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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  May 23, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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its western sanctions with russian expos to china, increasing by 20 percent. the shanghai business form provides a major opportunity for the 2 countries to build on cooperation and high tech and information technology sectors. so mccain, gill from the philippine middle east studies association says that functions russian business men being invited to the form is a clear signal that the 2 states for both the ties. no nato was. now i know the visit illustrates 2 very important things. first is that both countries, russia in china converge and your interests to maximize the utility of their partnership based on these bilateral agreement, signed between both presidents a few months ago. you really to take the relationship into a new era. we're both countries given of course, the highly digitalized nature of international politics these days in both countries having the capacity to really contribute towards each other's interests and demands and needs in the sphere of a,
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in the sphere of technology is something that we can definitely see expect between both countries, both countries will now allow them will not allow themselves to be constrained by western policies of interest. you know, the fact that businessmen who were sanction will be taking part in high level economic engagements between the chinese and the russians. you know, show this very important aspect, that they will not be defined by a wester, interest and perspectives, and that they look choose to pay their own, pass for development and security their own particular way. us civil wide open eyes ation is spelled c se gains. florida governor a little bit prohibits chinese citizens from buying property in the states. the n g o claims the little segregates members of a chinese community well costing a shot that one. but our intentions as, as the bills champion, believes that will help counsel forward into parents. i signed the strongest
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legislation in the nation to stop the influence of the chinese communist party. i'm proud to sign this legislation to stop the purchase of a farm land and land near on military bases and critical infrastructure by chinese agents. governor descent has presented no evidence that the chinese buyers of property in florida are agents of the chinese communist party, or that they have cost harm to national security deluxe, stigmatizes them, and their communities, and costs a cloud of suspicion over any one of chinese descent who seeks to buy property in florida. the controversial is set to go into effect on the 1st of july and comes with a ton of increase tensions to motion said, and aging. on the below, exceptions full chinese ownership will be made for people with known tourist visas . all those have been granted asylum, however, they will face territorial restrictions and won't be able to by prophecy launch, with an approximately 8000 square meters, as well as within 8 kilometers of military installations or so those have purchased
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a home before the 1st of july will be required to register with the states for you . sure. recent studies from columbia university reveals that $93.00 quarters of chinese americans have experienced racial discrimination in the us with 55 percent of respondents expressing concerns as a hate crimes and harassment. the number of chinese americans living in the country has reached 5500000 and is growing fost according to polls the majority field, a lot for representation. dear political out of this, the angelo julian knows a such truth. discriminatory law was nothing new for us. politicians, and i think this is a, there's a competition amongst us, but additions on, always good. going to be the most whole case when he comes to china and russia. is it the 1st time that they have a discreet, the lowest? that's not the 1st time there's a long history of discrimination as whenever they days a, a conflicts or things sion with other countries. we remember doing what was to
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a jeff needs that actually most of them were holding us possible. 100 thousands of them were put in internment camps even though they had us passports. we see most uh, more like a recent history. the december fob. yeah. after $911.00 and the rooster full. yeah . we have right now and is an escalation. uh, it's part of the what we call manufacturing consent, prepaying, putting those sanctions and the more lies in china and defining the minds of a us american people. she's going to go into the issue with china. hundreds of people have protested in the gym and city of near and the things that countries deliveries of weapons to ukraine make peace without fire on the surface. the rallying cry folded demonstrates as their challenge and we'll mulching with some people also have changed from pits and drums. gemini is allocated 2200000000
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euros in military age to care for this year, including supplies. when we own stockpiles, berlin says it's left to to main baffled tanks has been deployed in ukraine since march protested in germany, a cares that countries leadership of pushing the nation into a fit. the people have taken to the streets because they feel the government isn't listening to their voices, and instead of establishing peace without arms, they're promoting dest with guns, that's the problem. the government is trying to fill a cemetery, as a believes only through dest, will there be any respite. so, while they keep sending their weapons, we're promoting an end of hostilities and say no to arms, and yes, to negotiations. and to truce us, we can only let politicians into office who have what it takes and who are knowledgeable about the mass. so it's unbearable. what's happening right now, the foreign minister, embarrassing us abroad? it's just terrible. death bees on this list to tell terry ends who imagined that they have to see you and instruct us with their crazy ideology. meanwhile,
