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tv   The 360 View  RT  May 23, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT

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teresa is trying to hunt you down. well here on this test sites, we have the unique opportunity to witness up close. we really have the front row seats. witnessing the russian drone snipers holding their scales. this time the dream carried an innocent smooth boom. in the don't box it will of course, be armed with something much deadlier. do you see that building over the about 8 kilometers away? the developer asks me no. not really well with this device. you can, he responds with a smack was over a 100 times zoom. i'd be able to make out the clothes a person is wearing in the window. and of course, any training would be incomplete without the cornerstone course. first aid. there's no way really one could overestimate its importance and i don't know. tell me something about this training side is used to practice tactical, menacing,
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why technical medicine? because no one is immune from home in the immediate vicinity of comb, with operations or on the battlefield. self care and mutual aid are the most important aspects. as we know around 80 percent of people who are injured are losing blood and don't have time to help themselves or their comrade in arms. these ones include those guns for tunes and trap headphones. the 1st thing to do is to stop the bleeding. we have a concept called the golden our. this refers to the time we have to help ourselves before losing consciousness. since the start of the year, over $117000.00 volunteers joined the ranks of the russian army, all of them have to be properly trained before deployment. the command is at this test side have heaved the most of this burden on the shoulders. and it's hard to imagine a facility fit better for the purpose. i just done a reporting for oxy, the russian prime minister mcfadden ms. uh, mr. and mrs. the not big
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a button that says a russia i'm china will continue to increase while actual financial cooperation with that, with the states setting new records in mutual trade. now this comes as china, i welcome to russian business jobs as an economic for him, a little worried about what i see russia values this century's old history of relations with china, 1.2 consecutive years. some of the volume of biological trade has increased by around a 3rd which do not in 2022, a record of around $190000000000.00 was said we're, we're confident then this year we'll fulfill the task said, but it has the power state. specifically, to bring the 3 to no $1.00 to $200000000000.00. china has been russia's main street, involved now for over 100 story of the grove and trade is accompanied by important quantities does transform ation. and 1st and foremost, we use independence on the door and other western countries know we will continue
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to increase the independence of by electrical financial corporation and verify stress and our economic southern. i'm here in shanghai, china where the 1st day of the to day long russia, china business for him has just come to a close. there have been a lot of businessman and high level politicians from both china and russia in attendance here like the russian prime minister, mikhail miss justin who spoke quite a bit at this conference today about the importance of it and further developing bilateral economic cooperation between russia and china, he spoke a lot about this specific spheres in which it's important to continue this bilateral cooperation, specifically in terms of energy, of course, and as well as a trade infrastructure between russia and china to increase the already quickly increasing trade between the 2 countries. now, we're also expecting to see the appearance of the chinese president tomorrow. she's in pain, who's also expected to meet with the russian prime minister. and they're going to
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be talking a lot about, like i said earlier, further development of bilateral economic cooperation between russia and china, we're going to be there. and we're gonna bring you all the details as they become available. and the blindness of desire as it relates to success was a chief this flight to weston sanctions with the russian exports of china increasing by 20 percent. let's say high business florida provides a major opportunity for the 2 countries to build on cooperation in the high tech and information technology sciences. has many business jobs gathering at the floor of the thing. gill from the philippine middle east studies association says that sanctioned russian businessman and being invited to the form is a credit signal for the 2 states will bolt both the ties, no matter what. now i know the visits illustrates 2 very important things. first is, i can do both countries, russia in china, converge and your interests to maximize the utility of their partnership based on
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these bilateral agreement, signed between both presidents a few months ago. you really to take the relationship into a new era. we're both countries given of course, the highly digitalized nature of international politics these days in both countries having the capacity to really contribute towards each other's interests and demands and needs in the sphere of a, in the sphere of technology is something that we can definitely see expectancy in both countries, both countries will now allow them will not allow themselves to be constrained by western policies that interest. you know, the fact that businessmen who were sanction will be taking part in high level economic engagements between the chinese and the russian. you know, show this very important aspect, that they will not be defined by a wester interest in perspectives and that they look choose to pay their own path forward development and security their own particular way. does everything travel
