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tv   Cross Talk  RT  May 29, 2023 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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i want to talk just about wrapping up the program for now here in the odyssey international. thanks for joining us here for this program. just so you can catch up with any of
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us stories on us. you thought. com also i'll come through a telegram channels, but also i want to got an order see. anyway, we look forward to seeing you see the hello and welcome across stock. were all things are considered on peter lavelle since the start of the account. we can do a great many western officials have set the client part out loud and they aren't subtle. ukraine is merely a small puzzle piece. part of a much more grandiose agenda. the
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a i discuss these issues and more. i'm joined by my guess. jordan, send me early in budapest piece of pod cast or at the goggle, which can be found on youtube manual goals. and here in moscow, we processed through dmitri bob beach. he is a political analyst and editor, and he knows me internet media project. gentleman cross up rose in the back. that means you can jump any time you want, and i always appreciate it. but i would start out with george in, in budapest, latoya new and in a conference conference call. she was on zoom with a um, obviously ukraine friendly organization raising funds where and this all kinds of things here. and again, victoria knew and says the quiet part out loud. she said it a prior to the cool about um, um uh, what midwife being the cool and now she's talking about well, we've been working with you. we've been with you, you frame for 4 to 4 to 5 months for
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a year at the counter offensive. so can you explain to me how you can say you're not a co belligerent and still say you're involved with the planning of a counter offensive, which is obviously directed against russia? how do they square it? because they seem to be getting away with the george the they are indeed things like 3 all going back to the midwife thing. the who in 2014 isn't exactly a consonant with the idea that this was a, a revolution a and the my done was a read you relation of the country. i mean is august rated by victoria and you will . and then she was explicit about that. um, at the end in much the same way, you know, when she blotted out about the bio labs in ukraine and game. anyone who brings up the issue of bio lives. conspiracy is gary conspiracies. they're even taking a look. she actually said this before the senate, but what's really alarming about what she said,
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which is that we've been involved in this for the past 4 to 5 months, is that ukraine is increasingly daring in its attacks on russia inside russia. i mean, way, the other day we had the ukrainian drones, apparently attacking a russian ship, guarding the tub stream, a natural gas pipeline. this was a very d lab or a complicated the operation were asked to believe that ukraine carried this out. you miles a miles away from your brains. it's very unlikely you paid has that kind of sophisticated intelligence that to do this. and it's so happened that there was an unmanned american spike playing in the vicinity. so, you know, and given also the impacts on, on bells or inside russia, it's increasing, they cute in the united states is directly involved with attacks on russian targets
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on russian. there will be done where you've inside russia and remember also we have a ukranian attack on the field and rough stuff. that's how's the long range of russians strategic boma. so you can give them a little that is how to see how the rush should come to avoid in the very near future targeting american, the initially american hardware, i mean, whether it's spike plains, drones, satellites. but russia has to do something. i mean, we have it now from the host is miles the victoria newman. well, the much, you know, she's taking ownership of this calendar offensive, you would get their own words here. so i mean you have to explain the logic to me and it's a pretty grim logic. so if you brains counter offensive fails, big no. victoria newland fails. and i don't think that they're going to have a reassessment if okay, i think they're going to say we're going to try it again. okay. i mean, this is the, the, the logic of the escalation ladder, okay?
