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tv   News  RT  May 24, 2023 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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one of the reasons why is that there's, you know, intelligence drive operations, the person who controls the information controls the scope and scale of the operations to us the united states going to do was after c, i a lose control of the case of inspections, bridge inspections, the nature of inspected, and that's taken over by the united nation, so it would be calling its own shot. that was my job for the united nations all their own shots. so not only am i going into a wretched trying find weapons that you're at, just don't want to find in clear direct caps, new web s program. i'm the only difference between 19911998 or 7 years range in special teams by me and other inspectors. i went in there and disarmed. i racked them when they didn't do it cooperatively. i don't want to show you how many times i had guns put into my face, and they've threatened to decorate the wall behind me with my bridge. wow. this was disco. every inspection team i led into a rack ad built in a hostage rescue component because we anticipated that because of the
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confrontational nature of our word, your average couldn't take us hostage. and because we had people of the sensitive backgrounds on the james united states and pre deployed in fort boyd, she drastically changed to come in and rescue as this wasn't, you know, some sort of g d scientific work and this is from white stuff to that level. of intensity, the people can you begin to imagine and, and where you know you, because you can reach often was a bad example in the military type operation. and while i'm doing this war against the iraqis, i'm fighting the war with the united states. united states didn't want me to do my job to seek this argument was not the objective. we didn't one i wrecked as our rent wanted to create the perception of a non compliant directed on cooperative iraq, which was easy to do when they weren't complying. and they were in collaborative mission accomplished, but because of the tenacity of the inspectors of your st. come all. so now there's
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in sort of a lot of defect in august of 1995. that's right. and when he was the, when he was debrief by the united nations, he said you're inspections are having greater success than you know. you have made us panic and we have gotten rid of weapons because we, we fear your inspection. so we were doing something good. we were accomplishing the mission, but the desire is not with united states wants to, the more we succeeded and i read the united states dream and attractiveness and tired of talking about charging me with the espionage than any of the army suggestions penalty are actually my family harassing my friends, everything were to go full scale war united states government and me because they wouldn't cooperate with us. i had a job to do, so i convinced my boss has to let me go, for instance, to england, where i was able to get the british governments providers with a covered signals intelligence collection team that we pointed to i wrapped and monitor the communications of the around the government and iraqi security services
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and see if they're moving weapons of mass destruction as we're doing the inspection . we have a huge, we're proud of taking photographs of the us government wouldn't give us quality interpreters because they didn't want us to read too much of the images. so i got permission to go to israel, where i sat down with these realities and their folder interpretation use the youtube go the. busy find targeting and then they use that in access to their database, these really database numbers, any information about or genuine, whether it's a master, structured, some people say, gosh, that the inspectors didn't empowered us because it allowed us to go and cut down the last remaining vestiges of these weapons of mass destruction program, and it gave us the credibility to span before the international beauty and said, we have exhausted every possible venue. there is for information and there is nothing left. and then therefore, our finding webpage, we can make planes that are registers are made me the number one, the enemy to the cited states of america. and that's why they were disrupting my
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inspection. so as i was a war, a to for us to get your axis, it's united station 3rd front. because the more success i had with the british more success i had with ears, or at least the more in the united states conspired in terms of the relationship with the finally succeeded in british might have built a multi year relationship. ready defense the blog, so i'm trustworthy, i was a side, it should share information which of these really saying and claim as stories. great. relationships that were pushing results are related because united stage didn't want weapons inspection teams to succeed. scott, and you were really legendary and the respect that you went nose to nose with some of the most infamous leaders. instead i'm saying it's regime you didn't seem to figure them. and indeed, you never mentioned that you feared for your safety in iraq. you were also quick to criticize the clinton administration, including secretary of state, madeleine albright going up against the rockies and having them cancel inspections
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is one thing. but being criticized publicly by the president of the united states and the secretary of state. and later on to the chairman of the senate, foreign relations committee is an entirely different thing, especially when some of your own leaders refused to back you to what do you attribute that resolve that you had? whistle blowers, earl, or often criticize for their stubbornness. but what gave you that strength to stand up? how's the rank or officer? yeah, that's what we do. you have permission settings. there's no, there's no secret here. i went through officer candidate school. it's a, it's a streaming process. you show that either you have to ensure you don't. i went through 6 months of basic training in quantico, either show that you had or you don't, i went to the fleet marine forces a lieutenant where it's either single should have you in front of you have the metal to lead marines and conduct. or they ask you to the exit?
