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tv   News  RT  May 27, 2023 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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do know is after i, i know use i, i know that you don't want this to sound like a president. trump the interest, but what i use back to control. but uh, but i do know is when trump strikes against us. uh, there were no reports whether people choose to believe them or not. there were no, i'm further reports about using chemical weapons face also be that more from the editor in chief of our views and editorial board member of our a be a news channel. after this break, the so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy from foundation. let it be an arms race is on all sides. very dramatic. personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical of time. time to sit down and talk
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will never be a victory for russia. wait for solutions when you're still waiting for them. voice to locate me of this as a war between russia and the united states. army comes to the us. you get the name of the forces are and you're not in your russian forces. american forces are here to defend nato allies. nato escalates even more indiscretion. military operations become a more bills of sounds like the social is much to see if i see failure to us custody of believe. so i use 3 issue and we can use the media most of them. let's see. let's just all finish the sewer. there's no secrets,
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the color, the, the welcome back to going underground. i'm still here with the editor in chief of our views, facing a lot of us. the reason i said the shadow of the rock, because we had the ex advisor to lensky is commander in chief on this show just the other day. and he's a us veteran speaking to me from west point. he said the rock was worth it, and they're going to use this kind of a rock with strategy against rusher and ukraine. how widely held is the view in the world away from here into these. the believes
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iraq was worth it to the and then if you complain about the casualties and the 10s of millions killed window displaced by all those was it's kind of going through old history or not recognizing american supremacy. and i own that the united states did the right thing, you know, a big sign of poles and that's a driven during that isn't so and i would hate to speak on behalf of the arb street . that's a very complicated question. but um, what i can safely say is people judged by the outcome and what is the outcome? did iraq become better or worse? iraq became far worse and i have complete understanding and i have my own criticisms and issues of up to some of them seem preaching. this is not the criticism of this have done this. i think all of us would be critically based without what i mean. it's hardly not to write this, but what i'm talking about is the mismanagement of the day to of, of, of the iraq which has led to you can argue really say the creation of the dash, etc, etc. so people judge by the outcome and the outcome in this instance wasn't positive
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now to the kinds of propaganda against the arab world. how, how do you counter of the nation ation propaganda against the outer world in, in general, not just from your experiences, presumably at conferences and international for how to journalist to work for you and the news do that because presumably in the news room, they can see with narrative being constructed and propagated for various reasons. i mean, look, we are not without our shortcomings and not without our own mistakes. we work hard to tell, reflect the most accurate it's the story we, we, we can, there has been instances where we've corrected stories of a and, you know, challenged newspapers like the new york times and we were proven. right. and so if you know not every story that is published is wrong or inaccurate, but by then you call contracting. the kind of propaganda,
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when i find in the us open, so we do uh, you know, we're very cautious that we are not the ministry of media, of, of so the be aware and use deeper and you know, there are limits to, to be done. and we cannot do, i'm on the record saying this on another occasion is we as a country as a whole and need to do a better job in telling the amazing progress. and i, i do honestly think, and i know people watching this interview would expect me to say this, here's a german, it's from saudi arabia. he's of course, going to kind of a lawyer of go his own horn and see nice things. but the, the, the, the sheer amount of, of the she magnitude of change that has happened over the past 6 years is unbelievable. i, you know, if i were to go back 6 years and a half when i started doing, and i wouldn't ask again, not only would i do this job again, i would actually pay for it because it is remarkable to be there when women started driving, when cinemas, re open when for the 1st time in at least the last 40 years, the religious police where uh, you know,
