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tv   News  RT  May 30, 2023 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the the breaking news on our t several drones hedge residential buildings. our road. busy go to cities, mirrors se, there's no significant damage or injury. also a head on the program, the violence erupt and northern kosovo, with dozens wounded as serbian, protested a nation with security forces, plush survey, as president,
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has been monday at western nations. help resolve this situation. unfortunately, i am asking queen countries to calm down their child. all this is organized by cost of a prime minister alvin courtesy with his desire to bring about the big conflict between serves and nato. putting the brakes on the rolls royce, you deli files, a gruff case against the major british multinational company, alleging bribery played a role in gaming, coal trucks to manufacturer get our cops for the, the live across the world around the clock. this is our t international to the of your company. this tuesday. we start the arrow with breaking news. most schools mirror how's a nuns? the number of drones have hit apartments in russia's capital city. today's early in the morning as a result of the u. a. v attack several building sustained light damage. all
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emergency services are on the scenes. they are clarifying the circumstances of what happened at this moment. no one was seriously injured. i ask you to only trust official sources of information and not to spread and verified information. yeah, we know, emergency service is all working up the tech sites having partly evacuated, at least one of the buildings that was head right now are road near. there has also been temporarily closed. we believe by the emergency services, while according to a most school region, governor, several of you a, these were shots done there in the skies outside the capital 2 or more is known about who's responsible, more details about the attacks as well. we will, of course, bring them to the violence as erupt in north call,
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civil between serbia and living in the region and local law enforcement reinforced by nato. by peacekeepers. the reports have come in that over 50 serves and dozens of members of the security forces were injured in the cautious the the forces in life you're seeing here using scheel's us demonstrators hush bach. they also employed tear gas and stung grenades to disperse it all kicked off as serves, gathered in front of local government buildings, protesting the results of last month. local elections, comfortable serves. boyd call to the valid opening the door for i think i'll be
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indians to gain control of the local government despite turn ice of less than 4 percent among their dom moms or the number of new mares resulting and not the k for security forces. not as the, the nato contingent of peacekeepers leave the region vapor and deployed the former perimeter around 3 time holes in cost of o to protect the also beneficial well, the serbian president house called for a meeting this tuesday with a representative of the so name quint group that comprises all of the us, britain, germany, france, and italy. the serbian army has been puts on its highest alert. the station of the border of the self declared republic facing off with call 7 police forces on the other side of the prime minister of the brick away region. blamed serves for the violent i had a meeting with the queen, the investors and the you invested are today. i shares the concerned about the violence and condemned the attacks against the cost of
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a police need. a for and journalist, ultra nationalistic serv. graffiti on need to vehicles is a dock reminder in cost of a. we stand for peace and security for both of the 3. i'm asking glen countries to calm down their child, let them reason where their child's because that child can cause such problems to no one else has caused before. all this is organized by costs of a prime minister alvin courtesy with his desire to bring about in big conflict between serbs and nato. he's the only one to blame for everything that is happening and he's trying to wash his hands now and say, there is nothing to do with him. the night is being more or less peaceful with both sides, basically staying on their point. so neither the nato or the local sense residual from their positions and these are, is here, hasn't been really a front of us, a low in terms of intention, was to present the tensions overnight with the many of the journalists coming in to
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film and to try to prove some kind of extra from the local serbs. and what's interesting that the local uh, so fond of being in mirrors here, reporting that they morning they will not be coming to work. so basically, uh, besides that, the on the political side, the judge has said that day he will meet with both the russian and the chinese or investigators in serbia. so then in the morning she will meet to the russian investor and then one hour after that to be the chinese investor. and of course, he said the yesterday, and she's public statement that she instantly, since all of this began around 5 pm, she contacted the investors or the quinn to inform them on the ongoing events and to mix and basically, or try to make them try to find them to funds on their child, their creation because she, uh so i mean for the,
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for us are on 5 minister as the one responsible for these events in the, in the videos and the photos of the aftermath of the nurse and the scene. uh, basically a mixture of, of both need so that is key for the piece forces or the so called piece forces. and for the course of police forces basically makes for on the line to separate the one side from another. so basically, really hard to so for was for at the moment when the flashes began spots the features indicated that these are the possible for these forces and shots 1st. the charge for the incidence which uh indicates that the states and by the silver pheasant going to be true and that the, that point of view, it is obvious that the parts just solution these concepts the most. these are basically the console side and they are government. the research has been uh,
