tv The 360 View RT May 30, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT
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they don't feel that there's any point to these meetings or that the u. s. as in being sincere that, but that is a problem. you have to nuclear nations at loggerheads and you know, this is adding to the uncertainty in the world. so at this juncture, i wish the white house was going for with some effort, instead of trying to cause more uncertainty to create more trust. you know, there's this effort to use proxies and obviously enticing a more or basing knowing that going into ukraine would cause russia to react. they noticed that same thing with taiwan. if they go into taiwan. obviously china will react. so this is the real danger. how far do they want to go? the staying on the subject of china, the country has hailed the arrival of the american billionaire and tech on for putting or 11 months to the country, saying beijing's open to the world and committed to making china a market oriented hub for international business. must connect with china is
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foreign minister and emphasized that healthy and stable relations between beijing and washington are beneficial for the whole world. they also stress that the interests of the 2 superpowers are virtually inseparable. a visit to the tesla plant in shanghai as also on the agenda as musk is considering further business expansion there. it's the twitter owners 1st ever visit to china and 3 years and comes i made increase tensions between washington and beijing. political analyst jingle shoot fears, a confrontational approach from the west could come at a high price for the whole world. the us leadership for washington right now, so i wouldn't be happy about it. so all the deal, clinical competition, all in clean board is really containment policies. okay, china, the proceeds to very clear that he's a little dots. these to us acknowledge development attraction. the logic of development is it add was involved,
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obviously the role and find the parts interest so they can maintain the agreeable feet. that much was the best of the i've seen this relationship, but as a viewer saw east that the options and adequate will have a lot of the speaking all me play today. is it this way more hatch more, and you can look at the types of each one of us over of samples, south tennessee. all i want. they are comfortably sending palms. and when they talked about a piece is always about to send more. thank you for you. as kindly get back to promptly into see amazing conflict or using the asia. so that's the heavy as far as the world has to pay, we cannot stop. the longer the boss is the particular to achieve their goal. the russian foreign minister has met with the president of the east african nation of burgundy on the 2nd stop of his africa tore this part. it shows the president of burgundy warmly greeting sir de laugh. rob,
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using the russian language earlier. russia's top diplomat held talks with for own days for administer. and on monday he was actually in the canyon capital of nairobi to meet with the nations leader there as well. and to discuss a range of issues at a media conference. afterwards, the foreign minister claims that by insisting on zillow and skis piece formula, the west directly supports genocide against russia. pushing the thing about them good evening. we talked about this in great detail today. there is no doubt that the key of regime has long since this, which to ultimately sell risk method is to do this. so for stage is what the west is bumping into the key of regime of the west statement that the weapon supplied should not be used on the territory of the russian federation is another lies which the conclusion is very simple. since the west insist that there is no other basis for resolving the ukrainian situation except for the notorious the landscapes formula piece as well as the land that is deemed threatens to be siege. brian me to
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reach them. these to regents of ukraine as they booted to start killing russians and destroying everything russian of school. this means that your west directly supports genocide. it's sort a lab. rob's 3rd diplomatic trip across the continent in the past 12 months. knox on a boy go who is the host of ortiz worlds of park program, is following him on this trip and brings us the details about the meeting between the russian and burned in foreign ministers. on both sides describe this visit as historic because this is the 1st trip by either soviet or russian foreign minister to belong to since the assemblage meant of diplomatic ties between the 2 countries . in 1962 now uh the uh for some time was on the west end sections uh, following the 2015 presidential elections, which were contested by the west. uh those sanctions were lifted off to the
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death of the previous president. but interestingly enough, even under his successor, this country continued to pretty independent and silver and foreign policy. supporting many of rushes, the resolutions of the united nations, including the resolution against the glorification of uh, new fascism in math. susan and today for administer of board on the on batch and you to explain why he said that he's country has its own criteria, independent criteria for choosing international partners and a to explain what those criteria are. she quoted none other than nelson mandela who uh, on his visit to the united states, all the way back in 1990. soon after his release from his long and prison and was asked why south africa supported a pillow leader and yes, there are 5 more market off your cuban presence del cuss truck. and he said that something that seems very past in today. she said that one of the mistakes that the
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outside world makes is to think that there animates should be our enemies wears. our attitude towards any country is determined by the attitude that the country takes towards our struggle and uh, the ballooned inside a emphasize that it has a long had a very productive relationship with russia. it uh, once, uh and the pre sheets or rushes of all on the african continent. and it also understands the underlying reasons for the ukrainian conflict and does not want to support either of besides, in fact be the minister or the foreign minister. varone decide that we like many other african countries want to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. and that's why we're choosing neutrality now. so deal of growth on i think the boned inside for such new on st approached here also
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a sub the, the, the 2 sides reached agreement on the visit of the balloon during president to russia. uh for the 2nd african summit that most of it is going to hold in july. this year. the put her face is having its wings clipped in europe. that's according to francis digital minister who claims the platform could be banned across the european union. if it does not follow the blocks regulations, this information is one of the greatest threats waiting on the democracies. twitter, if it repeatedly doesn't follow a rules will be banned from the european officials are having a bit of a meltdown right now. because you long mosque has withdrawn twitter from the european union code of conduct for check firms to come back. so called this information that's supposed to be voluntary. you internal markets, commissioner chevy, but that's all treated you can run,