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in a rush as a security council is amazing his counterparts in laos, in order to deepen decades, long co collaboration in mid to end of this phase, auntie? is it more if i'm not sure? i have been just busy this the mentioning that when it comes here to asia as a time when western powers are trying to win over the region, using keratin sticks, when it comes to the rushing you for an in conflict. trying to bring as many countries to the side as they can. at the end of these 3 day official visits, 1st to vietnam, and then louse 2 countries with historically strong links to moscow. medivan if praised both states commitments to continue strengthening the cooperation and strategic partnership with russia with us. but it gets on the, as we've traditionally had friendly relations with both the vietnam and louse. and this has been the case for decades, in addition to interest state relations, which have significant me strength. and in recent years,
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we are currently developing inter party ties with the ruling parties in these countries. in my opinion, these connections are productive and representing additional channel of communication between our states to solve a variety of tasks you lowe's, and to us sentiment is very strong hearing loss. the country still remembers american bombs between 19641973. you were in the vietnam war, american pilots made around 6 100000 searches over the country, dropping over 2000000 tons of bombs. the support of the soviet union help the country with that or something that allows that the countries that are ships rest repeatedly. you remember it was to be the tier will never forget and will always be grateful for relations between loss and rush. you have always been built on trust and mutual support in both regional and international arenas. in particular, your country provided inviolable assistance during the national liberation,
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struggling with louse. we highly appreciate our level of cooperation with russia as well as the help that we received from the ussr and are now receiving from russia mainly in terms of male to technical equipment, training of personnel and assistance in economic development. thanks to this, the board we were able to initially defend and now to actively develop and strengthen our national economies. nato is trying to expand its geographic region. a 3rd is filtering toys in south asia or to contain china using a strategic security practice between australia, india, japan, and the united states, known as waterlines. sometimes jobs has the asian native rushing. just ask to meet them is better of how russia and it's asian parking has viewed the developing situation. he's what he had to say. they need my clothing with regard to new alliances which are being formed in the asia pacific region. it's quite obvious that some nations are neutral towards our country. in many cases,
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even inviting us to be observers. however, some of these newly formed partnerships are hostile towards the states in the region. this is how we see, for example, quad arcus and other alliances that have partnerships with non regional players because of natives, interference and the region embarking on their global projects and destabilizing the situation. western sanctions targeting not only russia, but all those close to moscow are series to ask a long time, foreigners of russia worldwide, including this particular region. small economies like why also as for example, are especially vulnerable. there was growing military aspirations in this region, adds to the increasing tensions, but has this later, state official visit showed those efforts. and of course, having the desired effect. griffin ocean are how t from laos, the largest for the most them nation indian easy, it has signed a major incoming deal with it wrong. despite us sanctions prove this is the flow of
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trade between the countries which the rainy present highlighted during a press conference. but more than anything, we believe that sanctions and threats can not stop us in any way from corporation and communication with neighboring countries. muslim nations that are aligned with us in various fields, the language to boost in the needs as incoming signs with the middle east, and why iran, which is on his way to becoming the central files in hub as part of the massive infrastructure project with russia and india is also seen growth diplomatically within is that make? well, thanks, it's find these mediators who aided in seating several important agreements, the saudi arabia, u, a e, and great, and the right. and if the sold us, the deal is an indicator of a global shift away from us influence in asia as this relates to this means that the increasing understanding, again, perception,
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not fully in indonesia, but also amongst the other countries in the region. in asia, the united states over is decreasing and this over reliance on who s father is going to be dangerous for the, for their own economy. so engineers, you and entre barks that perhaps gorgeous to do kind of shift in order to the dollar rise, their space nation fee on the safe side, while they are sworn to their kind of relation that they have with the west. now they are trying to find new partners, and when it comes to be this, the dollarization process, let me just, uh, just as i mentioned this point that the country it has already. i mean indonesia. i already started this process. countries like china with products these like arlan, japan and south korea and the list goes and on and on,
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and goes to where the sense that they have to start with the same reject re, uh, let's say, a change with punch view like iran. and of course, it goes without saying, got it wrong, the risk of being filled with us, negative response, no doubt about that. but indonesia, during the realities found the ground has been ready to take this risk. and i don't call it risk because it's through a power is expected to be going to observe more of it in the years down. the red us civil rights organization has filed suit against florida's governor over law that prohibits many chinese citizens from buying wood and state in the state. the non profit claims and law signatories, members of the science community, while coffee a shadow on their intentions. but as, as the bills championed, believes it will help the counselor forward into favorites. i signed the strongest