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basically refusing to negotiate over this larry high pensions and very hard situation. and the only only resort to violence in terms of solving it so far. its not the 1st time filing flushes, hubbard wrapped it in kosovo, which is populated by serbs and albanians, the republic which self proclaimed its independence in 2008 is still considered by ballad raid most scope as part of serbia. in contrast, most western countries recognize costs of o as a legitimate nation of professor finch, due to all of your pain studies in belgrade stephanie guy, it saves the west coast, being targeting serve you from on in 2015. john kerry as secretary of state mass and serbia, together with george. i'm a little on the other of us, of going out of countries as the countries on the line of fire between russia and
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the west and nato ends. now what we see is escalations of different sorts in all of these places, serbia is very fragile at the moment of the problem back to about, right. and now we have these, this escalation of violence from albanians that are backed by nato. so what i do see is a chain of constant pro occasions, but this time, if you'd mind get out of control because certainly president says that if the services are being sought and if there is an attempt for exposure and this is exactly what we see now, this is an attempt of ethnic cleansing, and it is done a with the infrastructure of nato. and if this continues to serve, you will not stand by and watch this idols blow tennis superstar nova a joke, because it's used his appearance at the french open to call for peace and cost of full proclaiming the terrace. re quote this of the hearts of serbia. he added his
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statement wasn't politically motivated. that he doesn't regret speaking out, even if he faces penalties for doing so. r t dot com. that's the full story. ok, moving the program on india's central bureau of investigation has opened the corruption case against 2 british defense joins rules. royce, holy sounds. british aerospace systems are accused of bribing middleman to help get indian or force a navy contracts or to india correspondents room. june sherman. can tell us more a center bureau of investigation called a c b i hillburn india has launched a case against british aerospace company rules for us for alleged corruption in all trina across procurement deal. so now the steve has been filed against who it was for more indian director, tim jones, also on zillow. so beautiful, 3, punctual, 3,
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as well as brutish aerospace for attempting to cheat government of india, you know, procurement, overall 123 north, back in 2004. so that's how old the case is, the thing back to 2004. but why has a center bureau of investigation filed the skews now the c, b i a ledges adapt a criminal conspiracy took place by guessing manufacturers license deal increased from 4000000 phones to 7000000 phones. and this was done by basically bribing, given commissions still middle man, which of course is illegal in india as far as the ramifications are concerned. now, in 2014, when initial suspicions had started, what and got done was it had 4,
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rolls royce on hold. and now there is every possibility that it may be permanently banned or to get the german stay tuned. broadcast or deutsch avella and has published a report about so called russian volunteer core fighters lining up alongside the ukrainian military. the report, the failed to mention that the militants have reportedly been involved in a number of attacks and russian cities, including targeting people in the border belt abroad region or to contribute original motion offers her take on the hidden details. but monitor, what's the process been finding over a group described as an estimate, russian volunteer corps, attacking russian civilians and territory to help vote you frame a recent exclusive report. and the german media says that they've been around since august of last year and don't like to express themselves politically, perhaps, and expos, a underscore, a,
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her oic efforts of neo nazis fighting against russia for ukraine wouldn't get quite the same reception from a western audience, especially a german one and calling these guys volunteers makes it sound like an independent little project. like they're just a bunch of scrap the russians who got together decided to lend you craig middle helping hand. except that's really not at all. what's happening here. judging by their own admissions default is to not disclose their involvement in the units of the ukrainian armed forces. however, they say that they are subordinated to the minister of defense of ukraine and to volunteers go through several stages of checks by the units and all the ukranian special services flips so much for not quote, declaring their involvement in the free and armed forces are people really supposed to believe that ukrainian intelligence goes through the trouble of setting these guys, and it just sits there when it's hands in his pockets, with all the known shells of ticket checkers at
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a theme park. while these guys roam around picking the road and venture a few more names have emerged from the latest attack on the road by this unit. a couple are already watered for an attack in the bronx region in march. and another is a former russian domestic intelligence officer who fled to ukraine in 2014. actually, griggs founder, denise capital. stan, it turns out that he's founded white ras, which is a neo nazi fashion brand that makes fight where for the new nazi mixed martial arts seen in europe, whose country to be rate is one of the most important to activist because of his numerous contacts with the various wise we'd extra ms groups as well as hooligan gans, it's too bad the western press couldn't be bothered to highlight this group's founders colorful background in their reporting. it's also unfortunate that no one in washington seems to bother by the use of american military equipment in the attack