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and the b u. s. is intimately involved in that escalation, and georgia is absolutely right at one point in time. there's going to be a reaction from russia because they will so say, well, you know, you are a co belligerent in this of, in this complex, you're targeting our people, our hardware, our country, you can't get off scot free. so the 1st part demon is the us taking ownership of the counter offensive as well. but i don't think she will be held responsible even if there is a gone through offense. if any keeps fails, she has, she will never be parked. you know, the united states is all the region according to their own. so when i go what you can state and we know these rules very well before, so it, you know, you may make a huge mistake. it's huge technical calculation. most people want a results. this is what you did, corresponded to the pre baby and i told you will be part of what you will get body
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for life. was lars. and well you may get what the states. i mean the how many wise do to be here from victoria? the one that's why it's, you know, in 2014, uh, okay, you know, a rock should use a complaint in the united states dc. gorbachev we making 90 united states have, oh, there was no pay for info which is there was a, you know, there is a difficult process of ordering me just as a frost boiling thing. drum you signed with young ladies and with the people from that position is the uh yeah, so you're going to use the glitch for the sign. the papers saying that got accords with household next shots, you know, violence would be stalled, might've stole. and then you know, next oh, you know that you bring in a position, reach that agreement, tends to that the less didn't say work and they never recall it. and then we go so
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many years way to so we just more that we find it anywhere the was everywhere the tax was in those and so huge papers and these people read the story in the same way you find 2 months of these calls are best you've waves and a lot of people died and people often started when didn't you say that you have been in both of these to say the was be but was this was, you know, this, this is well history, you know, don't talk to me about the cool don't talk to me about the cars are offensive, were pointing another offensive, you know? so the program with impunity is of their friends these people, but they made the same grimes again and again the data very dangerous. that's a very dangerous, i agree with you, but it is very dangerous, georgia because when we, there's a, we, you can't, there's, there's not much more room on the escalation lot. or if you know what i mean, okay,
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because the us is committed so much hardware. so much money, a lot of it is on account and how did for none the less. and then we have this commitment by very high, the senior ranking official of the us administration. it's been working on the ukraine portfolio for a very long time. now. they're not going to take defeat, likely. okay, and you know, of course, you know, the landscape will be blamed and things like that, but this is much bigger than ukraine. that's the whole point of this program. george, it is big here and let's remember, the official position of the united states is this. we don't tell ukraine what to do. we have no oversight on what ukraine is doing. your brain is finding it's war according to its wishes. all we're doing is providing them with the, the hardware for them to defend themselves. and then we have um, salt and bug,
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the nato secretary general repeat as a nato is not up all the to the conflicts. but we will know that this is complete nonsense. and uh, and so given this, so, you know, you would have to see that russia cannot just simply go on sitting on his hands when it is, you know, stated explicitly by uh, us government officials that they are directly involved in attacks on the, on russian territory. and on russian property really, i mean the, the leads a title not ship guarding the south spring pipeline. this was basically, i mean, the, we already had the, the attack on the north stream, natural gas pipelines. we don't know who did it so, so now it looks like they've tried to attack the, the south stream of natural gas pipeline. that's the target. think obviously hungry . those are targeting to our kids. um, so in the us and ukraine are involved in that. now,
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give us liberally the majors position all along has been where russia is to scan to escalate. so we basically have a blank check in that we can put out this nonsensical story. we another party into the complex. we don't really, they take any real active involvement in anything your brain is doing. um, but should russia to escalate? you know, we're ready to launch levels for you. we're ready to, uh, you know, press the button. they however, are afraid. this is a very dangerous and delusional state of mind. i'm for the west to take well deem a going back to victoria no and nothing. you know, we have a lot, a track record here. we the, the, her instrumental role in the cool, in 2014 over there on the inter coverage government democratically elected by the way. she goes back to power in the current administration. she have, this is unfinished business. and her goal is the regime change in russia. that's
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what it's all about. ukraine is just the convenient puzzle piece for her to get there and very effective. what, let's be fair. okay. she's not stupid. okay. she's quite maniacal. and she's not going to take, you know, the answer. no. fema as well. the problem with that is that she's unable to grab a diet. i mean, after 2014, she just ceased on being allowed to come to russia and kind of bolts. you know, there was a time was allowed was after that. yeah. most of my, the world are meant to be honest with you or the people that story, you know, there were a radius of the rest of the visuals on him as members, businessman, who are bob from the united states, even though they didn't participate in any cause i would say actually you know they, they did them in any way impair most of them can bag us interests. but she absolutely insisted that after she won't just read the whole after she acknowledge
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that her whole goal with the jeffrey part was genuine. you remember what you said them all the you with them and probably trying to cool would be your grass next. prime minister. they ok, they were just spent decided to do they, they didn't really be just though because we know that they're not spaced out into fear. you're bringing fast in the same way. now you would just spend the sizes appropriate, bought the car, right? to correct if you is uh, you know, uh the very well, no it did. you all dog. i assume that business. my property is my property right. and as far as your property is concerned, we can negotiate, right? so she has the right to come to rush it. she must have the right to change the gm's in the states, and as far as, oh right. so i can. so this kind of vehicle sheet from the positional falls off to russia. sock was the defeat. this is directed to the problem with these people is there, there is also what do you know for dial dial hope,
