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tv   News  RT  May 26, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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is it just because it shows if you fractured images, presented as fast? can you see through their illusions, going underground again? the woman is killed as ukrainian falls in the shell residential areas of done yet with us abide high mazda rule kids. it comes one day after 7 civilians including 2 children, were wounded by you creating artillery in the neighboring town. also ahead of the colonial era is over and africa will solve its own problems independently. as according to bush and foreign minister said again after all, he met his simonian count spots to discuss by level type of security and applicant that indicated that the design, when solutions were imposed enough to go from west new capitals, is invariably passing. and one must get used to the fact that the african continent
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has every right to solve its problems. independently of the us criticizes the un for meeting a russian representative on children's rights wanted by the international criminal court of just by washington himself. not recognizing the organizations mondays when it comes to its own activities. and following the theme of ox special intelligence, we discussed the prospects on pitfalls of the phonology for the public guest. it can be used for maybe they would be as read and then it can be a disaster and not be in the hands of the government who has a very significant interest in controlling and surveilling upon the population. the winter live for my head to quote to terry moscow your watching the oxy international moneys pizza scott's here with the top stores at 2 pm this friday. thanks for joining us. i always thought this all in the desk where a woman was killed in selling by ukrainian forces on friday. it's our kids,
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a residential area, severely damaging several buildings, as you can see from the images on your screens. now, i don't have a local research sense. it was directly hit by the selling your supply time was one kits were used in the attack and know that you couldn't use drug also hit a different parts of the city on friday, setting a call on fire. fortunately known, was injured. all tease states, we need reports in the lights, the tax for the 20 minutes. i 37 year old woman has been killed and many others wounded, offer a high mas real kit, struck on this building, the scientific research institute in the don't yet city center. the 1st a rocket attack took place just before 9 am. now this is p called this rush hour. when many people on their way to work on their way to school. this was clearly designed for maximum impact. now, there was a 2nd rocket strike soon off. this is when janice and emergency services had arrived on the scene and many a saying that this strike was
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a deliberate but the you can see the sheer scale of the destruction this huge criterion fund to me was caused by the impact of the rockets attack. the rook is told through this building here beside me, the scientific research institute. they've destroyed other buildings also by the side of the, of the original strike. now we know that 6 rockets would vote in the 1st attack. we believe the 5 rocket launch. and the 2nd, these are nato supplied weapons, the us high miles rocking system. now we've seen an up taking the kind of attack since the city of alt, your most came under full russian control very recently. but we have to say, again, this is a residential every, this is a work place. and so just in front of me here are residential buildings. this is
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where people live. this is where people work. this is where people go about their daily business spots. this has now become everyday life and it's being everyday life for the people here for the past 9 years. but the continued supply of a western and they to weapons and particularly these a long range missiles is simply extending the nightmare for the people i've done yet. this is steve sweeney and don't yet city center for all to. this comes just one day up to 7 civilians including 2 children were wounded in ukrainian showing it talks came on the city of gold and the dance republic. and we should want to use the following images are disturbing. this is one of the victims a 6 year old go see buddies to escape serious injuries, but the boy lost his leg. local authorities, se ukrainian forces are deliberately targeting residential areas with nato supplied weapons. meanwhile, 2 drones crushed in the russian city of crescent off on friday morning. oh,
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here's an verified voltage from social media showing. one of the incidents locals witnessed a loud explosion and a bright flush. the bus down to an office building belonging to a low coat communications provider with no serious damage or casualties reported. moscow has bounded statements by officials in washington that they don't support ukrainian attacks on russian surgery as live with us as the us cheapest us in washington doesn't come down to tax on the russian regents with us supplied weapons . the rules that we have established with the grant is to not use us supplied equipment to attack into the geographic space of russia. as american and polish supplied automative vehicles were used in the attack in the bill to go to the beach and on monday. so it seems civilians will laugh wounded in the incidents with one month shut deliberately by ukrainian militants. the outside was upheld by russian forces with the attack is leaving behind the homepage and at least one must pro ahmed fighting vehicle. generally sauce the state of on this votes best. and while you kind of has to be break things with washington, you've seen
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a lot of reports on social media and fuzzy pictures on social media and a lot of kind of armchair intelligence analysts making quite making, making claims were skeptical that they are, that they are accurate, we do not encourage or enable strikes inside of russia, and we've made that clear. um, but as we've also said, it is up to ukraine to decide how to conduct this war, i think, is pretty obvious. and not just in that instance, but american intelligence, american equipment, american tools and technology are all being used in the, in the battle space. and also in cross border attacks. and we know it's a general milly knows it. the idea that we're, we're really this stupid, i think is offensive, and i'm, i'm really glad to see him leaving moving on now it's time for advocates to stop listening to dig thoughts imposed by western countries and become of the most fault