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no, i proved my getting building. i worked in the former soviet union, implementing intermediate nuclear forces, treated the employee and treaty. i certainly all for one knows you knows the general shortest job. that's what you do. have you say i was afraid i was here today. i knew what the risk swear. i knew what we were getting ready to do. but when you lead people, you can't show fear. i was assembling teams of 506070, sometimes a 100 international. busy church around the world, many of them have very spin next in ours because they linked enough. but, you know, in solar invite of environment, these are people who were experts and chemical weapons, biological weapons, nuclear weapons, long range, ballistic missiles, but they worked at present confrontational people. and i was now going to lead them into iraq, where we knew there will be men lift guns, point those guns out of streaming, that is threatening to kill us. but i understand before them and say, don't be afraid to look at me. look at me. if i'm standing there and i'm not
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shrinking, you don't straighten your aggies for like shars with blood. if you, if you few being all around that fear and they'll, they'll come out you that you'll be no fear. and it was an act because i was scared to death, but the leader doesn't show fear in front of the people they're leading to. well i, i was a pretty good actor. but anybody who wants to sit here and think that i had nerves of steel when i assume my veins always winking inside because this was real, this was the i'm is raising the website to your good. that's right. that's right. i'm going to ask you to stay with us scott, we're speaking with united nations whistleblower scott ritter. there's a lot more to this conversation, so please stay with us through this short commercial break. we'll be right back. 2 2 2 2 the
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why isn't there any public debate on the competition? ukraine? why have the leads embrace to war and show negotiations? where's the anti war movement? and more importantly, how is all of this helping you crane? and it's faithful. the welcome back to the whistle blowers. i'm john curry onto were speaking with former united nations weapons inspector and whistle blower. scott ritter. scott, thanks again for being with us. thanks. rarely you became
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a noted commentator after you left the united nations. you were regular on fox news for a period. you can be seen regularly on r t and heard on the sputnik radio network. you're a successful author. what else are you doing these days? what kind of a transition did you make into media and commentary as well? i mean, um, i think my primary um, the venue of employment is with a, a, a, an energy um, a publication group energy intelligence where i, uh, i provide the geo political analysis relating to energy, security and into products that are read by the, the, the major ceos of every oil company in the world and anybody who's involved with your business. so i'm doing that. i also, again, i write for a variety of outlets over the past couple years. i've written for the american conservative, which is kind of of likely the d. i've written for true dig, which is sort of on the left and i've written for people in the middle. there's no
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idea ology here. again, i'm an intelligent satcher, former intelligence officer. and my job is to try and promote some political within that my job is to put the fact based analysis on the table in front of a certain audience and enable them to empower themselves with knowledge and information to formulate their own opinions. if i'm trying to tell you what to think, i've failed because i'm in power and huge learned to think on your own and i'm succeeding so that's what i've been trying to do. scott, a question that i frequently ask guests on this show is what advice they would give to people considering blowing the whistle on waste, fraud, abuse, or illegality. your whistle blowing was a little different. your whistle blowing was on what came down to phony international policies on the parts of the most powerful countries on the planet. the personal cost to you has been high. like it is with many whistle blowers. with that in mind, what advice would you give and what would you have done differently in your own
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case? and that's why the toughest questions is out there, john. i paid a horrible price. now if it's just me paying the price. i live with that. uh, but families paid the price. my wife paid the price and make sure price, my friends paid the price. my parents paid the prize anybody was in my in or, or paid a price. and i'm just gonna be straight up honest with you and your audience. knowing what i know today in the price that has been paid, the cost of that has been borne by so many people who didn't deserved adaptive barriers. this cost would i have done the same thing and i can't give you an honest answer. i mean, i believe what i did was the right thing, but the price paid the cost incurred was horrific. and i, i honestly can't tell you that i would have done that. and so therefore, i'm the wrong person for people to come to and say, should i blow the whistle? i mean, if you want to have a tech support, uh, you know, session and morality,
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i would say, yes, of course you have to tell the truth. do you have to speak to the car? i want to talk to you as a human being, i would say, don't do it. mm hm. because you know, your price is beyond imagination. you can't comprehend the price you're going to pay and the price your family is going to pay the price your friends are going to pay. and here's the other thing about it. the government doesn't care, so people don't care. that's the biggest list. i drove away from there's truth, a lot of people to say today to say thank you very much for doing what you do. i still got to stop the war and i rec, when stuff like to speak out today to try and improve relations with russia. but we're not improving relations with russia, it's about till bad. busy it's uh you know, it's like a freak. busy that's a pretty good god. it has to push the rock up in only to have the rochester down the struggle over surface. so yes, that's it. mm hm. you're, you're never going to get into the top. you're never going to get into the job. so doing the right thing does not produce. now come worthy of the 2nd,
