tv Interview RT May 23, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT
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its new plane which completely binders the use of russian language. it even detains people even for listening to russian music. what also of course, persecuting the ukrainian orthodox church? well, i think the terminology that are being used here are really just to divert the circumstances on hand. and there is no one that wants to really dissect the issue and really look into how this all evolved. and i think maybe nato could be uh, one of the main reasons where we are currently right now when it comes to ukraine and russia. we need to have a more aggressive approach when it comes to the us or nato making any type of statements. this is the responsibility of the world community and more so a journalist such as yourself, to be very aggressive and asking for direct content to direct answers on what is happening and what is going to be the step support. are they going to,
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again engage in issues that are not relevant to theirs and then cause more chaos later on? or are they just using this as some sort of a political distractions for their failed actions and a bonus on. and they do like, as a journalist, should be highlighting more with the facts, like if, if nato really is so concerned about genocide sneeze even prepared to accuse russia of committing london at the same time, it's been very reluctant to acknowledge acknowledged the dentist so and if i'm media and by turkey, a nato, a member, for example. so why on journalists, highlighting this as well. again, i think it's where the popular vote is and where we find some of the that's where most of the people to try to burge towards. and again, like i said, terminology is very key here. when we saw an actual genocide taking place in rwanda,
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the us international organizations, in nato, all of them were extremely reluctant to take part and what is happening in the country. and i find it again. i'm very ironic when they want to jump to such circumstances rather than getting involved into this issue. thank you so much for joining us on the program. it's great to get your thoughts on this 1000000 lawns. i can form aid for afghanistan is national security, as long as i thank you. of the hundreds of people have protested in the german city of new embodied games that countries, deliveries of weapons to ukraine make peace without firearms, such as being riley and cries full of the demonstrators who chanted, well, marching with somebody below. so playing trumpets and drums, germany has allocated 2200000000 euros and military aids to care for this year, including supplies from its own stockpiles. but let us say that's let the 2 main
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basel tanks have been deployed in ukraine since lodge protested in germany. accuse that countries leadership in pushing the nation and so on, the best people have taken to the streets because they feel the government isn't listening to their voices. and instead of establishing peace without arms, they're promoting dest with guns. that's the problem. the government is trying to fill a cemetery, as a believes only to dest, will there be any respite. so, while they keep sending their weapons, we are promoting an end of hostilities and say no to arms, and yes, to negotiations, and a truce. the we can only let politicians into offers who have what it takes and who are knowledgeable about the mass, so it's on bearable. what's happening right now before we administer embarrassing us abroad? it's just terrible. death visa on this list to tell it terry, and who imagined that they have to see you and instruct us with their crazy ideology. meanwhile, the chief of germany's domestic intelligence agency is willing to the vice and extremist views across the country or claiming that russia is trying to exploit the
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situation. what links all of these groups is that they despise our state and democracy, reject it, and want to abolish it. of course, it's advantageous for russia if they can win such people over to serve their aims and possibly use their influence over certain audiences. and we paid for the alternative for germany party going on back. so as well as some of the trying to play me. so i'm political failures on others. well, i think it's not the 1st time. uh, basically the germany television services. i'm trying to present any kind of dissatisfaction with the gentleman government's policies as evidence of right wing extremism which into they linked to uh, find it to say it is especially rushing into favorites. their intention is to deflect the fact that the policies of this government,
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but also the previous smoke of governments as proved to be disastrous for germany economically socially. and now in terms of germany's a security policy that trying to deflect from the dissolves to as consequences of their own actions. now the real question is. busy so much. 2 whether it's convenient, but without this 10 is likely to be effective. the person has hosted the presidents of republic a step discuss the talks at the kremlin, meet around the door to accept the west is waging a proxy war against russia and ukraine. the. this is the public, a service guy is under enormous pressure from the west. in general, i was required to make a decision on the sanctions against russia. but we decided that we simply would not
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be part of this area that is being created, that we would advocate for the issue to be resolved at the level of russia, ukraine, and others. so that we understand that this is not a war between ukraine and russia. this is a clash of the west, which is trying to use russia as a way to inflate this war for as long as any on pace and has funds for public a spacecraft, for its finally attitude towards russia and for it's presidents neutral position on ukraine. so that kind of mentioned in his countries on the pressure from the western countries following his disagreement with that anti russian stones mortalities exclusive interview with president 30 tomorrow. his previous complaint was the 2. so that will see that we want to cooperate, to continue working with russia. we have not broken off for relations with russian because someone else is waging war against it. and we believe we have the rights to close cooperation. we have rejected the policy of subordination,
