tv Cross Talk RT May 23, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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bear with us on the 5th night assignments. bedside, we will keep you updated the new key industry is incredibly fascinating industry and there's always something and there's always something promising. and the great thing about our industry is that everything that we do is for the betterments of the world and human kind. and what's the response in like from both the south african government and governments elsewhere in africa towards rise the time. yeah . and towards the projects that you planning to implement already are implementing generally very positive. we haven't really had any issues on the confidence. i think there's a, a long standing relationship between russia and african nations. and i think we're able to build on that. um, you know, as i said earlier, africa is really struggling when it, when it comes to power. and as a result, some we are able to provide solutions that are going to assess them in a sustainable, long term future. just following up from the point where you said africa's really
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struggling when it comes to policy. why? i think various different reasons. i think policy, it has a great deal to do with that. and i think that a positive policy shift would really bring private investments into africa. i don't think that advocate can certainly rely on funds and governments to governments sort of loans to, to solve its problems. so i think that's, you know, the policy in, in africa generally needs to change to become more suitable for private investments . and do you see that happening? i do. yeah. i think 10 is a very good example of that. and you know, they've done great strides in the last number of years in there last mile projects, and it connects with a lot of people to the grid that generally didn't have electricity before. so there's definitely positive movements across the concepts in terms of electrification. nikia science and technology has been cited is one way of managing
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the, constrained specifically to agricultural production and productivity in africa. out any other examples you can share with us of unexpected uses of nuclear technology in africa. yeah, so it's in the, i mean, i think a key one is obviously new can medicine and all the african itself is very limited when it comes to new can medicine, south africa is advancing quite quickly. but particularly in terms of the detection of cancer and various other elements or illnesses. and that would be through specs and pit c t scanners. and then there's obviously various different new can medicine there therapies that are able to assist in in cancer treatments. and in general, these therapies are very invasive, very focused, and that can really save lives. so we're seeing an expansion of, of you can medicine across the continent which is very promising. and i think it's going to be massive for,
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for the concepts. and there's so many people in the confidence that simply go undiagnosed when it comes to cancel. the idea of the new can medicine seems so it's lost. i don't know if that's an awkward to use but they so many problems that africa's facing and african so many ways there's also behind the rest of the world in terms of technology. is it realistic for africa? i think it has to be realistic. but, you know, africa is advancing and the incredibly intelligence incredibly motivates and people across the confidence. and we've got students over 400 students that are, are currently studying various different disciplines in russia. and i think that's, it certainly is a possibility. and i think that it's something that the confident has to proceed for as people. one of the things of the continent obviously also has this uranium in abundance, a critical material for new key energy programs. obviously, namibia niger are among the top 6 global producers of uranium with south africa and various other countries also put as in the commodity in smaller quantities. how
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strong is your cooperation with these countries and how do you plan to strengthen this? so 1st thing we have to uranium assets on the confidence we've got one in terms of the i call them, could you, rebecca? and we actually advance of office potted plants up and running by june this year. and then we are very actively exploring a sites in libya and we are currently busy with the preliminary phases of exploration. but we believe it to be a very, very simple site when such a meeting. and once we have concluded our exploration, what we believe it's going to be a very important asset glib. in terms of strengthening our relationships, we have very responsible vend um sustainability for us as vastly important. so everything that we do, we make sure that it includes local communities that we're always in prep protect the environment. and obviously human resource development and localization is
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sparsely important for us. we talked about sustainability, but of course is also the concern of what it does to the environment, particularly when projects in wasting companies. unfortunately, particularly those that have been associated with you. rainy and mining has often been court in scandalous situations. for example, in nature, a strange country lift a lot of radioactive waste and local residents suffered from that. so how come also come guarantee that in the course of your work with nuclear foot fuel, everything will go well and they'll be no contamination that follows. i think 1st it's important to differentiate between uranium mining and eventually fuel. there's a number of processes that happened in between, that's before you able to provide enrich uranium and then fabricates and fuel rods . in terms of our uranium mining assets, we've got a number across the car across the world. and we abide by all of the level best practices as well as local and national and international legislation.
