything to a, to bite with. all you have to do is give your own blood. i mean, i've never seen a, a, a national, a lead, so willing to do this to their own people. because at the end of the day,
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my friends, what exactly is ukraine gotten out of this except for a huge regret that the top anthony, the whole thing out of that in mind. right. so uh, groups of people surrounding. so i'd say 8 type golf. sorry. richard control, and they don't want people to be crying. all things are not the voice. i'm all more paper. why do you crying? who wants an item? so this will only cost sky and bucket and hard and visual will happen because of a uh, american news bob to, to time 2014, which was followed by president. so landscaping, i like said on, would you believe a platform that piece started? he's what major on that, but i see uh, looking at the position of landscaping pretty on sound level as well. i can't see what the st gets out, but the congress are thousands through casualties, but being are mainly young to either cry me and my mom and what was it becomes more
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my outside their trump share as well as inside the country. i don't see how he can continue because it will be show maurice lloyd to designing people. so to wells fargo, i think they said this key is not offered to solve the problem in the united kingdom . because look and look at your head. i can see that one of the options is, but it's going to be a change of leadership of who you cried. so obviously we lost the offer to save a price to go. you say by longer it probably is supposed to populate the united states. but the reality is actually signed by your doctor, but if i try to without the policy of the united states for the it's, it's essentially saying when you say good chip, a church, it doesn't solve the dire strategic problem that your brain has. it doesn't matter who's going to be running the shop. okay. so they got this guy who will go on the
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emmy's in the boat magazine and all that. but yeah, i see the utility in that, but it doesn't create results for ukraine. i'll side as i'm going to repeat again, the grist. it's a top george. no, it doesn't the top. and that's the is the tragedy of a you bring in your bought into the nonsense. the west was probably either you would have thought they love all the lessons from, from the pos when the west though. so you live, i will, they will look out the will, will guarantee you that freedom, democracy, prosperity and so on. and they bought into it and it was so far it doesn't look like they realized to what kind of a capacity of a victorian new london and the rest of them broke. they knew exactly what they were the public a little or they wouldn't go to provide any kind of freedom and democracy or prosperity they just want to them for they've geopolitical and so until there is some kind of realization among the ukrainian leaders,
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the width is just we're destroying our country by attaching ourselves to wes, than a strategic objective until then we're just going to go down this box of just losing the man by the 10s of thousands. i'm not, no gentleman, we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on ukraine state bar to the dominion go forward to make you able to defend your, your values. so this is this so meaning of your power, you'll defend your survival and your so we see that the russian power east, enough to defend our survival values against the communities of powers with, with the,
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the, by the middle of the 20th century, the portuguese colonial empire was in an acute crisis, a particularly 10 situation had developed in mozambique the people of this country were put in a humiliating position, income inequality ramp, and illiteracy. this respect by the portuguese for the local traditions led to a mass unrest. in 1964, the liberation front of mozambie for a limo began its armed struggle for freedom. the regular army was not easy to resist, but that guerrillas inflicted considerable damage on the invaders through the fighters against the colonial regime were supported by the soviet union and china. whereas the united states and great britain took the side of the invaders,
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the board to gaze responded to the guerrillas attacks with cruel counter insurgency . however, 3 limos, 10 year courageous struggle was a success after the overthrow of the fascist resume and portugal in 1974. the new authorities are rendered. a year later, lisbon fully recognized the independence of mozambie. lots of victory had been gained at a high price during the war, mozambique had lost tens of thousands of his sons and daughters. the welcome back across the you're all things are considered. i'm futile about this is the home addition to remind you. we're discussing some real news the
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in my introduction, anthony, you know, one of the things that is very curious to me is that again, it's politico being the, the outlet talking about this. apparently they're very close to everybody and they tell them the administration maybe political works for them. again, maybe you're talking to the public front other day. but you know, the arrogance of it all. first of all, being um for over a year now, pushing the task which was not provoked. it was one of the most um, finely planned and executed provocations of all time. okay. and so you have the americans now thinking, well, maybe we need a ceasefire. and why, again, your, your point to have trust, you know, why would the russians trust this? but the russian authorities have to look at what their own people have to say about this. and a ceasefire is the last thing after what has been, what is happen, all of the sanctions of lots of young men on the battlefield. there is no appetite
