tv News RT May 28, 2023 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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pro a virus is the move away from offices, a positive or a costly that 1st thing i tell isn't about next. the the coven 19 pandemic had left us with a couple new habits and workplace trends like work from home policies as remote work became the norm for most people. while that 1st, this seems like a net positive for most remote work also has its costs to whether money comes out of your salary for a new desk setup for your shouldering a more expensive utility bill. and then on the far end of the spectrum,
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you have ceos who have now banned remote work from home and expects employees to be in the office. so what is the real cost of working from home? i'm christy, i'm. you're watching the cost of everything we're today. we're going to be examining the pros and cons a work from home and is this trend good for workers or employers. ready working from home has many benefits, including saving time on commute, which is a big one in us. one way commute on average is 27.6 minutes, which means that it takes nearly an hour for most people to commute both ways each day. keep in mind, this is an average number and there are those community as far as 2 hours, one way each day, in certain metropolitan areas of the country. and meanwhile,
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in china, the average one way to new time in beijing reached 48 minutes, which was the highest among china cities with the largest commute times in the world included logos, nigeria, at the very top, with an average a 66 minutes commute, followed by san jose coast or rica with 64 minutes. los angeles is close behind at 61 minutes. not to mention the crowds and the rush during commuting in india 23000000 passengers. can you by train every day with some hanging onto the sides of the train, as there is usually no room for everyone on the actual train? another great benefit of working from home includes having greater flexibility with your schedule, which is especially helpful if there are children in the household. this saves the employee money that would otherwise be spent on transportation, gas and child care. money is also saved when eating lunch at home and not having to spend on work clothes and dry cleaning all the time. many remote workers have the
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reported increased productivity due to working from home. it also allows for more quality time with the family. as there's more face time and no waste of time on commute. and this flexibility is extremely important for mental health and happiness of employees, as it is better for the work life balance, something that is extremely important to the younger generation. and perhaps one of the biggest benefits is that working from home gives one the ability to live wherever they want to. not because they have to live close to work. this usually makes the living situation cheaper because they're no longer stuck to in metropolitan radios. and more enjoyable as there is more space outside of work. so now let's bring in j jones president of all ways on p r, who is 100 percent working remotely. so j, what percentage of employers had work from home programs before the pandemic? and how about now, after the pandemic?
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you know, well, the thing about it is before the pandemic. your home was a place for relaxation and eating and dining. but during the pandemic, your home became a place to hustle and bustle. because one more people started to work from home and it got busy. if so, you had to start calling or spaces for us is if you had let you can eat in the living room, because your dog, excuse me, you can work in your living room because the dog is the wife is bad tvs. the everything you use to relax and shell is there. so then you have to find the space, a guess, room of the a kitchen and you have the kind of cut that place off, you know, because you couldn't get work done. people do like to work from home, those that now do thing employers actually like having a work from home policy or do they perceive work from home employees as less valuable and less productive?
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well, the problem is you want a happy, healthy workplace, no matter what. so the point is, don't mind having, you know, the work from home, the w, f. m from home as long as this communication going on the times when they feel that the only time work starts to decrease what the work from home is as far as emails don't go answer. there's a long pause. people take time away without letting the employees know, but the policy now as an employer myself, is that you want people to be happy. you want to bring the stress down so much if you're going to work from home. but communication is a search, it is absolutely paramount. and do you think that a lot of a workplace culture and commodity is detrimental for companies in the future? well, you know what? yeah, i understand that no, the, the, the, the, the water cooler conversation is,
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is not as important. but what is cool issue is that technology has caught up with working from home. so you can see it. so it's not as detrimental as this down, you know? yes, we want to brainstorm a lot of times, it took me a long time to get used to working from home. i started in los angeles, i'm used to go into the office having the water cooler conversation, having a laugh around the coffee pot in the morning and so forth of that nature. but now, you know, do that technology is caught up, is better devices. so we can communicate, we can do like we're doing now, we can tell work and we can communicate, zoom in and so forth. so that's okay. as long as technology come up and you have to reset the culture, the word culture has to be reset. so therefore, you know, my generation and i'll pass it originally. i know i need to, i need to talk to joe and bob and susie, now when you and i,
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we don't need to talk to j roxy anymore. okay. i'll text you, you know, this is only, you know, the x amount of time. be there be on time as my and yet how much money does an average person save working from home then if they were to work in the office? well this to falls to that question. the employees are not necessarily losing money because the employees want you to be like said, happy healthy stress free the, the employer wants you to be those like they're probably actually saving money. you know, they're saving about $5000.00 on just the transportation. you know, the commute, your tickets, your monthly passes, however you drive in the parking, etc. you say, but what you're missing, that is what employees, employers, firms, it's fine to do. i'm not doing it per se, i just try to do nice things as well. you know, i may send a flower or