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again, as a very responsible vendor, we make sure that we protect our stock 1st and foremost them the environments and the local communities. and then we have a very long and successful um nuclear waste program that's being developed in russia. so we are able to, to do everything that we do in a sustainable manner with people and the environment being put foot 1st. so i think, you know, differentiating us from other companies is really the, the responsibilities and the, the on the programs and strategies that we put in place around everything that we do to make sure that it may springs no harm to any people and to the environments we're coming in, it's been around for 65 years and we tend to be around for fall longer. so,
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you know, we rarely rarely make sure that everything that we do is, is absolutely correct and for the benefits of the local community and the world we, we were talking earlier and you mentioned, i think was 40500 students that are studying in in, in russia, over 400 african countries, obviously have expressed a desire to use media palate. but you need qualified specialists for that. aside from those students who i'm presuming are studying those kind of qualifications, as well as to tell them ready to help with any kind of other personal training and all the any other educational programs we have in place besides those of the students in, in russia. yes, absolutely. so we have those $400.00 students setting on full bursaries at various different institutions in russia. and they would then feed back into various new care programs on the consonants. beyond that, we've got training the training and we've got various different in the university agreement. so between mfc and russia and various universities on the consonants as
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well as comes public techniques university. so we have programs that we would run together and develop strategies as well as coursework for local universities to be able to train people. we understand that human resources are absolutely critical to make any project work particularly. and then you can industry, it is a very stringent and very specific industry, and we need people that are highly qualified and highly trained to, to participates in these programs. so slice long before we even starts into the governmental relations or a contractual relations. we started with human resource development, and that's done on our side to ensure that we are able to negotiate firstly with highly trained customers and then successfully implement projects. in your opinion, what do you think will be the type of energy that will prevail in africa?
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in the next 50 years, nuclear green or conventional energy that is derived from animals. i think renewable energy is certainly going to play a major role in energy in africa, and we can see that already. right. but i don't think we can set aside conventional energy. is going to play a role in the consequence we're going to use call, we're going to use well, and that's really going to me to balance the instruments and see that's renewable spring, right? so, so i said 70, it's going to be an energy mix and it has to be, we conscious focus on giving people electricity. order is a key key thing to do, but we need to grow industry africa, unfortunately to many extents as most of the food industrial revolution rights. and now we're looking at the 4th. but i think we need to go back and we need to say, you know, look at all of the minerals under the ground of africa. they need to be refined in africa. and in order to do that, you need masses of, of energy. so for that reason,
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i believe that conventional energy is going to play a role, and i think that new t a has to play a role in science of green by slide how. i mean, it is the most reliable and is the most efficient, and it is the green and source of, of energy. what's the time obviously being a russian company who had any kind of negative feedback in terms of being russian in africa at particularly at this time when is the sensitivity around what's happening in ukraine? no, i don't believe so. i'm not, not in africa. i believe that's, you know, the solutions that we are offering solutions that are required that are needed, that we're a very reliable parts man. and that's been proven globally. um, so you know, african nations are still looking at us to assist them with that. then you can missions, and obviously they will be some of the, just the core issues and some financial issues that have arisen. but we're very
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flexible company and we are able to work around that. and we're able to work with our partners to count the company hurdles. do you think that the threat of sanctions, full cooperation with russia could change to south africa, for example, south africa's as a to, to work with lots of time. how soon somebody hi plans. um, but everything is a possibility. we again, we remain a very responsible and very reliable part of that. and i think that our technology and now solutions speak for themselves in terms of, of our technology. it is generation 3 plus we have $34.00 units under construction globally. and that makes us the need in terms of, of nuclear power in the world. i think that's recognize, i think the fact that we're supplying over 50 countries uh, either enriched uranium or fabricate some su um is also speaks for itself. um, so in terms of a reliable partner going into the future,
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i don't think anyone can look rises from germany as you know is going to give up nuclear power completely. what do you think about this, and do you think that will have any impact on african lead is deciding how much make you a power to implement or not? germany is in a very different situation to most african nations, and particularly south africa, germany as the luxury of being able to buy power from the neighbors. and we unfortunately died. in many cases, we isolated, we have isolated grids and we have limited resources. if i take south africa fine example, in terms of baseline energy, we've really got to call that and we don't have large scale hydro, and we don't have a gas pipeline at this point some time. so i think, you know, we're going to have to look at it from what is required. we always advocate for an energy mix. as i said earlier, we have a wind company, we supply
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a battery storage. so we're not opposed to any of the electricity sources, but we believe that needs to be a balanced mix. that is firstly good for the environment. but secondly, is able to stimulate industry and, and you're not going to do that without large baseline power. south africa, they say by the end of the year we'll have something like 16 hours a day without electricity. nano, south africa's a very unique example. but from your perspective, what is the number one prior to for africa when it comes to power? is it giving people electricity or is it other things? i think 1st and foremost, it is giving people electricity and giving them dignity, that is box and the box and importance rice. but as i alluded to that we have to focus on industry. if we want to pull africa out of the situation, it is we need to create jobs. and to do that, we need to build industry and an industry is going to apply a huge amounts of electricity. and if we talk about electricity, how bad is the situation visa be providing some parts of africa with electricity?