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in hopes of a new multiple, well, let's go into the russian foreign minister, so get, laboratories me think with the somalian colleague in moscow at the end of the evening, we especially emphasized that african problems should be solved on the basis of those skin promises. the african themselves work out as of the time when solution swim focused on the african from western capitals is vocally passing. and one must get used to the fact that the african continent has every right to solve its problem, this independence and play a crucial role as one of the centers of a multiple, a wealth of them. on this i am joined live now by archie correspondents whom i met you. shaw? well mind what more can you tell us about the importance of this meeting on the topics discussed by the 2 foreign ministers. and so both for a ministers from somalia and russia had held a talk this morning in moscow and signed a memorandum association between both countries. now during the talks,
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we've discussed the plethora of tip of things including business cooperation as both interpreters and both countries are interested in that they've also discussed that russia is interested in a day in somalia, in the amount of time security as they deal with it. as they deal, as they deal with piracy problems, russia has also talked about sending military aid to somalia and specifically send assistance to police to the national police of the country. now another thing on the agenda was the humanitarian aid and how russia is sending a uh, on the humanitarian aspect in somalia. including education specifically as a 100 over a 100 students are studying in somalia. students are studying russia right now. and russia is also interested in open in $3053.00 bunch of places in the country next year. now russia has also touched upon the appreciation that it has for somalia support, amid the conflict in ukraine and the minister of somalia has also talked about
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the long history between russia and somalia. and here's what he said. fresh air was always fearful front and a member of our partners who have been always unaware shoulder. due to the time that somebody was in the crisis of civil war or to destroy the printing criteria. and government has been assisting us in the efforts and being in somebody a need to feed into areas of security and the areas of support in the african. and you know, missions of russia is also test upon the fact that there needs to be a lift on such sanctions on somalia as it is not helping the country. um the uh is through your free country has also discussed uh that it will show support to
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somalia and un security council. we also have uh, the 2nd africa rushes segment that is gonna take place in july. and the somali and foreign minister is going to take part of it. the corporation is going to continue to deepen. obama, thanks so much for walking us through. i mean, it's in between the russian and small informing us how sound to the alarm about the meetings between the top you and children's representative under the russian inspect for children's rights clinicians have gone ahead is the last that is wanted by the international criminal court. and that's the legal body that washington himself is involved with. all these kill him up and picks up the story as the un special representative who overseas children in armed conflict recently met with the russian official whose job it is to protect the rights of children. makes sense right now the objective is to make sure that amid the ongoing more all the children affected are provided with the proper protections and services. now,
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who could possibly object to that? well, the united states for one year deeply concerned that a senior un diplomat met with a student is subject to an icy c arrest warrant for committing war crimes against children. such conduct undermines are shared commitment to protecting children and conflicts on the argument. seems to be that because the international criminal court has issued a warrant against are based on, on, proven allegations coming from ukraine and its allies, the u. n. should then boy caught her, what is america's stands on the i c c itself? is america even a member of the international criminal court? yeah, that would be a no. and it seems like there is more than one reason that the stance currently taken by the united states regarding the icpc is pretty absurd. us officials have blasted the international criminal court from day one. here's what george w bush, the former president, had to say about it was the united states works to bring peace around the world.
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our diplomats and our soldiers can be drug into this gold. and that's very troubling to me. and we'll try to work out the impasse of the united nations with one thing we're not going to do is sign on to the international criminal court. but it's not simply a matter of the usa, not signing onto it in 2002 us congress passed the hey invasion at that would allow the white house to order an attack on the international criminal court to say the americans from criminal prosecutions. there later on during the trump administration, sanctions were actually imposed on ice easy officials in response to investigations of us war cross times in afghanistan. at the time, the secretary of state mike palm peo, did not. men's words. when he spoke about the court, we cannot, we will not stand by, as our people are threatened by a kangaroo court. and indeed, i have a message to many close allies around the world. your people could be next, but now the ice easy is prosecuting russia. washington loves it. even republicans
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who long blasted the court are now endorsing it. this is lindsey graham. i would say this is want to put in speaker accomplishments. i didn't think it was possible, but he did it. and that's for him to rehabilitate the ice. se in the ice, so the republican party and the american people, united states banks, the icpc is great, as long as it's targeting russia. and in fact, they think it's so important that they can demand the cancellation of an important meeting about protecting the rights of children. in the ukraine conflict zone, however, the united states isn't willing to let this very cord examine its activities around the world that voices and outrage of the mere mention of such a thing. now that's not hypocrisy. then what is it? caleb mauppin? archie, new york, labor and human rights sliced on colleagues says the us is always use the i c. c in its own interests while we're announcing it's so far to when it comes to its own front. that only has the us under trunk put sanctions on these i c c,