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a basket or something like that. but the corporations, especially the ones that once you with the business, like the finance you cost and google's the some of the big tech bar, they're adding gyms. they add a community work space as they're added shift. they're adding bar missed for as they're like having a starbucks in that they're buying you lunch is, you know, they're doing all these days to entice you to come back so that you do have this sense of, oh, i love being at work and it's better than leaving my house because what happens is you get a, you don't mean to get lazy, but you can lose some of the skills, like in our business, for instance, you know, everyone's used to, you know, zooming in on those interviews. now, the television industry and the motion picture of industry, they want you back in the studio and you know, i used to get all i've ever for my, i feel like we was in, are you like a, do you right that you're looking for? can were you looking to look at my boss tomorrow? so there are some skills that kind of be that you need to polish up by coming back
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into the workplace. so that's why employees do want that to come back. thank you so much j, but please stick around. j will be joining us after the break. and when we come back, we will be discussing what are the true costs of working from home and what the employee is lose when choosing to work remotely. we'll have more after the break, the . i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except we're so shorter is a conflict with the 1st law show you alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about visual intelligence at the point, obviously is to place
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a trust rather than fear the area. i mean with artificial intelligence, we have so many with the him in the a robot must protect his phone. existence was alexis, the welcome back to the cost of everything. while working from home has right many benefits, there are just as many negatives. there is a distinct lack of social interaction as communication with managers and co workers isn't the same one conducted through a screen. there's a lack of chit chat where friendships, commodity and bonds are formed in a natural office setting. as such, there's less of a work identity and office culture that usually bonds teams that have to work
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together. many who work from home expressed feeling lonely and also misunderstood edited. it is difficult getting the right tone through digital communication without body language or other cues. and for some working from home means more distractions at home that they have to cater to constantly. and that makes concentrating very difficult. the lack of a schedule also leads to on discipline, schedules and deadlines. managers are not present and there's no social pressure to appear busy when there's no one looking over your shoulder. so a tremendous amount of self discipline is required to not waste time on social media. there's also the cost of setting up a home office which require space and materials that 1 may not have access to. and these home offices can be costly, especially if they require special technology and faster internet service. and this was a big problem at the beginning of the pen demik as learning how to use these messaging
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. and telecommunication platforms like slack or zoom was a big challenge. and even if they could use it, many didn't have the required internet bandwidth leading to many frustrated dropped calls, miscommunications, and other inefficiencies, other amenities that are usually add an office, things like free lunches, access to office, gym, game room breaks and holiday celebrations. little perks that disrupt the routine, make the day more enjoyable, are no longer there. as such, having the motivation to succeed in advance and your career becomes more difficult when the routine becomes mundane, doing the same thing every day with no positive interruptions from colleagues. workers are less creative, as many ideas are formed from spontaneous interactions and brainstorming over coffee. there is also less face time with managers which can affect how bosses and others perceive you at work. if you're not in the office and others are,
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managers may be unintentionally biased against you, where contributions aren't noticed or appreciated as much by your team. and finally, there is no physical separation between work and be sure time making the shift to post work relax ation mode that many take for granted more difficult. and for more let's bring in again j. jones president of always on p r. and so j, what industry profits the most from work at home? well, i think the industry is, they're profit. the many industries are changing like medical industries are changing to work at home. um, so financial industries are changing. you know, the banks are changing, you could do some of the stuff at home, you're ads. and yet, even though i was a little bit on my app, just now the, you know, those firms are changing the most. it allows you to tell work you know, uh, but they are industries uh that do struggle with legal industries. you know,
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some doctors still have to make a hospital appointment. uh, the movie industry, you know, is not really able to tell of work as much or the entertainment industry the show business industry that i'm it, you can tell i can, i can call a client in boca, but now the trend is becoming more that we're leaning back into studio. so this is tricky manufacturing banking there and profiting from remote work and what industry is working from location? absolutely. necessarily have the least amount of remote work flexibility. right, right. because money is a big issue. you know, listen, if your firm, for instance, do you personally i personally, we probably say at least 5000 on just transportation. but if you take vacation and work and, and time off, you say more but of the corporation, this saving hundreds,