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that the west demands in terms of sanctions against russia and the termination of ball cooperation. and we intend to pursue our original policy. we are equally in favor of cooperating with other countries that wants to do so. but today, we see much of the west holding the attitude of, if you're not with us, you're against us. if you're not against russia, you're against us. and that is not in the world's interest, what the world needs today. russia is undoubtedly a great country and they didn't want to listen to russian when it war and about certain apprehensions and views that has over situations that threaten disposition . and they refused to talk about this. and remember that before the military operation began, russia presented the west with the documents concerning its security. and surprisingly, no one reacted to it. this is the typical arrogance of the west,
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which rejects the opinions of others and whose policies are generally conducted according to lobbying efforts, or our motives by long term strategic interest to get what they want. as is the case of russia, this isn't about protecting ukraine. it is just an excuse they're using to play on emotions with the real points i think is that russia has huge and limitless resources. and west's main goal is to process them, which in fact is few tile western europe doesn't have oil or gas, you know, rare metals, no cold, no resources or many other things that are important for the future of the world. the deputy chairman of russia secures at town slaves mazing his counterpart in laos in order to be in decades of collaboration in the military and others, 5th season. we have an ocean that has the details to mention. this comes here to
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asia as a time when western powers are trying to win over the region using carriers and sticks when it comes to the rushing you for an in conflict. trying to bring as many countries to the side as they can. at the end of these 3 day official visits, 1st to vietnam, and then louse 2 countries with historically strong links to moscow, met if praised both states commitments to continue strengthening the corporation. a strategic partnership with russia with us, but it gets on the, as we've traditionally had friendly relations with both of vietnam and louse. and this has been the case for decades in addition to interest state relations, which have significantly strengthened in recent years. we are currently developing inter party ties with the ruling parties in these countries. in my opinion, these connections are productive and represent an additional channel of communication between our states to solve a variety of tasks you close and to us. sentiment is very strong here in allows the
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country still remembers american bombs between 19641973. you were in the vietnam war. american pilots made around 600000. so which is over the country. dropping over 2000000 tons of bonds. the support of the soviet union help the country with that or something that allows that the countries that are ships rest repeatedly. you remember it was visits here will never forget and will always be grateful for relations between loss and rush. you have always been built on trust and mutual support on both regional and international arenas. in particular, your country provided inviolable assistance during the national liberation struggle flowers. we highly appreciate our level of cooperation with russia as well as the help that we received from the ussr and are now receiving from russia mainly in terms of male to technical equipment, training of personnel and assistance in economic development. thanks to this
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support we were able to initially defend and now to actively develop and strengthen our national economies. nato is trying to expand its geographic region. a 3rd is filtering for is in south asia, or to contain china using a strategic security practice between trulia, india, japan, and the united states, known as waterlines. sometimes jobs has the asian native russian jewish to ask to meet them instead of how russia and its asian partners viewed the developing situation. he's what he had to say. they need the clothing with regard to new alliances which are being formed in the asia pacific region. it's quite obvious that some nations are neutral towards our country. in many cases, even inviting us to be observers. however, some of these newly formed partnerships are hostile towards the states in the region. this is how we see, for example, quad arcus and other alliances that have partnerships with non regional players because of natives. interference in the region,
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and barking on their global projects and destabilizing the situation. western sanctions targeting not only russia, but all those close to moscow are series to ask for a long time forecast of russia worldwide, including this particular region. small economies like why also as for example, are especially vulnerable. there was growing military aspirations in this region adds to the increasing tensions bus has the slater's state official visit showed those efforts. and of course, having the desired effect. griffin ocean are how t from laos the us civil rights organizations has filed a suit against florida. governor, i've a, the prohibits chinese citizens from buying property in the states. the n g o claims below segregate its members of the chinese community well costing a shadow on their intentions. the size, the bills championed believes it will help counter forward in sphere and i signed
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the strongest legislation in the nation to stop the influence of the chinese communist policy. i'm proud to sign this legislation to stop the purchase of a farm land and land near on military bases and critical infrastructure by chinese agents. governor descent has presented no evidence. the chinese buyers of property in florida are agents of the chinese communist party, or that they have cost harm to national security deluxe stigmatizes them, and their communities, and costs a cloud of suspicion over anyone of chinese descent who seeks to buy property in florida. of the controversial lawyers that's to go into effect on the 1st of july and comes with a ton of increase tensions between washington and aging. under the lower exceptions for chinese ownership will be made for people with non terrific phases. although sweeping go on to sign them, however, they will face territorial restrictions and won't be able to buy properties larger than approximately 8000 square meters, as well as within 8 kilometers of military installations. of those if purchased