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i mean, i think some of you as much on even be aware of the fact that there must be costs of africa. we. people simply haven't even had access to electricity, multiple assembly this of the 650000000 people on the constant that do not have access to electricity. and many cases it's dia, um, you know, beyond, you know, children not being able to study it, not because they simply don't have access. there's also the issue of cooking. so a lot of cooking is done with fossil fuels. it's done with woods, which is obviously detrimental to people's health. so a great deal needs to be done in terms of uplifting africa from an image perspective. and i've seen you wouldn't be in this position if you would not often mistake, but it's a staggering figure of 650000000 people. one for you is the prognosis going forward? are you optimistic in terms of how african looks in the next few years these of the power? yeah, absolutely. i'm optimistic. i think in
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a most african countries are doing a lot and terms of the energy strategy in terms of putting things in place to make electrification possible. i alluded to kenya early, i think there's a lot of other african countries that are doing very good jobs in terms of, of putting in place what's needed to be able to attract the investments required to electrify donations the other way. right. so see what's printing, what was that up in there?
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so sounds good. just so basically of course we need your last name was name is read, it was can, will be used for the election we have some more for someone who is this we, which i knew people to the the why isn't there any public debate on the account that the new crane, why have the leads embrace to war and show negotiations? where's the anti war movement? and more importantly, how is all of this helping you crane edits, people the
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with the, in the year of 1954, the united states of america engaged in warfare against the people of vietnam. the white house supported the corrupt but governments of southern vietnam. in 1965 americans began their invasion following the aim to defeat the forces of vietnamese patriots. the pentagon was confident that the victory would be on the american side, due to its military superiority. however, the vietnamese, during this war into total health for the occupants. unable to cope with a guerrillas, the american army started blanket bombing alongside using chemical weapons and
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naples, which burned to all alive the village of my lay, where he 1969 american soldiers killed 504 civilians, including $210.00 children, became a tragic symbol of this war, all and all, during the whole period of this conflict, the usa dropped on via more than $6000000.00 tons of bonds, which is 2 and a half times as much as on germany during the 2nd world war. in 1973, the american army under the pressure of the rebels, withdrew from vietnam, and only 2 years later did the puppet regime inside on fall. however, the vietnamese paid a high price for their freedom. more than 1000000 vietnamese people became the victims of american aggressors. the
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headlines on the policy international pulse of any and is killed in 13 more wounded in the ukrainian attempt on russia's spelled below the region. most of those days of a 17 minutes is what till the in the rain full. so coming up is equal to the economy still showing back up in $24.00 and you have that he's just the regular winter. i think, i think the worst was us to come to 1000 to 2 minutes to say is in europe with saved from an energy designed to last winter by when, when's a good news? the russell's one would be so lucky next time, unless it stops needing so hauled on green energy and rushes. they put the national security chief means with the defense minister of loss of the 2 countries, 6 of them on so i mean,
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it expands the military partnership to count. so security threats in asia, the very well for mrs. auntie international. but the latest world news update is good to have a company. a premium driving has dropped an explosive device and rushes belgrade region with the bone damaging a civilian car. according to local authorities and verified footage, posted online shows. plumes of smoke rising into the night sky from the ground from once set to be the side of the blog post. the governor of the vocal region has not reported any casualties from that attack to a one civilian was killed and 13 others wounded during the ukrainian militant across the border rate in the same russian region. most gonna say the launch group of ukrainian sabotaged has been illuminated by the russian military during account
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a terrorist operation that has since been concluded. this and verified footage circulating on russian social media channels led just to show a high ranking general on the ground in the area leading a group of russian troops. the defendants ministry stays at 17 ukrainian sabbath to us have been killed in the bulk of the region most go also say it's a failed rate. it was ordered by ts off of the loss of auto mall school backlit, which was fully captured by russia just days ago. this is the key of regime having suffered a defeat in the city of arthur most has switched to the implementation of terrorist tactics against civilians. on may, 22nd, a unit of ukrainian nationalists invaded the territory of the russian federation during the counter terrorism operation. the nationalist formations were thwarted and defeated more than 70 ukrainian terrorist for armored combat vehicles. and 5 pickup trucks were destroyed. the ukrainians habits hers took control of
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a bold gold uh border crossing and a cultural house. and a russia responded by launching. i'm te, tell her operations, are these you crazy and some potatoes as we understand how being pushed back the local population has been evacuated for their safety, thousands of people, of course, in the civilian boda area. the local government has also want people to be aware of fake news. now, you know, there's a lot of speculation circulating on social media and telecom channels, but he's a so, you know, said to people just wait for official statements like we take it in by these, uh, uh, the, are these, these speculation in a fake news. now the criminal in the press that freed to meet 2 pasco has said that russia is deeply concerned by this attack. and earlier he said that this was a possibly a tied version because away from the news that the ukraine had lost all html. it's known as a also known as black boots. of course, the fighting had been taking place there for more than $200.00 days. so this was