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especially when you agree or at least some things you know, the rest is impossible because people agree 100 percent or 90 percent of what they discuss, i will between god they, you will, they made states that russia is very difficult simply because there is no, you know, there is no foundation on which you can deal something to get. well, as that goes back to your point of this is very, i not because having negotiations is, is a compromise, and compromise is not allowed. gentleman, i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on ukraine. stay with our team. the
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look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show you alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about our professional intelligence at the point, obviously is to create a trust rather than fit the various jobs with artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme in the most protect this phone existence was alexis, the
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the well, the back across the, you're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle. this is the home editions remind you were discussing some real news the let's go back to the georgia in budapest, george, one of the things you and i have talked about with thema over these the last 15 months or so is how someone like victoria a new link to make a statement like that, obviously,
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showing the true position of the united states and it goes by without really any comment or comment we, we comment on it because it's because it's a start, a betrayal of what they've been saying all along. but then we have the escalation lighter again, you know, well, no tanks, no tanks, no missiles, no long range, missiles no succeeds. and then it continues and it continues here. and that's why and you know, before, um, uh, archie was taken off of youtube for months before the complex started. i kept talking about this as escalation letter, and now we're at the final runs because i again, the us will not accept of the answer. no, it hits the objective is regime change in russian ultimately to break it up. it is ex, essential, the problem for the us and the west is that they made it ex, essential. so russia really has no other ops and it has to play this next a central game, which is horrifying to think about a yeah, no,
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the question. and as you said, be the full the by the administration. this is unfinished business on it. this is what they had intended. c act during the obama years. i mean they got themselves very heavily involved in my don as the shown by the that the intercepted the telephone goal. and the moment they came to power pains and to, to continue with this. and yeah, the, the goal is regime change and the destruction of rush or of new and is a, a truly a for magical person. you know, the family, you know what, she's a member of occasions. you know, they all the, you know, the arch, neo conservative family in the united states, you know, the, the, the patriarch and of donald k again. and then you have um, a husband, robert kagan and his brother, frederick frederick. and then you have, is this woman kimberly keegan was victoria newland, sister in law,
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who runs this organization institute for the study award. that the media trade a somehow additional interest, a dispassionate academic body, which always says how well ukraine is doing, how badly rupture is doing it by unable to do that it's, it's interesting, but you brought it up towards because of the same confidence that she attended them remotely, if you talked about how you frame is basically going you to be the beacon of democracy for the entire world and you know it and, and to bring it in. and again, i'm paraphrasing here, bringing peace and stability back to europe. but the problem is, is people like newland and the organization, as we all know, as nato is the display, these are the destabilizing forces in europe. yeah. that, yeah, absolutely. and that's what they've been trying to do. and of course, the europeans, hapless europeans. they've simply gone along with this stability. if this is completely destabilizing, you're getting your up into this uh a in
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a dominant complex. and you know, you've got to say new orleans has been successful. i mean, if you think of what it is that they have achieved, they have a rule between 2 essentially brother nations, you know, because you know, nations that are close to each other, we get them by religion, history, culture traditions. and they've broken up the, any kind of above the sugarland rocks in europe. so the americans offices in pretty . so why would they end the zillow, they want to know, but happy to just go on. maybe like the songs involved. like, you know, they things, a 160000000000, i mean, is basically just a staggering amount of money. and apparently, you know, they have, they have, they have all these negotiations, you know, with, with a budget, you know, work. what's macowski mcafee? go to do with the bikes and go to the and they're all going all good. the one thing, no one touches is the stag, or the sum of money that's just, you know, being thrown out of adult to ukraine. so the americans think,
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i guess this is good investment with destroying europe as a little dunham is the entity and we're destroying russia throwing good. let's just deeply of the money. speaking of going, this is a deal. i'm glad you talked this over. i made reference to the inability of these neo cons. they negotiate here, but that's a good that can be taken as a positive and rushes side is because, and it's something i've been saying from the very, very beginning. is it negotiating with these people? is apples, aaron, the most glaring example is the minced process. okay, well, we know that all the major western parties essentially just lied and they've admitted it. okay, so i mean that's why it's, it's a, it's a positive for us here because it knows it's past forward. it doesn't have to, there's, there's, there's no contingency my way we could talk to this person. all right, this plan, roy, that's all of the board here. and so the rest of it can be laser focused here. but do you think it will take the bait because this is what i find very scary is
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because people like noon is george and i have discussed on the gavel repeatedly. is it the, they don't think the russians will go up the escalation ladder and, and, and that's the, that's to their advantage. they can break every single red line they want and you know what, they have quite a few across quite a few here. so you know, the, the, the in the, in a positive way rush, it has to move forward with its agenda here in a negative way. you don't you, you basically dealing with what we've been mixing called the crazy man scenario the americans couldn't do anything. fema, uh you know, quite dry that uh, it's kind of misunderstanding. but let's be clear how each of the sites we started just doing the you know, the reference for, for me it's, what's the operating just, you know, don't want to destroy the last few do because it's good for there. right now i'm going to have a conflict with russia will nothing because, you know, when with aggressive so they don't want to be to talk to me because it's