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on bells or whatever happened to the biden ministrations assurance that their hardware would not be used to attack russia. not only is this group posing with such equipment after attacking russia, but they're breaking about it, our future plans on new territory. so the russian federation, which will definitely enter to should be just a little bit patient and wait, just a couple of days with this guy has some main character energy there. and he's not supposed to be a main character. it seems that washington and ukraine are quite happy for the media and the public to find over this group as the next manufactured heroes. the academic russian volunteer, poor seems to be the new ghost of keir or heroes of snake islands. yet another her roy facade that serves to mass western ambitions in ukraine. nigeria is new president tells being sworn and i made a slew of the security and economic challenges facing the west african country
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bullet to boost victory in february. it came with a message of new hope for the confidence most populated nation and i was trisha boucher. so we should have gone least or do you want to try to oh, the and or the ration ceremony took place in the nigerian capital city of, of bu, just in his speech the newly elected president under line, the importance of preserving and developing democracy in the country seeing that will drive reforms on, on last the potential of a nation of 213000000 people. and mister to new booth comes the power. i made
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widespread divisions in the country with nigeria, witnessing in years of best nic and religious with flashing resulting and sizes of this liter valid to address what he sees as a root cause is of the security prices by entering justice in the country and creating jobs for the on, floyd will not be enough. the coordinator of the nigerian national democratic coalition told us bullet to new the how's the big 9 waiting in his entry. and so in lots is expected a lot, i see as to do a lot. so, you know, to, to bring people together across party lines across the region or lines and across the control line. so there is so much in terms of, uh, expectations you know, that will help to give a leap from where the country is right now. the country is really down and the excitement of these expect it isn't that. so there's so much,
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there's really so much, you know, that the presidents now jewish new president will have to do, you know, to ensure that so it gets the people working again on unites and again, on collaboration that again. so there's so much this too much to say the least new l g b t laws in uganda. how being met with western come the nation with critics calling them some of the world's horses. u. s. president joe biden has threatened even to impose sanctions on the east african country for passing their own legislation. compile his head back, saying washington's words are nothing more than political cherry. picking ortiz, lima, it's char, has been digging a little bit deeper into the rock. you're going to has recently passed, it's toughest n t o g to law as of yet leading to parliamentary speaker,
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i need to among being effective lease labs with the travel band by the us to you guys. the visa is you are right for me. i have no problem with the way it got your money. it is the yes with these people is this hello? yeah. was cited by the president. the people who got me kinda breeches they missed. i'm assuming the u. s. has long been a warning. the east african country over potential economic repercussions in case they decide to do whatever they feel is right for their own country. drawing the people around the world, including many in uganda, including for its immediate repeal. we considering additional steps including the application of sanctions and restriction of entry into the united states against any one involved in serious human rights abuses or corruption. same sex relations
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being illegal in the country is nothing new order. c for them, countries have n t l g reaching laws, which funny enough, are polio era laws passed down by the west, colonial history in the continent by then. but this new legislation goes even further as the parliament of you gowns. we have hated the concerns of all people and legislative to protect the sanctity of the assembly. we have stood shown to defend the cultural values, an aspirations of all people. considered one of the worlds it touches upon punishments for any one that relates to and promotes homosexuality. and despite the was threatened in its usual to of the sanctions on the country. the bill was past none the less talks about and to eligibility. and since 2014, that law, which was less restrictive was invalidated by your gun. the court, after the west displayed its proficiency in employee and threats of sanction. suspending,
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age and imposing these are restrictions on you again the citizens. so whether right or wrong can an independent country make its own decisions, or is it bound to face a threat whenever it does? the role is northeastern city of mashhad is renee and for welcoming millions of people from across the middle east. the persian gulf on other regions every year and a tourist come at to visit a particular holy site to pay honor to them a razor, a revered religious figure, and she is loved, but that's still the only reason. the city is well known. ortiz yusef, july texas, through all that every year, some $20000000.00 programs flocks to this magnificent city decorated tri yvonne's northeastern city of much odd to pay homage to a highly revered religious figure in his mom, a mom result and a century muslim leader who is a defendant of his mom's profit,
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this has earned the city the title of the wrong spiritual capital. now the holy side attracts visitors from across the she almost in community, including garage 11 on afghanistan and present those nations who come here to seeks virtual solace from the u. a he is a great chance for us to visit the holy shrine of this little suspicious season of the mom's past the anniversary. all law for a member as a has attracted us to his trying area. i come from nigeria, i come here to visit the shrine of the mom rizza for one week to enjoy the peaceful and spiritual atmosphere of mashhad. a mom of love for me, mom reza brought this here from the wrong. we have 12 infallible a moms and the mom reza is our rights and mom, we respect all of them. my name numbers i tried is not the only place in my shot that spot thing with taurus. and recent years the city has developed its recreational tourism infrastructure to offer a chance for programs, so have