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but you can't hide treating most who is basically a guy who builds rockets and cars in america for a living like some kind of i'm really school boy and like the use the principal looking to bring the apparently very long arm of the you. authoritarian is an down on him. the platforms like twitter are connected with quote, fact checkers, civil society and 3rd party organizations with specific air expertise on this information and a model. those are some gatekeepers of the establishment narrative, and we saw with some us release of the twitter files that there is collusion. or there was collusion between the social media platform and government authorities to manipulate and sensor public debate over coffee and for example. and there was also a closing relationship between western government officials, including those working for the pentagon, c i a and a, b i. and the big us social media outlets like twitter,
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which routinely cooperated on certain narratives about jew political competitors like pressure under the guise of fighting this information. all of that is now out there. but here's the use vice president for values and transparency and or, well, the and title. if there ever was one saying that the ultimate beneficiary of mosques, actions isn't free speech and debate. no, it's russia, of course. bye bye, bad z tweet has chosen the home way to comply with all due to the laws rushes. this information is dundas and it is irresponsible to leaving use um to this information code zekial germane, strong such high standards. and is it how it's of all efforts to address this information in june oil made signatories. so it can step up. are russians, especially had to real actions. bye bye birdie. you can run and you can high these people talk like children,
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and it's like all the facts and analysis that don't align with westray agenda in their minds has to be russian as they see it. it's surprising that they haven't yet made fuel and most kids to russian. well actually they kind of have by the city waiting here that one of the most genius, inventors in modern and human history is just some kind of a useful idiot for a foreign country. but must, has a pretty clear vision for twitter. i invested in twitter as i believe in its potential to be the platform for free speech around the globe. and i believe free speech as a societal imperative for a functioning democracy. it turns out that this row between twitter and the eu has become quite the topic on the platform itself. if i were in on most, i would suspend twitter services in europe for a week. it is time for e, bureaucrats to learn that regulation is not the same as innovation, and that it would depend more on others and they on us. i somehow can not remember
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voting for you and improving the says or should, but times it'll mazda doesn't have to run and doesn't have to hide it, just us twitter users who decide on his success, not to you, but you might have to go into elections. may 20, 20 fourth. ok. so those are the kind of statements that perhaps these western officials would probably want censored. and in all times they might have actually had a chance to have that done. but with must be in charge. it's becoming increasingly difficult. so we'll have to wait to see what happens. can you, as president is seeking to establish a pan have for can payment system to help ditch the bullets us dollar from global commerce? we are all struggling to make payments for goods and services from one country to another because of differences in currencies. and in the middle of all of these, we are all subjected to a dollar environment. the canyon president has urged his african counter parts to mobilize central and commercial banks to join the system that was launched last
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january. the so called pan african payments and settlement system uses intra african trade and was backed by the african union and central banks. the president argues that african business men should concentrate on moving goods and services, leaves the can leave the currency activities. the african export import back. according to an associate professor at the university of south africa forming one currency for all of africa is not an impossible task. the. the idea behind the dog i've additional coverage. or do you have any current status on that on that? i think i want to evaluate the phone car is in by the patches in exchange. you won't lose that also in take care of these as well as income as 2910 the guy just to find one from one coverage, 53 values and god probably be used by the same but i've been sick just not possible
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in the past. i remember them i've yeah, they are mindful of reasons why honestly the good news on housing or that, you know, as far as the, the, the vision is quite upset at all. i've easy to oppose the magazine, the united states of america or law, as it would be done with exchange and got your tag pointed pricing on phones and not from what he has his eyes. it's very important and he's contributing, called nice as you would. and i mean of the china sent its 1st civilian into space with the launch of the send you 16 mission to the tank on space station. the rocket blasted off today with a crew of 3 astronauts from the to our cool one spaceport in north west china. along for the ride was de hanging university professor. we white child the astronauts. we'll spend 5 months on the tang gong station,
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conducting scientific experiments. and the mission is china's 5th demand flight to the space station in the past. we are calling it a complete success. the launch center director noted the astronauts are in good condition. that's all for this. our, my colleague roy associate will be taking over with more news and just about 30 minute minutes here. on our t international, the, a binge drinking is defined as consuming a large amount of alcohol in
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a short period of time. typically what the goal of becoming intoxicated of this type of drinking can have a range of negative health effects, including increased risk of accidents, injuries, and chronic health conditions, such as a liver disease, high blood pressure and certain types of cancer. but does that mean all drinking is bad for the health while i'm sky now he use it on this edition of $360.00 view, we're going to look at what is causing the rise of alcoholism around the world and what ties alcohol might have the controversial social issues like if the transgender debate, let's get started. the binge drinking is a rising trend with dangerous consequences. as people are being released from the pendant o'clock downs, there's a drop off to go out and catch up on the times you have missed. were an actual course not rec center. solano tells us about one incident of mass bench at drinking
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at a university in america. well, scotty, college students are on one of the groups. experts are worried about being strengthened as they're trying to make up for last year, separated from their peers. so we end up in demick, university of massachusetts as warning students about the new drink combination causing $28.00 am lenses to be called to off campus parties. tick tock is being blamed for circulating the.
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