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the chief of germany's domestic intelligence agency is one of the rise and extremist views across the country, and also twice a bronze local protest is a supporters of russia. what links all of these groups is that they despise our state and democracy, reject it, and want to abolish it. of course, it's advantageous for russia if they can win such people over to serve their aims and possibly use their influence over certain audiences. we can now discuss this with do not, but can you repeat in parliament member for the alternative for germany policy? many thanks for joining us on the program. first of all, i'd like to ask you a reaction to thomas holden, songs criticism of anti government voices, and his attempt to dismiss the russian pollings as well. i think it's not the 1st time uh, basically the job of the television services trying to present any kind of dissatisfaction with their job and government's policies as evidence of
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right wing extremism, which is uh, they link to uh, find it to say it is especially russian experience, so as soon as someone has a degree with job and uh, policies, visa be ukraine and russia. as soon as someone is objecting to migration best migration, as soon as someone is done to the government's reading policies. this is somehow, without providing any prove a attribute change to russia, preventing dissatisfaction within germany as if there wasn't enough to complain about full of the ordinary jobs. that somehow it's all digging to find interference, as people could make up the road by and yet, terminal authority say that's too little position to the rise of extremism and or
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forward. the authoritarian doesn't mean the country, but back to him when he does just fly in the face of protest in syracuse, but in obtaining the country. and so we pro war, dictate the ship, the bullets we'll take on the control of a c with us practically, no evidence of large scale where there is no evidence of large scale. right? we extremism in germany. well, there is, is a lot of bonds perpetrated by migrant and there's a fair amount of left we bothers against a many representatives of my own policy, but also other organizations criticizing government. so these, the so called charges from top i give you one example of the german government plays was the end of last year. it was a just discovered
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a major plot to over throw a job in government. it's ludicrous idea that these people remain the pensioners code of a threat of the job and government, but they're talking about a maybe a few dozen people at most of the store. oh, well retiree. yay ralph retirement say jim and officials claim the support for you find is dictated by moral obligations. but if i'm really more important to but and then the aspirations of the gym and people as well. i think the german people are concerned about the economic consequences of the war. secondly, i think a fan of the people realize that russia, since the end of the soviet union maybe before as not being
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a security threat to germany. so they think this is not our conflict and we shouldn't get involved. unfortunately, the day the german government is probably the opposite. the view. thank you for joining us on the price. i'm is going to get your thoughts on that based. i cannot back any pay from germany's as the policy. thank you. my pleasure. of the use foreign policy chief has spoken countries to follow view frames like zone pulling, cutting ties with russia. joseph burrell says that's the only way so they can see it's a work session big come to fruition. we also indicated to those who have not fully aligned yet, or not aligned at all. and i want to mention, note that we survey that maintaining close ties with russia is not compatible with this. you're being unit accession process. it is also damaging to its own national interests. but certainly it is not compatible with
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a session process towards the european union. so they officially applied for e u membership back in 2009, but they told cuz of loosely sold since then. so great has recently been criticized by the west sports refusal to slump sanctions on russia. so being president, alexandra via judge says his country has come under extreme wisdom pressure since the outbreak of the ukraine conflicts last year. so being americans, international dealership, mileage phase. brussels is trying to full spelled great into submission. the burrell is sort of the object illustration confidence in encyclopedias next to the entry on her parker's. he talks about how, you know, being friendly to russian harm serbia's interest for you. the only thing that you ever has to offer serve used the best since 2000 in, in texas. the color revolution of 2000 brussels has been sending only demands to serbia, you know, do this and then do this and then do this. and then do this, and if you do this and everything else we asked for from you in for paternity,
