tv News RT May 28, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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or has cooper's major competitors, so i know what kind of training you went through. it was the same as my training. we were taught that if you see something illegal were unethical, you must reported immediately. you go through the chain of command or through the ethics officer, and if your chain of command is involved in the illegal or on ethical behavior, you go to the government. what was the process that you went through to report the wrong doing? and when did you decide to go to the media? actually, i say there are many steps. and so the 1st one was my food understanding of a single case. because i, i, i of things that more and more often, i mean my, my work and the once i did myself as a junior, are due to her because i already did my search for small entity. and i had the full, uh and there's a google picture of what was going on between the old, the, the entities as a group. and i found out that was a prophy if that's for shifted to december to or, and that's,
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that's anywhere. so then i had to choose that's, that's some thing was going wrong. and then i kind of lost my motivation in my work because i didn't phones the social utility. i was looking for an in my, in my work. so i decided to resign. but since it's a day before my last day, i was searching the significance of firm and and i found a folder containing a hundreds of tax readings. and this was absolutely not normal because um, uh the for uh uh, protects very or should protect very strongly these uh, the dates back on sundays are hands and so this phone service or any results any further action was just a free excess of his work. so i decided you took a pc,
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so he's folder and that's knowing precisely what they would do with this information. and it's true that normally i should have um, for us to a, to my uh, this is uh, internally uh we think because of what you see and, and find someone to, to, to, to, to tell my concerns. um but and if it does work, i may maybe uh, to share this information with the government. but in this case uh, both the firm and the government was involved in these next meetings so that there was no drones, tu, tu, tu, tu, tu, tu blows? and we fell, we between 2 to 2 these uh entities. so i, so what i decided is to 1st to, to make sure it's,
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that's my own understanding of the textbook. just isn't an accent. bird was right. so i, i, i tried to contact some into use uh, originally involved in a text and i to, i was in europe just to make sure that's what they found was a program was really a program. and, and then i tried to, i'm in there or just you say, i know you will see another read your program and on a, on a blog just to, to share probably she may, may come sounds, but at a tipt anonymous. and then a journalist, investigative journalist working for french gigi contacted me because he reads one of a, a disease. so comments on a blog and, and the, he thought i was waiting for. and so he wants it tomorrow, and i accepted to meet him. and,
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and i decided to share as a huge amount of absence. next agreement i had, i share the information with him and investigated. and a tv program was a book tested in falls and it was so in your case about the people you see the expertise using it looks numbered and then uh, the documents where shall we see? i see a j and this led to the so called look. some borges looks like a story which involves the dozens of joint i used to runs a welding the over the continuance. and that's and who we exist today. t, the some cases like i'm at the april and i can get the piano cook for that as well. and let's say almost all of
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the brands, you know, as a consumer, we're in involved. and if they were involved in the cause of the size of the, you can assume that they have almost the same textbook disease, always the nose or the need for a company. that's why it was a system. it's a issue that's could be the cheese on the public see was a was so it was a work of investigate chief judge on that. once he went to the press and provided documents to prove your allegations, did you think the experience was over re surprised that the government took legal action against you? i felt that there's a source, i was product seats and such was the plan. uh yes, i really, yeah i, i so it's that, that my boss was over and the day did the right thing to do and,
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and, and that was the end of the story and my thoughts and the, and it says it says it's the program was booked that book tested in 2012 and and to 3 years past and see 2014. there's no nothing more. and so this is a design busing i, i was thinking that's a, was a risk. i have taken a dense realize that let's say that says i had, i didn't have to suffer any consequence of, of having blooms will be. so i both in 2014. so 2 years after i show the difference is and that i, i realize that the look some burg authorities launched a proceedings against me against a no service of over i say that a and also against a central and i just it walk down. we're speaking with famed european was
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a blower entwined del tour. we're going to take a short break and come back with more of our conversation. stay with us. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 the a hi, i'm receptionist and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do the have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you comfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again,
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you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way and say take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power, tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusions, going underground? can the welcome back to the whistle blowers. i'm john to react to. we're speaking with european whistle blower entwined del tour about his work against corporate tax evasion in luxembourg. and one,
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thanks again for joining us. and one, let's talk about the charges against you. despite the fact that you reported on an illegality like many whistle blowers you were prosecuted. tell us about that. it says very and just because it's the only person in the concerns by a legal proceedings or as, as a people who have a shed the lights on the vault on a global issue, which is the best practices of the nation. national companies and every citizen into the world is confound, because it's a matter of o governments can the finals and policies and so at the end. so the main effects of uh, of the, of the story was this particular reaction that is that such was strong in huge