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the powers of their industries were finally put in in check and you don't see them anymore. and i don't think people get, we give enough credit for that single. yeah, i understand that they have that information and some of it is even coming out into major nation media. but do you think that the, the nato nations who have a desire to control saudi arabia, not only how production saudi arabia, but uh, given the control elements of geopolitically, which of use of the, or maybe it takes because it's a superpower, this region. do you think we'll just go? yeah, things about what i mean is what a more tricks of this leave next to try and destroy it. you must have witnessed it as a try and destroys ad. uribe is reputation around the world, the media. i know they always talk about you being a state of control, arguably uh, i think you probably can see how state control data, nation media or is what, what are you expecting the latest fluids and defamation against that here. maybe to look in. if there is, isn't that driven media in the west,
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you can't really blame them because there isn't that driven what you really surprises me sometimes is how know you've some of the people are receiving media is it's not really that hard to fact check these days. it's not really hard to find another source and, and compare, compare notes and see what, what is actually happening. you know, if i want to go in, i know this stuff is not hard. now that over 50 countries can come without a visa to, to solve the review. it's not hard to come and check for yourselves. and there's been an inflow of a lot of journalists from, you know, all the way from tokyo to toronto coming to saudi arabia to find and, you know, i, you know, with a few exceptions, i cannot think of one person who didn't see with the positive impression not because we're putting on a show or propaganda, but because the, the, the, the misconception is so grief a outside and i get it's, we've been across country for a very long time. we've done wrong things for a very long time. but i just do think the audience needs to approach this with the,
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with an open mind. and, you know, if there isn't, isn't that driven during that isn't? there's a lot of ways they can check check. do you think you're increasing? are you going to look at double standards? has visualization media criticizes out here? maybe i know your coverage with julian is anjanette news. i've noticed that the kinds of, uh, we're now in a stage where our media is beginning to realize that the kind of a colonial mentality of the great to west and the ideas of freedom are not quite as they were. that is, your name is obviously the most famous john is in the world, is in jail in love, look not, we're going to, it's not like we're going to start. we've already started. then i'll give you a very quick example. around 2 years ago, the who sees burnt 40. if you open refugees life. and you know this was coming of the heels of the globe or black lives matters movement. i saw the news, i did not see it on any international. when most international media outlets didn't cover it, what i expected is, you know,
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if the introduction media and i'm here to say old lives matter every life in a sense, life loss is a life too many. but if you're going to do all of that media coverage for flights, and may he rest in peace within, i expect 40 more. 40 much as much coverage for the 44 if you will be, and refugees who would birth a life. but by the who with these, you know what we did, we started contacting newspapers in britain and the u. k. one by one. i'm sending them email and for the agency, are you going to cover? only one of them. uh, replied. the main black lives matter movement in america didn't reply. there was a splinter organization of it that came and shame them for not doing that. and you know, it will always be those who would fees would deny that that happens. i think i remember in that, in that case, but today it's not just a matter of ignoring your let's is a however, the roof of which your remember i, on the editorial board like fox news like, or t like, i don't know how many on the television stations, i don't even bothering to get there all going to go. you can give them incense
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a license. why? why would that be a way? does a do you don't care about being broadcast in britain for you to ask? i'm sure if you ask the management of a lot of the of the will give you a more up to date uh, answer on that seem to navigate press really well look. i mean, i've been asked this question in the u. k. and you know, it's very easy to come with kind of a stiff upper lip and accuse us of all sorts of things. but you know, we are with, we are, we don't have the 1st amendment in, in, in the, out of what we have to work and very tough condition. i'm talking about no but, but let me see what i could for you to really don't need to know. i mean, i'm, but i'm getting to that point so we don't have it. so by default, that means when we do something create, just when we do something profession, we should be uploaded. not the other way around. there's nothing special about the new york times or the washington post doing what they're supposed to be doing, given that their legal framework protects them to do it. but as you mentioned, who's perfect, you know, i was on a bbc review interview and seeing, you know,
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you're, you're addressing people for protesting or tweeting. and i say, did you not watch the controls coordination? you know, and the 1st time we know when people are being arrested latrice for having blank posters. so, you know, i think everybody needs to have a deep look insight before throwing bricks at other people you mentioned visually on a song, should i still remember when you know, a bird to security forces, read the offices of the guardian and force during the rest of the story, laptops and computers and hard disk, you know, that is only less than 10 years old. so nobody's perfect to you. you'd expect at any time the saudi security forces coming into the arab news and faxing a laptop in front of you. you know, you would be, you'd be like probably just the god in the british. i seen, you'd be surprised that i'm seeing this, but i am more comfortable in working as a journalist in saudi arabia. and as i know how this sounds, but i'm more comfortable working as a journalist himself database then having to deal with companies like carter rock