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prosecutors who wanted to prosecute the us for war crimes in afghanistan. you know, we also have on the books, the invasion of the, hey yeah, which says the us can invade the hey, you get to rescue americans who are being tried by the icpc. so the u. s. has utter disregard for the for the i. c. c, at least, to the extent that it might, investigator prosecute us officials or officials of us satellites. but the us is always taking the position that the i, c, c should aggressively prosecute the officials of, of, you know, adversary countries. i mean, it's kind of an openly double standard. the us believes that it is really the determiner of what is right just in the world. the us believes it is the only country in the world with the clean hands when in fact it's quite the opposite of that. but the us feels that dominates everything,
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including the united nations. i mean, it shows the us who risk while research as find a new type events about take able to beat drug resistant by terry. with the help of all sufficient intelligence, the former chief business officer, google is one that in the future, i could define commodity, a skilled, bringing terrible consequences. how likely is a i to think of as, as, as come today, very high, you know, on the time a, i can actually generate its own confuse, power and do installations, etc. so robot, the cards and so on and so forth, that doesn't have the agency to do the scenarios that you have that you're talking about to you. it doesn't have the agency to create counting machines, right? because humans are the things. um, so yeah, they, i might use that's $260.00 to imagine that i liked the movie i oh boss. so the former google exec notes that, that's to come to the conclusion a, i could use online examples of proven aggressive behavior. the underlines of us in
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china won't stop devolution of robotics as a nation is our rivals in the high tech race. so it's about a lot. most cars also previously said that's a, i has the potential to destroy civilization phonology legal experts, b j. so donna, on from a professor at new york university, michael rates and mold for they say that the outcome depends on whose funds the technology falls into it. but if it's not lucky, if i said the educate source, it depends upon technology. the very, very powerful goes, you know, it depends upon the people those who are using it. those are want to utilize the potential of technology, either for bank of america, for mankind and society automated want to just use it for disaster. ours will do something which is negative. look at every possible technology, whether it is new here, whether there's biotech, whether it is web sense, whether it is the hormones, every technology, it has both the edges. so when it comes to artificial intelligence,
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it is very use for technology, it reduces lot of part time lifting activities, it improves the efficiency of quality. and so many things like if it goes into, i'm going to door, the amana and it can be used for negative would be as read, and then it can be a disaster that ends to balance that we needed a very good and not just the relation, but also oversight on the people, those are planning with the big colors. i think the real question is whether we, we arrive at an a, i dictatorship or an a i assisted human totalitarianism. and both of these are prospects are very possible given a large potential. so we're looking at the possibility that a, i could be wielded by the government's inclusion with corporations to dictate, to the kinds of behaviors that the human beings must abide by or else face
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a severe consequences. and there's the possibility that a, i effectively will flatten human intelligence so that while it becomes more human like humans become more machine like. and this is a very serious possibility that's been explored by many, many authors. so a needs to be looked at by a committee, not a governmental board, but a committee of in the, of, of it's interested and concerned citizens who look at the developments of a i and discuss. and consider what the directions are and whether these directions should be taken. it's not, shouldn't, should not be in the hands of government who has a very significant interest in controlling and surveilling upon the population. so we can't trust the state to control a high because a high will turn out to be their weapon on the over to,
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to the kia web voters. all preparing to go to the polls once again with only 2 days to go. and so the decisive presidential off elections, and here on, i see would be know the latest updates and all special coverage we strongly believe that we will continue to serve our nation for the next 5 years . we will absolutely, absolutely. when these elections in the 2nd round, everyone will see the of the former presidential candidates sit on o and i was pledge to support 2 other one in the elections. explain his decision was motivated by the balance of power impala means there's nothing more natural than the supposed the side who has a majority in the parliament. meanwhile, the solomons is expected to be the most conservative of the country is seen in recent history. so it gets you, unless the scene can explains the new location of seats most behind it. it was the
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world's coverage gripped by the tides race where the track is presidency going down to the wire in a 2nd round run off. it's easy to overlook the fact that turkish voters were voting on forming a parliament on the 14th. in addition to deciding on the president, the oppositional lines entered the votes with a 6 party coalition consisted of left wing, conservative and nationalist parties. presidents are the one countered with an alliance of right wing conservative national. this parties and wild surface boulders fell short of naming a leader. they succeeded in holding in a new parliament consisting of 15 political parties with national security and migration, weighing heavily on the minds of turkish citizens. it's no surprise that national parties receives the record number, nearly 25 percent of the combined vote. and that this new parliament will be the most conservative parliament to see it has ever cease,
