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tv   News  RT  May 24, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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look just based on the concept in ukraine. why have the leads embrace to war and show negotiations? where's the anti war movement? and more importantly, how is all of this helping you crane? and it's peaceful. the, the headlines on all the international presidents, not the minute booth, and safe wash is becoming an economic locomotive. despite cost pressure, with west consumption, facts firing is only coming themselves. a lot more laser equipment bonded and destroyed in the western western side of the city was even placed. this policy report was exclusively from the scene of one of his deadliest oven samples. and to bring to the history altima opened the document, which is now under the control of russia's bond to the power military ought to move in $200.00 days. the 5th fine. and then another twisted in pakistan's political
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turmoil, pulled a prime minister in ron, pulling up was forming a committee to conduct folks of the nations governments hours off with directors to fund his entire installation calls costs the is concerns 9 pm here in moscow. and this is on the international with the very latest news from across the globe, from one of our team of very one welcome. during his opening speech of the ration economic forum, vladimir putin, how stressed that by opposing the emerging most of polarity, the west is shooting itself in the foot. the of cs office to play, it's everyone who things were max otherwise springs damage to the world economy ship, they're shooting themselves in the port engine, the feet of those who have to pay their dictates and like doing so. they also increase negative trends hamper in their own programs. this is what international
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exports are reading about $1000.00, including those from the united states by pursuing such an economic policy, the strength of the downward trend of their economic development. again, shooting, they're always for you. well, that is their choice. i knew what it's all about building on the mechanisms to achieve a fully functional mold, fi, polo world here. so discussions really are centering around that and how to improve transports and logistics in a great sir. you raised a monetary and also financial mechanisms how to settle in new forms of settlement in a mutual trade, in how to build an expands on that scale. thousands are taking part in this a 2 day form, which brings together government agencies organize international organizations, media from over 50 countries. and there will be discussing just about how to achieve multiplier. we've already heard from the heads of most member states and
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even a from china and the oldest one to backed off. now, as russia's prime ministers currently in beijing were, as we know who signed a number of agreements and has such that bi lateral size between russia and china are now out in the num, precedents, so the high and this is a sentiment echoed here as well by a video message that will said by the time is present where he solidified his commitments and the partnership between china. and are you raising economic union? let's take a listen. i'm guessing that's doing the movies under the framework of the state visit to rushing lodge present boot and the noise sealed new agreements and connection to belts and road initiative with the raise. and you can all make union tony's side is sincerely interested in the deepening and specializing of this field . we're ready to join efforts in strengthening interaction in the interest of new prospects for cooperation on the rage and confidence. interest this will in charlie transform all the international economic playing field and lot of repeated this
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stress. so there is a need and we'll see a lot from various partners on that. in fact, the majority of players in the global arena, i agree with russia that there is a need for a more fair and more balanced architecture of economic relations with specialists. and could be many as many there are fundamental changes in the international financial system and russia is able to adapt, but also to become one of the leaders of this process. we are aiming to reduce the share of unfriendly states as currencies in mutual payments, even more. we tend to work more actively with european union partners to reach a complete transition to national currencies. this also takes place in other rapidly emerging economies around the globe, including china, india, latin america, and it is important to coordinate the joint efforts to establish a new,
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decentralize the global financial system. this, this centralization depends on the resilience of all global finance is more decentralized. it is the more advantageous it will be for the global economy because it will rely less on crisis in the country is which benefits from a global reserve currency. it will make the economy more di, politicized on the mean. so while the west is focused on trying to curtail cooperation with russia and trying to convince all the countries from not doing business with russia, it's not going supply and, and russia is inside the building on the existing partnerships and developing new ones successfully. moscow was also hosting a summit of top security officials from a number of countries on the side lines of the form of a caught up with a nicaraguan president's envoy for russian. a says, who says his country is focused on boosting, gives ties with most good, but an a sore throat. it is necessary for us to further strengthen our cooperation