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in, in the u. k. which is the level of capital of the, whether the be the cause or rock would deny what you're saying to how that agency is. we want to keep going under trials, right? and you know, this is not encouraging the does nothing wrong is not up. you know, encouraging the abuse or going after people unfairly. but you know, the laws in the u. k. are pretty trick on you. so i feel much more comfortable working in cell gave you a knowing that the way we're headed with the vision 2030 we're it has to happen that we're going to have more transparency because this is a whole and vision that is based on accountability, transparency setting targets for and keep the eyes for ministers and government officials. we're not there yet, but i'm sure we're going to go through what happens though, and i have to say, i feel more comfortable here clearly because i moved from london over here. and we had the united nation special rep or do i talk about torture of julia designed you in london. but what about as the fact that the love of arab journalists in this wage may be an educated american universities and british universe?
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because i'm going to inherit some of these orient list ideas, no fully understanding that the world is a apology. we reckon with now along with break look might nice thing is i always see everybody. and i mean, everybody needs a system update on what the article is, particularly the gcc has become and there, there are many outdated, unfortunately, sometimes even by our own people who maybe have spent a long time abroad. but this is, as the tagline of our newspaper says, this is a changing region. it has changed dramatically in the last few years. um, with regards to, you know, the, you know, western media and told me about a lead glass. our, we don't realize that actually you don't need to count to west of foreign policy. look, we wouldn't do what is in our interest, i think is the message. and we would make sure that our interest doesn't harm your interest, which i think is a, is a fair game. but if anybody,
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i believe that if anybody is expecting a free ride, that doesn't happen anymore and breaks. if you did, that's a variety of inside the radio is going to absorb rusher. and once that to join the breaks you expect that here may be a to be part of breaks. and i mean, it's a very complicated negotiations. what i do know is there's a friends of bricks meeting happening in south africa beginning of june, where so the idea is invited. i know there is serious talks to invite the leadership to come to the summit in august. how that materializes, i don't know, and it's too early to judge. but you know, the kingdom has signaled in recent years that it's wants to consider alliances with all sorts of blocks in the world, in a way that serves its own interest. the regional interest and international interest, and there is no reason why we shouldn't talk to um, you know, the bricks group and see if we can align or interest with their so well as the american se. so you do, you know, like china dual is american innovation,
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there's nothing we are, will not be the global south, have a do. it's full of innovation in that kind of know how that the americans in the west, the opinions can just tell me what you thought about the astronauts. but i, i'm always saying it ironically tell me, by the way, your thoughts with you as even though it says, i think you might have to explain it because internationally, maybe it's not known. well as you know. so during the it was the 1st out of country, it's a send an out of most of them to space. this was in 1985, it was a prince, some funding settlement. and now there's a whole program as the so the space program and we want to catch up with our brother's here in the u. e. in other signal that the whole region is, is rising. so a few days ago to us or not the 1st ever female. so the astronaut went through the international uh, you know, by the way, yes. the and from the you a, the yeah, but he was there, he was there a few months they've asked me to scan the americans. another thing,
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i don't think it should scare anybody. there's going there to do research, but it's a signal that, you know, we want to be part of and you know, this was launched from the us. we also just signed a, we need almost yes. and we also just signed as a country $37000000000.00 of boeing planes that are on the $121.00 to supply the new airlines that we're building for a 40 on. so again, people, you know, see one part of the story, but don't see the other part of the story. if we were so anti american or want to break up with the america, why would we launch? there are other countries with that we can launch a to space from and there are other countries that can, that make equally good uh, airplanes. so i think there is this view to try to simplify things and look at it from one perspective, but not to look at the whole story by so thank you. you have to go on an update just as far as changing the region continues. that's over the show will be back on monday would be for the goldman sachs economy, is declining the acronym break below jim o'neil to talk about the rising breaks. and it's the challenge of the g 7. but until then, you give