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a bit of fun beside their spiritual experience. but it's hard to kind of see, and i'm up regarding tourism here. undoubtedly, ever aspect in iran is good, is natural attractions and even people's treatment. they show great respect towards us. a whole the non bullet just tourist destinations and your own health tourism attracts the chunk of the travelers. over 60000 medical tourists from outside the von or expect it to visit my shop by the end of this year. that's 10 percent of the total number of foreign visitors will seek treatment and ross. the majority of the hill stores are from persian, gulf countries. afghanistan, pakistan and c, r u. s. nation's. most of them travel for organ transplants, eye surgery, orthopedic surgery, the are for prostate dental services and a range of cosmetic treatments. they choose around 4, it's cheaper and higher quality medical services compared to other regional countries. mean took minnesota and then the i come from the command is the time i kept them,
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it's hard to express my devotion for him. i'm resolved and also to use the professional medical services. english caught the trick. my bride who's suffering from one day just the condition of. busy the quality of the services is hired here . the nurses and doctors are well behaved and treat us patiently. the prices are affordable compared to the u, a. e, as we pay in regard here. your home is best known for its leading role and infertility treatment. experts say the countries ranked for from the world and 1st and the middle east and offering assisted pregnancy services, new to its out standing advances in stem cell technology. i'm on and all bought of edu. regarding infertility treatment or ivy f. this word has been operating for years at our hospital. hopefully we will develop our services in this field in a larger and more specialized place by constructing a new modern facility near the hospital with west our sanctions taking a heavy tool when there was medical sector, the country's health infrastructure is not running in full swing. and still has the
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extra mile to go to reach its full capacity. but still the title inbound sales tourist is not having them in the time on mute, despite all the sanctions imposed on later on, including in the health sector. the medical services we offer an our medical center show the strenuous efforts fire experts at the hospital. we achieve this by relying on the know how in expertise of our country's positions. so despite the bands, we have tried to provide the needed medical equipment in the best possible way. it's i have to say that this holy side has turned into a gateway, is a different source and activities in a wrong. what's programs coming here 1st, virtual journey and been being led to other activities and even other parts of the country. that was there. one is planning to attract around $25000000000.00 to tourism on 2 and a half 1000000000 for medical tourism by 2025. this growing don't. can play
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a big part in making that happen. usability our to my shock. okay. recap over breaking news story. this our most school was merit has a nice the number of drones i've had apartment blocks in rushes capital city. this is footage we've received from one apartment attack side. emergency services are working up the res, having park the buck you with at least one of the buildings that was hit. indeed right now, road near there has been temporarily closed at we believe by emergency services just didn't use line coming in. right. no. on this, at russia's defense ministry has said that the attacks were carried on by the ukrainian military of a total of 8 drones. h u, a beings were involved in moscow and also the most skill at
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region. indeed on that last her point, i've governor there said that several, you avi's were shop done in the skies outside the capital at 2. so will be for the information, not news like just coming into us that and most school is claiming this is a, a terrorist attack by the ukrainian military on russian soil. as soon as we know more not, we will bring it to stay with our tea international on there, on, on line for the latest updates that by for an the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the
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hello and welcome to world to parts. and they'll buy things 1st round, followed by a close call in the 2nd. the latest circuit selections did not produce a change in ankara, but they will certainly be remembered for the apps and flows and on the electro process. and the, with the trick is domestic status while holding. what does it mean for the transformation in the larger world? to discuss that i'm now joined by her son now professor of political science and international relations at small to pay university professor. oh, now it's great to see you again. thank you very much for your time. oh, it's my pleasure. thank you very much for inviting me. now. on the eve of the 2nd round, you forecast a relatively easy victory for president area on. but the margin of that success is quite small, this short of 5 percent. what does it mean for the legitimacy of both the president and the electoral process? i mean,
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is it wide enough to give the president the confidence that he needs and narrow enough to ward off a potential allegations of elections, broad model, if you, if we look at the election resolves over the last a almost 2 decades or so, this has been what we keep seeing basically add on uh, one the previous presidential elections by a small margin. again, i think he got it in the 1st style and by a margin of uh, 51.7 percent or something. so these margins in the talk to selection traditions are not really bad so i don't think there would be any clout cost on the legit to miss out the elections. indeed, the opposition has conceded defeat, and there's been a quite a lively debate in the opposition circles as to what to do,


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