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we may some day sit down and talk to you about doing some more things for us. so it's, it's, it's pure theater. i mean, you know, the, you, instead of offering something to these people is giving them only blackmail and demands and coercion. and, you know, i'm baffled that anybody actually wants to join the block, seeing where it is right now. and in fact, most of serbia doesn't. if you have holes showing that over 80 percent of the population doesn't actually want to join you if the requirement for this is to recognize the break away problems, of course of all. now posters are pretending this isn't a requirement, but the, you hesitate, supposedly said it is even though for example, browse on spain is among the 5 members that actually don't recognize it and don't have any intention of doing so. and so you have over 80 percent of the population being against this into you is like, you know, this is not democracy. we, we are democracies, whatever. we see the largest populated muslim nation,
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indonesia has signed a major economic deal with iran, this fine us sanctions previously slowing the flow of trade between the countries highlighted by the arabian presidents during a press conference. we believe that sanctions and threats cannot stop us in any way from cooperation and communication with neighboring countries. muslim nations that are aligned with us in various fields. the deadlines to boost indonesia is economic ties with the middle east in via rollin, which he's on his way to becoming an essential transit hub as part of a massive infrastructure project with russia and india. so on is also seeing gross diplomatic play as chinese mediators of a, to the nation and ceiling. several important agreements with saudi arabia, the u, a. e, as caraway's, and it raining. and it says on the list tells us the deal is an indicator of a shift away from us influence in asia. this relates to this means
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that the increasing understanding and perception not fully in indonesia, but also amongst all many of the countries in the region in asia. the united states however, is decreasing. and this over reliance on who s father is going to be dangerous for the, for their own economy. so engineers, us aren't too large that perhaps gorgeous to do kind of shift in order to the dollar rise, their space nation fee on the safe side. while they are sworn 6 to their kind of relation that they have with the west now they are trying to find new partners. and when it comes to be this, these, all right, addition process, let me just, uh, just as i mentioned this point that the country it has already. i mean indonesia. i already started this process. countries like china with products these, like all in japan and south korea and the list goes and on and on. and goes to one
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of the sense that they have to start with the same through check 3 of let's say, a change with punch view like iran. and of course it goes without saying that it's wrong, the risk of uh, being filled with us, negative response. no doubt about that, but indonesia, during the realities found the ground has been ready to take this risk and i don't call it risk because is thank you. yes, there are things like a ship that's the going to observe more of it in the years down. the red the deputy chairman of russia secures accounts, leaves me say his counterpart and allows unnoticed to deep and a decade long collaboration in military and other stuff is autism or we, if it also brings us with these house the mentioning that when it comes here to asia as a time when western powers are trying to win over the region using carriers and sticks when it comes to the rushing you for an in conflict. trying to bring as many countries to the side as they can. at the end of his 3 day official visits,
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1st to vietnam and then louse 2 countries, which historically strong links to moscow. men of praised both states commitments to continue strengthening the corporation. a strategic partnership with russia, with us. but it gets on the, as we've traditionally, you had friendly relations with both of you and nom and laos. and this has been the case for decades in addition to interest state relations, which have significant me strength. and in recent years, we are currently developing inter party ties with the ruling parties in these countries. in my opinion, these connections are productive and representing additional channel of communication between our states to solve a variety of tasks you lowe's, and to us sentiment is very strong hearing louse. the country still remembers american bombs between 19641973. you were in the vietnam war, american pilots made around 6 100000 searches over the country,
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dropping over 2000000 tons of bonds. the support of the soviet union help the country with that or something that allows that the countries leadership stressed repeatedly. you remember it was to be the tier will never forget and will always be grateful for relations between loss and rush. you have always been built on trust and mutual support in both regional and international arenas. in particular, your country provided inviolable assistance during the national liberation, struggling with louse. we highly appreciate our level of cooperation with russia as well as the help that we received from the ussr and are now receiving from russia mainly in terms of mail to technical equipment, training of personnel and assistance in economic development. thanks to this, the board we were able to initially defend and now to actively develop and strengthen our national economy. nato is trying to expand its geographic region. a 3rd is military employees in south asia, or to contain china using