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with russia and united stronger than ever. we support russia's actions in ukraine aimed at liberating the russian people in the whole world, from a new wave of fascism represented in particular in ukraine. ukraine is a nato allies in the united states. use this key as, as its puppet. we must unite with such friendly countries as russia, china, and iran. we are all being subjected to these and saying that the rational attacks by the united states and its nato allies, including in the form of so called sanction some which in fact are legal. however, we can say that the rational measures taken by the united states and its nato allies have accelerated, the emergence of a multi polar world. after all, those countries that like us and oppose their dominance, had begun to understand that the time has come to confront them. that is to unite and take measures to create our own financial mechanisms and cooperation. based on
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solidarity mutual respect, compliance with laws, and striving for the common goodness. this way, we will be able to resist the lawlessness and hedge money of the united states. but the russia has claims full control over the altima of schools. the notice box boot, which has previously been a symbol of ukrainian resistance, and one of the biggest possible grounds in modern history. i'll tell you that senior corresponded more. i got the followed volumes of finances in the war torn, especially the battle of bucks more. lot of trauma has gone down as one of the deadliest and battles in history. untold thousands of soldiers perished in the back mode. needs grind, it shows there is barely anything left of the city, almost nothing that can be repaired. the destruction was savage in its totality. as you travel, westwood in boston with the destruction gets much, much worse,
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and it was in the eastern long the eastern edges of the safety was as close as the ukrainian resistance here was much stiffer as a whole lot of vehicles. this is a spot may be supplied by britain, a lot more than they do, equipment, abandon destroyed the western western side of the safety of those even a plate. the victory in buckboard is pmc vitamin is monument, the greatest it moves terrible trial. armies of ukraine's need to train troops, legions of mass and res, and countless billions in guns and shells could not stop riding about what search and well there are many emotions. now that it's official, now the north is ours. it's all sincere, mainly joy. but there's also just quite different feelings. i feel proud. proud of
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all boys as well as those who are gone forever. it would be a lie, they say, to claim the ukrainians, right. and the way know, according to vibe and those fights is the enemy for like trained attack dogs and used every trick they could, including the 2 buttons in one of the basements along the way to show this an armory needs a 40 minute, meet the grenades, various rocket propelled grenades cubes, guided rockets, usa, department of defense of all 2 boxes from sticking me solve a matter of i mean nation s o d personnel mines which are brand across much of the world. ukraine. also
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a signatory of conventions binding the use and storage of items you personnel minds. yet. here they are again, just as they were in my review, but it will take years the teen bucket with up to dig up all the bodies buried and the rubber and the hundreds of tons of unexploded shelves and minds least civilian losses will light loops evacuated. but not everyone to just back because this was a civilian, a looped after the elderly in the basement when we, if it created the civilians, a green old somebody grenade blowing to hit him. he crawled away as far as he could and died here. it was slow death to buffalo for the entire $224.00. they do ration the battle for boston, what's his seat? and he says enough for multiple life times. go with another. when you lose your
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brothers in arms, people you fall together with for more than half a year. it bring sadness, but you get used to it. you don't know when i see civilian stuff, stuff in the my so warms up. i remember who i am. human. sometimes you want to cry over the course of this battle, there were many instances of civilians being abused for most of the civilians who chose to remain. but pro russian ukrainian troops and nationalists knew this. it would not kind to them of the battle of may be zuba, the customer still bugs ukrainian artillery blast away incessantly. you can see it from of above. the problem is getting that pulled up more to decided to try and low and child dry. ukrainian electronic will site is still active. but
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these point wagner's drones orbits impervious to ukrainian as he drove counter badges as he's in the battle may be over. but bach moore has died with it. ukraine still denies losing the city, despise apple footage, showing vag not in control of every 6 to how do you explain to west and tax pays the? despite the 10 seats, not hundreds of billions spent key of still a loss to a private military company. the orchestra of wagner will stop here when russia pools, they say they will play again. so for i guess the of a team from boston with me while the washing media has claims that ukraine's come on the in chief of armed forces. valerie is loose, neat, was severely injured in
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a russian missile strike earlier in may, and he's no longer capable of performing his duties. russia's head of intelligence responded to the claim, saying he can neither confirm nor deny the emerging reports regarding he has taught military official so that the man who 10 is at the top of the ukrainian hit the list. that's the message from ukraine's military intelligence deputy chief of vidal escape betsy, who added that individuals who aid rushes assets so also targets who is at the top of the hip list puts in because he coordinates and decides what happens in the end. however, everyone will have to answer for their deeds. he realizes that we're getting closer and closer to him. where's the red line kind of simulate and also be killed. we are at war and these are enemies. if an important person produces and finances weapons for them, then his elimination would save the lives of many civilians. and then he or she