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a judge my role as social media. if it's not the sense that in your country and had to watch, i'm going on the run tv, hon. don't come to watch new and old episodes of going underground see monday, the the more expensive. and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted or opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department, the c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction. but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you
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the question. i mean, you love seeing those words isn't like a, do you live muscles do? if you look on the initial be one, of course, significantly post on zillow, while it be almost getting used to put value. what do you do origin buddy authors to was done the newest 3 government buildings systems to build a new do what i see these the buses, the little gear relation says, this done boss of the
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room. those of the old ways, believe that license a full set goes that all of is ups and downs india, before the british was the richest nation with the highest gdp in the word. and why did the 100 years of british truly bring it to this low off some 50, attracting the late 30 at the bank and there was no different party. they had no right to take my property. my, i don't, my gosh, they went through all of our big spaces i was see, could spaces off uh, san angelo wiley pointed out the spaces inside. the wood lute also is like in the wood, which is no question to the english, the big city. so quite selling lead, even the in the would have been you into the english lexical,
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the only one day to go until tirty is right off presidential election set to take place on sunday. as the top 2 candidates from the 1st round battle for the number one spot over a 100 people die in 2 weeks of spiraling violence between communities in central nigeria and biggie. you. 2 greece to tackle it's newly in post tear of san car, been good imports after new del east complaint that comes as germany's european people's party reject the blogs, the green initiative, the afternoon from the rushing capital. this is our to international with the latest
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world news updates. i'm here all isabel, it's great to have you with us for kia will finally decide who will be leading the country this weekend with voters ready to make their final choice on sunday. 2 weeks have passed since the 1st round of voting and ballots cast by almost 2000000 aspects. living abroad, reached the country on friday, with the 3rd place candidate, backing incumbent president order one. western media has been focused on portraying him as an authorized cherry and liter ortiz. marina quotes that it breaks down why trickier continues to have such high turn out despite the mainstream media's portrayal of the country. as on democratic it's well known, but the general consensus and the was that's a d a is run by a dictator. and if or the one wins, again, it will spell disaster for their relationship with the country and for the nation itself. but dictators don't normally go into a runoff,
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and people don't usually both. if they know that they're both mean nothing, inter t a boat or turn out has been consistently high for many years. average at over 80 percent. so k is a dictatorship. why did people both are testing their votes? for sure the turnout is high because these elections are vitals because it's a deciding factor for the countries fate. and everyone knows this. they can think for themselves to join us. the people are happy with the president and his administration. and because of this, i think they went to the polls in larger numbers. i think this system is effective and it will be even more effective in the 2nd round. it would be healthier if the old administration remained, but no matter who will come to power, we have no choice, but to respect the outcome. if you're asking about my personal opinion, i think we're jump dave or the one is a world leader box. the western media isn't buying that states and that no matter what these elections will not be free or fair,
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i guess we know what their conclusion will be if their favorite 10 is that loses. but it's not just about the presidential elections which have demonstrated people's belief in the system. it's also about the parliamentary elections. where are the ones a k party secure the majority of seats? the fact that the 14th of may elections took place in the form of acquire a feast of democracy with peace and quiet is an expression of democratic maturity of alex. yeah, i congratulate all my citizens who voted in the name of democracy and took part in the election of work and express my gratitude to each and every one of them. some would argue that sort of soft force to vote, otherwise they face a fine, but that statement is misleading. so it may have compulsory votes in like many other countries, but it's not enforced. when the, the people is not the quotes they get, the message is so that they can and the follow up with it. but it's not to implement that as a fine. it's not the exit computers. uh, you know, way,
