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tv   News  RT  May 28, 2023 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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flexibility is extremely important for ease, as it is better for the work life balance, something that is extremely important to the younger generation. and perhaps one of the biggest benefits is that working from home gives one the ability to live wherever they want to. not because they have to live close to work. this usually makes the living situation cheaper because they're no longer stuck to in metropolitan radius and more enjoyable as there is more space outside of work. so now let's bring in j jones, president of all ways on p r, who is 100 percent working remotely. so j, what percentage of employ a pandemic? and how about now, after the pandemic, before the pig demik, your home was a place for relaxation and eating and diety. but during the pandemic, your home became a place to hustle and bustle, because more more people started to work from home and it got busy. so you had to
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start carting all spaces for us is if you had let you can't eat in the living room, because your dog, excuse me, you can work in your living room because the dog is bad. the wife is bad tvs. the everything you used to relax and shell is there. so then you have to find a space, a guess, room of the a kitchen and you had to kind of cut that place off, you know, because you come back to work from home. those that now do you think employers actually like having a work from home policy or do they perceive work from home employees as less valuable and less productive as well? the one that is, um you want a happy healthy work place no matter what. so the toys don't mind having, you know, the work from home, the w and from home, as long as this communication going on the times when they feel that the only time work starts to decrease with the work from home is as far as emails don't go answer,
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there's a long pause. people take time away without letting the employees know, but the policy now as an employer myself, is that you want people to be happy. you want to bring the stress down so much if you're going to work from home. but communication is a sense, it is absolutely paramount. and do you think that a lot of a workplace culture and commodity is detrimental for companies in the future? well, you know what? yeah, i understand that. no, the, the, the, the, the water cool little conversation is, is not as important, but what is cool issue is that technology has caught up with working from home. so you can see it. so it's not as detrimental as this down. you know? yes, we want to brainstorm a lot of times, it took me a long time to get used to working from home. i started los angeles, i'm used to go into the office having a water cooler conversation, having
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a laugh around the coffee pot in the morning and so forth of that nature. but now you don't do that. technology is caught up, is better devices, so we can communicate, we can do like we're doing now. we can tele work and we can communicate zoom in and so forth. so that's okay. as long as technology come up and you have to reset the culture, the word culture has to be reset. so therefore, you know, my generation and i pass generation. now i know i need to, i need to talk to joe and bob susie. now, when you and i, we don't need to talk to jay or roxie anymore, really. okay. i'll text you, you know, there's a zoom in and know that x amount of time be that be on time and smile. and yet, how much money does an average person save working from home then if they were to work in the office? well, there's 2 falls to that question. the employees are not necessarily you're losing
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money because the employees want you to be like you said, happy healthy stress free the the employer wants you to be. those are the employee actually saving money? you know, they're saving about $5000.00 on just the transportation. you know, the commute, your tickets, your monthly passes, however you drive in the parking, etc, your savings. but what you're missing is what employees and employers buyers are trying to do. i'm not doing it per se, i just trying to do nice things as well. you know, i may send a flower or a basket or something like that. but the corporations, especially the ones that once you with the business, like the finance you cost and the google's, some of the big tech product, they're adding gyms. they add a community work space as they're added shift. they're adding bar missed for as they're like having a starbucks in that they're buying you lunch is you know,
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they're doing all these days to entice you to come back so that you do have that sense of, oh, i love being at work and it's better than leaving my house because what happens is you get a, you know, means you get lazy, but you can lose some of the skills. like in our business, for instance, you know, everyone's used to, you know, zooming in on those interviews. now, the television industry and the motion picture of industry, they want you back in the studio and you know, i used to get, oh, i got it for my. i feel like we was saying earlier, like a do your right that should not look at the account when you look at your looking at my boss tomorrow. so there are some skills that kind of be that you need the policy by coming back into the workplace. so that's why employees do want that to come back. thank you so much j, but please stick around. j will be joining us after the break. and when we come back, we will be discussing what are the true costs of working from home, and what the employee is lose when choosing work remotely. we'll have more after
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the break, the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it to conflict with the 1st law. show your identification. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence and the points a trust rather than shit. the various job with the artificial intelligence. we have somebody who would be in the robot most protects his phone existence was alexis the
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the welcome back to the cost of everything. while working from home has right many benefits. there are just as many negatives. there's a distinct lack of social interaction as communication with managers and coworkers,
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isn't the same one conducted through a screen. there's a lack of chit chat. what are formed in a natural office said a, as such, there's less of a work identity and office culture that usually bonds teams that have to work together. many who work from home, expressed feeling lonely and also misunderstood. edison, it is difficult getting the right tone through digital communication without body language or other cues. and for some working from home means more distraction. and that makes concentrating very difficult. the lack of the schedule also leads to on discipline, schedules, and deadlines. managers are not present and there's no social pressure to appear busy when there's no one looking over your shoulder. so a tremendous amount of self discipline is required to not waste time on social media. there's also the cost of setting up a home office which require space and materials that 1 may not have access to. and