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shall be eliminated. according to the international conventions, he is then a legitimate target. and ukraine official also mentioned deval could achieve that. you have any pre goes in as well as russian forces that fold in the altima also on the killed list. meanwhile, the assassinations of russian journalists on the innocent civilians with no links to the defense industry remain on checks, both of which have denies to will it be done of another top, you find an intelligence officials, things like he is going to continue to kill russians around the globe. so let's discuss this with a journalist on political list, robert in la cash joint, he goes from london now monday, thanks for joining us on a program this evening. i'd like to ask for your reaction to the slightest statement from ukraine's deputy military intelligence chief time the russian presidents. would it be considered a legitimate target by keith as well,
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their abilities to get to him that are questionable but this sort of rhetoric that has come out and we've heard similar sort of claims that have been made in, in the past. and of course, lots of friends, there is a well known kill list which includes many individuals, including journalists and active. this musicians who are based in western countries with western citizenship who are also, you know, a target for being either what sir is to considered a pop it of russia, a russian propagandist. and so this is something throughout the course of the war that we've seen frequently, but when this is said by an official in such a way, i mean normally indicates and most conflicts that the side that is talking like this is add some sort of state or loss, and this is a propaganda tactic or a scare tactics and not something that is serious, but you have to take all of these claims seriously, obviously. and the main thing here we have to look at is the fact that this sort of
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rhetoric is still going on at a time when ukraine has just suffered a significant loss. and his and escal atory tom. and so this sort of escal atory tone, you know, if you crane was fully independent in this fight and it wasn't made so which is pushing ukraine and essentially using ukraine as an attack dog. then there wouldn't be any follow up questions for nations around the world. but the west does have to answer for the fact that ukrainian officials can go on like this and check, and then there can be killed as with even western citizens or russians who are living in foreign countries on it without them checking. and of course, they're funding you brain with to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. and, and this is something that goes on completely on chess at moscow and the other have this taken of all the different tone. most guys can send up multiple times is not
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trying to kill ukraine's president. he's new also target. what do you think he has has now announced this hit list with posted in line to the very top of what we saw, the drone attempt, which rupture claims was an attempt to, to assassinate puts in before we've seen this rhetoric floating around. and of course, in the west, it's completely normal for this sort of talk, ending people to say this on western television and talk about killing vladimir puts in to spew blatant rooster for the real ethnic slurs and european officials to talk about how russians are ethnically inferior culturally inferior to people in western europe, this is just the norm at this point. and one thing that has to be noticed here is that the united states is backing this sort of rhetoric. the united states is the head of nato. it controls its policy to fact old. and so when nato
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nations are, are allowing this rhetoric and they're pushing this rhetoric themselves, they sense or anything from the opposite side and for train the opposite side as a hitler type sticker. and then is the parades around as if it is the bringer of democracy and freedom after having come indeed in its own war crimes. in the past, like in libya like any at all, like in syria and we can go for the less then what this does is signal to the rest of the international community around the world that now that the west is bogged down with this conflict that they no longer need to in a multi polar environment, go along with the dictates of the west. they understand that the united states is not the only player now. and this sort of language coming from ukraine. everyone knows that this is permitted by the united states. this is permitted by nato, this is a major war. and because of this fact,
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then you have nations around the world which are more hesitant as well to even believe anything that comes out of the west. so this reflect badly upon them. and it says more worry about that a balance of the nasal than it really does even about the brain at this point. because we have to view this as a proxy conflict. well, no, they can't be seemingly increasingly turning to terrorist tactics. the gains russians, the russian president, everyone connected with the russian military, journalists to support the, the russian. i'm a side of things. do you think that any of you cranes, wisdom, patriots might think twice about the supports, key of all, how's it going to fall and know that they just con turnaround. as i said, there is some hesitancy in the west from the general public. but what we see in terms of from western governments is that their support is still there. whether that will translate into things like, for instance, the f, 16 fighter just being sent over. and a, as a, even worse escalation in, in the cause like it's something that, yes, is to be seen. but at this point,