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for that at all. just to reverse the appetite is, let's finish it off. anthony. well here, so i think cool along the car, dispatch it for, for while she got minutes and the russian people ways is a dog. this guys sounds sort of even. there's negotiations because of the europe in preston, the siding events, and the, the, the basic guy stations shouldn't fail to make qu braces which what she meant by that shouldn't be cool for russia, which is actually just crazy because inside of the, the officers say they weren't be cool for you crying because your claim is a fax for the year to be in the possession of having said on condition where a surrender. because a comp safari is a guy, a without config supplies a rapid rate, and i hate for them. so i rested in countries, i'm the old read to you that i'll sort of you said the united states and other
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countries who are citing my are you guys the desktop for free and i'm, i'm so this, so we come to it forever. yeah, we have received say not the u. k. client of this to the fax will be signing for that, but well, people forget about is none of these comp, j. c, k u s. i or some other countries in the u. nice. i know it's my fault of mine, right? for my people to get involved in this. this makes the question anthony, you know, you're in the okay, so give us a, you know, an up close and personal view of it here. so we have the current, the british prime minister, i mean is, is you create a winning issue for him because that's what he looks like. he's, he's always people, you know, they're train up to this issue and then is a lose lose issue for everybody, but touches it. explain to us what we need for. it's uh, almost a sort of desperation. uh, certainly with
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a the past 16. 05 suggests i'm gonna try you next week because it's quite clear this has been done in preparation, in prep process se, but you guys are in the defense of the eastern part that you guys is i see reducing the size of this home forces. yeah, it's not knowing the value of this for you find the site, it's almost like it was trying to die spite the kind of government. but i venture if you look about something brief, i've treat probably this as well. if, if, if i brought she'd the same policy or do you tried? sorry it does, but you are a who is power behind the say? who is my placing the i got want to tell you these up, these costs that use which because boss and i think we all know the answer just because i know you see something, you know, george and something, you know, i've talked about it great length and and i, and then in the u. k,
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political establishment is a, is a case in point is a, you know, you have all of this big capture. i mean, we have, you know, you and i looked at the public a, d, b as a public opinion polls. but go into the details, you know, and the headline is, you know, support for your grade roommate. but if you go in the read the details, it's not the case at all. okay. i mean, so, and then, and then this is very much as a lead capture, which i think it was without any kind of a positive. and we can debate what that means, positive results, and why continue this this endeavor, because there is no goal outside of what you said in the 1st part of the program. and that is a certificate to feed progress it well, it's not on the cards. so if it doesn't, you don't succeed. why do you continue the same policy? george, the doors to explain how insane people think it's a tough question. go ahead. it is an animal. that's what happens when you have a kind of political media lead that lives in the bubble because of the, the politicians who make these decisions. the only time they ever have to offer us
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or any questions comes from a lot of dishes, similar to themselves or the media in the media. oh, really awesome the questions? well, are you doing enough for ukraine? when are you going to deliver this? i'm is the landscape says he needs that when is that going to happen? is level or do the kind of questions of the voters us, which is our problem. yes. do you have money for this? but you don't have any money for uh, social services or subsidies for storing food and energy prices. you know, that you never have any money books. and that's that. and that's the case. you know, not just in the u. k. but, you know, in germany and then when i'm really in a bad bought, was a characteristic german brutality said, i don't care what my boat is. say, i'm just going to go ahead and do whatever i can for your brain. so it's already in grain within this lead that that highest priority is ukraine. no matter how many
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times editor of the populace in the united states will say, well, how come your more concerned with the boulders of your brain then with your own borders, which you don't care about? well, i say they're above. that's exactly right. we don't care about the water that's, that's nothing. we only care about you cream. so that's the brand new. we have the lead that is entirely the kind of a self referential that's why we georgia maloney was supposed to make this big change and it too late. and the united because of those on the day before the election posted up on the line and says we have the tools and lo and behold, she is the tools and georgia maloney fellow the like in like the end of the and also in the last newsletter so we, uh, there are reports with the upcoming nato summit. the nato is gonna draw up a russell more plan for the 1st time since the cold war. but that's interesting. okay, because it's a very different nato than it was when the cold war came to an end. and nato is