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a gauge. they're all interested in who's going to make a little want english. and it was a mistake because the, the, you're and uh, they might stace, the ease on out. i won't go logical formations which don't care about sometimes you know, they don't care about practical use or what they do when they don't care about the money. they can lose their much if that is needed for the email and just go into it . yeah, yeah. so if that sounds a rush, it was the narrative because we thought that you know, uh, 2000 years old sprint, magic western civilization. no. these 2002 years are okay. good. yeah. now the west, on the other hand, you know, guided by the side, would you the was review, the trash is ruled by probably going to be, or the box was a very slide. you should go and review which will not sustain the sanctions. you know, this is all wrapped in strapped to graduate. and this is not how if we had been so
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bad, you know, actually when we would not have sustained with sanctions for more than a year. so this is the most dreadful thing about it. uh, people are guided by, oh, i do it with jeep and borrow the fish to it. so that i told you is the price that we bought the year rest of the don't use some kind of destructive weapons because after all, the rain was part of the country and the sensible people in to put in does not want to die. and all that, so basically, i think that the we are in a very dangerous spiral. you know, where, because of all the old you, people are getting closer and closer to a very dangerous break. and in that sense, i would like to say that the west keeps talking about personal dictates, you know, the demonized people whom they be glad to day. just pull gee and the people don't how to dictate to be close to within an election. go see,
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i think i think some drugs yet. uh well, a dictatorship or language is much worse. the person dictates because you have to dictate to a funeral. she can feel the jeep or she can be scared. i told you nose, no, peachy, and its nose. no, uh, scare, you know, for an ideal what would you, because this is not human human be what matters is it's fixed or, you know, anyone who disagrees. e as in mary, is the machine or she has to be dismantled. and that's what we're facing from the website. it george again, you know, going back to these public that now i'm saying the wide part out loud. it, it's, it's, it's so tragic that, um, corporate main stream media doesn't pick up on these things at all. i mean, it's only it, it's a, it's only independent media that actually talks about these pronouncements. okay. so anti war dot com, i pick it up or something like that here. but again,
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how democratic is this? there is no debate whatsoever about this policy. and this is, you know, the, you know, it's awful, it's terrible for people that lost their, their, their sounds, their, uh, same thing about, um your rac afghanistan. that's fine. okay. but it was never next essential for the us in the west. and now we have this situation where it is excess dental, and there's no debate about it at all. it is truly extraordinary. it really is, i can't really explain it, but you know, how gum that's of it doesn't seem to be any awareness on the bottom of the why the public anywhere in europe in the united states of just how dangerous the situation is. i mean, remember, you know, the cube in mississauga price is, was so a terrifying, you know, it goes around the world that, you know, it's essentially, you know, you're a good, you know, a decade, you know, beckett in the hall over at the top all is that because simply because, you know,
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the consensus view was united states and the soviet union cannot get themselves again, it's just such a terrifying confrontation. but there was none. and i think it's comes about because the, the leads have been putting out the story that russia is too scared to take a song so we can do whatever we want. 5 you know, where you, you know, we and we can blow up that pipelines. we can attack them on their own soil. you know, we can even attack the kremlin, but russia is too scared of us. and uh, you know, we have when list trusts and says, yeah, i'm ready to press the button. so we're ready to press the button. russian knows we're ready to press the button rush and how it was not ready to press the button. and we know russia is isn't ready to press the button. so what's that to worry about? let's just keep going and you know, the position. now the theme is that about this, the all legit. remember, the western position now is not just what we're going to defeat russia militarily.
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when we want to arrest fulton and take him to the hague. i mean, that's good. that's now the, the, the official wisdom position that's, that's how that would be a banner. so there's never even know to be any withdrawal of sanctions because of the rest of the week. we need both to give us both and, you know, just like, you know, the, the sub's back in the ninety's give us my lots of, it's one of the live central's ability to give us mostly so that style the wisdom position, give us food. and so it's, it's, you know, this extraordinary extra mean possession and yet the other public just emphasize. oh, that's fine. let's keep going. yeah. well, the take away take room. uh, let me both of you said here is it, it's impossible to argue with stupid. okay. and that's the level that we have all found ourselves in there. they're not open to any kind of conversation or negotiation. and that's why it, when you, when that's closed down, we go up to be in this. and that's where we are gentlemen. and that's all the time we have. we want to take my guess in budapest and here in moscow. and i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at r t c. and exam. remember, ross,
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that was the only way not to be alliance as he was out there. so sounds good. just so basically of course we need the last name was needed, read it was can when we used to be a little bit too much and we have some more for someone who is this, we would show new people to the,
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the of the scenes of tear gas on stun grenades and because of a so it'd be in protest against the presence of nato led forces in the region. we have all the updates for you in this program. the white house strengthens the subsections on new gun. the is off of the african state tough is one of the world's strictest, m c l g b t look gearbox above us, costing 1000. but could it be a selection transfer.


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