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but here's the thing. here's the killer. every morning i wake up and i look in the mirror, i'm damn proud of the man staring back. and when i looked my wife in the eyes, i could see the pride in her eyes where it looked like daughters in the eyes. i could see the price and you can't afford him. you can't put a price on the yeah, your sample, you're absolutely right, scott. i say exactly the same thing. i say exactly the same thing. the price is high higher than anybody can imagine before they actually blow the whistle. but with that said, i can sleep at night, my children respect me. and i like to think that i've left a legacy for future generations, my grandchildren or great grandchildren, who i likely will never know, at least still know that that one push came to shove. i did the right thing, so you're right is very high, but boy, is it worth it? i want to as you. oh yeah, please go ahead and go right ahead. just one thing. yeah. and i apologize for that
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. all. what we're doing is we think what we're doing is going to expose the truth and, and, and, and that's going to be the outcome of we're, we're wrong. we can expose the truth, but there is go. hopefully what we're doing is setting the standard off from the government because of the standards. that's right for the american people. that's right and begin to demand and their government. and we get to the point where we don't need wish of words. that's the key where we don't need, we're still good. there is a government, a sufficiently transparent enough. and the people have confidence in the decisions being made that are being told the truth. so there doesn't have to be was, was the fact that there needs to be whistle blowers, those everybody right off the bat is there's a problem on the. exactly right, scott, i have to ask you about the conflict in ukraine and your position on it. you were an early supporter of russia, but in a very reasoned way. i've seen interviews where you work to contextualize, the conflict in the, in the scope of modern history. but that hasn't stopped the ukrainian government,
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for example, from adding you to a list of what they call russian propagandist. your twitter account was briefly suspended. what is the fall out? been for you? has it been harder for you to work because of your position on ukraine? it's almost impossible for me to work um every, every main stream. uh, media. i wanna say main street america. you know what i used to write sure of some, some good um, american based journals. i don't get to write them anymore because of the steps i taken by my primary employer won't let me write on russian issues anymore. cuz they, they feel that the have my name attached to anything that's a positive assessment on russia's russian propagandist, the dumbest thing in the world. mm hm. but uh, and when i tried to speak out the vin user or a jack, dave, i've tried to have books, i need to of been using the they get called a bike pro. you're training elements that threaten violence. you know,
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business wants to host yourself to bring down their business. so this had a real quickly detrimental impact on my ability to make an earning. and as you know, john, the, you know, we do things because we believe in it. we do it for honor. but none of them put food on the table, right? that puts the page, the mortgage, the put your roof, or the head or clothes on the back of your children. during the day when they're providers for a family, that means we have to have gainful employment in here, i am trying to do the right thing for my country. anybody thinks of doing this because i'm in love with russian. i'm doing this for russia. you don't know me, it's just like i didn't speak out about i rag because i love saddam shame and i loved direct. i have notes that i was an issue, but i rag and people i have great respect for i don't end up, but i did it because i love america. because i believe that before we send american servicemen resolved to fight done, work to make sure because they were asking them to give their lives towards worthy of the sacrifice or racket. was it now we have a situation, you train with the same question to have to be as i'm asking the questions they
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don't like the answers. but instead of trying to deal with this response, we tend to shut me up. and that's uh, that's okay. you can show me up and remember we won't talk about the cost john, my family basic gosh, that's ro when, when my job, my daughters want to go to graduate school and i can't provide the money to, to write it up. so they have to take loans as it cost. busy when my wife hasn't been on a vacation in 20 years, that's a cost that people can say, well that's a little frivolous, really was. or do you turn your way? you can go on big right for your 20 years out frivolous stuff. that's all right. well, i would like to thank our guests, scott ritter and thank you to our viewers for joining us. i'd like to leave you with the words of polish american poet and writer chest. love me lush, who said quotes in a room where people unanimously maintain a conspiracy of silence. one word of truth sounds like a pistol shot. speak up,
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speak the truth. the world will be a better place for it. i'm john kerry. i can thank you for watching the whistle blowers until next time. 2 the moon's the same rod, just don't you have to see the house and engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves will depart, we choose to look so common ground, the as a. how are they a cps?