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or the one's rights when group holding majority with 322 states, a national asserting conservatism, both alliances at 370 of the total of $600.00 seats in parliament with many of these parties campaigning on strengthening national security and returning refugees . it seems a new government will likely prioritize developments in syria and counterterrorism . heading into the may 28 when are taken. busy of presidential run off between presidents, red chip type at one end of position alliance kind of chemical. coolest. all the incoming presidents are the one is in a stronger position with a parliament majority. the strong performance of rifling parties has led to opposition candidates, custodial taking a more nationalistic tone in his campaign ahead of the run off with national this candidates seen on the one out of the race. and both are the one and colors total
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of will try to purchase supporters to propel themselves past the 50 percent. the threshold while are the one is the head, it's still anybody's raise. the key to victory will be mobilized and supporters and appealing to rights wing voters. both candidates have been tirelessly campaigning, a head of the decisive votes. turks will once again head to the ballot box for the 2nd time in 2 weeks to decide on their country's future. yes and that can. archie stumbled. and finally, the egyptian aisle is all mosque, which is deeply redid by study. muslims says that the west is causing strife and the vision and the islamic world, as by sticking out. so the muslims of the main perpetrators all terrorism in your such statements are parts of western terrorism, practiced by some tests and officials against the civilization of the east and the civilization of as long which of a can 0 from the era of darkness and fatality. all those are also cost since
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muslims around the world. the visa, responsible statements, fuels sick, tearing conflicts, solid discords among follows of various hispanic schools. so thoughts and deepen division strive and conflict in all arab and islamic world with a friend special made the controversial obligations on a visit to an f. b. i training center in new york, citing the 2015 parties. so it's like a switch. so a 130 people killed. you also have voice disappointments about the us withdrawal from i've got this done on francis disengagement from the saw held region of africa wanting that it could leads to the resurrection of ice in the middle east allies and external threats and risks of terrorist attacks. most muslims and friends belong to the canadian, i'm a nation. so the in 30 minutes, the statement at home we spoke to secure to experts, pull on up a coffee. who said that the actions of a few extreme is do not represent. so the muslims, for as long as a whole, one of the estimated 1700000000 muslims getting the,
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was 90 percent us. and these on the 1500000000 people in the world quoted has somehow associated for have tendency for territories and deep wants. and needs shouldn't be indicted, as they mean is the uh, seems to see then the hardwood east and the big trouble this uh, this movement is based on the pop, but really just ideology that does not represent unique is about more 80 bucks than of the slot comments like these, these unhelpful because they can do you need the majority of the mainstream? what's names? assuming these posted religion has been hijacked by these people who are using religion for bad things. and if you any of them, then you are the name of when, when the war and when you have a french mean, is that yeah, i mean, essentially indict into what else are nice. now, when you have, i mean i,
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the point of the patients in the u. s. in europe and elsewhere in the website in died the order of muslims then catch the slims unless they've been told that ends would naturally rise. and unfortunately, the more there is, is lemma, for the, the more the whole community of muslims are profiled and treated assess bags. the more we play into the hands of the categories, because what they had trying to do is to pete, then what's the name was again the west, and they haven't succeeded in greens doing so so far. but a, we wouldn't do, you know, to, fortunately, the whole office and the slot as an energy, then we are playing to that and, and don't get an opportunity to include even more young was lives into these dangerous groups. what was the main story? is this, how do you head over to all t dot com or our social media pages for mall? i'm the scott, i'll be back again, at least for the hour. thanks for watching the
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. i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. the point obviously, is to create a trust rather than fit the various job. i mean with the artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme in the robot must protect this phone. existence is alexis the
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the 1st time in history. meantime country's culture has been cancelled the very remote in west council culture. many,
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they ask one of the associated miles to the truck. it just me sitting on a particular phrase. now, particularly the refers to canceling russian culture. and yet the worst it could be up, see what was the zip code where you might have folks to put you over to this chill out of it. so that the most of the stuff that you have on them, the, the moist blood rushes created over the past 1500 years. there's no questions, partially condemned, reviled and reject it to sit alone and use that to put somebody at the middle of the panel. there's a lot, i don't know because i don't know apology does it. i guess it a little symbol is joining total condemnation, gross daily. and now includes just asking you to call skate and it shows the coverage that i need to. yeah. so it's quick enough, but yeah, she utilized a few things that would just be done with you. i'm gonna need you to
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the cost of acceptance and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, you do not watch my new show seriously. why? watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please. as you have the state department, the c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the
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why is that? why in this control, if i give both plenty of the store and this, they should have been a short order for now, i'm not going to say last week when i scan, when i am what i could catch at your desktop session. so let's just sean your just is when you buy on it, when you sit on while it's in the set up on via the the late hi everybody. so i am good and lead to again and i have coming you in so so large light bulbs with the supplies scrub it was found this gulf of them big. so in the middle of a deed century, in a small above and english county of can you and i was discussing.


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