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homes be full. the 1st of july will be required to register with the state. a recent study from columbia university reveals that may be 3 quarters of chinese americans have experienced racial discrimination in the us with 55 percent off respondents expressing concerns as a hate crimes and harassments. the number of chinese americans living in the country has wage 5500000 and is growing fost according to polls the majority feel baylock's popular representation. do you have an ethical? i've listed on zillow giuliano say such discriminatory laws on nothing new for us politicians. and i think this is there a, there's a competition amongst us, but additions on, always good. going to be the most whole case when he comes to china and russia. is it the 1st time that they, they have a disagree, the lowest, that's not the 1st time there's a long history of discrimination as whenever they days a, a conflicts or things sion with other countries. we remember doing what was to
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a jeff needs that actually most of them were holding us possible. 100 thousands of them were put in internment camps even though they had us passports. we see most uh, more like a recent history. the december fob. yeah. after $911.00 and the rooster for the item you have right now and is an escalation. uh, it's part of the what we call manufacturing consent prepaying. putting those sanctions. and the more lies in china and defining the minds of. busy us american people, she's going to go into the issue with china. contests. energy with us to say is your of got lucky last winter and we saved from an energy collapse due to weather warning that the was the is yet to come on. this brussels over was, is green agenda. the economy start showing back up in 24
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and you have that. he's just thinking the winter. i think i think the worse has yet to come. if they don't realize that then have a proper plan and sit down with, with us as an oil and gas companies and the demonize them. and you know, the attitude will kick in and i think we'll have a sense of a solution. so the big question, booming over europe, is whether we're still going to be hounded again here for the latter part of the year over our shower time, air conditioning and heating use and all signs point to yes. even the head of friends energy drive, all he told the french press last month at the same conservation precautions will have to be taken as last year, even though he's optimistic. he says, because europe is tapping norway and the us for energy. yeah. at several times the price of what europe used to pay for russian energy though forever last year that you ordered limitations on how hot or cold you could keep facilities. and then many countries, including france, actually implemented that with legislation. well,
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now there's a lot of confusion as to what still applies and what doesn't and who have to apply it, whether it's everyone or just gyms or offices. so, you know, beyond not the problem now really goes to also how much energy there is or will be next winter, and how much people are going to pay for that supply going forward as french president emanuel. and that was said, the age of abundance is over, but it sounds like hon. gary and prime minister victoria, or bon, who put a slip down on the fire who was of seemingly endless. you'd have to pay your cash flowing into ukraine as aid and is also rejected. and yet another round of anti rushing you sanctions is making some enemies now within the establishment for standing up to the for put upon european tax there. who's getting a manifestly for return on their invest, that whoever writes and whoever not,
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you rightly describe the situation that's frustrating way that you can. but the question is not with the tool and the person is what he would be the next morning. feel the next morning, the fact these that's more and more people will die. yeah, the bottom line is that, well, the western establishment is picking sides over the ukraine conflict and trash talking russia like it's the other team in a football game. there are just people dying and ukraine, but also apparently in europe, according to the western press. last year the economy is predicted in november that the inability to pay for expensive heating costs during even a mild winter could result in tens of thousands of deaths. and now let's say that may indeed have been the case over the last winter, and that it may have even done more damage than during the coven. 19 pandemic. oregon is also explain why he sees the use and direction sanctions as ineffective. is that to go some field, we introduce the sanctions? in 3 years later, russia has built up its own agricultural food system used in those 3 years. it
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built them up to such an extent that is hungry, wanted to explore products there today. it either wouldn't succeed or would find it much more difficult than before the introduction of the sanctions to it was a fatal mistake to underestimate the adaptability of a country including a nation as powerful as russians. if i can see the russians adapting to the situation created by the european restrictions, sometimes it has. so basically saying that the sanctions, i just created more russian resiliency to the point where it's becoming so self sufficient that the you could find itself squeeze that of any potential future market considerations. meanwhile, europeans are wondering when inflation and energy prices are going to go back down again. and the only response they're ever getting from their leaders. if anything at all, is that they should feel good about their short showers. i guess after dumping river of sweat under their treadmill, it again heated to 90 degrees celsius. why?