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because they can scroll for ideas and then use familiar email futures. great if and then to the roles, the non c theory of racial superiority finish style. 4 years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war, labor comes 10 prisons really well, you know, think she's the media venue. so i'm assuming you need even the, the chest, the leading enrollment, academic things, gonna submit the bill is going to be approximately $25000.00 people went through the kind of go and finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff suddenly level if the shifted utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the size of the stuff. so the youngest, i'm in here what simon disease forced labor to achieve by the wording formulas. what was the last it also need you to do was to take that to you
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that, that it's a terrible human off with those who put in these 9, push these things up to give you what you want to do it because he doesn't do those thousands of testament, of crimes and the impunity of criminals. nothing more. when you look i hear, you know, wanted to do to speak. it's not even a good idea. yeah. for the good i see it or released upon me. they decided to do, please don't. so, you know, just because people tell us then, yet that was put in the mood along the it's the same as rush as defense, ministry releases the images of us, made equipment and destroyed. and the ukranian raid on the belgrade region, washington struggles to explain the footage, claiming its weapons wouldn't be used to target russian territory. russia and china are resisting attempts by the collective west to maintain global dominance through
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a legal sanctions to impose its will on independent states. those common to come from the russian prime minister during a meeting with the chinese president changing, paying invasion the president of republic a sort, scott blames western actions for escalating the conflict. a new brain, the leader gave an exclusive interview to our team. we see much of the west holding the attitude of if you're not with us, you're against us. if you're not against the russian, you're against us. and that is not in the world's interest. what the world needs today. the coming to you from the russian capital, this is our teen, or national with the latest world news updates. i'm here a isabel, it's great to have you with us. local authorities in the russian region of belgrade say a massive ukrainian drone a top was carried out on wednesday against civilian infrastructure. in this on
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verified image, you can see the aftermath of the strike. the local governor says most of the drones were shot down by air defense systems. however, a number of administrative and civilian buildings were damaged. this. this comes after similar reports on choose the evening when local authorities say a civilian car was damaged by a bomb dropped from a drone. plumes of smoke rising into the night sky were also spotted from what appears to be. the sight of the blast. authorities have not reported any casualties in the incident. meanwhile, a counter terrorist operation has wrapped up in the area that's after more than 70 ukrainian. militants were killed on monday and tuesday as a carried out a raid over the border into the belgrade region law. school has the stripe that you've created and attacked as an active intimidation against civilians. one person
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was killed in 13 others were wounded in the instead at american and polish, supplied armored vehicles were used in the attack. some of them were captured by russian forces, as shown by the defense ministry. the images appear to show the disabled us made equipment, including home bees and at least one match pro armored fighting vehicle journal is real. the state department's votes person on washington's assurances that american weapons would not be used in a tax on russian territory. i will say we've seen a lot of reports on social media and fuzzy pictures on social media and a lot of kind of armchair intelligence analysts making quite making, making claims were skeptical that they are, that they are accurate. we do not encourage or unable strikes inside of russia, and we've made that clear um, but as we've also said, it is up to ukraine to decide how to conduct this war. meanwhile, just a few days before the ukrainian militant attacked on belgrade us space tech company,
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macs are used at satellites to film the region. the firm is partially funded by the us government and provides intelligence for the pentagon and american secret service. back in july, max star was also spotted filming the region shortly before a ukrainian cluster bomb attack on a residential area which killed 4 locals. former pentagon analyst, michael maloof, says the us doesn't want to look like it's in charge of ukrainian operations, although the public knows otherwise us does control the keys and its actions in its policies. what have you uh the, the only thing is is that unless them until the, by the ministration helps deliveries and nothing's going to change. the only thing that the rusher can do in most cases is destroyed. so that's why i think