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these home offices, compar special technology and faster internet service. and this was a big problem at the beginning of the pandemic as learning how to use these messaging and telecommunication platforms like slack or zoom was a big challenge. and even if they could use it, many didn't have the required internet bandwidth leading to many frustrated dropped calls, miscommunications, and other inefficiencies, other amenities that are usually add an office, things like free lunches, access to office, gym, game room breaks and holiday celebrations. little perks that disrupt the routine, make the day more enjoyable, are no longer there. as such, having the motivation to succeed in advance and your career becomes more difficult when the routine becomes mundane, doing the same thing every day with no positive interruptions from colleagues. workers are less creative, as many ideas are formed from spontaneous interactions and brainstorming over
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coffee. there is also less face time with more than others perceive you at work. if you're not in the office and others, our managers may be unintentionally biased against you, where contributions aren't noticed or appreciated as much by your team. and finally, there is no physical separation between work and be sure time making the shift to post work relax ation mode that many take for granted more difficult bringing again, j. jones, president of always on p r. and so j, what industry profits the most from work at home? well, i think of the industry, the profit, the many industries are changing like medical industries are changing to work at home. um, so finance banks are changing. you could do some of the stuff at home, you're as and yet even dollars like the, you know, those firms are changing the most. it allows you to tell work you know, uh,
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but they are industries that do struggle with legal industries. you know, some doctors still have to make a hospital appointment history. you know, it's not really able to tell of work as much or the entertainment industry the show business industry that i'm it, you can tell i can, i can call a client and book them. but now the trend is becoming more that we're leaning back into a studio banking there and they're profiting from uh, remote work. and what industry is working from location? absolutely. necessarily have the least amount of remote work flexibility. right, right. because money is a big issue. if your firm, for instance, do you personally i personally, we probably say at least 5000 on just transportation. but if you take vacation and work and spend time off, you say more but of the corporation this saving hundreds,
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but they're not valuing back. no more paper products, no more cost the nope, that adds up to hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars in some cases. if you have like 40500 employees let the wall street companies, morgan chase, some of these big for this. they've limousines saying, i would say probably a $1000000.00 in cost services alone, but, but the employers uh, you are not or not, you know, you and i, let's just say we're saying we're definitely earning, you know, saving money. we don't, we the commit that the community is 60 years aside and you jump into the jump on the phone. and do you think there is productivity and benefits last when there's no in person interaction amongst colleagues and as company culture and a strong team or out built by social interaction a necessity in the workplace? or is all of that an unnecessary distraction? that is nice, but quality work and how exactly would you quantify something like that?
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the street business. once i find that the big start of the big investment capital is they want you and i think it's a mindset more than the reasons, but they feel is a better culture. it's a better quality for getting a job the for have because you have so many employees for working off the job. however, they still understand that you need to do some baby care and you can't be yes, you can hybrid so. so the hybrid come to a very effective way in the job industry. i mean it's just, we're resetting the world. stress is played a big deal because frankly, many people started working remotely. they really want to stay at home and work is just and reduce the stress. if they get a get some things done, it could, you know, baby care child care, you know, dog walk a, so forth and so on that you can really get to this level yesterday. and the bottom
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line is a happy life is a bad work productivity. now there are arguments on both sides with some people saying that work from home causes this actually say working from home, you're putting in more hours because your answering emails are round the clock. so which one is true as well? for me, you know, i did, it was more mental health. i started doing this. it was, it was the reason i was my work at home. my w f. m. policy allow me to leave los angeles and move to new york because i wanted to come to the bigger market is. so it allowed that because i was able to establish a work at home policy for me in my firm. and it was beneficial because a lot of the stuff, like i said, you gotta get devices. the problem is when i travel, when i was in dc last week, i have to take like 3 of that i take a laptop to to do that work. so that's
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a little bit of a nuisance, but you but, but you are able to benefit and that mr. cole, my whole quote in life is like, i can't missed a quote. i can quote, even though i missed your call 3 times this morning. but initially there was a little bit of light because i could probably call the person to say, hey, can you do this? you know, someone might call me. i mean, i did call them all day long and all evening. well, 5 in the morning. hey, you got somebody for, for the afternoon or throughout the business is one thing. but it all comes down to communication. hey kevin. hey, keith. hey, you know, cuz you didn't respond to that email. let's talk about it must have a, might have an 8 o'clock to meet communication communication. you have to have that communication back and forth as such as, you're in touch with somebody bid touch with you. you're in touch with me. you know, i'm really not going to miss up. you can't, you can't be, am i? you can't take a nap for 45 minutes at noon, right?