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environments. a committee and investigation committee was created. and that's a moved to several countries in europe. citizens look simberg mazda to just to interview a tax professionals to, to, to, to, to understand what was going on. so it, it had some consequences, and those effects was in europe, changed the followings. this is alexis, some, some of the case cases were investigated by european commission. we some decisions to, to, to condemn some tax purchases. so he just had some consequences. but the only person that was a, that is a, a, a criminal charge. the charge is lower as the reset or has entered. so it's a drawing that is a and, and as a, as a result of the and you know each, john,
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you and your friend, uh, your friend are very vulnerable because your loan was no uh, goal advise these. no, no one runs you to, to support you. so it can be very, very, very destructive and, and maybe you might, it may look in history and which is maybe um, an notes every 2 runs for reset. the was, uh, was that, uh, is this, the reason looks, each story was very visible uh inside the job. and that's why when like simple groceries has decided to charge a so, so we so go versus say is i was image image of the a strong public reaction. and the simple to committee was create, see that we some, those relates using also some activities. some thanks my task,
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and this supports community was very active to together fundies together as a public supports. and this was really, really helpful to, to, to cope with uh, with the criminal charges. so here were found guilty and then your conviction was upheld on appeal. many people would have given up, they would have cut their losses because the sentence was suspended, but you didn't give up. you appealed again. and you one, tell us about your decision to challenge that conviction a 2nd time and about the final court's decision to acquit you is true at the beginning, i was risking of 10 years in j a and the assignable 1000000 euro. so was the 1st and the missions suspends it's combination to play as most accurate of as soon as the tv is use and the interest to drop, or is this story, which was the a pressuring it's a can do, sir. this goes to, to me,
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you have to leave is this pressure of, of the trial was really yours if a from each other. so a, so, but, but that's a, it was a matter of principle and i says, and lots of people did wrong. me was telling me that what i did was the right thing to do and, and i don't understand to be condemned for it for this. and i really says that's the, that's the, that's the laws was on my side. so we stick on sort of made or yours, i decided to appease the 1st or condemnation. and again, i was, i was condemned to another sentence, a reduced sentence, and a piece that came to the higher cost in, in looks henberg and a just stage a for me it was just the steps to have access to the u. p. on the call to human
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rights to, to reach can go on the when you have the ended, we suppose the eat up. is it possible a piece at the national level? and so i, i just, the width is less that it looks and broke just to have access to the european court . but then that looks and broke, surprisingly, it reads was a, our, a humans that i was a movie said over according to the case, low of your goal. so human rights and then a nice trails of false trail. nixon burg just going sims's and acquisition and that, that's um, so john, i just was of select received as a 2nd as a 1st keith, but i say no, he lives in the, in the higher courts, he looks on broad and then he had to go to the european ghosts of human rights,
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which decided on you got a few re so months ago that he was also a true re over sub over. tell us about the reaction to your whistle blowing not by the luxembourg government, but by the european union. it seems to me that they were far more clear headed an understanding of what you had done in your whistle blowing. it depends on who you are thinking about a huge in limbo because it's true that is huge and by humans was quite simple to see if we see the creation of an investigative committee and, and that's a some huge and condition uh like, not ready to invest i go, i was so supportive savings that looks like she most were head footing, her investigations if it's wrong, but what's needs a police interest. and history was also the fact that at that moment,
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as you can uh, commission, the presidents of a huge and commission was who would you go? we was a former prime minister of fedex and burke for many, many years. and so, so it was the reaction from your pin, the 4, which is alexis. but it's concerning the head of your gen commission. it was more a reaction of, let's say, a defensive reaction. just trying to justify what had been done and that it was in the interest of the economic development of flux and birth, but not the but the reason she was that's this next strategy in look, sunbrook was very detrimental to o. its neighbors, gemini, falls. it's, it's an n, as this was tiny contributory to the google or principle is that true
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european constriction, we'd see which is farrah collaboration of the, of number of states. so i think that was a real contribution. that means a political eviction for the photo beings, a lex leaks, and that currency. these 2 have a big troubles in a way to fax, a global firms, pietro's declaration of companies as to rely on national laws. and when you are a move to national companies, it's seems very easy to shift pro fees from $1.00 place to another to avoid a tax regulations. i'd like to thank our guest, antoine delta. we're both for joining us and for his courage. and i'd like to thank our viewers for tuning and remember standing up to your government mean standing up for your country. that's what entwined del tour did. and the entire european union
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is a better place because of it, that kind of behavior, that love of country that love of the truth is what we should all strive for. i'm john carry out to and you've been watching the whistle blowers until next time. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 of the, in whom those will be always believe that life as a full 2nd that will be is ups and downs india. before the british was the richest nation with the highest g d, b into work and wide of the 100 years of british troops bring it to this low off some 50, attracting the late 30. it's banking and there was no different party.