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legislation in the nation to stop the influence of the chinese communist party. i'm proud to sign this legislation to stop the purchase of a farm land and land near on military bases and critical infrastructure by chinese agents. governor descent has presented no evidence that the chinese buyers of property in florida are agents of the chinese communist party, or that they have cost harm to national security deluxe, stigmatizes them, and their communities, and costs a cloud of suspicion over any one of chinese descent who seeks to buy property in florida, but going to so low is set to go into effect on the 5th of july income. the finally increase tensions of in washington. amazing. under the law exceptions full chinese ownership will be made for people with a non tourist visas. all those and being drawn to, to assign them. however they will face to toner, restrictions and won't be able to buy property law to approach some 8000 square
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meters or within 8, kill them. it says, of imagery installation. those who purchased as the folder 1st of july will be required to register with the state original study from columbia university revealed nearly 3 quotes as a chinese americans have experience racial discrimination in the us. the 55 percent of respondents expressing concerns of a hate crimes and harassment. the number of chinese americans living in the country as rich 5 and a half 1000000 and is going fossil. and according to polls, the majority feel they lack proper representation. to discuss this of martha in that this now clause lives with jeff as well. alice and angela july, july galani. i beg your pardon and thanks for joining us here today on audio. what do you write of this new law by belie florida? is it disagreement treat i mean? well, so assessment to well, actually i think this is a, there's
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a competition amongst us, but additions on always going to be their most whole case when he comes to china and russia. is it the 1st time that they, they have a discreet, the lowest that's not the 1st time there's a long history of discrimination as whenever they days a, a conflicts or tension with other countries. we remember doing what was to a jeff, a news that actually most of them were holding us past 400 thousands of them were put in internment camps even though they had us passports. we see most uh, more like uh, recent history, the december fob. yeah. after $911.00 and the rooster full. yeah. be head right now and is an escalation. uh, it's part of the what we call manufacturing consent be bang. uh putting those sanctions and the more magazine china and preparing the minds of. busy us american people, she's going to go over the issue with china. and the is the incredible evidence of
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the sciences claim that chinese nations, owing property is a threat to national security. that subset the i'm just going to give you a fact uh is uh who is but who uh by actually homes and properties in florida. the 1st buyers uh, actually from southern america in the caribbean. uh asians. or to get the account for less than 7 percent. so what the chinese j o. a buying florida of a marginal? i think it's just a is just the foster over the sand. is it small about a symbolic? it's symbolic, but it's part of the escalation on just stabilizing china. it be paying prepaid for, for this consultation. and you know, you know, we live in a world of was increasing sort of hates is, i mean we have,
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we have just rid of the tensions between washington. amazing. the chinese people are looking to get cancels. i hate using that word, but they go now we're seeing similar of the size of testing for the in washington and moscow. the russian people getting canceled the see a connection. yes, the literally absolutely uh is uh, further dividing the wood. it is very interesting how actually the us is framing what it is doing right now. it is saying that he wants to isolates russia in china . and what we see, we are seeing that actually the us in the you because the you is just a, an extension of the us with the spice of states that they are isolating themselves . and, and i think, and it's damaging their own economies. so they need to phase the reality. they do not have to wait. they used to have after world war 2 and know we need to,
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we need you, they need to face that to what we are more predict fuqua's you, i'm up addicted. the end of the, of history didn't happen, actually full yamma. you should just write the new book and colleagues, you multiple or would the end of each 3? because maybe we are entering the new era of centuries or era of multiple or what were the words we'd be more democratic and that would be more taurus, metric prosperity in peace. because if you really analyze why the, what is being leaving with was all around the world is world war 2. it is because you have, haven't had you had your money power, which is using the divided in concord strategy. divide that in concord, it's very easy. you see it in ukraine, you put, you know, you, you push your queen just to, to antagonize with russia. they doing the same with tie one. now with the new
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multiple the, what the question is going to be very different and we see some examples. china managed by not taking side to bring solid. you read that any writing together and that is what i core bringing does at the table. normal kids game. let's try to be adults. and they've angelo very well said indeed. so it does look like some of the western partners will have less and less friends in the future. but thank you so much for joining me here today on the buzz that's always the 9th. again, the driver of a truck switch crashed into a security barrier near the white house monday night has been arrested on multiple charges, including threatening to kill a little hom, the president, according to the us public service police. to get more on this story that's plus live to all see correspond. caleb molding came in. was go on. what's the story