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oh no, no, i have a new meeting. you know, you can't be on your pelettano all morning long, you know, 4 hours. that's for sure. a lot of the remote i was looking at this, a lot of the remote works in the start in korea, in eastern europe. but the, but the us we, we gain on that in addition to that, we like reading, lining the amount of hours we're working my right now you're, you're probably working like what? 14 hours a day, remotely, or some days, probably working on weekends as well. saturday, sunday morning like you normally used to go to maybe church or bridge that phone is ringing. you my oh ma'am have a pen k or you know the bag just crash. i see a i had to run to the office. i had to run home. you know, you can say 5 computers to branch working from home. definitely seems like many employees like this. but what about the employers? do employers prefer working from home or from location employees to you?
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you know, it depends on the person you, uh, it really does go back to that kinda, you know, health and wellness thing. i mean, it gets a little, you know, p h d is yes i, i, for one really mess. you know, it's like you and your dogs, i am, you know, having a conversation with my dog, but your tv becomes a company, so it does kind of rate you. now if you don't have anybody around, cuz you don't need that positive energy waking up every day, oh we, you know, always that we're what happens that if you stay in working mode though, you work from home, you stay in work mode. so you're on your computer, frankly, from the time you might get up like 6 in the morning until maybe midnight and you don't have to live and you just for you to be a better person. i think and i have to balance. i think it's gonna be high, but i really do think it's gonna be hybrid in some ways that i know i buy cook myself, i would say, hey, we'll work in a new office. why don't you take office? take august and work remotely, but the key is to working remotely. it's not
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a vacation. so if someone says, work remotely and or the whole month of august, the me, you're going to greece with 60 your best friend staying in the name and be and be on the mediterranean and not picking up the phone call. so currently in big case, i've been hybrid no more, i think we're gonna get a little bit more working remotely. i think it's gonna increase because of the health, because there's so much going on as you know, as you know, as we crime in this matter. everyone's like that because we don't have the balance remote working in the re thinking and the resetting of the job and the industry allows you to have a better world life balance, which equals, as we said earlier, a better productivity. thank you so much for joining us. today, to now it seems like the main winter here are the employees who benefit from a more flexible schedule and work life balance by working from home. but actually many employers are also a fan of this trend. for many employers,
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a flexible remote work option is a huge benefit for possible employees allowing for better turnovers. turnovers are very costly for businesses as then they are saddle with the cost of scouting, hiring, onboarding and training. all which contributes to lots productivity. this is especially true when it comes to executives, which are much harder to replace. other employer is good to save on rent and utilities and other office bills through remote work. not only that, but larger companies like facebook found that by allowing executives to work in various sees across the country dollars by adjusting their pay to this, as the cost of living in iowa is significantly lower than the cost remote work also allows employers to expand their job pool and improve the quality of their organizations by hiring the best possible candidates regardless of their location. and so while this new trend is a net positive,
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unfortunately not every position an industry can allow for the kind of flexibility remote work has to offer. industries like construction, oil and gas, factories and manufacturing all require personnel at location. i'm christy, i thanks for watching and we'll see you right back here next time on the cost of everything the pendulum, those will be always believe that life is a full set that all of is ups and downs india before the british
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was that it just nation with the highest gdc in the world, and one would bring it to a dis below of some 50. it's an acting not late. so do you think there was no different but they had no right to take my property? my i don't my gods. they went through all 5 big spaces, i was see, could spaces off a temporary wireless pulido, b, c. c. in fact, the word you also using the word which is now closing to the english, the big city. so quite selling lead. even the a heating the word has been you into the english lexical.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just the distortion by how us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really one say better wills, and is it just as a chosen for you, fractured images, present it is,
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but can you see through their illusion going underground can the this sunday to choose its next leader and a run off election as the country watches closely the political battle between the incumbent president received, heard a want, and his rival come all, come all till each darling. also ahead. as you travel, westwood in boston with the destruction gets much, much worse. coal says, can you create much there? are corresponding follows. wagner private the military company, fighters and arctic killed locks. it also known as bach mode has rusher. liberates the key don bought the city after 9 months of intense fighting. and as israel palestinian attentions are on the rise, china proposes to broker a peace deal just as it did in the middle east. earlier this year.