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a strategic security practice between plus trulia, india, japan, and the united states, known as waterlines. sometimes jobs has the asian native russian jewish to ask to meet them, is better of how russia and it's asian parking has viewed the developing situation . he's what he had to say. they need like moving with regard to new alliances which are being formed in the asia pacific region. it's quite obvious that some nations are neutral towards our country. in many cases, even inviting us to be observers. however, some of these newly formed partnerships are hostile towards the states in the region. this is how we see, for example, quad arcus and other alliances that have partnerships with non regional players because of natives, interference and the region embarking on their global projects and destabilizing the situation. western sanctions targeting not only russia, but all those close to moscow are series to ask a long time, foreigners of russia worldwide, including this particular region. small economies like why also as for example,
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are especially vulnerable. there was growing military aspirations in this region adds to the increasing tensions bus has the slater's state official visit showed those efforts. and of course, having the desired effect. griffin auction on how t from laos would drive out of a truck which crushed into a security battery. any of the white house monday nights has been arrested on multiple charges, including so i think the kill home of presidents, according to us park service police. are these kind of open house of this house, a thought approximately 10 pm on monday evening. we had a very large u haul truck that was rammed into the barricade of lafayette park, the park in front of the white house, the residency of the us president. now the driver has been identified as side vars shift con villa. he's 19 years old and he is from chesterfield,
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missouri. the apparently drove this truck into the barricade at lafayette park. now when the parkway. ready these apprehended him, he apparently made threatening comments about the white house during his arrest. they did search the truck to see if there were any explosives and there were none. now wherever they get discover, a flag that contain bee swastikas symbol associated with nazi is. so at this point the individual who drove this car. ready is being charged with attempting to attack the president of the united states didn't mean to take the life of the president of united states. this is being considered an assassination attempt by us officials. the united kingdom was so skeptical. it'd be a, be all his inquiry into russia, which, from collusion that it even stopped ating, washington and his investigation was, according to a $300.00 page us state department report, which has defunct,
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the allegations you k assistant legal ad tashay told the office, the british intelligence service did not assess the information about the russians and trump to be particularly valuable intelligence, u. k. assistant legal ad tashay went on to tell the inspection division that in discussing the matter with a senior british intelligent service official, the official was openly skeptical said the f. b. i's plan for an operation made no sense. the prosecutor dunn's reports reveals numerous flows on mistakes in the the eyes investigation is stated that the bureau failed to give any conclusive evidence of it from russia link. the agency opened this inquiry back in 2016, claiming that then president trump won the election with the help of moscow. former c, i a analyst of laurie jones and things british on to us intelligence agencies twice a height of our role in this scandal. written by saying that in the time the context of this report was simply trying to cover his tracks. barry,
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the evidence of its rule, the role, the british intelligence play and trying to set up create a scenario that donald trump was actively involved with russian intelligence. people with russian politicians, it'd been to pate trial as a stu, joe, posit a rush. so british intelligence most certainly was directly involved with their they were involved with intercepting communications, for example, between george papadopoulos, who was in london at the time. and his communications with the trump campaign. so now is clean up. and john durham is doing a job of trying to basically erase the history of what british intelligence and us intelligence. and this really intelligence as well. and try to create this false
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pretext. the truck was a stooge underwashed on setting to africa. also. he sits down with ryan kelly, a ceo of love science on the central and south africa office to discuss a future event because energy development on russia's role in this house coming up here. and i'll say of this short right the, [000:00:00;00]
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the your focus is primarily sub saharan africa. and of course with sitting here in south africa. what is your policy in terms of your projects and what in this part of the world? energy, obviously we saw it in the concepts and that's uh, is really struggling with energy at the moment. and if you spend and it's time in south africa, i'm sure you've noticed that the south africa is struggling. and so we're looking at energy in general, not just new cat, although that is still out priority. we have
