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tv   Documentary  RT  May 30, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT

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big apartment, c, i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you comfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way the blogger back on the sky. now hughes and you are watching a $360.00 view. we're talking about the dangers of binge drinking and alcoholism. we are rejoined by doctor george cube, the director of the national institute on alcohol abuse and alcohol isn't at the national institute of health. thanks for joining me, doctor. as we are seeing people drinking more, those who binge drink and don't necessarily suffer from alcohol,
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isn't just maybe lack of education on safe alcohol consumption. but what are some of the science to look for? if you believe a loved one is suffering from alcohol addiction, we use the term alcohol use disorder. now just for the record. so that means it's a spectrum disorder, you know, and, and it's mild, moderate, and severe and, and what we used to call alcoholism or alcohol addiction or alcohol dependence is probably moderates. fear i'll call use this or, but we also have introduced the construct recently myself and nor of all costs the director of the national institute on drug abuse and a colleague tom mcclellan worked for many, many years in the addiction services research area. the concept of pre addiction. so we actually think that the mild i'll call use disorder is, is, is a signal that something that you're more likely to have a problem later on. so what are the signs? well, the 1st sign i always look for is a deterioration in social interaction or work performance. i mean, you know,
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for students, it might be, you know, being so hung over after a weekend that they don't, they aren't able to turn in the term paper on time or, or they're late for the exam. or they haven't studied for the exam for, for individuals or maybe it's assignments or work or getting to work on time. these are early signs, but perhaps even earlier assign our deterioration. relationships within family, within friends. you know, up the drunken discussions over the phone at night where he clearly the person seems to be, you know, emotionally, lay bile. that means you know, ranging from one emotion to the other. they're down there up and, and they soon found intoxicated. so those are some of the early signs and, and i think you know, it, it, so i would say, you know,
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impairment and occupational and social interactions are some of the early assign. now we have spoken about social implications, maybe missing a term, paper, mood swings, drunk and conversations. what are some of the physical repercussions to alcohol overuse over a long term period of time, or what some characterized as binge drinking as well and yeah, another metric that i should have mentioned to sleep. so alcohol disrupts, sleep, you know, it does help you fall, sleep slightly, shortens the latency to go to sleep. you know, the time it takes that fall sleep. but unfortunately, um, you know, it wears off fairly quickly and so you may wake up in the middle a night to go to the bathroom number one. and then you suddenly find your brain as hop wired and you know, hyperactive. and then you take it back to sleep and then the next night, you know, so maybe you drink a little more the next night so that you increase the likelihood of falling to
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sleep. but again, you then exacerbate the same problem that you had the night before and you wake up early and you get into this vicious cycle where actually alcohol can cause sleep problems and sleep problems because more drinking. so that's one physical sign. i mean, other gastro, intestinal discomfort and alcohol can irritate to got, especially if you're drinking on an empty stomach and not with food. so that's a early physical sign. you could have elevated liver enzymes. when you go in for your physical you know, there, there are a host of, of, of other changes in your body that, that could be affected. people with a vulnerability to a risk me is mation starts showing more. a risk me is hardly written is i'm talking about. so you know, it's like alcohol affects every bought the organ in the body. and it's not a good way when you, when you pass, for certainly when you're past the you know,
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the dietary guidelines, levels of drinking. if someone wants to confront a loved one about high alcohol use, what are some suggestions you have about starting this very delicate conversation? yes, absolutely. and a real challenge. and so you don't want to confront someone that inevitably backfires you. we have a resource up maybe get to talk about at the end called rethinking drinking. you can sometimes point a loved one toward that were kind of mentioned that you've looked at this website and you know, it's a website that covers major things or then we have been discussing. but it also, you know, allows you to reevaluate your relationship with alcohol. one thing you can say to someone you know, is, you know, if you, if you just skipped drinking a couple of days, why don't you see how you feel? and what i tell people is if, if you feel better when you're not drinking,
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then your body is trying to tell you something. so listen to your body. another option is to talk to your primary care doctor, and then the person goes in for a physical know, make sure that the physician ask them or, or the nurse practitioner, whoever you know in the health care domain, ask them how much do you drink. and in a very simple version of this is how much do you drink and how much do your friends drink and just those 2 questions. you can do the audit, see, which is something that used professionally at basically a similar it's just is how often do you have a drink containing alcohol? how many drinks do you have on a typical day? and have you ever had more than 6 drinks or more on, on a given occasion? and that audit see is part of the bigger screener. but, but it actually awesome predicts whether someone is developing alcohol use problem . now i'm not suggesting everybody, just the audit siege of their loved ones, but i'm just pointing out that, you know, there are questions you can ask that in,
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in, in moving toward a form of motivational interviewing. like, you know, if, if you didn't spend so much money on, on, on alcohol, you know, maybe you could get that new surfboard, or, you know, maybe you could even upgrade your automobile. you know, you, people add up how much they actually spend on alcohol when they're starting to get into it. it actually can be substantial. so, you know, those are the approaches that we recommend. obviously we have another resource called the and i triple a treatment navigator. and if you go on there, you can find out what is and alcohol used disorder, and also the spectrum of an alcohol used disorder and the spectrum of treatment. and so there are many counsellors that are, are experts that can help individuals at the beginning of alcohol. problem there are, there are motivational interviewing groups,