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but they're not valuing that no more paper products, no more costly, no more water that, that, that adds up to hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars in some cases, if you have like $4500.00 employees let the wall street companies, morgan chase, some of these big for this a limousine. cnr say they probably a $1000000.00 in cost services alone, but, but the employers uh, you are not or not, you know, you and i, let's just say we're saying we're definitely earning, you know, saving money. we don't, we the commit that the community is extinguish. you know, get up and do you guys decide and you jump into the jump on the phone. and do you think there is productivity and benefits? last one, there's no in person interaction amongst colleagues, and is company culture and a strong team or out built by social interaction
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a necessity in the workplace. or is all of that an unnecessary distraction. that is nice, but not necessary to produce good quality work. and how exactly would you quantify something like that? i know i just really think the wall street business wants people in the office. i find that the big start of the big investment capital is they want you and i think it's a mindset more than the reasons, but they feel it's just a better culture. it's a better called you forgetting the job the for have because you have so many employees for working on the job. however, they still understand that if you need to do some baby care and you can't be yes, you can hybrids. um, so the hybrid program has also come into a very effective way in the job industry. i mean it's just, we're resetting the world less stress is played a big deal because frankly,
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many people started working remotely. do not want to go back to the office. they really want to stay at home and work is just a reduced distress. they figured they could get some things done. they could, you know, baby care, child care, you know, dog walk a, so forth and so on that you can really get to this level yesterday. and the bottom line is a happy life is a bad work productivity to. now there are arguments on both sides with some people saying that work from home causes people to slack off, but others actually say working from home, you're putting in more hours because your answering emails are round the clock. so which one is true? well, for me, you know, i, it was more mental health. i started doing this in las, it was the reason i was my work at home. my w f. m. policy allow me to leave los angeles and move to new york because i wanted to come to the bigger market is. so it allowed that because i was able to establish
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a work at home policy for me in my firm. and it was beneficial because a lot of the stuff, like i said, you gotta get devices. the problem is when i travel, when i was in dc last week, i have to take like 3 or 4 devices. and my goal is to get an i ipad. i take a laptop to to do that work, so that's a little bit of a nuisance. but you but, but you are able to benefit and that mystical, my whole quote in life is like, i can't missed a quote. i can quote, even though i missed your call 3 times this morning, but initially there was a little bit of like more flanking lobby like i just want to take a map for the afternoon. you know, i just got a crash. well, i made me start happy, hour early, but now i think now that the world and, and technology and we kind of reset the way we think, i don't think we're slacking. oh, i think we're not balancing i lied cuz i could probably call the person to say,
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hey, can you do this? it also my, my call me, i mean i do call them all day long and all evening. well, 5 in the morning. hey, you got somebody for, for the afternoon or throughout the business is one thing. but it all comes down to communication. hey kevin. hey, keith. hey, you know courtney. hey jackie, you did respond to that email. uh, let's talk about it must have made me communication communication. you have to have that communication back and forth. that's such a you have to touch with somebody bid touch with you. you're in touch with me. you're normally not going to miss out. you can't, you can't be, am i? you can't take a nap for 45 minutes at noon even though i don't know. i have a new meeting. you know, you can't be on your pelettano all morning long. you know, what the us does do is we work more hours. that's for sure. a lot of the remote i was looking at this, a lot of the remote works in the start in korea, in eastern europe. but they, but the us we, we gain on that in addition to that,
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we like reading, lining the amount of hours we're working my right now, you're probably working like what? 14 hours a day, remotely, or some days, probably working on weekends as well. saturday, sunday morning like you normally used to go to maybe charge on the bridge. that phone is ringing. you my oh ma'am, have a pancake or you know the bag just crash. i see a i had to run to the office. i had to run home. you know, you can say 5 computers to branch working from home. definitely seems like the trend now and obviously many employees like this. but what about the employers? do employers prefer working from home or from location employees to you know, it depends on the person you uh, it really does go back to that kind of, you know, health and wellness thing. i mean, it gets a little p h d is in a way because, you know, yeah i, i, for one really mess, you know, it's like you and your dogs,
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i am, you know, having a conversation with my dog or your tv becomes a company. so it does kind of rate you. now, if you don't have anybody around cuz you don't need that positive energy waking up every day, only, you know, always at work. what happens is that if you stay in working mode though, you work from home, you stay in work mode. so you're on your computer. frankly, from the time you might get up like 6 in the morning until maybe midnight and you don't have to like work balance, which is essentially just for you to be a better person. i think, and i have to balance. i think it's gonna be high, but i really do think it's going to be hybrid in some ways that i know i buy cook myself, i would say, hey, we're working in the office. why don't you take off? take august and work remotely, but the key is to working remotely. it's not a vacation. so if someone says, work remotely and or the whole month of august, the me, you're going to greece with 60 your best friend state and the name a, b,