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well, because it all makes russian president vladimir to me mad that they're saving so much energy. is that still this been line even though energy isn't even coming from russia anymore? not too many people seem to be asking that question, at least not among the people running the show. the terminates chancellor has publicly endorsed us present, didn't joe biden's bid for re election next year when accusing full of preston, donald trump, of being divisive came and he has returned to the white house would be bad for both of us and germany. i think the current us president is better, so i want him to be re elected biden's many years of public service. mean he knows exactly what you have to do to prevent the world from going to war. if all people are only against each other, then there cannot be a good future. and that is why the former president certainly stands for a great division in the country. meanwhile,
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j biden's approval rating is to up to 40 percent close to the lowest off his presidency, also 54 percent of americans of our white disapproved of how the president is doing his job. the survey conducted by reuters also shows that the economy remains a top consent among citizens and that most a peasant mistake about the direction the country is heading in place, kilometers strong village studies. the german chancellor is meddling in the us elections by openly backing fighting over trump. when you look at what office donald trump did in his time, in the office with respect to interacting with the g 7, g, 20 nato, specifically, he did get nato to make some changes that ended up being not a bad thing in terms of what nato member countries were contributing versus what the us was contributed terms of the g 7, g, 20 and even the european union. but donald trump wasn't
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a big believer in the groups. he also didn't believe in the composition of the groups. he felt that the russian federation should be back in the g 7 and make it again the g 8 that india should be in. he would, you know, she was disruptive and i'm not saying that it in the negative way. but he came into the room and broke every piece of trying that he could find any enjoyed it. you know, for transfer shots to come out and say, look, we went through that for 4 years. we don't want it again. joe biden, sorry, guy. and not, it's not surprising and i think it's perfectly designed to influence the electorate in the united states. a nightstand policy, international school, say now 2 times, the latest episode of the $360.00 view and will be back in 30 minutes with the very latest news on the what is the opposite of essential media? social life, i'm scanning i was using on this edition of 360 view. we're going to look at the
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damage being done when you replace the actual human interaction with online interactions. and as a social media, companies should be held accountable for any damage being done by their users. let's get started. the i will be the 1st to admit, i can get lost for hours and then various social media platforms now available in post pandemic life. you would think people would be excited to get back out and have human interactions. however, it seems just the opposite has occurred as what started out as an industry. it was only a handful of businesses now most over $128.00 different platforms available to users around the world. and 2005. the pew research center begin tracking adoptions of social media platforms with only 5 percent of adults using at least one platform.