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cognitive behavioral therapy groups. so there are outpatient facilities where you can go in and join some of these treatments or just in the evenings, not interfere with your day job, not even interfere with your family life. or maybe you have to enter their once every few days. so, you know, i think, i think people have to realize that there are multiple ways that you can inter interface with this problem. but confrontation and yelling and carrying on this is only going to backfire because that just puts people's backs up. it's not a, it's not a good approach for changing behavior. now some people do say they try to drink coffee, they actually try to drink water, eat a fatty greasy food. but what is the real thing that will help lower your alcohol intake levels. limit your absorption limit, your intoxication and food on your stomach will do that. it blunts the rising face of the blood alcohol curve. so if you drink on an empty stomach, i don't want this used in the wrong way, but you get
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a very fast rising alcohol level. all right? but if you, if you're having wine with dinner or beer with dinner or a cocktail with dinner, you'll find that that you get a much less steep, a verizon, but alcohol curve, you end up ultimately absorbing the same amount of alcohol. but it's, but the curve is blunted. if, if you have food on your stomach, so that's true. caffeine doesn't help you at all. i mean, probably it's going to potentiate the dehydration because it's also a diuretic, caffeine. you know, people use it to silver up and there's a problem with that as well. because if, if you get behind the wheel after you've drunk alcohol and then added caffeine, you know, maybe for a little while, you're a little more alert because of the caffeine. but if the caffeine starts to wear off and then you have the alcohol set of effects, you're just going to have a double whammy. so we don't recommend using alcohol. i mean our caffeine is
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a so brain agent. the best thing to do is, is not drink so much. that's the bottom line. and oh great. we have been speaking with a doctor of george qu, but the director of the national institute on alcohol abuse and alcohol isn't as a nationalist, you have health. thank you so much for joining us today to discuss this very important though, it could topic known as recommended individuals limits or alcohol intake to no more than one drink per day for women, and no more than 2 drinks per day for men. and that people who choose to drink due to a moderation and with caution. for those who struggle with alcohol, use our bench drinking dna recommend seeking professional help and support to address the issues and prevent future harm. i'm scared of using this has been your 360 view of the news affecting you. thank you for watching the
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video and the collaboration classic. what is the best thing move on to the identify them? this is the purpose of it affect to the people that community please, what are to school for carbonate for backwards by son same if somebody must give me ports to the car door to the distributor, these are most interested in rockford, called really a gardener. so can skip prospects due to what you just said to jeff. so i'm assuming you're the one that you don't can be come loose at the corner of somebody at the community, which the deed come. i said to be the definitely not as all like supposed to design up. thank you. so i'll fix it. will only out of the meeting with us and disclaimer, but then we stay with industrial cleaning at the 6 whether you 2
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folks just looking at them for the summer because i see for the future. thank so much for the do we have found i left chris wilson was it was the case was as any bigger so less that they should receive a test in august of chicago for though we're still very depressed of consultants in stone, i'm proud of the of 11 us to get to know some of the, [000:00:00;00] the, the headlines on off the international as rushers. the president confirms of moscow
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recently struck a ukrainian military intelligence headquarters and see if we have a scanty confirmed, it was 48 to 72 hours ago. meantime, ukraine conducts our drone attack on residential buildings in moscow shoes. they push the kremlin coals and active tara also in the program, giving washington the cold shoulder. china is defense minister tons down, depending on the request for photos, told me and rushes something different about claims. the west's role in the ukraine conflict is tantamount to supporting genocide. a strong was coming from sucking it up or off on is the latest tour of africa, including a touchstone in but the story we have cut it out, the main stream narrative 0, and i'll change the national, getting you your news on the field. welcome to the program. the russian president vladimir filtering has confirmed that russia did strike
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a ukrainian military intelligence headquarters and key of 2 days ago. he also condemned a ukrainian drone an attack on moscow earlier today. the 8th, the unmanned aircraft talking to the russian capital over intercepted although some close minded damage to some apartment bill. the russian armed forces striking the territory a few cranes with high precision long range weapons, specifically at military infrastructure facilities. and we have already talked about the possibility of striking headquarters where decisions are made. of course, this category includes the headquarters of the military intelligence of ukraine, which was head 2 or 3 days ago. the president of today's stated that this conflict has actually started a very long time ago and done boss, and that russia has done nothing but come to aid. those people that have long been discriminated against by the ukrainian regime. he has also touched upon the lives
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of nato, expanding eastwards, as well as a lion to stay true to a peaceful resolution. he talked about ukraine being a neutral state for a very long time now, but gradually, a line with nato becoming a lead by the west. and choosing the path of flies and terrorism. and here's more of what he had to say on that easy. the key freedom has chosen the path attempting to intimidate russia, intimidates russian citizens with the tax on the residential buildings. this is a clear sign of terrorist activity. i am concerned about attempts to provoke retaliatory measures from russia, which they provoke as chief insights for tat response will consider what to do about it. he has also touched briefly on the 2014 quote at that. and however, since then, anybody that was trying to normalize relations with russia was simply eliminated. now the situation has escalated to drone attacks. and while russia,
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target's military infrastructure in ukraine cube is targeting residential buildings in the russian and capital, which is a provocation to have russia react the similar way. now the president has also talked about russia, voicing concerns over the misuse of that burrows you a nuclear power plant. but the only thing russia has received in return is blame. earlier, an advisor to the a grinding president, claim that key of had quote, no direct involvement in the drawing strong, but that it was, quote,


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