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the just about 4 pm here in moscow when you're watching r t international. i am your host donald quarter. welcome to the program. now 2 weeks have passed since the failure of turkey is 1st round of presidential elections to produce a single candidate with the crucial 50 percent plus one majority. this sunday, the country is holding its 1st ever run off, and citizens are casting their votes for one of the top 2 candidates looking to lead the nation for the next 5 years. facing off today are incumbent president received or the one and opponents come all killed each dot rowe r t will have all of the developments as they emerge throughout the day. we strongly believe that we will continue to serve our nation for the next 5 years . we will absolutely, absolutely. when these elections in the 2nd round, everyone will see
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the, the, let's just take a minute to recall the results from the 1st round of elections right now. the incumbents, conservative for 9.2 percent of the vote. and his pro west opponents come all killed at star lu trails behind him by just over 4 percentage points. while right wing politicians, c $91.00 took the lion's share of what was remaining securing 5.3 percent. he later became more relevant as he said this past week that he will back president or the one in the runoff election. earlier this morning, the incumbent president alongside the country's 1st lady, arrived at a polling station to cast their votes in the presidential run off a bit later, or the one spent nearly an hour outside d. d. i have reported that the turkish president's next stop is the country's capital bank route to follow the results from his presidential power of palace. meanwhile,
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his opponent was joined by his wife as well as the pair were an anchor up to cast their ballots. they were seen reading election officials before making their way to a private booth and dropping their votes into a sealed fox, a local correspondent, as were i'll start filed this report from the police station. the shuttle was here an hour and was accompanied by his wife said because it's settled and mayor old on turned up. he will make the economy and he wants he was given the audience that matches free of charge on public service. the r t windex president of the dawn was giving messages about the future projects up to now. so this was the main difference regarding the top. all right,
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now people are wondering what is going to happen most often on, on it's just one person. uh, it would have to go to president, add on as you need only one more point to pass the threshold to be the next president. again, animals look, go to come on to the federal, at least you know, for him tax professionals. so this is the situation and as the run off election is only a one day occasion, people are coming to vote despite their domestic duties. and this footage you can see along side her hand, some pet goat. some turks are even voting from their hospital beds and for others, getting married is no obstacle to their civic duties. with honeymooners spending their time out of polling station deciding who will become the countries next leader. it also looks like age might just be a number when it comes to voting as one woman, reportedly castro, ballot at the right age of $112.00. all the while turkey is ever present. cats are
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making sure that there is no funny business. and these open and transparent elections the all to get more on these elections, we're going across live now to are corresponding to more on how mommy and it's done both who's fronting for our coverage of the countries of all important day. so more on there's a lot of issues on people's lives over there. what can you tell us about that? and as i understand you have a guest there, right? yes. so that's, that's quite right. we've been here all day and all that has been a busy one. now we've had mixed reports saying that the polls, some of the post ations are very busy. so i'll go to a lower turn out, so we'll see how that finds out. but i got an hour left not holding, and then around us to us is about as close to probably. so i'll get the results and we'll be bring you all the information to those involved in. so remember that think it is actually going to be a 100 years old republic this year. so it is a, uh, my clinic, the year. also,
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we've heard about the red up 5 are the ones come on how to speak off the heat. here in this novel, he said that he hopes democracy rules. he knows that the people will vote for him. and he believes if they do good for eclipse, that will be, will, it will be a smooth transition of power. joining me now to talk about a little bit more about, for the policy um, how it may affects to the key. if the president changes is john coveted, she's a senior research and it's a at issue insight done, right. see if i for joining me here is what i know you flew all the way over here from, from america just as old. so me, so i really appreciate it. let's be hypothetical here a little bit. okay. yes, the poll seemed to suggest that everyone, when i want to see doesn't mean we need to be both sides of this as well. so hypothetically, if good start over does take the present of so that we must remember that he doesn't have what is
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a division. and he wants to move the new. he wants to move it back to a parliamentary system. so that seems like a little bit of an oxy mom, but let's say he is in charge only likely to see a different approach towards the united states. but other frontier i think is likely to try to pivot at least optically and show that hi not air the want. so this is a new generation even though about the same age, but you can expect different things. you can expect more transparency, more quote, democracy, small the but on the foreign policy side. because he doesn't have control of the parliament. it makes it really difficult for him to do just about anything. i. e, natal, nato expansion, sweden still sitting there on the sidelines. i support sweden coming in, but present everyone's alliance is still going to control the national assembly. so unlikely he's going to be able to do anything that the national assembly doesn't


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