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they had no right to be my property. my. i don't my god we went through all of our big spaces i was see, could spaces off uh san angelo wiley pointed out the spaces inside the would you also feel like in the wood, which is now closing to the english, the big city. so quite selling lead, even the heating, the words have been looted into the english lexical. a ton of the ways you have the only interest in this new interest. we have also our, our initial interest. but we can find some kind of space coming entries and the best or least common interest. so we can do a roadmap for cooperation, their principal corporation. and this was that we start to, to lead to, to, uh, we,
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we, the turkey i gave out for sundays, one of the vote to us the 2 leading tons of dates from the 1st round, the battle folder, presidency. 100 people are killed all the way to 2 weeks. the spiraling violence between communities in central nigeria plus the us edge is closer to an economic default for the 1st time in history. but the government desperately trying to agree on raising the countries 30 was pretty until it does seem like the loan law company in your and nearly tends to start shipping human brains for the 1st time. possibly us government green lights the controversial with the
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a very or welcome. this is all to international with the latest world news update. just good to have you with us. i was just hours left before tax take to the polls to elect the next president to 1000000 ballots for sundays run out from citizens living abroad have already arrived in on corrupt autism over to mom a reporting for me. some bullshit. the details with my colleague peach of schools we know that are due on the side of the 50 percent vote that he needed and the police that will also 45 percent also side out. of course, both of these schools get the data that everyone's back to the polls tomorrow. we're looking for a set closest. i'm 60000000 people are looking to be voting tomorrow. are the ones just it's 51 percent now it's seen on or on. you may remember from the 1st round the ad 5 to set of the votes. he's sided with our dog, and hopefully he's hopefully by his votes. as we'll go that way,
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click start all has decided with the a, c, p and a they get a policy. we'll see if they join the vote as to is going to be a tough one. so cool, but most people are expected to see are the water for the next 5 years ahead of this obviously crucial election mariah they assume you've been walking around this stumble in the streets. what's the general atmosphere like? is a sense of how important this'll going boats as people are really excited, that there are a lot of these on these things. going on the c h, b, ad akbar. they're both running people to get them to the police station tomorrow because there is a fear that people may not go. but if they do, we know that they'll be excitement in the air and we know that we'll find out very soon who the leader of to get will be a circus versus prepared to head to the post full. the 1st round concerns were raised by west and main stream media of the direction the country could take to the other one, secure another to ortiz moving in a cause of, of picks up the story. so it's well known that the general consensus and the was
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that's a d a is run by a dictator. and if or the one wins, again, it will spell disaster for their relationship with the country and for the nation itself. but the traders don't normally go into a runoff and people don't usually both. if they know that they're both mean nothing . and so t a boat, a turnout has been consistently high for many years. advertising at over 80 percent . if so, k is a dictatorship. why did people both are testing their votes? to the question, the turnout is high because these elections are vital because it's a deciding factor for the country states. and everyone knows this. they can think for themselves to join us. the people are happy with the president and his administration because of this. i think they went to the party some larger numbers . i think the system is effective and it will be even more effective. in the 2nd round. you will be healthy or gold and ministration remain. but no matter who
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counts of our we have no choice, but to respect the outcome, you're asking about my personal opinion. i think we're jump, dave and one is a world leader off the western media isn't buying that states and that no matter what, so these elections will not be free or fair. i guess we know what their conclusion will be if their favorite candidate loses, but it's not just about the presidential elections which have demonstrated people's belief in the system. it's also about the parliamentary elections. what are the ones a k party secure the majority of seats? the fact that the 14th of may elections took place in the form of acquire a feast of democracy with peace and quiet as an expression of democratic, mature to violence or to yeah, i congratulate all my citizens who voted in the name of democracy and took part in the election work and express my gratitude to each and every one of them. some would argue that sort of soft force to votes, otherwise they face a fine. but that statement is misleading. so it may have compulsory votes, eng, like many other countries, but it's not enforced. when the,