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presumably going to have a more plan on a, a subject where they have no definitive outcome. i mean, what, how can you make more plans when you don't know if your brain is even going to exist, or it is partially going to exist. a run state is it, you know, we'll have, you know, a word poland, you'll have to germany. maybe they be hung gary and bind already. and you in your brain has their own ideas, door to those that i'm talking about there. i mean, i've always done this plenty planning so really kind of interesting and basically just for p r, because i'll, can you please make plans when you're on a rolling floor to where it is or is activity. but the problem is, is where you have to look at what something big nighttime and dr. velocity is very complicated. so and charleston principal was, and i have to come sheet or creation of or organization. i'm not sure they're
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concerned. so overall, like the light side members, and suddenly it's become like i could protect for 8, but he's like, she told me a nice for you. you're right. 5 is the largest size, but is also a silver faction of the united states. because obviously the american people themselves haven't paid off or out of this move animal like direction buffy. visual aids, i think, to uh, creates a site some perpetual war of regarding the crime. and whether it's cited cold price or not, it's uh, it, it does, creates a division between russia i'm certain offer time sheets of the world. but we have to remember some of these are conferences in the wall, but should take a break trace of the day. some of our play can we ask him some ice and so they shot . but
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a certain countries have lost the confidence. so the rest of the world and the, um, uh, american spain saying try to set them off the united kingdom body side is being seen to be sort of a way to. so i figured i'd say the sites in our guys say about the united states and without upsetting a world which is but both a by sweet as most people are outside the country. most countries of the world are not simple as a sciences against russia, because i know it's not said 9 for us yet the logic kingdom is just pronounced. some of, as i said, look at the structure which together really badly affect purchased business. and we don't have that in mind, but the logic kingdom is friday, but brushed up uh for some trace, you know, getting back to the top of the podium, but more so forth about the issue of, um, the whole we, we, uh,
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the government come full shade is after the site, but they don't even care about participating business. so that's why the pressures population. this gets down to just, you know, what is the georgia man? it's, it's, it's ideologically driven. it is emotionally driven. it's messy amik, lisa phobia. i mean, it's a very weird mixed silence here because the benefits outside of arms, producers don't know, george, nobody benefits and what and what you just said about this, the nato planning, this causes a piece of the seed because during the cold war, the nato have only one scenario, which is russian attack, well, so you, so in, on the diagram that's in and then they do, it will go into action based on what's happening this time. of course, nato is still pretending that it's defensive, but essentially different does indeed get to an ongoing protection with robert. it
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will be as a consequence of aggressive actions by nature. it's because nato is essentially been uh, waging a proxy war against russia using ukraine. and that could easily get out of control, the different lots of warnings, and then that will be a will later. so nato is a lying by saying, well, we was all defensive, defensive. know the cause of aggressive action by nature. before we end here, everybody likes to talk about article 5, but what is article one of the treaty 30 seconds before we go to the article one is that oh bul nato bows are committed to resulting or disputes with non nato pals in an exclusively peaceful fashion you don't follow that then all the go, 5 optical 9. nothing. none of that applies. 10 seconds. deal to the finish it out for us. well my o larger size, we'll have to height that some of the safer vials and the over um simple as the
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weights. obviously. i wish i could pick the anyway, the just fascinating the discussion gentlemen. but we'll see you if rosen conflict is of labor of the week. okay, and that's all the time we have. i wanna thank my guessing where thing and in budapest and i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at our pc and next time. remember about socrates, the mortgage right? it says the brother printer was up and one of the so some of this so basically of course we need your last name was name is read, it was can when we used to
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live in action, we have support for someone who has this relationship. i need people to the, the a hi, i'm rick sanchez and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please do the have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not,
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we don't want to watch it because it might just change the wayne state. the most reason is munoz curtis. imagine if you speak russian, keep your voice down while out and about. so when i get up, if i go for x perspectives, don't put your human symbols on display especially on space reaching the guide. so you guys don't talk to strangers. 7 void, noisy gatherings and was wondering for sure what she can do. i always get them in the motor. she's eating your colleagues and perhaps also your friends think you're guilty because your russian let you know the boom. so what can i do?
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i'm the was mindset from it, so i'd be glad to which is the team that does put teaching styles. we did use b p of blankets for the exception. if i need specific social concerning the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the welcome to worlds a part for all the different, says one thing, russia, china in the united states agree upon is that the world is now at a crucial, perhaps even unprecedented the inflection point. the business as usual,


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