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well, as of january 2023, there were $5160000000.00 internet users worldwide, which is 64.4 percent of the global population. of this total $4760000000.00 or 59.4 percent of the world's population or social media users. but the numbers don't stop rising as most people don't just use one platform. in fact, on average social media users, average 6.6 different platforms and spend 2 hours and 31 minutes daily on social media. while those numbers that might be impressive as any industry would welcome that kind of traffic. the continuing discussion as to what negative aspects social media has on mental health of individuals at any age hasn't grown from possible to confirmed. scientists have even concluded don't mean the chemical and the brain
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which signals a reward to the body is released following a certain aspects on social media. this same result is triggered by those who i talk with, who have their 1st pop on a cigarette for a smoker. or excitement it is certainly winning at a spot machine. this can be extremely addicting to any individual regardless of their self discipline. but just like with almost everything else you come in contact too much of something can turn to a bad thing. and in a non perfect world, social media has become an effective weapon, which some say can do as much damage to a person, a family, a community, and a society. as a got to join me now discuss is lisa palmer olson, a license marriage and family therapist in san diego, california. and she's also a certified f t therapist, trainer as supervisor and founder. and one of the directors of the, i'm mostly focused a couple of training and research institute at alliant international university.
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thank you for joining us. dr. is it fair to put all of the blame on the decline of mental health on social media? or is this just escape it? obviously it's not fair to put all the blame because i think people really have to take personal responsibility. that's something that's definitely lacking is that personal responsibility? but we have to understand that social media is everywhere and people are with their phones. they literally sleep with their phone. so it's the 1st thing that they look at when they wake up in the morning social media often times. and the last thing that they look at when they go to sleep at night. so we can't under estimate the power of it. there have been many challenges which have produced bad results. like the drinking challenge. we're sent 28 kids from university of massachusetts to the r. this also has found to be an excellent and economical way to spread the message about events or movements and is a 100 resource for people who are homebound distill, interact with the outside world. so dr. do the negatives outweigh the positives
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regarding social media? i think you can go in either direction. um, definitely social media can be very positive. there's a lot of people out there putting out positive messages of inspiration, but often times it is used negatively. and so people don't even realize that they're using it in that particular way. and a lot of younger people in our generation are absolutely being influenced by social media in the negative messages of social media. and oftentimes they don't even realize what's going on in it is having an effect on their mental health. you know, some would say all of these mental health issues have always existed. but social media has just made it able to identify a more acceptable to talk about. do you agree? i feel that a lot of people, especially young people, are having social anxiety types of issues and they're recognizing that it's so it's become a lot more prevalent. and i do believe a lot of it has to do with the pressures of social media and the images that
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they're comparing themselves to other people and also not being able to form relationships, interpersonal relationships. a lot of people, again, you know, they have a relationship with their phone, they have a relationship with the video games. they have a relationship with virtual reality. but when it comes to the relationship with others in real life, they're having difficulty with that as well as more conflicts towards themselves. like really not knowing who they really are as people, how is social media change the way people interact with each other in person? well, we always have to go back to your relationship to your self with it. your self and a lot of people are lacking self awareness. a lot of their focus is on images and culture and whatever is outside of them to try to make them solves, feel better about themselves within. and a lot of people are realizing that that is not the way to go about feeling good about yourself. and a lot of people are really confused. and i think it's
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a kind of goes back to enter awareness and having to build your strengths from within yourself. and realizing that you know, social media and, and um, those types of platforms can be used for the positive. but a lot of times they're not. and so you really have to seek ways to enhance yourself growth in a positive way. this generation has grown up on social media. everything in their life are shared for the world to see all in attempts to go viral. are we seeing this bleed out into real life where people are just over sharing now to complete strangers on the street? such a good question because i think that the line between what's real and what isn't real is become completely blurred where a lot of people, especially those in the younger generation. they see that how they're presenting themselves and what they see on social media is real. and the reality is, a lot of people are out there trying to make money through social media,
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so they're doing a lot of exhibitionistic and, and in some cases grow test acts just to, to make a living. and i, a lot of the younger generation things that this is perfectly okay because hey, money is money and i don't really, you know, have a real relationship to, to expands or to, however, they're making this money through social media. but in reality, it is affecting their mental health and it's changing the way that they think about themselves are self esteem and, and at the end of the day they have to, you know, go home and face themselves. thank you, dr. lisa palmer, stick around this seems like a great opportunity to take a break because when we come back i want to ask if dr. palmer things in the future could we see social media companies be held liable for damages just like gun manufacturers are being held liable for rational to the .
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