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the people is not close, they get the message is so that they can then the follow up with it. but it's not to implement that as a fine. it's not makes of pictures uh you know way, but this is something too much of a sample for going there and voting as a citizen. and this not only until the tier where people have been casting their pilots and fast the number of char, exposing from a broad, nearly doubled since the 2018 elections. germany. it has the largest purchase diaspora around a 1000000 and a half people. and 26 palling stations were open if they even opened poland stations in new countries like bellas pockets. don n let's do waiting. yeah. so it seems that the key is expanding. it's alex oral process following the countries transition from a parliamentary to a presidential system 4 years ago. so far as success. if we judge by boat or turn
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out numbers. but the was the still focused on headlines related to election rigging, for an interference and press suppression. unable to explain that and why people are still voting and choosing the so called dictate are associated professor of international relations. abraham, colorado. so explains why took, he has presidential election. i've seen such a high turn up. i don't know, it was high because the 2 people are there. and they have the collections of the college as to how much space decision making. and they know that they have to wait for 5 and 5 more years in these, these tests on the government side, the people that's more worried about the fits, which proved or done add on to the big i. c. i call the majority of people that are to coordinate those. why this advantage and the
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this combination before that invest in countries are almost tied to a. com. please use it till presenting, made them of speech before blame the baby. yeah, they should look at the space and they come to the guiding the media. we can not write an optical which of courses do use time like i myself that i choose to write that article in less than the media. the i used to of to go is a stop looking, for example, to scholar monday to death. and obviously meanwhile took yeah, being struggling to overcome a crippling economic crisis. last october, inflation hate to 85 percent before slowing to 44 percent in april. the took his level of they've hit a record low of 20 against the us dollar on friday. so what, it's what large of t i t wells uses, aaron believes that the economic situation will not have an effect on who people
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vote for. the dollar has been high now for more than a couple of months. so this isn't a new development. this isn't something that's shocking that is automatically going to change the minds of voters today because it's not something that immediately happens. so i don't think it's a market moving regarding the psychology of voters where it's going to ship voters who are undecided or who are on the swing, obviously the ad on and cannot coach at all. so this is something that they're just present has his address. i don't for see him changing his economic policies. uh, but regarding economy, i do see much more support for businesses, especially at the manufacturing a export in the defense sector in the health and education. so he's, he will try to most likely by injecting more liquidity into the market. uh, try to support these companies. also making more credit available for growth uh, and for employment as well. so his, his economic policies most likely from what i've seen from his interviews that he's
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given, will stand as is, but the government will be more proactive if his administration continues in supporting businesses in supporting employment. will continue to bring you a special coverage of the turkish, a presidential run off election this sunday on all t. stay tuned for all the latest developments the we strongly believe that we will continue to serve our nation for the next 5 years or so to me, we will absolutely, absolutely. when these elections in the 2nd round, every one will say the and now i have to africa, what a 100 people have been killed in central my jewelry up. and what local officials are saying. we're talk spot and gunman on farm and communities. the violence which started 2 weeks ago has resulted in a mass displacement of low cost affected people and especially women and children
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are both traumatized and have immediate humanitarian needs, such as food, water, and dignity and sanitation kits. we condemn these barbaric acts in the strongest terms possible. it is disheartening to see innocent citizens being killed in their properties destroyed in such a gruesome manner. the region is located between nigeria, as most of the muslim, nomadic heard a community in the nose and mainly christy and pharmacy. in the south figures, it struggled to make the ethnic and religious tensions with the violent escalating of the last few weeks off. a brief, with spite during the countries february and march elections while local residents hold on see that the government isn't doing enough to stop such tragic events. the reasons is, if you go from a, what do they need to? maybe to provide enough enough to to, to you know, be providing these areas, but typically there anymore areas i think i.
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