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but this is something too much of a sample for going there and voting as a citizen. and this not only, and so here where people have been casting their ballots and fast, the number of char, exposing from a broad, nearly doubled since the 2018 elections. germany. it has the largest purchase diaspora around a 1000000 and a half people. and 26 polling stations were open if they even opened poland stations in new countries like bellas pocket stone. and let's do waiting. yeah. so it seems that the key is expanding. it's alex oral process following the countries transition from a parliamentary to a presidential system 4 years ago. so far as success if we judge by voter turnout numbers. but the was this still focused on headlines related to election rigging, for an interference and press suppression. unable to explain why people are still voting and choosing the so called dictate are associated professor and
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international relations. the brought him cut out. this explains why turkey is presidential election. has seen such a high turn out. i don't know, it was high because the 2 people are man made. the collections are the only chance to speak decision making, and they know that they have to wait for 5 or 5 more years to explain these, these tests on the government side, the people that's more worried about the fits which come to our tongue add on to their legacy i call the 3 add last relation, majority of people that are to coordinate those lot of disadvantage and the this combination before the rest of the countries are host i have to a. com. please excuse me, till presenting made them of speech before blending. did they me just yeah, they should look at screen office space in this country is the guy the media. we
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can outright an optical, which of cause they use time like i myself, that i choose to write an article in less than media. the i used to optical is a stop looking, for example, to scholar monday, to get the publishing are to will be covering how the presidential run off election between incumbent leader bridge f type earl won, and his main opponent come all coach. star lu unfolds this sunday, stay tuned with us for all the latest developments the we strongly believe that we will continue to serve our nation for the next 5 years or so to me, we will absolutely, absolutely. when these elections in the 2nd round, every one will say the
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to africa. now over a 100 people have been killed in central nigeria, in what local officials say are attacks by unknown gunman on farming villages. the violence is said to have started 2 weeks ago, resulting in the mass displacement of locals affected people and especially women and children are both traumatized and have immediate humanitarian needs such as food, water and dignity and sanitation kits. we condemn these barbaric acts in the strongest terms possible. it is disheartening to see innocent citizens being killed in their properties destroyed in such a gruesome manner. the region is located on the dividing line between 9 jury is mostly muslim, and no matter occurred or community in the north and farmers in the mainly christian south. the region has for years struggled with ethnic and religious tensions with violence escalating in the last few weeks after a brief calm period during the countries february and march elections. one local resident tools,
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r t. the situation requires fundamental reforms to be put in some ways. this the reason is, is if you go from a will, did a neutral or maybe to provide enough's enough security that will be providing uh, these areas, particularly the remote areas. i think that's maybe the cons cortez, so it's uh, cities on this. but if not the time likely to happen, because it's in the we, these people are coming in today to do community to green. they're waiting to hear if it shows that something cause to happen. if there's the kaufman doing those and do something about it on thursday, around $250.00 villagers, led by church leaders march through the city of josh denouncing the killings and the spiraling violence. local residents told us the government needs to take action . the positive questions on what the government calls
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for, right? is it no more is the one the government most. this is a need to approach just these. the just, this is, it must be seem to be walking because he, because you have the beginnings cool, reduce power to do so talk to you to going to do that. that's what was just this is dispense is that, that's we stop and government has the will power to treat, but definitely how are you still in the exercise the u. n. and the african import
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export bank will work together to help facilitate transactions for russian exports of green and fertilizer to africa. that's according to a you and trade official. we are working with them and making a platform that will allow for more edge all due diligence with the clients to comply with the sanctions, but allow for the transactions of food and fertilizers with africa. the platform will help small african nations stop trade disruptions. this follows an agreement struck in july last year, which requires the u. n. to help russia overcome obstacles to its brain and fertilizer exports. for 3 years. the deal was reached alongside an initiative under which russia would allow ukraine to resume black sea green exports. the arrangement met, russia would be allowed to export agricultural equipment and spare parts a ban on age.


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