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about approximately 10 pm on monday evening. we had a very large u haul truck that was rammed into the barricade of lafayette park. the park in front of the white house, the residency of the us president. now the driver has been identified as side vars shift con villa. he's 19 years old and he is from chesterfield, missouri. he apparently drove this truck into the barricade at lafayette park. now when the park police apprehended him, he apparently made threatening comments about the white house during use arrest. they did search the truck to see if there were any explosives and there were none. now wherever they did discover a flag that contain bee swastikas symbol associated with nazi is. so at this point the individual who drove this car. ready is being charged with attempting to attack the president of united states didn't mean to take the life of the president of
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united states. this is being considered an assassination attempt by us officials of either laugh. we'll talk about it much for them today, but so thank so much for bringing us up to us these guys. it's always a it's now that i was off of this news. our as always is great having you with us here at sea will be back in just on the 30 minutes. we'll hope you just again the north, each to search as well as the other way. not so good. right. so see the comfortable with the good news about this this is just a boost of scenes was doing a bunch of movies. so i see it was
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the the show room table instructions to choose from phones is c as ashton. yes. this was on the on
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this and that it's on the evidence on which one that has the vehicle assessed by using the terms of the new stuff with the new states. because each of these are the ones, this, the letting you must also remember who you're going to need. so even with a full just mostly, yep. us, particularly on the passport edition. people supposedly good deal good for the left, which deal with zillow for the next week. and washers, and your last cook, the full just couple of what's going to be on the
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cookie to do gates in this too. and we need the usual line. you can see the brands detached, you company, keep or, or what's called the someone that dismissing this listing. and that sense of genius funded the with it's such a simple school that of some of those because of all of the tests come with the most because of the most of the good receiving the glucose us down slide, the chinese version of the
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would show us where you on the go, so you go to where you on the door. so bringing my store because nobody knows or either so by, you know, through the, of the, most of the data i'm going to come to the store to see what was on the but then you'll have more. so when you use the book, when it's for my pussy deal, so my guess about some of the new supers. so for st. job, but wait, so let them come and you don't want to come and you don't who put them in, you know is order to is still my was due to the way we must issue. going to do you wish she mostly ish,
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who you are and abuse because of the bills so that the both the font so there was a special ship which was a little everything downloaded. in other words, the lower plan that it does is we give to you, let me in, please that you many of the boys, you only see it all. this was in the room uses of genius. thank you so much guys. lose. you submit us more efficient with sure. so you would you actually strongly enough for, you know,
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newton us store. so let's just assume that we use this the so the just the idea of what the cost of, of the up i did the . 1 to work with you was it was welcome to after the police you wish to contact me in the apache but was unable to access good the last day of windows. october st. kimberly tumbled into the field more. so i'm a senior so that is the good, good to do some sort of nice to have those channels for families. the
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deal with those books is use for those new customers to discuss which is best for me. i'm not sure if you're you and your social for me for the last 4 years is that all on the phone she was ordered and the phone is that all like you sometimes you don't mall for most of them, but also you get to it. okay. so usually the way when things go away, if you get them to joseph boyd so, so even it's on weight. so it's 2 guys of them over time. is it from $4.00 to $5.00? for the waste on keeps it's easy to use. we use
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the, the assistance of this abuse. so you can get on with this almost a few of our without the beautiful a couple of books to only do that. i see, but especially for people who for those diluted e loan a suggestive get me and i seen it or shift there was at least on joy because issue coming due to the so i don't want to encourage families to buy something when you, when you, when it's available to me for useful ordering. she to us to so serious
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mosley 3 is we pacific you know what, but you can call the interest or for for which for, for the some of the look for giving you minus the voltage use steroids. so for my, some of the policy reform is a direction of the things that you were going to look up the deal with my day 1st and avoid the getting. there's a cool, you know, create a doable with just to go to the solution to store anymore, start to most of those will, but not a small this month is still pay a place where you use this and we split the key for the last. so yes just the we.


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