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a wind company called know the wind and we are actively exploring that's on the consonants and particularly unsolved africa. and then obviously we're just doing our new care agenda. we have and so governments in the agreement signed with the various african nations. and we're trying to assess them and achieving then you can visions, what countries would you identify and africa as the most promising full cooperation . and one of the kevin prospects says in the south africa. so africa has a base and a long history of nuclear power. that'd been operates and cubic for over the last 35 years. very successfully and very safely. they've been uprising safari, one react. so i would research react to a 5 and 55 years. which means that all of the legal, regulatory bases of the for them to move forward on and you can, you build now we see a lot of potential in, of african nations and a lot of done a great deal in terms of nuclear infrastructure developments gone and much area um
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zambia and wonder if we look specifically at egypt. i know that you involved in the development of nuclear pilot projects in that country. how come the egyptian experience help you with your work here in south africa? i think it's important to 1st the night that's each country is very different, particularly when implementing a new care program. um, so as a responsible vendor, we really work with different countries and i look at best specifics and try and tailor make a solution for them. that's not to say that we don't learn lessons on, on each of our boats, but it's all set to nice. we, we both are the 18 vdr reactors outside of russia. so we have a great deal of experience dealing in foreign countries. um, so i would say that, you know, as a responsible vendor, we really work at a scale and a pace with the countries that are interested in nuclear power to implement a program that's going to be safe and sustainable in the long term. if we look at
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the international scenario, how important is africa to lots of time? it's very important. so i think, i think is important to the well, it says it's an important suresh and that so it's an important to us a treasure to them. we see great potential on the continents, not just with the energy for electricity, but also you can research and you can medicine and various other applications when you to the technology is and then outside of the mucus via, with wind and battery storage, where we are very active as well, we see great potential. can you give us some examples of the wind in battery storage programs that you have? i'm so, in russia, we have implemented a gigawatts of wind power. it's a relatively new domain for us. we aimed to have installed $1.00 gigawatts of wind and russia by the end of this year. and we have not taken that's and moved into the international markets and africa being one of our key
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priority. so we're looking at various different project in south africa. we've identified sets and sites that we believe a with while developing on the large scale bites for municipal and corporate office type. and then we actively exploring opportunities in ethiopia as well. any other non energy applications or specific projects that you would like to mention? yeah, absolutely. i think another one that is very crucial specifically to advertise feed security. so large amounts of pride uses, going by farm is and unfortunately gets to the markets and doesn't make it home products. and when you're sitting with food security issues like we all in africa, it's 5 same quotes and to preserve boot. um, so there is a in other technology called multi purpose creation facilities. and essentially what that does is allow dice of the radiation kills all the pathogens, bags, everything on food once that's already packaged. and that 1st thing makes it obviously safer to eat. but secondly,
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it extends the self life of project dramatically, which means you're able to secure food and a better way. there's been other applications of newton in agriculture and various and particularly used in across africa. and the other one is and since it's cold, sterile and sick technique which is quite innovative and essentially instead of in our covering a, a piece of land and pesticides. if you have a one problem bike, for instance, in south africa, we had a such as such as b t. so that was destroying the, such as industry. so what you would do is you would read the specific past in captivity, you with any radiates, all of the males and you would release them into the environments they would go into products, creates however, they would not produce any all spring. that way the, the problem insects population diminishes and diminishes until it no longer becomes an issue, but you haven't killed everything with
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a blank pesticide um and then in terms of specific projects, we worked on the fantastic project in south africa. um, it was called the roster type projects. um south africa has a great issue with ronald approaching um, so we partnered with the vets university and um we looked at a very, very um, nice way off of um, curbing reino, purchasing in the country. and so essentially the project aimed to firstly make it more difficult to transport, a brand new one. so obviously having radioactive material, you can go through various ports to a way that ports on monitors. and there are many ports of monitors across ports across the globe. so it makes it that much more difficult to, to transport the home. and then secondly, you know, having a radioactive products, i think it makes its great the less desirable for the end user and where you're


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