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what we have to understand is that we're tip toeing into a greater escalation. which of course we're talking now about a, a conflict which could spill over. and that's, this is something that frightens many, but it's already left. it's skiing on europe and the economies of europe and people inside europe specifically are not able to just pay their bills. um, in the united kingdom for instance, energy bills are nearly tripled and people are suffering. and there is a sort of fatigue from the general public which could translate into the government, sort of taking it off of the pedal of pro ukrainian support and funding. but for the moment, we don't seem to see that the government's reflecting the attitudes of the people at all um in western nations. and this is to the detriment of western policy around the globe. we see this as well, in the case of the fact the nato and natal member members,
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and specifically the united states don't stop their attack dogs and don't stop these escal atory policies even when it likes badly upon them. and it hurts them is something that is going forward not attracting foreign countries to invest with them and to collaborate with them. we've seen this in the middle east and especially business the case with what we've seen happen recently with china brokering the iran solid deal. yeah, but he, thanks for joining for the part of his way to get your thoughts on best with his speaking say to on the left, on political, on the left. well, but in the cash. thank you. a let's go if it's packaged on the west, the prime minister in run called has proposed the formation of a committee to facilitate tooks with the pakistani government. gonzalez off to his party was the weston's with a bon. as according to the nation's defense minister, at banum defeats the bullets even the wrong calling is being considered the b t. i
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has attacked the very basis of the state which has never happened before. it can be tolerated. if they can convince this committee that they have a solution and that the country will do better without him wrong con, i am ready to step aside. or if they can tell the committee how the country could benefit from holding elections in october, violence and the nation interrupted earlier this month of the former prime minister was arrested at a cold appearance and as long as that and dragged into an almond vehicle by security forces in riot gear calls detention subsequent response. clashes between police and this opposes which left 10 dead. con was granted bail on tuesday in us now. massage, and the connection with multiple charges of in size and violence. before melita and his wife have both been accused of corruption and due to a pay before the national accounts of but i see bureau, we spoke to a journalist to say that the current government will have to find spelling ground that it was the term. so talk a sounds biggest policy is going to definitely have the published about any
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political party, but they must have some going as rather solid and going as the goal is nothing is he talks to go about a political party because they do, you know, and does it, the majority of us on a majority office to see 1st and according to my, you know, what else i spend, i guess on tatic and it's all up and just the majority of the people that is next. so it is not to, you know, and all, and it is ok, but definitely the comment if they want to, if they want to, you know, then it political 5 be in any country the most definitely going to you cannot do, you know, then they put it because the party on the act off of the n on the individual act off of some of the responses to them. but like could be hard data. but i'm digital pharma. found the thing about con, has that i click on the door that i, i but you know, discourage off my party members that i might have, sorry, what happened all night, don't me? but he decided that it was the johnston individual. like to not do this. let's see,
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you know, the policy over the funding and the to go to your question. if, if i the, if, if i d has in, if the agenda to the government to attack armies installation definitely have to do . it is a band. but the, i'm telling you once again that it was just the individual act of somehow foot angry supporters of him back on, on the basis of that. i don't think that the governor to buy cosigned gun impose the bad on, on a brilliant on our biggest, spotty, which is the headed by farm up. i'm not sure. i'm not going to do a lot. be an easy doctor. i'm telling you the florida gulf not wrong. desantis is expected to announce his bid to charlotte, and just donald trump for next year is republican presidential nomination u. s. media outlets say desantis will unveil his campaign during a live web costs with twist to own that a little musk 44 year old governor could reportedly give 760 to the wheels on his
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money. the form of a public unprecedented, sorry for being seen as an undisputed lead to office policy. according to some polls, desantis could potentially become a private tons of data competing against the binding for the white house. meanwhile, 8 on loss cons concerns. he'll be hosting the upcoming events, but also stress that he does not plan to endorse any specific candidates with not discuss this with legal on media analysts line, no line, no lovely to see you. many thanks for joining us. so we'll see what reaction to this news was desantis really expected, the challenge trump for the republican nomination. and how do his chances look to you right now to? well, everybody knew he was going to do it. this is interesting. he announces that he's going to announce that on twitter spaces. and that was, is that he's going to announce that that's interesting kind of a unique phrase. then the 1st we ask him, most people to say is twitter or spaces. can i watch that? so you can watch that what, what is that? where do i go?