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they're going to pain very, very clearly at the bottom of the tank. so what have you scanned in it? and it's going to be a bit of less than that. it's going to be an expensive lesson for the united states . that a lot of high precision equipments going to get destroyed. and, and, and since for the other states is on the verge of a default. first time in history, expenses or expenditures loose expenditure, such as giving these types of weapon systems to ukraine or anybody else. this just have hazard, and we have been at war for an unrelenting war for 22 years. and it's got to stop. meanwhile, ukrainian showing has left 8 civilians wounded in the don. yes, republic on tuesday, including 2 children, attacks on civilian areas by the you create an army have intensified over the last few days following a military defeat for kids in the city of arc, the almost are to steve sweeney reports from don. yes. at least 2 children have
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been wounded off the ukrainian locket struck a school on the outskirts of don't yet. so he said to on tuesday, one of the victims is i used between 12 and 13 years old, born in 2010 a. she was rushed to hospital and then um, but as we are waiting use of the condition of the other night, we've been unable to get close to the hospital, which lies in the queue, rosky district of don't yet it's incredibly close to the front line and you craning, shedding is incessant. now health officials have said the pressure on hospitals has mounted since the west. the supply of most sophisticated owns particularly these long range missiles. but thanks to the dedication of the stuff that they have been able to save money lives waiting on it. but if you give me a problem with your isn't it the damage once in injuries where funding for the lives of soldiers civilians. and unfortunately, one of the children i'll send that has been cell 4 times over the past year. we, when we go to work, when it was showed that we will return home
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a life where showed that this is how duty to provide medical assistance to the one that and we will do it as long as we live. have no doubts and you're good full of state and state shedding has intensified over the past few days with residential areas in school is coming up under attack from ukrainian forces. a mother and child were among those injured on monday nights choose. they should have been a day for separation. parents were shaving photographs and footage of the children celebration that were cheapens over the year and the hopes for the future. but for the 2 wounded then all as a future of uncertainty, a future of pain. this is steve sweeney. don't yet city center for all to and russia values. it's partnership with china with the country is giving a strong response to western at times at global dominance through a legal sanctions. those comments come from russian prime minister mika,
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you misuse then on a state visit to china, to meet with chinese president, changing paying may see that as in the best that we sincerely value the good neighbor and this partnership, incorporation that binds russia and china together. this is particularly important to us in the context of increased turbulence in the international markets in the international arena, in general. our countries together resistant attempts by the collect to west to maintain global dominance. the use in legal sanctions to impose its will on independence state. i am confident that russia and china will give a resolute response to these dangerous aspirations and create favorable conditions for confident progress towards our common strategic goals. are to use donald quarter is in china following the high level visit and brings us the latest details . i just want to talk about a little bit about the purpose really of this to day visit that me shows didn't,
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has made here to china. it's really about deepening bilateral economic cooperation between moscow and beijing, which is already quite expensive. i mean, i'm interested in, as we just heard, talked about how the trade volume between russia and china is expected to exceed 200000000000 dollars this year with russia continuing to be china is number one, oil supplier and natural gas. and coal are also increasing from russia, the volume of that to china as well. and this is all part of aisd relationship. it interesting called, based on mutual respect for each other's interest. windermere, poon has hosted the president of republic, a serv, stuff for talks at the kremlin with miller. i don't take a choosing the west, a waging a proxy war against russia and ukraine. the this is good republic. a service is under enormous pressure from the west. in general, i was required to make a decision on the sanctions against russia. but we decided that we simply would not
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be part of this hysteria that is being created, that we would advocate for the issue to be resolved at the level of russia, ukraine, and others. so that we understand that this is not a war between ukraine and russia. this is a clash of the west, which is trying to use russia as a way to inflate this war for as long as any or put in the bank for republicans service. go for its friendly stance toward russia and for its president to new try position on ukraine. miller, i don't agree or firm his intent to keep the country's close relationship with moscow. following his disagreement with the west of anti russian stance, you can watch ortiz exclusive interview with president though the throughout the day. in the meantime, here's a preview for the 2. so that will see that we want to cooperate, to continue working with russia. we have not broken off for relations with russia because someone.


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