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and b on the mediterranean, and not picking up the phone call. so it's a difference between working remotely and vacation, i think hybrid no more. i think we're gonna get a little bit more working remotely. i think it's going to increase because of the health because it's almost going on as you know, it was, you know, i, we crime this bad. everyone's like, all can be working ticking time bomb because we don't have the balance. remote working in the read thinking and the resetting of the job in the industry allows you to have a better world life balance, which equals, as we said earlier, a better productivity. thank you so much for joining us today. now it seems like the main winner here are the employees who benefit from a more flexible schedule and work life balance by working from home. but actually many employers are also a fan of this trend. for many employers, a flexible remote work option is a huge benefit for possible employees allowing for better retention and engagement
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and fewer turnovers. turnovers are very costly for businesses as then they are saddle with the cost of scouting, hiring, onboarding and training. all which contributes to lots productivity. this is especially true when it comes to executives, which are much harder to replace. all their employer is get to save on rent and utilities and other office bills through remote work. not only that, but larger companies like facebook found that by allowing executives to work in various sees across the country, they could actually save millions of dollars by adjusting their pay to the city. the executive chooses. as the cost of living in iowa is significantly lower than the cost of living in san francisco. remote work also allows employers to expand their job pool and improve the quality of their organizations by hiring the best possible candidates regardless of their location. so while this new trend is
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a net positive, unfortunately not every position an industry can allow for the kind of flexibility remote work has to offer industries like construction, oil and gas, factories and manufacturing all require personnel at location. i'm christy, i thanks for watching and we'll see you right back here next time on the cost of everything. the who is the aggressor today i am authorized with additional strong sanctions today. russia was the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. a number that is constantly growing, but i think you chose the close thing is just click on the only thing that we see
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more in the way we'll shift. we're banning all important show russian oil and gas suffering the price for another country of those. what we're going to reset the sensor to sing for the little joe bites in, imposing these sanctions on russia has destroyed the american economy. so there's a boomerang, the the, the tricky, a heads to the poles this sunday to choose its next leader in the run off of the country. the further afield closely watches the political buffle between the incumbent president register vertical and his rival, demo village go to blue. also
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a head on the program this hour. as you travel, westwood, and back with the destruction, get much much work with coal, says the ukranian resistance here was much stiffer. our correspondent follows wagner a private military company. fighters and archibald school so known as black moods as rush. it takes full control over they sheet. don't bol city after 9 months have been satisfied. with this, with the african continent, martin nashville africa day, celebrating the victory. overt colonialism of the end of a hard time. the, with the top stories for the past 7 days on right up to the moment development sounds well, this is the weekly and r t a one welcome 2 weeks have passed since the 1st row in
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the presidential elections in turkey, a field to produce a winner now this sunday, the country is holding a roll of funds. citizens are casting their votes for the 2 top remaining candidates facing off today, incumbent president, ridge of ty, bird. one of the opponents come out of college through our 2 levels of developments . how's the merge throughout the day? we strongly believe that we will continue to serve our nation for the next 5 years . we will absolutely, absolutely. when these elections in the 2nd round, everyone will say well, let's recall the results of the 1st round topping the ball event was incumbent president or the one with 49.2 percent of the votes. his center left opponent camel collects
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the rule, trailed him by just over 4 percentage points, while right wing politicians sending non took the lion's share of what was remaining a 5.3 percent. his voice, by the way, later became more important. does he said this past week, he will bug president or the one in the run off as well. last cross live now to ortiz, murat somali in this done bowl, who is fronting our coverage of the countries 4 important day, a huge turnover. it's in the opening runs of voting on to the ease, not expected to be fairly different at murat. what's the main issues those people make their way to the pool? yeah, you're in a good sense. so now we know that in the 1st round, origin type and the one got. so the lines, the eclipse style, clues, the che yeah, colors by all uh, exciting,
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by about 5 percent. now the important thing to remember here is that close all took the main, sits easy to, i'm talia. it's of our inquiry to stumble. the also to the south east as well as the south west isn't in and out, but what didn't didn't take was the central on a podium errors. i'm. this is an important thing now sitting on on also said this week, you said the problem with closed on will, is that he doesn't understand the essential i'm of totally and people and they cost a lot of uh they take a lot of that boat away. now, later on my guess will be joining me in about 10 minutes. and i will be talking about the differences between the centralized sodium people that make up much of to key is population compared to the votes is in the big cities. but we will be back in about 10 minutes. right?
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mommy line from the bowl. we will return then on that del, deeper into those all important elections. but it's like some route is russia, trickier need each other and that's according to the candidate who came in 3rd, in the 1st round of the presidential race, there's no the potential king maker and non exclusive interview with r t z. and then we'll discuss turkish foreign policy and where it's headed, going forward. the turkish organizations for the topic of your doctoral dissertation, which you worked on russia and you wrote in russian language. you said that you see or a shot and took it as 2 countries that need one another as an expert on this subject . can you single out the most important reason why other countries need one another book that isn't then big, cuz some.
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