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a huge loss. full, a full cab on his wisdom buck. and so this was seen as something of a, of a smoke screen. now washington has always heard, commented, and it said that it doesn't support ukraine. a carrying out such opperation and such attacks on russian territory just 2 days before the crating and listen to tack on belle grove, us space type company maxwell. i used it sense of likes to fill the region. this is partially funded by the us government and provides intelligence for the pentagon and the american secret service. back in july marks. i was also spoke with filming the region shortly before a ukrainian close to bone, the top on a civilian area. tilda for locals, it's laura can polish made on the vehicle, is also used in the latest a militant attack. some of them were captured by the russian forces asserted by the defense ministry. the pen to go on say is, it's on the lines in this footage,
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while the white house was denied with american hardware could be used in belgrade to find ukrainian troops. journalists have grilled the state department spokesperson on washington's assurances, but american weapons would not be involved in attacking it, russian territory. so in the, there were there obviously these reports and there's images online that suggest american weapons to have been used. so. so i know you don't know, but do you support us weapons being use on russian territory and, and would that change the calculus of providing a 16 to grant we have made very clear to the ukraine's that we don't enable or encourage attacks outside ukrainians, borders. but i do think it's important, just take a step back and remind everyone to remind the world of the, of course, it is russia that launched this war. it's russia that continues to launch attacks on civilians and recreated the rest of its target schools and hospitals. and civilian infrastructure, so it is up to ukraine to decide how they want to conduct their military operations
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. but it is russia that has been the aggressor and this war as well. us officials at least say by looking into the incident into a you foreign policy chief, joseph burrell. cons even pronounced the name of the bell gold region located me that he hasn't heard anything about the ukrainian rate on russian territory and variability. virginia ship buck a screw ship. i remember to get out of the girl at the bank girl deemed russia the banker of the blast. why did you tell me what's happening? you broke it off with law and just shoot boat by the to a go near the get out and the benefit of power if i'm on the shores. because because the company will the independent dutch journalist to sonya yvonne defender . so he's in washington to approve. so maybe he doesn't even care what happens to russians because they all the enemy for the us. 3, let's see, of course is that and of course the us doesn't prove or doesn't prove that maybe it doesn't even care who is texting because you know,
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they're already in the be for the us. so at the reality on the ground is far more different on the west, want you to believe that the western media are maybe able to, to pull additions. then this attack is actually from a russian opposition to russian opposition groups. it's, it's the reason what they do, and this is what we saw in syria. and this is now that has all of our channels. this is what they're going to do now in trying and terrible way to take russia. this is perfect timing, of course, because, you know, they, they know they have lost even contradictory in the media. again in the western media is saying that is all, it's not sure because, you know, some ask you said only do 2nd adult in hiroshima. then maybe some ukranian forces are still holding back. there is somehow the outskirts of uh channels, but actually they know they, they have lost the night. so paula mens re assembly has unanimously voted to
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brand rushes, military operation and ukraine as a genocide. however, the very same assembly has consistently turned a blind eye to u. s. military actions that have led to the depths of millions of people during the so called war on terra, a report from brown university, a prestigious american institution, was found that 4500000 people died from direct and indirect consequences of several us lowest military interventions around the world since 2001, as the research just say that he was obligated to pay reparations for its options. a 4.5 to 4 in point 6000000 people died in words leading 7600000 children to suffer from all nutrition information, such as this can help global regional and local interventions to prevent further losses of life. it can also assist people and organizations to call into governments, including that of the united states to olivia human suffering, resulting from past 911 wars preparations. there were no easy are cheap,
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but our imperative marion marion ra the was i k for my aid for afghanistan's national security, as long as it stays nato. his rhetoric towards russia is hypocritical. since the blog has like no, with the major violations by the west itself. i find it extremely ironic where the us finds that it can be a moral judge in the current situation or, and they are nato's accusations and their assessments because they seem to blindly follow the united states. and i'm honest on was a very good example for the world to witness. i think that we need to question nato's assessment and ask them, what are they going to do about it? is it just a diploma matic communication tactic? or they're going to have military interventions, or they're going to repeat, be repercussions of this, as we have all just heard when uh, at the press conference at the white house. how they completely dodge the question
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and focus that on russia when they are directly asked about their human rights violations. and they've gone aside and continue to dodge that as well. they're married many similarities of course, differences in this current. so circumstances when it comes to russia and ukraine. however, in upon us on, based on my experiences, i find uh natives assessments you once assessments or us is perspectives irrelevant terminology is very key here. when we saw an actual genocide taking place in rwanda, the us international organizations, in nato, all of them were extremely reluctant to take part in what is happening in the country. and i find it again, a very ironic when they want to jump to such circumstances. rather than getting involved in.
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