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and especially the, the older crowd. this is an absolute p r bone for 11 months because nobody knew about twitter spaces as somebody flow are saying that it makes a just and just look a shipper to maybe the 18 to 49 year old group. even though most people don't know what this is now, he has his work cut out for him. uh, based upon a real clear out politics averages of all the polls. i think trump is like 38 points ahead, at least as of now, remember, these polls are, if they are at all accurate, they are snapshots. what's going to be interesting to note is this may actually help to said this because this address is all, for lack of a better word boring. and that's been one of the biggest problems compared to trump, who's a fire brand, and lives for live audiences. the said, this is not quite there. you, landmark is not exactly
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a barrel of labs either. so if you put them together, this might be the perfect venue. but let me explain a little background here. yes. who was behind de santis elise initially. the bushes, karl rove, and a lot of main stay more pro, typically, classically conservative, older school republicans. and what is suspected is that they are going to be pushing around just said just to go more right hard core. read meet conservative republican issue does drawing trunk us into this because believe it or not, some people these are using this address as a decoy to bring in trump, so that he'll get clobbered later on in a general election against, theoretically, joe, by now i'm telling you right now, i'm not one for being a prognosticator because i've never been effective. it is, but there is no way that joe biden could possibly run. and i'm looking at gavin
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newsom. absolutely. how he gets there. i have no idea. but wait, hold the prizes. bobby kennedy junior into the mix at the last minute changes the calculus of everything. because what we're hearing right now for the 1st time, hard core walk read, read me republican, conservative school. what do you vote for a democrat if there were a relative looking at bobby kennedy, who has this unique kind of a civil libertarian look. so this is going to be fascinating. good. does run just had to have it. i don't know, he, i don't think he's, he's there. he's acting a little persnickety. he's making too much too many in road, too much, but bad fighting with disney as far as walk biologics forwarding is lubbock, and that's great at the lower level. can you handle the big stage? what will he do with real leaders? again, shooting pain. who knows? but tonight, i guarantee you this is if anything, a boon for twitter spaces,
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a cup before were denied. nobody knew what this was where i'd be listening. i trying to stay awake, sir, do you think that's why you eat on muskets doing it the what are the possible motives? what do you have in hosting desantis? is it just anything for a headline? yeah. well, you remember the other day when tucker carlson announced he was going to twitter or that eli and said, well i don't know anything about that. what, where does that come from? tucker didn't just make that up. he won mosque is a genius. he's the p t. barnum of our time. he's not gonna mess mix this in. he, i'll tell you what eli must and others are finding out that his biggest fans are of the conservative republican side. bobby kennedy jr. a long time democrats has more republican fans. they, democrats, this is, i mean, is it close?
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schwab is right. this is the great reset, but not how they had anticipated it, at least in this direction. and what kind of reaction do you expect from donald trump, to uh, desantis, popping off and challenging him like this? brutal, nasty, uh, almost juvenile shape, juvenile batch, biting. i mean spirited right here, i mean, and that's what his fans love. donald trump, minutes is no words you don't need shut g p t for donald trump. he basically said he's boring. he has no personality. donald trump, there's nothing sophisticated about his particular barbs. nothing high brown. you don't need oscar. wilde will never be confused or with the donald trump. it's very 3rd grade. very, very playground, but very effective. and let me tell you something. in 2016.


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